Ezra Nawi

Israeli human rights activist
Died on Saturday January 9th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ezra Nawi:

@hillerruth: RT @ofer_n: Ezra Nawi, 1952 - 2021 text: David Shulman, photographs: Margaret Olin #Palestine - 4 years ago

@ofer_n: Ezra Nawi, 1952 - 2021 text: David Shulman, photographs: Margaret Olin #Palestine - 4 years ago

@kampsabine: @his_grumpiness @_pagan_ini_ @drralle @Stani_Anja @MENA_WATCH @ImKlassenkampf @basilandme @yafa161 @nomnomcookieez… - 4 years ago

@VivaViva70: RT @VivaViva70: A few very brave Israelis oppose their apartheid state in concrete actions in solidarity with Palestiias as well as words.… - 4 years ago


@VivaViva70: A few very brave Israelis oppose their apartheid state in concrete actions in solidarity with Palestiias as well as… - 4 years ago

@margaretolin: Ezra Nawi, 1952 – 2021 text: David Shulman, photographs: Margaret Olin - 4 years ago

@KitBonde: Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@RouthyG: Where is the 2016 video where Nasser Nawajiya and Ezra Nawi (Hamas supporter), both members of @btselem, provided P… - 4 years ago

@_JFJFP: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@6thDoctorFan: RT @abdallaha92: No organization can verifiy every person. When they found out, they did the appropriate response. The next item was abou… - 4 years ago

@abdallaha92: No organization can verifiy every person. When they found out, they did the appropriate response. The next item w… - 4 years ago

@lily242824: RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Ezra Nawi, the Activist Who Upset Jewish Supremacy - 4 years ago

@f_grillmeier: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@SuheylaTopuz: RT @PalestinePDP: "The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof that… - 4 years ago

@PalestinePDP: "The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof… - 4 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Ezra Nawi, the Activist Who Upset Jewish Supremacy - 4 years ago

@PhilanderingP: RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Ezra Nawi, the Activist Who Upset Jewish Supremacy - 4 years ago

@dziri_nadir: RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Ezra Nawi, the Activist Who Upset Jewish Supremacy - 4 years ago

@LaraFriedmanDC: Ezra Nawi, the Activist Who Upset Jewish Supremacy - 4 years ago

@IsraelCitizen: @RVilkomerson In that case, I'll consider Ezra Nawi as your early birthday present? Rejoice! - 4 years ago

@CheetahPlains: RT @haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof that he… - 4 years ago

@Pucemargine: Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@sud_delmondo: RT @haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof that he… - 4 years ago

@haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof… - 4 years ago

@COMRADEBLOOM: Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@joaonsalvador: Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy _ Amira Hass - 4 years ago

@Tiiyee: RT @haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof that he… - 4 years ago

@CarpathViking: RT @haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof that he… - 4 years ago

@arabist: RT @haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof that he… - 4 years ago

@haaretzcom: The hatred of Israeli settlers, as well as of police and soldiers for Ezra Nawi is a badge of honor for him; proof… - 4 years ago

@maksoorti2: Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@jennym_morgan: ...who has unfortunately died. /Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@KitBonde: Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@MichLegrand2012: Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@deraouiismael2: RT @CoIntifada: Ha mort Ezra Nawi un defensor dels drets del poble plaestí. Un gran activista contra l'ocupació sionista. Ezra va lluitar f… - 4 years ago

@ChilsonCyril: Opinion | Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy - 4 years ago

@isra_net: Ezra Nawi, the activist who upset Jewish supremacy #Israël #ישראל - 4 years ago

@PatrciaPalau1: RT @CoIntifada: Ha mort Ezra Nawi un defensor dels drets del poble plaestí. Un gran activista contra l'ocupació sionista. Ezra va lluitar f… - 4 years ago

@Palestina_cat: RT @CoIntifada: Ha mort Ezra Nawi un defensor dels drets del poble plaestí. Un gran activista contra l'ocupació sionista. Ezra va lluitar f… - 4 years ago

@Leafy13222544: #Sami_Houreiny, who on some level also (very much) already grew in the age of Ezra Nawi. A group of youths from A-t… - 4 years ago

@vigosebagenova: 以前、僕が観たイスラエルのドキュメンタリー(ヘブライ語)の中で今回亡くなられたナウィ氏が入植者たちとやり合っているシーンがありました。 - 4 years ago

@ELMZARIABDELKEB: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@meirmichel: Ezra Nawi, mort d’un délateur – - 4 years ago

@Kh9syl: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@daveoneill2: RT @iskandrah: Ezra Nawi was much respected and loved. He will be remembered by many. - 4 years ago

@SnarlsDeGaulle: RT @MairavZ: For those interested, here is a documentary on Ezra Nawi made by the wonderful Nissim Mossek in 2007, currently on view for fr… - 4 years ago

@gaygaygayagain1: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@SteveBonham8: Ezra Nawi was a much respected and loved activist who dedicated years of his life to a shared Palestinian–Israeli s… - 4 years ago

@macmhagan: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@hermitmystic: RT @iskandrah: Ezra Nawi was much respected and loved. He will be remembered by many. - 4 years ago

@shepersists2: RT @iskandrah: Ezra Nawi was much respected and loved. He will be remembered by many. - 4 years ago

@iskandrah: Ezra Nawi was much respected and loved. He will be remembered by many. - 4 years ago

@PhoenixMerlin1: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@MairavZ: For those interested, here is a documentary on Ezra Nawi made by the wonderful Nissim Mossek in 2007, currently on… - 4 years ago

@KhuloodBadawi: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@fuwolff: RT @Emilydische: "He used surplus earnings from his plumbing trade to subsidize his activities and was reputed to charge exorbitantly for h… - 4 years ago

@Emilydische: "He used surplus earnings from his plumbing trade to subsidize his activities and was reputed to charge exorbitantl… - 4 years ago

@Torrox4: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@Berlamcri: RT @andreazanardo: Pedofilo, trafficante di armi e noto alle cronache per aver consegnato alla tortura e a morte certa palestinesi colpevol… - 4 years ago

@SandraHelena39: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@FredericReid2: RT @ManseEverard: La mort de Ezra Nawi Violeur de mineurs collabo qui a dénoncé des arabes vendant aux juifs, arabes ensuite torturés et as… - 4 years ago

@andreazanardo: Pedofilo, trafficante di armi e noto alle cronache per aver consegnato alla tortura e a morte certa palestinesi col… - 4 years ago

@Faycedeloup: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@timgad25: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@ManseEverard: La mort de Ezra Nawi Violeur de mineurs collabo qui a dénoncé des arabes vendant aux juifs, arabes ensuite torturés… - 4 years ago

@chintock93: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@kamelkessal: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@PatChampagnac: #Israël #Palestine #droitshumains Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi, juif israélien de ga… - 4 years ago

@virtuescompass: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@Ataturkturquie: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@caillerare: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@PetloverHermine: EZRA NAWI, Israeli Human Rights Activist & Pacifist, 1952 to 2021 - 4 years ago

@michel020573: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@rk70534: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@rk70534: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@rk70534: RT @BriHerremans: Israeli activist Ezra Nawi passed away. He saw himself as a warrior for justice, relentlessly resisting land grab. I join… - 4 years ago

@rk70534: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@tandrachou: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@DrAlijla: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@Shanfaraa: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@Phil_Free_: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@antifa_jlm: RT @BriHerremans: Israeli activist Ezra Nawi passed away. He saw himself as a warrior for justice, relentlessly resisting land grab. I join… - 4 years ago

@JohnStrawson: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@yoniau: @Matt_R_Buckley @MairavZ - 4 years ago

@WestartWD: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@meirmichel: Ezra Nawi, mort d’un délateur | - 4 years ago

@1demespostures: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@ArquimedesQuin4: RT @CoIntifada: Ha mort Ezra Nawi un defensor dels drets del poble plaestí. Un gran activista contra l'ocupació sionista. Ezra va lluitar f… - 4 years ago

@Linda_Zrk: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@moniqueb54: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@mouadibun: RT @TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un infatiga… - 4 years ago

@TaoufiqTahani: Adieu Ezra Les Palestiniens ont perdu un grand ami, Ezra Yitzhak Nawi. Juif israélien de gauche, Ezra était un inf… - 4 years ago

@worldincrisis1: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@aleixcj: RT @CoIntifada: Ha mort Ezra Nawi un defensor dels drets del poble plaestí. Un gran activista contra l'ocupació sionista. Ezra va lluitar f… - 4 years ago

@DrAlijla: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@nlygo: RT @AFilan: #Israeli left-wing activist Ezra Nawi - who once boasted of snitching on Palestinians selling land to Israelis - dies at 69 ht… - 4 years ago

@JacZan: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@BriHerremans: Israeli activist Ezra Nawi passed away. He saw himself as a warrior for justice, relentlessly resisting land grab.… - 4 years ago

@Annie_deBhal: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@GabriellaBian12: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@BriHerremans: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@man_groove: RT @haaretzcom: Nawi, whose activism for the Palestinian cause began during the second intifada, made headlines after an investigative prog… - 4 years ago

@haaretzcom: Nawi, whose activism for the Palestinian cause began during the second intifada, made headlines after an investigat… - 4 years ago

@CoIntifada: Ha mort Ezra Nawi un defensor dels drets del poble plaestí. Un gran activista contra l'ocupació sionista. Ezra va l… - 4 years ago

@jp_dutch: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@global79619367: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@breakingnewsbo1: RT @004nino: RIP 21 049) #Israeli #Radical #leftist #activist #Ezra #Nawi #dies #cancer #January 9, 2021 at 69 - 4 years ago

@004nino: RIP 21 049) #Israeli #Radical #leftist #activist #Ezra #Nawi #dies #cancer #January 9, 2021 at 69 - 4 years ago

@alfredovela08: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@antifa_jlm: RT @be975e7997b04c8: The persecution of Ezra Nawi - 4 years ago

@dziri_nadir: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@ibnezra: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@Yasthetwit: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@Leafy13222544: Rest in power Human rights defender Ezra Nawi. You were not a perfect man but you inspired us all with your great h… - 4 years ago

@be975e7997b04c8: The persecution of Ezra Nawi - 4 years ago

@be975e7997b04c8: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@AngelaJerusalem: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@312shelly3: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@hillerruth: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@yarens1: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@leemitchellr: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@whitegumballs: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@Orna12345678: @NancyGrossman7 Those who protect Ezra Nawi. - 4 years ago

@koshercertified: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@howserob: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@EtienneCote4: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@mano_da_bounce: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@freeworldun: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@sitaplana: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@mags0611: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@meemsaf: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@itsnotadelyo: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@marinar9801: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@MBar87564005: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@yafa161: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@jhamra: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@roadwish1: RT @MairavZ: Ezra Nawi died today. This is him in Hebron, 2009. He taught me to be an activist. He was a radical in the best sense of the t… - 4 years ago

@xabueid: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@PDeepdive: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@aaavodotafar: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@daphnasch: RT @YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@YairWallach: Ezra Nawi, my grandma's plumber and one of the most inspiring peace and justice activists in Israel, has died. - 4 years ago

@JudithFlanders: RT @graphicpictures: Read Thread. This is the story of my friend Ezra Nawi, proud gay activist. He died today. He was kind and complex - Ju… - 4 years ago

@Shard08676960: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@RVilkomerson: Ezra Nawi presente! - 4 years ago

@AnalGoddess770: We lost a great hero and human rights activist today and I lost someone that for years flirted with me in the DM. R… - 4 years ago

@graphicpictures: Read Thread. This is the story of my friend Ezra Nawi, proud gay activist. He died today. He was kind and complex -… - 4 years ago

@MNUnitedAF: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@antifa_jlm: RT @emilyatlaw: Ezra Nawi. עזרא נאווי. 1951-2021. אקטיביסט מסור ונמרץ, חבר, גיבור. זכרונו לברכה. Compassionate, relentless activist, hero… - 4 years ago

@b9AcE: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@antifa_jlm: Rest in power Ezra Nawi, long time human rights defender in the West Bank - 4 years ago

@antifa_jlm: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@ChangedBio: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@AngelaJerusalem: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Ezra Nawi, you will be missed - #EzraNawi #Ezra #Nawi #rip - 4 years ago

@ukrlaa: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Radical #left-wing #activist Ezra Nawi has died at the age of 69. He was diagnosed with #cancer a few months ago. http… - 4 years ago

@S58728748: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Radical #left-wing #activist Ezra Nawi has died at the age of 69. He was diagnosed with #cancer a few months ago. http… - 4 years ago

@breakingnewsbo1: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Radical #left-wing #activist Ezra Nawi has died at the age of 69. He was diagnosed with #cancer a few months ago. http… - 4 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Radical #left-wing #activist Ezra Nawi has died at the age of 69. He was diagnosed with #cancer a few months ago. - 4 years ago

@isra_net: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 #Israël #ישראל - 4 years ago

@4abbeywood: RT @haaretzcom: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@hillerruth: RT @emilyatlaw: Ezra Nawi. עזרא נאווי. 1951-2021. אקטיביסט מסור ונמרץ, חבר, גיבור. זכרונו לברכה. Compassionate, relentless activist, hero… - 4 years ago

@stPaul51901553: RT @haaretzcom: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@GiovanniTorre: RT @haaretzcom: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@haaretzcom: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 - 4 years ago

@guy_hirschfeld: Ezra Nawi 1952-2021 עזרא נאווי ז"ל 1952-2021 - 4 years ago

@NivHachlili: RT @KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long years of his lif… - 4 years ago

@ATLCol: RT @emilyatlaw: Ezra Nawi. עזרא נאווי. 1951-2021. אקטיביסט מסור ונמרץ, חבר, גיבור. זכרונו לברכה. Compassionate, relentless activist, hero… - 4 years ago

@emilyatlaw: Ezra Nawi. עזרא נאווי. 1951-2021. אקטיביסט מסור ונמרץ, חבר, גיבור. זכרונו לברכה. Compassionate, relentless activi… - 4 years ago

@yafa161: Rest in Power Ezra Nawi, sein Leben war Aktivismus. Mitbegründer von @taayush und jahrzehnte aktiv in der Westbank,… - 4 years ago

@danibel1956: Peace activist Ezra Nawi died this morning after a battle with cancer. Ezra was a peace activist who did and did ma… - 4 years ago

@KNavot: Kerem Navot mourns the death of Ezra Nawi, one of the founders and the leaders of Ta'ayush, who dedicated long year… - 4 years ago

@pathofex: Radical left-wing activist Ezra Nawi dies at 69 - 4 years ago

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