Eleanor Munro

American art critic
Died on Tuesday April 12th 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Eleanor Munro:

@YYZemily: Author Eleanor Munro, died April 11th at aged 94 - 3 years ago

@erikaherzog: RT @NYTObits: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Eleanor Munro's 1979 book featured interviews with dozens of artists, but she also wrote on other subjects — pilgrimages, for… - 3 years ago


@NYTObits: Eleanor Munro's 1979 book featured interviews with dozens of artists, but she also wrote on other subjects — pilgri… - 3 years ago

@MANMWA2: Eleanor Munro, Who Profiled Women Artists, Is Dead at 94 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@cabara: RT @NYTObits: Eleanor Munro, who profiled women artists, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@genznyt: RT @NYTObits: Eleanor Munro, who profiled women artists, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Eleanor Munro, who profiled women artists, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Eleanor Munro, who profiled women artists, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@deploycatattack: RT @NYTObits: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled and interviewed dozens of women artists, has died at 94. - 3 years ago

@paulandbrownie: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@carolekingnyc: RT @nytimes: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled dozens of women artists, probing for common threads in their works an… - 3 years ago

@QuibellPaul: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@SaveRedlandLibr: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@ReaderBern: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@KarimeHermoso: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@Carolyn19494763: RT @NYTObits: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. She has died at 94. http… - 3 years ago

@beatrizmdc2: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@ReadingThisLife: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@ShuichiroMitch: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@crowofminerva: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. - 3 years ago

@HathawayBrown: HB celebrates the life of Eleanor Munro ’45. Her best-known work, “Originals” contained extensive interviews and ex… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Eleanor Munro is no longer with us - #EleanorMunro #Eleanor #Munro #rip - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled and interviewed dozens of women artists, has died at 94. - 3 years ago

@VCAM1963: Finland to Return Detained Art to Russia—and More Art News – - 3 years ago

@cgartadvisory: Finland to Return Detained Art to Russia, Art Critic Eleanor Munro Dies at 94, and More: Morning Links for April 11… - 3 years ago

@FrancescaBerry9: RT @nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@AJONEZny: RT @nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@AwareWomenArt: RT @nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@AwareWomenArt: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled and interviewed dozens of women artists, has died at 94. https:/… - 3 years ago

@TuraEnLinea: Finlandia devolverá el arte detenido a Rusia, la crítica de arte Eleanor Munro muere a los 94 años y más: Morning L… - 3 years ago

@travelingbook: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled and interviewed dozens of women artists, has died at 94. https:/… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Eleanor Munro wrote about other subjects besides art, including the human need to go on pilgrimages. She has died a… - 3 years ago

@KarimeHermoso: RT @nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@adunlea: RT @nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@europabridge1: RT @nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@nytimesbooks: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@Ursaline: RT @nytimesarts: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

@artpricedotcom: Finland to Return Detained Art to Russia, Art Critic Eleanor Munro Dies at 94, and More: Morning Links for April 11… - 3 years ago

@artmarketdotcom: Finland to Return Detained Art to Russia, Art Critic Eleanor Munro Dies at 94, and More: Morning Links for April 11… - 3 years ago

@RapSheetmag: RT @nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled and interviewed dozens of women artists, has died at 94. https:/… - 3 years ago

@nytimesbooks: Eleanor Munro, who in an illuminating 1979 book profiled and interviewed dozens of women artists, has died at 94. - 3 years ago

@DrLiebknicht: RT @nytimesarts: Her best-known book was about women artists, but it also became “an autobiographical search for myself.” - 3 years ago

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