Evelyn Berezin

American computer designer.
Died on Tuesday December 11th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Evelyn Berezin:

@LivresEtPixels: RT @guardiantech: Evelyn Berezin obituary - 6 years ago

@AlisonW: RT @guardianobits: Evelyn Berezin obituary. Creator of the first word processor and designer of a 1960s online air passenger reservation s… - 6 years ago

@Sierra_OffLine: RT @mkirschenbaum: I wrote about Evelyn Berezin, innovation, and the origins of word processing for the @washingtonpost: - 6 years ago

@chemasanchez78: Muere Evelyn Berezin, creadora del primer procesador digital de textos - 6 years ago


@MarionCC_L: RT @SGeantes: Méconnue du grand public, Evelyn Berezin est pourtant à l’origine de l’un des premiers traitements de texte et d’avancées maj… - 6 years ago

@SolucionesVml: Muere Evelyn Berezin, creadora del primer procesador digital de textos - 6 years ago

@LnArnal: RT @SGeantes: Méconnue du grand public, Evelyn Berezin est pourtant à l’origine de l’un des premiers traitements de texte et d’avancées maj… - 6 years ago

@SaladeBleue: RT @SGeantes: Méconnue du grand public, Evelyn Berezin est pourtant à l’origine de l’un des premiers traitements de texte et d’avancées maj… - 6 years ago

@shanshuiyilan: RT @yanxiang1967: 【复制粘贴功能发明者去世】Evelyn Berezin于12月8日在美国纽约去世,享年93岁。她拥有至少九项与计算机相关的发明专利,1969年,她发明了第一台计算机化的文字处理器“资料秘书”,在速记史上,文字处理器完成了第一次编辑,删除,剪切… - 6 years ago

@eliassanchez: RT @Nae_es: "Evelyn Berezin fue una de las muchas mujeres que quedaron en el olvido en el universo tecnológico, pese a su enorme aportación… - 6 years ago

@simondenier: RT @LesBricodeurs: Evelyn Berezin, pionnière de l'informatique moderne et entrepreneure pour contourner les plafonds de verre s'est éteinte… - 6 years ago

@obrimark: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor - 6 years ago

@gyggan: Evelyn Berezin, conceptrice du premier traitement de texte, est décédée - 6 years ago

@pmhswe: RT @mkirschenbaum: I wrote about Evelyn Berezin, innovation, and the origins of word processing for the @washingtonpost: - 6 years ago

@MLidenbrock: RT @SGeantes: Méconnue du grand public, Evelyn Berezin est pourtant à l’origine de l’un des premiers traitements de texte et d’avancées maj… - 6 years ago

@cathyjtoner: RT @VUWomenInTech: Love the original announcement of Evelyn Berezin's word processor in Ms. - "you want the freedom to get into more intere… - 6 years ago

@Danielle1239: RT @BiellaColeman: You work on computers for 2 decades and because women inventors are so marginalized in the public sphere, you've never h… - 6 years ago

@SGeantes: Méconnue du grand public, Evelyn Berezin est pourtant à l’origine de l’un des premiers traitements de texte et d’av… - 6 years ago

@Hulkdaron: RT @lesnums: Evelyn Berezin s’est éteinte à 93 ans, le 8 décembre dernier. Méconnue du grand public, elle est pourtant à l’origine de l’un… - 6 years ago

@gabrielekahl: "Without Ms. Berezin, there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve Jobs, no internet, no word processors, no... - 6 years ago

@Klingsor621: RT @schestowitz: Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin died this week—she should be remembered - 6 years ago

@schestowitz: RT @schestowitz: Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin died this week—she should be remembered - 6 years ago

@DMacOttawa: RT @NYCFirstLady: Our city lost a genius in Evelyn Berezin, the first to design the word processor. We will never forget the pioneering att… - 6 years ago

@Avalonia320: RT @NYCFirstLady: Our city lost a genius in Evelyn Berezin, the first to design the word processor. We will never forget the pioneering att… - 6 years ago

@sofiafdzdelcast: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@loraliepaddock: RT @NYCFirstLady: Our city lost a genius in Evelyn Berezin, the first to design the word processor. We will never forget the pioneering att… - 6 years ago

@caballerofer: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@lola_patty: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor - 6 years ago

@jncmexmia: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@fedorared: RT @schestowitz: Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin died this week—she should be remembered - 6 years ago

@rlarrap: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@schestowitz: Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin died this week—she should be remembered - 6 years ago

@rodnutrimedica1: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@gray_whale: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@SILVICULTRlX: RT @mkapor: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. Once again, women lead but do not get credit. - 6 years ago

@jorgegirofacha: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@ictandlaw: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@LaClau: RT @frangildiaz1: A los 93 años acaba de fallecer Evelyn Berezin, la creadora del procesador de palabras. El mundo entero debe estar agrad… - 6 years ago

@yanxiang1967: RT @yanxiang1967: 【复制粘贴功能发明者去世】Evelyn Berezin于12月8日在美国纽约去世,享年93岁。她拥有至少九项与计算机相关的发明专利,1969年,她发明了第一台计算机化的文字处理器“资料秘书”,在速记史上,文字处理器完成了第一次编辑,删除,剪切… - 6 years ago

@RiotHeaux: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@2016bucketojunk: RT @jdrinjak: Yet another trailblazing woman that we aren’t taught about in school. “Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin died this week—she sh… - 6 years ago

@Move_the_Dial: .@washingtonpost's obituary for Evelyn Berezin, journeys Evelyn's development of one of the earliest word processor… - 6 years ago

@ToniMarieWoods: RT @jdrinjak: Yet another trailblazing woman that we aren’t taught about in school. “Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin died this week—she sh… - 6 years ago

@RogerMRodigues: Evelyn Berezin, uma pioneira da computação que tirou muitas secretárias do desgastante trabalho nas máquinas de esc… - 6 years ago

@aaE2syNYgY8YtB2: RT @zhu0588: “复制+粘贴”功能的发明者Evelyn Berezin于12月8日在纽约去世,享年93岁。 Evelyn Berezin出生于1925年,拥有至少九项与计算机相关的发明专利。1969年,她发明了第一台计算机化的文字处理器“资料秘书”,在速记史上,文字处… - 6 years ago

@lilpettycrocker: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@danmonaghan: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@semiotic_pirate: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@thenakedz: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@cocoashea91: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@mellowyellow_x: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@siaokun_sunny: RT @zhu0588: “复制+粘贴”功能的发明者Evelyn Berezin于12月8日在纽约去世,享年93岁。 Evelyn Berezin出生于1925年,拥有至少九项与计算机相关的发明专利。1969年,她发明了第一台计算机化的文字处理器“资料秘书”,在速记史上,文字处… - 6 years ago

@peppermintpug: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@D1Clic: Qui était Evelyn Berezin, l'inventrice du premier traitement de texte ? - Tech - Numerama - 6 years ago

@TheOriginalRu: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@greenpeacecao: RT @zhu0588: “复制+粘贴”功能的发明者Evelyn Berezin于12月8日在纽约去世,享年93岁。 Evelyn Berezin出生于1925年,拥有至少九项与计算机相关的发明专利。1969年,她发明了第一台计算机化的文字处理器“资料秘书”,在速记史上,文字处… - 6 years ago

@naninjanator: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@portia529: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@sofei1214: RT @zhu0588: “复制+粘贴”功能的发明者Evelyn Berezin于12月8日在纽约去世,享年93岁。 Evelyn Berezin出生于1925年,拥有至少九项与计算机相关的发明专利。1969年,她发明了第一台计算机化的文字处理器“资料秘书”,在速记史上,文字处… - 6 years ago

@smassoni1: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@Dailygems212: RT @NBCNews: Evelyn Berezin, a pioneer in the tech industry who is credited with building and marketing the world’s first computerized word… - 6 years ago

@Pubhistorian: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@NormanSiglerPol: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@chitownbecs: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@dinablue: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@hammondfuturist: RIP the woman who invented the world process (and saved my life). #futurist - 6 years ago

@jyrmar: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@Blueturtle2009: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@sam38483: RT @IWV: Evelyn Berezin, a computer pioneer who built and marketed the first computerized word processor, died on Saturday in Manhattan. Sh… - 6 years ago

@CopticDisco: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@v2aggie2: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@SpencerKarter: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@thelilynews: She was a female visionary in a tech industry dominated by men. - 6 years ago

@jasohill: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@RevJJackson: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@ZrazyMusic: RT @schemaly: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor. "Without Ms. Berezin...there would be no Bill Gates, no Steve… - 6 years ago

@Real_Infinity95: RT @NBCNews: Evelyn Berezin, a pioneer in the tech industry who is credited with building and marketing the world’s first computerized word… - 6 years ago

@Rbp77Rick: Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor - 6 years ago

@michael_bjorck: - 6 years ago

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