Fabio Buzzi

Italian motorboat racer and builder
Died on Wednesday September 18th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Fabio Buzzi:

@Barcheamotore: 5 record boats designed by the genius of Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@Barcheamotore: 5 barche dei record disegnate da Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@Spychacz2: RT @sandroliverani: And now,LESS than 19 hours! A Formidable new Record just set by Fabio Buzzi Italian 🇮🇹👏, great Engineer(from Politecnic… - 5 years ago

@sandroliverani: And now,LESS than 19 hours! A Formidable new Record just set by Fabio Buzzi Italian 🇮🇹👏, great Engineer(from Polite… - 5 years ago


@sandroliverani: Dear Twitter Friends,mainly of POLSKA✌️and from France... Allow me to admit that I feel 🇮🇹 proud to be Italian now_… - 5 years ago

@sandroliverani: New York - Bermuda new World Record! By Fabio Buzzi, Italian Engineer 🇮🇹👏🚤⛵_& Pilot, Designer, Manager,...GREAT !🎷… - 5 years ago

@Nautispots: RT @Nautispots: Accidente mortal de Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@semirrigidas: Recordando a Fabio Buzzi | dossier-informacion-tecnica-utilidades | Semirrigidas Online - 5 years ago

@sandroliverani: (*TRIBUTE*) If You study well, You can become an excellent Engineer, like our FABIO BUZZI 👏👏of Italy,many times bo… - 5 years ago

@GroverKingsley: RT @TrueQanuck11: 383) Three people killed in a speedboat crash in Venice as it attempted to break a speed record. 76-year-old champion mot… - 5 years ago

@damianomerlin: In honor of the offshore champion Fabio Buzzi, the driver and friend Luca Nicolini and the Dutch driver Erik Hoorn… - 5 years ago

@lecco_notizie: Fabio Buzzi: sabato a Oggiono i funerali dell’imprenditore pilota - 5 years ago

@UKBoatSales: eBay: XSR 48 Lamborghini Orange Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@Vinicios_buzzi: RT @eubia_bs: Ativar o "modo Fábio Assunção" deveria ser assim - 5 years ago

@pasqualedimaria: RT @araldoiustitia: Venezia, barca contro la diga di San Nicolò: tre morti e un ferito. Tra le vittime il pilota Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@hindi2news: Fabio Buzzi dies in Venice speed boat crash trying to break record - 5 years ago

@Martin_Demel: Remember Fabio Buzzi with his parrot well... - 5 years ago

@QArmyAnon22: RT @TrueQanuck11: 383) Three people killed in a speedboat crash in Venice as it attempted to break a speed record. 76-year-old champion mot… - 5 years ago

@caramos61: Muere el campeón del mundo de motonáutica Fabio Buzzi al intentar batir su propio récord de velocidad… - 5 years ago

@cigarAFICI0NAD0: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

@infoitsport: Venezia, fa il record e si schianta in motoscafo. Muore il campione di offshore Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@critic_ar_te: RT @NiusDiario: ⚫ Fabio Buzzi, un conocido ingeniero y piloto italiano, de 76 años, y su copiloto, Luca Nicolini, son dos de las tres falle… - 5 years ago

@anwarmailer: Speedboat racer trying to break record dies in crash, killing 2 others - USA TODAY - 5 years ago

@BuShahna: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

@theyachtguy: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

@yachtswhisperer: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

@YachtsUnlimited: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

@Martinacuna1965: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

@F1DaveH: @virtualstatman @3Legs4Wheels Yes... because from what the media reports, Charles and Anthoine were good friends. H… - 5 years ago

@WnRandall: RT @TrueQanuck11: 383) Three people killed in a speedboat crash in Venice as it attempted to break a speed record. 76-year-old champion mot… - 5 years ago

@rentonMagaUK: RT @TrueQanuck11: 383) Three people killed in a speedboat crash in Venice as it attempted to break a speed record. 76-year-old champion mot… - 5 years ago

@cooperclimax: #Garagon Grazie Meda per il ricordo di Fabio Buzzi, non dimentichiamo anche del grande Nicolini e di Hoorn. Un giga… - 5 years ago

@sailweb: Italian powerboating legend Fabio Buzzi tragically killed with two crew members in a 70-knot collision with the San… - 5 years ago

@ErikTarres: RT @NauticaPanorama: Murió Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@NauticaPanorama: Murió Fabio Buzzi - 5 years ago

@_sparkle_sa: RT @BPRCnews: Great photo of the master! rip Fabio Best Wishes to Mario Invernizzi in his recovery! Photo with thanks to Steve Willis #… - 5 years ago

@Getreallux: RT boatint "Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the o… - 5 years ago

@SupportTheRNLI: RT @boatint: Fabio Buzzi died along with two other people after their powerboat crashed in an attempt to break the offshore speed record fr… - 5 years ago

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