Erland Kolding Nielsen

Norwegian academic
Died on Tuesday January 24th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Erland Kolding Nielsen:

@RLUK_David: Sad to hear of death of Erland Kolding Nielsen. I was grateful for his support of @SPARC_EU while I was Director - 8 years ago

@lykkefriis: Mindehøjtidelighed for Erland Kolding Nielsen i den #sortediamant #kbhuni #forskpol - 8 years ago

@HormiaKristiina: Reception in the Memory of Erland Kolding Nielsen at the Black Diamond in Copenhagen. - 8 years ago

@ChrisBanks: Deeply saddened to hear of the death of Erland Kolding Nielsen. He was of immense support - our libraries had the s… - 8 years ago


@skreilly: Sad to hear of the passing in this giant of the library world and major @LIBEReurope contributor - 8 years ago

@InfoBibl: Mūžībā aizgājis @LIBEReurope biedrs, Dānijas Karaliskās bibliotēkas direktors Erland Kolding Nielsen - - 8 years ago

@LIBERconference: In Memory of Erland Kolding Nielsen - 8 years ago

@chris_pressler: A very sad announcement on the passing of a great European librarian: In Memory of Erland Kolding Nielsen - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Erland Kolding Nielsen, Norwegian academic, Died at 70 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Erland Kolding Nielsen dies - #Erland #rip - 8 years ago

@13_Andriy: RT @jiribr: Sad to read about the death of Erland Kolding Nielsen, Director @sortediamant, a historian who knew Central Europe and loved it… - 8 years ago

@jiribr: RT @sortediamant: Direktør Svend Larsens mindeord om Erland Kolding Nielsen, der afgik ved døden i går. EKN var chef på KB 1986-2016. https… - 8 years ago

@jrsfco: RT @moscicka_dendys: Deeply saddened by the loss of Erland Kolding #Nielsen, in 1986-2016 director of @sortediamant, historian, great frien… - 8 years ago

@austroembcph: RT @moscicka_dendys: Deeply saddened by the loss of Erland Kolding #Nielsen, in 1986-2016 director of @sortediamant, historian, great frien… - 8 years ago

@bibliotekdk: RT @sortediamant: Direktør Svend Larsens mindeord om Erland Kolding Nielsen, der afgik ved døden i går. EKN var chef på KB 1986-2016. https… - 8 years ago

@PLinDenmark: RT @moscicka_dendys: Deeply saddened by the loss of Erland Kolding #Nielsen, in 1986-2016 director of @sortediamant, historian, great frien… - 8 years ago

@moscicka_dendys: Deeply saddened by the loss of Erland Kolding #Nielsen, in 1986-2016 director of @sortediamant, historian, great friend of #CentralEurope - 8 years ago

@moscicka_dendys: RT @jiribr: Sad to read about the death of Erland Kolding Nielsen, Director @sortediamant, a historian who knew Central Europe and loved it… - 8 years ago

@Altingetdk: Mindeord: Erland Kolding Nielsen (70) - af Jens Chr. Grøndahl - 8 years ago

@jiribr: Sad to read about the death of Erland Kolding Nielsen, Director @sortediamant, a historian who knew Central Europe… - 8 years ago

@MichelEnLaRed: In Memory of Erland Kolding Nielsen - 8 years ago

@saintmichels: RT @sortediamant: Direktør Svend Larsens mindeord om Erland Kolding Nielsen, der afgik ved døden i går. EKN var chef på KB 1986-2016. https… - 8 years ago

@MelissaWieser: RT @sortediamant: Direktør Svend Larsens mindeord om Erland Kolding Nielsen, der afgik ved døden i går. EKN var chef på KB 1986-2016. https… - 8 years ago

@sortediamant: Direktør Svend Larsens mindeord om Erland Kolding Nielsen, der afgik ved døden i går. EKN var chef på KB 1986-2016. - 8 years ago

@KulturNyt: Han gjorde os alle klogere Erland Kolding Nielsen førte Det Kongelige Bibliotek sikkert ind i den nye, digitale ti… - 8 years ago

@TopNyt: Han gjorde os alle klogere - 8 years ago

@TopNyt: Mindeord: Han gjorde os alle klogere - 8 years ago

@DanmarksPortal: Tidligere biblioteks-konge død Erland Kolding Nielsen nåede at stå i spidsen for Det Kongelige Bibliotek i tre årt… - 8 years ago

@KulturNyt: Nekrolog: Et liv i bogens tjeneste er slut for Erland Kolding Erland Kolding Nielsen, der var direktør for Det Kg… - 8 years ago

@TopNyt: Nekrolog: Et liv i bogens tjeneste er slut for Erland Kolding - 8 years ago

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