Ellsworth Wareham

American surgeon.
Died on Wednesday December 19th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Ellsworth Wareham:

@MommyBat1: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@motherfly1710: RT @julianasfarm: Vegan surgeon Ellsworth E. Wareham, MD passed away Dec. 15th at the age of 104. He credited his vegan lifestyle for the l… - 6 years ago

@BixWeber: Wareham attributed his longevity to having adopted a vegan diet in his 50s. It's also fair to note that he was well… - 6 years ago

@BixWeber: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago


@BlueZones: Renowned Heart Surgeon and Longtime Vegan Ellsworth Wareham Dies at 104 – Forks Over Knives - 6 years ago

@NYFASave: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E. Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@ukhealthradio: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@SDarrylJohnson: Renowned Heart Surgeon and Longtime Vegan Ellsworth Wareham Dies at 104 – Forks Over Knives - 6 years ago

@AltHealthWORKS: RIP Ellsworth Wareham, who passed away Dec. 18 at the ripe age of 104. Here is his own personal prescription for a… - 6 years ago

@RenateHupfeld: RT @RenateHupfeld: Ellsworth Wareham - 100 Year Old Heart Surgeon Still Passionate About Sa... - 6 years ago

@BarnabysFinest: RT @julianasfarm: Vegan surgeon Ellsworth E. Wareham, MD passed away Dec. 15th at the age of 104. He credited his vegan lifestyle for the l… - 6 years ago

@marycrenard: Renowned Heart Surgeon and Longtime Vegan Ellsworth Wareham Dies at 104 – Forks Over Knives - 6 years ago

@katherinekaylau: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@julianasfarm: Vegan surgeon Ellsworth E. Wareham, MD passed away Dec. 15th at the age of 104. He credited his vegan lifestyle for… - 6 years ago

@sj79_suzanne: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@Talk2Seniors: Thank you Dr. Ellsworth Wareham for all you've given the world. Let's remember the world's #ageing contributors. - 6 years ago

@bndwdth_com: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@grumpyoldsod71: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@VeganBlogger78: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@kcarruthers: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@sallyeaves: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@jeenaaryal: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@Saya_relativity: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@activeandevents: RT @IanYeo: We honor the life and work of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died on December 15th. His healthful vegan diet kept him working as a… - 6 years ago

@FlanK3rXS: Přidal(a) jsem do seznamu videí @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@CynthiaMarieTV: RT @eatinglabels: RIP Dr. Ellsworth Wareham long time vegan passes at age 104. #vegan - 6 years ago

@PlantBasedRx: What a great human being. He led by his actions and words to inspire others. - 6 years ago

@PrMarcosBomfim: RT @adventistnews: In Memoriam: Ellsworth Wareham, 104, was ‘Blue Zone’ pioneer and cardiologist. - 6 years ago

@BayNatural: - 6 years ago

@Unlimitedwords: RT @_eatingyoualive: It is with sadness that we pass on the news of the death of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died last week at the age of 10… - 6 years ago

@taderfit_liyah: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@Lawlor224: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E. Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@styrohome: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E. Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@EmekaOkoloH2: The beauty about seeing and/or meeting with the geriatric citizen is the constant admiration to have stayed so lon… - 6 years ago

@seemantk: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@BruinsMCMXXIV: RT @ForksOverKnives: Ellsworth Wareham, a renowned cardiac surgeon and longtime vegan, died last Saturday at his home in Loma Linda, CA. He… - 6 years ago

@Robertanic2: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@movaly1: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@fitinnixa: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@Execz900: The 103 Year Old Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth Wareham | Loma Linda Blue Zone - 6 years ago

@louiseh14: In Memoriam: Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, Pioneering Blue Zones Heart Surgeon - Blue Zones - 6 years ago

@kawaiizee01: RT @ForksOverKnives: Ellsworth Wareham, a renowned cardiac surgeon and longtime vegan, died last Saturday at his home in Loma Linda, CA. He… - 6 years ago

@Scottyhile: RIP Dr Ellsworth Wareham 104 year old vegan legend - 6 years ago

@jwsnoddon: RT @_eatingyoualive: It is with sadness that we pass on the news of the death of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died last week at the age of 10… - 6 years ago

@ApexMuthu: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@idubrawsky: RT @VeganStrongOrg: You inspired countless people from all over the world to choose compassion and go vegan. You will truly be missed. Rest… - 6 years ago

@Saizo012: RT @plantbasednews: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E. Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@EventsVeg: RT @ForksOverKnives: Ellsworth Wareham, a renowned cardiac surgeon and longtime vegan, died last Saturday at his home in Loma Linda, CA. He… - 6 years ago

@SeaPadraic: :( but good show of it, 104 and happy, I could only be so lucky) RIP Dr Ellsworth Wareham 104 year old vegan lege… - 6 years ago

@kardodernek: 95 yaşına kadar çalışan, #vegan kalp damar derrahı Dr. Ellsworth Wareham 104 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 6 years ago

@DrRicSaguil: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E. Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@HersheLegaspina: "And I get that from believing in a loving, caring God, you see. And so if He’s in charge of my life, why sit aroun… - 6 years ago

@MikeMcM62229979: Rest in peace Dr. Ellsworth Wareham. - 6 years ago

@Spsanders1: In Memoriam: Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, Pioneering Blue Zones Heart Surgeon - Blue Zones - 6 years ago

@ryl5858: RT @_eatingyoualive: It is with sadness that we pass on the news of the death of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died last week at the age of 10… - 6 years ago

@BricenoPp: RT @_eatingyoualive: It is with sadness that we pass on the news of the death of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died last week at the age of 10… - 6 years ago

@CORlew_: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@SupremeCmdr: Ellsworth E. Wareham, MD Dead at 104 - 6 years ago

@TLC_CN: RT @_eatingyoualive: It is with sadness that we pass on the news of the death of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died last week at the age of 10… - 6 years ago

@_eatingyoualive: It is with sadness that we pass on the news of the death of Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, who died last week at the age of… - 6 years ago

@pastrymom6: RT @ForksOverKnives: Ellsworth Wareham, a renowned cardiac surgeon and longtime vegan, died last Saturday at his home in Loma Linda, CA. He… - 6 years ago

@expecttothrive: RT @ForksOverKnives: Ellsworth Wareham, a renowned cardiac surgeon and longtime vegan, died last Saturday at his home in Loma Linda, CA. He… - 6 years ago

@mauldinmassage: Renowned Heart Surgeon and Longtime Vegan Ellsworth Wareham Dies at 104 - 6 years ago

@lightspheres333: RT @Vej_Gee: Non Vegan: My father had 3 heart attacks b4 dying in his 60's of a fatal attack, he was such a trooper. Vegan: Dr. Ellsworth… - 6 years ago

@Suecbrn: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@AmandaFlorinda: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@mlivinginhealth: RT @ForksOverKnives: Ellsworth Wareham, a renowned cardiac surgeon and longtime vegan, died last Saturday at his home in Loma Linda, CA. He… - 6 years ago

@numanau7: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@fdandekar: @drsanjaygupta I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Dr. Ellsworth Wareham many years ago as my husband is also a… - 6 years ago

@stone340: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@jamvixen: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@LaveneDerKat: RT @Haleaol: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E․ Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@Haleaol: Acclaimed Vegan Doctor Ellsworth E․ Wareham Dies Aged 104 - 6 years ago

@f_aaaye: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@draraoncall: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@DrFeelG89566983: RT @drsanjaygupta: He was one of the earliest doctors to practice heart surgery, and one of the oldest as well. I was one of the lucky ones… - 6 years ago

@careytimcarey: - 6 years ago

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