Emu Lehtinen

Finnish record dealer
Died on Thursday October 26th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Emu Lehtinen:

@DigeliusMusic: RT @wifsten: Friends honoring legendary Helsinki music man Emu Lehtinen now until noon on @RadioHelsinki - 7 years ago

@wifsten: Friends honoring legendary Helsinki music man Emu Lehtinen now until noon on @RadioHelsinki - 7 years ago

@meirapap: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@frozenreeds: RT @pHinnWeb: The Wire: Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen has died. - 7 years ago


@pHinnWeb: The Wire: Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen has died. - 7 years ago

@josan1959: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@OkraPlayground: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@KlausWing: RT @musicfinland: Read @nivestweets's great eulogy to Finnish record store legend Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen from @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@Marlbank_: RT @DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@Adriano_Galante: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@JaanaMutanen: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@HeiHeiMedia: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@sisindesign: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@JazzFinland: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@HarriLeppiniemi: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@stedi: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@palotie: Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen has died - The Wire - 7 years ago

@flowfestival: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@pixiejuniper: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@boyonspace: RT @DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@jpvuorela: RT @DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@teropa: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@musicfinland: Read @nivestweets's great eulogy to Finnish record store legend Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen from @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@neil_rowling: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@rogerkuitti: RT @DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@VinylHel: RT @DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@RistoNevanlinna: RT @DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@MusicLoverWrld: Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen has died - 7 years ago

@DigeliusMusic: Our friend @nivestweets remembers Emu in @thewiremagazine: - 7 years ago

@wejazzhelsinki: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@nivestweets: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@JazzOnFilm: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@frozenreeds: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@telakone: RT @thewiremagazine: Matti Nives remembers Digelius Music founder Ilkka ‘Emu’ Lehtinen, who died 22 October - 7 years ago

@HelsinkiJazz: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

@hashvarsani: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Emu Lehtinen - 7 years ago

@RasanenPajari: Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen 1947–2017 - 7 years ago

@Elokuvablogit: Antti Alanen: Emu Lehtinen (1947-2017) - 7 years ago

@hughsheehan: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

@BjorkbackaHannu: RT @Yleisradio: In memoriam Ilkka”Emu”Lehtinen (1947-2017) Haastat.#KuusiKuvaa v.2016. Huomenna @yleradio1 klo 8.05 + Areenassa nyt: https:… - 7 years ago

@yleradio1: RT @Yleisradio: In memoriam Ilkka”Emu”Lehtinen (1947-2017) Haastat.#KuusiKuvaa v.2016. Huomenna @yleradio1 klo 8.05 + Areenassa nyt: https:… - 7 years ago

@Yleisradio: In memoriam Ilkka”Emu”Lehtinen (1947-2017) Haastat.#KuusiKuvaa v.2016. Huomenna @yleradio1 klo 8.05 + Areenassa nyt: - 7 years ago

@antmetsa: Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen 1947–2017, levykauppias: - 7 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Emu Lehtinen. - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Emu Lehtinen - #EmuLehtinen #Emu #Lehtinen #rip - 7 years ago

@NyWikipediasida: Emu Lehtinen skapades nyss av Apanuugpak - 7 years ago

@tapani_j: RT @SuonnaKononen: Emu Lehtinen @DigeliusMusic oli iso levykauppiaspersoonallisuus. Otti trubaduuri-Konosen debyytinkin myyntiin 1994. http… - 7 years ago

@piiaplp: RT @JWidenius: RIP Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen @DigeliusMusic - It's so weird that you are not here anymore. Thank you so much for everything you… - 7 years ago

@silmatchi: Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen 1947–2017 - 7 years ago

@wpstubs: Someone created a Wikipedia article about "Emu Lehtinen". Help expand it! #Biography #Finland - 7 years ago

@kissankusi: RT @MaikkiKantola: R.I.P. Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen Kuva on muisto vuoden 2016 #TampereJazzHappening tapahtumasta. - 7 years ago

@wifsten: RT @JWidenius: RIP Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen @DigeliusMusic - It's so weird that you are not here anymore. Thank you so much for everything you… - 7 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @MaikkiKantola: R.I.P. Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen Kuva on muisto vuoden 2016 #TampereJazzHappening tapahtumasta. - 7 years ago

@ARautiainen: Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen 1947–2017 - 7 years ago

@SuonnaKononen: RT @MaikkiKantola: R.I.P. Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen Kuva on muisto vuoden 2016 #TampereJazzHappening tapahtumasta. - 7 years ago

@DigeliusMusic: RT @JWidenius: RIP Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen @DigeliusMusic - It's so weird that you are not here anymore. Thank you so much for everything you… - 7 years ago

@MaikkiKantola: R.I.P. Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen Kuva on muisto vuoden 2016 #TampereJazzHappening tapahtumasta. - 7 years ago

@jazzmuusikot: RT @JazzFinland: Suru-uutinen: Historiallisestikin merkittävän levykauppa Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Lepää rauhassa Emu. - 7 years ago

@jazakko: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

@tempusultima: Digelius oli ja on legendaarinen levykauppa. #Digelius -levykaupan Ilkka ”Emu” Lehtinen on kuollut #emu - 7 years ago

@jskoskinen: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

@pkktpprnn: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

@paremmatseksit1: - 7 years ago

@m_saarela: R.I.P. Emu Lehtinen. Lämminhenkinen, sivistynyt musadiggarin perikuva. Digeliuksessa käynti vakiokohokohta Hesan re… - 7 years ago

@TommiOfFinland: RT @DigeliusMusic: Digeliuksen Emu on poissa. Ilkka "Emu" Lehtinen 3.3.1947 – 22.10.2017 Lepää rauhassa. - 7 years ago

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