Emma Tennant

British author.
Died on Monday January 23rd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Emma Tennant:

@emma_tennant: Took panic attack to a new level tonight 🙃 - 8 years ago

@Emma_alcn: RT @Panicatthetardi: Jessica Jones - badass - David as Kilgrave, duh - Marvel - Netflix - strong female lead - action - twisted - Tennant… - 8 years ago

@Andr6wMale: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: An obituary notice for Emma Tennant now in @guardian: - 8 years ago

@gothgirl477: @david_tennant sorry 2 bother u but cud u say happy birthday 2 ma daughter Emma a message fae u wud make turnin 13 all the better 🎂🎊🎈🎉😆 - 8 years ago


@gothgirl477: @david_tennant sorry to bother u but cud u say happy birthday to ma daughter Emma a message faecu wud make turnin 13 all the better 🎂🎊🎈🎉😆 - 8 years ago

@gothgirl477: @David_Tennant cud u PLEEEZE say happy birthday 2 ma daughter Emma , she's a huge fan & it wud make turnin 13 so much better , thanx 🎂🎊🎈🎉😆 - 8 years ago

@Lindabell15: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: My blog post on the late Emma Tennant. RTs much appreciated: - 8 years ago

@chrissievmierlo: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: My blog post on the late Emma Tennant. RTs much appreciated: - 8 years ago

@davidson_robert: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: My blog post on the late Emma Tennant. RTs much appreciated: - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @charloldroyd: wonder how phillip schofield feels about himself since the teenagers of the UK have decided he is a british god - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @j_bennett9: I'm shit at saving money, I tell myself " i need to save" then payday comes & I'm like "it's been a stressful month, treat… - 8 years ago

@Emma_alcn: RT @OhWendyDarling_: Je propose David Tennant pour le prochain docteur. Je l'imagines bien en Docteur je sais pas pourquoi - 8 years ago

@nicolebuistx: @emma_tennant xxx - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: @nicolebuistx OI. Screw you - 8 years ago

@nicolebuistx: @emma_tennant WHEN will you stop tweeting😭 - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: WHEN will people stop going to Zoo's??? They're horrible 😩 - 8 years ago

@dillinger_q: Like all women, I've had a pretty awful time in many ways, but it's... #EmmaTennant #quotation - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @Tobi_Edinbus: - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: Someone do something fun with me please x - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: Omg club penguin is shutting down 💔 - 8 years ago

@stavsherez: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: An obituary notice for Emma Tennant now in @guardian: - 8 years ago

@LesleyMcDowell1: An obituary notice for Emma Tennant now in @guardian: - 8 years ago

@LesleyMcDowell1: RT @stavsherez: This is great. Emma Tennant was a true original – experimental, funny and dark, her novels were so ahead of their time. Go… - 8 years ago

@stavsherez: This is great. Emma Tennant was a true original – experimental, funny and dark, her novels were so ahead of their t… - 8 years ago

@AlbedoOne: RIP Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: Hahahaha 100% agree 😂 - 8 years ago

@Echoic_JAnn: "Emma Tennant obituary" RIP #Legend - 8 years ago

@farienurse47: RT @nytimesbooks: Emma Tennant has died. Her many novels explored the borderland between reality and dream. - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @ChloeBennet4: This past month makes Black Mirror look like a short film about puppies who love cupcakes. - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: Today's been a feel good about myself kinda day then I see ONE photo on Instagram & that's me shot back down to reality. - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: People who knock girls for underwear/bikini photos are knobs! If you've got it & love it then you god damn flaunt it over your social media! - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: When will people learn to not get their partners name tattoo'd on them??? - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: But I feel like 15 year old ems again & no one wants that gal around 😂 - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: I've gotten so into my old taste in music lately, much enjoyment - 8 years ago

@StandishEvans: Via @guardianbooks: Emma Tennant obituary - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @elliewilson0: Can I mibby just be her ☹️ - 8 years ago

@captainloodoo: da quella volta ogni volta che impazziamo ci fermiamo a vicenda dicendo nomi rassicuranti tipo "david tennant" oppure "emma stone" - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @nadia_hope1: I'm so stuck between I need to save and you're only young once 😩😩😩 - 8 years ago

@ClaireSquires: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: My blog post on the late Emma Tennant. RTs much appreciated: - 8 years ago

@stirpublishing: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: My blog post on the late Emma Tennant. RTs much appreciated: - 8 years ago

@Carmen04733958: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: An obituary for Emma Tennant in @TheNYTimesUM : - 8 years ago

@annesebba: Emma Tennant obit: She wrote so many books she lost count! - 8 years ago

@DerynRJ: RT @GuardianBooks: Emma Tennant obituary - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @Slippers91: Imagine how much yi could get done in a day if yi didna hey a phone. - 8 years ago

@JoMirzoeff: RT @GuardianBooks: Emma Tennant obituary - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @FemaleTexts: i want to be spoiled like this on my birthday - 8 years ago

@guardianobits: Emma Tennant obituary. Satirical novelist who depicted Britain in a state of decay - 8 years ago

@NewsdeskBOOKS: Emma Tennant obituary - 8 years ago

@Emma_Evil_Regal: RT @dailycapaldi: "He has incredible intensity, bravery, a cleverness. He was a fantastic choice, he will be missed." — David Tennant on Pe… - 8 years ago

@gemaesteve: Emma Tennant obituary. Una que usa el relat "oiuja"Vaig a buscar inspiració... - 8 years ago

@gemaesteve: Emma Tennant obituary.DEP, ara et busco a la uija.Fantaseig,busco inspi - 8 years ago

@daneetsteffens: RT @LesleyMcDowell1: Thankyou to everyone for RTing this. My blogpost on the wonderful writer Emma Tennant, who sadly died on Jan 20th: htt… - 8 years ago

@Great_Wall2018: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@DSlotnik: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79, via @NYTObits - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @girlposts: this is the cutest thing i've seen all day - 8 years ago

@nicholasbirns: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @zxxchh: can 2017 be the year house parties make a return cos a decent house party is a dying breed on the verge of extinction - 8 years ago

@emma_tennant: RT @laurenmarrrr_: When u see a girl has put a sad tweet up or something and u just want to message them and see if they are ok but you'd l… - 8 years ago

@miriamberkley: Sad news: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@GodivaLadi: RT @nytimesarts: Emma Tennant has died. Her many novels explored the borderland between reality and dream. - 8 years ago

@drng: RT @paulwiggins: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@paulwiggins: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@Owlwriter16: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@SuperdrugHelp: @emma_tennant Hi Emma, thanks for the feedback, I'll pass this on to the relevant teams to be taken on board. - Thanks, Lauren - 8 years ago

@BBisabirdidadid: RT @nytimesarts: Emma Tennant has died. Her many novels explored the borderland between reality and dream. - 8 years ago

@BookPrizeman: Author Emma Tennant dies - 8 years ago

@LFMAKER: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@SciFi_authors: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - New York Times - 8 years ago

@marbledocument: RT @nytimesarts: Emma Tennant has died. Her many novels explored the borderland between reality and dream. - 8 years ago

@WorknProgBlog: RT @LiteratureTips: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@JRussBriley: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of ... - 8 years ago

@ArtTalkHawaii: RT @nytimesarts: Emma Tennant has died. Her many novels explored the borderland between reality and dream. - 8 years ago

@rusdaboss: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@Arts_news_USA: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 #Artrs - 8 years ago

@LifeWritePub: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@Obituary_Ads: Obituary Ads Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@MarketingGurus2: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@BayAreaReader: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@thomas_gladysz: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@EditaKaye: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@ruth_greene: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@inusanewscom: (New York Times) #Emma #Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 : Ms... - 8 years ago

@TessaTennant: RT @leohollis: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@twitbituaries: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - - 8 years ago

@TheOtherDZC: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@leohollis: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@FollowBookNews: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@akvinchrist: "Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79" by WILLIAM GRIMES via N… - 8 years ago

@Timely_News: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@KellyShannonn: From NYT #arts Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@ErAndr: - 8 years ago

@cash_lilia: Emma Tennant, Who Wrote Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

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