Ernest Tomlinson

British composer.
Died on Friday June 12th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Ernest Tomlinson:

@dlharmonize: RT @doncasterl: ernest ta tão famoso que ta nos trends meu deus eh isso que dar ser da família tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@LongLiveForUs: RT @NosTrendsBrasil: Ernest - O @Louis_Tomlinson postou uma foto com seu irmão mais novo. Twitteiros comentam. #NosTrendsBrasil

@flyziams: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@Stylinsousada5H: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA


@flyziams: RT @NosTrendsBrasil: Ernest - O @Louis_Tomlinson postou uma foto com seu irmão mais novo. Twitteiros comentam. #NosTrendsBrasil

@babylouisbuttom: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@nescaudoliam: RT @doncasterl: ernest ta tão famoso que ta nos trends meu deus eh isso que dar ser da família tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@takemestyless: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@taismendees: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@EsterMeireles2: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@CamiJorgista: RT @LilianeSousa10: Sigo a @JohannahDarling e quero ganhar o Ernest tomlinson e o Louis tomlinson q ela está sorteando #1DForMMVA

@SemCoontrolle: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@onedrp9: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@todosamam1d: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@condapayne_: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@HARRYCULTO: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@laurenoxenta: ta vendo esse Ernest nos trends? ENTÃO ESSE E O PODER TOMLINSON ♥

@LiiviaHoran: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@horan_purpurina: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@directsykes: RT @horanqueer: Só queria dizer q esse "Ernest" nos trends é apenas o poder da família Tomlinson #1DForMMVA

@InesHillenbrand: RT @JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@ItalianFanslove: RT @JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@v_obermajerova: Ernest look so cute!😍 @lottietommo @Louis_Tomlinson

@News_NorthWest: Music composer Ernest dies at 90. International composer and music conservationist Ernest Tomlinson...

@leponline: International composer and music conservationist Ernest Tomlinson has died at the age of 90

@13_06boys: RT @JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@shiamitchell69: @Louis_Tomlinson. Lottie. Fizzie. @DaisyJTommox . @tommophoebe. Doris and Ernest. Cute @JahannahDarling

@ClaudiaCascio: RT @JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@addjctedto30stm: RT @JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@Mr_H_Tomlinson: RT @Mr_L_Styles: @Mr_H_Tomlinson *prends Ernest et le met dans son siège auto * allez bonhomme *lui fait un bisous * * prends doris * ma pr…

@Mr_L_Styles: @Mr_H_Tomlinson *prends Ernest et le met dans son siège auto * allez bonhomme *lui fait un bisous * * prends doris * ma princesse * la fait

@samyuktha1093: All I ever want is Ernest running up "Tommo it's too late to run now here he comes" 😘🙌🏼💍@Louis_Tomlinson someday mayb

@RRnowplaying: #nowplaying on Main: RTE Concert Orchestra / Ernest Tomlinson, conductor - BENJAMIN: Jamaican Song on

@RRnowplaying: #nowplaying on Main: RTE Concert Orchestra / Ernest Tomlinson, conductor - TOYE: The Haunted Ballroom on

@RRnowplaying: #nowplaying on Main: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra / Ernest Tomlinson, conductor - TOMLINSON: Comedy Overture on

@Mr_H_Tomlinson: @Mr_L_Styles bon appétit tout le monde *te prends ernest des bras lui fait faire son rot et va le mettre dans le parc fait pareil avec doris

@Mr_H_Tomlinson: RT @Mr_L_Styles: @Mr_H_Tomlinson *assoit ernest sur mes genoux autour de la table et lui donne a manger * /jo les jumelles fizzy a table /

@Mr_L_Styles: @Mr_H_Tomlinson *assoit ernest sur mes genoux autour de la table et lui donne a manger * /jo les jumelles fizzy a table /

@Mr_H_Tomlinson: RT @Mr_L_Styles: @Mr_H_Tomlinson "avec moi *prends ernest * tient maman une asiette je t'allume le micro onde

@Mr_L_Styles: @Mr_H_Tomlinson "avec moi *prends ernest * tient maman une asiette je t'allume le micro onde

@lisbongals: j'admire jay tomlinson pour le nombre d'enfants qu'elle a eu, sérieux louis + les quatre jumelles + ernest ça fait beaucoup quand même

@H4zzalmighty: RT @EdenDoraTrust: “@JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@loumylove: @Louis_Tomlinson you have to see doris and ernest, they miss you !!!

@alterruiz: RT @anaxpayne: Awwww😍😍 Happy 1st Birthday Doris and Ernest😘😘 @JohannahDarling @drdeakin @fizfizfiz @lottietommo @Louis_Tomlinson

@davidbartonmus: How sad to read that composer, Ernest Tomlinson has died. A great advocate and composer of light music

@OrchestrasToday: Ernest Tomlinson

@JassenEnTassen: Ernest Tomlinson

@L0ucaPelosMinos: RT @larentsnews: Louis-Tory Austin and Jay Georgia-Troy Austin and not Jay Lottie,Fizzy,Daisy,Phobe-Mark Tomlinson and Jay Doris,Ernest-Da…

@L0ucaPelosMinos: RT @kattymalik1D: troy austin é pai do louis e da georgia mark tomlinson é pai da fizzy,lottie e as gêmeas e dan deakin é pai da doris e er…

@RRnowplaying: #nowplaying on Main: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra / Ernest Tomlinson, conductor - No. 4 Nonesuch [77U] on

@williamstshirt: RT @laolashug: @Louis_Tomlinson your frat's name is ernest and he is a little picciotto😂

@laolashug: @Louis_Tomlinson your frat's name is ernest and he is a little picciotto😂

@paulforrest4: I knew Ernest, and indeed his father Fred, who was choirmaster at St John Crawshawbooth, where I was Warden for...

@Ceci_Tomlinson: @NiallsNotes q triste debe ser estar lejos de todos tus familiares y no podes verlos crecer. Como ernest y dori cuando vuelva van a tener 12

@Iwarburton: RIP Ernest Tomlinson, doyen of English light music composers.

@1Demetrial: RT @JohannahDarling: You were brilliant tonight big brother @Louis_Tomlinson Love Doris & Ernest x

@RAFMusicHQ: Sad to hear about the passing of Ernest Tomlinson. We had the pleasure of performing and recording some of his...


@BlueckJonas: I will be here till the end @louis_tomlinson @harry_styles @real_liam_payne @niallofficial @ Ernest…

@Corymbus: Composer Ernest Tomlinson died yesterday, age 90. Here's his Fantasia on Auld Lang Syne

@RVWtweets: Sad to hear that Ernest Tomlinson, English composer of "light music", has passed away:

@Rawtenstall_: Sad news. Sincere condolences to Ernest Tomlinson's family. A very talented composer

@lkillian10: "Death of Ernest Tomlinson" #music #feedly great man of method

@LostockHallBand: RT @FORLancashire: Ernest Tomlnson, Lancashire Musician dies.

@salfordsymphony: RT @FORLancashire: Ernest Tomlnson, Lancashire Musician dies.

@salfordsymphony: RT @ClassicFM: Sad news: light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has passed away:

@FORLancashire: Ernest Tomlnson, Lancashire Musician dies.

@NNik90: RT @4barsrest: Death of Ernest Tomlinson: The death has been announced of composer Ernest Tomlinson, known for both his orche...

@MariusHelgaa: RT @4barsrest: Death of Ernest Tomlinson: The death has been announced of composer Ernest Tomlinson, known for both his orche...

@4barsrest: Death of Ernest Tomlinson: The death has been announced of composer Ernest Tomlinson, known for both his orche...

@SteveLuffRadio: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90 @classicfm

@RobWeedon: For the uninitiated, try Ernest Tomlinson's overture "Highway to the Sun" to hear a master of orchestration, with a cheeky doppler trombone

@USNewsonline: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90

@RobWeedon: Sad to hear about Ernest Tomlinson, whose work to rescue so much British orchestral music is as admirable as his compositions are lovely.

@Cons_Blog: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90

@PoliticalFeed_: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90

@lucasgordon399: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@yewbarrow: RT @selectmusicuk: RIP Ernest Tomlinson...the guiding light behind Marco Polo's splendid British Light Music series.

@conner_shannon: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@gregynogfest: RT @selectmusicuk: RIP Ernest Tomlinson...the guiding light behind Marco Polo's splendid British Light Music series.

@gregynogfest: RT @JRH50: Sad to hear of the death of Ernest Tomlinson. Of the the world's greatest light music composers. Will be fondly remembered.

@gregynogfest: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@RRnowplaying: #nowplaying on Main: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Tomlinson, Ernest - on

@LondnLightMusic: RT @selectmusicuk: RIP Ernest Tomlinson...the guiding light behind Marco Polo's splendid British Light Music series.

@Depfixer: Death of Ernest Tomlinson

@NSleeds: RIP Ernest Tomlinson

@selectmusicuk: RIP Ernest Tomlinson...the guiding light behind Marco Polo's splendid British Light Music series.

@rockpopradio: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90 - Classic FM

@dwesker: RT @NSWOrchestra: Classical Music magazine - Ernest Tomlinson (1924-2015) has died at 90 | Classical Music

@Dr_MCarey: “@ClassicFM: Sad news: light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has passed away:

@jonathanclinch: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@jonathanclinch: RT @tmthfranklin: Ernest Tomlinson - Suite Of English Folk Songs. One of my dads favourite English composers. Lilting light music...https:/…

@BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Trad, Ernest Tomlinson - Shenandoah #trad, #ernesttomlinson

@JustDiedBot: RIP Ernest Tomlinson, 90, British composer.

@NSWOrchestra: Classical Music magazine - Ernest Tomlinson (1924-2015) has died at 90 | Classical Music

@JRH50: Sad to hear of the death of Ernest Tomlinson. Of the the world's greatest light music composers. Will be fondly remembered.

@BombNattanon: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@LondnLightMusic: RT @CatherineJBott: RIP Ernest Tomlinson, a master of light music. @ClassicFM has a tribute on the website

@CatherineJBott: RIP Ernest Tomlinson, a master of light music. @ClassicFM has a tribute on the website

@RhinegoldDigi: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@chriscornet: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@chriscornet: RT @JazzinJohn: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90 @classicfm

@Music_Pages: RT @ClassicalMusic_: Sad news - light music composer Ernest Tomlinson has died

@JazzinJohn: Light music composer Ernest Tomlinson dies aged 90 @classicfm

@violinscigars: E.T. RIP

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