Ernie Broglio

American baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals
Died on Wednesday July 17th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ernie Broglio:

@stocktonports: The Ports are saddened to learn two former players passed earlier this month. Read about Pumpsie Green and Ernie Br… - 6 years ago

@slice7: RT @Livac2: Ernie Broglio, RIP. Click on the link to read about his career and the Brock-Broglio trade, plus Brock-Broglio photo gallery ->… - 6 years ago

@MATrueblood: RT @MikeBatesSBN: My most amazing discovery/coincidence in researching this episode was that Ernie Broglio, who passed away on July 16th, a… - 6 years ago

@MikeBatesSBN: My most amazing discovery/coincidence in researching this episode was that Ernie Broglio, who passed away on July 1… - 6 years ago


@Livac2: Ernie Broglio, RIP. Click on the link to read about his career and the Brock-Broglio trade, plus Brock-Broglio phot… - 6 years ago

@Baseball_365: We’ve lost some great ballplayers in 2019 already, some you may not have heard about; Frank Robinson Don Newcombe T… - 6 years ago

@Baseball_365: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@mitch54: @kellymroz25 @jonmorosi @MLBNetwork @MLB I know this is going to hurt, but I have two words for you .....Ernie Brog… - 6 years ago

@baseball_trivya: In the year 1965, Ernie Broglio pitched for the Chicago Cubs. He pitched 50.67 innings over 26 games with a 6.93 ER… - 6 years ago

@IHSAHistorian: RT @DaveKaneSJR: Ernie Broglio, RIP. Lou Brock described Broglio as"gracious." - 6 years ago

@jjl_ice_yard: @suesswassersee I mean, Ernie Broglio just passes away last week. Maybe this is a Cards fan wishing for a redux of Brock-for-Broglio. - 6 years ago

@MWhicker03LANG: Ernie Broglio was an 18 and 21 game winner who unfortunately will be known as the guy the Cardinals gave the Cubs f… - 6 years ago

@Fancred: Remembering the late, great Ernie Broglio, as much for his lasting impact as his career. @JeffKallman55 #MLB… - 6 years ago

@Dthename: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@TrueBlueOk: RT @zakford: Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio passed away this week. I had the pleasure of meeting both at Pacific Coast League reunions. Gr… - 6 years ago

@clcarrubba: RT @baseballmarty: Pregame at 9:00 am the professor @RWotus @carmenkiew @allykwilliams Public house 10:00 am @Adamcopes Uncle Abe Award win… - 6 years ago

@Bruce_Jenkins1: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@Bruce_Jenkins1: RT @baseballmarty: Pregame at 9:00 am the professor @RWotus @carmenkiew @allykwilliams Public house 10:00 am @Adamcopes Uncle Abe Award win… - 6 years ago

@allenkevin: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@TwoSeamGripe: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@vinniemackenzie: RT @christreadway: Ernie Broglio (El Cerrito High/St. Louis Cardinals) talks to Jim Landis (Richmond High/Chicago White Sox) at Newell's Sp… - 6 years ago

@frenchfrym: RT @baseballmarty: Pregame at 9:00 am the professor @RWotus @carmenkiew @allykwilliams Public house 10:00 am @Adamcopes Uncle Abe Award win… - 6 years ago

@JBranchOfficial: RT @baseballmarty: Pregame at 9:00 am the professor @RWotus @carmenkiew @allykwilliams Public house 10:00 am @Adamcopes Uncle Abe Award win… - 6 years ago

@baseballmarty: Pregame at 9:00 am the professor @RWotus @carmenkiew @allykwilliams Public house 10:00 am @Adamcopes Uncle Abe Awar… - 6 years ago

@flycojoe: @hankschulman RIP, Ernie Broglio. Honored to have met him. #bayarealegend - 6 years ago

@TheScottLove: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@JBranchOfficial: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@Garcia_Daniel30: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@LFNJSinner: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@jasonhphotos: RT @hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died one da… - 6 years ago

@hankschulman: Amazing coincidence that two ballplayers who both came from El Cerrito High, Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio, died… - 6 years ago

@KaboomLip: @NBCSCubs Hate auto correct Ernie Broglio - 6 years ago

@LarryMuffett: @NBCSCubs Ernie Broglio passed away. Reminds me Cubs traded HOFer Lou Brock for him. Since we are talking about reminders..... - 6 years ago

@mrtgr: Ernie Broglio and Lou Brock. Got it. - 6 years ago

@christreadway: Ernie Broglio (El Cerrito High/St. Louis Cardinals) talks to Jim Landis (Richmond High/Chicago White Sox) at Newell… - 6 years ago

@isaacfromCT: Ernie Broglio, best known for being part of the lopsided trade that sent Lou Brock to the Cardinals, passed away Tu… - 6 years ago

@KraigDay5: Sad to hear of his passing, but he will always be part of the greatest trade in Cardinals history! We got Louis Cla… - 6 years ago

@bballer: @joshsimons1313 @thomasmawsonSD @Brent858 @BenHigginsSD Painful. GMs are haunted by mistakes: Lou Brock for Ernie B… - 6 years ago

@gromerjeffers: “Who else, can say he was traded for a Hall of ​​Famer?” Every @Cubs fan knows about this trade. Ernie Broglio too… - 6 years ago

@moehoward55: RT @stlhensley: BREAKING: Rick Hummel reporting from Busch Stadium: Former Cardinal pitcher Ernie Broglio dies at 83. Righthander was best… - 6 years ago

@KariGuz00495491: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens; music's Johnny Clegg; MLB's Pumpsie Green, Joe Grzenda… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Ernie Broglio (83) American baseball player - 6 years ago

@SC_Legend_28: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@BaronBedesky: @CDeBenedetti Pumpsie Green was Ernie Broglio's catcher in high school. - 6 years ago

@CubbiesCrib: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@cdsjimenez7: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@stlhensley: RT @dgoold: Lou Brock talks to Rick Hummel about the late Ernie Broglio -- the pitcher he'll forever be connected to, the trade that came t… - 6 years ago

@sports_tnh: Ernie Broglio, 21-game winner traded for Lou Brock, dies - 6 years ago

@spark_radio_CHI: RT @cubshomepage: Former Cubs pitcher Ernie Broglio has passed away - 6 years ago

@cubshomepage: Former Cubs pitcher Ernie Broglio has passed away - 6 years ago

@JonBecker28: RT @WCCUSD: @wccusd is also celebrating the life of @ElCerritoHigh alum, @MLB pitcher Ernie Broglio. Broglio, 83, died Tuesday night, acco… - 6 years ago

@lindzaeanne: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@howiekarpin: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Ernie Broglio - @Cardinals 1959-64; @Cubs 1964-66. 21-game winner in 1960. Traded to Cubs for Lou Brock in… - 6 years ago

@WaymooMoody: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio. Rough day when you lose two pretty significant names in baseball history in one day. - 6 years ago

@john_pielli: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to Pumpsie Green and Ernie Broglio. Rough day when you lose two pretty significant names in baseball history in one day. - 6 years ago

@KSCardFan51: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@adamide: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@autographblog: RT @RickyChapps: RIP Ernie Broglio. A great #Ttm signer and a kind, generous man. Famous for being traded for Lou Brock. @autographblog H… - 6 years ago

@Bob_graul: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@LynneLynne63: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@DetroitICT: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Ernie Broglio - @Cardinals 1959-64; @Cubs 1964-66. 21-game winner in 1960. Traded to Cubs for Lou Brock in… - 6 years ago

@BaseballDigest: We remember Ernie Broglio - @Cardinals 1959-64; @Cubs 1964-66. 21-game winner in 1960. Traded to Cubs for Lou Brock… - 6 years ago

@genecollier: @Cardinals @sigg20 In Teener League, I used an Ernie Broglio model glove. No seriously. - 6 years ago

@HeislerUCF: RT @DavidHaugh: RIP Ernie Broglio. The former Cub at center of one of baseball’s most infamous trades couldn’t have been more gracious disc… - 6 years ago

@trappedintheATL: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@sigg20: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@KSCardFan51: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@PrinceMrMac: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@JimJaxMedia: RT @coleyhiles1: - 6 years ago

@mandorichard: Mr. Broglio was my favorite #STLCards pitcher when I was a 1st & 2nd grader.... The Redbirds were pretty bad, but h… - 6 years ago

@JayDubTheGamer: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@marty_nvr: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@DustinG2019123: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@Baseballvic42: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@jimmyduranluna: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@KevinSteensen: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@FishSTL: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@JokerDtown: RT @chicagotribune: Former Cubs pitcher Ernie Broglio died Tuesday at the age of 83. - 6 years ago

@rkeyjr019: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@LMandrakeJr: RT @DavidHaugh: RIP Ernie Broglio. The former Cub at center of one of baseball’s most infamous trades couldn’t have been more gracious disc… - 6 years ago

@manuel_Arjona: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@cardsfanmatt: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@otherchrispaul: RT @stltoday: Former Cardinal pitcher Ernie Broglio dies at 83 - 6 years ago

@DavidHaugh: RIP Ernie Broglio. The former Cub at center of one of baseball’s most infamous trades couldn’t have been more graci… - 6 years ago

@PsychoBunnniee: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@inserra99: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @Cardinals and @Cubs ace Ernie Broglio, who passed away on Tuesday. - 6 years ago

@nicholasanorman: Former Cubs pitcher Ernie Broglio has passed away - 6 years ago

@DistinctAthlete: Former Cubs pitcher Ernie Broglio has passed away - 6 years ago

@ORNSports: Ernie Broglio, 21-game winner traded for Lou Brock, dies - 6 years ago

@OzarkRadioNews: Ernie Broglio, 21-game winner traded for Lou Brock, dies - 6 years ago

@cubfancurt: #FYI Did you know he won 21 games in 1960! Former #Cards, #Cubs pitcher Ernie Broglio dies at 83 - 6 years ago

@BigBadBumgarner: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

@yadifan04: RT @Cardinals: Today, we remember former #STLCards pitcher Ernie Broglio, who passed away Tuesday at 83. - 6 years ago

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