Eric Salzman

American composer
Died on Tuesday November 14th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Eric Salzman:

@SalemArtAssoc: Only a couple days left to catch Symbols exhibit. Here's a snippet of the art from Dayna Collins, Toni Gilbert, Sar… - 7 years ago

@JaneLovesStuff: RT WhitingAwards: Nov 29 at NYI_Humanities, Whiting winner KathaPollitt joins Mitchell Cohen and Eric Salzman for a… - 7 years ago

@ANNELAMOTT: RT @WhitingAwards: Nov 29 at @NYI_Humanities, Whiting winner @KathaPollitt joins Mitchell Cohen and Eric Salzman for a discussion of Cohen'… - 7 years ago

@KathaPollitt: RT @WhitingAwards: Nov 29 at @NYI_Humanities, Whiting winner @KathaPollitt joins Mitchell Cohen and Eric Salzman for a discussion of Cohen'… - 7 years ago


@WhitingAwards: Nov 29 at @NYI_Humanities, Whiting winner @KathaPollitt joins Mitchell Cohen and Eric Salzman for a discussion of C… - 7 years ago

@KathaPollitt: RT @twiceaprince: Mitchell Cohen discusses his book The Politics of Opera: A History at NYU on 11/29 with @KathaPollitt and Eric Salzman (7… - 7 years ago

@twiceaprince: Mitchell Cohen discusses his book The Politics of Opera: A History at NYU on 11/29 with @KathaPollitt and Eric Salz… - 7 years ago

@johnolivermusic: Composer Eric Salzman dies. I have the LP "Nude Paper Sermon" on my shelf. - 7 years ago

@eveehunt: Charlie Rose: Nora Volkow, Wolfram Schultz, Daniel Salzman, Eric... #News - 7 years ago

@ConOpera: Eric Salzman and Pierre Boulez in London discussing Eric's famous work, Foxes and Hedgehogs. - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Eric Salzman (84) American musicologist and composer - 7 years ago

@24TrueToneTenor: RT @seatedovation: According to a few folks on Facebook, the brilliant writer, composer, and hugely important new-music champion Eric Salzm… - 7 years ago

@DeathByWiki: Eric Salzman, American musicologist and composer, died 13th Nov aged 84. - 7 years ago

@wikireaper: Dearly departed, Eric Salzman, American musicologist and composer, now defunct. - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Poet and translator Sarah Maguire; historian Momiz Bandeira; actor Baard Owe; activist Edith Sa… - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Eric Salzman, US-amerikanischer Komponist, am 13.11.2017 im Alter von 84 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@ConOpera: Out of respect for Eric Salzman, we will be postponing our planned 35th anniversary celebration and annual campaign. - 7 years ago

@WhitingAwards: RT @NYIHatNYU: Politics and Opera on 11/29 with Mitchell Cohen, @KathaPollitt and Eric Salzman. - 7 years ago

@seatedovation: According to a few folks on Facebook, the brilliant writer, composer, and hugely important new-music champion Eric Salzman has passed away - 7 years ago

@ConOpera: RIP, Eric Salzman, CCO's Composer in Residence. I am very sad to report that Eric died suddenly last night of a hea… - 7 years ago

@twiceaprince: RT @NYIHatNYU: Politics and Opera on 11/29 with Mitchell Cohen, @KathaPollitt and Eric Salzman. - 7 years ago

@NYIHatNYU: Politics and Opera on 11/29 with Mitchell Cohen, @KathaPollitt and Eric Salzman. - 7 years ago

@dbbmonica: Charlie Rose: Nora Volkow, Wolfram Schultz, Daniel Salzman, Eric... #News - 7 years ago

@eveehunt: Charlie Rose: Nora Volkow, Wolfram Schultz, Daniel Salzman, Eric... #News - 7 years ago

@mec5b: @yaskep bicho hoje eu li um livro absurdo sobre viu "introdução à música do século XX", Eric Salzman recomendo demaisss - 7 years ago

@mec5b: @blesstheprinces maldito eric salzman me confundindo com seu wagnerismo com traços de classicismo grr - 7 years ago

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