Enno Penno

Estonian politician.
Died on Monday November 21st 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Enno Penno:

@SysoonMemorial: Enno Penno (1930 - 2016), died at age 86 years - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Enno Penno, Estonian politician, Died at 86 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Enno Penno - #EnnoPenno #Enno #Penno #rip - 8 years ago

@eesti_paradise: RT @errnews: Deputy PM of Estonian government-in-exile Enno Penno, 86, dies in #Stockholm #exile #government #Estonia #occupation - 8 years ago


@_Houndsworth: RT @errnews: Deputy PM of Estonian government-in-exile Enno Penno, 86, dies in #Stockholm #exile #government #Estonia #occupation - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Enno Penno has died: - 8 years ago

@msaarelaht: RT @errnews: Deputy PM of Estonian government-in-exile Enno Penno, 86, dies in #Stockholm #exile #government #Estonia #occupation - 8 years ago

@errnews: Deputy PM of Estonian government-in-exile Enno Penno, 86, dies in #Stockholm #exile #government #Estonia… - 8 years ago

@ERR_Uudised: Stockholmis suri Eesti eksiilvalitsuse peaministri asetäitja Enno Penno - 8 years ago

@postimees: Suri Eesti kunagine peaministri asetäitja eksiilis Enno Penno - 8 years ago

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