Emmanuel Farhi

French economist.
Died on Friday July 24th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Emmanuel Farhi:

@AntoineBerthou: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@i_aldasoro: RT @skalemliozcan: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@FeschetL: RT @FGouttefarde: L’un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération, et professeur à @Harvard, Emmanuel Farhi, est mort à 41 ans. P… - 5 years ago

@Mirto78988262: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago


@angelepaoli: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@calebmukadi1: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@Myferran: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@gdo36779519: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@Nicolas_DUPREY: RT @econoclaste: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@sabouraoui: RT @sabouraoui: [PARCOURS D'EXCEPTION] "L'avenir est une chose qui se surmonte. On ne subit pas l'avenir, on le crée" – G. Bernanos. Voilà… - 5 years ago

@luciagangale1: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@luciagangale1: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Confuciusionis: - 5 years ago

@CoSempe: RT @sabouraoui: [PARCOURS D'EXCEPTION] "L'avenir est une chose qui se surmonte. On ne subit pas l'avenir, on le crée" – G. Bernanos. Voilà… - 5 years ago

@jcbodson: Emmanuel Farhi, The Safety Trap - YouTube - 5 years ago

@PascaleMasson: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@TraoreAbabacar: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@J_Fathally: R.I.P Emmanuel .. - 5 years ago

@rose_mahe: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@PuthonM: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@ptumbarello: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@SSaaliou_G: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @skalemliozcan: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@411emilio: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago

@IssaNourou: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » brillant hommage ! - 5 years ago

@GodeyeGadaay: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@louis_88glame: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@sbenhaiem: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@IssaNourou: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@cmohamadou1: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@Asensio_Buendia: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@VirginiePhoenix: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@kaworu1988: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@bertrandgallois: Hommage de #JeanTirole a #EmmanuelFarhi dans #LeMonde. - 5 years ago

@GrandsMeaulnes: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@pat_nicolini: @rchetaille @DenisGouaux Emmanuel Farhi était un scientifique, il avait la grave légèreté de ceux qui ont le don de… - 5 years ago

@ElageGning4: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@ThelyLise: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Aureli1enGiraux: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@DenisGouaux: RT @rchetaille: Triste d'apprendre le décès d'Emmanuel Farhi, brillant économiste, que j'avais eu la chance de rencontrer. Je me souviens d… - 5 years ago

@Mitioucha: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@daria_pirvu: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » Emmanuel Farhi (1978-2020) - 5 years ago

@FredericDufal: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@LegendusEst: RT @d_sergeyev: Emmanuel Farhi on one of his recent visits to Milan. He will be deeply missed. - 5 years ago

@LegendaEst: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@LegendumEst: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@LegendaEst: RT @abcCauchy: @LettreAudio @S_Stantcheva @Ddi_Faycal @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@LegendumEst: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@LegendaEst: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@schydlowski1: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@xf_grely: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@SophiFay: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@patrick_gigout: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@quataror: RT @olisab1949115: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@DEYCatherine1: RT @olisab1949115: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@laurentmichel75: - 5 years ago

@econhistorienne: Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@alainstekke: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@calguimaraes: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@den_hauten: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@olisab1949115: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Diop_WB: Big loss for the #Economics profession. One of the brightest economists of his generation passed away at a very you… - 5 years ago

@EriChauveT: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@LaetitiaRadoje1: - 5 years ago

@csissoko: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@diambar28: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@carlos_d_diaz: RT @andyneumeyer: Un hermoso homenaje de Jean Tirole a Emmanuel Farhi. Google traduce si no entienden francés - 5 years ago

@ludomada91: RT @econoclaste: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@dcanakci: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@JanaGrittersova: RT @skalemliozcan: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@IVejvoda: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@DorotheaKuebler: RT @LeventNeyse: An awfully inhumane choice of article title by @TheEconomist about Emmanuel Farhi's death: "A lost asset": - 5 years ago

@Felix3S: Vermächtnis eines Stars - 5 years ago

@FGouttefarde: L’un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération, et professeur à @Harvard, Emmanuel Farhi, est mort à 41 a… - 5 years ago

@skalemliozcan: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@ConsulBelMombas: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@PtitSeb: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: D’une lucidité absolue, il disait : « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît… - 5 years ago

@awnkoghe: RT @diabymohamed: Au revoir Emmanuel Farhi. Au revoir futur prix Nobel de l'économie. Son analyse "Nonlinear Capital Taxation without Com… - 5 years ago

@Thioro_Fa2L: Oh une perte très importante. Le pire, c'est que c'est dans l'indifférence générale #rip ⁦@EmmanuelFarhi⁩ - 5 years ago

@RSoubeyran: - 5 years ago

@casirni: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@R2Rsquared: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@Fullcarry: RT @kitjuckes: I struggle with the idea that the US current account deficit is caused by global excess savings and a safe asset shortage bu… - 5 years ago

@scarboval: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago

@NSeck: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@BrooklynPTgal: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@aloa5: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@LudovicJr: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@CarlesManera: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago

@rabadiouf: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@kitjuckes: I struggle with the idea that the US current account deficit is caused by global excess savings and a safe asset sh… - 5 years ago

@Mounredeme62: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Denis_Ferrand: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@Vincent_Hirsch: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@ml_guepe: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@iacopini77: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@ToubalFarid1: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@konosocio: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@IranWonk: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@sabouraoui: [PARCOURS D'EXCEPTION] "L'avenir est une chose qui se surmonte. On ne subit pas l'avenir, on le crée" – G. Bernanos… - 5 years ago

@VanDammeEDU: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@andyneumeyer: Un hermoso homenaje de Jean Tirole a Emmanuel Farhi. Google traduce si no entienden francés - 5 years ago

@antikenta: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@sowmaha: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@LauBooneEco: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@newsubscriber: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@andyneumeyer: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@KikeFinanzas: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago

@EmblematicShift: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@gogopeulh: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@JeanGroleau: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@victor_ruilova: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 @mateigol - 5 years ago

@abhijit_frugal: A glowing tribute to an extraordinary academic who influenced modern day economics like none else. #EmmanuelFarhi A… - 5 years ago

@TomWheell: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@ff_florent: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@TSYM77: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@dokimatar: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@MaximusDM1965: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@marioricciard18: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@CainHeleverok: RT @adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here and thi… - 5 years ago

@falcodelcarrer: - 5 years ago

@MoissPrez: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago

@adam_tooze: The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr Farhi in 2019, though “you have to take the long view here… - 5 years ago

@itsafronomics: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@panxuvillas: RT @dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pensar… - 5 years ago

@CeciGaravito: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@dfuentescastro: 💭 Los elogios a Emmanuel Farhi por parte de la comunidad académica son tan abrumadores que uno no puede dejar de pe… - 5 years ago

@lguillaume86: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@BFouladou: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@ojblanchard1: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@ParisJulien: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@abdoulayekone5: RT @diabymohamed: Au revoir Emmanuel Farhi. Au revoir futur prix Nobel de l'économie. Son analyse "Nonlinear Capital Taxation without Com… - 5 years ago

@realaliouniang: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@LucianiEmeline: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — via @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@MIANSEH: RT @diabymohamed: Au revoir Emmanuel Farhi. Au revoir futur prix Nobel de l'économie. Son analyse "Nonlinear Capital Taxation without Com… - 5 years ago

@dagnogoinza: RT @diabymohamed: Au revoir Emmanuel Farhi. Au revoir futur prix Nobel de l'économie. Son analyse "Nonlinear Capital Taxation without Com… - 5 years ago

@mc_villeval: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@diabymohamed: Au revoir Emmanuel Farhi. Au revoir futur prix Nobel de l'économie. Son analyse "Nonlinear Capital Taxation witho… - 5 years ago

@LTapon: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@LeventNeyse: An awfully inhumane choice of article title by @TheEconomist about Emmanuel Farhi's death: "A lost asset": - 5 years ago

@RappThomas2: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@aliounetine16: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@thesecondmouse2: RT @hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé sur la fis… - 5 years ago

@hadyba_: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé… - 5 years ago

@_Leoth_: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@freryelise: Un économiste brillant et un homme talentueux... Mes sincères condoléances à ses proches. - 5 years ago

@Th_Chopin: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@Nait96573200: @TKLTrading @YouTube FYI - 5 years ago

@Nait96573200: - 5 years ago

@Shahinvallee: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@nadia96966280: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@sbrlanges: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@mawzideilan: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@CGollier: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@c2granda: - 5 years ago

@LatouryGermain: RT @treeschannels: #RIP Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de 🇫🇷. Il a travaillé sur la fiscalité, la… - 5 years ago

@LatouryGermain: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@christiandejean: Décès d'Emmanuel FARHI | Élysée - 5 years ago

@Beccah2Fois: RT @treeschannels: #RIP Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de 🇫🇷. Il a travaillé sur la fiscalité, la… - 5 years ago

@curegian: RT @ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’était Emman… - 5 years ago

@lavouve: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@palpatine42: RT @econoclaste: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Nasser_Saidi: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Lingot70: Mort d'un jeune et brillant économiste😢#LeMonde #EmmanuelFarhi Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meille… - 5 years ago

@treeschannels: #RIP Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de 🇫🇷. Il a travaillé sur la fiscalit… - 5 years ago

@AristophaneGomi: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@babasanfour: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@brmagniez: RT @econoclaste: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@bernard_jomard: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@MacronWorld: RT @BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@BCoeure: Magnifique hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi ... - 5 years ago

@Dr_Mela: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — very sad day for the international academic communit… - 5 years ago

@ericlchaney: L’éloge rigoureux et émouvant de Jean Tirole à propos de ce « penseur sans égal et formidable être humain » qu’étai… - 5 years ago

@indy_johar: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@econoclaste: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@annenat: Envoyé avec Revue de Presse ( - 5 years ago

@MathieuCausse: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@YLucotte: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@nuitsoxygene: Toujours triste de voir que des jeunes gens, talentueux, meurent si jeunes. « L’un des plus… - 5 years ago

@NatBruxelles: Bel article sur un si bel esprit. - 5 years ago

@emiliensimioni: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@fok2020: RT @FokRes: @VFok2020 @PM_Thornton @SCMPNews School teachers and social workers know that Poverty is often hereditary, passing on from one… - 5 years ago

@jjch28: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@rosalbareggio: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@gabycondurache: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@NatBruxelles: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@FranceBabani: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@arnaudlaverne: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@arnaudlaverne: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@virginievotier: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@sabrimgd: RT @ColombeSchneck: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@African92291499: ' - 5 years ago

@preetamks: - 5 years ago

@preetamks: - 5 years ago

@FokRes: RT @FokRes: @SabinaKnight1 School teachers and social workers know that Poverty is often hereditary, passing on from one generation to anot… - 5 years ago

@FokRes: @SabinaKnight1 School teachers and social workers know that Poverty is often hereditary, passing on from one genera… - 5 years ago

@Jewadep: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Daceco90: One of the greatest young minds, gone too soon. RIH #EmmanuelFarhi - 5 years ago

@Dinia1981: Brillant théoricien et futur lauréat sans aucun doute du Prix Nobel il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économi… - 5 years ago

@oeconomapolitc: - 5 years ago

@dog_maverick: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@Jianfu_Chen: RT @Harvard: Colleagues remember Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi as a brilliant scholar and a caring mentor and friend - 5 years ago

@enhance: The Economist | A lost asset via @TheEconomist - 5 years ago

@JChaisse: RT @Harvard: Colleagues remember Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi as a brilliant scholar and a caring mentor and friend - 5 years ago

@CharlottePoncet: - 5 years ago

@bioster: RT @bioster: @wangdany2017 @ZMGH111 7月23日,41岁的哈佛大学经济学教授,法国曾经的“高考状元”Emmanuel Farhi意外身亡。7月6日,另一位年仅49岁的威斯康辛大学经济学教授William Sandholm亦自杀身亡。 仅在过去… - 5 years ago

@pqblair: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@ocanuto: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@nene_hker: RT @lvv2com: 7月23日,年仅41岁的哈佛大学经济学教授,曾经的法国“高考状元”Emmanuel Farhi意外身亡。//@兰小欢: 四位极其出色的经济学家,三位是诺奖级别的,一年之内都自杀了。 - 5 years ago

@wangdany2017: RT @bioster: @wangdany2017 @ZMGH111 7月23日,41岁的哈佛大学经济学教授,法国曾经的“高考状元”Emmanuel Farhi意外身亡。7月6日,另一位年仅49岁的威斯康辛大学经济学教授William Sandholm亦自杀身亡。 仅在过去… - 5 years ago

@euryclee1: RT @Patrick_Robert2: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune #économiste de #France 🇫🇷 en 2013. Il a notamment travail… - 5 years ago

@Patrick_Robert2: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune #économiste de #France 🇫🇷 en 2013. Il a notamment trav… - 5 years ago

@lvv2com: 7月23日,年仅41岁的哈佛大学经济学教授,曾经的法国“高考状元”Emmanuel Farhi意外身亡。//@兰小欢: 四位极其出色的经济学家,三位是诺奖级别的,一年之内都自杀了。 - 5 years ago

@marianojavierd1: - 5 years ago

@bebesito54: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@Tkarera: A lost asset – #EmmanuelFarhi has died at the age of 41. The dominance of the dollar would be challenged, said Mr F… - 5 years ago

@Tkarera: Leading #Harvard economist #EmmanuelFarhi dies at 41. Born in Paris in 1978, Farhi won a national physics competiti… - 5 years ago

@EliasPapaioann2: - 5 years ago

@gwallut: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît » Lecture recommandée #economy - 5 years ago

@DanaIdette: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@marceIokrc: - 5 years ago

@Toosoda: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@MathIclanzan: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — via ⁦@lemondefr⁩ - 5 years ago

@_jcbales: Hommage à Emmanuel #Farhi, économiste qui a transformé la théorie de la fiscalité, la macroéconomie, la finance, do… - 5 years ago

@CFCamerer: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@ridollah4: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: @AndyMusing - 5 years ago

@Avit206: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@cl_d31: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Nathalie_LPN: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@itsafronomics: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@aparnarama: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Christel_PC: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SegundoCaminoM: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@sebboisnard: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@LuizaMHenriques: RIP - 5 years ago

@ddiamantaras: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Malouchka81: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MacroFinanceSoc: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@bibabeng: Emmanuel Farhi (08/9/1978-23/7/2020): «L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» - 5 years ago

@profnavaashraf: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@TKassHanna: RT @TSEinfo: In memoriam - Emmanuel Farhi By TSE honorary chairman Jean Tirole @jeantirole: French version in @le… - 5 years ago

@NoelPommepuy: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@nvqthinh: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@EscargotMars: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@joeletxe: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@cat2012: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@ArianeGrammat: RT @ColombeSchneck: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@Laftrastour: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@vincentgiret: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@GRIDUT: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@f_halley: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@SaadiaYakoub: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@MCroce_MacroFin: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@solenero3: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@albertobisin: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@gipe1624: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@davelylh: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@orianabandiera: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@mehmedpacha: Disparition : l' économiste français Emmanuel Fahri à 41 ans. - 5 years ago

@v_kalifa: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@AbdessamadB: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@FokRes: @VFok2020 @PM_Thornton @SCMPNews School teachers and social workers know that Poverty is often hereditary, passing… - 5 years ago

@LBiesewig: - 5 years ago

@FokRes: @SabinaKnight1 School teachers and social workers know that Poverty is often hereditary, passes on from one generat… - 5 years ago

@SCdeUgarte: RT @HarvardAlumni: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in… - 5 years ago

@gontrancaroline: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Hortense1: RT @GillesClavreul: On mesure, à travers cet hommage intellectuel et amical de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi, la perte que représente cette… - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@kareenkareen9: et découvrir un être plein de talents (covid death?), injuste Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard,… - 5 years ago

@Chouf11: RT @anablzk: Magnifique article de ⁦@JeanTirole⁩ sur les apports considérables d’Emmanuel Farhi, à la science économique. Emmanuel Farhi, é… - 5 years ago

@djmak__: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@MamieTraillet12: Encore un génie mort bien trop jeune 41 ans..... - 5 years ago

@BobbySin1: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@HMikou: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@GillesClavreul: On mesure, à travers cet hommage intellectuel et amical de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi, la perte que représente ce… - 5 years ago

@Stangoa: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SorryToBeKurt: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@VISAAMERICAUS: RT @HarvardAlumni: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in… - 5 years ago

@HarvardAlumni: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. an… - 5 years ago

@shoobidoowap7: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@lomi_i: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@LBiesewig: RT @danton17892: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Ann____99: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@Steph_Colliac: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@mfeymery: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@natachatatu: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@OcioSociedad: - 5 years ago

@ArnaudMarion: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@achebe54: Emmanuel #Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@9macar4: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@JFGicquelDH: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@FPanunzi: Tirole: "Emmanuel could have been more than full of himself. He instead always remained modest and attentive to oth… - 5 years ago

@FortilusFortin: - 5 years ago

@dmtrmv: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@DirkNiepelt: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@DanaIdette: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@_doublesept_: Je dis ça parce que ça fait 1h que je cherche la cause du décès de Emmanuel Fahri (41 ans) après un article étonnam… - 5 years ago

@dabulTac: Oh 😰 - 5 years ago

@Silvere71269532: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@PolicyQuantsPhD: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@pabsta: Et je n'ai même pas lu ses travaux en fiscalité :( | Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort… - 5 years ago

@RowlandUSM: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@jjohana: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@B_Zehnder: - 5 years ago

@beven_tristant: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@OuardaMerrouche: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Olivier_Vicenza: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort Decesso di un… - 5 years ago

@CNijy: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@CarmerCaro: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@jpp802: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@PicaultJ: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@FPanunzi: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@deambuleuse: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@JyFailler: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@oliviersichel: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@eric5555: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@eric5555: In memoriam - Emmanuel Farhi | TSE - 5 years ago

@eric5555: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — via ⁦@lemondefr⁩ - 5 years ago

@md_campion: RT @sub_specie: Je me souviens des échanges avec Emmanuel Farhi au plus fort de la crise de la dette en 2011. Il était aussi brillant et pr… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@Rike_Kuehl: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@0d68cb21576c45c: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@TBarnay: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@LaureSiegel: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@luniseMarquis: RT @3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Supertraderone: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@dv_martinez: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@AttiasDominique: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@3asseh: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@dloyolavergara: @micheleduardo20 @PRAL14840236 @isidoraalcalde Si no te parecen las metáforas, te dejo una frase inicial de un artí… - 5 years ago

@CelineHEDHUIN: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@AdExtirpanda: Quatrième suicide de professeur d'économie en quelques mois. Étonnante et inquiétante tendance. - 5 years ago

@M_Derenemesnil: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — via @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@SylvainCF: RT @anablzk: Magnifique article de ⁦@JeanTirole⁩ sur les apports considérables d’Emmanuel Farhi, à la science économique. Emmanuel Farhi, é… - 5 years ago

@AyoubelMotreb: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@ABCognitio: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@SylvainCF: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@libreElodie1: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@pierre_jacquel: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@firminsylla: Triste d’apprendre la disparition de l’économiste français Emmanuel Farhi, professeur à Harvard, avec qui j’avais e… - 5 years ago

@FMFdigital: RT @HubertusVth: A lost asset. - 5 years ago

@ZONSKI_Finance: The Economist | A lost asset - 5 years ago

@WaterWisdoms: - 5 years ago

@TefftNina: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Cirmeau: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@thlbauIt: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@Constancedu77: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@AubacMartine: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@IqsogRfg: RT @DidierCalcei: En mémoire d’Emmanuel Farhi. Condoléances à sa famille et ses proches ⁦@loicple⁩ ⁦@karendelchet⁩ ⁦@JCHAUGUEL⁩ ⁦@GeemikDeb… - 5 years ago

@HubertusVth: A lost asset. - 5 years ago

@Ceremonial: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@stevehouf: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@platombe: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@JPhDENIS: RT @DidierCalcei: En mémoire d’Emmanuel Farhi. Condoléances à sa famille et ses proches ⁦@loicple⁩ ⁦@karendelchet⁩ ⁦@JCHAUGUEL⁩ ⁦@GeemikDeb… - 5 years ago

@wedwinthe3rd: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@DidierCalcei: En mémoire d’Emmanuel Farhi. Condoléances à sa famille et ses proches ⁦@loicple⁩ ⁦@karendelchet⁩ ⁦@JCHAUGUEL⁩ ⁦… - 5 years ago

@_smicera: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@Fr4536: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@emdavy: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@RTS_Gamer321098: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@BrainOwie: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@KaisDjelassi: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@monacelt: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@mcecibustamante: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@marcbassets: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@u_szczerbowicz: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@stephanefuseau: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — via @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@brmagniez: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@brmagniez: RT @ClementROUGET: Bel hommage de Jean Tirole à l'un des meilleurs économistes français. - 5 years ago

@Prof_Nishith_P: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@pierre_innovati: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@AnnCathMoretti: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@TMocilnikar: RT @sdaziano: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@kevinaudigier: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Valerie_Rabassa: RT @TSEinfo: In memoriam - Emmanuel Farhi By TSE honorary chairman Jean Tirole @jeantirole: French version in @le… - 5 years ago

@JerzyBL: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@nella_bipat: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@veri_disquo: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@lamy_frederic: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: - 5 years ago

@moukaouame: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@reginaferre1: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Philippe_Ano: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@Valerielemaire9: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@xbrochart: - 5 years ago

@eatinParis: RT @CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au sommet? Réenc… - 5 years ago

@HeleneHPDV: "Amoureux de poésie et de littérature françaises, amateur d’ #opéra, il était très sociable et plein d’humour. Pur… - 5 years ago

@heuristiquement: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@CGollier: Merci Jean pour ce superbe texte. Comment notre profession peut-elle imposer une telle pression compétitive au som… - 5 years ago

@LucianoLavecchi: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@RabineauClaude: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@phdelorme27: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@MarkGio1: The Economist | A lost asset via @TheEconomist - 5 years ago

@nekoya_3: 死んじゃった経済学者エマニュエル・ファリの学歴と研究歴をウィキで見てるんだけど、凄いの一言。頭が良すぎた。 Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@AlphaBetaBlogFR: L'économiste Emmanuel Farhi est mort à 41 ans. Pour The Economist, c'était l'un des plus beaux esprits de sa généra… - 5 years ago

@bvallaud: - 5 years ago

@jean_mieg: Très bel hommage de ⁦@JeanTirole⁩ sur le décès d’Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@ThomWetzer: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@PaulBalanca: RT @anablzk: Magnifique article de ⁦@JeanTirole⁩ sur les apports considérables d’Emmanuel Farhi, à la science économique. Emmanuel Farhi, é… - 5 years ago

@AdrianPabst1: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@LemieuxEmmanuel: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@abenichou94: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@andrzej_rzonca: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MarcAHamet: @fgavazzoni Like you, I really liked Jean Tirole's Le Monde tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. As an INSEAD graduate, I tha… - 5 years ago

@nsonnac: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@BdogLeftist: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Fwitrant: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@editions_PUF: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@frankverboven: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@tottanan: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@PQuefelec: RT @FranckNouchi: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort. L’hommage de Jean Tirole - 5 years ago

@FlurinRichard: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@Th_Douville: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Philduvo: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SylvieLausberg: RT @djemilaben: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@thdijoux: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@sen_abhik: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@SophieGuerrier: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@ericlchaney: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@ParhamRamin: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît ». - 5 years ago

@bbskie2: RT @ProfToujours: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@safiaotokore: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MarieH47370780: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@journalmd: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@vlanon: - 5 years ago

@Baptistebenoit: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Nath_Malmberg: Bien triste nouvelle - 5 years ago

@IASToulouse: In memoriam - Emmanuel Farhi By IAST honorary chairman @JeanTirole ▪️English version ▪️Fr… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @jcremer: Jean Tirole's tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@madline84: RT @ProfToujours: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@lhovh: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Chandra97869: Opinion Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@fugier17: - 5 years ago

@luciagangale1: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@NickdeCusa: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@Dumas_Corent1: - 5 years ago

@Dirty_D_Specter: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@captaingeofery: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@aurelien_veron: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@afef_daoud: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » . Rip Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@borisgcohen: RT @ColombeSchneck: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@AgnesTabareau: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@MatthieudeO: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@YLOllivier: RT @JFBalaude: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@The_Econ_Stan: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@CatherineJagu: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@RomainGenty_: La France et le Monde ont perdu un brillant économiste, penseur et enseignant dont les travaux sur des sujets majeu… - 5 years ago

@PhilippeMeaille: RT @MartineLemalet: Hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@andjo_annie: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@annekeravel1: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@JXDaubanes: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@LPendanger: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@MartineLemalet: Hommage de Jean Tirole à Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@CyrilVerluise: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@nath_1968: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: - 5 years ago

@Lucienauneaub: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@nathalieniel: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@eatinParis: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@DelestreHelene: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@medmouad: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@ApercusTosh: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MoritzPierrick: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@alima_mial: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@lumenaduluc: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@jlLegalery: RT @ColombeSchneck: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@nicolaborri: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@kamromero: RT @galipkemal: Very nice summary of Farhi's contributions by Tirole. (Google Translate does make a very good job.) - 5 years ago

@MorelYannick2: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Jrs55963004: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@JFBalaude: RT @sub_specie: Je me souviens des échanges avec Emmanuel Farhi au plus fort de la crise de la dette en 2011. Il était aussi brillant et pr… - 5 years ago

@MatthieuWD: - 5 years ago

@BorisBastide: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@bellmanNo82: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@bdunogier: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@ChristianGirar1: RT @Dat__Penguin: Repose en paix Emmanuel Farhi, un des meilleurs économistes de sa génération. J’espère que son cœur sera plus apaisé là o… - 5 years ago

@FranckLoureiro: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@ELM12349109: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Hgibier: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@francoist92: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Anais_Bouissou: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@adrianagbon: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@EmmaPeel_Knight: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@EmmaPeel_Knight: RIP Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@al1d: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@SydneeCaldwell: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@SydneeCaldwell: RT @ben_golub: A lovely article in Le Monde about Emmanuel by Jean Tirole (and the Google Translate English version struck me as a miracle… - 5 years ago

@ch_rouillon: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@CharlieOuest: Le Monde: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@Jmjanaillac: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@AntoineBerthou: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@LaurencePoupe: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@AlexCappadoro: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@JulienDamelet: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@et_les_autres: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@fractale: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@etiennechantrel: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@xf_grely: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@MT__87: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@mmarashid86: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@BaldwinRE: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@ClaudeBorghetto: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@JulietteGarnier: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@Minacz: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@bioster: @wangdany2017 @ZMGH111 7月23日,41岁的哈佛大学经济学教授,法国曾经的“高考状元”Emmanuel Farhi意外身亡。7月6日,另一位年仅49岁的威斯康辛大学经济学教授William Sandholm亦… - 5 years ago

@sub_specie: Je me souviens des échanges avec Emmanuel Farhi au plus fort de la crise de la dette en 2011. Il était aussi brilla… - 5 years ago

@hubertcoster: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@ocre_rouge: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@matenje: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@Histhom: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Gaullistelibre: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort — via @lemondefr - 5 years ago

@lautard65: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@chborgel: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@BensaidDidier: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MARTINERAOUX: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@BensaidDidier: Disparition d’un brillant économiste. - 5 years ago

@Brigitt53765144: RT @JRuvilly: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune éco… - 5 years ago

@Brigitt53765144: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@BertrandBissuel: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@JNB__X: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Romanet: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@MSS_massule: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@pisaniferry: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@CarcotP: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @galipkemal: Very nice summary of Farhi's contributions by Tirole. (Google Translate does make a very good job.) - 5 years ago

@MalmbergSelma: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@DomJannot: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@touatijp: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@lpovert: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Wamadeus38: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Gerrygaucho: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@RozaWieder: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@phadke_shilpa: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@ttwwecon: It’s just a coincidence. But the passing of economist Farhi reminded me of this sad but beautiful duet of “Emmanuel… - 5 years ago

@mohamednhkane: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@straightedge: RT @ben_golub: A lovely article in Le Monde about Emmanuel by Jean Tirole (and the Google Translate English version struck me as a miracle… - 5 years ago

@Steph_Al_: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Fraugui: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@thierryK_D: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@AnuraghBalajee: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@askarikhan386: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@tavosfa: He was brilliant. He was a straight shooter type of economist. I printed his last work for my father, shared i… - 5 years ago

@BenTello_: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@PArbillot: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@JRuvilly: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur… - 5 years ago

@Chatpitre2: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@ATrubert: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@medmouad: RT @karimbitar: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort, par Jean Tirole “Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix… - 5 years ago

@paulobilyk: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@sudhirecon: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@rikozmoo: RT @Harvard: Colleagues remember Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi as a brilliant scholar and a caring mentor and friend - 5 years ago

@MutuaKiluti: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@SStanakzai: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@VictoriaVisits1: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@pierrealain59: Top story: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@antoinekowalski: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. » - 5 years ago

@marcivaldi: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@TemelTaskin: RT @galipkemal: Very nice summary of Farhi's contributions by Tirole. (Google Translate does make a very good job.) - 5 years ago

@K00Ls: RT @Nadine1Ways: Hommage: Décès d'Emmanuel Farhi, brillant économiste - Tribune Juive - 5 years ago

@MichD9NP: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@__dow__: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Harvard: Colleagues remember Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi as a brilliant scholar and a caring mentor and friend - 5 years ago

@henry_sylvain: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@galipkemal: Very nice summary of Farhi's contributions by Tirole. (Google Translate does make a very good job.) - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@Austan_Goolsbee: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@dina_chhorn: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@sabrimgd: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@karimbitar: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort, par Jean Tirole “Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu… - 5 years ago

@SFGaliani: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@ForTheHistory: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@irmavelez: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@meisshaily: RT @Harvard: Colleagues remember Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi as a brilliant scholar and a caring mentor and friend - 5 years ago

@WanderNWoodsman: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@ben_golub: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@chengela: RT @ben_golub: A lovely article in Le Monde about Emmanuel by Jean Tirole (and the Google Translate English version struck me as a miracle… - 5 years ago

@BDalencour: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@adc283: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@pnikolov: RT @ben_golub: A lovely article in Le Monde about Emmanuel by Jean Tirole (and the Google Translate English version struck me as a miracle… - 5 years ago

@peregrinrm: RT @ben_golub: A lovely article in Le Monde about Emmanuel by Jean Tirole (and the Google Translate English version struck me as a miracle… - 5 years ago

@CatrineEsway: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@ben_golub: A lovely article in Le Monde about Emmanuel by Jean Tirole (and the Google Translate English version struck me as… - 5 years ago

@GovSherazKhan: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@SFGaliani: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@WesleyFreppel: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@faridtemsamani: Abasourdi par le décès du brillantissime #EmmanuelFarhi Pensées à ses proches. Nous perdons un esprit émérite et… - 5 years ago

@JeSuisKashmala: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@BenTello_: @ValeriaMoy Sobre el trabajo del tristemente recien fallecido Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@xftrebbi: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@BenoitHivon: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Mahalildn1: Came across Emmanuel Farhi in 2017 at a workshop on macro/finance in London. We’ve lost a genius of our time. - 5 years ago

@Rocatanski: RT @alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@FabioGhironi: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@E_D_RIDON: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Necstock: RT @cdf_InnovLab: All of us at the lab are shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Emmanuel Farhi. 1/n - 5 years ago

@charlyaztec: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@LoveWales: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@GI581d: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@pnikolov: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@lolagassin: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Hassan_AGOUZOUL: RT @lemonde_planete: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@alexiskarklins: Jean Tirole sur le regretté Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard - 5 years ago

@dn1164: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@nekoya_3: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@myrudy32: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@JoyceAspres: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@katscience2020: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day be ch… - 5 years ago

@jcaetanoleite: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@austinlwright: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@Princedelu7: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@GuilleLagarda: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@AHoudebine: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@pattyromero11: RT @Harvard: Colleagues remember Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi as a brilliant scholar and a caring mentor and friend - 5 years ago

@freesian946: RT @brian_vales: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@EconHickey: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@RB_Associes: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@PointsNorth_Cap: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@Isadiscpol: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@esprit1789: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@R2Rsquared: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@vivalafarid: I built my thesis around the work of Farhi and Tirole. Such a great loss, he was 41 and had already booked a place… - 5 years ago

@bennpeifert: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@mbellan1: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@wgrodrig: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@NimraInayat: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Nath18083415: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@kelhimdy: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@CordierCaroline: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@tedmiguel: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@anissa_hamza: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@chrisedmond: RT @profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he saw th… - 5 years ago

@eliseOT237: RT @KarimGeorges69: « L’un des plus grands risque dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît » Emmanuel Fahri, Professeur d’économie.… - 5 years ago

@josephine80000: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Birenzii: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@ViGa75: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@EcoSceptique: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@Mpassy_JR: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SabrinaMetayer1: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Maripan2: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@HFormiguinhas: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@unrulianne: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@fa_dwa: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@chaud747: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@diabolo741: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@joeguillian13: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@HClairire: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SoniaMRobaey: "The economist was one of the brightest minds of his generation." - 5 years ago

@dontcarebitch69: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@marsupilamima2: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@FraObe: Siil under shock after the unimaginable sudden death of my former shoolmate Emmanuel Farhi, from our years at Lycée… - 5 years ago

@brian_vales: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@TarabellAlberto: RT @brigranville: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@agilex2: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@christleo14: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@SoniaMRobaey: “With all his talent he could have been a jerk, but he deeply cared about being a good human being...He generously… - 5 years ago

@JBGuiffard: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@JeanEdgardAis: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@CSS2001: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@gwendalpereira1: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@bakou_fort1: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Seal_Kamp: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Hoteit2013: - 5 years ago

@Thomas_DangerRI: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Isabelle_Maras: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@mdrechsler: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@mpbarrouillet: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@georges_loubert: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@susanna8012: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@mvignaud: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Rhoneantenne69: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@BaldeOusmane08: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@rubmaumau: RT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@leschtroumpffr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est schtroumpfé - 5 years ago

@lemondefr: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@profnavaashraf: Still reeling from the death of my dear friend Emmanuel Farhi. Emmanuel had a tender and compassionate heart; he sa… - 5 years ago

@FranckNouchi: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort. L’hommage de Jean Tirole - 5 years ago

@Richard41625987: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@hchevrillon: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@AnnieskipF: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@AsafManela: RT @alpsimsek_econ: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by Jean Tirole. In fact, Emmanuel was a bit like a younger version of Tirole. Ext… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@Jrs55963004: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@ProfPaulWelfens: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@OKodila: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@CastroFrancois: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@Pape_econ: - 5 years ago

@b0uska: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@brigranville: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@brigranville: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@AuziasLaure: - 5 years ago

@brigranville: RT @marcfbellemare: @KhoaVuUmn I suspected as much, but to see it confirmed is heartbreaking. Even after Alan Krueger and Emmanuel Farhi—an… - 5 years ago

@cecile_ieaparis: RT @RaphaelleBacque: «L’un des + grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît.» C'est ainsi que débute la thèse d'E. Far… - 5 years ago

@SRiffeStern: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@sophieg_g: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@simemi84_simone: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@Jrs55963004: Décès d'Emmanuel FARHI - 5 years ago

@cari68lea: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@cari68lea: RT @livemint: #Opinion | Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@VandergheynstY: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@Samira_MRais: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@SabinaKnight1: Still so saddened for Emmanuel Farhi (8 Sept 1978 - 23 July 2020) and all who loved him. We have this portrait & F… - 5 years ago

@Claveria_Marc: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@efalcettoni: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MarcStraussKahn: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@CasanovaChris10: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@saveiro: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@emiliensimioni: RT @joeletxe: @JeanTirole évoque la mémoire de son co-auteur et ami Emmanuel Farhi. "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formidable… - 5 years ago

@Christine_Cai27: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@catherinepuch: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@synthiasantana: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@ArnaudMarion: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Thunderbolt5555: RT @m_maggiori: Beautiful words by @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@eniotna77: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@faligbadamassi: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@doquocanh: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@TomasKubart: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@ClaudeHorvath: @RealGilbert So, what do you think the chances are that Emmanuel Farhi met the same horrific fate as George Lucas m… - 5 years ago

@lphalippou81: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@LeCLAINCHEChri2: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@MsNtuli: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Justaminute65_: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@jranck: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@amasciarelli: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@CAEinfo: Par Jean Tirole, Prix Nobel d’économie 2014 - 5 years ago

@tigerymous: RT @BBerardProust: Jean Tirole rend hommage à Emmanuel Farhi, brillant théoricien, économiste et prof à Harvard. Il avait reçu le Prix du m… - 5 years ago

@erikloulou: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@isabelleclap: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@prameshjain12: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@AlexisLadasic: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@jmvittori: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@stef_alba: RT @danton17892: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@PedroJMA: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@prodefi: RT @MacroPru: @JeanTirole @TSEinfo @COP21 "à ses proches" - 5 years ago

@montesinos_mv: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: @JeanTirole @TSEinfo @COP21 "à ses proches" - 5 years ago

@EconUS: Emmanuel Farhi saw America’s role as the world’s banker as unsustainable. The dominance of the dollar would one day… - 5 years ago

@D1_GE_Bordeaux: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@eatinParis: @jeantirole courage. Je culpabilise . j aurais du lui parler. Qu est ce qui s est passé ? - 5 years ago

@joss_roman: Great tribute from @JeanTirole summarizing Farhi's inspiring research... in French - 5 years ago

@s_sebbane: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@JacquesDELPLA: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@sisterfernande: RT @lemonde_planete: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@maruri_ec: RT @S_Stantcheva: Un tres bel hommage a Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole dans @lemondefr "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formida… - 5 years ago

@Citizen_Mark: RT @lysdeschamps: #France #USA Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort à 41 ans - 5 years ago

@MarieHeleneSka: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @cdf_InnovLab: As the rest of the profession, we are still shocked by the death of our friend. To honor his memory we have decided to re… - 5 years ago

@KaisDjelassi: A great loss for economics and for French economic society. A brilliant mind, Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of… - 5 years ago

@paldama: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@dathilde: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@MTKS75: RT @anablzk: Magnifique article de ⁦@JeanTirole⁩ sur les apports considérables d’Emmanuel Farhi, à la science économique. Emmanuel Farhi, é… - 5 years ago

@keywitt1: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@deBroissiaGisl1: RT @lemonde_planete: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@paldama: RT @HadrienCamatte: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi par Jean Tirole, via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@lArcheMag: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: "Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41" by @SoumayaKeynes via @TheEconomist - 5 years ago

@deniswirtz: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@AntoineRENAULD: - 5 years ago

@RozaWieder: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@mattkahn1966: RT @danton17892: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@BertrandHenne: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@hystericalegg: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@awnkoghe: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @joeletxe: @JeanTirole évoque la mémoire de son co-auteur et ami Emmanuel Farhi. "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un formidable… - 5 years ago

@VictorLefranc: Brillant théoricien, il avait reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France en 2013. Il a notamment travaillé… - 5 years ago

@ygrequel: RT @LeMondeEcoEnt: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort | Par @JeanTirole - 5 years ago

@joeletxe: @JeanTirole évoque la mémoire de son co-auteur et ami Emmanuel Farhi. "Nous avons perdu un penseur sans égal et un… - 5 years ago

@thierrybeaucamp: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@danton17892: Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@Afropages: Le Monde - Emmanuel Farhi, économiste et professeur à Harvard, est mort - 5 years ago

@HugoObjoie: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@LaurenceCaramel: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@aanwezig9: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@aEz3AieNJI4sIl0: RT @lucbronner: « L’un des plus grands risques dans la vie est la famille dans laquelle on naît. ». Triste et passionnante nécrologie d’Emm… - 5 years ago

@BBerardProust: Jean Tirole rend hommage à Emmanuel Farhi, brillant théoricien, économiste et prof à Harvard. Il avait reçu le Prix… - 5 years ago

@AbdessamadB: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@BreatheLove75: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Ghildyal1Sheba: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@KambuaLilyan: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@zeromercury: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@avataram: Shocked & saddened by the untimely demise of Emmanuel Farhi at the age of 41. Looks like I have spent most of July… - 5 years ago

@elchinoaponte: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@KikiCharles: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@DRPECON: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@samirahmed14: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@MagdalenaVeena: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@TeamEconReport: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@economist_once: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@SarojPKhanal: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@jdamijan: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@UGruntmanis: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@txswede2010: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@deduped_economi: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's best known research was on safe assets, and on how the world was stuck in a “safety trap” - 5 years ago

@bicidiario: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@WEAtcdk: Noteworthy comment from @GoldmanSachs re carbon pricing (or the lack of it). It sounds like something from Emmanue… - 5 years ago

@thereisanocean: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@TinMoiGio1: Một tài sản bị mất - Emmanuel Farhi đã qua đời ở tuổi 41 | Tài chính & kinh tế - 5 years ago

@ShahrukhWani: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@EvaMikusova1: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@MaribelPliego1: RT @AlfredoNarvaez: Alan Krueger, Martin Weitzman, William Sandholm, y ahora Emmanuel Farhi. El cuarto economista prominente muerto en un a… - 5 years ago

@Fair_finance: RT @Ph_Etienne: Emmanuel Farhi était un brillant économiste @HarvardEcon, membre de la commission d’experts sur les défis économiques @Elys… - 5 years ago

@Fair_finance: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@ChatibBasri: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@osaeB: RT @saadjijji: Great guy gone too soon. His idea on 'Safety Trap' is worth studying by many current policy makers. What will be the broader… - 5 years ago

@saadjijji: Great guy gone too soon. His idea on 'Safety Trap' is worth studying by many current policy makers. What will be th… - 5 years ago

@cetier1: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@hirokiarato: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@pakistanmonitor: Emmanuel Farhi an Economist has died at the age of 41. His work on lack of supply of safe assets is worth reading f… - 5 years ago

@kmcspurren: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@MrTickle3: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@SusanBurningha2: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@SofronClerides: RT @EliasPapaioann2: - 5 years ago

@Trade_Haven: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@alvaro_el_belin: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@cuizhiyuan: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@AryudiEquity: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: “He was one of the greatest economic minds of his generation" - 5 years ago

@GEMhelpers: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@FrancescoNicoli: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@rjaimesb: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@_basjacobs: RT @pietgautier: Emmanuel Farhi herdacht in Economist. Volgens mij hebben Nederlandse kranten om één of andere reden nog nooit aandacht aan… - 5 years ago

@upanizza: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@YLucotte: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@RezaSalehnejad: RT @EliasPapaioann2: - 5 years ago

@yves_farhi: Décès d'Emmanuel FARHI - 5 years ago

@hdjebar: RT @paldama: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@EliasPapaioann2: - 5 years ago

@UCR_ScienceNews: Leading @Harvard #economist #EmmanuelFarhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@GRIDUT: RT @paldama: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@emilyrees_eu: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@kaoutharlbiati: Another lost asset - #EmmanuelFarhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@hmmlowe: RT @SoumayaKeynes: In my interactions with him I was always struck by his kindness and patience. Here are some statements of remembrance fr… - 5 years ago

@joeletxe: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@BrigidBenson1: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@reginaferre1: RT @lillumultipass: A quick portrait of Emmanuel Fahri : - 5 years ago

@JF_Rerolle: Décès d'Emmanuel FARHI - 5 years ago

@SakumiBLR: RT @paldama: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@sastrasalira: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@EmreDeliveli: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@GusGarita: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@jjohana: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@sreeix: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@clarenceonyx: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@nikkifirewall: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@fujisawaIFE: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@QolibegliH: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@Tasapainoilija: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@TomMcGr: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@Mesjwar: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@benjaqz: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@paldama: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@MaryJanekeao: RT @MaryJanekeao: @TheEconomist Rest In Peace, Mr Emmanuel Farhi. 😥💐 - 5 years ago

@MaryJanekeao: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@MaryJanekeao: @TheEconomist Rest In Peace, Mr Emmanuel Farhi. 😥💐 - 5 years ago

@anaissaintjude: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@ERJimenez: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world. - 5 years ago

@fmonaldi: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@blikovanuj: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@DexterousRd: Such a beautiful piece by Ajit Ranade on Farhi RT Opinion Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@k_ubytx: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Prithu: - 5 years ago

@btcnasia: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Googlenauta: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@3melisande: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@kilonpop: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@gaillymacmarch: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@dalyushhh: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@avataram: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@MalukiB: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@avataram: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@TS8841: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@rithvikra0: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@JeromePandell: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@JeromePandell: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@ShariBarry17: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's motivation as an economist was to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@arpartnersmx: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@zingales: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@nudaveritas14: Farhi was a gifted economist with a brilliant mind coupled with intellectual rigor and intensity. What a loss! Opin… - 5 years ago

@profmarylewis: The title of this article, “A lost asset,” strikes me as an unfortunate way to refer to the loss of a human life, a… - 5 years ago

@Happilyever15: - 5 years ago

@trevorw1953: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@Looyaan: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@tanpiosang: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@OdinMarcelo: Harvard’s Emmanuel Farhi on a New Monetary System – IMF F&D - 5 years ago

@la_anapaola: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 The tragedy is that he did not liv… - 5 years ago

@MTD_31: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@ErwinHansen7: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@AaronsonSusan: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@ms_peaceweaver: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@GustavoA711: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@IsaacMuchengwa: - 5 years ago

@movingtrain2020: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@DrJohnB1952: RT @NinjaEconomics: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@Attijan: - 5 years ago

@Michael34836188: RT @NinjaEconomics: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@NapoAndMe: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@vivie_k: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@crossmediapubli: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@dcgalex: Top story from @TheEconomist: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The E… - 5 years ago

@RobertChampion7: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@MonthToMonth121: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@abiodunfawole: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@Okehdom: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@soncabral: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@vkchaudhary19: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@MauroFontana: Top story: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist… - 5 years ago

@analysis061: Top story: Income Inequality A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The E… - 5 years ago

@leGrandAless: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@AndrewVAD: RT @NinjaEconomics: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@NinjaEconomics: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@dsteketee97: RIP Emmanuel Farthi! You will be missed. #economics #economists #RIP #geniuses #theory #lifecutshort - 5 years ago

@Zakinus: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@WDurongkaveroj: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@Mpho3_UNITED: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@fbfbyu: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@Mesjwar: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@amemurmurel: @souriree_x He died last Thursday mysteriously... some papers are saying due to Corona but investigations are being… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@alvin_economist: Wow! First Alan Krueger and now Emmanuel Farhi. Sending positive energy and hug to all Economists out there...it ca… - 5 years ago

@ylznw: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@amyjccuddy: Wow, stunned and so saddened to learn that Emmanuel Farhi has died. He was not only a brilliant economist; he was j… - 5 years ago

@premil_willy: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@vin_egede: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@AlfredoNarvaez: Alan Krueger, Martin Weitzman, William Sandholm, y ahora Emmanuel Farhi. El cuarto economista prominente muerto en… - 5 years ago

@sanaayesha___: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@HedgeSupreme: RT @TheEconomist: Emmanuel Farhi's research interests were unusually broad. He wanted to help policymakers understand the world - 5 years ago

@jimsanchez917: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@247nigeria: A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@vudancao: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@naufalyudiana: A tragic loss of a brilliant economist. Also the third premature loss of a high profile economist - after Alan Krue… - 5 years ago

@dapelzg: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@rdomenechv: @TheEconomist A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 The economist was one of the brightest minds… - 5 years ago

@jcrespo83: RT @psecada: Una buena reseña de una mente brillante que nos dejó A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@NoticiaEconomia: Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@psecada: Una buena reseña de una mente brillante que nos dejó A lost asset – Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@AndreCrisRS: RT @VStavrakeva: A wonderful tribute to the life of Emmanuel Farhi. We miss you a lot! Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@newsubscriber: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@AndreCrisRS: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@SeattleEcon: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@buyani_thomy: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@AndreCrisRS: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: Mr Farhi’s most-cited work was on safe assets, ...argued that the global demand for safe assets had outpaced supply… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @SoumayaKeynes: In my interactions with him I was always struck by his kindness and patience. Here are some statements of remembrance fr… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@fwlandazuri: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@laketownkid: Emmanuel Farhi, one of the brightest economic minds of his generation, died at age 41. - 5 years ago

@TinMoiGio1: Một tài sản bị mất - Emmanuel Farhi đã qua đời ở tuổi 41 | Tài chính & kinh tế - 5 years ago

@ThereseRaphael1: Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@IlariaSupino: A lost asset - Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 | Finance & economics | The Economist - 5 years ago

@MinakoOikawa: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@MinakoOikawa: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@CamusValerie: RT @SIEPR: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi, who died unexpectedly at 41, was a @SIEPR Trione Visiting Professor and considered one of the… - 5 years ago

@asesorfinaciero: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@ABS_Racing: RT @SIEPR: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi, who died unexpectedly at 41, was a @SIEPR Trione Visiting Professor and considered one of the… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @SIEPR: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi, who died unexpectedly at 41, was a @SIEPR Trione Visiting Professor and considered one of the… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@kaz_yos: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@pnikolov: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@SIEPR: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi, who died unexpectedly at 41, was a @SIEPR Trione Visiting Professor and considere… - 5 years ago

@stephkestelman: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@LaurentFranckx: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@GioPapuashvili: Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@pogourinchas: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@ThomasHerndon1: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@NatashaRovo: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@pagebookkeeping: Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@ModernFinance: Emmanuel Farhi has died at the age of 41 - 5 years ago

@WITGT21: He was one of the greatest economic minds of his generation,” says Xavier Gabaix, a colleague at Harvard University… - 5 years ago

@cloudyip: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@Pubudunie: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@WhelanHealth: Sad to hear - 5 years ago

@elizabeths_sis: RT @SoumayaKeynes: In my interactions with him I was always struck by his kindness and patience. Here are some statements of remembrance fr… - 5 years ago

@disrupt_arch: - 5 years ago

@kristoberg: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@Maximus11264838: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@verbeke_t: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@LevyAntoine: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@ChadBown: RT @SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@SoumayaKeynes: In my interactions with him I was always struck by his kindness and patience. Here are some statements of remembran… - 5 years ago

@SoumayaKeynes: It's been a sad week. My piece on Emmanuel Farhi here: - 5 years ago

@Rick__Hornbeck: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@stellamarisae: RT @P1nk_Stripes: Emmanuel Fahri, un economista de Harvard, se suicidó a los 41 años de edad. Todos sus colegas hablan maravillas de él, pe… - 5 years ago

@toupeiradomar: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @jessicaleecohen: Such tragic news, in tragic times. Emmanuel was my friend in graduate school and was one of the kindest, silliest, mos… - 5 years ago

@George_Ranalli: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 – Harvard Gazette - 5 years ago

@Alisha__George: An economist to remember. - 5 years ago

@doquocanh: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@dynamic_choice: Dr. Alan Krueger and Dr. Emmanuel Farhi ....... - 5 years ago

@jcaetanoleite: Emmanuel Farhi é o terceiro grande economista em dois anos que comete suicídio (Allan Krueger e Martin Weitzman). É… - 5 years ago

@violetaguitart: RT @P1nk_Stripes: Emmanuel Fahri, un economista de Harvard, se suicidó a los 41 años de edad. Todos sus colegas hablan maravillas de él, pe… - 5 years ago

@tblrj: @JoMicheII There are a few papers, written by the same authors (Farhi & Baqaee). The content is still too neoclassi… - 5 years ago

@HrReisen: “Emmanuel #Farhi , c'est finalement une certaine idée de la France. Celle qui excelle à former les têtes les mieux… - 5 years ago

@macroeu: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@lucyferr85: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@macroeu: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@JPir11: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@gabriellarobi14: RT @younousomarjee: Terrible nouvelle que la disparition a 41 ans d’Emmanuel Farhi . Un esprit brillant et d’une très grande gentillesse qu… - 5 years ago

@SylvainCF: RT @ArielOrtizBobea: I find it upsetting that the cause of death of Emmanuel Farhi has not been officially confirmed. The cryptic announcem… - 5 years ago

@hirokiarato: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@MitraNirvana: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@makotonkjm: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@LucaPicariello1: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@nikospaltalidis: Emmanuel Farhi was an outsanding economist, a brilliant & thoughtful theorist. His most glorious contributions were… - 5 years ago

@TACJ: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@HarvardClubVic: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@jessicaleecohen: Such tragic news, in tragic times. Emmanuel was my friend in graduate school and was one of the kindest, silliest,… - 5 years ago

@Clarisse_WRose: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@FiftyFour17: First Maryam Mirzakhani, brilliant maths profressor, died at the age of 40 in 2017 from breast cancer. Now Emmanuel… - 5 years ago

@VBojovic7: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@p_morrow_UofT: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@MJsojourner: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@ProfAroraAshish: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@lcarbonari1: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@delong: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@ArielOrtizBobea: I never met Emmanuel and have no more information than what I read in here. But the loss of a young academic is alw… - 5 years ago

@ArielOrtizBobea: I find it upsetting that the cause of death of Emmanuel Farhi has not been officially confirmed. The cryptic announ… - 5 years ago

@LawFin_FFM: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@NicolaLimodio: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@Tadeo1510: RT @JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the issues of t… - 5 years ago

@_erre_quadro: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@JoMicheII: My pile of papers has just reminded me that Emmanuel Farhi was one of the authors of this paper returning to the is… - 5 years ago

@luigiiov: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@ErnestoPasten2: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@dclingi: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@tanpiosang: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@mazzimon77: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@gp_mihalache: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@af_giraldo: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@fre2bis: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@fre2bis: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@fre2bis: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@paixaonm: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@fre2bis: Grande tristesse en apprenant la disparition d'Emmanuel FARHI. - 5 years ago

@4inBeatz: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@YLucotte: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@TimTkehoe: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @Behroo7: Today, the Economics profession lost another brilliant mind. Emmanuel Farhi was only 41. I just hope this is not another suici… - 5 years ago

@aledinola: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@pupu_tintin: The Safety Trap | Emmanuel Farhi An acute form of a liquidity trap where safe asset shortage is the fundamental dr… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @ShobhaRaghuram: Emmanuel Farhi - A Great Loss for Economics Tuesday, July 28, 2020 It is with immense sadness that we learnt over the w… - 5 years ago

@schwardmann: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@PatrickBuatois: RT @younousomarjee: Terrible nouvelle que la disparition a 41 ans d’Emmanuel Farhi . Un esprit brillant et d’une très grande gentillesse qu… - 5 years ago

@Habib99372052: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@KaasLeo: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @econoflove: David Warsh reporting on the suicide of 4 male economists in the last year, Emmanuel Farhi being the latest one - 5 years ago

@younousomarjee: Terrible nouvelle que la disparition a 41 ans d’Emmanuel Farhi . Un esprit brillant et d’une très grande gentilless… - 5 years ago

@s_delhommer: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@miclenza: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@brainsparkz: Opinion | Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@ShobhaRaghuram: Emmanuel Farhi - A Great Loss for Economics Tuesday, July 28, 2020 It is with immense sadness that we learnt over t… - 5 years ago

@RSoubeyran: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@maruri_ec: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@alcardaci: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@ngiocoli: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@upanizza: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@haishan1121: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@vkammerer: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@haishan1121: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@jlukeskywalkerf: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@MacronWorld: RT @Ph_Etienne: Emmanuel Farhi était un brillant économiste @HarvardEcon, membre de la commission d’experts sur les défis économiques @Elys… - 5 years ago

@maximananyev: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@PablodeRamnLaca: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@luca_forconi: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: RT @gregorschub: When we arrived for our first year macro class at Harvard, we were told by older students that it would be boring because… - 5 years ago

@sebinbn: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@tripathistuts: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @guido_lorenzoni: Like many of you, still struggling to cope with the death of Emmanuel Farhi. Today I met a group of graduate students… - 5 years ago

@rikozmoo: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@MutuaKiluti: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@maliniw90th: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@nikhilnan: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Andrew___Baker: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@SarahHBana: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@SimisterJ: RT @econoflove: David Warsh reporting on the suicide of 4 male economists in the last year, Emmanuel Farhi being the latest one - 5 years ago

@dynamic_choice: Paying my condolences to the brilliant French Economist Dr. Emmanuel Farhi. Gone To Soon - 5 years ago

@kianpinglim: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@2612_ggd: Opinion | Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@Ohashi_Kazu: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@LorenzoRocco6: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@its101191514: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@ENPancotti: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Ph_Etienne: Emmanuel Farhi était un brillant économiste @HarvardEcon, membre de la commission d’experts sur les défis économiques @Elys… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@P1nk_Stripes: Emmanuel Fahri, un economista de Harvard, se suicidó a los 41 años de edad. Todos sus colegas hablan maravillas de… - 5 years ago

@medmouad: RT @karimbitar: Obituary - Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi, who died at 41, was considered one of the leading economists of his generation… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@MavromatisK: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: We express our heartfelt condolences to the family of Prof Emmanuel Farhi of @Harvard University🕊🙏. As a rising star Mac… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: By remembering #EmmanuelFarhi,make sure to dive into his last @IMFNews Finance & Development Magazine's paper on "Toward… - 5 years ago

@antonioocontee: RT @fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing that we d… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: By remembering #EmmanuelFarhi,make sure to dive into his last @IMFNews Finance & Development Magazine's paper on "T… - 5 years ago

@susanicox: RT @Ph_Etienne: Emmanuel Farhi était un brillant économiste @HarvardEcon, membre de la commission d’experts sur les défis économiques @Elys… - 5 years ago

@econoflove: David Warsh reporting on the suicide of 4 male economists in the last year, Emmanuel Farhi being the latest one - 5 years ago

@jedavalosc: RT @marcfbellemare: @KhoaVuUmn I suspected as much, but to see it confirmed is heartbreaking. Even after Alan Krueger and Emmanuel Farhi—an… - 5 years ago

@OBello98: RT @Andrew___Baker: Very sorry to hear that as expected Emmanuel Farhi lost his life to suicide. I would caution against over extrapolating… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@metalsaruman: "you have to work hard toward something that you like. And for that there has to be something that you like and wan… - 5 years ago

@callherrah: Really sad. - 5 years ago

@mdoepke: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@Fmaros: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@MarketSqueeze: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@MarkLJWright: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@PHuenermund: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@MGF91: RT @KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@wgrodrig: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@skengmansaf: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@KhoaVuUmn: Incredibly sad to hear that Emmanuel Farhi died by his own hand. Something is deeply wrong with this profession. - 5 years ago

@Pratikgsalvi: My humble tribute to the Economist Emmanuel Farhi. He died at the age of 41. His research focused on Macroeconomics… - 5 years ago

@muhumed_khadar: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@albertobisin: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@akibritcioglu: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@iktisatca: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@researchtom: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@unamazed_adri: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@unamazed_adri: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@m_maggiori: In memoriam of the extraordinary life of Emmanuel Farhi. A few personal words. - 5 years ago

@vbolotnyy: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Noam_NYC: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@EdouardVidon: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@KelemenBarbara: RT @ricpuglisi: Qui c'è una discussione sulla morte improvvisa di Emmanuel Farhi. Tanti commenti pessimi, ma anche riflessioni sensate sul… - 5 years ago

@Olumenecclesiae: Pierre Rousselot était un jeune théologien jésuite mort prématurément en 1915 mais ayant eu le temps de marquer pro… - 5 years ago

@Christine_Cai27: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@PublicHealthMap: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@JlibDoesEcon: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@msilosr: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Geo_Economy: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@Scieducation1: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@inmalopezmarti2: Emmanuel Farhi - A Great Loss for Economics | Centre for Economic Policy Research - 5 years ago

@kathrynholston: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@jcaetanoleite: RT @claudferraz: Muito triste uma partida tão precoce, linda homenagem-- Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@EvCarbajal: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@MIbrahimKamal: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@MGUINON: RT @ThomWetzer: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 – Harvard Gazette - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@rafaspol: RT @claudferraz: Muito triste uma partida tão precoce, linda homenagem-- Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@changhe_ucla: A touching tribute to Professor Farhi. 😞I only had a few encounters with Farhi while working as research assistant… - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@ibra_econ: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@claudferraz: Muito triste uma partida tão precoce, linda homenagem-- Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41… - 5 years ago

@Abde_Soto: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@kneupane: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@KarinCannock: Remembering the work we did at IMF in the organization of the Bretton Woods at 75 - Rethinking International Cooper… - 5 years ago

@joeletxe: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@AbdirashidW: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Ekonosaurus: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@enzomarongiu: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Bruynooghe_Jr: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@tbarson49: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@SammyCShin: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@saramchander: RT @VStavrakeva: A wonderful tribute to the life of Emmanuel Farhi. We miss you a lot! Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@rodri_gomezs: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@MaximusDM1965: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@EconSleepy: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@corgiman007: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@kltblom: So sorry for Emmanuel's family....he viewed and modeled the world very much like I do. The zero bound matters. It… - 5 years ago

@MaximusDM1965: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@bernard_jomard: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@bernard_jomard: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@grumpeoldman: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@parryravi: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@YayathiPuru: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@SuperEbza: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@schnellenbachj: RT @VStavrakeva: A wonderful tribute to the life of Emmanuel Farhi. We miss you a lot! Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@ThomWetzer: A beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Farhi. Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 – Harvard Gazette - 5 years ago

@jaganvysyaraju: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Antonio23132075: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@lnwsrilanka: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@sDehmej: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@LeoKemboi: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@GeofreyMetili: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@SergioJimenezRa: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@fgavazzoni: Ok, I will be the first one (that I follow on Twitter) to say it bright and clear. I find it extremely disturbing t… - 5 years ago

@tricornot: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@bauronomics: 😢😢😢 - 5 years ago

@ricpuglisi: RT @albertobisin: Beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Fahri. - 5 years ago

@izompishaka: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@__bountyPunter_: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@p_varthalitis: RT @TimTkehoe: A wonderful tribute to Emmanuel Fahri. He will be missed, especially by those of us privileged to know him. - 5 years ago

@Markbohlund: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@shephard_neil: Tributes to our much missed Emmanuel Farhi can be read at - 5 years ago

@REgrivet: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@AlexandreCruzSF: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@profmdwhite: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@marcodelnegro: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@justKitan: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: Leading Harvard economist Emmanuel Farhi dies at 41 - 5 years ago

@MT__87: RT @albertobisin: Beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Fahri. - 5 years ago

@summergirly7180: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @albertobisin: Beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Fahri. - 5 years ago

@IndianIR: Opinion | Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@Gerhard_Fehr: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@albertobisin: Beautiful tribute to Emmanuel Fahri. - 5 years ago

@minaamshah: - 5 years ago

@KarstenMause: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@immha_ayachab: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@ArshiaHashemi: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@c2granda: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@guo_xuguang: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@IshaGupta_Econ: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@nasoskook: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@andres_zahler: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@joselin_ce: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@jkLosingMoney: RT @GitaGopinath: A tribute to my friend. - 5 years ago

@Griv2020: RT @Harvard: Harvard Professor Emmanuel Farhi was considered one of the leading economists of his generation both in the U.S. and in France… - 5 years ago

@EijaNiskanen1: RT @ahokasjaj: Tässä hyvä lyhyt uutinen, joka kaappaa Farhin perusajatuksen tuon em. tutkimusohjelman suhteen. - 5 years ago

@EijaNiskanen1: RT @ahokasjaj: Ikävä uutinen. Olen lukenut ennen kaikkea Farhin makrotaloustieteessä keskeisessä roolissa olevien tuotantofunktioiden kriti… - 5 years ago

@clemjohnjohn: - 5 years ago

@rubberthottam: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@anbusch: RT @GrimmVeronika: Ein sehr schöner und interessanter Artikel über das Werk von Emmanuel Farhi - was für ein Verlust. - 5 years ago

@ShobhaRaghuram: Emmanuel Farhi, JEEA-FBBVA Lecture Short Interview 2018 - 5 years ago

@ShobhaRaghuram: Emmanuel Farhi is no more- David Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi 29 June 2020, Unemployment and inflation in the Covid-19 re… - 5 years ago

@cincinnatus237: “Emmanuel had such ease that studying seemed a game for him,” said Michel Vigier, Farhi’s godfather. “The choice to… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @GuntramWolff: A very nice review of some of Fahri's work by G. Braunberger of @FazitBlog - 5 years ago

@GuntramWolff: A very nice review of some of Fahri's work by G. Braunberger of @FazitBlog - 5 years ago

@arash_nekoei: RT @d_sergeyev: Emmanuel Farhi on one of his recent visits to Milan. He will be deeply missed. - 5 years ago

@ahokasjaj: Tässä hyvä lyhyt uutinen, joka kaappaa Farhin perusajatuksen tuon em. tutkimusohjelman suhteen. - 5 years ago

@ahokasjaj: Ikävä uutinen. Olen lukenut ennen kaikkea Farhin makrotaloustieteessä keskeisessä roolissa olevien tuotantofunktioi… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@tom_jcqs: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Julie_Magdalene: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@ShobhaRaghuram: Remembering Emmanuel Farhi at this --- I'm watching Bretton Woods at 75 - Rethinking International Cooperation… - 5 years ago

@Akshat415: - 5 years ago

@Nadine1Ways: Hommage: Décès d'Emmanuel Farhi, brillant économiste - Tribune Juive - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@izompishaka: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@liyer: Opinion | Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: Emmanuel Farhi Fue un economista francés y profesor de economía en la Universidad de Harvard, fue miembro del Consejo d… - 5 years ago

@mkessler_DC: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@mcdroste: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@jjohana: RT @VStavrakeva: A wonderful tribute to the life of Emmanuel Farhi. We miss you a lot! Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@chrisedmond: RT @VStavrakeva: A wonderful tribute to the life of Emmanuel Farhi. We miss you a lot! Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@paulgp: RT @chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking. - 5 years ago

@CelebrityDead2: Emmanuel Farhi Fue un economista francés y profesor de economía en la Universidad de Harvard, fue miembro del Conse… - 5 years ago

@chrisedmond: Beautiful remembrance of Emmanuel from @gchodorowreich Still in shock. It's just so heartbreaking.… - 5 years ago

@pascalpaul: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@jmb112485: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MarkLJWright: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@VStavrakeva: A wonderful tribute to the life of Emmanuel Farhi. We miss you a lot! Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@Kad_Tal: - 5 years ago

@RduvalH: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the leading ec… - 5 years ago

@jjohana: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@TBarnay: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@HarvardCID: It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Harvard economist and #CIDExpert Emmanuel Farhi, one of the le… - 5 years ago

@michaelbauer_hh: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@ole_posch: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@NPestel83: RT @GrimmVeronika: Ein sehr schöner und interessanter Artikel über das Werk von Emmanuel Farhi - was für ein Verlust. - 5 years ago

@GrimmVeronika: Ein sehr schöner und interessanter Artikel über das Werk von Emmanuel Farhi - was für ein Verlust. - 5 years ago

@anbusch: RT @FAZ_Wirtschaft: Blog | Fazit - das Wirtschaftsblog: Vermächtnis eines Stars (von Gerald Braunberger) - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: "The Microeconomic Foundations of Aggregate Production Functions" by David Baqaee & Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@TorrasLuis: RT @FriedrichHayek: Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@Ch_Schubert: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@boriscota5: - 5 years ago

@Eduardo_Serna87: El pasado día 23 a la temprana edad de 41 años se fue una de las mentes jóvenes más brillantes actualmente en la ma… - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @FAZ_Wirtschaft: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften haben eines ihrer größten Talente verloren. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel #Farhi von Gerald Br… - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: Farhi re-examined the "Cambridge Capital Debate" the fact that is makes no sense to describe an entire economy’s a… - 5 years ago

@Archifabrizio: RT @fdhassan: “The main thing people remember is how you made them feel”. Emmanuel Farhi made me feel welcomed and appreciated beyond what… - 5 years ago

@jjohana: RT @priyalovesnikon: Opinion Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@UsmanOmer9: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@NNrehman: RT @priyalovesnikon: Opinion Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@jonasdovern: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @BBlancheton: Décès d'Emmanuel FARHI - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @priyalovesnikon: Opinion Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @FAZ_Finance: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften haben eines ihrer größten Talente verloren. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel #Farhi von Gerald Braun… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: RT @shani_cn: It's strange to feel heartbroken by the passing of a man I hardly knew. Emmanuel Farhi's teaching was perhaps the most excit… - 5 years ago

@siedenbiedel: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@IPE_thoughts: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@priyalovesnikon: Opinion Emmanuel Farhi: A brilliant economist gone too soon - 5 years ago

@priyalovesnikon: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@notevolv: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Sabinedelanglad: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@cmatthes_econ: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@jean__cc: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@MydibaTh: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@MGoFinance: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@JohannesNaegele: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@egghat: Gerald Braunberger gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die vielen interessanten Arbeiten des am Wochenende im Alter vo… - 5 years ago

@efalcettoni: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @Udit_Eco: LIVE NOW: Join Christine Lagarde, Melissa Dell, Emmanuel Farhi, KeyuJin, and Ricardo Reis for a discussion on improving inter… - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @nberpubs: A study of puzzling long term trends in macro-finance, from Emmanuel Farhi and @FrancoisGourio - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@ArshiaHashemi: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@PhilippMischon: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @FAZ_Wirtschaft: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften haben eines ihrer größten Talente verloren. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel #Farhi von Gerald Br… - 5 years ago

@tblrj: RIP John Weeks and Emmanuel Farhi - two (very) different profiles but two important economists. - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @FAZ_Wirtschaft: Blog | Fazit - das Wirtschaftsblog: Vermächtnis eines Stars (von Gerald Braunberger) - 5 years ago

@moellerdav: Schön geschrieben. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. #economy #EconomicTimes #Makroökonomie #Economictheory Vermächtnis eines St… - 5 years ago

@CarantinoB: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@arash_nekoei: - 5 years ago

@svengieg: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@ClassicGerman: Es ist weiterhin unfassbar. Unglaublicher Verlust - wie damals Frank Schirrmacher. Vermächtnis eines Stars… - 5 years ago

@RAADARde: Vermächtnis eines Stars - Fazit - das Wirtschaftsblog: - 5 years ago

@Antonella_Morga: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@GATE_LSE: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@peppefab: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@peppefab: RT @ArshiaHashemi: One of the most valuable resources that helped me navigate the literature on optimal dynamic taxation are Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Finance: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften haben eines ihrer größten Talente verloren. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel #Farhi von Geral… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Wirtschaft: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften haben eines ihrer größten Talente verloren. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel #Farhi von Geral… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_NET: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften haben eines ihrer größten Talente verloren. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel #Farhi von Geral… - 5 years ago

@Hgibier: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@michal_zdenek: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds last week. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@_AlexFink: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@BNdehi: RT @David_desJ: @arindube If this is supposed to imply that Emmanuel Farhi wouldn't have committed suicide if there weren't prizes for econ… - 5 years ago

@fheider: Emmanuel Farhi obituary (in German) - 5 years ago

@KeineWunder: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@GabrieleCortes4: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@AReinstaller: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@MonikaBuetler: RT @a_presbitero: A short piece @IMFNews on the international monetary system by Emmanuel Fahri. Listening to his talks, it was clear he wa… - 5 years ago

@ericlchaney: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@BBlancheton: Décès d'Emmanuel FARHI - 5 years ago

@EconomicEthics: @ThorstenHild @HrReisen Aber um hier kein Missverständnis zu erzeugen: Im Artikel gab's ja noch einen 2. Satz, der… - 5 years ago

@chris_breu: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@ben_moll: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@edenhofer_jacob: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@ArashMV: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@JuriKrack: Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@robert_kappel: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@TBroekel: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@KaasLeo: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@alltagslabor: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@Hagelueken: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@tpenard: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@FWiebe: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@schnellenbachj: RT @FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@FazitBlog: Vermächtnis eines Stars. Ein Nachruf auf Emmanuel Farhi. Von Gerald Braunberger - 5 years ago

@peterhtillmann: Gerald Braunberger zum Tod von Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Wirtschaft: Blog | Fazit - das Wirtschaftsblog: Vermächtnis eines Stars (von Gerald Braunberger) - 5 years ago

@yves_farhi: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@CesarChavezP23: RT @101Biography: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies at 41 #Harvard #HarvardUniversity #EmmanuelFarhi Read More👉 - 5 years ago

@CesarChavezP23: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@SSaluseke: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@NyawiraNjoroge: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@doquocanh: Encore en état de choc suite à la nouvelle d'Emmanuel Farhi :-(. A notre dernier rendez-vous, on revivait encore le… - 5 years ago

@kugler_maurice: @rodrikdani A true mensch as well as one of the finest and prolific minds in economic research of his generation is… - 5 years ago

@JMEsole: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@NGhoussoub: Born in Paris to Lebanese parents, Harvard professor, Emmanuel Farhi, a future Nobel Laureate in Economics, dies at… - 5 years ago

@HennuyMatthieu: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@Prof_Nishith_P: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@RomCampbell: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@buduxhi: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@JainS_16: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@cdnanaj: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@David_desJ: @arindube If this is supposed to imply that Emmanuel Farhi wouldn't have committed suicide if there weren't prizes… - 5 years ago

@harveyroadirreg: Harvard’s Emmanuel Farhi on a New Monetary System – IMF F&D - 5 years ago

@Majestic_XRP: @xxmikecheckxx From the sounds of it... Emmanuel Farhi passed away? RIP 🙏 - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@manshukhanna: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@PanagiotisVene1: RT @ArshiaHashemi: One of the most valuable resources that helped me navigate the literature on optimal dynamic taxation are Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@sourabh_great: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@vshivramv: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@unamazed_adri: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @davidsabrams: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds this week. I lost one of my closest friends. I will miss you so, so much E… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Maureen57277426: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@achavito: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@mursiideuslu: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@mursiideuslu: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@ifavreau: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Pedro_P_Teles: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@A__Ulker: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@raulocisneros: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@roychoudhury_a: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@pugnosebeats: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @Simon_Mongey: "It is delightful to find a head so full of brains and a heart so full of the milk of human kindness in one human unit" -… - 5 years ago

@u_szczerbowicz: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @davidsabrams: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds this week. I lost one of my closest friends. I will miss you so, so much E… - 5 years ago

@shelley_english: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@hakk_guroglu: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@Alvaro_CG: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@rimshahrehman: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Rodrigo48058199: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@InequalityHKS: RT @annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that it w… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: I can't begin to comprehend what the loss of Emmanuel Farhi means for the progress of macroeconomics. I know that… - 5 years ago

@JanaGrittersova: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@Mehmety17929467: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@annastansbury: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@volkanbayri: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@Fg_egretier: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@aledinola: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@pqblair: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@alucheroni: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@funeralnearme: Emmanuel Farhi Funeral - 5 years ago

@agyubero: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@FerraraLaurent: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@dralesorre: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@raulocisneros: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@ngarciacasarejo: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@CIaudiaGiulia: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@ricpuglisi: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@ljubomira: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@NickPowdthavee: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@AndreasBrogger: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@marc_sora: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@masuch_klaus: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@econanil: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@hirokiarato: RT @ArshiaHashemi: One of the most valuable resources that helped me navigate the literature on optimal dynamic taxation are Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@szergout: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@karimbitar: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@ToshiMukoyama: RT @ArshiaHashemi: One of the most valuable resources that helped me navigate the literature on optimal dynamic taxation are Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: We express our heartfelt condolences to the family of Prof Emmanuel Farhi of @Harvard University🕊🙏. As a rising star Mac… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@akbarpour_: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@szergout: RT @101Biography: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies at 41 #Harvard #HarvardUniversity #EmmanuelFarhi Read More👉 - 5 years ago

@cames_m: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@sanayiailesi: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@economicsinf: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@samuelupel: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@The_War_TARDIS: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@ichyyam: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: RT @davidsabrams: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds this week. I lost one of my closest friends. I will miss you so, so much E… - 5 years ago

@sra13_: RT @davidsabrams: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds this week. I lost one of my closest friends. I will miss you so, so much E… - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@RezaSalehnejad: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Julien_Grdjean: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@pachivg: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@ca_res_publica: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@newincrypto1: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@NancyChadbourne: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @davidsabrams: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds this week. I lost one of my closest friends. I will miss you so, so much E… - 5 years ago

@GauravVasu: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@LudovicoRossi91: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@MarcoDaCostaFX: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@AdinWolk: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@annick_chupin: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@anbusch: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@mattbish: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ryahanson: This was a brilliant paper co-authored by Emmanuel Farhi. Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. The Safe Asset Shortage… - 5 years ago

@YDSLD1: Emmanuel Farhi était sans doute quelqu’un de très bien, mais je n’ose imaginer comment on aurait pu lui rendre homm… - 5 years ago

@israeltshimanga: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@PaulFoucher_: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Rams_sayz: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@clarekidderbeck: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@cluechip: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@kuriko_c: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@zdgroff: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@maya_sen: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@rolan1960: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@aysertugrulecon: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@sadhoumi: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@uguraytun: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@KapilHandaMN: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@IEAKwame: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Hasan76594866: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@aremsbee: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Race2Diversity: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Teco_economie: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@HBCUBusiness: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@CIAC_IT: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@LorenzoWVilla: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@JihadWazir: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@AdnanSHaider: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Schillerwein: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@Beverly_Davis: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@smartienza: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@MathisCalamy: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@tedmiguel: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@USF_Economics: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@dclingi: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@monacelt: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@USF_Economics: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@scarboval: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @and_joy_: Because we do check EJMR, please don’t let that platform project on you how to process your feelings towards the loss of Emma… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@clemjohnjohn: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@AnneLaureBEAUD2: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Cuma70054418: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@davidsabrams: The world lost one of its most brilliant minds this week. I lost one of my closest friends. I will miss you so, so… - 5 years ago

@davidsabrams: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@psecada: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Econ_Vzla: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@mariatlz5: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@DiversityinEcon: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@Econ_Vzla: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@bijaysinghjnu: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@stephanelevy925: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@stephkestelman: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@ygwet: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Gerhard_Fehr: RT @A_Lucatelli: „As the size of the U.S. economy keeps shrinking as a share of the world economy, so does its ability to keep up with the… - 5 years ago

@PantelisKazakis: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@DevashishMitra_: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@tuutdo: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@izzet_menase: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@ayirpelle: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@LaSousou68: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@masuch_klaus: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@inmalopezmarti2: RT @rodrikdani: A beautiful mind lost to us all. So difficult to accept. Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@TJARRASSE: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@TJARRASSE: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@aydfaruk: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@plasticsolen: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@S_Laurenti: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: Because we do check EJMR, please don’t let that platform project on you how to process your feelings towards the lo… - 5 years ago

@halis_dundar: RT @selva_demiralp: Emmanuel Farhi hakkında okudukça onun ekonomik dehasının ötesinde kibarlığı, nezaketi, mütevaziliği, yardımseverliği il… - 5 years ago

@sajals: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@peguidotti: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@ddelich: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@YavorGospodinov: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@bodheetree: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MBikard: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@PlacideDouam: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@COSTESLionelEr: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@COSTESLionelEr: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@Steven_Strauss: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Frclemenceau: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@AmeliaSantosP: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@ChMontel: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@ChMontel: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@stefanodexterha: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@hdjebar: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@Claudia_Sahm: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@TamretVaibhav: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@PRichelor: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@RomoloVisconti1: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@NadineCarrier12: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@eatinParis: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@MacronWorld: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Natalia_MF: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@drlisadcook: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@GSenat_: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@DjAuto4: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Brigitedasilva1: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Gerhard_Fehr: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Brigitedasilva1: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@222Xrp: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@nandemonkande: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@sirgolly: RT @ricpuglisi: È mancato improvvisamente a 41anni Emmanuel Farhi, eccelso economista teorico di Harvard. Che anno di merda. - 5 years ago

@erker_dee: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@VGB32058943: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@samuelupel: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@SilviaMargiocco: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@SilviaMargiocco: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@nathalieandrie1: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@MacronWorld: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@DIGNEAU5: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@DIGNEAU5: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@GoguetPierre: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@AOULADELMOKADEM: RT @Lagarde: La hauteur de vue et l'intelligence d'Emmanuel Farhi manquent déjà tristement à la science économique et nous sommes dans la p… - 5 years ago

@_DipikaR: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@AOULADELMOKADEM: RT @Lagarde: Emmanuel Farhi‘s stellar vision and intelligence are a huge loss for the field of economics and we are in great sorrow. In sol… - 5 years ago

@NatashaRovo: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@arsenalism23: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@agnesbq1: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@paldama: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@econotw: RT @Benchimolium: Thread about Emmanuel Farhi. I want to share my deepest condolences with his family. Losing one's relative is never conce… - 5 years ago

@noemie_issan: RT @Benchimolium: Thread about Emmanuel Farhi. I want to share my deepest condolences with his family. Losing one's relative is never conce… - 5 years ago

@medy_ngoma2: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@perlamaths: RT @VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared about en… - 5 years ago

@MaximeBoyer31: RT @joeletxe: Hommage de @EmmanuelMacron à Emmanuel Farhi, chercheur à @Harvard, docteur du @MIT, membre du CA de @TSEinfo et co-auteur de… - 5 years ago

@Ze_Nerf_Ta_Mid: RT @Benchimolium: Thread about Emmanuel Farhi. I want to share my deepest condolences with his family. Losing one's relative is never conce… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: Emmanuel Farhi was my model: #brilliant, #friendly, with his own vision of economic #research. Educated in both Fra… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: Thread about Emmanuel Farhi. I want to share my deepest condolences with his family. Losing one's relative is never… - 5 years ago

@Manmeet1987: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@wangsonne: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Simon_Mongey: "It is delightful to find a head so full of brains and a heart so full of the milk of human kindness in one human unit" -… - 5 years ago

@bhaizada: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@FirminAyivodji: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@FirminAyivodji: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@CianGaia: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@ODovonou: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@ravgab: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@RaphFarhi: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@A_Lucatelli: „As the size of the U.S. economy keeps shrinking as a share of the world economy, so does its ability to keep up wi… - 5 years ago

@RomainFaquet: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@yves_farhi: RT @joeletxe: Hommage de @EmmanuelMacron à Emmanuel Farhi, chercheur à @Harvard, docteur du @MIT, membre du CA de @TSEinfo et co-auteur de… - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@arete23: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Mtc45580007: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@defcon__3: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@COSTESLionelEr: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Ze_Nerf_Ta_Mid: RT @noemie_issan: Je n'ai pas eu la chance de connaître Emmanuel Farhi zal, mais j'ai vu l'effet qu'il pouvait avoir sur les économistes:… - 5 years ago

@noemie_issan: Je n'ai pas eu la chance de connaître Emmanuel Farhi zal, mais j'ai vu l'effet qu'il pouvait avoir sur les économis… - 5 years ago

@Muhamma75319201: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@_DipikaR: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@cloudyip: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@stephanelevy925: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@aykay_91: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@DappVinci: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@JeromeHericourt: RT @AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@AfseContact: Hommage à Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@OTP_Asia1: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MichelRoland7: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@guidotraf: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@printempsdeleco: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@profholden: RT @johnvanreenen: I'm heartbroken over Emmanuel Farhi's death - 5 years ago

@pierrecboyer: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Marcipulami131: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@sanjayrajsingh: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Medinov_rohan: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@joeletxe: Hommage de @EmmanuelMacron à Emmanuel Farhi, chercheur à @Harvard, docteur du @MIT, membre du CA de @TSEinfo et co-… - 5 years ago

@sejoalzir: 'Yong totoo, God o Force o Universe? Hindi ba puwede ang diktador? Bakit itong Harvard economics professor pa na ma… - 5 years ago

@PAHyppolite: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@vishalkumarvira: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Sush784: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@SMossvi: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@soncabral: Top story: @GitaGopinath: 'Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanu… - 5 years ago

@FloVzln: So sad. We have lost a beautiful mind. Rest In Peace Emmanuel Farhi and thank you for what you have achieved - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @gregorschub: When we arrived for our first year macro class at Harvard, we were told by older students that it would be boring because… - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@econseptiles: Homage from President Macron for the untimely and sad death of our beloved colleague Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Isareylef: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Thor_LM: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@vbolotnyy: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@panthera_s: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@roberto_lagos_m: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @Simon_Mongey: "It is delightful to find a head so full of brains and a heart so full of the milk of human kindness in one human unit" -… - 5 years ago

@Shanooz_1: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@alfiansibarani: We’ve lost Alan Krueger last year and now Emmanuel Farhi. May his soul rest in peace. This is his latest researc… - 5 years ago

@Industry40: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@Mpoubouc: RIP Emmanuel Farhi , @GitaGopinath be strong , you have all my support from Gabon! - 5 years ago

@RAJ_ESH_KUMAR: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @Simon_Mongey: "It is delightful to find a head so full of brains and a heart so full of the milk of human kindness in one human unit" -… - 5 years ago

@pqblair: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@StephaneLauer: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@econoflove: RT @Benchimolium: I met Emmanuel Farhi several times in both Paris, Jerusalem, and Cambridge. The research community lost one of the most b… - 5 years ago

@Shankar57437966: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@kedar_phoenix: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@DumagueteLetter: A Brief Biography | Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@ArnobBiswas18: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@iqbaldhali: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@alfaraj55_ahmed: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Simon_Mongey: "It is delightful to find a head so full of brains and a heart so full of the milk of human kindness in one human u… - 5 years ago

@giulialotti3: RT @a_presbitero: A short piece @IMFNews on the international monetary system by Emmanuel Fahri. Listening to his talks, it was clear he wa… - 5 years ago

@QihengC: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@PRAWESHYADAV2: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@chrisedmond: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@bnr_jc: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MohmadSadik2: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@adityayadav0961: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Ryanstartalker: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@pnikolov: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@kimikoyl: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@jenniferstull: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@lypsey2011: RT @fr_amodeo: Emmanuel Farhi was an icon to me. During my undergrad at @Unibocconi, my advisor and mentor Francesco Giavazzi invited me… - 5 years ago

@vudancao: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@nhendren82: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@Anish_2022: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@Sandy34935216: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: @GitaGopinath @Harvard - 5 years ago

@ben_golub: RT @GitaGopinath: Still struggling with the untimely death of my dear friend and @Harvard colleague Emmanuel Farhi. He was a genius, kind,… - 5 years ago

@VStavrakeva: (1/4) Remembering Emmanuel Farhi. I wanted to share another aspect of Emmanuel’s character — he genuinely cared a… - 5 years ago

@Claudia_Sahm: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@yann807: RT @shani_cn: It's strange to feel heartbroken by the passing of a man I hardly knew. Emmanuel Farhi's teaching was perhaps the most excit… - 5 years ago

@michaelgofman: The description of Emmanuel Farhi’s achievements at the beginning of this interview help people who didn’t know him… - 5 years ago

@1france2systems: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@ArseneBuzimaD: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@AaronsonSusan: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@vjalowitzki: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @AndiWangT: Six weeks of class with Emmanuel Farhi convinced me to take macro as my second field. Every lecture from him was a guarantee… - 5 years ago

@pqblair: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@nickpretnar: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@MTD_31: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@renzorossini: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@m_aragoneses: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@m_aragoneses: RT @gregorschub: When we arrived for our first year macro class at Harvard, we were told by older students that it would be boring because… - 5 years ago

@PJA_TalkLine: #EmmanuelFarhi (Harvard Economics Professor) Biography: Wiki, Age, Family, Death Cause - 101Biography - 5 years ago

@russell_toth: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@palpatine42: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@stonemeister_hk: RIP Prof. Emmanuel Farhi (Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics, Harvard). - 5 years ago

@78sherlock: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@biancabiagi: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @peetersfrank2: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @SakiBigio: I admired everything about Emmanuel Farhi. So inspiring and only a few years older. I remember every comment he's made to me… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@profmarylewis: RT @shani_cn: It's strange to feel heartbroken by the passing of a man I hardly knew. Emmanuel Farhi's teaching was perhaps the most excit… - 5 years ago

@Nkanyiso_ngqulu: RT @shani_cn: It's strange to feel heartbroken by the passing of a man I hardly knew. Emmanuel Farhi's teaching was perhaps the most excit… - 5 years ago

@SameraVinson: RT @shani_cn: It's strange to feel heartbroken by the passing of a man I hardly knew. Emmanuel Farhi's teaching was perhaps the most excit… - 5 years ago

@shani_cn: It's strange to feel heartbroken by the passing of a man I hardly knew. Emmanuel Farhi's teaching was perhaps the… - 5 years ago

@isaac2lord: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@miotei: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@SEgiev: RT @and_joy_: Bel hommage du Président @EmmanuelMacron à Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@henry_bernard: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@johnvanreenen: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@PolicyQuantsPhD: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@youmageoge1: @EnsembleEMacron @le_Parisien Emmanuel Farhi le prodige économiste, prix du meilleur jeune économiste français qui… - 5 years ago

@ChMontel: La disparition d'Emmanuel Farhi est un choc. Je perds mon frère unique. Ton esprit et ta sensibilité vivront encore… - 5 years ago

@jorgetrike: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@FrancescoNicoli: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@benjaminmarx: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@neokeynesiano: RT @Behroo7: Today, the Economics profession lost another brilliant mind. Emmanuel Farhi was only 41. I just hope this is not another suici… - 5 years ago

@Gerrygaucho: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@KardelenSural: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@VeEscudero_: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@HannoLustig: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@calebmukadi1: RT @Benchimolium: I met Emmanuel Farhi several times in both Paris, Jerusalem, and Cambridge. The research community lost one of the most b… - 5 years ago

@mariamacina: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@nandemonkande: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@mariamacina: RT @ricpuglisi: È mancato improvvisamente a 41anni Emmanuel Farhi, eccelso economista teorico di Harvard. Che anno di merda. - 5 years ago

@mariamacina: RT @fr_amodeo: Emmanuel Farhi was an icon to me. During my undergrad at @Unibocconi, my advisor and mentor Francesco Giavazzi invited me… - 5 years ago

@glumarc: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@youmageoge1: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@BryceQuillin: Indeed the passing of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible loss for us all. - 5 years ago

@lovelybard: Interview with Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@GinsburgerN: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@bellitacab: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@MarekGiebel: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@CainHeleverok: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @SEDmeeting: We are extremely saddened by the untimely passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He has been a brilliant, energetic, and generous membe… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@BertrandBadre: I share your pain. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@BertrandBadre: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@raveesha_gupta: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is an immense loss to the Economics field. I attended his presentation on Shadow Banking… - 5 years ago

@BlueLantern92: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@andrea_puccini: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@anbusch: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@anbusch: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@SashaIndarte: RT @and_joy_: Bel hommage du Président @EmmanuelMacron à Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ygwet: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@albertobi5: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@joseph_jans: RT @SylvainMaillard: J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à la famille et aux proches d'Emmanuel Farhi. Un économiste français de très grande… - 5 years ago

@A_Moatti: RT @Benchimolium: I met Emmanuel Farhi several times in both Paris, Jerusalem, and Cambridge. The research community lost one of the most b… - 5 years ago

@ricpuglisi: RT @fr_amodeo: Emmanuel Farhi was an icon to me. During my undergrad at @Unibocconi, my advisor and mentor Francesco Giavazzi invited me… - 5 years ago

@JulienPenasse: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@bellaotero82: RT @ricpuglisi: È mancato improvvisamente a 41anni Emmanuel Farhi, eccelso economista teorico di Harvard. Che anno di merda. - 5 years ago

@ygwet: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@BFBC1974: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@anbusch: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@SergeLABOURASSE: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@eunjeeecon: RT @USC_Econ: Adieu Emmanuel Farhi (1978-2020): brillant genius, generous man, and charming comrade. A co-author, a friend, and someone I d… - 5 years ago

@Antonio23132075: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@duckysherwood: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@AbybKam: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@PGrigy: RT @SylvainMaillard: J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à la famille et aux proches d'Emmanuel Farhi. Un économiste français de très grande… - 5 years ago

@KaghomaC: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@Zeptentrion: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@antoine_dedieu: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@fr_amodeo: Emmanuel Farhi left us with an extraordinary body of work and yet, the thought of how much more he could have given… - 5 years ago

@fr_amodeo: Emmanuel Farhi was an icon to me. During my undergrad at @Unibocconi, my advisor and mentor Francesco Giavazzi in… - 5 years ago

@amenet: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@noblesse_paule: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@MarcUzan2: RT @AutierGuillaume: Emmanuel Farhi est l’un des esprits les plus éblouissants qu’il m’ait été donné de rencontrer. L’avoir côtoyé est l’un… - 5 years ago

@LirzinFranck: Grande tristesse. Adieu Emmanuel Farhi. Ton intelligence, ta gentillesse nous manqueront. - 5 years ago

@Pedro_P_Teles: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@mfriedri: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@MarcUzan2: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@MarcUzan2: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@MarcUzan2: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@Fraoui1983: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@MathildeMunoz: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @a_presbitero: A short piece @IMFNews on the international monetary system by Emmanuel Fahri. Listening to his talks, it was clear he wa… - 5 years ago

@DEYCatherine1: RT @SylvainMaillard: J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à la famille et aux proches d'Emmanuel Farhi. Un économiste français de très grande… - 5 years ago

@renzorossini: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@victorstorchan: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@DeivyHoueix: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @Benchimolium: I met Emmanuel Farhi several times in both Paris, Jerusalem, and Cambridge. The research community lost one of the most b… - 5 years ago

@ProfYMI: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@eniiolucherini: RT @ricpuglisi: È mancato improvvisamente a 41anni Emmanuel Farhi, eccelso economista teorico di Harvard. Che anno di merda. - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@efalcettoni: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Benchimolium: I met Emmanuel Farhi several times in both Paris, Jerusalem, and Cambridge. The research community lost one of the… - 5 years ago

@RubenEs87088527: RT @SylvainMaillard: J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à la famille et aux proches d'Emmanuel Farhi. Un économiste français de très grande… - 5 years ago

@FabioGhironi: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@tedmiguel: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ricpuglisi: È mancato improvvisamente a 41anni Emmanuel Farhi, eccelso economista teorico di Harvard. Che anno di merda. - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @haralduhlig: The passing of Emmanuel Farhi is unbelievably sad, indeed! So shocking, such a loss to our profession. My heartfelt condo… - 5 years ago

@nummoose: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ricpuglisi: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@sstern_mit: RT @johnvanreenen: I'm heartbroken over Emmanuel Farhi's death - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@spfraib: A tribute to Emmanuel Farhi by @EmmanuelMacron. - 5 years ago

@Carteriso: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@rodrikdani: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@VaeVix: "Ecrivain" réagissant à un tweet du ministre de l'économie rendant hommage à Emmanuel Farhi en montrant toute l'éte… - 5 years ago

@hcfigueiredo: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@DIGNEAU5: RT @SylvainMaillard: J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à la famille et aux proches d'Emmanuel Farhi. Un économiste français de très grande… - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: Bel hommage du Président @EmmanuelMacron à Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@CSpaenjers: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@jplhuill: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@jplhuill: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@alain_billault: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@JeanArthuis: RT @SylvainMaillard: J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à la famille et aux proches d'Emmanuel Farhi. Un économiste français de très grande… - 5 years ago

@RebessiFilippo: RT @S_Stantcheva: Tribute by France's President Emmanuel Macron @EmmanuelMacron to Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@Cbjnn1981: Emmanuel Farhi, tu étais brillant, pédagogue, humble. Depuis les khôlles de LLG, les petits cours rue d'Ulm, j'ai s… - 5 years ago

@ArielWeilT: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@LSebaux: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@Le_z8off: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@printempsdeleco: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@paulgp: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@Hgibier: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@Behroo7: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@martinph01: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@LucianoLavecchi: RT @a_presbitero: A short piece @IMFNews on the international monetary system by Emmanuel Fahri. Listening to his talks, it was clear he wa… - 5 years ago

@BenedictKonso: RT @S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une perso… - 5 years ago

@S_Stantcheva: Emmanuel Farhi etait un chercheur brillant, un esprit insatiable, sans cesse en quete de tresors intellectuels, une… - 5 years ago

@kumar_aniket: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@kumar_aniket: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@figolambo: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@LorenzoMenna1: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @1954swilliamson: One of our best. Tragic loss. - 5 years ago

@leGrandAless: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@christi99830943: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Fabrice_BM: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@NadineCarrier12: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@BuddyYakov: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. The world needs more like you. - 5 years ago

@Chedon18: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@LSebaux: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@LSebaux: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@grangibus: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@AlbertTcheta: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@RETSINMarc: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@RichardJMaher1: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@pygeoffard: Emmanuel Farhi avait été l’un des tout premiers étudiants à avoir subi mon cours à l’ENS. Il montrait déjà ce mélan… - 5 years ago

@SamBen8: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@PeterFPaz: RT @SorryToBeKurt: Very sad news about Emmanuel Farhi. In addition to being a brilliant mind, genuinely nice and warm human being, he also… - 5 years ago

@hjecon: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@fdhassan: “The main thing people remember is how you made them feel”. Emmanuel Farhi made me feel welcomed and appreciated b… - 5 years ago

@DanaIdette: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@DanaIdette: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@mendozaalvajj: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Prof_FLeveque: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@EconomistAadil: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@IbiChowdhury: Written with such elegance and clarity by Emmanuel Farhi. May he rest in peace - 5 years ago

@DassFigueiras: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@JgSergio2012: RT @miotei: I met Emmanuel a couple of times at @BancoDeEspana. Always sharp and impressive (his work widely read and cited). He died at my… - 5 years ago

@miotei: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@BrandonLi9254: RT @StefanoGiglioEc: Hard to process the tragic news of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He was one of my advisors and a friend, a truly bril… - 5 years ago

@MaritaLozano3: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@miotei: I met Emmanuel a couple of times at @BancoDeEspana. Always sharp and impressive (his work widely read and cited). H… - 5 years ago

@BettinaPuchault: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@gusrojasmatute: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@MCroce_MacroFin: RT @SorryToBeKurt: Very sad news about Emmanuel Farhi. In addition to being a brilliant mind, genuinely nice and warm human being, he also… - 5 years ago

@MCroce_MacroFin: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@GauchoEnzo: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@AXECorg: @ojblanchard1 @BachmannRudi #NoFalseHeroMemorials The abuse of Emmanuel Farhi's death for the self-glorification o… - 5 years ago

@jbdef: Bouleversé d’apprendre la mort de mon ami Emmanuel Farhi, l’un des esprits les plus vifs et brillants qu’il m’ait é… - 5 years ago

@mgeiras: RT @andyneumeyer: We will miss Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant scholar and a really nice person. Condolences to his family, colleagues, and fri… - 5 years ago

@martinph01: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@ChalleEdouard: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@ysemiz: RT @CeyhunElgin: Harvard'dan meşhur iktisatçı Emmanuel Farhi oldukça geç yaşta vefat etmiş. Kendisinin çok sayıda meşhur makalesi var, anca… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@SimonDeDeo: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@BRAVATTIdalia: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@yves_farhi: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@base2exponent2: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@base2exponent2: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@CesarChavezP23: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@FloRoyerlascar: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@FloRoyerlascar: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@isatis44: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@inmalopezmarti2: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@abandini1930: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@DaleCoo61404045: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@marie_poule: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@guthmann_jean: Très triste nouvelle. Emmanuel Farhi, décédé subitement à 41 ans était un des plus brillants de sa génération. Une… - 5 years ago

@ristori20: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@LemanJova: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@etiennechantrel: RT @AlbrtPolo: - 5 years ago

@CenkCenkguzel75: RT @CeyhunElgin: Harvard'dan meşhur iktisatçı Emmanuel Farhi oldukça geç yaşta vefat etmiş. Kendisinin çok sayıda meşhur makalesi var, anca… - 5 years ago

@OmarB1908: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@BenoitLECLERCQ6: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Mitioucha: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @SakiBigio: I admired everything about Emmanuel Farhi. So inspiring and only a few years older. I remember every comment he's made to me… - 5 years ago

@nadia96966280: - 5 years ago

@floressylvain: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Gracez2018: RIP, Emmanuel Farhi. It is so sad.(I took these pictures in his office in 2018) - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@DrewFudenberg: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@m_aragoneses: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: I remember so vividly when in 2015 I saw Emmanuel Farhi present Currency Wars at the ZLB at the ECB. I was an inter… - 5 years ago

@EricSAVREUX: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@falbala_la: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@danton17892: RT @AlbrtPolo: - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @nhendren82: So incredibly saddened by the passing of my colleague, Emmanuel Farhi. RIP. His work was an inspiration to me and so many o… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @ojblanchard1: Rip Emmanuel Farhi, a shooting star. Super brilliant, super nice, super modest. We loved you, and should have said it m… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Gracez2018: Emmanuel Farhi,RIP (pictures taken in his office hiin 2018) - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @SestieriG: Deeply sad for the death of Emmanuel Farhi. He was probably the most brilliant economists of my generation and an extremely… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @prtjns: “Super-human” is one of the characteristics I’ve always associated with his name, even though I never had the chance to meet hi… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @ggargiulo3: "I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my [...]" - @vjalowitzk… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @cdf_InnovLab: All of us at the lab are shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Emmanuel Farhi. 1/n - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @AlbrtPolo: - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @FheiliIbrahim: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Swati_Kanoria: Though I never met Emmanuel Farhi, I remember being so captivated by the Farhi and Tirole paper, for my first dynamic co… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @sr_clonazepam: Supply and Demand in Disaggregated Keynesian Economies with an Application to the Covid-19 crisis | Emmanuel Farhi https… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @lekhachakrborty: Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @gregorschub: When we arrived for our first year macro class at Harvard, we were told by older students that it would be boring because… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @dmtrmv: Shocked to hear the passing away of Emmanuel Farhi, one of the most prolific and profound economists of my generation - 5 years ago

@latticepolys: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@Eloy_Sauvan: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@REIGNAULT1: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très Attristé par la disparition soudaine d’Emmanuel Farhi. Économiste brillant, ses travaux ont été décisifs pour tirer… - 5 years ago

@Gracez2018: Emmanuel Farhi,RIP (pictures taken in his office hiin 2018) - 5 years ago

@prtjns: “Super-human” is one of the characteristics I’ve always associated with his name, even though I never had the chanc… - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: "I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my [...]" -… - 5 years ago

@monacelt: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@fsaraceno: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ThomasHerndon1: RT @and_joy_: It is with deep sadness that I heard of Emmanuel Farhi's death. Emmanuel was a stellar researcher and a great human. The firs… - 5 years ago

@MartinFS13: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@johnvanreenen: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@LeeJaeYong111: @AdeMontchalin @gouvernementFR @Le_Figaro @PhGoffin French economist Emmanuel Fahri dies 'unexpectedly' as it doesn… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ubscenter: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@pierrecboyer: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@mschrooten1: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@cdf_InnovLab: All of us at the lab are shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Emmanuel Farhi. 1/n - 5 years ago

@emeyersson: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@BCCPBerlin: RT @BSE_Berlin: Rest In Peace Emmanuel Farhi... - 5 years ago

@miotei: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@hasterly: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@seestream2: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@KluotoJ: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@ToreEllingsen1: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Marghoob_Ahmed_: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@ZMallat: RT @FheiliIbrahim: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@AlbrtPolo: - 5 years ago

@EcoUgr: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@gnbalti: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@marra_marianna: RT @joshgans: A recent interview with Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@EtienneLehmannE: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@FheiliIbrahim: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@TimHarford: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@MarcStraussKahn: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@CarlaNaegeli: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@gregoireviguier: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@miclenza: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@CarlaNaegeli: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@Arshita_Singh31: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@miclenza: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@AmalTakaza: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ArribaSellier: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @ufukakcigit: I am devastated by the very sad news of Emmanuel Farhi’s passing. He was a very kind and brilliant person, and a true star… - 5 years ago

@emiliensimioni: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@RGiammetti: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@anttiripatti: RT @FpjPortier: Quelle tristesse! As all of us, I am under the shock of Emmanuel Farhi sudden death. A few memories: a lunch in a small res… - 5 years ago

@LauBooneEco: RT @PLeHouerou: I am saddened by the passing of Emmanuel Farhi, a brilliant economist and @Harvard professor - a great voice for European i… - 5 years ago

@inmalopezmarti2: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@charlyaztec: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@jan_eeckhout: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@tonoperez: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@gazdpol: RT @jchin11: We lost a very promising shining bright light Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 – - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Swati_Kanoria: Though I never met Emmanuel Farhi, I remember being so captivated by the Farhi and Tirole paper, for my first dynam… - 5 years ago

@sr_clonazepam: Supply and Demand in Disaggregated Keynesian Economies with an Application to the Covid-19 crisis | Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@alpsimsek_econ: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@clhaik: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@clhaik: RT @MarcStraussKahn: @ThomasPHI2 The loss of Emmanuel Farhi at the age of 41 is an awful news. Not only a bright economist, but a gentleman - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@JeremiMontornes: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@ayyarbeeazmnshh: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@ArashMV: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@JusteCentriste: RT @Cooo56: - 5 years ago

@Ch_Bonnery: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@Erich_Ache: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@frankjpedraza: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@achavito: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@crcesar: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Prof_Nishith_P: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Prof_Nishith_P: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@ChristofrayDD: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@EconWithFaheem: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@screenwriter36: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@BjoernGehrmann: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@london_econ: RT @StefanoGiglioEc: Hard to process the tragic news of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He was one of my advisors and a friend, a truly bril… - 5 years ago

@london_econ: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@CherylMorrisW: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@MichaelH_PhD: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@ResemMakan: RT @d_sergeyev: Emmanuel Farhi on one of his recent visits to Milan. He will be deeply missed. - 5 years ago

@mr_x2015: RT @101Biography: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies at 41 #Harvard #HarvardUniversity #EmmanuelFarhi Read More👉 - 5 years ago

@PorzioTommaso: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@Rosigiorgana: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@fscoamodio: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@syarkwacky: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@gregorschub: When we arrived for our first year macro class at Harvard, we were told by older students that it would be boring b… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @SEDmeeting: We are extremely saddened by the untimely passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He has been a brilliant, energetic, and generous membe… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Cooo56: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jchin11: We lost a very promising shining bright light Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 – - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @roozbeh52: In my 3rd year in grad school, Larry Jones started a reading group. It started out of our discussion/attempt/meetings to und… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Luigi_Bocconi: A very sad news, Emmanuel Farhi died, a big loss for macroeconomics. I checked his webpage everyweek and was always loo… - 5 years ago

@gilbertonoguei7: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @ufukakcigit: I am devastated by the very sad news of Emmanuel Farhi’s passing. He was a very kind and brilliant person, and a true star… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@ErnilSabaj: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@LeonelH56834574: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@dylantmoore: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@wdiamond_econ: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@MacroPru: RT @SEDmeeting: We are extremely saddened by the untimely passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He has been a brilliant, energetic, and generous membe… - 5 years ago

@nhendren82: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @d_sergeyev: Emmanuel Farhi on one of his recent visits to Milan. He will be deeply missed. - 5 years ago

@LyzethSalcedo: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@sfujihira: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @roozbeh52: In my 3rd year in grad school, Larry Jones started a reading group. It started out of our discussion/attempt/meetings to und… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @StefanoGiglioEc: Hard to process the tragic news of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He was one of my advisors and a friend, a truly bril… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@RufinoCasal: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@marriagad: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@FaridAlAzim: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @andyneumeyer: We will miss Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant scholar and a really nice person. Condolences to his family, colleagues, and fri… - 5 years ago

@NgoniMukwepa: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@mraissi80: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@dmtrmv: Shocked to hear the passing away of Emmanuel Farhi, one of the most prolific and profound economists of my generation - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @atanaspekanov: One of the most beautiful minds in the world is gone. I was so starstruck by his intellectual power. When I visited him… - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @paures12: It’s a very sad day for the economics profession. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant mind that will be missed. - 5 years ago

@SunnyTakeda: RT @d_sergeyev: It is hard to comprehend. Emmanuel Farhi was one of the brightest intellectuals and a role model for many. RIP - 5 years ago

@EdgardoTempore1: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@PatrickWeil1: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@zhsh333: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@andongzhengyang: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@tnk_wy: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@CHOMES102: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@sjamsu_rahardja: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@poweill: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@machuy74: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@fujisawaIFE: RT @d_sergeyev: It is hard to comprehend. Emmanuel Farhi was one of the brightest intellectuals and a role model for many. RIP - 5 years ago

@ArturoReyes_C: RT @tuestadavid: Lamentable partida de Emmanuel Farhi, uno de los economistas top de su generación. Durante estos últimos mese estuve leyen… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@jchin11: We lost a very promising shining bright light Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41… - 5 years ago

@charlesjkenny: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@maliniw90th: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@dropoutnation: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@JanaGrittersova: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@Austan_Goolsbee: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@ludwigstraub: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@sjamsu_rahardja: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@lejandromoreno_: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@BenTello_: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@_basjacobs: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@GChiovelli: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@_basjacobs: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@dgomezco: RT @nberpubs: Reopening the economy while reducing deaths is feasible, but requires prioritizing economic over non-work contacts and mainta… - 5 years ago

@fr_amodeo: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@roozbeh52: In my 3rd year in grad school, Larry Jones started a reading group. It started out of our discussion/attempt/meetin… - 5 years ago

@hdjebar: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@efalcettoni: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@HPublius: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@LiamBGuy: 😥 - 5 years ago

@ludwigstraub: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@Welfare_ec: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@jcremer: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@A_Lusardi: RT @d_sergeyev: Emmanuel Farhi on one of his recent visits to Milan. He will be deeply missed. - 5 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@profmarylewis: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@nummoose: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@Luigi_Bocconi: A very sad news, Emmanuel Farhi died, a big loss for macroeconomics. I checked his webpage everyweek and was alway… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@TanayBalantrapu: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@PeterFPaz: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@WDurongkaveroj: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@MarginalScribb1: Omg Emmanuel Farhi passed away? Shocking and sad. - 5 years ago

@ben_golub: RT @vjalowitzki: I am shocked, sad and angry about Emmanuel Farhi’s tragic passing. He was an influential figure in my life. I audited h… - 5 years ago

@ra_vctor: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@_gabrielunger: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@wikiglobals: Who is Emmanuel Farhi Wiki, Biography, Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & More Facts - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @haralduhlig: The passing of Emmanuel Farhi is unbelievably sad, indeed! So shocking, such a loss to our profession. My heartfelt condo… - 5 years ago

@chrisedmond: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@haralduhlig: The passing of Emmanuel Farhi is unbelievably sad, indeed! So shocking, such a loss to our profession. My heartfel… - 5 years ago

@ashdgandhi: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@antonis_kotidis: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@JFrankelEcon: Unbelievable that Emmanuel Farhi is gone. (Photo is with POG, the Bosporus, 2014.) - 5 years ago

@alonsoalfaro: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@ufukakcigit: I am devastated by the very sad news of Emmanuel Farhi’s passing. He was a very kind and brilliant person, and a tr… - 5 years ago

@kunzhangte: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@arsenalism23: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@jplhuill: RT @SakiBigio: I admired everything about Emmanuel Farhi. So inspiring and only a few years older. I remember every comment he's made to me… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @SEDmeeting: We are extremely saddened by the untimely passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He has been a brilliant, energetic, and generous membe… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @USC_Econ: Adieu Emmanuel Farhi (1978-2020): brillant genius, generous man, and charming comrade. A co-author, a friend, and someone I d… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @etiennechantrel: Emmanuel Farhi est mort. Triste nouvelle, c’était un économiste brillant et un homme de bien. RIP - 5 years ago

@fwred: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@jplhuill: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@ChaoZi_FinEcon: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@rohlamba: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@ToshiMukoyama: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@manoliskellis: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@ToshiMukoyama: RT @SEDmeeting: We are extremely saddened by the untimely passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He has been a brilliant, energetic, and generous membe… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @joshgans: A recent interview with Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@siedenbiedel: RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@jondequidt: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanuel Farhi wa… - 5 years ago

@BousaidImad: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@BousaidImad: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@USC_Econ: Adieu Emmanuel Farhi (1978-2020): brillant genius, generous man, and charming comrade. A co-author, a friend, and s… - 5 years ago

@DBaqaee: Yesterday, I lost a mentor and a beloved friend. I woke up to news that I've lost a limb without knowing it. Emmanu… - 5 years ago

@Isabel_Schnabel: Tous les économistes et l'Europe pleurent. Rest in peace, Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@SEDmeeting: We are extremely saddened by the untimely passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He has been a brilliant, energetic, and genero… - 5 years ago

@Lars_Feld: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@etiennechantrel: Emmanuel Farhi est mort. Triste nouvelle, c’était un économiste brillant et un homme de bien. RIP - 5 years ago

@armandsim: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@od2ole: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@atanaspekanov: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@DeivyHoueix: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@mxsauzet: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@really517: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@vudancao: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@CharbelHage12: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @101Biography: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies at 41 #Harvard #HarvardUniversity #EmmanuelFarhi Read More👉 - 5 years ago

@stanveuger: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@SHamiltonian: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @BorelliLuan: Rest in peace! Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @PLeHouerou: I am saddened by the passing of Emmanuel Farhi, a brilliant economist and @Harvard professor - a great voice for European i… - 5 years ago

@estraschnov: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@NGhoussoub: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@olihbb: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@danton17892: RT @pietgautier: Here, a recent interview with Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@packlesshepherd: This news shocked me -- I only read a couple papers by Prof. Farhi, but I had the impression that reading just one… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @raoul_minetti: Emmanuel Farhi (Harvard University) giving a very interesting first plenary talk at the Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @raoul_minetti: Emmanuel Farhi giving one of the two plenary lectures at the Midwest Macro last November. A beautiful lecture, and he wa… - 5 years ago

@DL_1980: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @itsjanertl: I met Emmanuel Farhi at a UChicago conference in 2018 when I was an undergrad. I had read his and Ivan Werning’s paper on F… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @rodrigo_toneto: um aspecto doido da vida de pesquisa é como nos tornamos de alguma maneira afetivamente conectados com referências inte… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @rami_kiwan: Sad news. Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies Unexpectedly at 41. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @UpdatedPriors: I regret that I did not know Emmanuel Farhi. But I did know his work. Most recently I found myself reading this note on… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Jon_Hartley_: RIP Emmanuel Farhi, a giant in macroeconomics and an incredibly warm, gentle person. A huge loss for the @Harvard communi… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebanese par… - 5 years ago

@raoul_minetti: Emmanuel Farhi giving one of the two plenary lectures at the Midwest Macro last November. A beautiful lecture, and… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @maitre_a_panZer: Top story: Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @JuanAntolinDiaz: Macroeoconomics looses Emmanuel Farhi, one of the most brilliant & promising minds of his generation at the age of 41.… - 5 years ago

@rschhina: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@BlueLantern92: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@jcantuk: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@GilbertCette: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@jnbarrot: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@mschrooten1: RT @fatihguvenen: I am at a loss for words. RIP Emmanuel Farhi, dear friend. You were a beautiful soul. My deepest condolences to his fam… - 5 years ago

@carlos_abadi: Emmanuel Farhi died today. He was a mensch, a great friend, and a gifted economist. He was born in France of Lebane… - 5 years ago

@f_lebris: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@EconTypes: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@danton17892: RT @spfraib: Such a devastating loss. Emmanuel Farhi was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. He was also incredi… - 5 years ago

@MachinaFantasma: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@econoflove: RT @JeanMeillon: @BachmannRudi @xazalbert Sad - 5 years ago

@jonathandirso: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@DominiqueVanpee: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@newsubscriber: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@juanjvn: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Mustafa_Ezzy: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@newsubscriber: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@newsubscriber: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@newsubscriber: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@LauBooneEco: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@GarettJones: RT @and_joy_: It is with deep sadness that I heard of Emmanuel Farhi's death. Emmanuel was a stellar researcher and a great human. The firs… - 5 years ago

@Shahinvallee: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RIP Emmanuel Farhi, a giant in macroeconomics and an incredibly warm, gentle person. A huge loss for the @Harvard community. Gone too soon. - 5 years ago

@CAEinfo: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@UpdatedPriors: I regret that I did not know Emmanuel Farhi. But I did know his work. Most recently I found myself reading this not… - 5 years ago

@luismanuel83: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@shani_cn: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@normitapc: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@lilyaee_: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@PeterBlairHenry: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@PeterBlairHenry: RT @and_joy_: It is with deep sadness that I heard of Emmanuel Farhi's death. Emmanuel was a stellar researcher and a great human. The firs… - 5 years ago

@macroeu: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@keywitt1: RT @martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et fut membr… - 5 years ago

@pqblair: RT @Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks ago. He i… - 5 years ago

@dylantmoore: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@MartinFS13: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@rami_kiwan: Sad news. Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies Unexpectedly at 41. - 5 years ago

@JoMicheII: RT @sjwrenlewis: Tragic news that Emmanuel Farhi has died. A huge loss to macroeconomics and economics more generally. - 5 years ago

@1954swilliamson: One of our best. Tragic loss. - 5 years ago

@martinph01: Emmanuel Farhi était un des économistes les plus brillants de sa génération. Il était aussi attaché à l'Europe et f… - 5 years ago

@scottpsolomon: RT @Kumar_EconIneq: A terrible and sad news today about Emmanuel Farhi. So young. I never knew him, but read many of his papers, especially… - 5 years ago

@DirkNiepelt: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@claudegrunitzky: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@monacelt: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@alex_lopezs: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@LuzzDade: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@rodrigo_toneto: um aspecto doido da vida de pesquisa é como nos tornamos de alguma maneira afetivamente conectados com referências… - 5 years ago

@erinhengel: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@itsjanertl: I met Emmanuel Farhi at a UChicago conference in 2018 when I was an undergrad. I had read his and Ivan Werning’s pa… - 5 years ago

@eatinParis: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Thierry_Kame: Oh my GOD, Emmanuel Farhi... What a terrible tragedy ! - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @VinPons: Terribly sad news. Beyond the great scholar, Emmanuel Farhi was a warm and kind person and he had a very generous mind. We wil… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @joeletxe: Immense perte que la disparition prématurée d'Emmanuel Farhi @Harvard, un des + brillants économistes de sa génération. @TSEi… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Schoefer_B: A wonderful philosophy of work, and life, by Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @AlphaBetaBlogFR: Aïe. Emmanuel Farhi avait obtenu le prix du meilleur jeune économiste du journal @lemondefr en 2013. - 5 years ago

@VinPons: Terribly sad news. Beyond the great scholar, Emmanuel Farhi was a warm and kind person and he had a very generous m… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @JanaGrittersova: Terrible news. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @efalcettoni: What a terrible loss. Emmanuel Farhi was absolutely brilliant. May he rest in peace and may his family and friends find co… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @bernstein_j: Shocked and saddened to hear of Emmanuel Farhi's passing. His research will always be a guiding light for all (and especia… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @rohlamba: Oh lord. Emmanuel Farhi is one of the most brilliant economists I have ever met. We have learnt so much from his work and wil… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @d_sergeyev: It is hard to comprehend. Emmanuel Farhi was one of the brightest intellectuals and a role model for many. RIP - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @FpjPortier: Quelle tristesse! As all of us, I am under the shock of Emmanuel Farhi sudden death. A few memories: a lunch in a small res… - 5 years ago

@joeletxe: Immense perte que la disparition prématurée d'Emmanuel Farhi @Harvard, un des + brillants économistes de sa générat… - 5 years ago

@moon_pinkcrazy: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Schoefer_B: A wonderful philosophy of work, and life, by Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@DanaIdette: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @D_Langenmayr: Very sad indeed. Emmanuel Farhi was one of the pioneers working on optimal inheritance tax, a very important and understu… - 5 years ago

@HeribertoTenor3: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @danton17892: 1/n I first met Emmanuel Farhi in 2004 when he came to present his work with Ricardo C. at CREI. From the way he presented… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @ggargiulo3: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies Unexpectedl at 41 - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @fatihguvenen: I am at a loss for words. RIP Emmanuel Farhi, dear friend. You were a beautiful soul. My deepest condolences to his fam… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, along with… - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @AutierGuillaume: Emmanuel Farhi est l’un des esprits les plus éblouissants qu’il m’ait été donné de rencontrer. L’avoir côtoyé est l’un… - 5 years ago

@Thierry_Kame: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@profholden: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@jcaetanoleite: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@profholden: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@audreysslave: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @JayCShambaugh: Tragic news to hear of Emmanuel Farhi’s passing. He was unabashedly brilliant and his papers have left a huge mark on th… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @Realprofneil: Without words at the loss of Emmanuel Farhi. Brilliant, kind and generous. He left too soon and will be missed. - 5 years ago

@mdoepke: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks ago. He i… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics c… - 5 years ago

@pa_chevalier: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Undercoverhist: The death of Emmanuel Farhi is shocking. My condolences to all those who are grieving. A tough year for the economics community. - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@NNrehman: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@SquirrelTheWR: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @fatihguvenen: I am at a loss for words. RIP Emmanuel Farhi, dear friend. You were a beautiful soul. My deepest condolences to his fam… - 5 years ago

@AutierGuillaume: Emmanuel Farhi est l’un des esprits les plus éblouissants qu’il m’ait été donné de rencontrer. L’avoir côtoyé est l… - 5 years ago

@pa_chevalier: RT @BenoitSchmutz: @S_Stantcheva Emmanuel Farhi was a childhood friend. A few years older than the other kids in the gang, he already was v… - 5 years ago

@ArashMV: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@MacroFinanceSoc: RT @StefanoGiglioEc: Hard to process the tragic news of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He was one of my advisors and a friend, a truly bril… - 5 years ago

@cmatthes_econ: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@ENTvantage: RT @D_Langenmayr: Very sad indeed. Emmanuel Farhi was one of the pioneers working on optimal inheritance tax, a very important and understu… - 5 years ago

@RyanCa16: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@ENTvantage: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@AyoubelMotreb: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@eksymons: RT @PLeHouerou: I am saddened by the passing of Emmanuel Farhi, a brilliant economist and @Harvard professor - a great voice for European i… - 5 years ago

@econetjrf: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@ttfcui: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@gilbertonoguei7: RT @rflcostalima: This is terrible news for economics. Fahri accomplished so much at such young age! - 5 years ago

@BobLangeLe: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@pnikolov: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Slopiegal: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@jcremer: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@Undercoverhist: RT @BenoitSchmutz: @S_Stantcheva Emmanuel Farhi was a childhood friend. A few years older than the other kids in the gang, he already was v… - 5 years ago

@econeditor: Saddened to learn of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. Here is a portrait of him by the photographer Mariana Cook, alo… - 5 years ago

@robpalaciosg: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@fatihguvenen: I am at a loss for words. RIP Emmanuel Farhi, dear friend. You were a beautiful soul. My deepest condolences to h… - 5 years ago

@keywitt1: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Pedrfwo: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@LeventNeyse: RT @BSE_Berlin: Rest In Peace Emmanuel Farhi... - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. My deepes… - 5 years ago

@BSE_Berlin: Rest In Peace Emmanuel Farhi... - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @SorryToBeKurt: Very sad news about Emmanuel Farhi. In addition to being a brilliant mind, genuinely nice and warm human being, he also… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@mr_x2015: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@parisastry: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@pierrebri: RT @sjwrenlewis: Tragic news that Emmanuel Farhi has died. A huge loss to macroeconomics and economics more generally. - 5 years ago

@sajidsedho1: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Hartley_: RT @and_joy_: It is with deep sadness that I heard of Emmanuel Farhi's death. Emmanuel was a stellar researcher and a great human. The firs… - 5 years ago

@efrainguzmans: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@SashaIndarte: RT @and_joy_: It is with deep sadness that I heard of Emmanuel Farhi's death. Emmanuel was a stellar researcher and a great human. The firs… - 5 years ago

@LSebaux: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies Unexpectedl at 41 - 5 years ago

@KanameMiyagi: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@pierrebri: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@lstmpsmdrns: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@pierrecboyer: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@danton17892: 1/n I first met Emmanuel Farhi in 2004 when he came to present his work with Ricardo C. at CREI. From the way he pr… - 5 years ago

@evgenia_passari: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@CeyhunElgin: Harvard'dan meşhur iktisatçı Emmanuel Farhi oldukça geç yaşta vefat etmiş. Kendisinin çok sayıda meşhur makalesi va… - 5 years ago

@jptguerreiro: RT @and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international financial syste… - 5 years ago

@UmarAkram2: This year has been immensely tragic for the world of economics, many giants and remarkable academics have left us;… - 5 years ago

@InequalityHKS: RT @Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks ago. He i… - 5 years ago

@EconTypes: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@AndiWangT: Six weeks of class with Emmanuel Farhi convinced me to take macro as my second field. Every lecture from him was a… - 5 years ago

@DaleCoo61404045: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@Chavaciudadano: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@mianfraza: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@and_joy_: Remembering the beautiful mind of Emmanuel Farhi in one of his last interviews... from the $ in international finan… - 5 years ago

@PatrickWeil1: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@macmirub: RT @lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. My deepes… - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@kakacmatos: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@stanveuger: RT @StefanoGiglioEc: Hard to process the tragic news of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. He was one of my advisors and a friend, a truly bril… - 5 years ago

@gk_ben: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@miclenza: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@miclenza: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@simemi84_simone: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@Kumar_EconIneq: A terrible and sad news today about Emmanuel Farhi. So young. I never knew him, but read many of his papers, especi… - 5 years ago

@ENTvantage: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@keywitt1: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@ReynaldoOrtegaS: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@sjwrenlewis: Tragic news that Emmanuel Farhi has died. A huge loss to macroeconomics and economics more generally. - 5 years ago

@Treich13: RT @CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our community is… - 5 years ago

@JNB__X: Learning in dismay of the loss of Emmanuel Farhi. One of the most promising, if not THE most promising, economist… - 5 years ago

@CGollier: Emmanuel Farhi was a close friend and supporter of @TSEinfo, a member of our Sc. Council, then of our Board. Our co… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @ggargiulo3: @IvanWerning @AtifRMian Thanks to God prof Emmanuel Farhi writes and produces a lot of papers in his university’s personal… - 5 years ago

@priorSGD: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @ggargiulo3: Tra i miei favoriti EMMANUEL FARHI, GITA GOPINATH, ATIF MIAN (non in ordine ) - 5 years ago

@erikonomista: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Antonio23132075: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@BorelliLuan: Rest in peace! Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ at 41 - 5 years ago

@Andrew___Baker: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks ago. He i… - 5 years ago

@riefky7: RIP Emmanuel Farhi...emang umur gaada yg tau - 5 years ago

@emiliomanfred: RT @glviolante: I am absolutely shocked. Hard to believe we lost him. Always brilliant, always balanced, always graceful. These are the mem… - 5 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@stumptownfin: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @SakiBigio: I admired everything about Emmanuel Farhi. So inspiring and only a few years older. I remember every comment he's made to me… - 5 years ago

@ROSMAMAC: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @bpellegr_econ: Such tragic news to wake up to. So sad for the unexpected loss of Emmanuel Farhi. A role model for many young economists… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @pietgautier: Here, a recent interview with Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@mcdroste: Emmanuel Farhi's passing is just devastating. I have been searching all day for the right story to express what he… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@nhendren82: So incredibly saddened by the passing of my colleague, Emmanuel Farhi. RIP. His work was an inspiration to me and s… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @HrReisen: Economics has lost a safe asset: RIP Emmanuel #Farhi. - 5 years ago

@pnikolov: RT @Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks ago. He i… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. My deepes… - 5 years ago

@xazalbert: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@rflcostalima: This is terrible news for economics. Fahri accomplished so much at such young age! - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @BenoitSchmutz: @S_Stantcheva Emmanuel Farhi was a childhood friend. A few years older than the other kids in the gang, he already was v… - 5 years ago

@BachmannRudi: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks ago. He i… - 5 years ago

@msilosr: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @SakiBigio: I admired everything about Emmanuel Farhi. So inspiring and only a few years older. I remember every comment he's made to me… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @BachmannRudi: I just learned of the passing of Emmanuel Farhi. This is absolutely devastating news. Especially since I have seen him la… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @BCoeure: Very sad and shocking news. Emmanuel Farhi was a towering economist and a nice and warm person. - 5 years ago

@bnr_jc: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@p_100fly: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@pierrecboyer: RT @Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economists… - 5 years ago

@kantvishu16: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Florian_Scheuer: Still struggling to accept the shocking news of Emmanuel's passing. One of the most brilliant and prolific economis… - 5 years ago

@SakumiBLR: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Pelusalusa1: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@MEDevEcon: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@sbuhai: RT @pietgautier: Here, a recent interview with Emmanuel Farhi: - 5 years ago

@tuestadavid: Lamentable partida de Emmanuel Farhi, uno de los economistas top de su generación. Durante estos últimos mese estuv… - 5 years ago

@Raneeque: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@gchiplunkar: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@ole_posch: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@dclingi: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@HrReisen: Economics has lost a safe asset: RIP Emmanuel #Farhi. - 5 years ago

@kalin_ux: RT @BCoeure: Very sad and shocking news. Emmanuel Farhi was a towering economist and a nice and warm person. - 5 years ago

@d_sergeyev: Emmanuel Farhi on one of his recent visits to Milan. He will be deeply missed. - 5 years ago

@Desiree_Delgad: RT @PLeHouerou: I am saddened by the passing of Emmanuel Farhi, a brilliant economist and @Harvard professor - a great voice for European i… - 5 years ago

@nicolaborri: RT @m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also interests… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@BertrandBadre: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@DavidBeckworth: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@ElaineLiuEcon: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. My condolences. - 5 years ago

@carlosjimeneztv: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@tuestadavid: RT @lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. My deepes… - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: Chers étudiants, Emmanuel Farhi, prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2013, et professeur à Harvard, est décédé à l’âg… - 5 years ago

@akarbo: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@hualun14: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@JayCShambaugh: Tragic news to hear of Emmanuel Farhi’s passing. He was unabashedly brilliant and his papers have left a huge mark… - 5 years ago

@bnr_jc: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@m_maggiori: This morning I received a devastating call. We lost Emmanuel Farhi. A true scholar, we shared research, but also in… - 5 years ago

@Fabrice_BM: RIP Emmanuel FARHI. Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer - 5 years ago

@Aledechiara83: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@pancho_mariscal: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@LuisEugenioMuo1: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@BYARLANT_RX160: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@Le_Temps_Perdu_: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@floressylvain: RT @DavidDjaiz: Emmanuel Farhi était un des plus grands économistes français, et l’un des plus grands économistes tout court. Il a conduit… - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@CPGE_ECT_Ozenne: RT @ThomasPHI2: I lost a friend yesterday. Economics lost one of its brightest mind. RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@AdielZam: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @alpsimsek_econ: I lost a friend and economics lost one of its most brilliant minds. It is difficult to absorb this and I am at loss for… - 5 years ago

@miguel_almunia: This is heartbreaking. RIP Emmanuel Farhi - 5 years ago

@tejendrapsingh: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@alextorresano: RT @lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. My deepes… - 5 years ago

@ariel_lior: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@naeemtal: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@pierrecboyer: RT @BenoitSchmutz: @S_Stantcheva Emmanuel Farhi was a childhood friend. A few years older than the other kids in the gang, he already was v… - 5 years ago

@pierrecboyer: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@jcreyest: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@vkashinsky: RT @shephard_neil: Very sad today as my Harvard Economics colleague Professor Emmanuel Farhi died unexpected yesterday. - 5 years ago

@sethkerstein: RT @spfraib: Such a devastating loss. Emmanuel Farhi was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. He was also incredi… - 5 years ago

@yasu_kiku1song: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@menlovaa: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@crociangelini: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@BenoitSchmutz: @S_Stantcheva Emmanuel Farhi was a childhood friend. A few years older than the other kids in the gang, he already… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Emmanuel Farhi is no longer with us - #EmmanuelFarhi #Emmanuel #Farhi #rip - 5 years ago

@montserratmon: RT @lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. My deepes… - 5 years ago

@Behroo7: words of a man with passion and purpose... RIP Emmanuel Farhi. - 5 years ago

@lugaricano: Shocked and saddened with the news of the passing at 41 years of the wonderful and kind economist Emmanuel Farhi. M… - 5 years ago

@sfarajnia: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@kilamagabin: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@Schoefer_B: An amazing, tragically short life. Emmanuel Farhi, one of my PhD advisors, was a genius. We talked just six weeks a… - 5 years ago

@hridigul: RT @AtifRMian: So sad to lose Emmanuel, one of the brightest young minds in Economics. He was always kind and gentle. RIP - 5 years ago

@101Biography: Harvard Economics Professor Emmanuel Farhi Dies at 41 #Harvard #HarvardUniversity #EmmanuelFarhi Read More👉… - 5 years ago

@jptguerreiro: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@MartinRodrigot: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@cde_denis: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@ricard_irianda: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@Bubalina2: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@spfraib: Such a devastating loss. Emmanuel Farhi was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. He was a… - 5 years ago

@linacarranco: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@AikoKusunoki: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@_ecohis: RT @jasonfurman: The loss of Emmanuel Farhi is a terrible tragedy, a kind, generous person who was opening up new ways to understand the ma… - 5 years ago

@O_Goss_: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@gugobonifaz: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@ggargiulo3: RT @ben_golub: The brilliance of Emmanuel Farhi's work was intimidating but the thing I am remembering now is the intensity and warmth of h… - 5 years ago

@Faby_Nava77: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

@elisa_guglielm: RT @S_Stantcheva: Rest in peace Emmanuel Farhi. A brilliant researcher, an insatiable mind, and a wonderful person & friend. Au revoir, che… - 5 years ago

@copenhague2008: RT @esquivelgerardo: Con gran tristeza me entero del fallecimiento de Emmanuel Farhi. Farhi, 41 años, era uno de los mejores macroeconomist… - 5 years ago

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