Ernst Nolte

German historian.
Died on Wednesday August 17th 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Ernst Nolte:

@Fildelhistoire: Décès de l'historien controversé Ernst Nolte - 9 years ago

@ThinkClassical: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@MIKEBALLARD4: Even Traverso remarked that the German revisionist unwittingly hits upon the truth. “Nolte does genuinely grasp... - 9 years ago

@blogofdeath: Ernst Nolte, a German revisionist who was denounced as an apologist for Hitler and even the Holocaust, died - 9 years ago


@obituarywriters: Ernst Nolte, a German revisionist who was denounced as an apologist for Hitler and even the Holocaust, died - 9 years ago

@PabloAVazquez: Murió el historiador alemán Ernst Nolte. - 9 years ago

@Damn_Jehu: RT @rosswolfe: Revisionism revisited: Ernst Nolte and Domenico Losurdo on the age of extremes - 9 years ago

@GringoPrimo: RT @rosswolfe: Revisionism revisited: Ernst Nolte and Domenico Losurdo on the age of extremes - 9 years ago

@apema35: Revisionism revisited: Ernst Nolte and Domenico Losurdo on the age of extremes - 9 years ago

@MSator: RT @SecolodItalia1: È morto Ernst Nolte, ebbe l’ardire di paragonare i gulag ai lager nazisti - 9 years ago

@ItaProtagonista: È morto Ernst Nolte, ebbe l’ardire di paragonare i gulag ai lager nazisti - 9 years ago

@SecolodItalia1: È morto Ernst Nolte, ebbe l’ardire di paragonare i gulag ai lager nazisti - 9 years ago

@rosswolfe: Revisionism revisited: Ernst Nolte and Domenico Losurdo on the age of extremes - 9 years ago

@poetered: RT @libe: Ernst Nolte, mort d'un «penseur de l’histoire» polémique - 9 years ago

@GcSolal: RT @Revuedes2Mondes: Ernst #Nolte : une réflexion marquante sur la pensée totalitaire - 9 years ago

@Jad_Zahab: RT @Revuedes2Mondes: Ernst #Nolte : une réflexion marquante sur la pensée totalitaire - 9 years ago

@fogiesbert: RT @Revuedes2Mondes: Ernst #Nolte : une réflexion marquante sur la pensée totalitaire - 9 years ago

@grimolizzi: Una mia intervista inedita allo storico tedesco Ernst Nolte. Sul quotidiano IL DUBBIO domani in edicola - 9 years ago

@dermaury: Ernst Nolte gestorben: ein großer Deuter des Nationalsozialismus - DER DRITTE WEG - 9 years ago

@HonestlyConcern: Tod eines Antisemiten - Der Historiker Ernst Nolte starb im Alter von 93 Jahren | ... - - 9 years ago

@SachaStawski: Tod eines Antisemiten - Der Historiker Ernst Nolte starb im Alter von 93 Jahren | Diefreiheitsliebe - 9 years ago

@MonicaMoniqye: RT @GiovanniFanfoni: Pregi (iniziali) e limiti (revisionisti) sull'origine del fascismo in Ernst Nolte, morto giovedì scorso @VersoBooks ht… - 9 years ago

@junirio: Frage mich seit einigen Tagen: "Was wäre passiert, wenn Ernst Nolte heute den Historikerstreit losgetreten hätte?" - 9 years ago

@helenapatrikiou: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@Peppino_ITALIA: RT @GiovanniFanfoni: Pregi (iniziali) e limiti (revisionisti) sull'origine del fascismo in Ernst Nolte, morto giovedì scorso @VersoBooks ht… - 9 years ago

@GiovanniFanfoni: Pregi (iniziali) e limiti (revisionisti) sull'origine del fascismo in Ernst Nolte, morto giovedì scorso @VersoBooks - 9 years ago

@fensterschublad: Tod eines Antisemiten – Der Historiker Ernst #Nolte starb im Alter von 93 Jahren | Die Freiheitsliebe - 9 years ago

@chatbleupersan: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@getradified: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@GiovanniFanfoni: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@BabeufGr: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@DeyanWonder: RT @VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

@VersoBooks: Enzo Traverso on Ernst Nolte and the new anti-Communism - 9 years ago

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