Emily Anne Staples

American politician.
Died on Tuesday January 16th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Emily Anne Staples:

@ChaoStrib: Emily Anne Staples Tuttle, pioneer in Minnesota politics, dies at 88 - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 724) #Obituary #for #American #politician #Emily #Anne ( #Staples ) #Tuttle 88 #dies… - 7 years ago

@JuniorLeague: We are sad to announce the passing of @jlminneapolis Past President, Former AJLI Regional Director and 2010 Mary Ha… - 7 years ago

@garypeterson: RT @MinnesotaDFL: The Minnesota DFL mourns the loss of one of our trailblazers, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle. Emily passed away last week afte… - 7 years ago


@StormOnole: RT @Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@SMcGR17: RT @Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@liza_otay: RT @Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@RatifyEraOrg: RT @Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@AWomansPlaceMN: RT @Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@ERAMinnesota: RT @Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@Bfolly: Sad news: We lost a champion for #women and the #EqualRightsAmendment today. Rest in peace #EmilyAnneTuttle. - 7 years ago

@NarishkaKori: RT @mayorcoleman: As the first woman elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1977, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle was a change-maker in Minnesota pol… - 7 years ago

@wispindoctor: RT @mayorcoleman: As the first woman elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1977, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle was a change-maker in Minnesota pol… - 7 years ago

@Adam4MN: RT @MinnesotaDFL: The Minnesota DFL mourns the loss of one of our trailblazers, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle. Emily passed away last week afte… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Emily Anne Staples - 7 years ago

@richardcarlbom: RT @mayorcoleman: As the first woman elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1977, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle was a change-maker in Minnesota pol… - 7 years ago

@EmmettColeman: RT @mayorcoleman: As the first woman elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1977, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle was a change-maker in Minnesota pol… - 7 years ago

@MinnesotaDFL: RT @MinnesotaDFL: The Minnesota DFL mourns the loss of one of our trailblazers, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle. Emily passed away last week afte… - 7 years ago

@johntuttle: RT @mayorcoleman: As the first woman elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1977, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle was a change-maker in Minnesota pol… - 7 years ago

@mayorcoleman: As the first woman elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1977, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle was a change-maker in Minneso… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Emily Anne Staples, you will be missed - #EmilyAnneStaples #Emily #AnneStaples #rip - 7 years ago

@votedemocratmn: RT @MinnesotaDFL: The Minnesota DFL mourns the loss of one of our trailblazers, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle. Emily passed away last week afte… - 7 years ago

@nellep67: RT @MinnesotaDFL: The Minnesota DFL mourns the loss of one of our trailblazers, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle. Emily passed away last week afte… - 7 years ago

@MinnesotaDFL: The Minnesota DFL mourns the loss of one of our trailblazers, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle. Emily passed away last wee… - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Emily Anne Staples - 7 years ago

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