Esmond Bradley Martin

British conservationist
Died on Monday February 5th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Esmond Bradley Martin:

@jserravi: RT @Ciencia_cat: Esmond Bradley Martin, pioner en els esforços per combatre el tràfic d'ivori d'elefants i rinoceronts, assassinat aquesta… - 7 years ago

@imJaviBitch: RT @SaskiaSassen: Top ivory investigator murdered in Kenya Esmond Bradley Martin, whose groundbreaking investigations helped the fight ag… - 7 years ago

@lluisvb: RT @Ciencia_cat: Esmond Bradley Martin, pioner en els esforços per combatre el tràfic d'ivori d'elefants i rinoceronts, assassinat aquesta… - 7 years ago

@potpetit: RT @Ciencia_cat: Esmond Bradley Martin, pioner en els esforços per combatre el tràfic d'ivori d'elefants i rinoceronts, assassinat aquesta… - 7 years ago


@Ciencia_cat: Esmond Bradley Martin, pioner en els esforços per combatre el tràfic d'ivori d'elefants i rinoceronts, assassinat a… - 7 years ago

@GelderJgelly: RT @BiologistDan: Another Environmentalist murdered! Esmond Bradley Martin, a specialist in illegal #Rhino and #Elephant trade, found stabb… - 7 years ago

@aliciaperris: Música, arte y cultura: ESMOND BRADLEY MARTIN: TOP IVORY INVESTIGATOR KILL... - 7 years ago

@skgjnr: RT @margotkiser: In case you missed: A land grab may have been behind the murder in Kenya of American conservationist Esmond Bradley Martin - 7 years ago

@margotkiser: In case you missed: A land grab may have been behind the murder in Kenya of American conservationist Esmond Bradley… - 7 years ago

@MissCloHongLee: RT @monde_biodi: L'expert en braconnage des éléphants et des rhinocéros Esmond Bradley-Martin a été tué à l'arme blanche dans son domicile… - 7 years ago

@FeliceBianchin: RT @monde_biodi: L'expert en braconnage des éléphants et des rhinocéros Esmond Bradley-Martin a été tué à l'arme blanche dans son domicile… - 7 years ago

@shoshanimrose: RT @brutnaturefr: Esmond Bradley Martin avait 75 ans, il était l’un des leaders de la lutte contre le braconnage. Il a été poignardé dans… - 7 years ago

@erickkimanijr: Wanyama wamepoteza rafiki wao wa kweli barani Africa. Esmond Bradley Martin ni mtetezi wa maisha ya wanyama akijiki… - 7 years ago

@sudantherhino: RT @StevilleJanae: He discovered how new wealth from oil fueled an unprecedented demand for rhino horns in Yemen, where they are prized as… - 7 years ago

@StevilleJanae: He discovered how new wealth from oil fueled an unprecedented demand for rhino horns in Yemen, where they are prize… - 7 years ago

@hectlapa: RT @pacocatt: Mi viñeta de hoy viernes 9 de febrero de 2018. En recuerdo de Esmond Bradley Martin, que luchaba por la vida. Era uno de los… - 7 years ago

@juliej59: RT @ste_kenya: We are deeply saddened by the death of wildlife-trade researcher Esmond Bradley Martin who died yesterday in Nairobi. A long… - 7 years ago

@illicit_trade_f: #Kenya : l'enquêteur dans le #trafic d’ivoire Esmond Bradley Martin assassiné - 7 years ago

@UmaSharandon: RT. Esmond Bradley Martin: Ivory investigator killed in Kenya - BBC News - 7 years ago

@UmaSharandon: RT @dw_deutsch: Naturschützer Esmond Bradley Martin wurde in Kenia ermordet. Der US-Amerikaner galt als einer der engagiertesten Kämpfer g… - 7 years ago

@MarybethSanche9: RT @PollyTickal: Some Americans go to Africa to kill elephants. Esmond Bradley Martin went to Africa to put his life at risk saving them fr… - 7 years ago

@pitika2: RT @ONUMedioAmb: Destacado investigador del comercio de #marfil, Esmond Bradley-Martin, fue asesinado en Kenia. Su labor fue clave para pro… - 7 years ago

@NancieNorton: RT @PollyTickal: Some Americans go to Africa to kill elephants. Esmond Bradley Martin went to Africa to put his life at risk saving them fr… - 7 years ago

@jennjilks: RT @savetherhino: Shocking & sad news: Esmond Bradley Martin, investigator into the illegal trade in elephant ivory & rhino horn, found mur… - 7 years ago

@Vitalis_Omboyi: RT @margotkiser: My take : A land grab may have been behind the murder in Kenya of American conservationist Esmond Bradley Martin. https:/… - 7 years ago

@thegideonboots: RT @margotkiser: My take : A land grab may have been behind the murder in Kenya of American conservationist Esmond Bradley Martin. https:/… - 7 years ago

@jhfloresr: RT @SaskiaSassen: Top ivory investigator murdered in Kenya Esmond Bradley Martin, whose groundbreaking investigations helped the fight ag… - 7 years ago

@Collection_LdF: RT @ste_kenya: We are deeply saddened by the death of wildlife-trade researcher Esmond Bradley Martin who died yesterday in Nairobi. A long… - 7 years ago

@MinsterMeredith: RT @MondeVeggie: Le protecteur des éléphants et des rhinocéros, expert mondial en braconnage, Esmond Bradley-Martin a été tué à l'arme blan… - 7 years ago

@scoggins_shalan: RT @DSWT: Elephants & rhinos have lost a great, great friend. We were shocked & saddened by the death of Esmond Bradley Martin, murdered i… - 7 years ago

@sabrimazzei: RT @pacocatt: Mi viñeta de hoy viernes 9 de febrero de 2018. En recuerdo de Esmond Bradley Martin, que luchaba por la vida. Era uno de los… - 7 years ago

@thechiefkara: RT @riotleo: Renowned conservation investigator Esmond Bradley Martin killed at home in Kenya - 7 years ago

@PaulWMoseley: RT @savetherhino: Shocking & sad news: Esmond Bradley Martin, investigator into the illegal trade in elephant ivory & rhino horn, found mur… - 7 years ago

@DoreneFC: RT @riotleo: Renowned conservation investigator Esmond Bradley Martin killed at home in Kenya - 7 years ago

@riotleo: Renowned conservation investigator Esmond Bradley Martin killed at home in Kenya - 7 years ago

@mohonde7: RT @margotkiser: My take : A land grab may have been behind the murder in Kenya of American conservationist Esmond Bradley Martin. https:/… - 7 years ago

@shirdikapillai: RT @savetherhino: Shocking & sad news: Esmond Bradley Martin, investigator into the illegal trade in elephant ivory & rhino horn, found mur… - 7 years ago

@Samara65L: RT @PollyTickal: Some Americans go to Africa to kill elephants. Esmond Bradley Martin went to Africa to put his life at risk saving them fr… - 7 years ago

@TheDivinePrince: Esmond Bradley Martin, the man who saved Africa's elephants – but made countless enemies -... - 7 years ago

@TheDivinePrince: Esmond Bradley Martin, the man who saved Africa's elephants – but made countless enemies - - 7 years ago

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