Elmore Leonard

American author (Get Shorty
Died on Tuesday August 20th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Elmore Leonard:

@juncoboris: When the Women Come Out to Dance by Elmore Leonard -HARDCOVER http://t.co/54tSkNHd4O http://t.co/MZptJOfeRx

@juncoboris: When the Women Come Out to Dance by Elmore Leonard -HARDCOVER http://t.co/PtE60kaR2r http://t.co/02ePbPlWCq

@noeticpictures: RT @colebrax: Pam Grier & Quentin Tarantino at work on 'Jackie Brown' (1997), an adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 'Rum Punch'. http://t.co/et…

@VictoriaKearne5: RT @RappahannockRev: Stuck in a writing rut? Elmore Leonard offers a handy list of writing advice! http://t.co/jxSi3PETSW


@RappahannockRev: Stuck in a writing rut? Elmore Leonard offers a handy list of writing advice! http://t.co/jxSi3PETSW

@coffeeandcinema: RT @colebrax: Pam Grier & Quentin Tarantino at work on 'Jackie Brown' (1997), an adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 'Rum Punch'. http://t.co/et…

@mustdefine: RT @devandclom: When you write, try to leave out all the parts readers skip. [Elmore Leonard] #writing #editing

@devandclom: When you write, try to leave out all the parts readers skip. [Elmore Leonard] #writing #editing

@ElaineProctor2: RT @colebrax: Pam Grier & Quentin Tarantino at work on 'Jackie Brown' (1997), an adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 'Rum Punch'. http://t.co/et…

@cinemaofdreams: RT @colebrax: Pam Grier & Quentin Tarantino at work on 'Jackie Brown' (1997), an adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 'Rum Punch'. http://t.co/et…

@AcquaottaMarco: RT @colebrax: Pam Grier & Quentin Tarantino at work on 'Jackie Brown' (1997), an adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 'Rum Punch'. http://t.co/et…

@evolving4real: RT @colebrax: Pam Grier & Quentin Tarantino at work on 'Jackie Brown' (1997), an adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 'Rum Punch'. http://t.co/et…

@bonlyn62: Marked as to-read: Charlie Martz and Other Stories by Elmore Leonard http://t.co/e6g6amgBzt

@loztrat: 'If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.' Elmore Leonard

@MyOwlsLibrary: RT @WmMorrowBks: Giveaway! A new collection of short stories by Elmore Leonard, CHARLIE MARTZ, is on sale 6/16. Giveaway ends 6/28 https://…

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