Fahmida Riaz

Indian-born Pakistani poet.
Died on Thursday November 22nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Fahmida Riaz:

@ImtiazAlamSAFMA: RT @ImtiazAlamSAFMA: Reference: Poet Fahmida Riaz - 6 years ago

@a_sumbel: RT @diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about everything… - 6 years ago

@Hafsa_Khawaja: RT @diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about everything… - 6 years ago

@oanazimkhan89: RT @ImtiazAlamSAFMA: Reference: Poet Fahmida Riaz - 6 years ago


@ImtiazAlamSAFMA: Reference: Poet Fahmida Riaz - 6 years ago

@AzizSabahat: RT @hamnazubair: Please read this beautiful tribute to #FahmidaRiaz written by Asad Alvi. I was disappointed by the lack of good writing o… - 6 years ago

@SyedSyedj99: "You have to understand that culture can have no essence," said Fahmida. "Cultures move, flowing into one another,… - 6 years ago

@shamylio: RT @hamnazubair: Please read this beautiful tribute to #FahmidaRiaz written by Asad Alvi. I was disappointed by the lack of good writing o… - 6 years ago

@ZainabMarvi: RT @diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about everything… - 6 years ago

@enayathadi: RT @diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about everything… - 6 years ago

@hussainjahanzeb: RT @diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about everything… - 6 years ago

@hussainjahanzeb: RT @DesiDocMI: An excellent essay on a literary hero to all women who refuse to be boxed in. Rest in Power Fahmida Riaz. - 6 years ago

@AadarshAyaz: RT @hussainjahanzeb: Do read this piece if you want something on Fahmida Riaz beyond the usual social media performativity (which then ends… - 6 years ago

@DesiDocMI: An excellent essay on a literary hero to all women who refuse to be boxed in. Rest in Power Fahmida Riaz. - 6 years ago

@hussainjahanzeb: RT @AyazAQureshi: Fahmida Riaz, the woman who decolonised feminism - 6 years ago

@rizchanna: RT @AyazAQureshi: Fahmida Riaz, the woman who decolonised feminism - 6 years ago

@curlyintentions: RT @hamnazubair: Please read this beautiful tribute to #FahmidaRiaz written by Asad Alvi. I was disappointed by the lack of good writing o… - 6 years ago

@farahali06: RT @hamnazubair: Please read this beautiful tribute to #FahmidaRiaz written by Asad Alvi. I was disappointed by the lack of good writing o… - 6 years ago

@AyazAQureshi: Fahmida Riaz, the woman who decolonised feminism - 6 years ago

@hussainjahanzeb: Do read this piece if you want something on Fahmida Riaz beyond the usual social media performativity (which then e… - 6 years ago

@sarahbmalik: RT @diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about everything… - 6 years ago

@diaahadid: What a wonderful essay on a Pakistani female poet who defied Pakistan, her imposed-Pakistani-ness, and just about e… - 6 years ago

@BjarneRosjo: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@HaneenC: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@zarqajaved: Fahmida Riaz, the woman who decolonised feminism - 6 years ago

@tamaraaaaa_ae: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@mrkaplanenglish: RT @Poetry_Daily: Remembering Fahmida Riaz: "Riaz was a compulsive political animal who unapologetically lived her ideology rather than ben… - 6 years ago

@fiinneessaa: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@paintmyblues: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@aamirnyc: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@verdecape5671: RT @MohammadIlyasKh: Remembering Fahmida Riaz - some drops from the ocean... - 6 years ago

@sadia936: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@syedmansooraly: RT @MohammadIlyasKh: Remembering Fahmida Riaz - some drops from the ocean... - 6 years ago

@gurojahr: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@SherjanTakal: RT @MohammadIlyasKh: Remembering Fahmida Riaz - some drops from the ocean... - 6 years ago

@marcotweets: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@tanveer_farrukh: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@munaluqman: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@FHoobaloo: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@rain_bowcatcher: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@AmnaWasim6: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@Mizna_R: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@AxelEAvilaJr1: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@DrSandvika: RT @Deeyah_Khan: "What feminism means for me is simply that women, like men, are complete human beings with limitless possibilities" –-Fahm… - 6 years ago

@monhebranco61: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@faveer3: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@neseyasin: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@PoetryByEdward: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - BBC News - 6 years ago

@WSHAHNAZLEGHAR1: RT @faziljamili: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@abdullah1212239: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@IvandariasA: BBC News - Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@faziljamili: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@WorldBreakingN3: 11282018 Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desir: - 6 years ago

@WorldBreakingN3: 我向 @YouTube 播放列表添加了一个视频 - 6 years ago

@5ItemsReview: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@VasanthaR2016: Fahmida Riaz, who died in Pakistan last week, was not just another poet, fiction writer or translator. She broke so… - 6 years ago

@rana_mannan: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@ashfaqpc786: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@Johanseller29: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@haseebsl98: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk a… - 6 years ago

@CrweWorld: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@nowstreamit: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@DearZari: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@nxmndr: Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire - 6 years ago

@tariqahsan: Magnificent Urdu poet of Pakistan, Fahmida Riaz, who left us forever last week also wanted us to read the Manifesto… - 6 years ago

@MichaelJFarrand: Renowned writer Fahmida Riaz laid to rest in Lahore - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Poets Judith Rodriguez, Meena Alexander, Fahmida Riaz; musicians Mamane Mallam Barka, Ustad Imr… - 6 years ago

@UsmanAhmad_iam: RT @nosheenali: Karachi friends, come to this amazing event tomorrow that is dedicated to the memory of Fahmida Riaz, organized by a new po… - 6 years ago

@nidkirm: RT @nosheenali: Karachi friends, come to this amazing event tomorrow that is dedicated to the memory of Fahmida Riaz, organized by a new po… - 6 years ago

@WomenRightsPak: RT @nosheenali: Karachi friends, come to this amazing event tomorrow that is dedicated to the memory of Fahmida Riaz, organized by a new po… - 6 years ago

@HummalBaluch: RT @nidkirm: ‘Never thought of myself as a rebel. A poet has a different framework’: Fahmida Riaz (1946-2018) - 6 years ago

@nidkirm: ‘Never thought of myself as a rebel. A poet has a different framework’: Fahmida Riaz (1946-2018) - 6 years ago

@BrUPADHY: RT @thewirehindi: फ़हमीदा रियाज़: प्रेत धरम का नाच रहा है, क़ायम हिंदू राज करोगे..? #FahmidaRiaz #Pakistan #Urdu #फ़हमीदारियाज़ #उर्दू #पा… - 6 years ago

@BrUPADHY: RT @thewirehindi: फ़हमीदा रियाज़: ख़ामोश हुई महिला अधिकारों की हिमायती आवाज़ - 6 years ago

@BrUPADHY: RT @thewirehindi: फ़हमीदा रियाज़: प्रेत धरम का नाच रहा है, क़ायम हिंदू राज करोगे..? - 6 years ago

@_sunilkatiyar: - 6 years ago

@polarisedcastle: RT @fIightlessbird_: One of my favourite feminist activist and poet has passed away :( Rest in peace, fahmida riaz. I hope to be even half… - 6 years ago

@motihari4028: RT @thewirehindi: फ़हमीदा रियाज़: प्रेत धरम का नाच रहा है, क़ायम हिंदू राज करोगे..? - 6 years ago

@Srishhty: - 6 years ago

@curlyintentions: RT @nosheenali: Karachi friends, come to this amazing event tomorrow that is dedicated to the memory of Fahmida Riaz, organized by a new po… - 6 years ago

@ImranZaheerr: RT @JAJafri: Naya Bharat – Fahmida Riaz (28 July 1946 Meerut-21 Nov 2018 Lahore) Text, in Urdu, and recitation of the poem by Fahmida Riaz:… - 6 years ago

@GazdarAisha: RT @nosheenali: Karachi friends, come to this amazing event tomorrow that is dedicated to the memory of Fahmida Riaz, organized by a new po… - 6 years ago

@paktea: Rest in peace Fahmida Riaz. - 6 years ago

@QasimRanjha14: RT @nayadaurpk: A Tribute to late Fahmida Riaz, a fearless voice of Urdu literature. - 6 years ago

@SSP_90: The Best of Fahmida Riaz.. enjoy - 6 years ago

@AnkitaR72834947: RT @thepolicytimes: Celebrated poet @fahmidaRiaz passes away - 6 years ago

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