Erick Morillo

Colombian-American DJ
Died on Tuesday September 1st 2020

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Erick Morillo:

@SinSent47344828: @_Lassana_ @ErickMorillo Según la prensa, no tenía muy buena fama. Igual por eso no se ha hablado de ello. Un ref… - 5 years ago

@RickyTenaglia: RT @DjSandb: Sandsation Show is playing on @longliveRRRadio Cartagena ( @RickyTenaglia Edit) Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@DjSandb: Sandsation Show is playing on @longliveRRRadio Cartagena ( @RickyTenaglia Edit) Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@RickyTenaglia: RT @DjSandb: SANDSATION SHOW IS PLAYING on @longliveRRRadio dancin (a little more vocal mix) - erick more morillo 👑 - 5 years ago


@DjSandb: SANDSATION SHOW IS PLAYING on @longliveRRRadio dancin (a little more vocal mix) - erick more morillo 👑… - 5 years ago

@K1rr1ly: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@Gertomm: Hoy desde las 19 escuchá 4.0 Otras Voces. Voy a hablar de lo que no se sabe de la muerte de Erick Morillo, y compar… - 5 years ago

@Mafkeesje1000: - 5 years ago

@DjTrevi_offical: Opinion: Erick Morillo’s Death Exposed Ugly Truths About DJs, Power and Fame . @Beatport - 5 years ago

@DummyMag: Engberg described how Morillo once poured a drink spiked with MDMA into her mouth against her will - 5 years ago

@PodBTB: Erick Morillo changed House but how should we remember him after horrifying sexual assault crimes & allegations? W… - 5 years ago

@71SMALLMOMENTS: Just favorited " - 5 years ago

@NjzFinest_: BRO WHAT ERICK MORILLO PASSED AWAY 😪😪 OG - 5 years ago

@jason_still: Erick Morillo’s Funeral to be Livestreamed on September 9 - 5 years ago

@Dance100Music: Erick Morillo’s Funeral to be Livestreamed on September 9 - 5 years ago

@LawNewz: It remains unclear how the 49-year-old died, but police said there were no signs of foul play. He was taken into c… - 5 years ago

@DJInsomnia: Tonight at 7pm. Tune in and turn the bass up! We’ll be sharing stories and our thoughts on Erick Morillo before the… - 5 years ago

@oscarrobinsons: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Podcast: Especial - Erick Morillo con Frank y Wallace 🎤 - 5 years ago

@barneyGoxfordd: Erick morillo is dance musics harvey weinstein good riddance - 5 years ago

@jabari420666007: RT @careforgotten: the abuse of power, leverage + position in techno by derrick may, erick morillo + surely others makes my stomach sick th… - 5 years ago

@Mafkeesje1000: - 5 years ago

@stephoconnor67: Who'd have thought that Pioneer DJ Jimmy Saville would have paved the way for guys like Erick Morillo and Derrick May - 5 years ago

@DiveAndLieRekt: @PlexLondon "The Erick Morillo of Techno" is not a moniker you'd want. Even before the rape charges. - 5 years ago

@NegraShop: New serie "This is HOUSE MUSIC - Erick Morillo" Find this design and many more in my stores on Redbubble and Teepub… - 5 years ago

@NegraShop: New serie "This is HOUSE MUSIC - Erick Morillo" Find this design and many more in my stores on Redbubble and Teepub… - 5 years ago

@NegraShop: New serie "This is HOUSE MUSIC - Erick Morillo" Find this design and many more in my stores on Redbubble and Teepub… - 5 years ago

@BEATOFICIAL: Podcast: Especial - Erick Morillo con Frank y Wallace 🎤 - 5 years ago

@alldayrecords: RT @careforgotten: the abuse of power, leverage + position in techno by derrick may, erick morillo + surely others makes my stomach sick th… - 5 years ago

@HANDSONWAXINC: Favorited "House Music Mix 8 - Tribute Erick Morillo" - 5 years ago

@EddieHenryJames: Promoters don't care about the sort of allegations made against Erick Morillo and Derrick May. - 5 years ago

@careforgotten: the abuse of power, leverage + position in techno by derrick may, erick morillo + surely others makes my stomach si… - 5 years ago

@macattackk12: i dont have a lot of respect for women who wait until someone is DEAD to come out and say he assaulted them. if Eri… - 5 years ago

@iWebRadio: Stasera in onda la 126° puntata del format House Club Set. In onda ogni Giovedì alle ore 23:00 Ospiti questa sett… - 5 years ago

@edgar7ven: RT @beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue reckoning of ou… - 5 years ago

@djivan831: RT @beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue reckoning of ou… - 5 years ago

@BeatTracker: @paradisecity is CHARTED 1x @ Beatport. BIGUP to Erick Morillo, Eddie Thoneick README - 5 years ago

@DaveGrutman: RT @worldREDEYE: RIP @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@meltingpot4u: ⚡ Newsflash music fans ⚡ DJ Empress must be applauded for having the courage to speak out about Erick Morillo. Get… - 5 years ago

@israelvisual: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@shaolinwaaavy: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@LuigiAero: RT @worldREDEYE: RIP @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@airesent: RT @PsySisters: In the wake of DJ Erick Morillo’s death, women in the music industry are calling for more to be done about sexual abuse and… - 5 years ago

@scottharr: Enjoying sounds of "Erick Morillo - Live Cafe Mambo Ibiza - 2001" by Oldies Goldies House Music #nowplaying on - 5 years ago

@CaptArschkarte: Just catching up on the last few days of Internet. Got distracted by other things. Didn't hear about Erick Morillo.… - 5 years ago

@agostinhozinga: Erick Morillo was a nasty nasty man! - 5 years ago

@ZONA69radio: Hemos conocido más relatos de DJs femeninas presuntamente acosadas por Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@to0xiiiK: Si es cierto de lo que dice de Erick Morillo.. No me lo creo, solo le querían sacar las perras.. Gente que se apr… - 5 years ago

@mirandap72: @IdaEngberg May we speak please - about your private but recently public experience of ‘working’ with Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@dennisruyer: Wow. After the case of Erick Morillo and rape accusations, next in line seems @derrickmayday 🤷🏻‍♂️what’s going on h… - 5 years ago

@scottharr: Currently tuned into "Subliminal Sessions 172" by Erick Morillo - #nowplaying at - 5 years ago

@DuaneHarden: RT @JayDabhi: Thank you for moving so many of us with your music and remarkable dj talent... RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Wvoyaibiza: ℹ️ NOTICIAS 📰 de IBIZA Jueves 10  Septiembre 2020 👉 NOU DIARI Dos famosas DJs acusan al difunto Erick Morillo de ag… - 5 years ago

@TheWILLknd: como assim o erick morillo morreu em 01/09 e eu nem soube????? #riperickmorillo - 5 years ago

@fadewave: Erick Morillo was a piece of shit. - 5 years ago

@DJStarkD: RT @beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue reckoning of ou… - 5 years ago

@VintageMusicLab: RT @beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue reckoning of ou… - 5 years ago

@hevstation: NowPlaying Pasilda (Erick Morillo Extended Remix) - Afro Medusa, Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@spark_radio_net: RT @spark_radio_net: I Like to Move It DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 – TMZ #Malliard - 5 years ago

@SharkRadioNet: RT @spark_radio_net: I Like to Move It DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 – TMZ #Malliard - 5 years ago

@spark_radio_net: I Like to Move It DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 – TMZ #Malliard - 5 years ago

@Rican__Redneck: @Dance100Music @Elsie12177111 Bet the headliners wish they had other skills now. Yes, some run labels and others r… - 5 years ago

@actorjsantiago: RT @DrJimmyStar: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo|from @JimmyStarsWorld - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: RT @HouseMusicTV: LEE KALT - SPECIAL K opening for Erick Morillo @ TAO Las Vegas MDW - Ho... - 5 years ago

@genlevel: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@deepchild: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@jason_still: EDM Reacts To Sudden Death Of DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Dance100Music: EDM Reacts To Sudden Death Of DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@geenesis18: Como es que Erick Morillo murió.. 🤯 - 5 years ago

@mohamedicjr: @legalizandra @bicmuller Recentemente o DJ Erick Morillo se matou pq ele estuprou uma menina e o DNA apontou positi… - 5 years ago

@dj_renta: RT @iflyertv: 故 Erick Morillo(エリック・モリロ)に対し、Ida Engberg(イダ・エングバーグ)と DJ Empress(DJ エンプレス)が新たな性的虐待を告発 #iFLYER #MeToo - 5 years ago

@sat_cit_ananda_: RT @Trueradiocork: Two DJs publicly accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behaviour - 5 years ago

@sat_cit_ananda_: RT @__doyoudream: Disgusting. FUCK ERICK MORILLO - 5 years ago

@iflyertv: 故 Erick Morillo(エリック・モリロ)に対し、Ida Engberg(イダ・エングバーグ)と DJ Empress(DJ エンプレス)が新たな性的虐待を告発 #iFLYER #MeToo - 5 years ago

@radiofanatica_: RT @culturaelectro: @carlitoswayreal El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@carlitoswayreal: RT @culturaelectro: @carlitoswayreal El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@sleepOne: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@culturaelectro: @carlitoswayreal El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@redredwine_12: RT @worldREDEYE: RIP @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@MCVNoonan: Reel 2 Real - Jazz It Up (Erick Morillo Project Mix) - 5 years ago

@OMANXL1: Erick Morillo Mix | Erick Morillo Tribute Mix - 5 years ago

@MarbsRadiotw: Female DJ claims to be sexual abused by ERICK MORILLO! - 5 years ago

@vaca_mooo: RT @__doyoudream: Disgusting. FUCK ERICK MORILLO - 5 years ago

@_paulinamusic: RT @DjmagLA: Ida Engberg y DJ Empress hablaron sobre sus experiencias personales con Erick Morillo 👇 - 5 years ago

@OZZDEEZ: Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick Feat. Shawnee Taylor - Live Your Life - 5 years ago

@OMANXL1: #afromedusa, #BobWoodward, #Californiawildfires, #disco, #DJEmpress, #ErickMorillo, #HarryRomero, #housemusic,… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @culturaelectro: Nuevo: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@fayyke: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@elladevuono: RT @beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue reckoning of ou… - 5 years ago

@Artificialis_: RT @BiomarAlejo: Que lo que paso con Erick Morillo sea el inicio de mostrar la realidad de los hombres acosadores/violadores en la escena.… - 5 years ago

@Aletandra: RT @BiomarAlejo: Que lo que paso con Erick Morillo sea el inicio de mostrar la realidad de los hombres acosadores/violadores en la escena.… - 5 years ago

@BiomarAlejo: Que lo que paso con Erick Morillo sea el inicio de mostrar la realidad de los hombres acosadores/violadores en la e… - 5 years ago

@eriq_13: Escucha Erick Morillo - LIVE - Paradise DC10 Ibiza - August 28, 2019 de Erick Morillo en #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@McSwarekEndgame: "I Like to Move It" DJ Erick Morillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@4_classics: Exactly a week after this post, it was reported that Erick Morillo had passed. An absolute legend as both a dj and… - 5 years ago

@betiixleao: RT @AbbyJLowe: The widespread response to Erick Morillo’s death was expected but disappointing. Victims of sexual abuse deserve more. The d… - 5 years ago

@DANNYFURLONGDJ: RT @beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue reckoning of ou… - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: A Tribute to Erick Morillo Hits (Inc. Reel 2 Real) / R.I.P. 1971 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@NotreborNehpets: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: Erick Morillo Voodoo Nights @ Ocean Diva, Amsterdam - 5 years ago

@beatport: As it stands, there’s no opportunity for rehabilitation and no chance for retribution. Without a long overdue recko… - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: 17 Erick Morillo - Moments (Present Subminal Sessions Voodo Nights Ibiza... - 5 years ago

@djluchony: Forever Erick Morillo 🙏❤ @ New Jersey - 5 years ago

@agostinhozinga: Erick Morillo is the tip of the iceberg by Annabel Ross - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: 16 Erick Morillo - I Am The Drum (Present Subminal Sessions Voodo Nights... - 5 years ago

@Paul_McGee: @Dr_Bass @DavidBennun As I say, I've heard a certain kind of story about him very frequently down the years, but th… - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: 12 Erick Morillo - Voices (Present Subliminal Sessions Voodo Nights Ibiz... - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: 01 Erick Morillo - Night a the black (Present Subliminal Sessions Voodo ... - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: (3) Subliminal Sessions, CD 1 - Mixed by: Erick Morillo - House Music 20... - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: (7) Subliminal Sessions, CD 1 - Mixed by: Erick Morillo - House Music 20... - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: A TRIBUTE TO ERICK MORILLO🙏💔😞VAGABUNDOS 2019 (MIAMI) - 5 years ago

@diggoodreads: #DJErickMorillo found dead in #MiamiBeach days before hearing in rape case #miami #southflorida - 5 years ago

@MonkeyTennis14: RT @nubient: - 5 years ago

@nubient: - 5 years ago

@2BECOME1PROJECT: Erick Morillo Forever ❤️ Reposted from erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@JustusCristo: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@TiagoF88: E esta live em memória do Erick Morillo no insta dele - 5 years ago

@ziion14: Throwing a party for Erick morillo on IG live... after being blown away the other day w/ some info I’ll never look… - 5 years ago

@JustusCristo: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ElGranDavial: - 5 years ago

@culturaelectro: Nuevo: Ida Engberg habló sobre su mala experiencia con Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica… - 5 years ago

@fcgrm: the best track of 2003 erick morillo 4 - 5 years ago

@EileenShapiro3: RT @DrJimmyStar: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo|from @JimmyStarsWorld - 5 years ago

@victor98oc: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@PedroARuiz3: Erick Morillo from Radio 1 In Ibiza 2015 - 5 years ago

@BleachingAgent: Me watching Erick Morillo's funeral like - 5 years ago

@DJSuggablack: RT @LeynaNguyenTV: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested following claims from a fello… - 5 years ago

@PedroARuiz3: Subliminal Invasion Mixed By Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@hugoleduff: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: RT @HouseMusicTV: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@GordyOB: @Mixmag @DjEmpressNyc It's pathetic to see big names defend Erick Morillo while he himself turned himself in. He's… - 5 years ago

@PedroARuiz3: Miami 2 New York: Erick Morillo's birthday w Diddy, Deadmau5, - 5 years ago

@Miami_Eatz: RT @worldREDEYE: RIP @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@AntonCountrySup: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo|from @JimmyStarsWorld… - 5 years ago

@val_cid: RT @DjmagLA: Ida Engberg y DJ Empress hablaron sobre sus experiencias personales con Erick Morillo 👇 - 5 years ago

@estemo1991: RT @LauraCastroDJ: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Mykx: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@KaanGolemAkay: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@RIODELADUNA: - 5 years ago

@myoung061272: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@worldREDEYE: RIP @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@WRafaelGC: RT @DjmagLA: Ida Engberg y DJ Empress hablaron sobre sus experiencias personales con Erick Morillo 👇 - 5 years ago

@YaakovFerdinand: RT @LauraCastroDJ: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@LauraCastroDJ: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@beckysaif: "We do not glorify rapists." @IdaEngberg - 5 years ago

@TECHNOTHANOS666: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@_Ddanniela_: ERICK MORILLO in The Lab LDN - 5 years ago

@Lupelupeylupe: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@vaca_mooo: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@martyemy1: @WTA bridging&hyperxtender:Nudisco deep vol.30 summer edition/nature vibes - banana street guest mix/dj stephan sar… - 5 years ago

@sabonetephebo: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@RaggyJha: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@mallorcainforma: El Mundo: Las DJs contra el fallecido Erick Morillo: "Se acercaba por detrás y frotaba su pene por mis piernas"… - 5 years ago

@AmerHoy: Las DJs contra el fallecido Erick Morillo: "Se acercaba por detrás y frotaba su pene por mis piernas" - 5 years ago

@YolandaDuke: Erick Morillo Funeral - 5 years ago

@Ruthl3ssKiddo: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@Trueradiocork: Two DJs publicly accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behaviour - 5 years ago

@erinshoupp: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@leancarruccio: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@powernips: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@ZONA69radio: La muerte de Erick Morillo por sobredosis divide a la comunidad electrónica. - 5 years ago

@NotVBrightSpark: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@HolzmannDJ: RT @DjmagLA: Ida Engberg y DJ Empress hablaron sobre sus experiencias personales con Erick Morillo 👇 - 5 years ago

@MariadeliaSofia: RT @DrJimmyStar: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo|from @JimmyStarsWorld - 5 years ago

@DrJimmyStar: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo|from @JimmyStarsWorld - 5 years ago

@DjmagLA: Ida Engberg y DJ Empress hablaron sobre sus experiencias personales con Erick Morillo 👇 - 5 years ago

@madgunner7z: Rip Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@dancebrahma: DJ Empress comes forward with detailed allegations against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ClubRadioOnline: Erick Morillo’s Funeral to be Livestreamed on September 9 - 5 years ago

@MarlonDJ_28: Erick morillo's funeral - 5 years ago

@pilvira: RT @ErikaYvenssen: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@housetrained: Of all the things I never thought I'd find myself doing in 2020, tuning in to a livestream of Erick Morillo's funer… - 5 years ago

@FelixDaFunk: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@ErikaYvenssen: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@chuchoteliz: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@AcidAunt: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@elmundobaleares: Las DJs contra el fallecido Erick Morillo: "Se acercaba por detrás y frotaba su pene por mis piernas" - 5 years ago

@RIVKA_MUSIC_NYC: Innocent till proven Guilty, unfortunately he not here to defend himself, guilty or not, nobody needs to die under… - 5 years ago

@soundwithmike: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@CarolParedesXO: RIP MY friend .J'ai le coeur brisé Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@PedroARuiz3: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@MsRobinHosking: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@annabel_ross: RT @MsRobinHosking: I’m selling my collection of records including all the classics, remixed/produced by Erick Morillo. If you’re intereste… - 5 years ago

@louishusk: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@blitz_twit: “Não deveríamos glorificar violadores”. A revolta de uma DJ com as homenagens a Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@FelixDaFunk: - 5 years ago

@TheMidniteSon1: Just loved "Dj Falcustone & Dj Adrian Stonewall - Erick Morillo Tribute Liv..." by DJ Falcustone on @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@mattlearmouth: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@usdaynews: Wow, we just found out that #ErickMorillo announced in an interview in 2016 he had to go to rehab three times for k… - 5 years ago

@onederectionJB: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@Thehawkflieslow: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@JackieQueensSA: RT @annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing harassment… - 5 years ago

@KingSinghNYC: Two DJs publicly accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behaviour - 5 years ago

@annabel_ross: again, calling for any women or anyone at all with more information in regards to experiences of or witnessing hara… - 5 years ago

@Fran_sez: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@scottharr: #nowplaying Erick Morillo presents "Subliminal Sessions 173" at - 5 years ago

@KodeeRolden: Two Djs Publicly Accuse Erick Morillo Of Sexual Assault And Inappropriate Behaviour - 5 years ago

@YvonneSedition: @rolandclark @ErickMorillo Sad that my tiny suggestion that he didn't think hard enough before posting a poem eulog… - 5 years ago

@sonikvibe: Kryder & Erick Morillo - Waves - 5 years ago

@LadyDuracell: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: LEE KALT - SPECIAL K opening for Erick Morillo @ TAO Las Vegas MDW - Ho... - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: ERICK MORILLO - it don't get better than this ! ! ! Ultra WMC LEE KALT -... - 5 years ago

@JohnOsborn75: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@fi_wilson: LIVESTREAMING TODAY! funeral for serial sex pest, rapist and DJ, Erick Morillo. I truly can't decide whether I'm m… - 5 years ago

@StoopsShelly: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@steveimproper: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@babyjohnpeel: RT @ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women of o… - 5 years ago

@ScrtDrugAddict: “Our dance music community should not be brushing the behavior of Morillo under the carpet. We owe it to all women… - 5 years ago

@Stephy_Lange: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@discoradioIT: Il saluto di Discoradio a Erick Morillo - Discoradio - 5 years ago

@veritaslux111: DJ Erick Morillo Reported Dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@edmhoney: DJs accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behaviour, - 5 years ago

@manucello: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@dancefloorOu: RT @edmredsocial: La semana pasada conocimos la muerte de Erick Morillo. A la espera de una confirmación oficial, hablamos de la controvers… - 5 years ago

@Jaime_Villalba: RT @dancingastro: "With all of the RIP Erick Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually knew h… - 5 years ago

@Tanisia: RT @DummyMag: Two female DJs have come forward with harrowing accounts of their encounters with Morillo - 5 years ago

@QuibellPaul: RT @DummyMag: Two female DJs have come forward with harrowing accounts of their encounters with Morillo - 5 years ago

@DummyMag: Two female DJs have come forward with harrowing accounts of their encounters with Morillo - 5 years ago

@anjunalife: rest in piss erick morillo - 5 years ago

@louishusk: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@louishusk: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@NewDorpMusic: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo DJ Empress and Ida Engbe… - 5 years ago

@weraveyou: @DjEmpressNyc and @IdaEngberg share their alleged experiences with Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@thisispauloh: This is a keeper: Erick Morillo Tribute Mix by Draztik - 5 years ago

@jorgefauro: Una víctima de Erick Morillo: "No debemos glorificar a los violadores" #ibiza #dj #erickmorillo #noesno 🗞 En… - 5 years ago

@ratherthanhater: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: #tw More on #Morillo in @DJmag - 5 years ago

@MARTINFAGIOLI1: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@AvvSaRibaIbz: RT @Noudiari: Dos famosas DJs acusan al difunto Erick Morillo de agresión sexual y comportamiento abusivo. - 5 years ago

@alba_142: RT @dancingastro: "With all of the RIP Erick Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually knew h… - 5 years ago

@AvvSaRibaIbz: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: Una dj cuenta que fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@rebeccabeltranj: RT @Noudiari: Dos famosas DJs acusan al difunto Erick Morillo de agresión sexual y comportamiento abusivo. - 5 years ago

@debseeHH: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: #tw More on #Morillo in @DJmag - 5 years ago

@Noudiari: Dos famosas DJs acusan al difunto Erick Morillo de agresión sexual y comportamiento abusivo. - 5 years ago

@Annie3H: No more 17 year olds getting sexually abused in record stores. Love and solidarity to the women speaking out and… - 5 years ago

@Annie3H: and it was all you know very cool and networky and who knows who and also even if this “party” would have gone off… - 5 years ago

@jimmyjimenezm: #RT @ELTIEMPO: ¿Qué se sabe de la muerte del famoso DJ colombiano Erick Morillo? Hace un mes, se había entregado a… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Rave: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: #tw More on #Morillo in @DJmag - 5 years ago

@SharmanSomerset: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: #tw More on #Morillo in @DJmag - 5 years ago

@favouritizm: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Dave_Haslam: #tw More on #Morillo in @DJmag - 5 years ago

@hechosyhechos: ¿Qué se sabe de la muerte del famoso DJ colombiano Erick Morillo? - 5 years ago

@MsEmpanadilla: RT @2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@MarbsRadiotw: Dj Empress claims to be sexual abused by Erick Morillo and Ida Engberg speaks out - 5 years ago

@JIN1023: @Shazamを使ってKryder & Erick Morillo Feat. Bella HunterのWaves [Extended Vocal Mix]を発見しました。 - 5 years ago

@musictourboard: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@opiumhum: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@beta_belle: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@JohnOsborn75: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@im_keiki: RT @QuasarMedia_: I never knew much about Erick Morillo aside from him being the I like to move it guy. But from what I’ve read it seems li… - 5 years ago

@scatalie: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@yosmar_coronado: ¿Qué se sabe de la muerte del famoso DJ colombiano Erick Morillo? - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @magnetic_mag: More allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct against Erick Morillo are emerging - 5 years ago

@ELTIEMPO: ¿Qué se sabe de la muerte del famoso DJ colombiano Erick Morillo? Hace un mes, se había entregado a la policía desp… - 5 years ago

@TribeccaHair_: RT @ThePerezHilton: Rapist and DJ/producer Erik Morillo is dead. It is presumed that he died by suicide. - 5 years ago

@dreamchildhwa: RT @dancingastro: "With all of the RIP Erick Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually knew h… - 5 years ago

@ravnisms: @sixdrinkjimin erick morillo, otro imbecil - 5 years ago

@momentodj: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@_nattz_: - 5 years ago

@bluefoxrd: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@jamesundrwd: RT @dancingastro: "With all of the RIP Erick Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually knew h… - 5 years ago

@PielCanelaVF: RT @dancingastro: "With all of the RIP Erick Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually knew h… - 5 years ago

@EDMWorldMag: RT @EDMWorldMag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg publicly accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behavior - 5 years ago

@Spacedout_Ent: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@dancingastro: "With all of the RIP Erick Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually… - 5 years ago

@willybfrank: RT @YourEDM: Two more women have come out with accusations against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Jortiz523: RT @Mixmag: Swedish artist @IdaEngberg has spoken out following tributes made to Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@alexand59078773: @TomWhitak @privilege_ibiza @Carl_Cox Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@sontyouZ: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@LetThereBeer: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@nderstallion: It’s a bit late for a tweet about Erick Morillo of Reel 2 Real, but If you like to move it move it, dying is one of… - 5 years ago

@DrWongz: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ovacionweb: 85' Cambios en César Vallejo: entran Erick Morillo y Sebastián La Torre por Jairo Vélez y Raziel García.… - 5 years ago

@Paloma65628534: RT @2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@maiicomusic: Watch "Erick Morillo b2b Richy Ahmed | elrow Sofia (Bulgaria) - Sambowdromo do Brasil | on DanceTelevision" on YouT… - 5 years ago

@ProfePanama: ¿Qué se sabe de la muerte del famoso DJ colombiano Erick Morillo? - - 5 years ago

@susiepopp: RT @2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@r_u_d_o: RT @YourEDM: Two more women have come out with accusations against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@amayita: RT @2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@YourEDM: Two more women have come out with accusations against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ay_que_si: RT @2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@LanaWolfQueen: RT @2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@2LaCrono: Ida Engberg relata cómo fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@pausito: RT @culturaelectro: Nuevo: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@magnetic_mag: More allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct against Erick Morillo are emerging - 5 years ago

@EDMLeakz: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@listin_semanal: ¿Qué se sabe de la muerte del famoso DJ colombiano Erick Morillo? – EEUU y Canadá – Internacional - 5 years ago

@amssg_: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@UmaAletheia: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@MusicChemicals: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@DuffaBoiii: Ida Engberg Opens Up About Harrowing Experience With Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@WeAreIndieDance: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Manuwell79: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: Una dj cuenta que fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@trichomeinc: DJ Empress & Ida Engberg Come Forward with Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@reezy954: Fuck Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@BallartAlbert: - 5 years ago

@atrochut: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@musicalhistory: RT @Mixmag: Swedish artist @IdaEngberg has spoken out following tributes made to Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@MusicOfStylo: Pretty sad... 🤦🏾‍♂️ Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist DJ Empress details alleged sexual harassment by Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@ronin_user: That is when I was in Manhattan weekly. I believe it. Gumby and Liquid meat market. - 5 years ago

@ANTICHRISTJC: RT @NYCTechno: RIP @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@joneddyreynolds: Two accounts of female DJs who encountered Erick Morillo. Worth reading, amid all the tributes.… - 5 years ago

@ProtoneMx: Ida Engberg: “We should not glorify rapists” - 5 years ago

@ProtoneMx: Drum 'n' bass artist DJ Empress details alleged sexual harassment by Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@wmzeon: DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@theycallmeyogi: Erick Morillo‘s family is live streaming his funeral. Incredibly stupid. - 5 years ago

@koo3vil: RT @ravnisms: no se olviden de frank perez garland, no se olviden de erick morillo, no se olviden de kim woojin ni de ninguno de esos monst… - 5 years ago

@AbbyJLowe: The widespread response to Erick Morillo’s death was expected but disappointing. Victims of sexual abuse deserve mo… - 5 years ago

@stemdesign: RT @DummyMag: "Sickening to see how star struck our community is. Shame on us." - 5 years ago

@TheMidniteSon1: Just loved " - 5 years ago

@Buffalou73: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@holmesprice: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@minimalsounds: Ida Engberg Opens Up About Harrowing Experience With Erick Morillo, - 5 years ago

@CinemaNDN: Ida Engberg Denounces Tributes to Erick Morillo: "We Should Not Glorify Rapists" - 5 years ago

@126Souls: RT @ravnisms: no se olviden de frank perez garland, no se olviden de erick morillo, no se olviden de kim woojin ni de ninguno de esos monst… - 5 years ago

@SaysHead: Ida Engberg Denounces Tributes to Erick Morillo: "We Should Not Glorify Rapists" - - 5 years ago

@ArietteFlorence: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@jorgefauro: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: Una dj cuenta que fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@GlockEllis: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@MamaMac_: RT @theTiser: DJ and ‘I Like to Move It’ hitmaker Erick Morillo has died days before he was due in court to face sexual battery charges. ht… - 5 years ago

@ravnisms: no se olviden de frank perez garland, no se olviden de erick morillo, no se olviden de kim woojin ni de ninguno de… - 5 years ago

@female_pressure: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ofblacklanterns: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@trichomeinc: DJ Empress comes forward with detailed allegations against Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@jose4ez: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: Una dj cuenta que fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@TheEDMNetwork: Thoughts? - 5 years ago

@dubscobarmusic: #dancingastronaut #EDM #EDMFamily #PLUR #ElectroHouse #Plurnation #EDMLove DJ Empress comes forward with detailed a… - 5 years ago

@MediaFrolic: Family of Erick Morillo to Livestream Late DJ’s Funeral Service – - 5 years ago

@Diario_de_ibiza: Una dj cuenta que fue drogada sin su consentimiento por Erick Morillo en Ibiza - 5 years ago

@EDMWorldMag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg publicly accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behavior #NoMeansNo - 5 years ago

@lizhagearty: RT @QuasarMedia_: I never knew much about Erick Morillo aside from him being the I like to move it guy. But from what I’ve read it seems li… - 5 years ago

@QuasarMedia_: @jademgaines yupppp we can’t have an Erick morillo w/o a culture that repeatedly gives him permission to cause harm - 5 years ago

@pilvira: RT @culturaelectro: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@ItsDjDanielB: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@SelectorDotNews: After his death, allegations against @ErickMorillo have continued to grow in number. @IdaEngberg and @DJEmpressNYC… - 5 years ago

@FunkButcher: RT @Mixmag: Swedish artist @IdaEngberg has spoken out following tributes made to Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Cal_Wilson165: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@jessicadiane198: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@DJPAULETTE: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @SecretDJBook: - 5 years ago

@QuasarMedia_: I never knew much about Erick Morillo aside from him being the I like to move it guy. But from what I’ve read it se… - 5 years ago

@euphelectronica: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@arianalentini: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@preyesh0906: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@DummyMag: Engberg described how Morillo once poured a drink spiked with MDMA into her mouth against her will - 5 years ago

@thisisaimeer: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@LucyMuckyKnees: @SpacedFlair - 5 years ago

@SocialDominique: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@amebbbb: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@TheOggOne: RT @DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and behavioural misc… - 5 years ago

@CM_BZH: Les funérailles d'Erick Morillo seront retransmises en direct sur les réseaux sociaux: Dancing ... - 5 years ago

@lilfoxxx_: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@CarlLoben: Two DJs publicly accuse Erick Morillo of sexual assault and inappropriate behaviour - 5 years ago

@DJmag: DJ Empress and Ida Engberg recently shared their accounts on social media, detailing alleged sexual assault and beh… - 5 years ago

@SUS_SPICE: RT @dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@PoppyBosher1: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@ArrediSardi: RT @periodicodaily: Erick Morillo: è deceduto il famoso dj Americano #morillo - 5 years ago

@gregatronn6: RT @babybanhbeo: period. all y’all’s little tribute messages were trash. - 5 years ago

@MalliardReport: RT @spark_radio_net: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 – - 5 years ago

@mpit2008: RT @spark_radio_net: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 – - 5 years ago

@SharkRadioNet: RT @spark_radio_net: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 – - 5 years ago

@spark_radio_net: RT @spark_radio_net: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 – - 5 years ago

@spark_radio_net: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 – - 5 years ago

@salvamorenoglez: RT @40GlobalShow: 🖤Una semana triste para la música. Despedíamos a Erick Morillo a los 49 años. Integrante de Reel2Real y de Himnos como "I… - 5 years ago

@jnrknight: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@MoonchildLu: Brilliant piece by my friend @annabel_ross on how reactions to the death of Erick Morillo are a symptom of how much… - 5 years ago

@trichomeinc: DJ Empress Details Alleged Sexual Abuse By Erick Morillo When She Was 17 - 5 years ago

@SecretDJBook: - 5 years ago

@_hetalpetal_: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@gkayacan: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@DjEmpressNyc: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@culturaelectro: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@alex_lug: Queda cancelado Erick Morillo, igual que Michael Jackson, Die Antwoord, etc. - 5 years ago

@DummyMag: "Sickening to see how star struck our community is. Shame on us." - 5 years ago

@dancebrahma: Erick Morillo’s funeral to be livestreamed on social media - 5 years ago

@OFTLOHpr: #MixmagNews Ida Engberg: “We should not glorify rapists” - 5 years ago

@iamhungrrr: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@Al_Jerry: @beatport @AbbyJLowe I wrote this on fb: I was about to say R.I.P Erick Morillo but i'm not really sure as he was c… - 5 years ago

@saj1964: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@Al_Jerry: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@Steffi_UB: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@tinyb4: - 5 years ago

@dulapalooza: Erick Morillo can rot - 5 years ago

@edm_mister: Ida Engberg: “We should not glorify rapists” - 5 years ago

@chuckpee: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@steventeaster: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@arianalentini: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@BlastFMSocial: RT @beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@beatport: In her opinion piece, @AbbyJLowe discusses the problematic and widespread reaction to Erick Morillo’s death. - 5 years ago

@DjSandb: Sandsation Show is coming tonite only on rhythmraveradio celebrating the Erick Morillo way of music. ♥u are very we… - 5 years ago

@CircuitLife: Drum ‘n’ bass artist DJ Empress details alleged sexual harassment by Erick Morillo — Mixmag - 5 years ago

@Curlydavid5: RT @TheEDMNetwork: .@ErickMorillo's family has announced plans to live-stream his funeral. - 5 years ago

@_a_just_: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@_a_just_: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @Mixmag: Swedish artist @IdaEngberg has spoken out following tributes made to Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@trendsNewsday: DJ Empress Accuses Erick Morillo of Being a ‘Totally Perverted Creep’ in Facebook Post - 5 years ago

@chris_grey___: Electronic music needs to clean up. Doesn't matter how big the DJ. Those DJs that paid tri… - 5 years ago

@edmredsocial: RT @edmredsocial: La semana pasada conocimos la muerte de Erick Morillo. A la espera de una confirmación oficial, hablamos de la controvers… - 5 years ago

@Patterso15Clare: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @Mixmag: Drum 'n' bass artist @DjEmpressNyc has accused Erick Morillo of sexually harassing when she was aged 17 and working in a New Yo… - 5 years ago

@OFTLOHpr: #MixmagNews Drum 'n' bass artist DJ Empress details alleged sexual harassment by Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@theenemieslist1: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@djdeacon: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@ppdeluxe: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually kne… - 5 years ago

@boby_rebel_rob: Siguen las fuertes críticas y opiniones 😰😰 - 5 years ago

@Mr_Dave_Haslam: "With all of the RIP Erick #Morillo’s circulating, I had to speak up & say something because everyone that actually… - 5 years ago

@ManiaSwedish: RT @iflyertv: 【レジェンドの功罪】レイプ犯?功績者?ハウス TOP DJ の故・Erick Morillo の死について困惑するクラブシーン 公判中のレジェンドへの哀悼の意の表明や追悼イベントはすべきではないのか? それとも被害者への配慮とそれはまた別物なのか?… - 5 years ago

@pitorine: RT @iflyertv: 【レジェンドの功罪】レイプ犯?功績者?ハウス TOP DJ の故・Erick Morillo の死について困惑するクラブシーン 公判中のレジェンドへの哀悼の意の表明や追悼イベントはすべきではないのか? それとも被害者への配慮とそれはまた別物なのか?… - 5 years ago

@KiepekMario: @Kaothekangaroo Erick Morillo 🕯️ - I like to move it - 5 years ago

@TheReal_KDubb: Drum 'n' bass artist DJ Empress details alleged sexual harassment by Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@seanseansean85: RT @Mixmag: Swedish artist @IdaEngberg has spoken out following tributes made to Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Daqqqqq: De Erick Morillo pueden decir lo que sea, pero no hay DJ latino con más experiencia, éxito y carisma que Erick. Que descanse en paz. - 5 years ago

@Nialler9: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@eoin_murraye: RT @ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses to it were… - 5 years ago

@honeylands: Ida Engberg: “We should not glorify rapists” - 5 years ago

@honeylands: Drum 'n' bass artist DJ Empress details alleged sexual harassment by Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@kuklinskiii: The death of Erick Morillo sure as hell opened up a big can of worms. - 5 years ago

@DanieIShepherd: Serial sex pest Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@simonemarie4: @Nobbysafc @arjumusic @Mixmag @IdaEngberg Yet again, since u seem to be someone who doesn’t even believe an article… - 5 years ago

@mushpamensa: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ehgillett: In case anyone's interested, here's a quick follow up to my tweet about Erick Morillo; while 90% of the responses t… - 5 years ago

@tompipps: (21) Erick Morillo @ UNITED ANTS Printworks, London | Beatport Live - YouTube - 5 years ago

@larampait: Morte #ErickMorillo, i funerali in diretta #streaming - 5 years ago

@larampait: Morte Erick Morillo, i funerali in diretta streaming - Morte #ErickMorillo, i funerali in diretta #streaming “Dal p… - 5 years ago

@FrankyRN51: THis nails the #ericmorillo issues. The guy was a well known rapist. Simple as that. @DJSHARAM @themartinezbros… - 5 years ago

@Joeburnsmusic: Find it grim they're live streaming Erick Morillo's funeral when even more people have come forward about his rapey… - 5 years ago

@FenstarDeLuxe: "...the outpouring of fawning tributes for Erick Morillo has yet again reminded women, trans women and non-binary p… - 5 years ago

@IGmp3: RT @weraveyou: “[Erick] was always appreciative of the support he received from his fans and because of that we have made the decision to l… - 5 years ago

@ABQSatellite: Erick Morrilo, DJ and ‘I Like to Move It’ Producer, Dies at 49 - - 5 years ago

@martatpe: RT @EhhGuachin: DJ Erick Morillo aka Rapist commits suicide in his Miami home after being charged with rape... Asi está mejor - 5 years ago

@martatpe: RT @Alexistwa: Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual. - 5 years ago

@martatpe: RT @HiMyNameIsSaul: Erick Morillo was due for court this Friday on some pretty serious rape charges. Guy took the cowards way out and y’all… - 5 years ago

@hashhendrex: Erick morillo you were one of a kind.. May you dance in peace my friend 💛 #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@cdfblogs: RT @s_w_s_l: 'His friends all knew what he was like': @annabel_ross on the (male) tributes to Erick Morillo effectively excusing his histor… - 5 years ago

@CoverworldM: 34. Los Limones (#ElCantoDeLaSirena) 33. Alba Reche @_albxreche (#Quimera) 32. Sershen & Zaritskaya @SergeySershen… - 5 years ago

@BillKouts1: RT @PAULVANDYK: Saddened to hear about the passing of Erick Morillo. Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@dj_al1: - 5 years ago

@dj_al1: - 5 years ago

@1001tracklists: @djdove33 - Mastermix Sessions #80 (Tribute to Erick Morillo) - 5 years ago

@ChristopherRmz: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@ChristopherRmz: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@dub_stepsmash: Erick Morillo Found Dead in Miami Beach, - 5 years ago

@tokidokicircle: RT @mgoldenbarnes: The death of Erick Morillo is horrible... Horrible for his friends and family. Horrible for the women who will get no ju… - 5 years ago

@MP5_mixradio: Alexandra Burke feat. Erick Morillo - Elephant (Erick Morillo, Harry Romero & Jose Nunez Remix) - 5 years ago

@71SMALLMOMENTS: Tuned into "D.E.P. Erick Morillo 26/03/71 - 1/09/20" by EspiralTrance at - 5 years ago

@primaveeras: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ohh_livi_yuhh: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@TeAbrigare: Dancin' (I got the pills) - Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@mixsessiondjs: Erick Morillo's funeral to be livestreamed on social media - 5 years ago

@thetruhed: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago


@espinozavictorx: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@HenryCE: RT @culturaelectro: Nuevo: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@_music4you_: Erick Morillo’s funeral to be livestreamed on social media - 5 years ago

@willybfrank: RT @TheEDMNetwork: .@ErickMorillo's family has announced plans to live-stream his funeral. - 5 years ago

@djdiaga: Erick Morillo’s family will livestream services in Wednesday - 5 years ago

@Cargom34: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@RanmaEntero: fuck erick morillo - 5 years ago

@arthur_cashe: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@rwffmusic: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@tenebraelabel: RT @culturaelectro: Nuevo: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@DjWells_MixShow: RT @DjWells_MixShow: tributo ERICK MORILLO in The Lab - 5 years ago

@Hot_House_Hits: RT @DjWells_MixShow: tributo ERICK MORILLO in The Lab - 5 years ago

@RadioMixDj: RT @DjWells_MixShow: tributo ERICK MORILLO in The Lab - 5 years ago

@DjWells_MixShow: tributo ERICK MORILLO in The Lab - 5 years ago

@iamdanlevey: @EndlessJeopardy Who is Erick Morillo? - 5 years ago

@BenStillerTweet: Erick Morillo Dies: DJ Known For House Music Hit “I Like To Move It” Was 49 - Deadline - 5 years ago

@Proclama: La policía de Miami encontró sin vida a Erick Morillo, el autor de la mítica canción. De origen colombiano había na… - 5 years ago

@FabioPiresFerr3: MOOD90: Erick Morillo, monstro ou mito? - 5 years ago

@MarbsRadiotw: Erick Morillo’s funeral to be livestreamed ON YOUTUBE (9/9) - 5 years ago

@melihs11: @SweetcornMares @realAdamBeyer @IdaEngberg Not a tribute, but Adam liked Jamie Jones' "tribute" to Morillo on Insta… - 5 years ago

@johnlondoo4: Muere el DJ Erick Morillo, famoso creador de 'I like to move it', a los 49 años... La policía de Miami ha anunciad… - 5 years ago

@djdove33: - 5 years ago

@redimpulse009: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@djdove33: Just uploaded "DJ Dove Mastermix Sessions Podcast #80 The Tribute to Erick Morillo on ..." to @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@dancingastro: Erick Morillo's family has announced that a funeral service will be streamed this Wednesday - 5 years ago

@MsRobinHosking: RT @mikebarnard: Erick Morillo is the tip of the iceberg by Annabel Ross - 5 years ago

@dazzzle666: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@AlejMarin56: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@SinMorera: ‘Erick Morillo & Deborah Cooper - I Get Lifted ( Sin Morera Tribute Radio Edit )’ on #SoundCloud #np - 5 years ago

@weraveyou: “[Erick] was always appreciative of the support he received from his fans and because of that we have made the deci… - 5 years ago

@TheRCWRShow: @DonTonyD I'm working on mine as we speak. I like it my friend. Keep it. If anything...I'm adding him in my thumbna… - 5 years ago

@ZONA69radio: El funeral de Erick Morillo se retransmitirá en redes sociales. - 5 years ago

@lillyflower0607: Family of Erick Morillo to Livestream Late DJ's Funeral Service - 5 years ago

@i_Leeah: RT @i_Leeah: - 5 years ago

@AliceDisco: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@VictoriaCob2: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@shemusicint: RT @PsySisters: In the wake of DJ Erick Morillo’s death, women in the music industry are calling for more to be done about sexual abuse and… - 5 years ago

@i_Leeah: - 5 years ago

@djruff: Erick Morillo’s Funeral - 5 years ago

@aalinkaa: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@aalinkaa: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@kulalove2: Erick Morillo’s funeral to be livestreamed on social media - 5 years ago

@neonxtechno: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@s_w_s_l: 'His friends all knew what he was like': @annabel_ross on the (male) tributes to Erick Morillo effectively excusing… - 5 years ago

@gillactico: RT @annabel_ross: Apparently the piece is behind a paywall on Medium now so here's a link to see the story and bypass the paywall - 5 years ago

@thomas_stalawa: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Lu1s4nd: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@culturaelectro: Nuevo: El fuerte mensaje de Mr.C sobre Erick Morillo #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@EDMLabOfficial: #NightVibe | Erick Morillo - Believe (Ministers Vocal Mix) #erickmorillo #tribute [Selected by Flavio #THEPUSHER]… - 5 years ago

@LuisanaMarc07: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@donnychristian6: Favorited "Will Burns Ibiza Hot Mix 5.9.20 (Erick Morillo Subliminal Tribute Mix)" - 5 years ago

@fantasysite: Family of Erick Morillo to Livestream Late DJ's Funeral Service "Although this is a very sensitive time for us all… - 5 years ago

@amssg_: Erick Morillo’s Funeral Is Being Live Streamed & That Is Not OK: Here’s Why [OPINION] - 5 years ago

@kiddo_54: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@blamsamran: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@EMPOTV: #EMPONEWS La familia del recientemente DJ fallecido, Erick Morillo, planea transmitir su funeral en vivo este 11 de… - 5 years ago

@daveyruthers: RT @0907rocha: EXPOSED!!! Fraud DJ Kristen Knight is the Erick Morillo accuser. Miami Florida FL. This convicted criminal Kristen Knight (r… - 5 years ago

@ArmoniaLise: @BugBugDoodlez Not to mention Smokey Gaines, Bruce Williamson, Boris Klyuyev, Erick Morillo, Sue Nichols and Irving… - 5 years ago

@alceve13: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@AcidAunt: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Norma_D12: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@dubscobarmusic: #dancingastronaut #EDM #EDMFamily #PLUR #ElectroHouse #Plurnation #EDMLove Erick Morillo’s funeral to be livestream… - 5 years ago

@CinemaNDN: Family of Erick Morillo to Livestream Late DJ's Funeral Service - 5 years ago

@mattlearmouth: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ilya_szkwarok: Same fella who was fawning over Erick Morillo. No surprises here. - 5 years ago

@GeniusC20: HOY ES LUNES!! Me sorprendió la cantidad de reproducciónes de el programa en vivo tributo a Erick Morillo,¡Gracias… - 5 years ago

@Medina__Arlene: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@_mscakes: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@TheEDMNetwork: .@ErickMorillo's family has announced plans to live-stream his funeral. - 5 years ago

@trichomeinc: Erick Morillo’s funeral to be livestreamed on social media - 5 years ago

@004nino: RIP 20 987) #DJ #Erick #Morillo 49 #found #dead #September 1, 2020 #in #Miami #Beach #days #before #hearing… - 5 years ago

@gtechr: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraTajes: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@FernandoLenMor1: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@DJMickey_D: RT @annabel_ross: Apparently the piece is behind a paywall on Medium now so here's a link to see the story and bypass the paywall - 5 years ago

@bluefoxrd: Erick Morillo’s Funeral Is Being Live Streamed & That Is Not OK: Here’s Why [OPINION] - 5 years ago

@annabel_ross: Apparently the piece is behind a paywall on Medium now so here's a link to see the story and bypass the paywall… - 5 years ago

@JeSuisMrX: Murio Erick Morillo, es un tibio si no entra al cielo con esto - 5 years ago

@spark_radio_net: RT @RickyTenaglia: Erick Morillo #Tribute mix by Ricky Tenaglia 1h 30min of best of the best!!! #erickmorillo #rip… - 5 years ago

@RickyTenaglia: Erick Morillo #Tribute mix by Ricky Tenaglia 1h 30min of best of the best!!! #erickmorillo… - 5 years ago

@cavalry777: [SERENA-1: Passenger Pigeon Day, Suicide Prevention Month, Hunger Action Month | Loss of DJ Erick Morillo (49, caus… - 5 years ago

@MonicRomero1: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@RosaEspinoz1: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@JcKeva: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@Davo_Alee: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@Auxils: RT @culturaelectro: Muere Erick Morillo a los 49 años #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@culturaelectro: Muere Erick Morillo a los 49 años #culturaelectronica #musicaelectronica - 5 years ago

@trichomeinc: Erick Morillo’s Funeral Is Being Live Streamed & That Is Not OK: Here’s Why [OPINION] - 5 years ago

@SomethingAbbey: RT @theTiser: DJ and ‘I Like to Move It’ hitmaker Erick Morillo has died days before he was due in court to face sexual battery charges. ht… - 5 years ago

@Gloria_F21: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@Alicia_Lopez199: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@NastiencaO: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@GuillermoBele11: RT @DIGESETT: #Precaución| Postes del tendido eléctrico caído en la avenida de Los Proceres, entre las calles Euclides Morillo y Erick Leon… - 5 years ago

@AcceleratedF: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@marcoszambrano0: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@Alan_Scorpio: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@ivantorres4_: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@CastIsa562: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@DianaSanchez993: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@percypretty: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@Cagqw: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@cesarjoseps07: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@edivino_: Não tinha falado nada até agora mas: foda-se o Erick Morillo. Cara era ruim. - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: "Les funérailles d'Erick Morillo seront retransmises en direct avec une collecte de fonds le 9 septembre" Il y a qu… - 5 years ago

@Luisana_2021: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@PerezRafael33: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@AndreGarcia212: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@rosa_z15: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@lalbercar: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@jesssamess: RT @aerielist: Big ups @annabel_ross - 5 years ago

@victore97943972: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@BethanyAldred: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@IsabelN_12: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@CarlosTivan: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@ferrodri21: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@AndreaM497: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@NathyViviana: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@djadapt: RIP Erick Morillo....a true legend... Viva Ibiza - 5 years ago

@MaraLpeZ2402: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@Mariajs_Diazz: RT @elcomerciocom: El famoso DJ Erick Morillo fue hallado sin vida en EE.UU. Un misterio rodea al suceso » - 5 years ago

@FayeLFraser: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@tonyzeoli: So, some people are using the word "rapist" to describe Erick Morillo. I wasn't sure if that was accurate, but In F… - 5 years ago

@BleachingAgent: Blimey, talk about stream of (lack of social & moral) consciousness - 5 years ago

@EddieHenryJames: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@daytimers_uk: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@iamsherelle: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@DJRicardoNYC: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@ZabMustefa: Heyyy techno bros! I'd like to ask where all the men are who defended big name female DJs like Amelie Lens/Nina K,… - 5 years ago

@71SMALLMOMENTS: Just favorited "D.E.P. Erick Morillo 26/03/71 - 1/09/20" by EspiralTrance on Mixcloud - 5 years ago

@RajiRags: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@StarRadio_FM: Just loved "Marky Boi - Muzikcitymix Radio Mix Vol.458 (Erick Morillo Tribu..." by Muzikcitymix Official Radio on… - 5 years ago

@mikebarnard: Erick Morillo is the tip of the iceberg by Annabel Ross - 5 years ago

@gabeiskwl: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@FelixDaFunk: RT @SpacedFlair: Erick Morillo was falsely accused by Kristen Knight, Roger Sanchez bitch, fuckin idiots karma gonna get y’all NASTY - 5 years ago

@CameronnMusic: RT @scousesouvlaki: Erick Morillo isn’t a legend. Let’s get it straight. - 5 years ago

@alternaaaa: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@musicon_dance: RT @edmredsocial: Erick Morillo era considerado toda una leyenda del house cuyas canciones formarán parte para siempre de la historia de la… - 5 years ago

@BhamjiMariam: Kate Middleton & Prince William Partied With Late DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@kanekos69: RT @kanekos69: Erick Morillo: Πέθανε ο Dj του "I Like to Move It", λίγο μετά τις κατηγορίες για σεξουαλική κακοποίηση Σεξισμός - Φεμιχαζε… - 5 years ago

@TopMusicMovies: I Like To Move It Hitmaker Erick Morillo Dies Aged 49 - - 5 years ago

@AllegedWitches: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@weadz: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ZachHollows: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@phildudman: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@mitaminelab: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@MintRoyale: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@lewisbutchart27: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ManuelManueldv: Una escuela viviente para mi en los inicios de mi carrera. - 5 years ago

@LiamCross__: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@coombes3011: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@dj_toph_: RT @benwestbeech: - 5 years ago

@MorganPopNewsCo: RT @40GlobalShow: 🖤Una semana triste para la música. Despedíamos a Erick Morillo a los 49 años. Integrante de Reel2Real y de Himnos como "I… - 5 years ago

@tonymasud: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@MP5_mixradio: Alexandra Burke feat. Erick Morillo - Elephant (Erick Morillo, Harry Romero & Jose Nunez Remix) - 5 years ago

@LuisMa801: RT @ElectroMusic107: Lamentamos la muerte del apasionado Erick Morillo... Un DJ en MAYUSCULAS. - 5 years ago

@Nakedigweed: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@LuisOrtegaFML: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@MichelleBeeyeah: Tip of the iceberg - 5 years ago

@lenakins_: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@kameronmcintyre: erick morillo’s death is upsetting, yes. his sexual assault and rape of a woman last year is distressing. the idea… - 5 years ago

@mitaminelab: RT @aerielist: Big ups @annabel_ross - 5 years ago

@kameronmcintyre: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Sinfuljames: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@chuckpee: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@some_arhum: 5 days out & some cats in the music industry still haven’t issued apologies for the insensitivity of their “RIP Eri… - 5 years ago

@SugurShane: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@TigerAJRay: RT @SoulBounce: #RWND: RIP @ErickMorillo (1971-2020) 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@SoulBounce: #RWND: RIP @ErickMorillo (1971-2020) 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@djcameron: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@UnexpectedTrips: Erick Morillo’s Funeral to be Livestreamed on September 9 - EDMTunes - 5 years ago

@j37h3r: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@melihs11: It’s absolutely sickening seeing all these DJ’s paying their respect to Erick Morillo. The same man that has been s… - 5 years ago

@itschiddy: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@sixty8eyes: @ItalAudio @markclayts @annabel_ross Erick Morillo was set up, there is no manhood in talking negatively against a… - 5 years ago

@alicekm_: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@RaveJelly: EDM Reacts To Sudden Death Of DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@djriddler: Dance Mix NYC Club Classics Episode 24 Erick Morillo Tribute Set - 5 years ago

@AngieXposed: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Kacy10000: RT @theTiser: DJ and ‘I Like to Move It’ hitmaker Erick Morillo has died days before he was due in court to face sexual battery charges. ht… - 5 years ago

@soulmafiawatts: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@alwaystireddd__: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Leeuhm_: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@eclectichippy: RT @aerielist: Big ups @annabel_ross - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @TrueQanuck11: 2199) 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@aerielist: Big ups @annabel_ross - 5 years ago

@calagamt: Cualquier dj que apoye/defienda a Erick Morillo no merece ni mierda y debería ser cancelado asap - 5 years ago

@MikeSimonetti: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@minimalsounds: Erick Morillo’s Funeral to be Livestreamed on September 9, - 5 years ago

@ElectrodromeFM: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@JoseMaybeCuervo: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@driskll: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@RandyBettisDJ: many things about this article is shocking. He was an amazing dj and producer. Sad, sad, sad! Erick Mor… - 5 years ago

@ARPdidTHAT: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@aubratidwell: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Naturday_: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@dawneb007: RT @gmanZeN: Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it' DJ dead at 49 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@pauleps4U: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@laindiaofficial: Happy Sunday!!!my friends...💪🏽🙌🏾🙏🏾💋hope all is good...deseándole mucha justicia a mi gran amigo DJ Erick.Morillo qu… - 5 years ago

@Info_Ver: EL DJ ERICK MORILLO ES HALLADO MUERTO: Consagrado por la canción ’I Like to Move It’ - 5 years ago

@iamhungrrr: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Wgolfeinfluenc1: Encuentran muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@mbootyspoon: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@DuffaBoiii: Erick Morillo’s Funeral to be Livestreamed on September 9 - 5 years ago

@mixedbylana: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@jademgaines: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Third_Son_Music: - 5 years ago

@Nuno_SEA: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@Serge_212: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@stephmnm: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@DJChoozey: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@sankywashere: Erick Morillo was such a great guy and talent he will be truly missed. Every time a gurning bro hurls out "I like t… - 5 years ago

@abjorob: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@lifeisbutadreme: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@corkerinmajorca: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@aikamannnn3: RT @iflyertv: 過去の人気記事: 女性への性暴行罪で逮捕・起訴されていたハウス界のレジェンド Erick Morillo(エリック・モリロ)、マイアミの自宅で死亡 #iFLYER #housemusic - 5 years ago

@DJInsomnia: Here we go, next Thursday we’re making it happen. Live on Twitch, @djambition and I will be spinning our favorite t… - 5 years ago

@AzanzaMaria: RT @Eye_Teeth: Erick Morillo is the tip of the iceberg by Annabel Ross - 5 years ago

@djavicubal: Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick feat Shawnee Taylor Live Your Life DJ... - 5 years ago

@SoMusicClub: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@DeeJayBRS: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@ArtTcartist: @TMZ @TMZ any news about Erick Morillo?! - 5 years ago

@djShmeeJay: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@cathryn_biker: Erick Morillo Dead: “I Like To Move It” Musician Was 49 – Deadline - 5 years ago

@R2REna: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@aryu_jassika: The idea of somebody’s life being over and you must only celebrate their good bits is fucking bullshit. Erick moril… - 5 years ago

@vivinotuiter: Finalmente um texto q coloca a mulher antes do estuprador. - 5 years ago

@sixty8eyes: @ehgillett allegations with no official verdict or any real knowledge of details can never cross out decades of con… - 5 years ago

@WKDfm: [ WKDfm: Alexandra Burke ft. Erick Morillo - Elephant Live, Legal and Loud - Internet Radio ] - 5 years ago

@ArtemisCJD: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@theguccisnake: RT @DJDaveTreacy: Thank you Erick!!! This album inspired me Subliminal Sessions One - Mixed by Erick Morillo 2001 - 5 years ago

@JessVJessV: THANK YOU! - 5 years ago

@JennyValentish: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@den_yoni: RT @annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how reactions t… - 5 years ago

@AllenAyala11: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@annabel_ross: I was pretty worked up tonight and when I started writing this piece it just poured out of me. It's about how react… - 5 years ago

@MzNiaWilliams: RT @TheSource: DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead In Miami Residence #TheSource DJErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@CraigBorland_: RT @TheSource: DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead In Miami Residence #TheSource DJErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@TheSource: DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead In Miami Residence #TheSource DJErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@Ernie_Frequency: Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@koyanoshimpei: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@lerch310: So just found out that Kristen Knight, who is dating Roger Sanchez, is the girl who accused Erick Morillo of rape. Yeah, I dunno chief... - 5 years ago

@heberko: RT @twda__: Hola amigos, Por favor no se pierdan esto. Después me dicen si no los saco a bailar 🤭🔥🔥🔥💣💣💣💣 - 5 years ago

@ElRancio100_XD: He usado Shazam para descubrir Where Are You Now (Demo Mix), de DJ DLG Vs. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@armandoclavijo1: @laxmasmusica Mi querida @dirtydahiana #PandoraBox @laxmasmusica el Homenaje a Erick Morillo con la cancion de Reel… - 5 years ago

@TheDoIIars: Tonight's set is more of a celebration mix of the life of DJ Erick Morillo, who passed away earlier this month. The… - 5 years ago

@32Hed: のりおくれたー笑 MISIAのあの夏のままで-Erick Morillo Remix(Radio mix) #ツーリングに合う曲 - 5 years ago

@MP5_mixradio: Alexandra Burke feat. Erick Morillo - Elephant (Erick Morillo, Harry Romero & Jose Nunez Remix) - 5 years ago

@trufas96: RT @aer0z: Terminamos con la Parte 1 de la Sessio : Erick Morillo Tribute Nos dirigimos a la segunda fase.Una fase que va a ser contundent… - 5 years ago

@DJDaveTreacy: Thank you Erick!!! This album inspired me Subliminal Sessions One - Mixed by Erick Morillo 2001… - 5 years ago

@MrGiantZ: RT @aer0z: Terminamos con la Parte 1 de la Sessio : Erick Morillo Tribute Nos dirigimos a la segunda fase.Una fase que va a ser contundent… - 5 years ago

@mariadematuja: RT @aer0z: Terminamos con la Parte 1 de la Sessio : Erick Morillo Tribute Nos dirigimos a la segunda fase.Una fase que va a ser contundent… - 5 years ago

@Aenarion3: RT @aer0z: Terminamos con la Parte 1 de la Sessio : Erick Morillo Tribute Nos dirigimos a la segunda fase.Una fase que va a ser contundent… - 5 years ago

@goblaNz: RT @aer0z: Terminamos con la Parte 1 de la Sessio : Erick Morillo Tribute Nos dirigimos a la segunda fase.Una fase que va a ser contundent… - 5 years ago

@pastandpresent1: @dannyhowarddj @Disciples @dennisferrer @BBCR1 @BBCSounds So absolutely nobody even mentioned Erick Morillo? Not yo… - 5 years ago

@buddhabutterfly: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@_manimal_23: @LibertarianRea3 @grooovybee Erick Morillo doesn’t make anything anymore. But the last thing he did make was headlines for rape 😬 - 5 years ago

@kimtopherrobin: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@Daleicious: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@HWalker_Brown: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Erick Morillo obituary. House music DJ and record producer who wrote the international hit I Like to Move It - 5 years ago

@ReymoonX1: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte de erick morillo y estoy flipando en colores, muchos no lo conocereis pero era un pedazo de artista - 5 years ago

@AnnieApple1365: RT @BrettleyVibez: It seems that Erick Morillo raped Roger Sanchez’s girlfriend (She’s a DJ) and all these DJ’s were posting about what a l… - 5 years ago

@JoceMartinex: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@demolecularized: @PauletteParis1 @Kayface77 @BrunTheBear @NoBS_Parenting @MikeMcC5680 @alliesavvy @Gerhard_kreuz @Reelhousewife1… - 5 years ago

@Joan_Paulino160: @KeyrinisL @elquetemato @ulerio09 A ver, el Dj en cuestión tiene un nombre. Si tanto dices que respetas a los demás… - 5 years ago

@Clownie: At the brewery and Reel 2 Reel - I Like To Move It is playing. 😞 RIP Erick Morillo. 90’s Legend - 5 years ago

@zzaum: "Uma música, como dizem, é uma entidade própria, que se desprende de seu criador quando é colocada no mundo." - 5 years ago

@etronicpodcast: O DJ Erick Morillo morreu nesta terça-feira (1), em Miami, nos EUA. O IMPACTO RÁDIO SHOW em homenagem, traz para as… - 5 years ago

@CreateStudioTW: Erick Morillo 驚傳在邁阿密的家中猝死 - 5 years ago

@MarceOjedaEdm: RT @PAULVANDYK: Saddened to hear about the passing of Erick Morillo. Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@vitinlodijo: - 5 years ago

@A_SANCHEZL: RT @CaracolTV: #CulturaCaracol #Música | La policía estadounidense confirmó la muerte del productor musical de 49 años en su residencia e… - 5 years ago

@PHINewsNet1: RT @rapplerdotcom: Morillo's passing comes just days before he was due in court for a sexual battery charge. - 5 years ago

@CaracolTV: #CulturaCaracol #Música | La policía estadounidense confirmó la muerte del productor musical de 49 años en su res… - 5 years ago

@ekitaimuhi: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DJSKRIBBLE: Live Your Life (Street Slang Reboot) - Erick Morillo, Eddie Thoneick by Street Slang on #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@FlaMoPant: #erickmorillo #rip Erick Morillo - Life goes on (Richard F remix) - 5 years ago

@AlbertGomezDJ: Avui de 20.00 a 23.00h a FEEL THE MUSIC, homenatge a Erick Morillo i la sessió d'Abel Almena! Esplugues FM 📻 99.7… - 5 years ago

@lbsi0561_lisa: Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it' DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@t7_linda: RT @MsRobinHosking: So someone kindly picked up my 30+ collection of Erick Morillo 12’s and has put some money into rape charities. I’m now… - 5 years ago

@MsRobinHosking: So someone kindly picked up my 30+ collection of Erick Morillo 12’s and has put some money into rape charities. I’m… - 5 years ago

@wulliedj: Listening to "Marky Boi - Muzikcitymix Radio Mix Vol.458 (Erick Morillo Trib..." - 5 years ago

@JNC_1982: RT @accessonline: A club promoter detailed a memorable night out in Ibiza with Prince William and Kate Middleton - 5 years ago

@MIXMANSTUDIO: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@MIXMANSTUDIO: RT @bbcmundo: Erick Morillo alcanzó éxito internacional a mediados de la década del 90. - 5 years ago

@MIXMANSTUDIO: RT @luislopezwdm: Muere el gran Erick Morillo a la edad de 49 años. Uno de los Djs más importantes en mi vida, auténtico maestro en cabina.… - 5 years ago

@ZONA69radio: El mundo de la música electrónica se ha despedido de Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@BartolottaNews: Erick Morillo & Harry Romero feat. Shawnee Taylor - Devotion (Official V... - 5 years ago

@jastmon9: #Escucha #Musica Subliminal Miami 2020 (Mixed by Erick Morillo) Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@vargas1927_: LIVE - Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ollyg28: Listening to this in memory of the don #Erick Morillo!! R.I.P!!! Sorry @djjosenunez and @HarryRomero_ - 5 years ago

@5esame: RT @SpacedMo: Erick Morillo was falsely accused by Kristen Knight, Roger Sanchez bitch, fuckin idiots karma gonna get y’all NASTY - 5 years ago

@MaguyBoivin: RT @daddysgroove: Intervista per @fanpage per ricordare un grande. ❤️ #erickmorillo #housemusic #napoliricordaunmito - 5 years ago

@zshaw6: RIP Erick Morillo, mad that I never got to see him live. - 5 years ago

@SUGIURUMN: 昨日の @InterFM897 "sensor" Erick morillo追悼スペシャル、ご拝聴ありがとうございました! Erick morillo、そしてSubliminal Recordsは自分の音楽人生において多大な影響と… - 5 years ago

@DrDraK4: Erick Morillo. Muere el DJ creador del éxito "I like to move it" - 5 years ago

@angheloOK: RT @majomontemayor: Uno de los temas inolvidables de Erick Morillo fue sin duda "I like to move it" 🙌 Aquí algunos datos sobre el 👇 https:… - 5 years ago

@pacruzalt: RT @majomontemayor: Uno de los temas inolvidables de Erick Morillo fue sin duda "I like to move it" 🙌 Aquí algunos datos sobre el 👇 https:… - 5 years ago

@netizenpost: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @accessonline: A club promoter detailed a memorable night out in Ibiza with Prince William and Kate Middleton - 5 years ago

@0907rocha: EXPOSED!!! Fraud DJ Kristen Knight is the Erick Morillo accuser. Miami Florida FL. This convicted criminal Kristen… - 5 years ago

@hidemmy0319: RT @DJ_YAMARIKI: 昨日はErick Morillo追悼スペシャル 聴いてくれてありがとう! subliminalはやはり良きクラシック感と攻めてるハウスがあり、今でも現場で使える曲ばかりでした! スギさんと近く勝手にsubliminal縛りのパーティーやる予定… - 5 years ago

@SUGIURUMN: RT @sensor897: 昨日の放送はこちらからご覧になれます! CHECK IT OUT!!🔥 Erick Morillo追悼企画 DJ YAMARIKIさんとSUGIURUMNさんがGuest出演 @DJ_YAMARIKI @SUGIURUMN @DJcar… - 5 years ago

@SUGIURUMN: RT @DJ_YAMARIKI: 昨日はErick Morillo追悼スペシャル 聴いてくれてありがとう! subliminalはやはり良きクラシック感と攻めてるハウスがあり、今でも現場で使える曲ばかりでした! スギさんと近く勝手にsubliminal縛りのパーティーやる予定… - 5 years ago

@brendens_stuff: Ok first we have Rick May dead, Little Richard dead, Chadwick Boseman dead, and Now Erick Morillo is dead?? Can thi… - 5 years ago

@justinhoffman: 1 / Douche bag 60 year old Vegas promoter/ DEA informant, just released the woman’s name that was raped by Erick Mo… - 5 years ago

@MaguyBoivin: RT @MaguyBoivin: @ErickMorillo († 49): spéculation sur la cause du décès - 5 years ago

@MaguyBoivin: @ErickMorillo († 49): spéculation sur la cause du décès - 5 years ago

@ArturoH54945366: RT @majomontemayor: Uno de los temas inolvidables de Erick Morillo fue sin duda "I like to move it" 🙌 Aquí algunos datos sobre el 👇 https:… - 5 years ago

@DJ_YAMARIKI: RT @sensor897: 昨日の放送はこちらからご覧になれます! CHECK IT OUT!!🔥 Erick Morillo追悼企画 DJ YAMARIKIさんとSUGIURUMNさんがGuest出演 @DJ_YAMARIKI @SUGIURUMN @DJcar… - 5 years ago

@GeniusC20: #djgeniusonlive Tributo a Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@sensor897: 昨日の放送はこちらからご覧になれます! CHECK IT OUT!!🔥 Erick Morillo追悼企画 DJ YAMARIKIさんとSUGIURUMNさんがGuest出演 @DJ_YAMARIKI… - 5 years ago

@twda__: Hola amigos, Por favor no se pierdan esto. Después me dicen si no los saco a bailar 🤭🔥🔥🔥💣💣💣💣 - 5 years ago

@gon_gon56: RT @CitaroCapacityL: RIP Erick Morillo, aka Real to Real - 5 years ago

@kikemldz: RT @Aletandra: Erick Morillo fue culpable de violación. Usted lo puede llorar, pero no puede negar el hecho de que VIOLÓ a una mujer. Punto. - 5 years ago

@nickdawg: literally all of facebook is pulling the "yOu'RE jUsT jEAlOUs eRiCK mORiLLo wAs mORe sUCceSsFUL oF a DJ tHaN yOU'll… - 5 years ago

@SilBarton: RT @pasantemossad: Anoche fue la #infectaduraGrooves más larga de la historia. 4 horitas non-stop, primero hits noventosos, después lentos… - 5 years ago

@christian_1488: Empezó el power en @RadioPlaneta969 con tributo a erick morillo!! Programado hasta las 2am!! - 5 years ago

@date_radio: Lamentamos la muerte del DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@MiguelA43048923: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@LiveMixPlay: [22:01] Erick Morillo, Eddie Thoneick - Live Your Life (2010) - 5 years ago

@ibizaradioone: #NowPlaying on @ibizaradioone In the Mix - Erick Morillo tribute - DJ Dove ... - 5 years ago

@accessonline: A club promoter detailed a memorable night out in Ibiza with Prince William and Kate Middleton - 5 years ago

@pepesheen: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@Legnadj2: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@CristopherDie12: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@Ashleigh4u: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@bryan_crdva: RT @BEATOFICIAL: 5 sets para recordar el legado que Erick Morillo dejó en la escena house mundial 🏡🎵 - 5 years ago

@rich03_: Re: Erick Morillo... Jamie Jones says it well here. Personally, I wasn't aware of the allegation or any previous st… - 5 years ago

@rockoswing: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house! 🎵 Sintoniza el especial a través de nuestra frecuencia: - 5 years ago

@Kathe_BDuque: RT @EnterateCali: Lamentablemente se confirma el fallecimiento del DJ y productor musical colombo-estadounidense, Erick Morillo. Según repo… - 5 years ago

@BillBobBurns: New show "Will Burns Ibiza Hot Mix 5.9.20 (Erick Morillo Subliminal Tribute Mix)" up now at - 5 years ago

@culturaelectro: Muere Erick Morillo a los 49 años #culturaelectronica #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@neilhayden747: @david_robson264 did we see Erick Morillo here? - 5 years ago

@eiajao: o erick morillo morreu omg vou ver o madagáscar - 5 years ago

@stillleonn: RT @SpacedMo: Erick Morillo was falsely accused by Kristen Knight, Roger Sanchez bitch, fuckin idiots karma gonna get y’all NASTY - 5 years ago

@leancarruccio: RT @SpacedMo: Erick Morillo was falsely accused by Kristen Knight, Roger Sanchez bitch, fuckin idiots karma gonna get y’all NASTY - 5 years ago

@billybarker0: Can I have all of Erick morillo’s money pls - 5 years ago

@Princess_lyne: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@fsefchovich: RT @BEATOFICIAL: 5 sets para recordar el legado que Erick Morillo dejó en la escena house mundial 🏡🎵 - 5 years ago

@DJ_HUGO_MACHADO: Just uploaded "DJ Hugo Machado - Erick Morillo Tribute..." to @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@SIKellyDJ: RIP 😢 @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@Hayzee90: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@MissHousexy: RIP @ErickMorillo your name will be cleared. EXPOSED!!! Fraud DJ Kristen Knight is the Erick Morillo accuser. Miam… - 5 years ago

@jxnnnb: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@jxnnnb: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@xompi_ras: RT @BEATOFICIAL: 5 sets para recordar el legado que Erick Morillo dejó en la escena house mundial 🏡🎵 - 5 years ago

@pcnaannabi: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: DE IMPACTO - Fuentes revelaron que se desconoce la causa de la muerte de DJ Erick Morillo 😭 (+detalles) ⏬ - 5 years ago

@Martin__Trillo: RT @SpacedMo: Kristen Knight killed Erick Morillo with her false accusations cause she was scared to tell her man Roger Sanchez she was che… - 5 years ago

@Martin__Trillo: RT @SpacedMo: Erick Morillo was falsely accused by Kristen Knight, Roger Sanchez bitch, fuckin idiots karma gonna get y’all NASTY - 5 years ago

@Thaiti_vibsol: - 5 years ago

@m2cabsy: Hey @DecPierce any chance of Erick Morillo RIP....Dancin' (I got the pills) Michael in Athlone back in the kitchen 🍽🎧🎛🎚#BlockRockingBeats - 5 years ago

@marcusanthony_2: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@BrettleyVibez: It seems that Erick Morillo raped Roger Sanchez’s girlfriend (She’s a DJ) and all these DJ’s were posting about wha… - 5 years ago

@NYMICHAELANGELO: Don’t believe the sheep take it from those that new him closest he was innocent! R.I.P. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@etronicpodcast: O DJ Erick Morillo morreu nesta terça-feira (1), em Miami, nos EUA. O IMPACTO RÁDIO SHOW em homenagem, traz para as… - 5 years ago

@archturya: RT @m4th3us777: @nnoriac - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@_cynthhiaa_: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@mandahillis: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@0skar_Out: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@jess_set: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@jmfriedman: Erick Morillo's Death Raises Complex Questions - 5 years ago

@TheMusicEss: Take a look at the reactions from the EDM community for the sudden death of house DJ/producer @erickmorillo. 😓😞… - 5 years ago

@JoshuaSpanier: Rest In Beats. Sad news. Many classic tunes, and dance floor moment. - 5 years ago

@StinkyPete818: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@xgoldvn: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@djluchony: All of my friends and family ... and the entire Music Industry please Share This. Tonight 8pm we all come together… - 5 years ago

@stnic: This was a good and timely read on the passing of Erick Morillo, shared art and music, the trauma and triggering of… - 5 years ago

@esabelleeden: RT @italianreckoner: Thank you @mrcsuperfreq for speaking out and adding much needed context to the conversation regarding Erick Morillo an… - 5 years ago

@pewdoodles: @jackbutcher I like to move it, move it. Ya like to move it! RIP DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@rosegallardo22: Hola gente bella, mañana en la 104.5 entre la programación de las 11 am a 15 pm van a estar recordando a Erick Morillo. De nada 😊 - 5 years ago

@jesspaulsen: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@JohnNoizz: RT @alexarauxo: ESSS HOOY!! ¿Ya me seguís en mi perfil de Mixcloud?? si no, te dejo el link en mi perfil Edición ESPECIAL rememorando track… - 5 years ago

@alexarauxo: ESSS HOOY!! ¿Ya me seguís en mi perfil de Mixcloud?? si no, te dejo el link en mi perfil Edición ESPECIAL rememoran… - 5 years ago

@fallyfalz: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@ElPoderoso_DIM: RT @kookaysgt: ÚLTIMA HORA ⚠️ Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su… - 5 years ago

@ElPoderoso_DIM: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@raidersofpop: Erick Morillo's true legacy. - 5 years ago

@_Cryptic_Fairy_: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @DJTimesMag: Glory & Tragedy: Erick Morillo, 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@femmeantics: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@Fusaonlineradio: Hoy Viernes a las 18:00 horas (H. Pacífico) las últimas mezclas de House por Erick Morillo con repetición el Sábado… - 5 years ago

@brett_joseph291: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@DJExpo_: RT @DJTimesMag: Glory & Tragedy: Erick Morillo, 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DJTimesMag: Glory & Tragedy: Erick Morillo, 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@wonderfourlife: RT @YofuiaEGB: Ha fallecido el DJ y productor Erick Morillo a los 49 años, fue el creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. - 5 years ago

@Sysoon: Erick Morillo (1971 - 2020), died at age 49 years - 5 years ago

@djvielledent: Es viernes y pues @ErickMorillo Space Ibiza: 1989 - 2016 Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@andrea_espin: @RadioPlaneta969 @KanarioAdolfo Kanarito lindo pones por favor "Jazz it Up" de Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Veruuuschka: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@MsRobinHosking: @huitg1987 Anything produced/remixed by Erick Morillo, not my entire collection! - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@TheSource: DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead In Miami Residence #TheSource DJErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@lozsellick: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@MsRobinHosking: I’m selling my collection of records including all the classics, remixed/produced by Erick Morillo. If you’re inter… - 5 years ago

@rushup_edge: RT @ra_japan: Subliminalの創設者Erick Morilloが死去 - 5 years ago

@meltingpot4u: ⚡ Newsflash music fans ⚡ House and Dance music legend #ErickMorillo sadly left us on Tuesday. You can read his obit… - 5 years ago

@ifeelradio: Πέθανε ο Erick Morillo, DJ του «I Like to Move It» - 5 years ago

@Gurnie_Sanders: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@RecordsStarred: Happy release day DJ Eako! Check the latest release after his coop with Erick Morillo! Hot new version of "Deeper… - 5 years ago

@_Kanlu: RT @domislivenews: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 h… - 5 years ago

@jessica_pomps: I missed that Erick Morillo died this week. It was 20 years ago this weekend that he dropped "Brazil over Zurich" i… - 5 years ago

@Michali06764024: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@melstrum333: DMC Magazine - Erick Morillo Interview - 5 years ago

@LVaddict618: Florida DJ Erick Morillo found dead less than month after rape charge - 5 years ago

@tim_brannigan: RT @guardian: Erick Morillo obituary - 5 years ago

@MartaVinci11: Morte Morillo: il fondatore degli Angels of Love ci racconta il suo amico Erick - 5 years ago

@CaptainKvetch_: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@Dystopia1981: People are dying like flies right now. RIP Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@Taz_jp: Partay Feeling - B Crew Ft. Barbara Tucker, Dajae, Ultra Nate, and Mone'... erick morillo関連でよーかけてたわ - 5 years ago

@DJChance: Erick Morillo 何があった!?まだ若すぎるし、偉大な才能の損失 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago


@guardianobits: Erick Morillo obituary. House music DJ and record producer who wrote the international hit I Like to Move It - 5 years ago

@sinorararadio: #ss897 erick morillo追悼がラジオで聴けてsubliminalレーベルのmixが聴けて本当に嬉しかったです。 ありがとうございました😊 Ibizaで泡に塗れて踊るのが夢でしたが本当に残念です。 - 5 years ago

@pubgakadesu: RT @DJ_YAMARIKI: 勝手ながら話させてもらいます! 2年前来た時は必ずまた呼びたいと思ってましたが、叶わなかった。断腸な思いです。 ⁦@SUGIURUMN⁩ さんと2人でsubliminalの音源を紹介します! 9/4(金)19時からは、Erick Moril… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@InnerCityEvents: VIBE of the week! 🔊 One of Erick Morillo’s finest classics (1971-2020) 💔 R.A.W - Asuca • #StrictlyRhythm… - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzman NOTI-AMERICA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA… - 5 years ago

@junglismastiff: @Ecnerwal__ @dubpistols Of course he was No one is arguing otherwise The original post was referencing Erick Morillo in I believe - 5 years ago

@sinorararadio: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzmán  NOTI-AMERICA REPÚBLICA DOMINICAN… - 5 years ago

@sinorararadio: #ss897 erick morillo追悼スペシャルと見かけて飛んで来ました❗️ 初めて聴いてます😭 写真は2001 年のMIXCDです。 - 5 years ago

@sarah_nedjai: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@shi_tantan: キッチンでFM聴きながら気分良くなる♪ 9/4(金)19時からは、Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@loveinkomugi: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@kepi321: @sensor897 今夜は Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 なんですね 曲ガヨスギー やばっーお家で だしんぐー(´V`)♪ メッセージテーマは 「音楽で泣いた事ありますか? 」 あるけど、踊ってまーす (´▽… - 5 years ago

@housetribe_tyo: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@markov_______: o erick morillo faleceu há dois dias e eu descubro hoje? wtf - 5 years ago

@haseagwa: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@R0BR0JAS: R.I.P. Erick Morillo a DJ Producer House Music LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 5 years ago

@LABAREDA_: Erick Morillo was a fucking creep. Not a legend. - 5 years ago

@LeonettiPierre4: RIP Mr Éric Morillo, you were one of the best deejays in the world Erick Morillo @ Via Notte (Porto-Vecchio, Corsic… - 5 years ago

@larissruiz: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@IAMNERDIShare: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzmán  NOTI-AMERICA REPÚBLICA DOMINICAN… - 5 years ago

@_DeeJayJones: Tribute to Erick Morillo (mixtape selected by DeeJay Jones) #housemusic #vocalhouse #rip #legend… - 5 years ago

@LeCahuzacDuNet: Erick Morillo AKA REAL TO REAL - I LIKE TO MOVE IT ( Mathieu Gilabert Remix ) Partagez les 100 - 5 years ago

@Cindy_lambrouil: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@tripeotechno: Thank you @6AMGroup for being the only media outlet I've seen so far that puts Erick Morillo's death in a proper co… - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzman NOTI-AMERICA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA… - 5 years ago

@RadDance: The best Disco hiphop reggaeton electro music np Elephant by Alexandra Burke Feat. Erick Morillo on… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@Remaille91: RT @handsupelectro: Célèbre pour son tube interplanétaire « I Like To Move It », le DJ Erick Morillo est décédé à l’âge de 49 ans... https:… - 5 years ago

@ENERGY888FM: RIP DJ Erick Morillo, wahimbye indirimbo yamamaye cyane yitwa “I Like to Move It” iri mu njyana ya Electronic Music… - 5 years ago

@TWTMEGP2: RT @businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Steve Lawler David Guetta Hot Since 82 Jackmaster - 5 years ago

@akira0463265874: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@DhrAlvi: RT @ClashRobin: Kinda disturbed by some of the tributes to Erick Morillo, someone who was accused of appalling crimes against women. https… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@nemma3110: RT @IGIHE: DJ Erick Morillo, wahimbye indirimbo yamamaye cyane yitwa “I Like to Move It” iri mu njyana ya Electronic Music Dance [EDM], yas… - 5 years ago

@IGIHE: DJ Erick Morillo, wahimbye indirimbo yamamaye cyane yitwa “I Like to Move It” iri mu njyana ya Electronic Music Dan… - 5 years ago

@henrryroc: Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it' DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@SUGIURUMN: RT @DJ_YAMARIKI: 勝手ながら話させてもらいます! 2年前来た時は必ずまた呼びたいと思ってましたが、叶わなかった。断腸な思いです。 ⁦@SUGIURUMN⁩ さんと2人でsubliminalの音源を紹介します! 9/4(金)19時からは、Erick Moril… - 5 years ago

@ScarlettFlirts: RT @RTonyi: Buon viaggio amico mioo❤️🎵🎶🎵 _____ Erick Morillo 🎧🎛️🎼🎼 - 5 years ago

@minervaoatenea: Mañas que tengo después de haber visto a la muerte muy cerca muchas veces. Jamás dejar de ir a una producción ching… - 5 years ago

@robermartin1968: Just loved "R.I.P. KING - ERICK MORILLO - live @ Space Miami 2007" by LEX GREEN on @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@RanchitoRecords: @codeinedrums Erick Morillo's music was mediocre at best. So was his DJing. The mainstream house scene particullary… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Erick Morillo   (March 26, 1971 – September 1, 2020) - 5 years ago

@emilyjmorin: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@sixstringthry: Erick Morillo (1971-2020) - 5 years ago

@hidemmy0319: RT @DJ_YAMARIKI: 勝手ながら話させてもらいます! 2年前来た時は必ずまた呼びたいと思ってましたが、叶わなかった。断腸な思いです。 ⁦@SUGIURUMN⁩ さんと2人でsubliminalの音源を紹介します! 9/4(金)19時からは、Erick Moril… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's conversatio… - 5 years ago

@mssdarling: RT @SoulBounce: READ THIS: RIP @ErickMorillo (1971-2020) 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@Linfore: Etats-Unis : décès d'Erick Morillo, le créateur du tube "I Like to Move It" - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@JPhilp_: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@GForceDrew: SOS 20 #GFDSOS20 #GForceDrewSOS #SoundsOfSummer2020 Real 2 Real Erick Morillo The Mad Stunt… - 5 years ago

@PhoenixNewsUK: DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@clarksansune: - 5 years ago

@PortlandOracle: @jonesyy111 Reckon they will re-name Erick Morillo Way in New York now? - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@FANTASTICRADIOO: ON AIR: Afro Medusa / We Entertain. Empower. Educate . Talk to us on 0208 090 2121 [email protected] - 5 years ago

@alexm0113: RT @6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's conversatio… - 5 years ago

@MaguyBoivin: RT @RITTERSabrina: #house Erick Morillo est décédé - 5 years ago

@lefthandsound: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@Ky_Sharpless: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzman NOTI-AMERICA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA… - 5 years ago

@sio4948: RT @SUGIURUMN: 今夜はァァァァァァァ! 19時から @InterFM897 に 大好きだったDJ、Erick Morilloの哀悼スペシャルに Yamarikiくんと出演します。 Subliminalの音源のみでDJ Mixもします。 レコード山盛り持っていきます… - 5 years ago

@ChiDrumCartel: RT @HarvardBass: Erick Morillo was hella lengendary. - 5 years ago

@balduinjauise: RT @JSuttaMX: So sorry to hear the dead of the legend @ErickMorillo. He was such a happy person and got the dance best in his veins, you ca… - 5 years ago

@djsveta: “allegations against Erick Morillo aren’t new and that he had a history of similar incidents dating all the way bac… - 5 years ago

@sio4948: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@DrewsView: Not going to play "Move It Move It" because Erick Morillo was more than that. Used to live on Gregory Ave in Weehaw… - 5 years ago

@TasteMyyPink_: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@cleybertj: RT @RConfidencial: Falleció el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” . - 5 years ago

@TasteMyyPink_: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@STiagoBS: Se fué el Legendario Cartagenero Erick Morillo - wtf!? DEP🙏🏼⚡️ - 5 years ago

@SUGIURUMN: RT @sensor897: 今夜のsensorは Erick Morillo哀悼スペシャル。 彼と所縁があったDJのYAMARIKI(@DJ_YAMARIKI )、SUGIURUMN(@SUGIURUMN)をゲストに迎え、Morilloが残した名曲を哀悼の意味を込めてDJ… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@InterFM897: RT @SUGIURUMN: 今夜はァァァァァァァ! 19時から @InterFM897 に 大好きだったDJ、Erick Morilloの哀悼スペシャルに Yamarikiくんと出演します。 Subliminalの音源のみでDJ Mixもします。 レコード山盛り持っていきます… - 5 years ago

@italiano705: RT @RTonyi: Buon viaggio amico mioo❤️🎵🎶🎵 _____ Erick Morillo 🎧🎛️🎼🎼 - 5 years ago

@lefthandsound: RT @SUGIURUMN: 今夜はァァァァァァァ! 19時から @InterFM897 に 大好きだったDJ、Erick Morilloの哀悼スペシャルに Yamarikiくんと出演します。 Subliminalの音源のみでDJ Mixもします。 レコード山盛り持っていきます… - 5 years ago

@GForceDrew: SOS 20 #GFDSOS20 #GForceDrewSOS #SoundsOfSummer2020 Real 2 Real Erick Morillo The Mad Stunt… - 5 years ago

@dianasdreaming: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@AticOsss: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Este viernes tenemos un ESPECIAL para celebrar la música y legado de ERICK MORILLO. 🎵 Sintoniza a través de nuestra frecue… - 5 years ago

@bunnyybounce: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@Chipsi50: Favorited "Mastermix 674 (Erick Morillo tribute) by Andrea Fiorino" - 5 years ago

@iam_andge: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@AlexXenji: Just loved "Subliminal Sessions 174" by Erick Morillo on @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@GinnyKoppenhol: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@fka_francesco: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzman NOTI-AMERICA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@im_keiki: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@wheresxwali: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@speshkai: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@LukeExton: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@AlbertGomezDJ: RT @AlbertGomezDJ: Aquest dissabte a FEEL THE MUSIC, homenatge a Erick Morillo! 🔊FEEL THE MUSIC a Esplugues FM. Dissabtes de 20.00 a 23.00… - 5 years ago

@annainuss: Sigo sin creer que Erick Morillo se suicidó para no ir a la cárcel por los cargos de violencia sexual que le imputaron 👀 - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzmán  NOTI-AMERICA REPÚBLICA DOMINICAN… - 5 years ago

@Piero1088: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Javit88: RT @la_patilla: El DJ Erick Morillo fue encontrado muerto dentro de su casa en Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Expresoec: El artista que estuvo en Quito tocando en el SAMC 2008, se hizo mundialmente conocido en 1993 gracias a la canción… - 5 years ago

@jessemichael187: RT @sabrinaleez: Erick Morillo is dead. He ain’t checking his instagram to see who posted a memorial for him. So if you actually were frien… - 5 years ago

@thehomieKG: RT @6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's conversatio… - 5 years ago

@kyberskeble: Ve věku 49 let zemřel DJ Erick Morillo, autor tanečního hitu I Like To Move It - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@contred: RT @Los40: #HoyEnLOS40 🎧 @xtina Aguilera suena en #Mulán 🎶 @AlejandroSanz da el salto a la gran pantalla 🎞 el mundo de la música se despid… - 5 years ago

@PHLNewsInsider: RT @rapplerdotcom: Morillo's passing comes just days before he was due in court for a sexual battery charge. - 5 years ago

@very_mine9: Erick Morillo: encuentran muerto al DJ que alcanzó el éxito mundial con su canción "I Like to Move It" - 5 years ago

@wibw: South Florida DJ and music producer Erick Morillo was found dead at his home Tuesday morning, weeks after being cha… - 5 years ago

@synthetikminds: RT @6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's conversatio… - 5 years ago

@worklapresents: RT @6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's conversatio… - 5 years ago

@italianreckoner: RT @6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's conversatio… - 5 years ago

@6AMGroup: The events surrounding Erick Morillo's death have brought an important subject to the forefront of our industry's c… - 5 years ago

@kanekos69: Erick Morillo: Πέθανε ο Dj του "I Like to Move It", λίγο μετά τις κατηγορίες για σεξουαλική κακοποίηση Σεξισμός - Φεμιχαζες= 1-1 - 5 years ago

@ninaoraloso: RT @RTonyi: Buon viaggio amico mioo❤️🎵🎶🎵 _____ Erick Morillo 🎧🎛️🎼🎼 - 5 years ago

@amogopogo: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@tag_yr_it: ‘R.I.P. KING - ERICK MORILLO - live @ Space Miami 2007’ on #SoundCloud #np - 5 years ago

@_rebeccamann: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@mokateT: RT @SoulBounce: RIP: @ErickMorillo (1971-2020) 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@SoulBounce: RIP: @ErickMorillo (1971-2020) 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@fabioditaranto: RT @RTonyi: Buon viaggio amico mioo❤️🎵🎶🎵 _____ Erick Morillo 🎧🎛️🎼🎼 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@SoulBounce: New Erick Morillo (1971-2020) - 5 years ago

@MiguelAngeltag: RT @abc_es: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, creador del tema «I Like to Move It», en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@_JessicaHeath: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@djsantero: I'm shocked at the amount of RIP tributes to Erick Morillo that don't even hint at the rape charge which quite poss… - 5 years ago

@andoni_urra: RT @edmredsocial: Erick Morillo era considerado toda una leyenda del house cuyas canciones formarán parte para siempre de la historia de la… - 5 years ago

@agusgcascales: En su día, hace muchos años, entrevisté a Erick Morillo, y cuando acaba de fallecer he querido hacer memoria. - 5 years ago

@Redm4nmusic: RT @curolribeiro: Leitura apenas para as pessoas evoluídas e abertas... - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@jackinfm: DJ and producer Erick Morillo has died - 5 years ago

@Fastbuck_: RT @JakeRyanDuh: Everyone’s sad about Erick Morillo’s death yet he was a rapist. He raped a friend of mine and was charged after he finally… - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: El dj y productor Erick Morillo, fallecido este martes en Miami Beach, mantuvo una relación especial con Ibiza desde l… - 5 years ago


@thomasmarinojr: RT @periodicovzlano: ► Muere el Dj Erick Morillo en “extrañas circunstancias” - 5 years ago

@amarilispulgar1: RT @periodicovzlano: ► Muere el Dj Erick Morillo en “extrañas circunstancias” - 5 years ago

@simon_caroselli: Los djs que despiden con amor a Erick Morillo no saben que se suicidó después de que le diera positivo el ADN en una causa por violación? - 5 years ago

@periodicovzlano: ► Muere el Dj Erick Morillo en “extrañas circunstancias” - 5 years ago

@RadioDistak: :: Erick Morillo, DJ do hit “I Like To Move It”, é encontrado morto em Miami :: Saiba mais: - 5 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@IMarioHenriqueI: O Dj Erick Morillo, conhecido internacionalmente na cena da música eletrônica, morreu nesta terça-feira (1º/9), em… - 5 years ago

@curolribeiro: Leitura apenas para as pessoas evoluídas e abertas... - 5 years ago

@CristynJenkins: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@klaudiatopa16: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@Mireya2190: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@Nicollegomezzz: Rip Erick Morillo , Se fue un grande 💔💔💔 - 5 years ago

@KarinaF56503087: RT @exatv: Falleció el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de la canción "I Like To Move It" canción icónica de la película Madagascar #exaRFRSH http… - 5 years ago

@businessteshno: RT @businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Steve Lawler David Guetta Hot Since 82 Jackmaster - 5 years ago

@MonchoRosales: RT @genteonline: MURIÓ ERICK MORILLO, el DJ colombiano creador de “I like to move it”, tema de “Madagascar” - 5 years ago

@djtomt1200: Throwback Thursday #TBT Jam Of The Day. RIP @ErickMorillo - the original Superstar DJ. PLAY IT LOUD!! Enjoy :-)… - 5 years ago

@natalikatewhite: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@gaboongi: RT @exatv: Falleció el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de la canción "I Like To Move It" canción icónica de la película Madagascar #exaRFRSH http… - 5 years ago

@Igor8819: BAIA QUE CHORPRECHA - 5 years ago

@rosaa_medrano: RT @exatv: Falleció el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de la canción "I Like To Move It" canción icónica de la película Madagascar #exaRFRSH http… - 5 years ago

@exatv: Falleció el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de la canción "I Like To Move It" canción icónica de la película Madagascar… - 5 years ago

@USAHOLA: Colombian-American DJ and record label owner, Erick Morillo, best known for ‘I Like to Move It’, dies in Miami at 49 - 5 years ago

@barbosaofficiaI: Sorry but Erick Morillo’s only legacy his him being a coward running from his punishment for being a rapist. No won… - 5 years ago

@Cappasecas: RT @edmredsocial: 🎧 Repasamos la carrera artística de Erick Morillo y las circunstancias que le atormentaron durante su trayectoria musica… - 5 years ago

@Karistocat: RT @ClashMagazine: The rush to praise Erick Morillo pushed female trauma to one side, and white-washed the crimes he was accused of. Delet… - 5 years ago

@dance_odorish: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@djtyggaty: RT @TheSource: DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead In Miami Residence #TheSource DJErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@AngellVampire: O DJ Erick Morillo, do êxito 'I Like to Move It', foi encontrado morto em Miami - 5 years ago

@AplexAplex: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@jamesdowbekin: To all the promoters, DJ agents, record labels and PR companies who knew all the allegations that had been made aga… - 5 years ago

@scottaffleck: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@DaMaki66: RT @europa_fm: 🔊 #PODCAST Ya puedes disfrutar el programa especial tributo a Erick Morillo en Insomnia Radioshow (@InsomniaEuropa) con @wal… - 5 years ago

@businessteshno: RT @businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Steve Lawler David Guetta Hot Since 82 Jackmaster - 5 years ago

@jon_macleod: What's happened with Erick Morillo should serve as a warning to all DJ's, you can be at the top of your game for ye… - 5 years ago

@mg24noticias: RT @elcomerciocom: El DJ Erick Morillo, creador de I like to move it y utilizada en 'Madagascar', fue hallado sin vida en su domicilio » ht… - 5 years ago

@googlyeyecat: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@cuore: Laura Matamoros: adiós, Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@amazinggaijin: RT @businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Steve Lawler David Guetta Hot Since 82 Jackmaster - 5 years ago

@Boisey31: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@maytitalozano: RT @europa_fm: 🔊 #PODCAST Ya puedes disfrutar el programa especial tributo a Erick Morillo en Insomnia Radioshow (@InsomniaEuropa) con @wal… - 5 years ago

@eunaosoeu: dj desconstruidão que ta ai lamentando a morte do erick morillo pode ir junto com ele já, vai passa pano pra estuprador na casa do caralho - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@nadhadcadd: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@RicardoDirrty: RT @Los40: #HoyEnLOS40 🎧 @xtina Aguilera suena en #Mulán 🎶 @AlejandroSanz da el salto a la gran pantalla 🎞 el mundo de la música se despid… - 5 years ago

@businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Steve Lawler David Guetta Hot Since 82 Jackmaster - 5 years ago

@patridunk: Erick Morillo - Long Train Running (Live) - 5 years ago

@ibizasandy: “Erick Morillo was an actual rapist” Matt Hancock: “He also made a lot of good music” - 5 years ago

@MonteOzAfrica: “I Like to Move It” DJ, Erick Morillo dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Shangaycom: Recordamos una entrevista exclusiva que concedió a Shangay el popular productor y DJ de house #ErickMorillo, recien… - 5 years ago

@FilipPatek1: W wieku 49 lat zmarł DJ Erick Morillo, autor hitu „I like to move it”. - 5 years ago

@sensor897: Now On Air!! Reel 2 Real「I Like to Move It」 R.I.P. Erick Morillo... - 5 years ago

@Aurelie_ml79: RT @BFMTV_People: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@UCAPMCR: Erick Morillo, who helped popularize house music and EDM, dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@chantelleayann2: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@ArtRojasWS6: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@djal110: Avez-vous écouté "Dj Al1 Tribute To ERICK MORILLO 2k20 Vol 2" de DJ AL1 sur #SoundCloud ? #np - 5 years ago

@djal110: Avez-vous écouté "Dj Al1 Tribute To ERICK MORILLO 2k20 Vol 1" de DJ AL1 sur #SoundCloud ? #np - 5 years ago

@dejilex: RT @GuardianNigeria: Erick Morillo, the DJ known for the nineties hit song “I Like To Move It”, was found dead Tuesday in Miami Beach. htt… - 5 years ago

@PinkyDonaldson: RT @blackvoices: The DJ turned himself in to police last month to face a charge of sexual battery. - 5 years ago

@dj_al1: Avez-vous écouté "Dj Al1 Tribute To ERICK MORILLO 2k20 Vol 2" de DJ AL1 sur #SoundCloud ? #np - 5 years ago

@dj_al1: Avez-vous écouté "Dj Al1 Tribute To ERICK MORILLO 2k20 Vol 1" de DJ AL1 sur #SoundCloud ? #np - 5 years ago

@HugoNaudin: RT @LisePressac: Le DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube "I Like to Move It", retrouvé mort chez lui en Floride - 5 years ago

@Alternator101: Rest in peace DJ Erick Morillo, the king of Underground Housemusic! - 5 years ago

@GovaStiletogr: DJ 49 Erick Morillo I Like to Move It Move It - 5 years ago

@dj_al1: - 5 years ago

@sergionuno0007: - 5 years ago

@mamajeweldollaz: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@dj_al1: - 5 years ago

@the_memorypage: Erick Morillo Dies, I Like to Move It DJ Was 49 - 5 years ago

@2000dreams2000: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@jemail97: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@StN_News: DJ stirbt mit 49 Jahren: „I Like To Move It“ machte Erick Morillo zum Star - 5 years ago

@Matino667: @RagnarBelial @petrasovdat @KatarinaDbr @KatarinaJenko Po moje DJ Erick Morillo. Sem pa prvič slišal zanj, ko ga ni bilo več med nami. - 5 years ago

@jimmyjimenezm: #RT @ELTIEMPO: 'I like to move it' se escuchó en todo el mundo y tuvo un nuevo aire gracias a las películas de 'Mad… - 5 years ago

@pendersue: RT @andrewdonohue: RIP Erick Morillo ... So So Sad and Such a Loss to Dance Music ... His Music was a Massive Help at a Very Difficult time… - 5 years ago

@leonoticias_: CULTURA Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@jackisacoward: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@TMSVmusic: RT @mgoldenbarnes: The death of Erick Morillo is horrible... Horrible for his friends and family. Horrible for the women who will get no ju… - 5 years ago

@ElodieVitalis: Le premier qui pleure la mort d’Erick Morillo dans ma TL il dégage DIRECT ! 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️ Il a beau être un gros… - 5 years ago

@RadDance: The best Disco hiphop reggaeton electro music np Elephant by Alexandra Burke Feat. Erick Morillo on… - 5 years ago

@stylingwithami1: Erick Morillo Of 'I Like To Move It' Fame Dies At 49 | HuffPost - 5 years ago

@_ILK94: RT @Tele7: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du titre "I like to move it", est mort à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@vica20208: @dannyhowarddj Еб.ть Erick Morillo R.I.P 😥 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Tele7: RT @Tele7: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du titre "I like to move it", est mort à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@godOfNigeria: RT @GuardianLifeNG: Erick Morillo, the DJ known for the nineties hit song “I Like To Move It”, was found dead Tuesday in Miami Beach. He wa… - 5 years ago

@Pradecosmetics: - 5 years ago

@FriendsKeto: RT @mohamad74909938: Keto diet EBook Free Giveaway.Take action to change your life 🌍❤️ EBOOK FROM HERE👇: . #diet… - 5 years ago

@AllRoundNewsNG: GuardianNigeria: Erick Morillo, the DJ known for the nineties hit song “I Like To Move It”, was found dead Tuesday… - 5 years ago

@darla8757: - 5 years ago

@pfs_news: DJ Erick Morillo of 'I Like to Move It' fame found dead after harassment claims - PasteFS - 5 years ago

@la_patilla: El DJ Erick Morillo fue encontrado muerto dentro de su casa en Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@micheleboretti: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@AlejandroBlaz5: RT @el_pais: La policía investiga las causas de la muerte del DJ Erick Morillo, de 49 años, consagrado internacionalmente por la canción ’I… - 5 years ago

@NativeUltra: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@theo_masson3: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube « I Like to Move It », est décédé - 5 years ago

@Estefano_lopes: Morreu no dia 1 de setembro o DJ Erick Morillo, ele tinha 49 anos. Há suspeita de suicídio. Pouco antes de sua mort… - 5 years ago

@beautiifulplace: RT @Los40: #HoyEnLOS40 🎧 @xtina Aguilera suena en #Mulán 🎶 @AlejandroSanz da el salto a la gran pantalla 🎞 el mundo de la música se despid… - 5 years ago

@BellAndrew96: Erick Morillo Another one bites the dust Rapist bastard - 5 years ago

@voyalrincon: RT @ELTIEMPO: 'I like to move it' se escuchó en todo el mundo y tuvo un nuevo aire gracias a las películas de 'Madagascar' ¿Se acuerda de e… - 5 years ago

@David_Trompo: RT @el_pais: La policía investiga las causas de la muerte del DJ Erick Morillo, de 49 años, consagrado internacionalmente por la canción ’I… - 5 years ago

@andrewdonohue: RIP Erick Morillo ... So So Sad and Such a Loss to Dance Music ... His Music was a Massive Help at a Very Difficult… - 5 years ago

@miraj_syed09: No way ⁦@ErickMorillo⁩ is gone. My first time at ⁦@pacha⁩ nyc was seeing him when I had just turned 21. - 5 years ago

@baltodanoA: RT @ELTIEMPO: 'I like to move it' se escuchó en todo el mundo y tuvo un nuevo aire gracias a las películas de 'Madagascar' ¿Se acuerda de e… - 5 years ago

@FitAdolPR81: - 5 years ago

@ELTIEMPO: 'I like to move it' se escuchó en todo el mundo y tuvo un nuevo aire gracias a las películas de 'Madagascar' ¿Se ac… - 5 years ago

@RoshanNair_: RT @RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move It," h… - 5 years ago

@COOLCHANNELTV: RT @abc_es: #LoMásLeído Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@periodicovzlano: ► Muere el Dj Erick Morillo en “extrañas circunstancias” - 5 years ago

@quellxironheart: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@JESULINAMPARO: Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@mmmcanal: RT @abc_es: #LoMásLeído Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@ChrisHenares: RT @abc_es: #LoMásLeído Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@nicolaskavernas: RT @abc_es: #LoMásLeído Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@DJAshleyKeswick: Erick Morillo has died age 49 - 5 years ago

@djAKtiv: Erick Morillo has died age 49 - 5 years ago

@DJNetMelbourne: Erick Morillo has died age 49 - 5 years ago

@smhash_com: Erick Morillo has died age 49 - 5 years ago

@abc_es: #LoMásLeído Hallan muerto al icono del house Erick Morillo, a tres días de su juicio por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@notASIOGovAU: @folamourbb @SophiaPapa_ @curlyfunk_ I hope your tweet costs you dearly. You’re an absolute flog. You will never ac… - 5 years ago

@concepcion2360: RT @2001OnLine: Encontraron sin vida al Dj Erick Morillo en Miami - 5 years ago

@LuciaR30: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@marcelapgodoy: RT @marcelapgodoy: Así disfruta una persona d su trabajo. Es Erick Morillo #DJ Creador de la canción “I like to move IT” (Madagascar) Q.E.P… - 5 years ago

@2001OnLine: Encontraron sin vida al Dj Erick Morillo en Miami - 5 years ago

@Vicme100: RT @CNNEE: Muere Erick Morillo, DJ nacido en Colombia conocido por 'I Like To Move It'; tenía 49 años - 5 years ago

@TheMid70s: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@iflyertv: RT @iflyertv: 【速報】女性への性暴行罪で逮捕・起訴されていたハウス界のレジェンド Erick Morillo(エリック・モリロ)、マイアミの自宅で死亡 #iFLYER #DJ - 5 years ago

@TraceySchulz: oh man... too young... - 5 years ago

@XdPromotions: RT @DIR43165680: ‘R.I.P. KING - ERICK MORILLO - live @ Space Miami 2007’ on #SoundCloud #np - 5 years ago

@DrewBogs623: RT @wane15: South Florida DJ and music producer Erick Morillo was found dead at his home Tuesday morning, weeks after being charged with se… - 5 years ago

@KayBrownDET: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@denise_snively: RT @wane15: South Florida DJ and music producer Erick Morillo was found dead at his home Tuesday morning, weeks after being charged with se… - 5 years ago

@mmnoticias_: RT @elcomerciocom: El DJ Erick Morillo, creador de I like to move it y utilizada en 'Madagascar', fue hallado sin vida en su domicilio » ht… - 5 years ago

@wane15: South Florida DJ and music producer Erick Morillo was found dead at his home Tuesday morning, weeks after being cha… - 5 years ago

@alejandra_v17: Que encontraron muerto al cantante de “i like to move it” Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@somosjoseisrael: RT @NoticiasBqto: Muere el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de ‘I Like To Move It’ de Madagascar - 5 years ago

@lauryncly: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@selecoesbrasil: DJ Erick Morillo, do hit 'I Like To Move It', é encontrado morto nos EUA - 5 years ago

@kafmuir: Erick Morillo - Live @ Space, Ibiza Closing Fiesta Oct 2016 - 5 years ago

@naaaacl: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@DJ_LEGION_ONE: RT @RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move It," h… - 5 years ago

@tennis2018: RT @DarrenBlackBea1: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 – Variety - 5 years ago

@NewsApac: Erick Morillo: I Like To Move It DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Tai76: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@DeliDlia: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@belandria_edgar: RT @CNNEE: Muere Erick Morillo, DJ nacido en Colombia conocido por 'I Like To Move It'; tenía 49 años - 5 years ago

@COQDO: RT @RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move It," h… - 5 years ago

@jonnymeetworld: Erick Morillo from Radio 1 In Ibiza 2015 - 5 years ago

@DConrad2006: RT @APEntertainment: SHOWBIZ MINUTE: Erick Morillo - Venice International Film Festival - 'Tenet' - 5 years ago

@charlieh2: Sad news RIP: Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ, Dead at 49 | Pitchfork - 5 years ago

@ErwinSmith114: RT @RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move It," h… - 5 years ago

@William00905922: 🙏🙏Erick Morillo Dead: ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@chilloutdeepdjs: Just favorited "R.I.P. KING - ERICK MORILLO - live @ Space Miami 2007" by LEX GREEN on Mixcloud - 5 years ago

@SuperEbza: RT @RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move It," h… - 5 years ago

@L_Holocene: RT @RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move It," h… - 5 years ago

@RecordingAcad: Colombian-American DJ/producer #ErickMorillo, who rose to fame in 1993 with the massive dance hit "I Like To Move I… - 5 years ago

@zefunkinenglish: Our thoughts and love go to the #morillo family. A legend in the house music scene. #erick #morillo - 5 years ago

@wavclength: RT @edmtrain13: Rip Erick morillo 😔😔😔 - 5 years ago

@lf_dominic: No se puede hablar de House Music sin nombrar a la leyenda Erick Morillo @ErickMorillo. Trascendiste a la dimensión del sonido. - 5 years ago

@Yenny9496: RT @NoticiasCaracol: El DJ Erick Morillo, muerto en extrañas circunstancias, enfrentaba un proceso judicial hace un mes 👇 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@giannalorenzi: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@edmtrain13: Rip Erick morillo 😔😔😔 - 5 years ago

@GuardianLifeNG: Erick Morillo, the DJ known for the nineties hit song “I Like To Move It”, was found dead Tuesday in Miami Beach. H… - 5 years ago

@WillIAmFansclub: 'I Like to Move It' Creator Erick Morillo Dies in Miami - Showbiz Cheat Sheet - 5 years ago

@hugocals: Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick Feat. Shawnee Taylor - Live Your Life - 5 years ago

@DJ_Digipig: Ugh maybe not. It's much more harrowing to learn about Erick Morillo's rape allegations than his death. It's his mu… - 5 years ago

@stephmnm: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@shaawty_16: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@fusionradiomx: Muere el DJ Erick Morillo, autor del éxito 'I Like to Move It' (+videos) - 5 years ago

@DrillSargentLou: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@Kemphoza: RT @HouseOfLazarus: It’s sickening how male DJs are still choosing to celebrate the life of a man who is a rapist and chose to kill himself… - 5 years ago

@HuffPostEnt: The DJ turned himself in to police last month to face a charge of sexual battery. - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzman NOTI-AMERICA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA… - 5 years ago

@pittoloco: RT @SigloDurango: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su propia casa - 5 years ago

@1to362: 【速報】女性への性暴行罪で逮捕・起訴されていたハウス界のレジェンド Erick Morillo(エリック・モリロ)、マイアミの自宅で死亡 英文でそれっぽいこと書いてあったからん?って思ったけどそういうことだったのか。うーん。複雑だ - 5 years ago

@alain_hubert: Vreemd dat iedereen nu de loftrompet boven haalt voor DJ Erick Morillo, feit is dat hij vrijdag een verkrachtingsza… - 5 years ago

@SigloDurango: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su propia casa - 5 years ago

@shopy_cart: Preminil DJ Erick Morillo, znan po uspešnici I Like to Move It - 5 years ago

@laverdadmo: #02Sep #Destacado #Entretenimiento #Farándula | Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami -… - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: Erick Morillo & Markus Binapfl feat. Fiora Cutler - Alive - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: Erick Morillo - I Like To Move It - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: DJ DLG & Erick Morillo - Where Are You Now - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: Erick Morillo - Dancin' (I got the pills) - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: Erick Morillo feat. P.Diddy - Dance I Said - 5 years ago

@SCB_1990: Dirty Money - Hello Good Morning (Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick Bootleg) - 5 years ago

@capitanfati: Descansa en paz @ErickMorillo Erick Morillo - Colombiano by Erick Morillo on #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@alice_farley: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@ella_njoymusic: RIP @ErickMorillo!! 😢🎶🖤 Erick Morillo @ Street Parade 2019 (Full Set Hi-Res) – ARTE Concert - 5 years ago

@KidComet2: 'I Like to Move it' House DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead Amid Sexual Battery Charges at 49 - 5 years ago

@businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Dennis Ferrer [2/2] - 5 years ago

@rayrayischillin: Erick Morillo, DJ Behind Nineties Smash ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ARPdidTHAT: RT @businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 The Martinez Brothers Eats Everything Jamie Jones Pete Tong - 5 years ago

@ARPdidTHAT: RT @businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Marco Carola Yousef wAFF Dubfire - 5 years ago

@sambo_aldia: RT @vtv_ecuador: #Entretenimiento: Muere el productor musical #ErickMorillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" El DJ y productor m… - 5 years ago

@KhrysCastelvi: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@InsidePublic: 🚨 Erick Morillo, créateur du tube " I Like to Move It ", est mort - 5 years ago

@bienastrale: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Fespinosa_05: RT @vtv_ecuador: #Entretenimiento: Muere el productor musical #ErickMorillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" El DJ y productor m… - 5 years ago

@MiamiNewTimes: Erick Morillo, who was facing a sexual battery charge, was found dead at his home in Miami Beach. - 5 years ago

@cackymonger: @uncl3dumby (RIP Erick Morillo) - 5 years ago

@straeko: No one wants to see their favorite DJ be accused of rape but Erick Morillo is not “innocent until proven guilty”. h… - 5 years ago

@HuertasRock: RT @HouseAndujar: El mundo del House está de luto. Toda una institución de la electrónica como Erick Morillo falleció en el día de ayer a l… - 5 years ago

@businessteshno: Erick Morillo 1971 -2020 Dennis Ferrer [1/2] - 5 years ago

@itsjaviervivas: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@ZUFEDERICO1979: RT @albertinodj: RIP Erick Morillo 💔 @ Radiom2o - 5 years ago

@unbeara6leacp: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@_cynthhiaa_: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@MarcoAn71763911: RT @majomontemayor: El DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció este martes. Aún no se conocen las causas de su deceso. Q.E.P.D 🖤 - 5 years ago

@pcptalking: RT @MoskaHouse: Descansa en paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por toda tu música. Nunca serás olvidado. - 5 years ago

@HiMyNameIsSaul: Also, shout out to #ClubSpaceMiami for being probably one of the only local electronic music entities not to pander… - 5 years ago

@CircuitLife: Erick Morillo, who helped popularize EDM, dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ipsusfactus_v: Erick Morillo, Dj Colombiano - Estadounidense Fue Unos de los grandes DJs House del mundo y quien fue el creador de… - 5 years ago

@ipsusfactus_v: 🚨¡Atención! 🚨 ¡Falleció el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit I Like to Move It! Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado mue… - 5 years ago

@decibelescol: #NoticiasDecibeles | 🎧🎛️ Fue uno de los primeros djs superstar del mundo, vivió de niño en Cartagena. 😇🙏 . . Leer m… - 5 years ago

@Javimesas: RT @voz_populi: El infierno de Erick Morillo: ketamina, jets privados y sexo no consentido. Por @Lenore1789 - 5 years ago

@MargyMayell: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@manik_nyc: RT @mgoldenbarnes: The death of Erick Morillo is horrible... Horrible for his friends and family. Horrible for the women who will get no ju… - 5 years ago

@JET24FOX66: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@DavidGuettaView: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for worldwide hit ‘I Like To Move It,’ found dead, aged 49 - NewsChain - 5 years ago

@sellinglives: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@BetooO_Ponce: RT @bbcmundo: Erick Morillo alcanzó éxito internacional a mediados de la década del 90. - 5 years ago

@Thomas_SmithX: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@OG_CaliKid: RT @hotsince82: RIP Erick Morillo. One of the greatest to ever do it 🙏 - 5 years ago

@mertcankotann: Dj Erick Morillo ölmüş paramparça etti bu bilgi beni,Samsung e-250 onun I like to move it yükleyip ses hilesi açıp dinlerdik hey gidi 😱 - 5 years ago

@brookeharkup: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@DJstormGG: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@katrina_berwick: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@RuanoJunior2236: RT @PossessivoPk: Erick Morillo, parece que foi ontem que estavas a tocar em Portimão e esqueceste de tirar a coca da ponta do nariz. Marca… - 5 years ago

@VimEnzo: RT @thejam984: RIP to Erick Morillo! He was behind the hit song I like to move it move it. #JoeyAndMartin #LostWednesday @Palloti76 https:… - 5 years ago

@DaxVonarburg: RT @ThePerezHilton: Rapist and DJ/producer Erik Morillo is dead. It is presumed that he died by suicide. - 5 years ago

@iamguestwho: Why is everyone praising Erick Morillo? I too was a fan of his music until I found out he was guilty of raping a wo… - 5 years ago

@RobinSturges7: RT @lylajohnstonart: (cn: rape) even though erick morillo pretty much did a mark salling, we should memorialise him as possibly the only D… - 5 years ago

@RobinSturges7: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@mtsbardo: RIP ERICK MORILLO - 5 years ago

@elstob: Really wasn’t paying attention that Erick Morillo was accused of sexual assault (v. sad times) and that he’s dead now (also sad). - 5 years ago

@keonvines_: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@BSeoane07: RT @LaEtxebarria: Se ha suicidado Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@mauroespero: #Repost @albertinodj • • • • • • Radiom2o RIP Erick Morillo 💔 - 5 years ago

@CrObservador: La policía local brindó pocos detalles sobre el fallecimiento del DJ, quien tenía 49 años y nacionalidad colombiana… - 5 years ago

@JustusCristo: RT @gabrielszatan: save the ‘He Don’t Like To Move It Anymore’ quips re: Erick Morillo. his plunging decline through drugs and abuse should… - 5 years ago

@Metro951: El DJ debía presentarse ante la corte por una causa de abuso sexual. Tenía 49 años - 5 years ago

@JustDully00: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@NicoADC: Erick... Morillo... Descansa en paz maestro - 5 years ago

@Sergioppvcf: RT @Los40Dance: Muere Erick Morillo, el autor del hit I like to move it Hasta siempre, Erick ❤ - 5 years ago

@lylajohnstonart: (cn: rape) even though erick morillo pretty much did a mark salling, we should memorialise him as possibly the onl… - 5 years ago

@PressHaberCom: ‘I Like to Move It’ şarkısıyla tanınan DJ Erick Morillo hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@VizcainoCrvnts: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@comentadores_: O Erick Morillo já não se movimenta. #madagascar #erickmorillo #cmtv - 5 years ago

@VizcainoCrvnts: RT @Milenio: Él creó la famosa canción que aparecía en Madagascar, ¿la recuerdas? - 5 years ago

@DALICANTE: Erick Morillo ha sido encontrado sin vida en su casa de Miami Beach (Estados Unidos) a los 49 años - 5 years ago

@ElectionBabe: @VRDGOmusic They found Erick Morillo dead in Miami this morning. COD is still pending. I don’t know how to feel a… - 5 years ago

@patronarturo: RT @FrankEsMiNombre: Todavia no está claro, mi teoria es que se le venía algo muy cabrón legalmente y decidió quitarse la vida... Murió el… - 5 years ago

@Messiahmark: Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick feat Shawnee Taylor - Live Your Life (OFF... - 5 years ago

@thecultureofme: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@RumberaMiami_: #Entretenimiento Hallan muerto al productor musical y DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami. #Sucesos #2Sept… - 5 years ago

@ShinyElishaR: RT @myfox8: REST IN PEACE: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the hit song "I Like to Move It," has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@battye_paul: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@djskeez313: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@aleccottini: RT @Rosariotres: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, autor de “I like to move it”: El también productor y referente del house fue hallado sin vida e… - 5 years ago

@LDunys: Erick Morillo, DJ star de dance et d’electro que j’affectionne particulièrement, a été retrouvé mort hier, chez lui… - 5 years ago

@DrJimmyStar: ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49|from @JimmyStarsWorld - 5 years ago

@porlabandatotal: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami. DEP Erik Morillo (49) 😢😢 - 5 years ago

@sloanesayz: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@notiamerica: Por: Sueanny Guzmán  NOTI-AMERICA REPÚBLICA DOMINICAN… - 5 years ago

@ArmsLegsRecords: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@ratingcero: El DJ estadounidense, autor del hit "I like to move it", fue encontrado muerto en su casa de Miami en medio de la i… - 5 years ago

@tarzzz_: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@cultura_ee: Hallan muerto al DJ y productor Erick Morillo, referente de la escena club de Ibiza #Lomásleído… - 5 years ago

@marticabre: Mor el productor Erick Morillo als 49 anys. A casa recordem el seu gran èxit “Em va la marxa”. - 5 years ago

@humbertosy: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@RedFrode: Erick Morillo’s last Instagram post is bizarre to see. Nothing but love, admiration, props given to a rapist. Wtf is wrong with people? - 5 years ago

@usuallybxred: RT @WFLA: 'I Like to Move It' DJ Erick Morillo found dead at Florida home - 5 years ago

@renestral: RT @Milenio: Él creó la famosa canción que aparecía en Madagascar, ¿la recuerdas? - 5 years ago

@2001_fede: - 5 years ago

@Matt_ortarix: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@zipado123: R.I.P Erick morillo - 5 years ago

@WDTN: Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@raspberry_craft: RT @BERLINER_KURIER: „I Like To Move It“-Schöpfer DJ Erick Morillo tot in seinem Haus gefunden! #erickmorillo #iliketomoveit - 5 years ago

@Faycebuk: Lads. Not sure your Erick Morillo eulogy tweets are the one eh. Appreciate some knew him well. Maybe carry that gri… - 5 years ago

@anrolsiwel: I can’t believe Erick Morillo is dead!! So sad, an absolute legend may he rest in peace - 5 years ago

@jamiebryandj: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@sunny_conie: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@SandezTena: Terraplanistas...negacionistas... Miguel Bosé.... Erick Morillo... Selección natural 🙊 - 5 years ago

@chemiitta: RT @A3Noticias: Muere el DJ Erick Morillo, autor de 'I like to move it' a los 49 años - 5 years ago

@priceless_wav: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@isabeladuartedf: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ElectronicaRoll: Fallece otra leyenda del house. En esta ocasión rodeado de unas circunstancias bastante escabrosas… - 5 years ago

@Davidvilah: RT @MedusaFestival: Tu música siempre permanecerá viva. D.E.P. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@m_potier: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@sotrueradio: DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@driverbrothers: Love him or hate him, Morillo played a big part in our early music. If I’m honest @subliminalrec was one of THE mos… - 5 years ago

@AdrianOller_: RT @WololoSound: Fallece el veterano DJ y productor Erick Morillo a los 49 años por causas aún desconocidas. - 5 years ago

@markwt99: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@DJ_MRTG: Erick Morillo's Death Raises Complex Questions - 5 years ago

@TRuosh1: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Matthew12183661: RT @tvlive: BBC News - Erick Morillo: I Like to Move It DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@eltentaculo: Uploaded "Erick Morillo @ Rock In Rio Madrid (Arganda del Rey, 2012)" to @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@TiroOhP: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@Betterw05759703: RT @abutler04: Erick Morillo, DJ behind dance hit 'I Like to Move It,' dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@frozenwarning: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@MoveNoticias: DJ Erick Morillo encontrado morto em Miami #DJErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@iamAlainChivilo: Rest In Peace. International producer/dj Erick Morillo died yesterday. An investigation is open to clarify. Born in… - 5 years ago

@Eltornado_texas: RT @Forbes_es: Este es el homenaje de @wallylopez al DJ Erick Morillo ⬇️ - 5 years ago

@Marysioux: RT @Marysioux: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - Infobae - 5 years ago

@raqxet: RT @WololoSound: Fallece el veterano DJ y productor Erick Morillo a los 49 años por causas aún desconocidas. - 5 years ago

@EggmanOrWalrus: Erick Morillo: 'I Like to Move It' DJ dead at 49 #wired - 5 years ago

@jukkan: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@_HannahMcDougal: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@WololoSound: Fallece el veterano DJ y productor Erick Morillo a los 49 años por causas aún desconocidas. - 5 years ago

@yanceg27: RT @elsiglocomve: #CulturayEspectáculos | Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami #elsiglocomve📲 - 5 years ago

@gordygeorge88: RT @tvlive: BBC News - Erick Morillo: I Like to Move It DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@bazhef_MUFC: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@WattsMafia: Erick Morillo has been a huge idol to me throughout my life and hearing these rumours only since his death for me i… - 5 years ago

@Tracel12: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@Kaysuan0: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@izzo_music: RT @MedusaFestival: Tu música siempre permanecerá viva. D.E.P. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@CoverrunMusic: RIP Erick Morillo - another legend, that left us too soon. - 5 years ago

@chess_masters: RT @ewnupdates: Erick Morillo, DJ behind the hit 'I Like to Move It,' dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Ronnie62597744: Was DJ Erick Morillo a sex case? He certainly isn't moving any more. - 5 years ago

@GF_Rundschau: Trauerfall: „I Like to Move It“-Schöpfer Erick Morillo mit 49 gestorben - 5 years ago

@Rose91912584: RT @NonStopPeople: Erick Morillo mort : David Guetta rend hommage au DJ - 5 years ago

@MarcelPellejero: Ha mort un Dj un tal Erick Morillo q es veu que tothom fa el merdes de la mateixa manera que el seu dia van fer amb… - 5 years ago

@burgey_96: Woah, Erick Morillo (aka the producer of Alexandra Burke’s “Elephant”) has died. RIP! - 5 years ago

@JapanThis: People are mourning the “apparent suicide” of Erick Morillo. I never met him but was in the same room a few times.… - 5 years ago

@titrespresse: (Non Stop People): Erick Morillo : Mort du DJ à l’origine du tube "I like to move it" : Ce mardi 1er septembre, le… - 5 years ago

@nite_wolfus: RT @jakpost: Erick Morillo, DJ behind the hit 'I Like to Move It,' dies at 49 #jakpost - 5 years ago

@filipe_vdc: O DJ Erick Morillo morreu esta noite em Miami, ainda me lembro dele no pacha ofir, era um bom DJ - 5 years ago

@EarthImpi: RT @franceinfo: Le DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube "I Like to Move It", retrouvé mort chez lui en Floride - 5 years ago

@LDLDN: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@NightclubGenius: " I Like To Move It", The hit back in the 90s by the late great Erick Morillo Dead at 49. A Legend in underground spins. R I P - 5 years ago

@Gilles24097399: RT @franceinfo: Le DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube "I Like to Move It", retrouvé mort chez lui en Floride - 5 years ago

@thejournal_ie: Erick Morillo, DJ behind I Like to Move It, found dead in Miami - 5 years ago

@tusciaweb: È morto il dj Erick Morillo, sua la hit ‘I like to move it’ Miami Beach - È morto il dj Erick Morillo, sua la hit… - 5 years ago

@annamcnally: RT @ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse against powerf… - 5 years ago

@newscentermaine: Officers responded to a 911 call Tuesday morning at Morillo's home where the DJ was found dead. Police said they do… - 5 years ago

@Raveboy_cz: RIP DJ Erick Morillo (Reel2Real) - 5 years ago

@ehgillett: If anyone was ever wondering why women in the music industry might be reluctant to voice allegations of abuse again… - 5 years ago

@Platinumlist: Super sad to hear the passing of Erick Morillo, the 'I like to move it' DJ, and the DJ who is known to have helped… - 5 years ago

@nONsToP_aStUr: DJ Erick Morillo dies at 48 rest in peace Crack - 5 years ago

@luisatoga: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@YahooPH: Erick Morillo, the DJ known for the nineties-era smash "I Like To Move It," was found dead Tuesday in Miami Beach.… - 5 years ago

@GrapefruitHazzy: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@zebradavid: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@ClaybrookUK: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@naftee: DJ and 'I Like to Move It' hitmaker Erick Morillo dead at 49! The distraught family of a father-of-three murdered i… - 5 years ago

@VLCAM: RT @officialcharts: Under the pseudonym Reel 2 Real, Erick Morillo scored seven UK Top 40 hits. - 5 years ago

@LaParaiso1979: RT @elperiodico: Hallan muerto al Dj y productor Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@mattyweirs: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Cibeles61: RT @Shangaycom: Muere uno de los grandes de la música house de las últimas décadas, el DJ y productor #ErickMorillo, por causas aún descono… - 5 years ago

@CarlettoRumiati: Morto Erick Morillo, il dj creatore della colonna sonora di «Madagascar» - - 5 years ago

@CourrierPicard: Erick Morillo, créateur du tube «I Like to Move It» est mort - 5 years ago

@digitalhitsfm: Avui és un dia trist ja que ens deixa enrere una de les grans figures de la música electrònica i House. Erick Mor… - 5 years ago

@antonioj13foto: RT @martinbianchi: Ha muerto Erick Morillo. Han muerto los años 90 - 5 years ago

@zulfanurani23: RT @detikcom: Kabar duka datang dari DJ Erick Morillo. Pencipta I Like to Move It itu meninggal dunia secara misterius. #DJErickMorillo vi… - 5 years ago

@DavidMcGill7: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Wasabi_Erase: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@KultPizza: RT @nypost: DJ Erick Morillo, of 'I Like to Move It' fame, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@WyxecleP: RT @ewnupdates: Erick Morillo, DJ behind the hit 'I Like to Move It,' dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@LusaGuerrero: RT @Palcolasevigne: Hallan muerto en su casa de Miami al DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@AMCF_22: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@JTuoyo: Lil Mo Yin Yang - Reach R.I.P Erick More Morillo @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@TripBMktg: Veteran Producer Erick Morillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@JuanieMarishka: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@RealDalitso: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@JackParkeer: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Resoundeffects: I Like To Move It-dj Erick Morillo (49) overleden - 5 years ago

@LichaLopezOki: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@ShaunBlockley: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@ma_vie_c_ca: #RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@trend1009fm: Legendary American-Colombian DJ, Erick Morillo, dead at 49, after his body was found at Miami beach. #MorningFlow… - 5 years ago

@ShaunBlockley: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@milliyet: 'I Like to Move it' şarkısıyla ünlü olmuştu... Erick Morillo hayatını kaybetti! - 5 years ago

@listenonrepeat: RT @TheDoIIars: It's sad to hear the news about everything going on lately. But you have to believe & keep going forward. Believe in yourse… - 5 years ago

@sternejohn: Shout out to Tesco in Basildon for the Erick Morillo tribute this morning. - 5 years ago

@EBow101: RT @Independent: DJ Erick Morillo found dead at Miami Beach house - 5 years ago

@salu_hammy: RT @Salym: BBC News - Erick Morillo: I Like To Move It DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ShaunBlockley: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@SwedishEgil: RIP @ErickMorillo - such a huge loss for dance music. Digging up classic vinyl to pay tribute on my Groove Radio li… - 5 years ago

@DramaQueenLatin: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@DLG_IFA: - 5 years ago

@discocampbell: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@francomauri15: Como que murió erick morillo , Paren este año hasta acá llegue yo me quiero bajar - 5 years ago

@brooklynglobal: - 5 years ago

@Agenpress: Il dj Erick Morillo trovato morto nella sua casa di Miami Beach AgenPress. E' stato trova… - 5 years ago

@Eric_Bureau: RT @ParisienMusique: Mort du DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube «I like to move it», à l’âge de 49 ans ➡️ - 5 years ago

@TrooperDaDon: Erick Morillo 🙏🏾 R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@Tamarsim1: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@ActusNonStop: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@_SamMarriott: Erick Morillo was such an energetic character and one of the most passionate DJ’s I’ve ever seen. His recovery stor… - 5 years ago

@BizPaul: Sad news. He was so much more than I Like To Move It. > DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@SupaSchweppes: RT @BFMTV: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@Jeapam: RT @BFMTV: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@catt_0803: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@JovieMeow: Erick Morillo was a huge influence in the dance community... but I will always stand up for Women! We are tired! No… - 5 years ago

@joseleelche: En el día de ayer, el gran 🎧DJ y productor🎛️ Erick Morillo (recordado por producir el hit "I like to move it") nos… - 5 years ago

@ilmetropolitan: Morto a 49 anni il #dj americano #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@LePoint: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube « I Like to Move It », est décédé - 5 years ago

@mrcorrearojo: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Yasdalma: RT @infobaeamerica: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@eliothcen: RT @infobaeamerica: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@TKHR_dj: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@sebanayta: RT @diariodeavisos: ⚫️⚫️Hallan muerto en su casa al DJ y productor musical Erick Morillo. Era autor, entre otros éxitos, de ‘I like to move… - 5 years ago

@FTHISGR: Erick Morillo: Πέθανε στα 49 του o πασίγνωστος DJ και δημιουργός του 'I Like to Move It Move It' - 5 years ago

@djjosiane: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@ferrer_m: RT @le_Parisien: Mort du DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube «I like to move it», à l’âge de 49 ans > - 5 years ago

@trendrNL: Nu trending via @telegraaf Attention Required! - 5 years ago

@ZONA69radio: RT @ZONA69radio: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado en su apartamento de Miami Beach. De momento se desconocen las causas de la muerte. https:/… - 5 years ago

@COOPSthereitis4: Its an Erick Morillo morning on the way to work. Shocked to hear of his passing yesterday. Some good memories with… - 5 years ago

@xCirillazirael: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@fleischersydne1: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested following claims from a… - 5 years ago

@vincentyveline: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: DJ and I Like To Move It hitmaker Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@_QueenSarcasm: Acabo de enterarme que Erick Morillo fue acusado de violacion y se entregó y ahora está muerto... Wtffff #UnVioladorMenos - 5 years ago

@saumya__05: Who is Erick Morillo? DJ found dead at Miami Beach home weeks after arrest on sex charges Read the full story here… - 5 years ago

@cLos_977: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@GregLeclerc: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@mrsluxurynews: Het besluit van het kabinet om het nachtleven, en die werkzaam zijn, op deze manier kapot te laten gaan en het over… - 5 years ago

@topradio9331: RT @infobaeamerica: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@Bead86Horace: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@dylanarnaudy: RT @josefajram: Rip Erick Morillo 😢 - 5 years ago

@angiuoniluigi: RT @repubblica: È morto il dj Erick Morillo: sua la hit 'I like to move it' [aggiornamento delle 01:03] - 5 years ago

@KingMikeMusic: RIP: BBC News - Erick Morillo: I Like to Move It DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@MrsXoe: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@ABCAirPower: Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ, dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@DGasser12_FBC: Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ, Dead at 49 | Pitchfork - 5 years ago

@ajiichi: RT @ntvde: Mit "I Like to Move It" zum Ruhm: DJ Erick Morillo tot aufgefunden - 5 years ago

@alfi3warr3n: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@calbert96: RT @infobaeamerica: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@ab4pr: - 5 years ago

@poulpebulle: Erick Morillo, créateur du tube « I Like to Move It », est mort à 49 ans - 5 years ago

@marcograziosidj: R.I.P Erick Morillo 1/09/2020 #ʜᴏᴜsᴇᴍᴜsɪᴄʟᴏᴠᴇʀs #housemusicproducer #housemusic #bigdjs @ Miami Beach, Florida - 5 years ago

@EstaticaSound: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DGasser12_FBC: ’I Like to Move It’ DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead at Miami Beach Home – NBC 6 South Florida - 5 years ago

@Pingachoo: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@FromCaenToParis: RT @le_Parisien: Mort du DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube «I like to move it», à l’âge de 49 ans > - 5 years ago

@pamliux: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@GLHomeWatch: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@EvanDonovan: Was just listening to some of his classics last week 2020 strikes again 💔 - 5 years ago

@Karina26921706: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@GDS_it: Trovato morto a 42 anni il dj #ErickMorillo, creò la colonna sonora di #Madagascar - 5 years ago

@vineza75: R.I.P. Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@mamadozzz11: RT @le_Parisien: Mort du DJ Erick Morillo, créateur du tube «I like to move it», à l’âge de 49 ans 👉 - 5 years ago

@dengelidengesz1: Erick Morillo: 'I Like to Move it' şarkısıyla dünya çapında üne kavuşan DJ Erick Morrillo 49 yaşında hayatını kaybe… - 5 years ago

@xavigarciatur: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@carlosalgrod: Erick Morillo. RIP - 5 years ago


@1ive1ove1earn: RT @EW: Erick Morillo, the DJ, producer, and music artist also known as Reel 2 Real, has died at age 49.​ - 5 years ago

@AmorePeppino: RT @BFMTV_People: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@Jeremy_14MC: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@DibanRadioDj: RT @djnanoshow: Se fue un icono del House Music. Descansa en Paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por la música y sobre todo por los bailes !! http… - 5 years ago

@DannyJayIBZ: Gutted waking up to the news about Erick Morillo. RIP 💔 - 5 years ago

@Deek155: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@LydgSquidge: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@DGasser12_FBC: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 via @TMZ - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @newscomauHQ: DJ Erick Morillo, responsible for one of the biggest dance hits of the 90s, has died days before he was due in court to fa… - 5 years ago

@SomberMusic18: RT @news4buffalo: Erick Morillo, 'I Like to Move It' DJ, found dead at 49. - 5 years ago

@JeffreyMeursing: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@alinaderzad: Erick Morillo has died age 49 - 5 years ago

@MorganPopNewsCo: RT @majomontemayor: El DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció este martes. Aún no se conocen las causas de su deceso. Q.E.P.D 🖤 - 5 years ago

@gabrielandresf_: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@GeorgeObulutsa: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DJKoutarouA: RT @DJDavidPenn: Muy triste noticia, Erick Morillo te echaremos de menos. Descansa en paz - 5 years ago

@Leona05819610: - 5 years ago

@TrueUK83: RT @Luci4LBD: WTF?! I Like To Move It was like an anthem of my childhood. my thoughts go out to his family n friends 😪😥 I Like to Move It'… - 5 years ago

@kupashitu: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@Defka_offshore: ooh... was found dead at Miami Beach home weeks after sexual battery arrest... - 5 years ago

@Morpheous6: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - Sky News #politics… - 5 years ago

@fernandassanti: RT @iztapanero: Otro crack que se nos adelanta, QEPD el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del tremendo hit “I like to move it”. - 5 years ago

@IdaliaR50262843: RT @LeHuffPost: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to move it", est mort - 5 years ago

@Rowerth92: Chamo que desgracia ahora Erick Morillo, este 2020 sigue sumando - 5 years ago

@dannrgz: RT @radio3mil: ULTIMA HORA: El dj Erick Morillo fue encontrado muerto en su mansión en Miami Beach. El productor musical estaba viviendo un… - 5 years ago

@TVR5SPOT1: Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@FornaraJ: RT @funradio_fr: Erick Morillo, DJ et auteur du titre « I Like To Move It » a été retrouvé mort ce soir à Miami 😢 - 5 years ago

@florarce: RT @kookaysgt: ÚLTIMA HORA ⚠️ Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su… - 5 years ago

@PacaMarh: Juer, Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@lukebaker2702: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@komparengkai: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@AskiaLuna: Not erick morillo being a shitbag😩🥴🥴 - 5 years ago

@JeanCdr: RT @poteleche: Cuánta gente agregó “So many times” a su playlist en 9764582 versiones después de ese party de Erick Morillo en Caribbean Su… - 5 years ago

@rioja24: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It”: enfrentaba una denuncia por agresión sexual - 5 years ago

@Arley55141920: RT @TinoasprillaH: RIP Erick Morillo, will never forget so many happy times🙏🏾 - 5 years ago

@outofroutes: me llega al pincho Erick Morillo solo regrésenme a elrow - 5 years ago

@bigchyll11: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago


@pedrito_stone: RT @pedrito_stone: Y despedimos éste tributo a 'Erick Morillo' con uno de sus temas más representativos de los '90s' junto al dúo de música… - 5 years ago

@pedrito_stone: Y despedimos éste tributo a 'Erick Morillo' con uno de sus temas más representativos de los '90s' junto al dúo de m… - 5 years ago

@CarolinaRedd: RT @fuseboxradio: "I Like To Move It" DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead A Month After Sexual Assault Arrest l Stereogum - 5 years ago

@gordbailey: Erick Morillo Dies: DJ Known For House Music Hit “I Like To Move It” Was 49 - 5 years ago

@dreekuz: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@TinoasprillaH: RIP Erick Morillo, will never forget so many happy times🙏🏾 - 5 years ago

@thePLOYiiZ: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@Luisjoargue: Hallan muerto a famoso DJ colombiano que habían arrestado por abuso - 5 years ago

@kdcca7: RT @Cernovich: ’I Like to Move It’ DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead at Miami Beach Home - 5 years ago

@Fuerza943fm: Erick Morillo: ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@chinoxwilger: RT @4drezzz: Falleció Erick Morillo, productor de uno de los mejores temas de nuestra infancia💔 - 5 years ago

@FrancoRiddback: Hallan muerto a famoso DJ colombiano que habían arrestado por abuso - 5 years ago

@MikeAlcazarE: RT @DJDavidPenn: Muy triste noticia, Erick Morillo te echaremos de menos. Descansa en paz - 5 years ago

@djvielledent: Un buen recuerdo del 2004 @DJSteveLawler + @ErickMorillo Subliminal Sessions en @pacha ibiza una de las mejores no… - 5 years ago

@heretotroll2020: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Medien_News: «I Like to Move It»: Star-DJ Erick Morillo mit 49 Jahren gestorben - 5 years ago

@swissbusiness: «I Like to Move It»: Star-DJ Erick Morillo mit 49 Jahren gestorben - 5 years ago

@todonoticias: RT @tnLaViola: Murió Erick Morillo, el DJ que hizo “I Like to Move It”, la canción de Madagascar - 5 years ago

@minhaparis2020: RT @andre_barcinski: Que noticia terrível: morre o DJ Erick Morillo, um dos grandes nomes da house music... - 5 years ago

@thisisnorii: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@PeriodicoQuequi: Encuentran muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@cesariux_of: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@maxj6127: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@pedrito_stone: RT @pedrito_stone: Un track que me agrada demasiado de 'Dj Morillo'. En el año (2016) realizó el 'Vs' junto a Eddie Thoneick con el featuri… - 5 years ago

@pedrito_stone: Un track que me agrada demasiado de 'Dj Morillo'. En el año (2016) realizó el 'Vs' junto a Eddie Thoneick con el fe… - 5 years ago

@fashionfunfemme: RT @NBCNews: Noted DJ and music producer Erick Morillo, who helped popularize house music, was found dead in Miami Beach, authorities said… - 5 years ago

@fuseboxradio: "I Like To Move It" DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead A Month After Sexual Assault Arrest l Stereogum - 5 years ago

@agustingenovese: Hoy falleció el Dj Erick Morillo. El año pasado fui a un show de él en Uruguay y fue increíble. Una pena QEPD. - 5 years ago

@Santiagosame: Si muy bueno tocaba erick morillo Dj pero sabían que abusaba de mujeres cuando estaban drogadas ? - 5 years ago

@KingSinghNYC: Erick Morillo dies, aged 49 - 5 years ago

@DKashrag: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@madeinbrc: TN - Todo Noticias: Murió Erick Morillo, el DJ que hizo “I Like to Move It”, la canción de Madagascar.… - 5 years ago

@enriquen: RT @Marysioux: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - Infobae - 5 years ago

@pedro_egidj: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@GUM_FRIDAYS: RT @kevinbrennan666: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@dieguete_84: DEP Erick Morillo 😥 - 5 years ago

@mamomo: RT @davarelaal: DEP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@WHACKBOI: Wow man, Erick Morillo, damn. 2020 ain't done yettt - 5 years ago

@xHaell: RT @JornalOGlobo: DJ Erick Morillo é encontrado morto em Miami - 5 years ago

@AshleighCreativ: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ndresrp: A Tribute to Erick Morillo Hits (Inc. Reel 2 Real) / R.I.P. 1971 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@PannaSSharma: RT @TMZ: Erick Morillo Through The Years -- R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@AngelesMusicas: RT @ZONA69radio: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado en su apartamento de Miami Beach. De momento se desconocen las causas de la muerte. https:/… - 5 years ago

@ErikaJournal: DJ Erick Morillo, who helped popularize house music, dead at 49 #MiamiBeach #morillo #housemusic - 5 years ago

@JonaMendiburo06: Erick Morillo que descanses en paz genio, legends de las fiestas y siempre sacando alegria y sonrisas de la gente q… - 5 years ago

@wherestafters: RIP Erick morillo, we see him at the ANTZ afters @ E1 and he absolutely went offf! You will be missed🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@angies_diary: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@CarlossDmr: Hoy murió Erick Morillo, que manera de comenzar septiembre... - 5 years ago

@GypsyJhoni: - 5 years ago

@SultanstaysFLY: RT @sourdeeee: Erick Morillo at Pacha NYC must’ve been one of the best times in my life.. Thank you for those memories 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@xscilenz: RT @yeahitspooh1: erick morillo the fucking legend! - 5 years ago

@angies_diary: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@xscilenz: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@DomainCLE: Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ, Dead at 49 - #dcle #todaysboondoggle - 5 years ago

@Jorgillo5757: RT @EnterateCali: Lamentablemente se confirma el fallecimiento del DJ y productor musical colombo-estadounidense, Erick Morillo. Según repo… - 5 years ago

@emilio_gomez95: Dirty South, Axwell, Ingrosso todos ellos inspirados por Erick Morillo, día triste para la música House. RIP ERICK - 5 years ago

@theGrio: Rest in peace: "I Like To Move It" creator DJ Erick Morillo has passed in Miami at the age of 49 🙏🏾 - 5 years ago

@juanpablod271: Erick Morillo, tu música nunca va a morir. - 5 years ago

@weareiowa5news: Officers responded to a 911 call Tuesday morning at Morillo's home where the DJ was found dead. Police said they do… - 5 years ago

@lolacalavera: Como que murió Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@jaxinternet: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Tweetologist3: Most popular Google search in the last hour: 09/02/2020, 01:01:56 Rockets Cherry Seaborn Lewy body dementia Celtics Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Yuu_Asakura7: RT @tiramillas: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, autor de 'I Like to Move It', en Miami - 5 years ago

@alexaresponde: RT @ASummerStoryOfi: Nos llega la triste noticia de que tenemos que despedir a Erick Morillo y, desde A Summer Story, trasladamos el pésam… - 5 years ago

@animuslib: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@elpaisita89: RT @4drezzz: Falleció Erick Morillo, productor de uno de los mejores temas de nuestra infancia💔 - 5 years ago

@NickNailer1: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@_jamessawyer: Y las marchas de "nos están matando" de los mamertos, pa cuándo??? Hallan muerto a famoso DJ colombiano que habían… - 5 years ago

@MagoOlmos: El Heraldo de México: Muere DJ Erick Morillo, creador de "I Like to Move it". - 5 years ago

@rhianna: RT @NBCNewYork: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach Tue… - 5 years ago

@gncsilva: RT @MSN_Portugal: DJ Erick Morillo morre aos 49 anos - 5 years ago

@n_issei_golf: RT @xxs_mag: 【訃報】ヒット曲『I Like to Move It』でも知られる DJ/プロデューサー Erick Morillo が死去。 - 5 years ago

@makeitepic: RT @NBCNewYork: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach Tue… - 5 years ago

@britpop86: RT @enews: "I Like to Move It" DJ Erick Morillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@CartaIes: RT @tiramillas: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, autor de 'I Like to Move It', en Miami - 5 years ago

@freakboy_music: BREAKING: Erick Morillo Found Dead At Age 49 - 5 years ago

@therocksahead: RT @daItoncsmith: are people not informed on what erick morillo did? so many people saying rest in peace for a rapist idgi - 5 years ago

@themarstonfr: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead At 49 Years Old — Days Before Court Hearing Over Sexual Assault Charges… - 5 years ago

@enkil_world: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami un mes después de su arresto por agresión sexual 👉 - 5 years ago

@accessonline: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Mother_Rell: RT @enews: "I Like to Move It" DJ Erick Morillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@musicrunet: “I Like To Move It” DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead A Month After Sexual Assault Arrest - 5 years ago

@AllthingsFOX30: DJ Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ singer, found dead in Florida apartment - 5 years ago

@AllThingsCBS47: DJ Erick Morillo, ‘I Like to Move It’ singer, found dead in Florida apartment - 5 years ago

@jjcingram1: RT @ARPdidTHAT: Erick Morillo can rot. - 5 years ago

@xgummi: rip dj erick morillo who liked to move it move it - 5 years ago

@3_R_o5: RT @chacoattack: Chale, se murio Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@iam_KOOLER: RT @rollingstoneBR: Dono do sucesso "I Like to Move It", música-tema de Madagascar, o artista foi encontrado morto em Miami, segundo site… - 5 years ago

@Juaneme: Uff... Murió Erick Morillo. Si no estoy mal, fue el primer colombiano en tocar en Coachella. - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Erick Morillo Dies: DJ Known For House Music Hit “I Like To Move It” Was 49 - 5 years ago

@trinity_may: RT @4drezzz: Falleció Erick Morillo, productor de uno de los mejores temas de nuestra infancia💔 - 5 years ago

@vonivar: DJ Erick Morillo, do hit 'I Like To Move It', é encontrado morto nos EUA - 5 years ago

@hotrod232: Who cares and other drug death Facing rape charge, DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach home. Cops probing ov… - 5 years ago

@bailey_leckey: RT @mark_blair__: Holy fuck. RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@FranGMarti: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@Paga_CabronPaga: RT @CCNews__: 🚨#ÚLTIMAHORA🚨 El Rey Julien está de luto; el DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció a los 49 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@_puratinaa: RT @folha: DJ Erick Morillo, do hit 'I Like To Move It', é encontrado morto nos EUA - 5 years ago

@BARBIEFRANCOOK: RT @andresguarinrom: uhhh que fuerte, que historia triste,´pérdida en la musica #ErikMorillo BBC News - Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it'… - 5 years ago

@SaraCollins73: RT @abcnews: I Like to Move It DJ dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@_Eugenio_: Maiuma do Erick Morillo na época do Reel 2 Real. Flash House é um troço bão demais. - 5 years ago

@PamarTalisman: RT @SkyNews: DJ Erick Morillo - famous for his hit 1993 song I Like To Move It - has been found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@abcnews: I Like to Move It DJ dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@voragino: #erickmorillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@GlizzyDispenser: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@sitef5: DJ Erick Morillo, do hit 'I Like To Move It', é encontrado morto nos EUA - 5 years ago

@Lilezhu4: RT @20m: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@MatthewBlott: Wow, another one gone - 5 years ago

@shabba_lulu: RT @EDMWorld_: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@RousPolite: RT @20m: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@aizaz: Erick Morillo? Seriously? Tf - 5 years ago

@alvaro_mc89: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@doncmleon: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@_mariaines_17: RT @franciscomendeb: Morreu o DJ Erick Morillo do “I Like To Move It”, 2020... For the last time... STOP KILLING ALL THESE LEGENDS, IS2G I’… - 5 years ago

@angellosdos: RT @20m: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@RomeroSaltaren: RT @bbcmundo: Erick Morillo: muere a los 49 años el Dj que alcanzó el éxito mundial con su canción "I Like to Move It" - 5 years ago

@craigfraserwood: RT @terrystuckshop: - 5 years ago

@RomeroSaltaren: RT @MoskaHouse: Descansa en paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por toda tu música. Nunca serás olvidado. - 5 years ago

@RomeroSaltaren: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@aidalonso_: RT @YofuiaEGB: Ha fallecido el DJ y productor Erick Morillo a los 49 años, fue el creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. - 5 years ago

@PtiduduJ: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@nachin_mndz: RT @YofuiaEGB: Ha fallecido el DJ y productor Erick Morillo a los 49 años, fue el creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. - 5 years ago

@yoloxokotl: RT @20m: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@malditapeliroja: RT @elmetroenlaweb: ¡Atención! Muere el Deejay Colombo-Estadounidense Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@teresasg22: Me acuerdo que no fui a ver a Erick Morillo porque no tenía con quien ir, y me llamó mi ex (que en ese tiempo era m… - 5 years ago

@TendenciaCol: ⚡️Trending Topic #Colombia 1/09/2020 19:00👁‍🗨💬 1. #ExaBFF 2. #TeamWolf 3. Everton 4. #IceCreamScoopTwo 5.… - 5 years ago

@ealtafulla: RT @bbcmundo: Erick Morillo: muere a los 49 años el Dj que alcanzó el éxito mundial con su canción "I Like to Move It" - 5 years ago

@Beiker__: @psychopriestezz - 5 years ago

@pedrito_stone: Hoy en ésta casilla: ****Tributo a 'Dj Erick Morillo'**** ⌚️: Desde las 20:00 hasta las 21:00 Horas (🇨🇴) - 5 years ago

@NeonKnight1337: Erick Morillo, DJ Behind Nineties Smash ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@KillXavi: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@MarioGu25986384: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house 🎵 - 5 years ago

@tsubonekoko: RT @KOKIMURA_FUTIC: エリックモリロが捕まったという話を聞いたと思ったら、なんと〜 ちょい前に日本に来てましたよね? dj というよりロックスターの最後っぽい - 5 years ago

@YetcysRomero: RT @luiscarrillo66: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - RT #Con… - 5 years ago

@KimyRomero: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@Alejandrabd01: RT @bbcmundo: Erick Morillo: muere a los 49 años el Dj que alcanzó el éxito mundial con su canción "I Like to Move It" - 5 years ago

@znaldorey: RT @elespectador: La muerte del creador de I Like to Move It se produjo después de que fuera arrestado hace un mes por la policía de Miami… - 5 years ago

@KimyRomero: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@LatitudGay: - 5 years ago

@TotalDamian_RBX: Alongside my childhood heroes Tiësto, Daft Punk, and more to name it. This man was also the reason that I got into… - 5 years ago

@pedroacosta14: RT @EnaLCabrales: Que alguien me diga que le pasó a Erick Morillo por favor - 5 years ago

@ChelseaGrate: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Framob: R.IMP. danced my ass off to this as a kid,be really missed ... 'I Like to Move It' DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49… - 5 years ago

@ChelseaGrate: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@_Mark_83: @AdzW90 @myworditslongy @villa946 - 5 years ago

@ChelseaGrate: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@lucabacchetti: Erick Morillo has been a great house DJ and entertainer. The career of an artist is made up of ups and downs, manag… - 5 years ago

@djcapasso: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@Centralista101: RT @Mozzie_79: Noticia triste para la electrónica muere el gran Erick Morillo a la edad de 49 años todos hemos bailado y cantado el #ILiket… - 5 years ago

@JCorbachoUC: RT @abc_es: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, creador del tema «I Like to Move It», en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@BOBADILLA012: RT @elespectador: Murió Erick Morillo, creador de la famosa canción “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@Risarisoto: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@Inerciatividade: RT @LANACION: Tenía 49 años: murió el DJ Erick Morillo, autor del hit "I like to move it " - 5 years ago

@cv_luna: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@djsamyoung: So sad to hear about Erick Morillo He had his demons but you can’t deny what he did for house music! This was tak… - 5 years ago

@lauraNimr: RT @APEntertainment: Authorities in Florida say house music producer and DJ Erick Morillo has been found dead at his home, weeks after bein… - 5 years ago

@ChicBaroudeur: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@emileerose2004: RT @EW: Erick Morillo, the DJ, producer, and music artist also known as Reel 2 Real, has died at age 49.​ - 5 years ago

@cv_luna: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@ladytaco: RT @APEntertainment: Authorities in Florida say house music producer and DJ Erick Morillo has been found dead at his home, weeks after bein… - 5 years ago

@jamie_domenech: D.E.P. Erick Morillo Algunos te recordaremos por más canciones que "I like to move it" 💔 - 5 years ago

@babativa2780: RT @EnterateCali: Lamentablemente se confirma el fallecimiento del DJ y productor musical colombo-estadounidense, Erick Morillo. Según repo… - 5 years ago

@YoungTRIPPYguy: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@LAFLAME_21: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@cv_luna: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@YoungTRIPPYguy: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@greg_mavre: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@paugfranco: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@sarasimms: R.I.P. Erick Morillo ❤️ - 5 years ago

@topeuropa: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@DaVonteWagner: RT @TMZ: Erick Morillo Through The Years -- R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ShadySean420: RT @thedailybeast: DJ Erick Morillo, famous for his 1993 hit “I Like to Move It,” has been found dead in his Miami Beach home - 5 years ago

@DaVonteWagner: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@mike_xxxo: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@KHOU: Officers responded to a 911 call Tuesday morning at Erick Morillo's home where the DJ was found dead. Police said t… - 5 years ago

@its_SebyM: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@Marmy2c: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@bazzaz101: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Anamaestrada8: Como que se murio Erick Morillo????? 😱😱😱😱 - 5 years ago

@rodamessabula: Mano como assim ainda não acredito que o Erick Morillo morreu 🕊😪💔 - 5 years ago

@DaVonteWagner: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@cedricoff27: RT @BFMTV: Le DJ Erick Morillo, auteur du tube "I like to Move It", retrouvé mort en Floride à l'âge de 49 ans - 5 years ago

@MsSoliani: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@HumorNLyrics: Per usual there's always a musicians death within 72 hours of a major music award show. Now it's DJ Erick Morillo f… - 5 years ago

@DaVonteWagner: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@rafaortizmusic: Mierda no me creo lo de la muerte de Erick Morillo, que buena musica nos dejaste maestro. - 5 years ago

@DANNYFURLONGDJ: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@BrwnSkinGirly: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@sllimswiz: Erick Morillo as well. This year sha. - 5 years ago

@Who_is_Aj: Erick Morillo não ... Acaba logo 2020 - 5 years ago

@roots4fruits: Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach. DJ was 49. - 5 years ago

@acidflowerbomb: it's kind of unfortunate Erick Morillo went out the way he did but... was it really suicide because he got caught up with his confirmed DNA? - 5 years ago

@JMTTssj: RT @4drezzz: Falleció Erick Morillo, productor de uno de los mejores temas de nuestra infancia💔 - 5 years ago

@ivanotenneriel1: RT @figliovesuvio: Quante nottate passate a ballare fino al mattino, al #Metropolis di Ischitella, con gli #AngelsOfLove... R.I.P. Erick M… - 5 years ago

@AndrsFuentesFr1: Se murió Erick Morillo, un DJ colomboestadounidense muy talentoso. Que recientemente fue acusado de haber abusado a una colega suya... - 5 years ago

@DANNYFURLONGDJ: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@prettyliddomimi: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@reegak: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@ItsMusooka: RT @enews: "I Like to Move It" DJ Erick Morillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@pabloph05: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@Nadine2189: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@BeardGang88: RT @Charlenetatt: DJ Erick Morillo DEAD at age 49 R.I.P - 5 years ago

@adibilt: so sad to see a big Dj/Producer/Label Boss and a model for many of us going away, life is too short sometimes for s… - 5 years ago

@daviid1316: RT @tiramillas: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, autor de 'I Like to Move It', en Miami - 5 years ago

@Abu_Abdulaz33z: RT @RT_com: ‘I Like to Move It’ DJ Erick Morillo found dead at his Florida home, days before court appearance - 5 years ago

@latequilera2000: RT @charlotte_ord: Erick Morillo killed himself because he was a rapist & due in court friday and couldnt handle the consequences of his ac… - 5 years ago

@mikesousasp: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@Criss_Mercado: RT @zonacero: Hallan muerto al DJ de ascendencia colombiana Erick Morillo en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@marcenilsson: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@luisematta: RT @lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@JackalJyve: RT @hannah_wants: Erick Morillo... wtffffffff. - 5 years ago

@luis30f_: RT @BoncheroRD: Si la gente supiera la LEYENDA que fue Erick Morillo... - 5 years ago

@finebrownthang: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Jos_JJ13: No mms lo de Erick Morillo 😨😥 - 5 years ago

@uptown_funked: @residentadvisor Yeah yeah yeah... Legend my ass - 5 years ago

@hectorbass: RT @Lempo: Devastated by the news of Erick Morillo’s passing. There will be lots of controversy surrounding the timing, nobody’s perfect. I… - 5 years ago

@JdLuxemburgo: DJ Erick Morillo encontrado morto em Miami - 5 years ago

@Es_Andres4: RT @BoncheroRD: EPD Erick Morillo una de las leyendas de la musica electronica y que tantisimo nos puso a gozar en aquellos parties de Cari… - 5 years ago

@Q_Soraya: RT @tiramillas: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, autor de 'I Like to Move It', en Miami - 5 years ago

@libertatea: Erick Morillo, DJ-ul din spatele hitului ”I Like to Move It”, a fost găsit mort în casa lui din Miami. Avea doar 49… - 5 years ago

@TruthSeaker15: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@finebrownthang: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@malcriadom: RT @ncdn_negocios: Muere el DJ Erick Morillo, famoso creador de ‘I like to move it’, a los 49 años - 5 years ago

@finebrownthang: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@CTz_PapaWheelie: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@HuffPostUK: DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Miami - 5 years ago

@Aerodriguez: RT @DJDavidPenn: Muy triste noticia, Erick Morillo te echaremos de menos. Descansa en paz - 5 years ago

@PalominoCA: Le ganó la fiesta, o más bien falta de fiesta a Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@LqfDLkMW3PTOPmc: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@Aerodriguez: RT @luislopezwdm: Muere el gran Erick Morillo a la edad de 49 años. Uno de los Djs más importantes en mi vida, auténtico maestro en cabina.… - 5 years ago

@krystal_achurra: RT @SkeleMusic: I guess Erick Morillo either killed himself over the rape charge or got assassinated from it? Idk but I feel like it’s rela… - 5 years ago

@Dmitry_Panasyuk: R.I.P Erick Morillo #ErickMorillo #ILikeToMoveIt - 5 years ago

@suedsilva04: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Otajur: 49 palos, joder. - 5 years ago

@TonyC83502386: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Aerodriguez: RT @ASummerStoryOfi: Nos llega la triste noticia de que tenemos que despedir a Erick Morillo y, desde A Summer Story, trasladamos el pésam… - 5 years ago

@lisaneedbraces6: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Martinscake1: RT @repubblica: È morto il dj Erick Morillo: sua la hit 'I like to move it' [aggiornamento delle 23:01] - 5 years ago

@francisswey: RT @sextaNoticias: Erick Morillo, productor musical y DJ, ha sido encontrado muerto en su casa - 5 years ago

@lonifromtheeast: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Aerodriguez: RT @ArodSpainMedia: Ha muerto Erick Morillo... fue una figura clave en la escena club en #Ibiza - 5 years ago

@ApenasTedio: Meu Deus o Erick Morillo morreu 😢😢😢😢 - 5 years ago

@lisaneedbraces6: CÓMO QUE MURIÓ ERICK MORILLO!? - 5 years ago

@Alesson20: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@MichaelHughes16: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@Devabole: RT @repubblica: È morto il dj Erick Morillo: sua la hit 'I like to move it' [aggiornamento delle 23:01] - 5 years ago

@Shinno2017: Otra triste noticia de este 2020 - 5 years ago

@miszmaria90: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@SpainDiplo: RT @kookaysgt: ÚLTIMA HORA ⚠️ Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su… - 5 years ago

@GLLOofficial: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@RissaJaee: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@DataSquid: RT @TepNoMusic: Erick Morillo, what a true legend, RIP man. One of the first superstar DJs. Sad day. - 5 years ago

@AlanGonzalezG: RT @minervaoatenea: Chinga tu puta madre 2020. Erick Morillo falleció hoy. - 5 years ago

@miszmaria90: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@_DeAura_: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@bjacobs14: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@therealdjsub: RT @RollingStone: Erick Morillo, the DJ behind the Nineties smash club hit "I Like to Move It," was found dead in Miami at the age of 49 ht… - 5 years ago

@NicoDenimal: RIP Erick Morillo, alias Real 2 Real "I like to move it", en 1993 - 5 years ago

@miszmaria90: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Record_Portugal: Fora de Campo - Morreu o DJ Erick Morillo, autor da música 'I Like To Move It' - 5 years ago

@miszmaria90: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@OrgnlNuttah: RT @RadioRecord: В возрасте 49 лет скончался диджей и продюсер Erick Morillo. Он был обнаружен сегодня утром у себя дома в Майами, сообщает… - 5 years ago

@Cachazo_: RT @boysnoize: oh no ;( rip Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@DJDinamique: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@NewStyleRadio: I cant believe this... American House music DJ & producer of 90s dance hit "I like to move it" Erick Morillo was… - 5 years ago

@elhuevofrito_: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@paulfulbert7: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@brandykenee: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Alicepolanco: Y qué es lo que pasa que se estan muriendo tanta gente famosa, hoy me entero que murió Erick Morillo el Dj... Que e… - 5 years ago

@KatyL1981: (1994) Erick 'More' Morillo - Dancing [Erick Morillo & Louie Vega A 'Lit... - 5 years ago

@MR25_08: Erick Morillo RIP brother - 5 years ago

@lovelyelefant17: RT @bvoice_p: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault - 5 years ago

@diplo_drama: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@SolyAngel125: RT @agenciaNDS: Hallan muerto a DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It”: Las circunstancias de su muerte no están claras http… - 5 years ago

@Roodri_101: RT @txampa: Muere el DJ y productor Eric Morillo - 5 years ago

@fabbiannigarcia: Quien no bailó "I Like to Move It" de Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@Lira7F: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@AyeeCee96: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@aquilespintoPT: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@Yourboyiann: Damn RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@PublimetroMX: Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del deceso - 5 years ago

@pulzo: Murió famoso Dj que creó el tema 'I like to move it'; tenía raíces colombianas - 5 years ago

@elmozo7: Muere el DJ Erick Morillo, famoso creador de 'I like to move it', a los 49 años - Nooooooo… - 5 years ago

@shanepattersonm: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@capttere: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@VdeVendimia97: RT @ASummerStoryOfi: Nos llega la triste noticia de que tenemos que despedir a Erick Morillo y, desde A Summer Story, trasladamos el pésam… - 5 years ago

@ATelevisao: DJ Erick Morillo encontrado morto numa #Praia nos Estados Unidos da América #Famosos #Música #ILikeToMoveIt… - 5 years ago

@mixfeever: MixFeever annonce le décès d un grand DJ Erick Morillo nous à quittés un DJ avec des hits comme Live Your Life e… - 5 years ago

@ogunstbest: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@iainbate: Can't believe Erick Morillo has passed away. Absolute dance icon #riperickmorillo - 5 years ago

@Cokito_Lindo: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@jezuznowuu: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@BurberryBeanz: RT @HOT97: RIP Erick Morillo 🙏 - 5 years ago

@meshigener_hobs: R.I.P. E-ticket Morillo! DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@Boosen11: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@KCran7: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@shivxxn: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@javelom: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@lousyvibess: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@gwehnuhman25: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@WeYoungSaints: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@Martesone: RT @abc_es: Hallan muerto al DJ Erick Morillo, creador del tema «I Like to Move It», en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@BslashyP: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@camilaros24: Que pena lo de Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@paulaposer: RT @BBCWorld: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for the track 'I Like to Move It', found dead in Miami, local police say - 5 years ago

@DiabloSlump_: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@Liliezuca: Rip Erick Morillo 🙌🏻🔝 I Like To Move It (feat. The Mad Stuntman) - Erick "More" Album Mix de Reel 2 Real - 5 years ago

@AshMcGough31: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DiegoMelons: RT @kookaysgt: ÚLTIMA HORA ⚠️ Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su… - 5 years ago

@AllenPeerzen: RT @MoskaHouse: Descansa en paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por toda tu música. Nunca serás olvidado. - 5 years ago

@iarod__: RT @SkeleMusic: I guess Erick Morillo either killed himself over the rape charge or got assassinated from it? Idk but I feel like it’s rela… - 5 years ago

@GoldstarTMG: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@cuenta_C: Ha muerto Erick Morillo. Uno de los mejores djs house. Descanse en paz. - 5 years ago

@OFTLOHpr: #MixmagNews Erick Morillo has died age 49 - 5 years ago

@bastian2105: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@xavierpaniagua: No chinguen que se murió Erick Morillo :( - 5 years ago

@BipolarIncognit: RT @MoskaHouse: Descansa en paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por toda tu música. Nunca serás olvidado. - 5 years ago

@TeesFine: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@savannerdd: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@34maud: RT @LaVanguardia: El productor musical y DJ de renombre internacional ha fallecido a los 49 años - 5 years ago

@Fotografia_Rios: RT @ABCNoticiasMX: Encuentran sin vida a DJ Erick Morillo El productor musical fue encontrado sin vida en su casa de Miami - 5 years ago

@MADEMags: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@ClubbersguideNY: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Tonirp94: DEP Erick Morillo, un grande - 5 years ago

@xlittlefragglex: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@Talk2Myra: RT @NBbreaking: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach Tue… - 5 years ago

@Blonde_Nutter: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Santiago_V1: RT @CCNews__: 🚨#ÚLTIMAHORA🚨 El Rey Julien está de luto; el DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció a los 49 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@BacanBacan: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@dan_maze: Nooooooo ma come Erick Morillo ma che amarezza infinita - 5 years ago

@TheInspiredBlue: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@silvinomendes89: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@juninhobentojb: - 5 years ago

@FootballGogme: R.I.P. Erick Morillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@TranceBunny: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@iboitwit: Noooo Erick Morillo noooo... - 5 years ago

@casimirdu70: RT @Eurodance_Story: Erick Morillo , le producteur du groupe Reel 2 Real avec le tube eurodance « I like to move it » vient de nous quitter… - 5 years ago

@NorthAmericaNN: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@DjGreybeard: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DavidLujanSheda: Ensoniq ASR-10 Sin esta belleza no existiría la mayoría del hip-hop colombiano noventero. R.I.P. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@LalinhaSandra: RT @TMZ: Erick Morillo Through The Years -- R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@XavierRussian: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@lllucia_: RT @PoblaSanti: En shock por lo de Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@andyjamesrivera: #rip to the Legend Erick Morillo 💔@ErickMorillo #housemusic - 5 years ago

@NorthAmericaNN: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@AboboEric: Rip Erick Morillo. That’s so sad I can’t believe it. - 5 years ago

@ComicCrusaders: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@ollyollyolly_: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@saruslg: Acabo de quedarme helada con la muerte de Erick Morillo. Sólo se me ocurre poner a tope los altavoces y escuchar és… - 5 years ago

@jorgemirandadj: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Ravenchansan: RT @BBCNorthAmerica: Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it' DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@floweroflondon: BBC News - Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it' DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@bagagem4: Mano erick morillo morreu :( - 5 years ago

@SavageSabrinax: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@thistimefromme: BBC News - Erick Morillo: 'I like to move it' DJ dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@coraxaroc: RT @nbardEff: RIP Erick Morillo 🥀 - 5 years ago

@FakeDawnSummers: RT @BreakingNews: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach T… - 5 years ago

@geekbio66: RT @funradio_fr: Erick Morillo, DJ et auteur du titre « I Like To Move It » a été retrouvé mort ce soir à Miami 😢 - 5 years ago

@sallegro95: @Variety This is not the way I wanted to learn how many dance music pseudonyms were actually Erick Morillo projects - 5 years ago

@BEATOFICIAL: Erick Morillo is in da house 🎵 - 5 years ago

@awillman279: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@federal_sound: Press F to pay respect for Erick Morillo 💔 - 5 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@luchocasasr: RT @DavidBermudezDj: Siempre lo diré, su técnica era casi inmejorable por cualquier dj, sin duda, uno de los mejores djs que ha habido. D.… - 5 years ago

@tbusbey: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@babyimamystic: RT @LaytonGiordani: cant believe im writing this. erick morillo... you are such an inspiration to the new york scene and the world. your sm… - 5 years ago

@RealtorProblemz: Damn, he was the cornerstone at TAO, LAVO, TAO BEACH back in the day - RIP - 5 years ago

@SalteeMusic: So when it’s a bass artist with allegations, they’re cancelled forever. But Erick Morillo, whose DNA was found in t… - 5 years ago

@arianalentini: Nos dejó Erick Morillo a los 49 años. Fue un DJ que marcó su paso en la escena de la música electrónica a partir de… - 5 years ago

@kenwheaton: RT @BreakingNews: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach T… - 5 years ago

@Keithcleary4: RT @OBeachIbiza: RIP Erick Morillo 🧡 - 5 years ago

@albeerto_like: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@libracvnt: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@quilloenri: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@thedirtyplayerz: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@exclaimdotca: R.I.P. "I Like to Move It" DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Lolo_Bello: RT @kookaysgt: ÚLTIMA HORA ⚠️ Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su… - 5 years ago

@niggerdeguetto: No sufráis, que Erick Morillo se va disfrutao. - 5 years ago

@KIKA45899497: RT @babi: gente que tristeza. Esse moço fez parte da minha adolescência todinha - 5 years ago

@FabulousFlack: Sometime you just need to let go don’t keep it all inside Sometimes you just have to let the whole world to know th… - 5 years ago

@maag0512: RT @adnradiochile: Murió Erick Morillo, el hombre detrás del hit noventero “I Like To Move It” - 5 years ago

@charlottehbooth: RT @OBeachIbiza: RIP Erick Morillo 🧡 - 5 years ago

@LK2CHAT: RT @BreakingNews: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach T… - 5 years ago

@AlannJuarez97: El rey Julien al enterarse la muerte de Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@NicoleDarrian: RT @BreakingNews: DJ Erick Morillo, who scored a hit in 1993 with the song "I Like to Move It," was found dead at his home in Miami Beach T… - 5 years ago

@Cikipong: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Davo_Alee: RT @luislopezwdm: Muere el gran Erick Morillo a la edad de 49 años. Uno de los Djs más importantes en mi vida, auténtico maestro en cabina.… - 5 years ago

@Michelle____23: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Tikkie_Terug: DJ Erick Morillo ('I like to move it') dood aangetroffen - 5 years ago

@djsteveswift: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@etxxx: RT @RichardCrommert: Dj Erick Morillo (49) dood gevonden - 5 years ago

@lllucia_: RT @dannyhowarddj: He didn’t deserve to die, I’m heartbroken 💔 Thank you for the music, thank you for your inspiration and thank you for… - 5 years ago

@sahirhilario: Waooo que en paz descanse el DJ Erick Morillo, uno de los mejores de la música electrónica House, muy buenos shows en vivo. - 5 years ago

@diegocastillodj: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@md_mazing_: RT @matrodamusic: 🙏 RIP ERICK MORILLO 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Buffalou73: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@mcezeh1: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@albercreek: RT @luislopezwdm: Muere el gran Erick Morillo a la edad de 49 años. Uno de los Djs más importantes en mi vida, auténtico maestro en cabina.… - 5 years ago

@Jariaaah_: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@natelr22: RT @beatport: International house music star, Erick Morillo, has died at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@eanhjones: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DannyMorley2: R.I.P DJ Erick Morillo u were a legend. - 5 years ago

@itsss_cam: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@KoMelita: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Sp8ce_Man: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@b_bellax3: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@_ItsCourtneyyyy: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@naganicol: RT @ShockCo: Una leyenda de la electrónica. - 5 years ago

@garnishmusic: RT @residentadvisor: Erick Morillo dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@StvnLeon: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@grupoqbec: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@FMMV_tito: RT @Catinformacio: #ÚLTIMAHORA Mor als 49 anys el discjòquei nord-americà Erick Morillo, autor de "I like to move it", tot un himne de l'el… - 5 years ago

@sophstatic_: RT @SwaggedOutNeeb: 2020 is just getting worse. Smh RIP Erick Morillo, known for being one of the producers for “I Like to Move It” from th… - 5 years ago

@Lauravargas144: RT @majomontemayor: El DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció este martes. Aún no se conocen las causas de su deceso. Q.E.P.D 🖤 - 5 years ago

@taliacadet: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Jayson75766553: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Dj_AngelFlores: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@wee_gobshite: Fuckin hell just seen this, can't believe it just 49😟 #erickmorillo DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@4ever_Mperfect: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@17ShortFuse: RT @SkeleMusic: I guess Erick Morillo either killed himself over the rape charge or got assassinated from it? Idk but I feel like it’s rela… - 5 years ago

@mihai_topi: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@Podcastelmartes: RT @Lenore1789: Hoy ha muerto el DJ Erick Morillo a los 49 años, una pena y un recordatorio de que la ketamina no es buena idea - 5 years ago

@hungsolo2k: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@cahbuzelim: RT @babi: gente que tristeza. Esse moço fez parte da minha adolescência todinha - 5 years ago

@DrVitruvius: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@jolugo21: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Karinagxo: RT @LaytonGiordani: cant believe im writing this. erick morillo... you are such an inspiration to the new york scene and the world. your sm… - 5 years ago

@KenScribe: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@Matt_T32: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@GainGreeneMoy: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@aglvsmm: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@GiancarloVDiLeo: Erick Morillo died WTF - 5 years ago

@SebastianRegino: - 5 years ago

@KellettCraig: Soundtrack to a mental fortnight in Ibiza 2001 🤪 Got to be done, RIP Eric Morillo. Game changer for me this one Sub… - 5 years ago

@ChrisPenney001: Totally agree. Absolute Legend and will be missed by millions. R.I.P Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ohhthatsmary: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Thee_jAVi: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@agmxxre: RT @gabrielszatan: save the ‘He Don’t Like To Move It Anymore’ quips re: Erick Morillo. his plunging decline through drugs and abuse should… - 5 years ago

@arq_randi: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@DonKKijotE: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@jolugo21: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@WoodyDGR: RT @OLDSKOOLPARTIES: Sad news today... RIP Erick Morillo (1971 – 2020) 🌹 - 5 years ago

@salocinuy: Murió Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@wes_cox: RIP Erick Morillo 😢 - 5 years ago

@CavemanPalace: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@gustavodv_: Septiembre sorpren.... Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@hypomania_: ¿Se suicidó Erick Morillo? - 5 years ago

@MissOpiniao: Another star 🌟 is shining in the sky! Descanse em paz, Dj Erick Morillo! - 5 years ago

@MaynardChrist10: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@freshmusicfreak: Erick Morillo was found dead in his Miami Beach home, but the circumstances around his death are unclear. - 5 years ago

@XxNinjaGokuxX: RT @DailyMailCeleb: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault htt… - 5 years ago

@__CalMc: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Harj_Badwal: RT @EvertonArentWe: RIP Erick Morillo 🎧 - 5 years ago

@StanShady8: RT @SmartWoke: Damn man. Erick Morillo is really gone. I never thought I’d say I saw his last Miami mainstage set ever and hate I have to b… - 5 years ago

@lcabbabeh: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@kaiiijayyy: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@milkcustard: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@earellanoi: RT @NoticiasCaracol: #Ampliación | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de la canción ‘I Like To Move It’. El artista colombo-estadounidense… - 5 years ago

@mister_burke_: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@954Xavi: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@1203_bd_: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@LeandraoDj: Notícia lamentável!!! O DJ Erick Morillo, que ficou conhecido pelo hit I Like to Move It, de 1993, morreu aos 49 an… - 5 years ago

@philcolclough: RIP Erick Morillo, sad to hear of his death.. so many great memories over the years, on dance floors and within atm… - 5 years ago

@steep_deeped: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@XxNinjaGokuxX: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@dj_spliffy: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@13Andrea07: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@astateofandro: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@djhazeltine: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@DavidMcGill7: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@MrsCarterM: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@janicephillips: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@carolegamelin: RT @sudouest: "I like to move it", le DJ Erick Morillo alias Reel 2 Real retrouvé mort à Miami à 49 ans - 5 years ago

@LaPorres: RT @Catinformacio: #ÚLTIMAHORA Mor als 49 anys el discjòquei nord-americà Erick Morillo, autor de "I like to move it", tot un himne de l'el… - 5 years ago

@XxNinjaGokuxX: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@AlexFTondo: Falleció el DJ y productor americano Erick Morillo, creador del éxito de los 90's "I Like To Move It"… - 5 years ago

@GertEdelenbos: RIP Erick Morillo is op 49-jarige leeftijd overleden, je hem wel als je deze ziet- I Like To Move It (Official Vide… - 5 years ago

@Dazy_Daze: RT @6AMGroup: Erick Morillo was found dead at his home in Miami Beach this morning - 5 years ago

@__bash: Erick Morillo (49) overleden. Bekend van Reel 2 Real op het befaamde Strictly Rhythm, met een paar knetter van een… - 5 years ago

@SpiderNewsMx: RT @DavidBermudezDj: Siempre lo diré, su técnica era casi inmejorable por cualquier dj, sin duda, uno de los mejores djs que ha habido. D.… - 5 years ago

@mixudance: RIP Erick Morillo... I like to move it... - 5 years ago

@SoftSteer: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@vierhoog: DJ Erick Morillo ('I like to move it') dood aangetroffen - 5 years ago

@LukeWhitehead: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@TheAquariusBIG: RT @DailyMailCeleb: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault htt… - 5 years ago

@Craig_Law: RIP Erick 🙏 - 5 years ago

@yo1dude: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Matttagascar: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@emilyy__a: RIP Erick Morillo such great times 🙏🏻🙏🏻 a great DJ your music lives on forever - 5 years ago

@chrisblumer1: RT @TMZ: Erick Morillo Through The Years -- R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@HeavySlaughter: RT @CharlottDevaney: RIP Eric Morillo awful news 🙁 - 5 years ago

@lbooth9: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@RickyJCollins: Oh bollocks! DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@soundofstage: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@innerbloomx: Caralho mano o erick morillo morreu - 5 years ago

@dan_kane56: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@4AMNYC: RT @Dj_Chachi: RIP ERICK MORILLO - 5 years ago

@eddieSOsocial: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Joe_TT2008: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@redforeverandev: Mix – Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick feat Shawnee Taylor - Live Your Lif... - 5 years ago

@juanchoaragon: RT @NoticiasCaracol: #LoÚltimo | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Fue encontrado sin vida en su casa en Mi… - 5 years ago

@GeraLAquinoM: Que mal lo de Erick Morillo vale - 5 years ago

@HallwayProdz: RT @TMZ: Erick Morillo Through The Years -- R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@NoticiasCaracol: #Ampliación | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador de la canción ‘I Like To Move It’. El artista colombo-estadouniden… - 5 years ago

@ToothillJen: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@Shoupii_95: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@djswoosh: R.I.P. ERICK MORILLO - 5 years ago

@Remsofficial__: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Subyatta: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@MuradBaloglanov: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@__IslaBlige__77: Awful news...💔💔💔 Erick Morillo dead: DJ known for 1990s hit I Like To Move It dies at 49 - Mirror Online - 5 years ago

@lee_marlowe: Wow Erick Morillo now #RIPEricMorillo - 5 years ago

@HudMo: Dam, rip Erick Morillo :// - 5 years ago

@Mashikarlos: RT @DjmagLA: Encuentran muerto a Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@infectedangel: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@olijfje68: RT @NOS: DJ Erick Morillo ('I like to move it') dood aangetroffen - 5 years ago

@RyanGilbert79: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@JPhilp_: @jackwilbymusic @ErickMorillo The bloke was a rapist - 5 years ago

@Mashikarlos: RT @TrenaLive: Hacía diabluras con la mesa americana (la de los botones redondos), filtraba en directo como nadie y creó una identidad sono… - 5 years ago

@MsMusicBrady: RT @djjjfrost: So Erick Morillo was arrested on some nonce ting recently now he's dead . Wow 2020 just keeps on 🙄 - 5 years ago

@GinaScordio: RT @DJPaulyD: Sad News :( A True Legend. Erick Morillo RIP. - 5 years ago

@clabbe15: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@iPulledDaTrigga: RT @weraveyou: BREAKING: Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach 😲😲 - 5 years ago

@Rodeblam: Murió en Miami Erick Morillo, DJ internacional que conoció la fama tras el éxito de “I Like to Move It”. Pocos días… - 5 years ago

@Rodeblam: 📷 Murió en Miami Erick Morillo, DJ internacional que conoció la fama tras el éxito de “I Like to Move It”. Pocos dí… - 5 years ago

@DaniloBaghin: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@Mashikarlos: RT @jesus_zup: La influencia de Erick Morillo fue y es grande. Tanto que Swedish House Mafia lo considera su DJ favorito además que gracias… - 5 years ago

@agustiniyo82: RT @djnanoshow: D.E.P Erick Morillo.. - 5 years ago

@IamCabbie: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Melissa311213: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@calim8s: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@walkeradam1: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@SPIN: Erick Morillo, 'I Like to Move It' DJ and Subliminal Records Founder, Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Barskeezylol: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@Weerliefhebber: RT @NOS: DJ Erick Morillo ('I like to move it') dood aangetroffen - 5 years ago

@usenincrease: Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@DavidSerra24: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@ChrisRoshier: Erick Morillo 😔💔 - 5 years ago

@osmin_alexis: RT @EMPOTV: #EMPONEWS 💥 El famoso DJ, ERICK MORILLO, fallece a sus 49 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@bdictoh: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@tpk0511: RT @wsvn: Miami Beach Police are investigating after DJ Erick Morillo was found dead this morning. His death comes after he was arrested on… - 5 years ago

@jp4309: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@DjmagLA: Encuentran muerto a Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@basticasas: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@overnightnoctrn: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@SwaggedOutNeeb: 2020 is just getting worse. Smh RIP Erick Morillo, known for being one of the producers for “I Like to Move It” fro… - 5 years ago

@shufflebasedj: RT @ministryofsound: RIP Erick Morillo 1971-2020 - 5 years ago

@ausdjforums: BREAKING: Erick Morillo Found Dead at 49 In His Miami Home → - 5 years ago

@Yeshua_Hido: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@forihave5inned: RT @doorlydj: So sad to hear about Erick Morillo. By no means perfect & obvs a troubled soul but what a sad ending to such an incredible ca… - 5 years ago

@ChrisRoshier: Erick Morillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@therealjuando: One of the best DJ’s to ever do it. First DJ to go double platinum. Don’t think I ever watched him play a bad set.… - 5 years ago

@Miguel_Guillen: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@UnSo1oRitmo: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@DJTimesMag: House DJ and Producer @ErickMorillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@_lizl0: RT @wsvn: Miami Beach Police are investigating after DJ Erick Morillo was found dead this morning. His death comes after he was arrested on… - 5 years ago

@luchobeat1: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Mashikarlos: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@SheIsBacon11: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@MarkWalmsley84: RIP Erick morillo - 5 years ago

@divinejmw: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@crackbillionair: RT @keyofamyjor: ew ppl are actually sad and mourning for erick morillo???? are u like??????? also a rapist????? fn gross - 5 years ago

@queenNC__: Very sad to hear of the passing of Erick Morillo. RIP 😔 Loved his song with @JSutta 💙 Jessica Sutta & Erick Mori… - 5 years ago

@plasticOL: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@radicaltotal: Descanse en paz @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@LiesbethRoek: RT @NOS: DJ Erick Morillo ('I like to move it') dood aangetroffen - 5 years ago

@Collins10903388: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@chopmunky: Blimey, Erick Morillo passes. Sounds like he had a lot going on with the assault/battery charges. I wonder if it wa… - 5 years ago

@hadeyz1: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@JonatanGoak: RIP Legend... #erickmorillo Erick Morillo @ Street Parade 2019 (Full Set Hi-Res) – ARTE Concert - 5 years ago

@IndhiraReyes: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@BryceBerg_: RT @ARPdidTHAT: Erick Morillo can rot. - 5 years ago

@tonyntv: A legend for his music, transparency and honesty of his problems and what he did for the younger artists in dance m… - 5 years ago

@djaytug: ''I Like To Move It'' ve onlarca hitle gerçek dans müziği efsanesi Erick Morillo , Miami sahilinde ölü bulunmuş :(… - 5 years ago

@Francisco_RS13: RT @Alexandref92: Como assim o Erick Morillo morreu - 5 years ago

@23duff: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@angiewrites: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@_loveRachel_: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@ianpuddick: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@sabrosiado: Live your life de Erick Morillo es ese tema que me gusta escuchar cuando estoy triste y ya no quiero estar más triste. RIP - 5 years ago

@angelic63017546: RT @mauguio2: Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à Miami Beach ce soir (TM… - 5 years ago

@thegoldenboyUK: Gutted hear about Erick Morillo. RIP 😢 - 5 years ago

@Cossybhoy67: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@radicaltotal: RT @lasopa_news: #Hollywood | HALLAN MUERTO al DJ Erick Morillo creador del hit de los 90 I Like to Move It .- - 5 years ago

@ThotSmasherr: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@ellin_richard: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@StephanieFuerte: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@jakeway8: RIP Erick Morillo house & dance music legend 🌹 - 5 years ago

@ibblyobbly: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@musicon_dance: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@Simonsalazarr99: RT @katherinebs23: Marico no puedo creer lo de erick morillo😭💔 - 5 years ago

@geovani_omestre: 2020 tá do caralho, pqp, até o Erick Morillo??! Ta foda viu! - 5 years ago

@daush_: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@mavafaith: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@alejoangelor: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@RobertoHermida: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@StephanieFuerte: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@__HippyKitty: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@MisterLegacy: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@nataliebates_: erick morillo dead a few weeks after them rape charges, 2020 moving muad still - 5 years ago

@Trouble_Man337: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@DoctorKharl: Esta noche en FORMULA 21 SUMMER y atraves de nuestra website & streaming - 5 years ago

@BeMyRomeo: RIP eric morillo - 5 years ago

@Viiancax3: YO NO WAY R.I.P Erick Morillo 😦😦 - 5 years ago

@AntooIMP: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@AustinTobak: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@fabivisage: RT @rollingstoneBR: Dono do sucesso "I Like to Move It", música-tema de Madagascar, o artista foi encontrado morto em Miami, segundo site… - 5 years ago

@els_hinderink: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@angelic63017546: RT @iCoroRD: RIP @ErickMorillo 😞 “Fuentes policiales informaron que el cuerpo fue encontrado en la mañana en Miami Beach, aun se desconocen… - 5 years ago

@jdarenasa: RT @JOHANPATINO: Y el 2020 no nos deja de sorprender, se acaba de llevar al gran Erick Morillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@Chris_Horner1: RT @SkyNews: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida - 5 years ago

@EDMGamer4K: RT @billboard: DJ #ErickMorillo has passed away at age 49. - 5 years ago

@FreDurlacher: R.I.P Erick Morillo We liked to move it move it <3 #erickmorillo #dj #producer #miami - 5 years ago

@LinkyDeejay: One of the best DJs I knew. Rest In Paradise Erick Morillo 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@Doffuxx: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@NikkiCCameronn: Erick Morillo: DJ famous for 1993 hit I Like To Move It found dead in Florida | Ents & Arts News | Sky News - 5 years ago

@renunciaahora: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@gabsiqueirass: Como assim o Erick Morillo morreu mano ah nem cancela o mundo - 5 years ago

@trevor_p_malco: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@yofrankdnicar: Erick Morillo fue encontrado muerto esteMartes en su casa de habitaciónen Miami. #farandula #Deej #electronicmusic… - 5 years ago

@Victor21RD: RT @iCoroRD: Murió Erick Morillo, Dios santo! 😭 - 5 years ago

@kathychaney: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@EDMGamer4K: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@keelee231: Open SmartNews to read '‘I Like to Move It’ DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49' here: - 5 years ago

@Felipe_Mera: Quien era Erick Morillo, en que equipo jugaba? - 5 years ago

@Adrian_Zamorah: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@frotrogafro: Erick Morillo foi encontrado morto. Esse cara marcou dms minha infância. Uma grande perda pra música! - 5 years ago

@DJScottieG: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@nico_que_rico: R.I.P Erick Morillo 🇨🇴🕊🙏🏼 one of the best DJ’s to see live. His energy and enthusiasim on the decks was unmatched - 5 years ago

@jacksoh64: RT @Independent: DJ Erick Morillo found dead at Miami Beach house - 5 years ago

@_Be_Like_Mike_: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@SinEmbargoTR: El DJ y productor musical Erick Morillo, creador de éxitos como “I Like to Move It”, fallece a los 49 años - 5 years ago

@luistersocialfm: I Like To Move It-dj Erick Morillo (49) onverwachts overleden - 5 years ago

@The_Tripman: No sea hijueputa... Se fue un grande, hasta siempre Erick Morillo. GENIO. - 5 years ago

@aaronrussell97: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@soydjchris: Adiós a un grande #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@craigchowdown: RT @Independent: DJ Erick Morillo found dead at Miami Beach house - 5 years ago

@EricMADELON: RT @billboarddance: Veteran Producer Erick Morillo Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@evildoesntsleep: erick morillo morreu? wtf????? - 5 years ago

@ZONA69radio: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere Erick Morillo. Según el portal TMZ, el cuerpo del DJ fue encontrado esta mañana en Miami Beach.… - 5 years ago

@Kris_sirK: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@jhomesickness: 2020 ep 9 😢 - 5 years ago

@nataliaalaw: Rest in Peace Erick Morillo. Such a great Dj. 🤍🍃 - 5 years ago

@briandelancey: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@EDMGamer4K: RT @TheSun: 'I Like To Move It' DJ Erick Morillo has died - 5 years ago

@raulaguilera: R.I.P Erick Morillo. :O - 5 years ago

@JoeTapiaDj: RT @jesus_zup: La influencia de Erick Morillo fue y es grande. Tanto que Swedish House Mafia lo considera su DJ favorito además que gracias… - 5 years ago

@AndrewPotterNZ: DJ Erick Morillo, known for 90s hit I Like To Move It, dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@909originals: RT @jonNolan50: Listen to Erick Morillo -Radio 1 : A Decade In Ibiza, Live from Space (2005-08-07) by LFzernin on #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@marianthiMeLLLo: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@talkieroundhole: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@MannyR___: “I Like To Move it” is forever an all time universal banger 🔥 Fortunate to have seen you play live 🇨🇴 R.I.P Erick M… - 5 years ago

@gaypalace: RT @atzedevrieze: House dj Erick Morillo is overleden - 5 years ago

@BFA_Fair: RT @DailyMailCeleb: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault htt… - 5 years ago

@silvioleao_: RT @techhousenation: Rest In Peace to the legendary Erick Morillo... 🤍 - 5 years ago

@djcueworldwide: RIP Erick Morillo 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@EDMGamer4K: RT @GlobalDanceGDE: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 .@ErickMorillo Has Died At The Age Of 49 READ ME ► - 5 years ago

@SrSergioG: RT @nypost: DJ Erick Morillo, of 'I Like to Move It' fame, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@OnSenCharge: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@scotttapsteele: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@NoticiasCaracol: #LoÚltimo | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Fue encontrado sin vida en su casa en… - 5 years ago

@JMiloCP: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@dailystar: BREAKING DJ Erick Morillo found dead on Miami beach - 5 years ago

@Itzelkermel: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Descance en Paz, Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@PCorMobile: 90s Reel 2 Real frontman Erick Morillo has passed away. I like To Move It was a worldwide success in the nineties.… - 5 years ago

@SeanAllen31087: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@Sir_IKER: RT @BEATOFICIAL: Descance en Paz, Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@jadegibson_124: Actual heartbroken about erick morillo propper hero of mine musically😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@NezukosTomato: RT @ARPdidTHAT: Erick Morillo can rot. - 5 years ago

@gillactico: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@DCELECTROURBAN: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@avbleek: Wonder if there’s any reporter out there with a solemn side smirk like, “Erick Morillo was found no longer moving at his Miami home.” - 5 years ago

@22thabs: R.I.P. Erick Morillo, “I Like to Move It” DJ Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@djdeansherry: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@jiggykev: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@KaylaColgan: RT @KaylaColgan: Well, there goes my childhood. RIP Erick Morillo. - 5 years ago

@EDMGamer4K: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@abdollar19: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@DjCandyman: @djlindseyward - 5 years ago

@CarlosDanielAS_: RT @majomontemayor: El DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció este martes. Aún no se conocen las causas de su deceso. Q.E.P.D 🖤 - 5 years ago

@Perry_Hilton: RT @PageSix: DJ Erick Morillo, of 'I Like To Move It' fame, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@djdeansherry: RT @jonNolan50: Listen to Erick Morillo -Radio 1 : A Decade In Ibiza, Live from Space (2005-08-07) by LFzernin on #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@coreyblyjr: @LaytonGiordani - 5 years ago

@Bhoy_in_LA: Erick Morillo Rest in Peace...or get the party started up there!! - 5 years ago

@Gurdo: 😢😢 Back in the day, I loved to move it... - 5 years ago

@Kojima_Masahiro: Erick Morillo R.I.P - 5 years ago

@deviIette: People openly being sad erick morillo is dead like he wasnt a whole sexual predator. Y’all make me sick. - 5 years ago

@recudorP: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@richdsmoov: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@radiodabplus: ‘I Like To Move It’- dj en producer Erick Morillo (49) onverwacht overleden #rip #erickmorillo #reel2real - 5 years ago

@Judie4rmThaBloc: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@anthonyfioridj: Enserio? Arrancamos #Septiembre con la muerte del DJ @ErickMorillo Erick Morillo? Enserio? Este 2020 es un asco! #housemusic 🥺 - 5 years ago

@MiamiNewTimes: BREAKING: Police spokesperson Ernesto Rodriguez says the department got a 911 call today at 10:42 a.m. to Erick Mor… - 5 years ago

@Julian118: RT @ARPdidTHAT: Erick Morillo can rot. - 5 years ago

@ASOT_KC: RT @DJPaulyD: Sad News :( A True Legend. Erick Morillo RIP. - 5 years ago

@rpadilla008: RT @yoguiprz: Mierda murió Erick Morillo... Dios proteja a Codillo y a Espaguetillo. - 5 years ago

@mannyanekal: When I was a DJ in the late '90's (there were these things called "vinyl" and "turntables"), Erick Morillo's Sublim… - 5 years ago

@Chris_Garbutt87: Shocked and saddened to learn of Erick Morillo’s death. Had some absolutely incredible nights on the terrace at Spa… - 5 years ago

@She_Want_MeXXX: RT @wsvn: Miami Beach Police are investigating after DJ Erick Morillo was found dead this morning. His death comes after he was arrested on… - 5 years ago

@handsupelectro: Célèbre pour son tube interplanétaire « I Like To Move It », le DJ Erick Morillo est décédé à l’âge de 49 ans... - 5 years ago

@danyktt: #DJ #ErickMorillo found #dead in #MiamiBeach 😮 - 5 years ago

@sugardj: El DJ Erick Morillo integrante de Reel2Reel famosos por su éxito de los ‘90s “I Like To Move It” fue encontrado mue… - 5 years ago

@lusoareal: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@PravirRamlall: RT @euphonik: R.I.P Erick Morillo 🙏🏾🕊 😪 - 5 years ago

@Tomrose32: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@kabena76: RT @CCNews__: 🚨#ÚLTIMAHORA🚨 El Rey Julien está de luto; el DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció a los 49 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@PlatypusSSB: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@djspoonie: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@cabrallmusic: RT @EletroVibez: #VibezNews 🚨 O site TMZ, conhecido por noticiar em primeira mão, e com precisão, o falecimento de astros, noticiou na tar… - 5 years ago

@ruben_safe: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@infinityfinite: NOOOOOOOOOOOO I WAS HOPING IT WASNT REAL BUT RIP ERICK MORILLO!!!!!!! :'( - 5 years ago

@ChrMarTho: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@iHeartRadioCA: Erick Morillo, the DJ and music producer best known for his 1994 hit “I Like to Move It,” was found dead Tuesday mo… - 5 years ago

@elgrandepato: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Alien_Brit: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@Jason_Mckeown: Sad but complicated news about Erick Morillo. A top DJ who I saw several times during my clubbing days. - 5 years ago

@J_Poyastro: RT @DJPaulyD: Sad News :( A True Legend. Erick Morillo RIP. - 5 years ago

@alexistorresok: RT @kookaysgt: ÚLTIMA HORA ⚠️ Murió el DJ Erick Morillo , creador del hit “I Like to Move It”. Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su… - 5 years ago

@sunrisewithyou: RIP 😔 - 5 years ago

@lilsnowbabe: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@palouze_: Rahhh Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ballinandy24: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Darth_Oz: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@MarcoPrietoG: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@czboogie: RT @5Magazine: Erick Morillo was found dead this morning in Miami Beach Story: - 5 years ago

@YaGirl_Karls: RT @theguccisnake: Erick Morillo tribute set live tonight @ 6pm. RIP to a legend. - 5 years ago

@SmartWoke: I’m in shock completely. Erick Morillo is in the pantheon of gods when it comes to house music. May he Rest In Peac… - 5 years ago

@BrianJrivas: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@Bl0ndieMIA: DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach. Although recent events make his legacy cloudy, he was without a doubt… - 5 years ago

@Cabronazi: Ha muerto el Dj y productor Erick Morillo a la edad de 49 años. DEP - 5 years ago

@theguccisnake: Erick Morillo tribute set live tonight @ 6pm. RIP to a legend. - 5 years ago

@thisisaimeer: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@Pollardj: Erick Morillo 😳😪 - 5 years ago

@shyyyiii_: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@ADshownieuws: Dj en muziekproducer Erick Morillo is op 49-jarige leeftijd overleden. De artiest werd wereldberoemd met de megahit… - 5 years ago

@momsdialogue: RT @PageSix: DJ Erick Morillo, of 'I Like To Move It' fame, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@AyakTracks: Fucking hell my heart just dropped! Damn Erick Morillo died - 5 years ago

@hadeyz1: RT @RTLFrance: Le DJ de 49 ans, notamment connu pour son titre "I Like To Move It" a été retrouvé mort à Miami Beach, ce mardi 1er septembr… - 5 years ago

@jeremy_wahab: RT @5Magazine: Erick Morillo was found dead this morning in Miami Beach Story: - 5 years ago

@Thalassatx: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Jan_Vis: Zojuist is bekend geworden dat de Amerikaanse DJ en producer Erick Morillo op 49 jarige leeftijd is overleden. Mori… - 5 years ago

@mohoto_tseliso: RT @euphonik: R.I.P Erick Morillo 🙏🏾🕊 😪 - 5 years ago

@ItskevinTran: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Paul_Nadirehs: 2020 needs to end, what a shite year. RIP Erick Morillo 💔 - 5 years ago

@Dptaylor17: RT @RAFFLELOU: Oh NO RIP #EricMorillo one of the best DJ is gone - 5 years ago

@giansainato: Ma no 😢 è morto Erick Morillo... - 5 years ago

@pl_JArmy: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@kooknistot07: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@PolloBermudez: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Muchy1878: What the fuck man, Erick Morillo's dead. What a shite year - 5 years ago

@Tim_Olsson: RT @weraveyou: BREAKING: Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach 😲😲 - 5 years ago

@ShadyBoy1992: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@jimmssr: Erick Morillo morreu - 5 years ago

@Perfect_Chris: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@BronyStarseed: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@OlDirtyTony: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@thehomiecarls: RT @GlobalDanceGDE: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 .@ErickMorillo Has Died At The Age Of 49 READ ME ► - 5 years ago

@callmecarlitox: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@hmarmurek: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@ChristianArcand: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@luismalave: RT @djfabianhdz: DJ Erick Morillo - mejor conocido por su éxito de 1993, "I Like to Move It" - ha muerto ... Fuentes policiales nos dicen… - 5 years ago

@niana7_i: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@TiffGonzalezzz: THEY FOUND ERICK MORILLO DEAD IN SOUTH BEACH.................... What the fuck dude 😭💔 - 5 years ago

@jerome_mgmt: Erick Morillo vient de nous quitter... C’est l’hécatombe. #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@GerardoFLG: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Tayler_Ogden: Can't believe Erick Morillo is dead 😭 wish 2020 would fuck off already man - 5 years ago

@DJ_LEGION_ONE: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@blueseawithjin: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@e90_mg3: RT @sleepyboo: Wow. Oh my God. - 5 years ago

@GEORGErio3: RT @FMENERGYRIO3: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - ☛ - 5 years ago

@DottonPeyton: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@marco_olvra: Erick Morillo is dead =/ RIP - 5 years ago

@kurtbennett_UK: Such sad news about Erick Morillo... legend gone but his music will never be forgotten💙 - 5 years ago

@morecomebackst1: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Siempre__Papi: Bro....RIP Erick Morillo. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. - 5 years ago

@NostressRomero: Rip Erick morillo 😢 - 5 years ago

@Lecoq1coq: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@Javielubiera: #RIP Erick morillo - 5 years ago

@samcookson_xx: Erick morillo was my fave way back in those early Ibiza days... such sad news 🥺🧡 - 5 years ago

@djnabor: RT @EzequielDERO: QEPD querido amigo Erick Morillo , te vamos a extrañar ! - 5 years ago

@alejoperex: RT @Deadwalkman: Se nos fue Erick Morillo 💫 - 5 years ago

@CuiteAriana: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@chris_grey___: Erick Morillo. Tearing the fucking club up in the sky. Rave on Erick - 5 years ago

@lapowerrio3: RT @FMENERGYRIO3: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - ☛ - 5 years ago

@Joseph90226977: RT @billboard: Rest in peace, #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@JavSound_: RIP Erick Morillo... - 5 years ago

@lusoareal: 🙏🏼😢 - 5 years ago

@MfontanaS: RT @remolachanews: Hallan muerto a DJ Erick Morillo tras haber sido acusado de agresión sexual, fue el creador del hit “I Like to Move It”… - 5 years ago

@Henrys0m: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@fryattstreet: RT @officialcharts: DJ Erick Morillo, know for his hit single I Like To Move It, has died aged 49, it has been reported. View his Official… - 5 years ago

@CitaroCapacityL: RT @PageSix: DJ Erick Morillo, of 'I Like To Move It' fame, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@mrvaidercat1: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@QuibellPaul: RT @ClashMagazine: DJ Erick Morillo has died. A house star for over two decades, he was arrested for sexual battery last month. - 5 years ago

@eralroga97: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@nathansalem99: Heavy to hear about Erick Morillo. Live Your Life is one of the scousest anthems about. Pretty much confirms the assault claims though... 😪 - 5 years ago

@forihave5inned: RT @6AMGroup: Erick Morillo was found dead at his home in Miami Beach this morning - 5 years ago

@DJGianMatheus: RT @infobaeamerica: 🔴 REITERAMOS | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@pooks229: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@heypeekay1969: RIP Erick Morillo - loved his Subliminal Sessions and will miss them dearly - 5 years ago

@axidnt_media: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@fb151772: ‘I Like To Move It’-zanger Erick Morillo (49) onverwacht overleden - 5 years ago

@ItsDjDanielB: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@Polewka123: RT @nerdsattack: #ErickMorillo DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 – Variety - 5 years ago

@radiodabplus: ‘I Like To Move It’-zanger Erick Morillo (49) onverwacht overleden #rip - 5 years ago

@cchatoo: RT @djnanoshow: D.E.P Erick Morillo.. - 5 years ago

@Knavery66: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@AilsaForshaw: RT @IQShowbiz: DJ Erick Morillo Dead, ‘I Like To Move It’ Producer Dies at Age 49 #Celeb - 5 years ago

@drocktrot: RT @DJPaulyD: Sad News :( A True Legend. Erick Morillo RIP. - 5 years ago

@YuriVargas_: Caramba! Ainda sem acreditar... Um dos grandes nomes da música eletrônica. Se vai, mas ficará sempre seu legado e c… - 5 years ago

@miguelinferno23: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Thaikovski2: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@marcobelforti: Erick Morillo 💔 - 5 years ago

@jarroyaveu: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@Thaikovski2: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@ClashMagazine: Fans and fellow DJs voice their shock at the death of Erick Morillo; he scored an international hit with 'I Like It… - 5 years ago

@_walkinginspace: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@Moshelias: RT @PageSix: DJ Erick Morillo, of 'I Like To Move It' fame, found dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@TraciCoulter: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@djaleo: RIP, Erick Morillo is dead this morning at 49 in Miami. 😒 . . #djs #dj #music #djlife #party #hiphop #housemusic… - 5 years ago

@escribanomusic: RT @DailyMailCeleb: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault htt… - 5 years ago

@Alexandref92: Como assim o Erick Morillo morreu - 5 years ago

@doorlydj: So sad to hear about Erick Morillo. By no means perfect & obvs a troubled soul but what a sad ending to such an inc… - 5 years ago

@djessential6: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@RomeroSaltaren: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - RT - 5 years ago

@danivelasquezz: RT @HiMyNameIsSaul: Erick Morillo was due for court this Friday on some pretty serious rape charges. Guy took the cowards way out and y’all… - 5 years ago

@djkooldown: Well, there goes Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@forihave5inned: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@FerAndradeSa: RT @SueltaLaSopaTV: Falleció en #MiamiBeach el #DJ y productor #ErickMorillo, creador del famoso éxito #ILikeToMoveIt • Aún se desconocen l… - 5 years ago

@Tubzbuster: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@poserrrfeel: RT @pitchfork: Erick Morillo, the DJ and producer behind the 1993 hit "I Like to Move It," has died - 5 years ago

@IRIE: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@bonostaf1: RT @consequence: R.I.P. Erick Morillo: The Colombian-American DJ, best known for his 1993 hit single "I Like to Move It", has died at age 4… - 5 years ago

@LaDhanyVarGas: Se murió Erick Morillo wn! 😱😱😱 - 5 years ago

@EdwardAdoo: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Findecanonen: Llego a casa y me encuentro la noticia de la muerte de Erick Morillo, un referente en cuanto a música electrónica. #DEPErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@MrBravoJr: RIP to a legend Erick Morillo 😔😔😔 - 5 years ago

@MikevanFeldt: RT @CCNews__: 🚨#ÚLTIMAHORA🚨 El Rey Julien está de luto; el DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció a los 49 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@EdnaNewhouse: RT @RTLFrance: Le DJ de 49 ans, notamment connu pour son titre "I Like To Move It" a été retrouvé mort à Miami Beach, ce mardi 1er septembr… - 5 years ago

@_RyBrown: Jesus Christ that Erick Morillo found dead at his apartment - 5 years ago

@Dokkillo: wtf,????? - 5 years ago

@jhonyarias_: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@sccplevi: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@leeonasc_: RT @EletroVibez: #VibezNews 🚨 O site TMZ, conhecido por noticiar em primeira mão, e com precisão, o falecimento de astros, noticiou na tar… - 5 years ago

@ivanleo1516: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@SNogoff: Erick Morillo RIP((( - 5 years ago

@nuevacu32588508: RT @Beatburguer: El veterano del house y santo y seña del sonido Subliminal, Erick Morillo, ha sido encontrado muerto esta mañana en su ca… - 5 years ago

@ThatSiamGuy1988: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Fabiandori: Anectode personnelle : en 2015, j’ai passé toute une soirée avec Erick Morillo, il était entouré de 3 filles à ses… - 5 years ago

@ash_fowler00: RIP DJ Erick Morillo shit man the man was magic , absolute craftsman 😢 - 5 years ago

@MOneymaks: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@livethesearchAL: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@migueltovar: RT @mdmelectro: Lamentablemente la leyenda del House @ErickMorillo fue encontrada sin vida hoy. Aquí más información: - 5 years ago

@canal6tv: 🔴#ULTIMAHORA |Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" El DJ y producto… - 5 years ago

@susanrogers222: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING DJ Erick Morillo, known for 90s hit I Like To Move It, dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@petesoulmusic: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@BrianCorish: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@Matt_Smith78: A true pioneer of the modern dance scene. RIP Eric Morillo - 5 years ago

@FMENERGYRIO3: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - ☛ - 5 years ago

@JB_TF2019: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@miguenismo: Coño esto tiene que ser mentira 😭, @hugo_19_82 Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I… - 5 years ago

@IamCabbie: R.I.P. Erick Morillo #Reel2Real #DJErickMorillo #ErickMorillo #ILikeToMoveIt - 5 years ago

@Braymusofficial: RIP ERICK MORILLO SIEMPRE SERAS MI IDOLO🎼🔝🎼 - 5 years ago

@ChikiColon: R.I.P. Erick Morillo fuiste inspiración para muchos de nosotros, que la tierra te sea leve. - 5 years ago

@15Juanito22: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@pikadegallo: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@steveoreilly72: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@EmiLeotta16: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@aniita951: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@LEYENDOPORAQUI: Ha muerto Erick Morillo. Su clase y las ganas de bailar que sus temas han producido quedan eternamente - 5 years ago

@Ema1978: RT @Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@georgiebarham: could this year get any worse??? rip erick morillo what a legend 😭💔 - 5 years ago

@__TD27: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@_BRobin: @pit_xu @Laiyonne @Brevesdepresse - 5 years ago

@energy1042: DJ Erick Morillo („I Like To Move It“) ist tot. Der Künstler wurde nur 49 Jahre alt. - 5 years ago

@BenjamMartin: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@connor_martindj: Damn rip Erick Morillo, I know he had some things going on but it’s no doubt that he was a legend in the dance scene - 5 years ago

@etolosomaM: Erick Morillo 💔 😩 maro. E che cavolo. 🌹 - 5 years ago

@xjaywilson: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@anthony54608932: R.I.P Erick Morillo 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Palmaradio: Atentos. Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It”El deceso fue informado por la policía de Mi… - 5 years ago

@ErikWesterbrink: - 5 years ago

@eliomauriciob: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@GuilleCabelloG: @Cooperativa Rip Erick Morillo, maestro del House music - 5 years ago

@PaddyFlamingo: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@ZaayWoop: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@DaFeenom: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@post_audio: RT @noticias4vision: #Espectáculos📱 | El Dj y productor musical Erick Morillo fue encontrado muerto en Miami Beach. Sin embargo, todavía no… - 5 years ago

@TheScenestar: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@Mixmag: Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@TheDiaz98: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@SaNsE_94: RT @djnanoshow: D.E.P Erick Morillo.. - 5 years ago

@xbethanycx: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@MicrosoftsEdges: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Luisjo___: Un grande del House se ha ido. Cuántos vinilos suyos, cuántas sesiones me he zampado en Ibiza. Un maestro. DEP Eric… - 5 years ago

@retrofrankie: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@jesus_zup: Murió Erick Morillo. No mamen... - 5 years ago

@garethc100: MOVED IT! - 5 years ago

@Joseluka_: Recuerdo cuando @Sr_Truman intentaba enseñarme el techno en @ASummerStoryOfi y quería que viéramos a Oscar Mulero,… - 5 years ago

@gabiguerrerol: RT @juliomxreno: RIP Erick Morillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@melrdagher: Erick Morillo died, Hugo Bianco attested, crazy things going on in the scene. 2020? - 5 years ago

@charll_777: RT @majomontemayor: El DJ y productor Erick Morillo falleció este martes. Aún no se conocen las causas de su deceso. Q.E.P.D 🖤 - 5 years ago

@ojigbeready: RT @DJmag: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach today - 5 years ago

@ElectroDubs213: RT @PixelTerrorBass: I met Erick Morillo when I was 22 at a French lounge where I had a part-time DJ residency. I got off the decks halfway… - 5 years ago

@merri1400: RT @jamesrhine: 2020 claims another- ' I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@PaulBacon30: DJ #ErickMorillo found dead in #MiamiBeach #RIPErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@Zinfuryanno: RT @SecretDJBook: wow! - 5 years ago

@RodriRule: R.I.P. ERICK MORILLO 😔 - 5 years ago

@j_aaames: Wtfff Erick Morillo 🙃 - 5 years ago

@sash1803: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@edu_sandovaldj: Lo de Erick Morillo esta bien cabron y desde mi perspectiva solo demuestra 2 posibles cosas que mejor omito por el momento - 5 years ago

@leon_is_awesome: Wow Rip Erick Morillo. Did not see that coming. Lost a lot of braincells listening to him spin and I regret none… - 5 years ago

@camg611: RT @AndySlater: JUST IN: DJ Erick Morillo has died, Miami Beach police say. Morillo was arrested in August, accused of sexual battery. He… - 5 years ago

@santanaleandro_: 2020 chega né?! Erick Morillo é mais uma lenda que se vai. RIP. - 5 years ago

@santi_HipHop: Flipando estoy ahora se ha muerto Erick morillo - 5 years ago

@Freakyfranie: Wtffff Erick Morillo ☹️☹️☹️☹️ - 5 years ago

@DavidOvalle305: NEW: Facing rape charge, DJ Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach home. Cops probing possible drug overdose - 5 years ago

@alejoamv: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@Djryanblyth: Omg 😮 one of my all time legends Erick Morillo has sadly passed away. He was such an inspiration in my music 🎵 R.I.P 💜 #erickmorillo - 5 years ago

@alfiehutchins: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@19kbrandon: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@djolivane: Angels Of Love Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@FranChico12: RIP Erick Morillo 😪🙏🏻💿 - 5 years ago

@prcowboys: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@GitzBlitz: @MaxGraham - 5 years ago

@chyno1986: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@Gogooolino: RT @DJPaulyD: Sad News :( A True Legend. Erick Morillo RIP. - 5 years ago

@JonHernandeznyc: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@jcastroviejo3: RT @DreambeachFest: Acabamos de recibir la triste noticia de que Erick Morillo, ha fallecido, ¡tu música perdurará para siempre! Queremos… - 5 years ago

@MiquiPuig: RT @terrystuckshop: - 5 years ago

@djjackchang: I am in total shock. Erick Morillo erickmorillo you were a musical inspiration, a role model, and one of the lights… - 5 years ago

@BihanGauthier: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@laureenradio: RT @sabrinaleez: Erik Morillo died y’all - 5 years ago

@artechtur: Como assim, Erick Morillo?????????????? - 5 years ago

@camg611: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@ThickRick: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@tekilawhatever: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@JonathanG509: Danm RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@eugenekarnak: ахуеть Erick Morillo RIP ((( - 5 years ago

@MNyalama: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@flaviagonzalezp: Erick Morillo dead. RIP legend. Sad news 😭😭 @ErickMorillo. - 5 years ago

@DJKatyHarriz: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@solange24_: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@_BarbaraBlade: Les recuerdo que Erick Morillo asalto sexualmente a una mujer como para que estén llorándolo como si nada 👍🏻 - 5 years ago

@Durosai: Yooo erick morillo tho. Wtf - 5 years ago

@SimoneLaurey: RT @DailyMailCeleb: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault htt… - 5 years ago

@Bjpalma97_: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@Julian_Carrion: RT @marchenajr: Murió el famoso Dj Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su casa en Miami Beach esta mañana. No están claras aún las circ… - 5 years ago

@GASARRINI: RT @sudpresseonline: Erick Morillo, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube «I Like to Move it», retrouvé mort à Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@diegoferpe: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@VedehiMajumdar: RT @DailyMailCeleb: I Like To Move It DJ Erick Morillo is found dead at 49 - three weeks after he was arrested over a Miami sex assault htt… - 5 years ago

@isabeladuartedf: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@nbc6: RT @CarlosNBC6: #BREAKING @NBC6 ‘I Like to Move It' DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead at Miami Beach Home - 5 years ago

@jose_hermon: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@ForgottenScouse: Erick Morillo mate. Heavy that - 5 years ago

@elros_araanel: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@AndyCatanach: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING DJ Erick Morillo, known for 90s hit I Like To Move It, dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@mamichampu__: RT @djvlad: "I Like to Move It" DJ, Erick Morillo, Found Dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@Benjaminwiz1: Erick Morillo aka Reel 2 Reel has passed away apparently? Swear he got charged with rape beforehand? - 5 years ago

@La_Apoyadora: - 5 years ago

@cynave_: Erick morillo is dead .. 2020 is trash. - 5 years ago

@danielit95: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@gabri3l_97: RT @YourEDM: Erick Morillo, charged with sexual assault just last month, has been found dead - 5 years ago

@Diego_Alejandr6: Rip Erick Morillo 😭 - 5 years ago

@jamesholyspirit: Isso de que o Erick Morillo morreu é mesmo verdade???? Pfv 2020, já chega...RIP legend 🙏 - 5 years ago

@2stepsfromglory: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@fawaz_siddiqi: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@YanBran2: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@micheleceee: Wowww RIP Erick Morillo 💔 - 5 years ago

@AmbarQueliz: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@chennymola: RT @PeriodicoZocalo: #Mundo: El artista y DJ Erick Morillo ha sido encontrado muerto en su mansión de Miami Beach. El productor musical no… - 5 years ago

@Fernando_Osma: RT @EDMExclusivesMx: SEPTIEMBRE COMIENZA MAL 😢 Nos llegan informes que el DJ Erick Morillo creador de la canción “I Like To Move It” acaba… - 5 years ago

@jess_stadler: RT @ZelMcCarthy: We can hold both thoughts concurrently: Erick Morillo left an undelible mark on house music; his death is tragic & prematu… - 5 years ago

@atlasnoirmusic: RIP Erick Morillo wtf - 5 years ago

@_LisaDea: RT @SecretDJBook: wow! - 5 years ago

@curlsoflove: Fucking hell Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@djpaulomusic: I’m so sad and shocked to hear the sudden passing of Erick Morillo -I met him several times and there was always go… - 5 years ago

@idemtdspcrl_: RT @EletroVibez: #VibezNews 🚨 O site TMZ, conhecido por noticiar em primeira mão, e com precisão, o falecimento de astros, noticiou na tar… - 5 years ago

@Dj_Chachi: RIP ERICK MORILLO - 5 years ago

@Dalmo21182567: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@blkcll: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@FBalsa04: RT @Beatburguer: El veterano del house y santo y seña del sonido Subliminal, Erick Morillo, ha sido encontrado muerto esta mañana en su ca… - 5 years ago

@Fernando_Osma: RT @djnanoshow: D.E.P Erick Morillo.. - 5 years ago

@scottmcc88: Absolute classic 💔 Erick Morillo - Dancin' (Fuzzy Hair Remix) - 5 years ago

@CapLarryDart: RT @lorrainemking: Damn. This is sad news - 5 years ago

@grumpyr8er: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Robr1en80: RIP Erick Morillo 🎧 - 5 years ago

@tj_groove: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@LucasCadorini_: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@KingNebu: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@medicendata: Se murió Erick Morillo. #DJ - 5 years ago

@paulwood1987: Rip erick morillo - 5 years ago

@zewiwi: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@asegPL: W wieku 49 lat zmarł Erick Morillo. Producent został znaleziony martwy dziś rano czasu lokalnego w swojej posiadłoś… - 5 years ago

@m_fdez: #RIP @ErickMorillo uno de los #DJ que marcó una época del house music. Fue el DJ principal de uno de los bonches má… - 5 years ago

@netbgomes: BREAKING NEWS — DJ @ErickMorillo has died at age 49. According to reports, Erick Morillo's body was found in Miami… - 5 years ago

@smiggyfox: rip Erick morillo. What a loss to the dj world - 5 years ago

@FForgiato: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@sariway: RT @remolachanews: Hallan muerto a DJ Erick Morillo tras haber sido acusado de agresión sexual, fue el creador del hit “I Like to Move It”… - 5 years ago

@raunakvazir: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@EAndresT01: Rip Erick Morillo este año que? - 5 years ago

@ReplikantTechno: Rest in peace Erick Morillo electronic music leyend.... #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@ValArcourt: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@davidmankin99: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Carrot1983: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@brightloud: In many ways Erick Morillo was a legend, but there is also a very real possibility he raped a woman last year, so m… - 5 years ago

@Melamokratos: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@LaeM_HN: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@DJ_Hopper: RT @EletroVibez: #VibezNews 🚨 O site TMZ, conhecido por noticiar em primeira mão, e com precisão, o falecimento de astros, noticiou na tar… - 5 years ago

@remolachanews: Hallan muerto a DJ Erick Morillo tras haber sido acusado de agresión sexual, fue el creador del hit “I Like to Move… - 5 years ago

@NursepollyRgn: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@Luch0dj: Que triste noticia para los amantes del House Music, muere a sus 49 años el rey del House, Erick Morillo! 😞😭 - 5 years ago

@AbsolutTwilight: ‘I Like to Move It' DJ Erick Morillo Found Dead at Miami Beach Home - 5 years ago

@Stephe96: RT @Variety: Erick Morillo, DJ Known for ‘I Like to Move It,’ Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@kaitybabyyyy: not erick morillo man 🥺 - 5 years ago

@NDayCorp: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@AZZJM3: RT @terrystuckshop: - 5 years ago

@RADIOXLAFALDA: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@scottidj: R.I.P. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@djShirry: Tal vez de los primeros Djs que vi saliendo del cascarón como Radio Dj fue a Erick Morillo en la famosa Cantera en Cali R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@danilopacastro: Rip to one of my legends, Erick Morillo damn :( - 5 years ago

@TusciaP: Abbiamo perso un grande pezzo della nostra storia musicale. Sono molto molto dispiaciuto 🎶🖤🎵 Vorrei ancora una volt… - 5 years ago

@tenderete79: Muere Erick Moroillo 😔😅 - 5 years ago

@malifoomusic: Sem este homem a música eletrônica não teria chegado onde chegou! Obrigado por me inspirar e me mostrar o verdadei… - 5 years ago

@elmetroenlaweb: ¡Atención! Muere el Deejay Colombo-Estadounidense Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@clairegreen66: Sad news - 5 years ago

@ErickT_MX: RT @minervaoatenea: Chinga tu puta madre 2020. Erick Morillo falleció hoy. - 5 years ago

@junesarpong: #RIPErickMorillo. An amazing human being who was such pleasure and joy to work with during our time together @MTVUK… - 5 years ago

@diegoaamm: No mames con la noticia de que acaba de fallecer Erick Morillo. 😨 - 5 years ago

@marcewar_: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - Infobae - 5 years ago

@BrandhyL: J’ai été fan des années d’Erick Morillo car l’artiste été incroyable mais n’oubliez pas que c’était un violeur svp 😅 - 5 years ago

@CiaranOConn0r: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@FlorentiaStassi: RIP Erick Morillo🙏🏼🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@rileyla: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ToodleFuckingOo: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@MUSTDIEmusic: Deleted my erick morillo tweet. i dont want to hurt anyone who's mourning - 5 years ago

@DjFelixLeiter: Sad times. - 5 years ago

@AndreCardi: Non ci credo... È morto Erick Morillo... - 5 years ago

@Meltonwax: - 5 years ago

@melg_thesession: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@ClintSamRidley: Wow, shocking if true !! Erick Morillo !!! Such a sad loss! Watched the man DJ at Media with just one hand on a t… - 5 years ago

@SaraStephenss: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@RousselJoseph: R.I.P. Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@PasDeSalamalek: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@CristianArias_9: RT @Danirumz: Paz en su tumba, que legado musical y que sabor que nos dejas Erick Morillo In da House 😭😭 - 5 years ago

@Rjo1elprecurso1: RT @AlbertoRodNews: ÚLTIMA HORA | EE.UU.: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” (Detalles). - 5 years ago

@zekelism: Se murió Erick Morillo 😢 - 5 years ago

@poliakofman: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@adenilsonka: - 5 years ago

@seanseansean85: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@F_ranmar: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@nutts2020: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@SwitchRecords01: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Rob_Williams_DJ: RT @hannah_wants: Erick Morillo... wtffffffff. - 5 years ago

@unbotheredblond: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@amoraldj: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@imBenAnderson: 😯😯😯😯 Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@kowalskiboi: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@ScottHannis: Erick Morillo 😢😢 - 5 years ago

@WakaTeTe: RT @RAFFLELOU: Oh NO RIP #EricMorillo one of the best DJ is gone - 5 years ago

@markwt99: Wow Erick Morillo 😟 - 5 years ago

@JulioStar80: 🤦🏻‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@George_Lee31: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@ShigDollaz: RT @AndySlater: JUST IN: DJ Erick Morillo has died, Miami Beach police say. Morillo was arrested in August, accused of sexual battery. He… - 5 years ago

@moodserio: Es REAL que Erick Morillo murió???? - 5 years ago

@Snoopy_LCS: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@chadou76: RT @Brevesdepresse: ⚡🇺🇸FLASH - Le DJ Erick #Morillo, 49 ans, mondialement connu pour son tube « I Like to Move it » a été retrouvé mort à M… - 5 years ago

@xwilkshakex: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@HMcbrexit: RIP Eric Morillo xxx #ericmorillo - 5 years ago

@danmorristravel: Fuck man Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Author_DJ_T: Feeling incredibly conflicted / ambivilent right now. Morillo made & helped break some of… - 5 years ago

@o0debster0o: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@BryAveyro: RT @weraveyou: BREAKING: Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach 😲😲 - 5 years ago

@Chalo__: RT @HugoChavezM: Muere Erick Morillo, DJ y productor musical, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It". Su cuerpo fue encontrado en Miami… - 5 years ago

@BryAveyro: RT @Festseason: Erick Morillo was found dead in Miami Beach - 5 years ago

@cvgallego: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@Thaikovski2: RT @djnanoshow: D.E.P Erick Morillo.. - 5 years ago

@Cagp97_: RT @AndySlater: JUST IN: DJ Erick Morillo has died, Miami Beach police say. Morillo was arrested in August, accused of sexual battery. He… - 5 years ago

@ARPdidTHAT: Erick Morillo can rot. - 5 years ago

@JoeyAntonelli: RT @MoskaHouse: Descansa en paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por toda tu música. Nunca serás olvidado. - 5 years ago

@SylvainJustum: O DJ Erick Morillo, grande nome da house music, morreu. 2020 sendo 2020. Que merda. 😢 #RIP - 5 years ago

@antonibelchi: #BREAKING - 5 years ago

@DrugsDibiase: RT @GlobalGrind: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 via @TMZ 🙏🏾🙏🏾 - 5 years ago

@forihave5inned: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@DjNonoPanama: RT @infobaeamerica: 🔴 REITERAMOS | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@aki_panda_aki: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@DJAxela: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mo… - 5 years ago

@rafaelfelice1: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - RT - 5 years ago

@joannaesc_: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@djpaulthomas: Can’t believe what I am hearing. An absolute icon of house music. RIP Erick Morillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@CalebEatsBacon: I don’t know the cause of death but Erick struggled with addiction. There is help and hope out there for anyone… - 5 years ago

@EzequielDERO: QEPD querido amigo Erick Morillo , te vamos a extrañar ! - 5 years ago

@crooks_ryan: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@brxndxnsi: Reminder that it’s possible to mourn Erick Morillo’s death and still hold him accountable for what he did to that f… - 5 years ago

@oskyroman97: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Diego_chavez301: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@JessWhitehouse_: RT @kolschofficial: Terrible news. Erick Morillo RIP. A legend has left us. - 5 years ago

@wmenendezg: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@bbhcultism: RT @jnflesch: Erick Morillo morreu, diz o TMZ. - 5 years ago

@MrBastounis: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@EstelleVIEIRA: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@Jesusda176: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@WyattCase: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Cagp97_: RT @TheSun: 'I Like To Move It' DJ Erick Morillo has died - 5 years ago

@liluziwer: RT @edmredsocial: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA: Erick Morillo ha sido hallado sin vida en Miami. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su muerte. - 5 years ago

@MJRMally: Erick Morillo from Radio 1 In Ibiza 2015 The man could play! #RIP #EricMorillo - 5 years ago

@MonkeyMoon93: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@iStephaaanie: @dani_raw @ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@DiegoAMedina: RT @infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@DJAlexVives: Erick Morillo RIP. - 5 years ago

@trichomeinc: Erick Morillo Reportedly Dead At 49 - 5 years ago

@yoloxokotl: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - RT - 5 years ago

@theycallmeyogi: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@debiscomusic: RIP Erick Morillo :( - 5 years ago

@Jesusda176: RT @marchenajr: Murió el famoso Dj Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su casa en Miami Beach esta mañana. No están claras aún las circ… - 5 years ago

@JerzyPozuelo: Joder. Ha muerto Erick Morillo... - 5 years ago

@onemoretracknet: Rest In Peace, Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@SebastinMarisi1: RT @HugoChavezM: Muere Erick Morillo, DJ y productor musical, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It". Su cuerpo fue encontrado en Miami… - 5 years ago

@jordanclarkdj: - 5 years ago

@OhSoInfamous: Bro now Erick Morillo is dead???? - 5 years ago

@djdannysin: Erick morillo ... RIP - 5 years ago

@_GabrielaCtl: RT @MoskaHouse: Descansa en paz Erick Morillo. Gracias por toda tu música. Nunca serás olvidado. - 5 years ago

@Law_Murph1: Just read about Erick Morillo. Had the privilege of seeing him live twice and he was immense. So, so sad - 5 years ago

@VictoriaPopula7: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@ChangingFacesRS: Just in - - 5 years ago

@joshphillip5: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@glaubercarvalh_: RT @YourEDM: Erick Morillo, charged with sexual assault just last month, has been found dead - 5 years ago

@delanomuzik: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ChangeInLibya: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@matchal: Notícia lamentável!!! O DJ Erick Morillo, que ficou conhecido pelo hit I Like to Move It, de 1993, morreu aos 49 an… - 5 years ago

@RomaciDavid: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@LAbassfoo: RT @GlobalDanceGDE: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 .@ErickMorillo Has Died At The Age Of 49 READ ME ► - 5 years ago

@Alex61642: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ms_tlovee: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Es_Andres4: RT @SKDRavers: . #BREAKINGNEWS El DJ Erick Morillo ha muerto, dice la policía de Miami Beach. Morillo fue detenido en agosto, acusado de a… - 5 years ago

@razza_bezza: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Kaneve6: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@larueofficiel: 🔴 DÉCÈS - Le DJ Erick Morillo retrouvé mort à Miami Beach selon TMZ Lire l'article : #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@kristylicious_: Erick Morillo is dead? This is a creepy year. - 5 years ago

@marchenajr: Murió el famoso Dj Erick Morillo. Fue encontrado muerto en su casa en Miami Beach esta mañana. No están claras aún… - 5 years ago

@martinhodgson: RIP Erick Morillo. Subliminal was one of the labels that made me love house music - 5 years ago

@bayhota: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@halloween_mugs: @forihave5inned @MUSTDIEmusic Agreed. I had some respect for you cause your music was kinda cool but you are a real… - 5 years ago

@ShaktiSounds: Erick Morillo 😞😞😞😞😞😞 - 5 years ago

@loulaabulman: So shocked about Erick Morillo 😟😟😟 hope it’s nothing suspicious given the latest scandal. What a tragic turn of eve… - 5 years ago

@missnathalie: Damn!!! 💔🖤 - 5 years ago

@KarstenRivasTCS: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@mickybluey: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@rbnynz: marico se murió erick morillo qué coño??? - 5 years ago

@jnflesch: Erick Morillo morreu, diz o TMZ. - 5 years ago

@conconmcleod: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@GauthierT: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@RocNation19: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@infobae: Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@art_vendelay: RT @PopCrave: DJ Erick Morillo, best known for his 1993 hit, "I Like to Move It" has passed away, @TMZ reports. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@NeliaIR: Que mrd lo de Erick Morillo?, estoy en shock ptm😣 - 5 years ago

@iamraineyy: No fuckin waaaay! hearing erick morillo has been found dead 😭 - 5 years ago

@rusiabot: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@GaboEnLaRed: RT @AndySlater: JUST IN: DJ Erick Morillo has died, Miami Beach police say. Morillo was arrested in August, accused of sexual battery. He… - 5 years ago

@pfelipeeeee: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@NovaradioNE: - 5 years ago

@djserginhomello: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@conconmcleod: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@M_Hols83: RT @RAFFLELOU: Oh NO RIP #EricMorillo one of the best DJ is gone - 5 years ago

@Fotografia_Rios: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@198T9: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@Beatriz20D: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@_MattKlein: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING DJ Erick Morillo, known for 90s hit I Like To Move It, dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@BSl6w: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@pvlaytynher: pqp o Erick Morillo morreu mano 😔😔😔 - 5 years ago

@Harria_Disowska: RT @musicnewsfactpl: Erick Morillo, twórca hitu "I Like to Move It" (Wyginam Śmiało Ciało), zmarł w wieku 49 lat - 5 years ago

@leeonasc_: Erick Morillo foi encontrado morto em praia em Miami 😰 - 5 years ago

@I_Fist_Pump: WTF R.I.P thanks for gifting us with this absolute classic ! Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick Feat. Shawnee Taylor… - 5 years ago

@Snipes5_0: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ActualidadRT: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It" - 5 years ago

@Henrys0m: RT @GlobalDanceGDE: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 .@ErickMorillo Has Died At The Age Of 49 READ ME ► - 5 years ago

@oldschoolmonday: RIP Erick Morillo. Damn - 5 years ago

@TREYOFIVETV: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@jonNolan50: Fuck sake erick morillo R.I.P. cant believe it one of the reasons i started djing..absolute legend of a dj in his d… - 5 years ago

@rusanme: Muere uno de los clásicos DJ house... Erick Morillo. Paz en su tumba..!! - 5 years ago

@MariellaGuzman: 😧 RT @JeanPaulSang: RIP ERICK MORILLO! - 5 years ago

@VPescetto: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@itsvivibitchh: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@HouseMusicTV: 'RIP - He was the best man in our wedding, my hero, mentor, brother, friend and everything else you could ever imag… - 5 years ago

@RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Muere el productor musical Erick Morillo, conocido por el éxito "I Like To Move It"… - 5 years ago

@JSLAi: "Erick Morillo, was found dead on a beach Tuesday... Morillo denied rape accusations but turned himself in with hi… - 5 years ago

@BennyCoffee: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@rok_: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@aas9520: RT @SKDRavers: . #BREAKINGNEWS El DJ Erick Morillo ha muerto, dice la policía de Miami Beach. Morillo fue detenido en agosto, acusado de a… - 5 years ago

@salalpha69: Erick Morillo...🥺🥺🥺 - 5 years ago

@sylvita30: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@CR7DR: RT @infobaeamerica: 🔴 REITERAMOS | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@KastraMusic: RT @TheEDMNetwork: According to reports, Erick Morillo's body was found in Miami Beach. - 5 years ago

@BullChain: dammmmmnnnnnnnn Erick Morillo just found dead in his Miami Beach house. - 5 years ago

@Sidhappens: RIP Erick Morillo 😔 - 5 years ago

@LASoldierofKY: #Repost @miamibeachlit 🤯🥺😭🙏 Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found… - 5 years ago

@PielCanelaVF: RT @dancingastro: Erick Morillo has died at the age of 49 - 5 years ago

@jademgaines: RT @MUSTDIEmusic: maybe hold off on the RIPs for Erick Morillo until that rape case gets investigated, my friends. - 5 years ago

@pauleps4U: Erick Morillo is dead 🤯 - 5 years ago

@myworditslongy: Fuck me. Erick Morillo dead. Wow. Such a shame how he turned into such a twat over the years. Used to be such an unbelievable DJ. - 5 years ago

@_MattKlein: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@MattReedNews: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@BabyAntBorse: RIP Erick Morillo, the world just lost a complete house music still used CDs for gods sake!!! 🙌🏼 - 5 years ago

@antylop_: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@WoodyDGR: I know he'd been an unforgivable idiot but this is tragic man. - 5 years ago

@mvptp: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@deejaypolar: Erick Morillo died? - 5 years ago

@Robzy__: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@djlukedice: RT @BIJOU: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@brownbearonice: RIP Erick Morillo🙏🏻 grateful to hear that banger of a set at ultra😢 - 5 years ago

@mj_coop_81: RT @coopsdj: Erick Morillo RIP Beyond devastated What a legend in the House music scene. So talented. So so sad 😢😢 - 5 years ago

@bbysoly: Erick morillo was found dead today... 🙀 - 5 years ago

@theinquisitr: #DJErickMorillo is dead. #DJ #death #news #ILikeToMoveIt - 5 years ago

@acitruss: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@jankovicmne: Umro Erick Morillo ostr...... - 5 years ago

@kuzeybleu: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@JackinGvibes: RT @BIJOU: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@Upper__Gwladys: Fkn ell Erick Morillo 😮 - 5 years ago

@JBartilomo: RIP to a legend. It’s sad to see this is how it ended. - 5 years ago

@GlobalGrind: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 via @TMZ 🙏🏾🙏🏾 - 5 years ago

@kevdev9: No way Erick Morillo’s dead. Proper gutted. - 5 years ago

@KakushaVenecia: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@muangianto: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Eric_The_Toffee: RT @terrystuckshop: - 5 years ago

@KaleenaZanders: RT @BIJOU: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@VeneciaCarolina: Oh wao! RT @infobaeamerica: 🔴 AHORA | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, según informó la policía de Miami… - 5 years ago

@chrisp197811: RT @hannah_wants: Erick Morillo... wtffffffff. - 5 years ago

@CertifiedJackin: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@BIJOU: @djlukedice - 5 years ago

@biox77: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@danideahl: RT @MUSTDIEmusic: maybe hold off on the RIPs for Erick Morillo until that rape case gets investigated, my friends. - 5 years ago

@MasterSimzMusic: RIP Erick Morillo 💔 You're music lives on 🤞🏽 - 5 years ago

@perr0ckD20: RT @YourEDM: Erick Morillo, charged with sexual assault just last month, has been found dead - 5 years ago

@0pxbruna: chocada com a morte do erick morillo - 5 years ago

@UKShapeshifters: 😔 - 5 years ago

@humantraffic23: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@patilsomya: RT @GlobalDanceGDE: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 .@ErickMorillo Has Died At The Age Of 49 READ ME ► - 5 years ago

@Connorgunnigle: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@ststerling: #RIP DJ Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@coopsdj: Erick Morillo RIP Beyond devastated What a legend in the House music scene. So talented. So so sad 😢😢 - 5 years ago

@wheretopartyNYC: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@PublicBenjamin: RT @TMZ: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@Elmelvin_Uknow: RT @AndySlater: JUST IN: DJ Erick Morillo has died, Miami Beach police say. Morillo was arrested in August, accused of sexual battery. He… - 5 years ago

@viridianaaah: RT @6AMGroup: Erick Morillo was found dead at his home in Miami Beach this morning - 5 years ago

@theversion: Legendary DJ Erick Morillo has died, aged 49. - 5 years ago

@rodriguezddiego: RT @infobaeamerica: 🔴 REITERAMOS | Murió el DJ Erick Morillo, creador del hit “I Like to Move It” - 5 years ago

@KaelinBritton: RIP to one of the legendary house music DJ’s and producers. - 5 years ago

@_amandafv: 2020 não ta de brincadeira... até Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@ProximityM: Holy shit Erick Morillo passed away. - 5 years ago

@Author_DJ_T: Oh my god, is it true @ErickMorillo #erickmorrilo has died? - 5 years ago

@kim_anh: RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Erick Morillo, the international DJ who was facing charges of sexual battery, was found dead Tuesday, Miami Beac… - 5 years ago

@JoeMaz: RIP Erick Morillo always so much energy in the DJ booth - 5 years ago

@CurtisHardy: RIP Erick Morillo - 5 years ago

@KrimsonVnm: So the guy from Reel 2 Real was kind of a problem - 5 years ago

@ndavison1974: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 - 5 years ago

@sMkDro: RIP Erick Morillo 🇨🇴 - 5 years ago

@MartiiinezM: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@Ruddekmusic: R.I.P Erick Morillo Fez muito pela house music! - 5 years ago

@TheEDMNetwork: According to reports, Erick Morillo's body was found in Miami Beach. - 5 years ago

@trevor_p_malco: RT @terrystuckshop: - 5 years ago

@Phattphil: RT @MetroUK: BREAKING: DJ Erick Morillo dies aged 49 - 5 years ago

@kellygitter: 'I Like to Move It' DJ, Erick Morillo, Dead at 49 via @TMZ #musicsoothsthesoul #RIP - 5 years ago

@DjSalParadise: Wow R.I.P. Erick Morillo died. DJ life will really eat you up. - 5 years ago

@niouniou34: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

@larueofficiel: 🔴 DÉCÈS - Le DK Erick Morillo retrouvé mort à Miami Beach selon TMZ Lire l'article : #ErickMorillo - 5 years ago

@michaelGerrard9: RT @TheSun: 'I Like To Move It' DJ Erick Morillo has died - 5 years ago

@fchaff: RT @morandiniblog: DERNIERE MINUTE - Erick Morillo, 49 ans, DJ star de la house et interprète du tube "I Like to Move it", retrouvé mort à… - 5 years ago

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