Ezra Swerdlow

American film producer (21 Jump Street)
Died on Tuesday January 30th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ezra Swerdlow:

@pamerimee: RT @PanCAN: We are sorry to hear that film producer Ezra Swerdlow, known for #21JumpStreet, #Enchanted and more, has passed away from compl… - 7 years ago

@The_LMGI: Famed NY Producer Ezra Swerdlow wrapped his last show this week. First hired as a Location Scout on Woody Allen's “… - 7 years ago

@JanelBersabal: a truly great producer and some of the best days on #Zombieland RIP Ezra. - 7 years ago

@rfamovie: RT @elizabethkarr: RIP Ezra Swerdlow Dies: New York Producer Of ‘Wag The Dog’ , ‘Too Big To Fail’ Was 64 - 7 years ago


@elizabethkarr: RIP Ezra Swerdlow Dies: New York Producer Of ‘Wag The Dog’ , ‘Too Big To Fail’ Was 64 - 7 years ago

@AMcLeanPanCAN: RT @PanCAN: We are sorry to hear that film producer Ezra Swerdlow, known for #21JumpStreet, #Enchanted and more, has passed away from compl… - 7 years ago

@Richthefreak: Ezra Swerdlow, Producer on 'The First Wives Club' and 'Zombieland,' Dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@KMorgenthau_ASC: Very Sad to hear of the passing of a friend. We worked on two films together in the aughts. Great filmmaker and hum… - 7 years ago

@Ms_BMWilliams: Ezra Swerdlow, Producer on 'The First Wives Club' and 'Zombieland,' Dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@mrsthach: RT @THR: Ezra Swerdlow, producer on 'The First Wives Club' and 'Zombieland,' dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@e8dcc9ee056b46f: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Ezra Swerdlow, productor de DÍAS DE RADIO, ALIEN 3, LA LOCA HISTORIA DE LAS GALAXIAS, EL ASESINO DEL CALENDARIO,… - 7 years ago

@samuantuabreu: RT @Variety_DMcNary: Ezra Swerdlow, '21 Jump Street' and 'Spaceballs' producer, dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@latinagoth23: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Ezra Swerdlow, 64; New York-bred producer/production manager worked on 'King of Comedy,' 'Spaceballs,' 'Waiting to Ex… - 7 years ago

@defshepard: RT @THR: Ezra Swerdlow, producer on 'The First Wives Club' and 'Zombieland,' dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@djkenny2419: RT @MoviesWrld: Ezra N. Swerdlow Dies: #NewYork Producer With Long List Of Credits Was 64 - 7 years ago

@MoviesWrld: Ezra N. Swerdlow Dies: #NewYork Producer With Long List Of Credits Was 64 - 7 years ago

@cine_monde: Ezra N. Swerdlow Dies: #NewYork Producer With Long List Of Credits Was 64 - 7 years ago

@GianlucaOdinson: Ezra Swerdlow, ’21 Jump Street’ and ‘Spaceballs’ Producer, Dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@manuela_rdgs: RT @disneyphilefr: (RIP) Le producteur new-yorkais Ezra Swerdlow est décédé le 23 janvier dernier à Boston à l'âge de 64 ans. Il avait tra… - 7 years ago

@charlestrotter: #ICYMI: Ezra Swerdlow, a producer on such films as SPACEBALLS, ALIEN³, WAITING TO EXHALE, THE FIRST WIVES CLUB, COP… - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Ezra Swerdlow - 7 years ago

@dsrbroadway: Ezra Swerdlow, Producer on 'The First Wives Club' and 'Zombieland,' Dies at 64 - 7 years ago

@JillCarylWeiner: Ezra Swerdlow Dies: New York Producer Of ‘Wag The Dog’ & ‘Too Big To Fail’ Was 64 - 7 years ago

@LmFaos247: Ezra Swerdlow, ‘First Wives Club’ Producer, Dies at 64 - 7 years ago

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