Edward de Bono

Maltese philosopher.
Died on Thursday June 10th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Edward de Bono:

@sudheerpwarrier: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@TheAfterword1: RIP Edward De Bono - 4 years ago

@raffoes: @notsoaidil Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@SandipGhose: Reading #EdwardDeBono’s obituary - I was “thinking” if his methods could be used to solve the #Covid19 conundrum. E… - 4 years ago


@pepeloyola: The Economist | Sideways on via @TheEconomist - 4 years ago

@AnimeQuoteImage: "It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.… - 4 years ago

@dessiecheung: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@BehailuGW: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@animalphotos: Think out of the box, they said. Edward de Bono, creator of Lateral Thinking, died June 2… - 4 years ago

@Sidtuli61: The Economist writes the best obituaries. Edward de Bono died on June 9th - 4 years ago

@HABERGZT: RT @webtekno: Dr. Edward De Bono tarafından geliştirilen, herhangi bir şeyi her yönüyle irdeleyebilmeyi sağlayan 6 şapkalı düşünme tekniği… - 4 years ago

@philmk10: Edward de Bono obituary: Lateral thinker who proposed Marmite as solution to Arab-Israeli conflict - 4 years ago

@nycfluu: RT @webtekno: Dr. Edward De Bono tarafından geliştirilen, herhangi bir şeyi her yönüyle irdeleyebilmeyi sağlayan 6 şapkalı düşünme tekniği… - 4 years ago

@webtekno: Dr. Edward De Bono tarafından geliştirilen, herhangi bir şeyi her yönüyle irdeleyebilmeyi sağlayan 6 şapkalı düşünm… - 4 years ago

@sears_todd: We recently discussed the Six Thinking Hats concept at KPG, I didn’t know the origin. - 4 years ago

@CathalPMc: Edward de Bono obituary: Lateral thinker who proposed Marmite as solution to Arab-Israeli conflict… - 4 years ago

@NatalieRastoin: RT @CravenPartners: Once again @davetrott gets to the heart of the matter with some quite brilliant anecdotes. His books are equally good -… - 4 years ago

@TheRealHirsty: edward de bono died? who'd a thought it - 4 years ago

@Alaa_Garad: Live Stream| Funeral Service of Prof. Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@JaniceT25112039: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@FreeSpeech_0: RT @LindaBerman4: Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Edward de Bono #… - 4 years ago

@Earth10016: RT @LindaBerman4: Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Edward de Bono #… - 4 years ago

@KavinWadhar: RT @MrLim8888: “Dr Edward de Bono is one of the very few people in history who can be said to have had a major impact on the way we think.… - 4 years ago

@Tr__Teknoloji: Herhangi Bir Şeyi Her Yönüyle İrdeleyebilmeyi Sağlayan 6 Şapkalı Düşünme Tekniği Dr. Edward De Bono, daha etkili dü… - 4 years ago

@NeelBurton: RIP Edward de Bono, father of 'lateral thinking' - 4 years ago

@GabrielaInglese: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@paulreiners: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Renniealba: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@JvanLogg: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@DavidPKramer: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@NoloBanks: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@AlanMitchellAFR: Edward de Bono popularised lateral thinking but mastered self-promotion - 4 years ago

@btnelson: One of the highlights of my corporate education was learning 6 hats thinking from Edward de Bono in person with MTN… - 4 years ago

@ludeblue: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@economist_once: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@deduped_economi: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@ClaudioLagosO: RT @TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@TheEconomist: Edward de Bono was at school when he was first called a “genius” - 4 years ago

@GianPieroCroppo: - 4 years ago

@Aplm888Alana: If you never change your mind, why have one? ~ Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@textualizame: RT @AgoraAbierta: Me he enterado que ha muerto Edward Bono y por rendirle algún tipo de homenaje por su creatividad justo este mes he prese… - 4 years ago

@DavidBe01254937: Edward de Bono has died. He built a career on "lateral thinking". Problem solving, not by logic but by creative thi… - 4 years ago

@TamaraEdmonds4: To be successful you have to be lucky, or a little mad, or very talented, or find yourself in a rapid growth field. Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@JeffPatterson11: The Economist | Sideways on - 4 years ago

@abetulkayahan: It's not enough to rage against the lie.. you've got to replace it with the truth... ~Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@nekGMM: @pukacosa Que lastima la partida de Edward De Bono 😔 su aporte ha sido sustancial y el estudio ver si trabajo es mu… - 4 years ago

@Jhickmana: Edward de Bono, who has died aged 88, suggested that the Arab-Israeli conflict might be solved with Marmite.The pro… - 4 years ago

@longlooking: Edward de Bono sought to free us from the tyranny of logic through creative thinking. - 4 years ago

@KennethKirkwood: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @maltatoday: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @tomroach: Edward de Bono had a cool logo didn't he? - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: Brand Equity - In Conversation with Edward de bono - 4 years ago

@Traucodag: @LuisLasala1 Tambien le llaman viento al aparato?,vaya viento?,espero que no le llamen"Nadie",como el caso de Pilif… - 4 years ago

@gdobler: El lunes te contaba sobre todo lo que nos dejó Edward De Bono para potenciar nuestra creatividad. Aquí te dejo un… - 4 years ago

@GeetaSundaram: #EdwardDeBono #Tribute Here is The Economist's obituary of Edward de Bono, the man who popularised lateral think… - 4 years ago

@adellanna: edward de bono passed away a week ago and i just got to know it. i started reading him at uni, and had his work i… - 4 years ago

@refineideas: Creativity involves breaking out established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. "Edward de Bon… - 4 years ago

@worldofchris: @FullSnackTester @DanAshby04 @ministryoftest @VanguardMethod @artilleryio Yeah, that’s what I thought. Twitter is t… - 4 years ago

@roshni_beeharry: RT @LindaBerman4: Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Edward de Bono #… - 4 years ago

@belneitham: RT @CravenPartners: Once again @davetrott gets to the heart of the matter with some quite brilliant anecdotes. His books are equally good -… - 4 years ago

@singhalrajk: RT @CravenPartners: Once again @davetrott gets to the heart of the matter with some quite brilliant anecdotes. His books are equally good -… - 4 years ago

@rorysutherland: RT @CravenPartners: Once again @davetrott gets to the heart of the matter with some quite brilliant anecdotes. His books are equally good -… - 4 years ago

@zdavatz: At every step, one had to be right. It was characterised by conflict, argument, arrogance and rejection of unusual… - 4 years ago

@davetrott: RT @CravenPartners: Once again @davetrott gets to the heart of the matter with some quite brilliant anecdotes. His books are equally good -… - 4 years ago

@britishfulanii: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@Shadowen7: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@dgwbirch: The brilliant @jjn1on Edward de Bono "I could never decide whether he was a genius or a ch… - 4 years ago

@michalhron: Lateral thinking, thinking hats… a case study on how to invent and sell ideas. - 4 years ago

@ChuuMeanie: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@AnsisEgle: RT @faris: "De Bono believed humour was one of the most significant characteristics of the human mind, precisely for its basis in shifting… - 4 years ago

@lifelearner88: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@weareji: Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” ~ Edward d… - 4 years ago

@PinMyintThaZin3: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@afterdark0600: Some of us old timers read Edward de Bono crazily. That was revolutionary then, about lateral thinking. Sujatha gav… - 4 years ago

@avalon1982: RT @yutakashino: Edward de Bono died on June 9th - 4 years ago

@LORD__DIO: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@SarcasmLiving: Edward de Bono, the creator of "lateral thinking", has died at 88. Now he's halfway right with his creation - 4 years ago

@imjacksbanhammr: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@shumatsuko: RT @yutakashino: Edward de Bono died on June 9th - 4 years ago

@oschaerer: Una mente privilegiada nos ha abandonado. Seis sombreros al aire para celebrar una vida que fue un aporte excepcio… - 4 years ago

@leisureguy: Edward de Bono has passed away - 4 years ago

@oneraindrop: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@wavefromdave: Goodbye to one of the all-time great minds. His book Lateral Thinking literally changed the course of my life.… - 4 years ago

@PretiumInc: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Edward de Bono obituary. Author, doctor and inventor of the term lateral thinking who wrote more than 60 books on his or… - 4 years ago

@jamesbritt: - 4 years ago

@CravenPartners: Once again @davetrott gets to the heart of the matter with some quite brilliant anecdotes. His books are equally go… - 4 years ago

@Sir_Mosemagbe: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Runner Ron Hill; design director Stuart Silver; editor, writer, and educator Don Gold; thinke… - 4 years ago

@AsmundPaulsen: Over tredve år og 26 bøker etter at han trollbandt oss som deltok på kurset hans i Oslo Seeing problems sideways o… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: The Economist | Sideways on via @TheEconomist - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @ambimgp: Edward de Bono is no more. He was in Mumbai some years ago and I did him to autograph a book for me. Have read many of his boo… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @BethDerks: I am taking off one of my (six) thinking hats for Edward de Bono, here his obituary - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @PhilippaVereker: Edward de Bono obituary: Lateral thinker who proposed Marmite as solution to Arab-Israeli conflict - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @mr_jason_rose: "He lived by his motto: 'If you never change your mind, why have one?'" - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @IndentDesign: Great books for designers - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @revbarryhill: “If you never change your mind, why have one?” The motto of Edward de Bono who died two days ago. - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @EdBernacki: The creativity and design world lost one of its greatest minds, Edward de Bono. I met him in NZ and AU. His Six Thinking Ha… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @staffswayman: Edward de Bono's book 'Children Solve Problems' has always fascinated me and reflects upon creative and innovative soluti… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @Casstia: As part of today's coursework I stumbled across Dr Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats' model. What a great resource for use i… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @memenow: Black hat day. - 4 years ago

@JustinLines1: RT @faris: "De Bono believed humour was one of the most significant characteristics of the human mind, precisely for its basis in shifting… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @DavidCasaMEP: “The quality of our thinking will determine the quality of our future.” Edward de Bono's thinking methods will continue… - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @BehereBaba: #TIL 6 Thinking Hats Technique🤠 Look at a decision from different perspectives Src: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@OneWorldSchool1: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@faris: "De Bono believed humour was one of the most significant characteristics of the human mind, precisely for its basis… - 4 years ago

@blaisepascal2nd: @philipcball Edward de Bono? - 4 years ago

@GlobalHouseofW3: - ENTIRE world IS INVITED TO 'UNDERSTAND - IT' (IF world THINKS*)… - 4 years ago

@lcsobrin: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@saludenlared: Edward de Bono, el creador de conceptos y prácticas como el #pensamientolateral o el método de los seis sombreros,… - 4 years ago

@Fernand17741495: @CGR_Colombia Hace nueve días murió Edward de Bono, escritor, médico, psicólogo, filósofo y profesor universitario… - 4 years ago

@DanielsFinds: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@marisabelm12: RT @elmostrador: CULTURA| Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mo… - 4 years ago

@NathaliaAFM: El concepto originado por el médico, inventor, filósofo y autor maltés Edward de Bono, que murió el pasado 9 de jun… - 4 years ago

@DictatorPope: Seeing problems sideways on – Edward de Bono died on June 9th - 4 years ago

@IanAmes: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@olmueTVbien: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@paulaannev: @AbdTahrani @BrownAdey @BDA_Obesity @ZaherToumi @UK_ASO @EASOobesity @ECPObesity @ObesityEmpower @DrStuartFlint… - 4 years ago

@Traucodag: @bbcmundo Quizas es mejor ser comunista/socialista o DC y actuar x impulsos?,los impulsos dejaron millones de asesi… - 4 years ago

@weareholst: Dr Edward de Bono's influence touched the lives of millions across the world. He was especially important to us her… - 4 years ago

@karkar5050: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@ernestogarratt: RT @elmostrador: CULTURA| Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mo… - 4 years ago

@elmostrador: CULTURA| Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acab… - 4 years ago

@bgtmt10: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@HemantC58191487: RT @chriswmayer: Edward de Bono, creative thinking guru, died recently at the age of 88. Here is one of my favorite stories from his book "… - 4 years ago

@PhilippaVereker: Edward de Bono obituary: Lateral thinker who proposed Marmite as solution to Arab-Israeli conflict - 4 years ago

@JMWillsandLegal: The man who claimed he could solve the Middle East crisis with Marmite: That was just one of the odd 'lateral think… - 4 years ago

@EyeOnMalta: @MaltaPolice @IrishTimes @KRijock Edward de Bono had his OWN site, sequestered by MaxGanado+PaddyHillsTeam which Ir… - 4 years ago

@Casstia: As part of today's coursework I stumbled across Dr Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats' model. What a great resourc… - 4 years ago

@Startupgeeks_: Cos’è il Lateral Thinking di Edward De Bono? #startup #startupitalia - 4 years ago

@jesus_marrone: Hace unos días nos dejó #EdwarddeBono, quien acuñó el término 'Pensamiento lateral' para resolver problemas de form… - 4 years ago

@Nicky2806: @AaronBastani Edward de Bono did an experiment with high IQ sixth formers - to write an essay on a contentious subj… - 4 years ago

@Yvonne_Courtney: Lovely anecdote in memory of Edward de Bono… Wonder what his solutions would have been to entice impatient workers… - 4 years ago

@dimasnu05987022: ""Lebih baik memiliki sejumlah ide meskipun sebagiannya salah, daripada harus selalu benar namun tidak memiliki ide… - 4 years ago

@NHPDriveTeam: Are You Sure? Why don't you use Edward De Bono's Blue Thinking Hat to think about the process! #thinkingschool… - 4 years ago

@BevHunkin: Was Edward de Bono, who died at 88, a genius or master of gibberish?  - 4 years ago

@PhilipHandley1: Was Edward de Bono, who died at 88, a genius or master of gibberish?  - 4 years ago

@InternetFount: An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea - Edward d… - 4 years ago

@MandyTiffany1: Was Edward de Bono, who died at 88, a genius or master of gibberish?  - 4 years ago

@BehereBaba: #TIL 6 Thinking Hats Technique🤠 Look at a decision from different perspectives Src: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@dimasnu05987022: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@NzuchiTimesUSA: Was Edward de Bono, who has died at 88, a genius or just a master of gibberish?  - 4 years ago

@THIWOR: - 4 years ago

@MiguelRamosFdz: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@datalaing: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés - 4 years ago

@forbescolombia: El concepto originado por el médico, inventor, filósofo y autor maltés Edward de Bono, que murió el pasado 9 de jun… - 4 years ago

@mftande: The man who claimed he could solve the Middle East crisis with Marmite: That was just one of the odd 'lateral think… - 4 years ago

@XX2PdotCOM: Big Thinker Edward de Bono, 88 - 4 years ago

@_Ermes_Bot: Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations. - Edward de Bono #quote… - 4 years ago

@K0PAN0M0LEFE: Edward de Bono His most trenchant thinking concerned children’s education. "Schools waste two-thirds of the talen… - 4 years ago

@NewVenturesMX: ¿Tienes alguna decisión importante que tomar? 🤔 Los 6 sombreros para pensar es una herramienta, desarrollada por Ed… - 4 years ago

@K0PAN0M0LEFE: 😔 😭 ☹️ 💔 Author | Doctor | Inventor | Lateral Thinking | G.O.A.T. 19 May 1933 - 9 June 2021 - May His Legacy Live… - 4 years ago

@AdonicaB: Big Thinker Edward de Bono, 88 - 4 years ago

@RolEnClase: RT @AgoraAbierta: Me he enterado que ha muerto Edward Bono y por rendirle algún tipo de homenaje por su creatividad justo este mes he prese… - 4 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Big Thinker Edward de Bono, 88: Through his 60-plus books, including The Mechanism of Mind (1969), Six Thinking H… - 4 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: RT @TimesObits: Somewhere in outer space lies Edebono, a tiny planet named after Edward de Bono, the man who introduced the term “lateral t… - 4 years ago

@riskywiver: When the positive revolution takes hold it will no longer be enough for politicians to gain points through attack o… - 4 years ago

@sq1learning: Edward de Bono obituary de Bono is a luminary in my world. - 4 years ago

@Mrkalman: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@IbanOrtuzar: - 4 years ago

@274sistemas: 274 - SISTEMAS ADMINISTRATIVOS - Nievas: Conociendo a los autores: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@yasarjoma: RT @Mazcar17: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono.. "escribió más de 60 libros y dictaba seminarios en… - 4 years ago

@Paulomus: RT @sylmobile: I had missed the news… “Edward de Bono obituary” | Books | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@Sjra: Vorige week overleed op 88 jarige leeftijd Edward de Bono, boegbeeld in de wereld van creatieve denktechnieken. Lee… - 4 years ago

@chaika314: the son of Po, de Bono's gimcrack Vonnegutian philosophy - 4 years ago

@johnamlt: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Ke_Ga: Sad. I heard Dr Bono talk in Sydney many years back. A very smart thinker. Edward de Bono obituary… - 4 years ago

@NTPnewss: Qué es el #pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por #EdwarddeBono. - 4 years ago

@EdLeadersForum: Learn the Power of 10 Thinking, a teachable thinking process with internationally renowned Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeso… - 4 years ago

@matokie: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@donalscannell: Edward de Bono RIP He believed Marmite would help create peace in Middle East. He contended that people in the… - 4 years ago

@JorgeMcLoud: RT @AgoraAbierta: Me he enterado que ha muerto Edward Bono y por rendirle algún tipo de homenaje por su creatividad justo este mes he prese… - 4 years ago

@ContrarianJolly: Second-hand bookshops are one of humankind’s great cultural treasure troves. Thank you, @BlkGullBooksLdn East Finc… - 4 years ago

@sarahgailbrand: @thewritertype Bloody Edward de Bono, coming round ‘ere, sideways. - 4 years ago

@Jmlozanoorus: Todo el mundo tiene derecho a dudar de todo tan a menudo como quiera. Es obligado dudar al menos una vez. Ninguna f… - 4 years ago

@tatianycoeuvre: TY, Mark! It's just a vicious circle. I was puzzled, in the article I sent you, they didn't mention that Dr. De Bon… - 4 years ago

@pattimarathon: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@hangingnoodles: handy Edward de Bono quote ht @RogerLMartin + All big data comes from the same place, the past @rorysutherland - 4 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@Andorrac83: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@makilingmiracle: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@EurocareL: ¿Qué es el pensamiento lateral?......el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba d… - 4 years ago

@ehud: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@dagwells: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@JennieMacfie: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@MichaelBarger1: RT @aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@aldaily: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@schonmeg123: RT @WorldCreativity: What is your favorite hat to wear when it comes to Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats concept? Learn more about this c… - 4 years ago

@NCreativityN: The Guardian "Edward de Bono obituary" - 4 years ago

@MerSicra: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative-thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 - 4 years ago

@austint: Anyone who has ever used a lateral thinking technique please show your gratitude by signing here to award posthumou… - 4 years ago

@MiSer27: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@iaincsands: Edward de Bono: The mind behind The Use of Lateral Thinking - still a must read for any prospective art student or… - 4 years ago

@GrahamBarnfield: In my head until recently was an almost wholly unjustified Edward de Bono/Alain de Botton Venn diagram, roping the… - 4 years ago

@AbeBooks: Edward de Bono died last week. He invented the term 'lateral thinking'. In a book called Six Hats Thinking, he prop… - 4 years ago

@WorldCreativity: What is your favorite hat to wear when it comes to Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats concept? Learn more about thi… - 4 years ago

@274sistemas: 274 - SISTEMAS ADMINISTRATIVOS - Nievas: Huellas: Edward de Bono y el pensamiento lateral - 4 years ago

@MediaActive: Vale Edward de Bono. Interviewed him several times for #radio across the years. Always an interesting and engaging… - 4 years ago

@Traucodag: @defensachilena Lamentablemente,x las ideas de moralidad,el pensamiento racional lleva todas las de perder,hoy todo… - 4 years ago

@uzmaumairah: penat penat belajar edward de bono six thinking hats pastu tengok politicians bodoh camni - 4 years ago

@BarryArts: RIP. "The De Bono Code Book suggested that communication would be better served if we spoke in numerical code. For… - 4 years ago

@suvarachel: I'm selling Edward de Bono How to have a beautiful ... for Rp. Get it on Shopee now! - 4 years ago

@leonidasarjona: RT @AgoraAbierta: Me he enterado que ha muerto Edward Bono y por rendirle algún tipo de homenaje por su creatividad justo este mes he prese… - 4 years ago

@artistjohnny: Prime Minister Boris Johnson: Posthumous honours for Dr Edward de Bono - Sign the Petition! - 4 years ago

@suziatharley: Book of the Week - Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono. Talking about how vertical thinking often inhibits our abili… - 4 years ago

@HenrikJorgensen: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@ffot: Edward de Bono author of the first book I ever read on creative thinking "The Use of Lateral Thinking" dies… - 4 years ago

@GoalsMagazin: RT @WorldCreativity: What ideas will you put into action to remember Edward de Bono? #WCIW #WCID #IAmCreative #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@EyeOnMalta: @MandyMallia @MaltaPolice AnnaMallia, part of the MaxGanado/Socar(Electrogas)EnemaltaShivNair/PaddyHills team -"tou… - 4 years ago

@edward_rod9: RT @tuyyoalmar: #Enterate Via @MPPEDUCACION 👉Continúa la entrega del Bono Simón Rodríguez correspondiente al mes de junio 2021, enviado por… - 4 years ago

@AgoraAbierta: Me he enterado que ha muerto Edward Bono y por rendirle algún tipo de homenaje por su creatividad justo este mes he… - 4 years ago

@IngeniousChi: The late Edward de Bono wrote a book, "Coopetition". - 4 years ago

@h1llz: RT @Iainbking: Edward de Bono - a boastful man, perhaps, but he had much to be very boastful about. His obituary: - 4 years ago

@hsusi: RT @hemppah: ”Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyse data, this will give y… - 4 years ago

@ZippyGonzales: Edward de Bono is dead, The one guy who could defend my Tangents Have Tangents policy. - 4 years ago

@joe_conere: RT @WorldCreativity: What ideas will you put into action to remember Edward de Bono? #WCIW #WCID #IAmCreative #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@Traucodag: El enfermo de depresion no quiere salir a la calle,quiere oscuridad,es victima de si mismo,y no quiere escuchar q d… - 4 years ago

@UsamahJan: RT @WorldCreativity: What ideas will you put into action to remember Edward de Bono? #WCIW #WCID #IAmCreative #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@pjsmellie: I know this reflects very poorly on me but I felt a mild sense of relief that Edward de Bono has clocked out. Can w… - 4 years ago

@Sunny_Stompotun: RT @tatianycoeuvre: Twitter punks got insane. It banned 483 of my followers within 4 hours. The screen is attached! I'm boycotting Twitter!… - 4 years ago

@macisaac_john: "Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learnt." Edward de Bono #NimbleQuotes - 4 years ago

@aoinatsunosora: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 … - 4 years ago

@rahuldutt1: Indeed, Edward de Bono lived an extraordinary life, inspiring, encouraging, and enabling us to be better and more c… - 4 years ago

@mclayfield: "[De Bono said] he was entitled to compensation for the loss of earnings which my comments had inflicted [but was]… - 4 years ago

@philosophynws: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 … - 4 years ago

@FreeReturns14: RT @fuzweb: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative thinking schemes, has died. He was 88    - 4 years ago

@MercorOrg: RT @fuzweb: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative thinking schemes, has died. He was 88    - 4 years ago

@Alpha_Level: RT @fuzweb: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative thinking schemes, has died. He was 88    - 4 years ago

@fuzweb: Edward de Bono, champion of “lateral thinking” and many implausible creative thinking schemes, has died. He was 88 … - 4 years ago

@FelineEquinox: I just learned of the death of one of my closest friends and mentors, Dr Edward de Bono (1933-2021). He was a remar… - 4 years ago

@fabianszulanski: Hace 4 días, Edward De Bono se fue a pasear a otra dimensión lateral 🙌🙏 - 4 years ago

@xavicuevas: Murió Edward de Bono, padre del pensamiento lateral. Autor de unos 60 libros y gran pensador. - 4 years ago

@tatianycoeuvre: Twitter punks got insane. It banned 483 of my followers within 4 hours. The screen is attached! I'm boycotting Twit… - 4 years ago

@Prince_Totino: RT @quotes__bot: It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all. - Edwar… - 4 years ago

@LectQr: RT @riverwave07: "Aunque una manera de hacer las cosas haya perdurado a lo largo del tiempo, no quiere decir que sea la mejor forma o la má… - 4 years ago

@quotes__bot: It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all. - Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@EIEKTA: RT @riverwave07: "Aunque una manera de hacer las cosas haya perdurado a lo largo del tiempo, no quiere decir que sea la mejor forma o la má… - 4 years ago

@CromoUY: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@WorldCreativity: What ideas will you put into action to remember Edward de Bono? #WCIW #WCID #IAmCreative #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: Edward de Bono, guru of ‘lateral thinking’ who spread his quirky ideas with a salesman’s enthusiasm – obituary - 4 years ago

@simon_hodkin: What colour hat were you? We used a lot of his material back in my IBM days. - 4 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@SilverbirdGhana: Edward de Bono once said "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a dif… - 4 years ago

@twbgd: RT @FuturumG: Our Intelligence Analysis training includes thinking skills - creative, lateral and critical thinking, including Edward de Bo… - 4 years ago

@CAVECOL: TALENTO HUMANO - Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés… - 4 years ago

@carlaguzmana: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@AWumman: RT @artefactoid: Obituary for Edward de Bono in @FT mentions his mother Josephine (no birth surname given) as a leading #suffragette in Mal… - 4 years ago

@artefactoid: Obituary for Edward de Bono in @FT mentions his mother Josephine (no birth surname given) as a leading #suffragette… - 4 years ago

@pablopue90: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@GoBeDisruptive: RT @WorldCreativity: RIP Edward de Bono We’ve lost one of the great minds behind creativity today with the passing of Edward de Bono, the… - 4 years ago

@Dinorita: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@xaviermarin07: La creatividad no sería hoy lo que es sin Edward de Bono, ¡lo extrañaremos! - 4 years ago

@nixonquimica: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@salvadorpla: Edward de Bono obituary: Author, doctor and inventor of the term lateral thinking who wrote more than 60 books on h… - 4 years ago

@autoatai: I heard a discussion today about thinking styles and realised they were talking about Edward de Bono, and that he d… - 4 years ago

@LaughlinPaul: RT @LaughlinPaul: Could your data or analytics team think through their challenges or interpretations better by using these 6 Thinking Hats… - 4 years ago

@drojas9328: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@BerenideTorres: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@malbec_lady: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@SevenCapsCarts: #EdwarddeBono, guru of ‘lateral thinking’ who spread his quirky ideas with a salesman’s enthusiasm – obituary - 4 years ago

@ARgelCR: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@PsicoPico: [:es]Una de las técnicas más creativas para la toma de decisiones grupales es la de los "seis sombreros para pensar… - 4 years ago

@NOTICIASCHILEN: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@CardenasYahima: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@PaulaRapisarda: RT @gdobler: La semana pasada falleció Edward De Bono. Escribió muchos libros, el más conocido es "Seis sombreros para pensar". Aunque para… - 4 years ago

@Ragio007: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@luz_maguita: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@GuerreroNapo: RT @bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@bbcmundo: - 4 years ago

@New_Actualizada: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@gabrieladiaz93: Yo se que a nadie, pero… Lectura recomendada: - 4 years ago

@suziatharley: “There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be… - 4 years ago

@graduate2004: Edward de Bono、亡くなったらしい。(日本版wikiにはまだ書いていないが、Twitterや英語版を見る限りそうだと思う。) - 4 years ago

@jmonteo: RT @guardian: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@montes_ro1: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@bill_slawski: RT @theshelleywalsh: @bill_slawski Lateral Thinking, Edward de Bono (and everything else he wrote) Flow is also one of my favourite books… - 4 years ago

@DeanAuthor: #RIP Edward de Bono - an original thinker - I've used his 'Six Thinking Hats' many times in teaching & creative wor… - 4 years ago

@DeirdreTalks: RT @ukEdgeCEO: Edward de Bono obituary | Books | The Guardian. ⁦@ukEdge⁩ we would fundamentally agree with the Late Edward de Bono. Creativ… - 4 years ago

@gdobler: La semana pasada falleció Edward De Bono. Escribió muchos libros, el más conocido es "Seis sombreros para pensar".… - 4 years ago

@RafaEntarch: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por el médico y filósofo Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@theshelleywalsh: @bill_slawski Lateral Thinking, Edward de Bono (and everything else he wrote) Flow is also one of my favourite boo… - 4 years ago

@cryptomMichNL: RT @TradingComposur: "Complexity means distracted effort. Simplicity means focused effort." ~ Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@ideabeagle: Special Edition: Creativity Mastermind, Father of Lateral Thinking Edward de Bono Has Died - 4 years ago

@MartinMorientes: RT @JuanPastorBus: Esta semana nos ha dejado uno de los expertos de #creatividad más reconocidos a nivel internacional, Edward de Bono, el… - 4 years ago

@Mazcar17: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono.. "escribió más de 60 libros y dictaba semi… - 4 years ago

@chris_stafford: Paying respects to the passing of Edward De Bono last week who's classic book Mechanism of Mind contained a massive… - 4 years ago

@MagisterMedios: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@davetrott: RT @TimesRadio: 1-4pm with @mariellaf1 📻1305 @drraghibali & Michael Kill @wearethentia on the delayed reopening 📻1320 @ritoque3 in 🇨🇱 📻133… - 4 years ago

@gogsmunro: @mariellaf1 @TimesRadio 'She’s reading Edward De Bono under the palms He sprays Odorono under his arms'. Bronze Ado… - 4 years ago

@fasterandworse: Edward De Bono passed away on the 9th of June, 2021. "De Bono sought to free us from the tyranny of logic through… - 4 years ago

@SuperQueer619: Horacio the handsnake - Dr. Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@wearethentia: RT @TimesRadio: 1-4pm with @mariellaf1 📻1305 @drraghibali & Michael Kill @wearethentia on the delayed reopening 📻1320 @ritoque3 in 🇨🇱 📻133… - 4 years ago

@TimesRadio: 1-4pm with @mariellaf1 📻1305 @drraghibali & Michael Kill @wearethentia on the delayed reopening 📻1320 @ritoque3 in… - 4 years ago

@FuturumG: Our Intelligence Analysis training includes thinking skills - creative, lateral and critical thinking, including Ed… - 4 years ago

@EspritMD136: Edward De Bono passed on the 9/6/21, born 1933 in Malta. Really enjoyed implementing from 6 Thinking hats over th… - 4 years ago

@arvadastrategic: RT @StaffsBIC: Sad news about the passing of Edward de Bono - came across him a few times in the world of Creativity and #innovation. Love… - 4 years ago

@stuhallybone: RT @davetrott: If anything I've ever said or written has resonated with you, - please consider signing this petition, it will help to raise… - 4 years ago

@alwyn_lau: RIP, Edward de Bono. Your revolutions in thinking will live on. - 4 years ago

@martenmickos: Grateful to Edward de Bono for lateral thinking and his eye-opening teachings on creativity - 4 years ago

@Besideyou_bcn: Gracias a Edward de Bono aprendí, me nutrí, acogí y empecé a sacar partido de mi propia lateralidad de pensamiento.… - 4 years ago

@staceyt: RT @DeniceScala: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@weareholst: Edward de Bono 19th May 1933 - 9th June 2021 #debono #edwarddebono #dredwarddebono #lateralthinking - 4 years ago

@connect_brains: Gracias, Edward de Bono, por todas tus aportaciones con la premisa de aprender y enseñar a pensar 🤗 ¡Gracias por t… - 4 years ago

@rayhodgsonbooks: Appreciation: Edward #deBono (1933-2021) - 4 years ago

@kimerius: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@Rich_ardt: Obituary: Edward de Bono, author and polymath, 1933-2021 - 4 years ago

@benitorius: RT @jlcendrero: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir https… - 4 years ago

@dialogueconnect: Have you heard of the six thinking hats? This is one of the many contributions that Edward De Bono made to the adva… - 4 years ago

@jlcendrero: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@unitygrammar: Rest In Peace Edward de Bono. “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things… - 4 years ago

@lopezescarre: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@MsDiMona: RT @WeAreSellSell: Sad to hear of the passing of Edward de Bono. His work on creativity and lateral thinking has helped me hugely in unders… - 4 years ago

@andreasetenta: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@MUOZZAVALA: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por el médico y filósofo Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@MerceCardus: The Six Thinking Hats Method - 4 years ago

@TomDunlap1: RT @fscavo: Just blogged: A Personal Experience of Lateral Thinking. A small tribute to Edward de Bono. cc @dahowlett - 4 years ago

@GilZentgraf: RT @oldivory: "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way." -- Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@saramo: RT @oldivory: "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way." -- Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@grolaw: RT @oldivory: "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way." -- Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@oldivory: "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way." -- Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@grolaw: RT @oldivory: "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way." -- Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@oldivory: "Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way." -- Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@interstar: RT @neurosocialself: Edward de Bono • 1933-2021 originator of the lateral thinking idea | Guardian | June 2021 - 4 years ago

@sandeep_254: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@MaggieSachiKhoo: RT @CravenPartners: "Asking a question is the simplest way of focusing thinking...asking the right question may be the most important part… - 4 years ago

@NOTA22com: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@fscavo: Just blogged: A Personal Experience of Lateral Thinking. A small tribute to Edward de Bono. cc @dahowlett - 4 years ago

@hughmason: Edward de Bono RIP - 4 years ago

@DamienHashemi: Prime Minister Boris Johnson: Posthumous honours for Dr Edward de Bono - Sign the Petition! - 4 years ago

@educamposv: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@drkenhudson: One of my intellectual heroes Dr Edward de Bono passed away recently. In a lot of ways he inspired me to make a liv… - 4 years ago

@DeniceScala: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@fellowcreative: Edward de Bono, Inventor of the term "lateral thinking" died aged 88, last week. ( I saw h… - 4 years ago

@mauricemphilli2: RT @tatianyc27: You too, my friend! Here is one of Edward De Bono's presentations. I attended many of them, including Moscow in 2011, Toro… - 4 years ago

@AdlaiSteven: RT @celedonpriscila: Se nos han ido 3 grandes en un mes: Ronald Inglehart, Edward De Bono y Jesús Martín Barbero. Nos aportaron cambios de… - 4 years ago

@celedonpriscila: Se nos han ido 3 grandes en un mes: Ronald Inglehart, Edward De Bono y Jesús Martín Barbero. Nos aportaron cambios… - 4 years ago

@Marthatoogood: RT @DrRLofthouse: Obituary for Edward de Bono. I hadn’t read his views on British schooling before. They’re fascinating. - 4 years ago

@AlfiVainilla: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@cosmopolyst: RT @davetrott: If anything I've ever said or written has resonated with you, - please consider signing this petition, it will help to raise… - 4 years ago

@kyonvor: @MrDarrenFox @KolibriYT This week we lost the polymath Edward De Bono. The lateral thinking guru. He had a word Po… - 4 years ago

@FranciscoCayol: RT @ObservadorUY: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir http… - 4 years ago

@ObservadorUY: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@Alejandral: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@HelenGularte: RT @CromoUY: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@CromoUY: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@TMIPL: The Daily Paradox - Edward de Bono - - 4 years ago

@Rafaelbc_ccs: BBC News Mundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés q… - 4 years ago

@malcomb: Didn't realise Edward de Bono passed away last week. 88 years of age, his family announced late on 9 June 2021. R… - 4 years ago

@zoila_m: RT @ecuavisa: 🔴INTERESANTE Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de m… - 4 years ago

@madclimber: RT @JuanPastorBus: Esta semana nos ha dejado uno de los expertos de #creatividad más reconocidos a nivel internacional, Edward de Bono, el… - 4 years ago

@lanbrue: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo - 4 years ago

@malena1083: RT @ecuavisa: 🔴INTERESANTE Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de m… - 4 years ago

@esalcedo7: RT @ecuavisa: 🔴INTERESANTE Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de m… - 4 years ago

@ecuavisa: 🔴INTERESANTE Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que… - 4 years ago

@margymaclibrary: RT @Azjackson: An #Otwituary for thinker #Edward_de_Bono This poem says not why but how This poem says not soon but now This poem says to… - 4 years ago

@PamzRants: RT @Azjackson: An #Otwituary for thinker #Edward_de_Bono This poem says not why but how This poem says not soon but now This poem says to… - 4 years ago

@tatianyc27: You too, my friend! Here is one of Edward De Bono's presentations. I attended many of them, including Moscow in 20… - 4 years ago

@Azjackson: An #Otwituary for thinker #Edward_de_Bono This poem says not why but how This poem says not soon but now This poem… - 4 years ago

@kikepinedo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@Geopoder: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@Luis8819Luis: RT @bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@murliman: Edward de Bono, 1933-2021, RIP. Prolific writer on #creativity, who transformed practice and our understanding of… - 4 years ago

@SimonLamey: RT @davetrott: If anything I've ever said or written has resonated with you, - please consider signing this petition, it will help to raise… - 4 years ago

@recinet: ¡Esencial! Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que a… - 4 years ago

@MartinMorientes: "Lo importante de una bicicleta, o del pensamiento creativo, es moverse; el freno, o el pensamiento negativo es sol… - 4 years ago

@weareholst: "You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper." Lateral Thinking. Be More Creative A… - 4 years ago

@SantiagMAndrade: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@senor_adaz: Obit for the man who seeded a revolution of creative thinking. - 4 years ago

@neuroderecho: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@rispau: L’admiració de @francponti per Edward de Bono, una ment apassionada de la innovació que ens ha deixat. ACS - 4 years ago

@joseluisbetanco: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@RachelMann123: @Indy_Neogy My English teacher at 6th Form was totally into Edward de Bono, we watched a fair number of his lateral thinking videos. - 4 years ago

@nirgunapa: I'll just leave this here. RIP Edward de Bono... - 4 years ago

@Indy_Neogy: There is so much to say about Edward de Bono. He had some hobby horses and unworkable ideas, but he did a huge amou… - 4 years ago

@JuanPastorBus: Esta semana nos ha dejado uno de los expertos de #creatividad más reconocidos a nivel internacional, Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@Melate_ChocolaT: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de mori… - 4 years ago

@Camilaazana: Me estás diciendo que haber visto Casi Angeles no ha sido en vano 😱☺️☺️☺️ - 4 years ago

@motOa66: RT @bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@villanidia: RT @bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@martgordon: This man was responsible for more people engaging in active thought processes and developing skills that offer so m… - 4 years ago

@admodev: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por el médico y filósofo Edward de Bono - BBC News Mundo - 4 years ago

@LuisMiguel58: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por el médico y filósofo Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@MarcusBelben: RT @DrRLofthouse: Obituary for Edward de Bono. I hadn’t read his views on British schooling before. They’re fascinating. - 4 years ago

@AubreyDavis: RT @ScheherazadeThe: 19 May 1933 - 9 June 2021 We are so sorry to hear that author, doctor and inventor of the term “lateral thinking”, Ed… - 4 years ago

@nmhammond: Sad to hear of the death of Edward De Bono this week. When setting up my business ten years ago, I was hugely influ… - 4 years ago

@MDSG_eu: Sad to hear of the death of Edward De Bono this week. When setting up my business ten years ago, I was hugely influ… - 4 years ago

@digital_filter: Sad to hear of the death of Edward De Bono this week. When setting up my business ten years ago, I was hugely influ… - 4 years ago

@Rachel30385476: RT @bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@jatirado: RT @jatirado_oc: #Ciencia #Arte Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba… - 4 years ago

@jatirado_oc: #Ciencia #Arte Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés qu… - 4 years ago

@PensadorNordest: RT @bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@hickeymaster: RT @damiantgordon: I'm devastated to hear of the death of Dr. Edward de Bono, he is such a hero of mine, and someone I was fortunate enough… - 4 years ago

@RLP1808: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés. - 4 years ago

@AnaMara55597628: RT @bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@bbcmundo: Qué es el pensamiento lateral, el concepto inventado por Edward de Bono, médico y filósofo maltés que acaba de morir - 4 years ago

@pernillehughes: RT @hairychesters: Proud to announce that you can now pre-order our book - The Creative Nudge - - 4 years ago

@deCOLORmariposa: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@mjgal: I discovered Edward de Bono in the 90s. A lot to take away... and utilise... - 4 years ago

@Fabiolastartrek: RT @fanigrande: @xdelucas @jesusmarana @_infoLibre Buena reflexión. Ojalá más soluciones creativas en política, e innovadoras. Recuerdo la… - 4 years ago

@CllrJonSHarvey: I am very sad to hear that Edward deBono has died. May he rest in peace - but may his ideas and spirit live on fore… - 4 years ago

@neskatxa: With the passing of Edward de Bono (9 June 2021) I’m reminded of his ‘Six Action Shoes’ and how @BorisJohnson’s cad… - 4 years ago

@maggersz: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@mjgal: The pioneer of lateral thinking. RIP Edward de Bono. - 4 years ago

@EyeOnMalta: de Bono not at all hot on the persistent suggestion of notation theme. He had his own, which were different concep… - 4 years ago

@Boaryjian: On six thinking hats and tactics, by Edward de Bono, 1933 - 2021 - 4 years ago

@beaulieualex: RT @Schwartzie14: RIP to Edward de Bono. The man whose thinking inspired us to think “laterally.” #SixThinkingHats - 4 years ago

@AartiShahAfrica: In 1999, Edward de Bono suggested "the Arab-Israeli conflict might be solved with Marmite" as unleavened bread, whi… - 4 years ago

@alexgranados: RT @Schwartzie14: RIP to Edward de Bono. The man whose thinking inspired us to think “laterally.” #SixThinkingHats - 4 years ago

@Schwartzie14: RIP to Edward de Bono. The man whose thinking inspired us to think “laterally.” #SixThinkingHats - 4 years ago

@victorjd: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@AlexSundich: RIP Edward de Bono, who inspired a revolution in creative thinking. - 4 years ago

@hairshbaskar: RT @rangaisms4U: "The winner is the chef who takes the same ingredients as everyone else and produces the best results." --Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@gillymau: RT @GabrielleWang: RIP Edward de Bono. He was a wonderful thinker. - 4 years ago

@Allan_Dougan: Despite discovering de Bono’s work on thinking hats after ‘qualifying’ as a teacher, it was the first piece of work… - 4 years ago

@suewhiting4: RT @GabrielleWang: RIP Edward de Bono. He was a wonderful thinker. - 4 years ago

@GabrielleWang: RIP Edward de Bono. He was a wonderful thinker. - 4 years ago

@iamreddave: RT @WeAreSellSell: Sad to hear of the passing of Edward de Bono. His work on creativity and lateral thinking has helped me hugely in unders… - 4 years ago

@joacar01: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@WeezaDe: RT @andreagiraldez: "Edward de Bono lived an extraordinary life, inspiring, encouraging and enabling us to be better and more creative thin… - 4 years ago

@bertamares: RT @andreagiraldez: "Edward de Bono lived an extraordinary life, inspiring, encouraging and enabling us to be better and more creative thin… - 4 years ago

@Jose_I_Guarino: RT @AliciaPomares: "Generalmente, los únicos que están satisfechos con su capacidad de pensamiento son aquellos pobres pensadores que creen… - 4 years ago

@andreagiraldez: "Edward de Bono lived an extraordinary life, inspiring, encouraging and enabling us to be better and more creative… - 4 years ago

@cheesechoker: RT @yuanyi_z: 👀 "Another idea... was to ship large quantities of Marmite to Israel. De Bono explained that both Arabs and Israelis suffered… - 4 years ago

@GrahamRKings: Edward de Bono obituary. #LateralThinking lacks vertigo. - 4 years ago

@paulbrislen: RT @Cavalorn: RIP the brilliant Edward de Bono. Or to look at it laterally, as he might have wished: a highly successful co-operative ven… - 4 years ago

@MistyFishWeave: RT @yuanyi_z: 👀 "Another idea... was to ship large quantities of Marmite to Israel. De Bono explained that both Arabs and Israelis suffered… - 4 years ago

@tlitb: RT @WeAreSellSell: Sad to hear of the passing of Edward de Bono. His work on creativity and lateral thinking has helped me hugely in unders… - 4 years ago

@tlitb: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@BenedictMPWhite: RT @yuanyi_z: 👀 "Another idea... was to ship large quantities of Marmite to Israel. De Bono explained that both Arabs and Israelis suffered… - 4 years ago

@steve_mynott: RT @yuanyi_z: 👀 "Another idea... was to ship large quantities of Marmite to Israel. De Bono explained that both Arabs and Israelis suffered… - 4 years ago

@yuanyi_z: 👀 "Another idea... was to ship large quantities of Marmite to Israel. De Bono explained that both Arabs and Israeli… - 4 years ago

@birdwriter7: RT @Pluto_Styx_888: Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain. #Quote ~Edward de Bono #Funny #Wisdom #Humorous #PS… - 4 years ago

@samdolan1972: RT @hairychesters: Proud to announce that you can now pre-order our book - The Creative Nudge - - 4 years ago

@SPaolinelis: Edward de Bono obituary | Books | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@Nudgestocker: RT @hairychesters: Proud to announce that you can now pre-order our book - The Creative Nudge - - 4 years ago

@Farmer_Tim: Great Man - Edward de Bono, author and polymath, 1933-2021 - 4 years ago

@olberger: RT @damiantgordon: I'm devastated to hear of the death of Dr. Edward de Bono, he is such a hero of mine, and someone I was fortunate enough… - 4 years ago

@juancatherine4: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@JustPunforfun: RT @rangaisms4U: Don't think within the box. Don't even think out of the box. Think as if there's no box. - thinking about all this while… - 4 years ago

@rangaisms4U: Don't think within the box. Don't even think out of the box. Think as if there's no box. - thinking about all this… - 4 years ago

@JPaulGibson: RT @damiantgordon: I'm devastated to hear of the death of Dr. Edward de Bono, he is such a hero of mine, and someone I was fortunate enough… - 4 years ago

@gustavozilles: Sad day. Thanks master. "De Bono sought to free us from the tyranny of logic through creative thinking." - 4 years ago

@sjbrockbank: RT @WeAreSellSell: Sad to hear of the passing of Edward de Bono. His work on creativity and lateral thinking has helped me hugely in unders… - 4 years ago

@conorgilmer: RT @damiantgordon: I'm devastated to hear of the death of Dr. Edward de Bono, he is such a hero of mine, and someone I was fortunate enough… - 4 years ago

@asibiza1: RT @hairychesters: Proud to announce that you can now pre-order our book - The Creative Nudge - - 4 years ago

@obras_servicos: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@obras_servicos: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@martomelli: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@drnicktellis: Dr Edward De Bono 🎓🎩👒🧢⛑️🪖 RIP #thinking #doctor #rip - 4 years ago

@FerPaulonIng: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@VipulaSharma1: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@designfeast: 📣 “#Creativity is a great motivator … makes life more fun and more interesting.” Edward de Bono, died at 88, coined… - 4 years ago

@manojgjha: RT @ambimgp: Edward de Bono is no more. He was in Mumbai some years ago and I did him to autograph a book for me. Have read many of his boo… - 4 years ago

@howtaobrowncow: RT @Cavalorn: Don't have the exact quote but Edward de Bono said that a person who is proved wrong in an argument is actually the real winn… - 4 years ago

@SimonLandmine: RT @Cavalorn: RIP the brilliant Edward de Bono. Or to look at it laterally, as he might have wished: a highly successful co-operative ven… - 4 years ago

@RAWilson23: RT @RAWsemantics: Finally found where RAW writes at length about Edward de Bono's "Po" (see my previous tweet). It's in chapter 4 of The Ne… - 4 years ago

@euledzep: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@IzzydeBono: I always joked I found out more about my great-uncle through the newspapers than my family 🤷‍♀️ - 4 years ago

@Phanindra_Au: Vale Edward de Bono #LateralThinking - 4 years ago

@manalorocks: RT @damiantgordon: I'm devastated to hear of the death of Dr. Edward de Bono, he is such a hero of mine, and someone I was fortunate enough… - 4 years ago

@damiantgordon: I'm devastated to hear of the death of Dr. Edward de Bono, he is such a hero of mine, and someone I was fortunate e… - 4 years ago

@GregBCurran: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@dimasnu05987022: ""Jika Anda termasuk orang yang senang menunggu datangnya peluang, Anda adalah bagian dari manusia pada umumnya." E… - 4 years ago

@JoshEDUleader: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@stlist: RIP => Edward de Bono, renowned psychologist and author known for 'lateral thinking' techniques, passes away aged 88 - 4 years ago

@BBurkinabe: When I heard Edward de Bono died, I couldn't believe it. Then I thought laterally ... #LateralThinking #DeBono - 4 years ago

@Zachjoe16: "The bestselling Maltese-born physician coined the phrase ‘lateral thinking’ "The late Edward de Bono’s website de… - 4 years ago

@sexy_apfel: Edward de Bono obituary - The Guardian - 4 years ago

@sblakeyceramics: The thinking person’s marmite - Edward de Bono - RIP - 4 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: Edward de Bono, guru of ‘lateral thinking’ who spread his quirky ideas with a salesman’s enthusiasm – obituary - 4 years ago

@dimasnu05987022: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@a_parasnis: Edward de Bono, Father of #LateralThinking, #creativity and inspiration for many like me, is no more. RIP - 4 years ago

@Pod5ta: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@Christo00882874: RT @WildeSar: “Legendary thinker Edward De Bono once observed that companies that focus on value creation (rather than being distracted by… - 4 years ago

@MrPaulGallagher: - 4 years ago

@SujitMittra: @Suhelseth He showed the world new ways of solving problems and in fact also advised several governments, besides c… - 4 years ago

@timoelliott: RT @Cavalorn: Don't have the exact quote but Edward de Bono said that a person who is proved wrong in an argument is actually the real winn… - 4 years ago

@Cavalorn: RIP the brilliant Edward de Bono. Or to look at it laterally, as he might have wished: a highly successful co-ope… - 4 years ago

@AndyTheChiminea: The News Review with @LeonieC @MalcolmGrimston and Graham Stevens is now up at - 4 years ago

@shipra201: RT @AmarBatra: Sad to hear that Edward de Bono has passed away. May his soul rest in peace! Have been a huge believer in his concept of la… - 4 years ago

@HostBrian: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@ArtAlistair: RT @martyn_evans: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@asquins20021: RT @gerardpatrick: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Hallibee1: 'The thinker and writer Edward de Bono, who has died aged 88, once suggested that the Arab-Israeli conflict might b… - 4 years ago

@Lile_sosanna: Edward de Bono obituary: Lateral thinker who proposed Marmite as solution to Arab-Israeli conflict - The Irish Times - 4 years ago

@Ramssuq: RT @ScheherazadeThe: 19 May 1933 - 9 June 2021 We are so sorry to hear that author, doctor and inventor of the term “lateral thinking”, Ed… - 4 years ago

@ArtDesignEduRes: RT @martyn_evans: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@ipryce: In a week we celebrated the life of Edward de Bono I’m pleased our staff & students thinking laterally to ensure th… - 4 years ago

@Alistair_King: On train with yesterday’s Guardian. Was going to tweet something handwringing off the back of an Ed Miliband piece… - 4 years ago

@SherPoint: RT @ScheherazadeThe: 19 May 1933 - 9 June 2021 We are so sorry to hear that author, doctor and inventor of the term “lateral thinking”, Ed… - 4 years ago

@Esowteric: RT @ScheherazadeThe: 19 May 1933 - 9 June 2021 We are so sorry to hear that author, doctor and inventor of the term “lateral thinking”, Ed… - 4 years ago

@illiad: RT @ScheherazadeThe: 19 May 1933 - 9 June 2021 We are so sorry to hear that author, doctor and inventor of the term “lateral thinking”, Ed… - 4 years ago

@anashch_: Finished ready the 6 Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono on the day he passed away... what a sad coincidence. - 4 years ago

@ukEdge: RT @ukEdgeCEO: Edward de Bono obituary | Books | The Guardian. ⁦@ukEdge⁩ we would fundamentally agree with the Late Edward de Bono. Creativ… - 4 years ago

@3ty3: Vale, Edward de Bono: Obituary - 4 years ago

@giovannaadm: RIP Edward De Bono compagno di tanti lavori #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@goal_shipper: RT @kateybethharry: RIP Edward De Bono. Thank you for the inspiration. I tip my hats to you 🎩 #EdwarddeBono… - 4 years ago

@kateybethharry: RIP Edward De Bono. Thank you for the inspiration. I tip my hats to you 🎩 #EdwarddeBono #sixthinkinghats… - 4 years ago

@SDSSeminars: A question on problem solving... Following the sad news of Edward De Bono’s death...why do you think CBT problem so… - 4 years ago

@heather_madden1: RIP Edward de Bono. I’ve been using his lateral thinking tools since university. “If you can change your perception… - 4 years ago

@rlovatt: RT @DrRLofthouse: Obituary for Edward de Bono. I hadn’t read his views on British schooling before. They’re fascinating. - 4 years ago

@jonspruce74: RT @martyn_evans: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@SMcfarnell: An interesting thinker. Edward de Bono will be missed. - 4 years ago

@yumifurusawa: RT @nigelmillarnz: How I learned to think - thankyou The use of Lateral Thinking - Edward de Bono 1967 Which colour hat do you wear in a me… - 4 years ago

@danishbuddha: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@DebashisSarkar: This is Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono’s obituary in FT ~ Clearly, he will be missed.Whenever the phrase “l… - 4 years ago

@OMRcat: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@Vishfulthinking: RT @ambimgp: Edward de Bono is no more. He was in Mumbai some years ago and I did him to autograph a book for me. Have read many of his boo… - 4 years ago

@surajitbasu: I learnt a lot from Dr Bono's books. - 4 years ago

@ManjunathKS_: “Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to error in perception. If you can change your perception,… - 4 years ago

@gonzoloko2002: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@LottieDowlingNZ: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@marktitus78: 𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐃𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐨 (May 1933 - June 2021), the man who defined the concept of #LateralThinking I’m sure the ideas… - 4 years ago

@jenmam: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@mlobrien1: RT @ZeinaChalich: Rather than teaching children to absorb information and repeat it, De Bono argued, schools should equip them to think cre… - 4 years ago

@Vedanth: Edward de Bono, author and polymath, 1933-2021 - 4 years ago

@SaurabhSShukla1: #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayVibes #debono #Lateralthinking #sixthinkinghats @IBM @IBMResearchI @IBMData - 4 years ago

@KalaDiwanji: RT @_Kavi: RIP Edward de Bono. Lateral thinking to SIx thinking hats and many more ideas that had wide following came from him - 4 years ago

@SaurinYagnik: RT @ambimgp: Edward de Bono is no more. He was in Mumbai some years ago and I did him to autograph a book for me. Have read many of his boo… - 4 years ago

@SaurabhSShukla1: #SaturdayMotivation #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayThoughts #SaturdayVibes - 4 years ago

@SebaLatashen: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@ambimgp: Edward de Bono is no more. He was in Mumbai some years ago and I did him to autograph a book for me. Have read many… - 4 years ago

@withyouimgood: RT @imagineinquiry: “He was particularly scathing of Britain, where rigid thinking and an obsession with testing led to many children leavi… - 4 years ago

@Lile_sosanna: RT @DavidCasaMEP: “The quality of our thinking will determine the quality of our future.” Edward de Bono's thinking methods will continue… - 4 years ago

@monicmar68: RT @DrRamiroAlarcon: @EduardoKastika Muchas gracias por esas palabras. Descubrí a De Bono por vos, y aunque solo pude leer 𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥… - 4 years ago

@monicmar68: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@DrRamiroAlarcon: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@spyingcactus: RT @Phleeper: Poor Edward de Bono. You die, and your namesake trends instead. - 4 years ago

@RivaEnrique: RT @MastrangeloA: Gracias Eduardo por este hilo, usamos el pensamiento lateral de Edward de Bono a diario en #gobiernocorporativo con nuest… - 4 years ago

@DrRamiroAlarcon: @EduardoKastika Muchas gracias por esas palabras. Descubrí a De Bono por vos, y aunque solo pude leer 𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩… - 4 years ago

@nigelj08223325: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once s… - 4 years ago

@ReasonforRhymes: RT @WorldCreativity: RIP Edward de Bono We’ve lost one of the great minds behind creativity today with the passing of Edward de Bono, the… - 4 years ago

@RuthRobinsonLon: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@Phleeper: Poor Edward de Bono. You die, and your namesake trends instead. - 4 years ago

@DiegoGavilanes6: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@PardoeMary: RT @imagineinquiry: “He was particularly scathing of Britain, where rigid thinking and an obsession with testing led to many children leavi… - 4 years ago

@spyingcactus: RT @markdalgarno: Farewell Edward de Bono - - 4 years ago

@Nigel_Mifsud: RT @andreschembri27: Edward de Bono proved that even though you come from a small island you can still excel ⚫️ #genius #thinkoutsidetheBox… - 4 years ago

@ChrisGroomb: RT @ftopinion: Edward de Bono, author and polymath, 1933-2021 - 4 years ago

@SeanSaid_: His mother was Irish. Figures. - 4 years ago

@Kempton: RIP Edward de Bono. [HT Faris] - 4 years ago

@lucasheine: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@laupolaca: RT @EduardoKastika: Antes de ayer falleció Edward de Bono. Inventor del Pensamiento Lateral (abro hilo) - 4 years ago

@proactivepaul: I saw deBono twice at Kent 2020 in 2007 and st the LSE in 2013 wonderful fellow - 4 years ago

@the_allseeing_p: Rip Edward de Bono (age 88) amongst other actors who died on June (9) 2021. Edward in particular died at 88. A phil… - 4 years ago

@satheeshkuppili: RT @Suhelseth: For many of us, Edward De Bono was not just a management Guru but equally a brilliant mind who taught the world the virtues… - 4 years ago

@wpchilds: RT @maltatoday: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@drliberty: RT @imagineinquiry: “He was particularly scathing of Britain, where rigid thinking and an obsession with testing led to many children leavi… - 4 years ago

@Buck_Rogers23: Oh no 🙈 Edward de Bono just died Laterally two days ago - 4 years ago

@ITLWorldwide: RT @imagineinquiry: “He was particularly scathing of Britain, where rigid thinking and an obsession with testing led to many children leavi… - 4 years ago

@Jorgesti: RT @melacab: Falleció Edward de Bono, un grande que nos enseñó a muchos sobre el pensamiento lateral y creativo. Si no lo leyeron aún, este… - 4 years ago

@pprabhu81: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@tavogabriel: Me acabo de enterar que Edward De Bono murió, y ni siquiera pude leerle.😪 - 4 years ago

@melacab: Falleció Edward de Bono, un grande que nos enseñó a muchos sobre el pensamiento lateral y creativo. Si no lo leyero… - 4 years ago

@melacab: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@shootdownpegas1: RT @RAWsemantics: - 4 years ago

@Takada_Keigo: RT @weareholst: "If you don’t design your future, someone or something else will design it for you. The past is not a sufficient blueprint… - 4 years ago

@interneteando: De Bono believed humour was one of the most significant characteristics of the human mind, precisely for its basis… - 4 years ago

@GlobalGameChgrs: "There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be… - 4 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: Edward de Bono LATERAL THINKING - 4 years ago

@AsishTheTrainer: Edward de Bono, the man who taught the world to think on thinking, the father of lateral thinking has left for his… - 4 years ago

@poisonreview: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@rashidfdavis: RT @DoeLead: It is #FeelGoodFriday! Feeling great about Leadership Development Coach Robin Pitts and the 55 LEAD Tech Fellow Principals tha… - 4 years ago

@amrit1926: RT @Suhelseth: For many of us, Edward De Bono was not just a management Guru but equally a brilliant mind who taught the world the virtues… - 4 years ago

@jatjodhpur19: RT @Suhelseth: For many of us, Edward De Bono was not just a management Guru but equally a brilliant mind who taught the world the virtues… - 4 years ago

@GauravBurnwal: RT @Suhelseth: For many of us, Edward De Bono was not just a management Guru but equally a brilliant mind who taught the world the virtues… - 4 years ago

@Suhelseth: For many of us, Edward De Bono was not just a management Guru but equally a brilliant mind who taught the world the… - 4 years ago

@Zbekul: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@BerneMuthien: RT @BerneMuthien: Edward de Bono #obituary. Author, doctor, inventor of the term lateral thinking who wrote more than 60 books on his origi… - 4 years ago

@IngeniousChi: RT @PaulSloane: Sad about the passing of the great guru of lateral thinking. I met him. His early works on lateral thinking and six hats… - 4 years ago

@AmarBatra: Sad to hear that Edward de Bono has passed away. May his soul rest in peace! Have been a huge believer in his conc… - 4 years ago

@ruthannharnisch: He got the hook from @TEDchris at TED bcz he refused to explain his ideas, just kept pitching his 5-day course. I o… - 4 years ago

@vishalp2000: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@rosammat: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@gdalmiathinks: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@anandnama: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@debayansen: RT @LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once said: N… - 4 years ago

@LloydMathias: Edward de Bono, who inspired a whole generation with his work on lateral thinking, passed on yesterday. He once s… - 4 years ago

@c_dewhirst: RT @DrRLofthouse: Obituary for Edward de Bono. I hadn’t read his views on British schooling before. They’re fascinating. - 4 years ago

@DrRWatkins: Edward de Bono obituary | Books | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@DanGosBig: Unbelievably late, as ever, I’m only midway through Lateral Thinking. It’s not hard to see how it influenced so man… - 4 years ago

@bobbounds65: RIP Edward de Bono. But did you have to sit through a day's coaching on 'six thinking hats'? Maybe it was the deliv… - 4 years ago

@mjcryan: RT @DHBJones: Difficult not to read Edward de Bono's insights in a Jacques "Jacques" Liverot voice. - 4 years ago

@stephnimmo: RT @ivorinfo: As someone who was made to feel pretty stupid for thinking differently than the accepted, logical way at high school, being i… - 4 years ago

@SheikhaSheri: RT @HeatherBurles: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@MrLim8888: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@MrLim8888: RT @CravenPartners: "Asking a question is the simplest way of focusing thinking...asking the right question may be the most important part… - 4 years ago

@42Courses: With @austint coming in clutch with the save at #Nudgestock2021, we have even more of her on our podcast episode yo… - 4 years ago

@MrLim8888: RT @WeAreSellSell: Sad to hear of the passing of Edward de Bono. His work on creativity and lateral thinking has helped me hugely in unders… - 4 years ago

@MrLim8888: RT @ewanmcintosh: Sad to hear that Edward de Bono has died. I was lucky to meet him over dinner, twice. Once was just after I’d delivered a… - 4 years ago

@MrLim8888: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@MrLim8888: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@MarjorieOrr: Edward de Bono, inventor of lateral thinking, was a self-styled genius and turbo-charged salesman of his ideas. A m… - 4 years ago

@chandunair: Father of ‘Lateral Thinking’ Edward de Bono passes away aged 88. He first used the phrase in an interview with Lond… - 4 years ago

@RichardCooper16: Sad to hear that the pioneer of 'lateral thinking' Edward de Bono has died. He taught millions how to tackle proble… - 4 years ago

@Wundertraining: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@PowerPR_story: RT @dinastoryteller: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@mrtonydrury: RIP Edward de Bono. I once had lunch with him via a political connection. His main concern was who paid the bill. L… - 4 years ago

@tcapiau: Tip of the 6 Thinking Hats to a brilliant man! RIP Edward de Bono. - 4 years ago

@SanSip: RT @maltatoday: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@vicpolky: Before Edward de Bono I didn't even consider the idea of trying to understand my thinking, or that one could be in… - 4 years ago

@cpeanose: Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono, author, doctor and consultant, born 19 May 1933; died 9 June 2021 - 4 years ago

@HelenaCurator: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@SerenityCloud24: RT @casparhenderson: “De Bono believed humour was one of the most significant characteristics of the human mind, precisely for its basis in… - 4 years ago

@Zakinus: - 4 years ago

@MihaiBuciu: RT @Bogdana: Edward de Bono has died. RIP. This is your chance to google his stuff and get smarter. - 4 years ago

@MysteriosoX: RT @JasonHazeley: “…he was rarely burdened with humility…” There’s a delightful art to the obituarist. - 4 years ago

@niranb: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@AlexLeek1: Edward de Bono obituary. A brilliant mind - 4 years ago

@LugubriousLarry: RT @tomrey_au: Wearing a black hat for Edward de Bono. #rip - 4 years ago

@Bogdana: Edward de Bono has died. RIP. This is your chance to google his stuff and get smarter. - 4 years ago

@Landen__: Most of the mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logic. Edward de Bono #quote - 4 years ago

@CravenPartners: "Asking a question is the simplest way of focusing thinking...asking the right question may be the most important p… - 4 years ago

@chris_d_horton: Edward de Bono obituary. ‘Certainly, he was rarely burdened with humility, informing the world that his childhood… - 4 years ago

@ThePrashanth: RIP Edward De Bono - 4 years ago

@JackieALawlor: RT @profamandakirby: Hats off to the passing of De Bono who thought creative and lateral thinking should be promoted. #Neurodiversity http… - 4 years ago

@PuriPaniagua: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@profamandakirby: Hats off to the passing of De Bono who thought creative and lateral thinking should be promoted. #Neurodiversity - 4 years ago

@SnewtonScott: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@MichaelByrnes: RT @tomrey_au: Wearing a black hat for Edward de Bono. #rip - 4 years ago

@MrsChom: RT @stringer_andrea: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@IdeasPuzzle: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@tlockney: RT @markpollard: Edward de Bono’s practical teachings about ideas and lateral thoughts opened the doors to infinity for millions of people.… - 4 years ago

@panchal_vij: It is with deep sadness that Dr Edward De Bono, 88, the Father of Lateral Thinking passed away peacefully yesterday… - 4 years ago

@angsuman: Edward de Bono Obituary - 4 years ago

@ricardoloria21: Edward de Bono no more - 4 years ago

@mykljonzun: RT @JamieSmartCom: Edward de Bono was a real trailblazer... an independent thinker and creative genius. RIP EdB - 4 years ago

@Soundbyte11: RIP Edward de Bono - to your original thinking, business acumen - hats off! #lateralthinking #6thinkinghats #creativity - 4 years ago

@danigranatta: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@LisaHayman1: Sad to hear of passing of Edward de Bono. I was a 6 hats facilitator for many years and my work in education was… - 4 years ago

@det_lonyc: An inspiration to the world is lost. RIP Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@MalditoTush: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@drkenhudson: There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without #creativity, there would be… - 4 years ago

@HeatherBurles: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@stevensullivanx: “De Bono sought to free us from the tyranny of logic through creative thinking.” - RIP - 4 years ago

@excapite: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Dr Edward de Bono - the man who... - 4 years ago

@agulosso: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@shivakumar: deeply anguished by the passing of @Edward_deBono the originator of #lateralthinking, #sixthinkinghats… - 4 years ago

@MotivationalMan: RT @MalcolmAuld: De Bono dedicated his life to improving the way people think - now there's a good purpose from which marketers could learn… - 4 years ago

@shivakumar: sad by the passing of @Edward_deBono.the orginator of the word #lateralthinking his works shaped our thinking… - 4 years ago

@traceyezard: Vale Edward De Bono. What a massive impact on the world’s ability to harness thinking in a way up bring perspectiv… - 4 years ago

@JobSearchBible: Interview: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@jf_selv: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Sciencematters: RT @STEMexchanges: - 4 years ago

@madidi: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@drkenhudson: One of my heroes Edward de Bono has just passed away. He made an immense contribution to the teaching #creativity a… - 4 years ago

@taxbod: Edward de Bono obituary. - 4 years ago

@mgg_5420: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@drkenhudson: Edward de Bono obituary | Books | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: I’ve met Edward de Bono in London @ a Mensa U.K. Lecture. 🤨 ✍️ 📚 💡 🤔 @telegraphobits #EdwardDeBono R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Edward de Bono Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Sad news in the world of ... - 4 years ago

@mastatony: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@HesterMcQueen: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@pauljmullan01: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@lproven: Edward de Bono obituary in the @guardian Author, doctor and inventor of the term lateral thinking who wrote more t… - 4 years ago

@MindBrainFM: "If you never change your mind, why have one?" Edward De Bono #inspiration - 4 years ago

@daughterofbev: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@tomrey_au: Wearing a black hat for Edward de Bono. #rip - 4 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Edward de Bono has passed away - #EdwarddeBono #Edward #deBono #rip - 4 years ago

@FranRuizGirona: RT @AliciaPomares: "Generalmente, los únicos que están satisfechos con su capacidad de pensamiento son aquellos pobres pensadores que creen… - 4 years ago

@rob_may_: ABE President Edward de Bono, has passed away, aged 88. He believed in teaching students to think creatively rather… - 4 years ago

@gardening_time: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@tjstanley64: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@brucel: I can't believe the news today. I can't close my eyes and make it go away. - 4 years ago

@AliciaPomares: "Generalmente, los únicos que están satisfechos con su capacidad de pensamiento son aquellos pobres pensadores que… - 4 years ago

@peteaylward: I missed this news. Edward de Bono informed a lot of our thinking at college. - 4 years ago

@anamgoy: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@mysonglife: Edward de Bono, author of Po: Beyond Yes and No has died. Sometimes I’m tempted to reply to all polarised tweets wi… - 4 years ago

@Miss_Rosso: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@garypepworth: RT @andrewspoooner: I interviewed Edward de Bono in his flat on Piccadilly for The Independent about 14yrs ago (sadly it's now only on wayb… - 4 years ago

@mandevans: RT @casparhenderson: “De Bono believed humour was one of the most significant characteristics of the human mind, precisely for its basis in… - 4 years ago

@rebecca_tickell: Business/industry ideas tend to drift into schools. I'm not really sure why thinking hats… - 4 years ago

@eamonngriffin: Edward De Bono, ladies and gentlemen. - 4 years ago

@SpeechTeach63: Edward de Bono obituary. Who could forget six thinking hats? 😀 Remember being introduced to his ideas in 6th form t… - 4 years ago

@Asitseemstome: Edward de Bono obituary #EdwarddeBonoRIP - 4 years ago

@Ape09090: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Harry_Palmer1: Edward de Bono. Always interesting in his tv work. I can only aspire to lateral thinking. I'm sublateral. - 4 years ago

@johnsnolan: Edward de Bono RIP 😞 He helped us think “Water Logic” a much underrated technique - 4 years ago

@LCroft57: A loss to #gifted education: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@article29: RT @guardian: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Duncan_Rothwell: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@alexperdurabo: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@gublet: @MrStewHistory @Strickomaster We differ slightly in that I think they are both easy but I know what you mean. Howev… - 4 years ago

@weareholst: "It is not the ideas we do not have that block our thinking but the ideas that we do have." PO: Beyond Yes And No.… - 4 years ago

@Westmonasterii: RT @MikeHobday: Tribute to Edward de Bono. - 4 years ago

@MikeHobday: Tribute to Edward de Bono. - 4 years ago

@mpawlo: One of #Malta's finest and once my neighbor, Edward de Bono is gone. The father of lateral thinking and the six thi… - 4 years ago

@garland_paige: RT @guardian: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@SimonRoffe: A bona fide genius. - 4 years ago

@BerneMuthien: Edward de Bono #obituary. Author, doctor, inventor of the term lateral thinking who wrote more than 60 books on his… - 4 years ago

@jrkhnt: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@cguyver: - 4 years ago

@IndentDesign: Great books for designers - 4 years ago

@catliscar: RT @DrRLofthouse: Obituary for Edward de Bono. I hadn’t read his views on British schooling before. They’re fascinating. - 4 years ago

@InsightAssess: Sharing the obituary of Edward de Bono who invented the concept of #LateralThinking. @Winn_on_Health - 4 years ago

@CrankyPappy: Schools waste two-thirds of the talent in society. The universities sterilise the rest. ~ Edward de Bono, #RIP - 4 years ago

@jcalpickard: 'In Six Thinking Hats, De Bono suggested that business meetings might be more efficient if attendees wore imaginary… - 4 years ago

@jeffmeek: sad loss - 4 years ago

@OsborneRoss: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@profskillsSW: RT @philszomszor: Sad to hear about the death of Edward de Bono, a leading authority in the teaching of thinking as a skill and the origina… - 4 years ago

@goghritaM: RT @achyutmenon: Father of 'Lateral Thinking' Edward de Bono passes away aged 88 - 4 years ago

@CathrynHrudicka: RT @CreativeSage: I met him on the phone, and was so honored to have had a wonderful conversation with him. Rest in peace and innovation, E… - 4 years ago

@budeandbeyond: Inventor of lateral thinking dies aged 88 - 4 years ago

@AmritRandhawa96: - 4 years ago

@StroteBook: @davetrott Sad to hear. Remember what a wake-up call it was to first read Edward de Bono back then... - 4 years ago

@DarrenIvanov: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@Montserrat_BCN: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@moloney_thomas: RT @ImtaBrendan: Rest in Peace Edward de Bono. His book 'Children solve problems' from the 70s offers a very rich collection of children's… - 4 years ago

@bulinha07: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@Nudgestocker: RT @CravenPartners: “Lateral thinking is closely related to insight, creativity and humour.” (Edward de Bono, who died yesterday). You’ll… - 4 years ago

@BiancaSavonrola: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@saljuapi: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@OliverOgg: RT @OliBarrett: "Humour is by far the most significant activity of the human brain." "What the joke displays is a switch in perception. Th… - 4 years ago

@karllong: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@chriswatt44: Thank you Edward De Bono 💔❤️ gonna be missed. Mega 🧠 “Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to e… - 4 years ago

@PuriPaniagua: RT @Empresa_Activa: Triste noticia. Desde Empresa Activa lamentamos profundamente el fallecimiento de Edward de Bono, experto en creativida… - 4 years ago

@OliBarrett: "Humour is by far the most significant activity of the human brain." "What the joke displays is a switch in percep… - 4 years ago

@MC372: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@rmltpie: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@gemmahbrown: I can’t believe this god father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has left this world on the same day I spoke ab… - 4 years ago

@johnrigby1: @DavidEdmonds100 hi David if you see this can you DM me back so we can chat ? Wanted to speak to you about Edward de Bono ... - 4 years ago

@jamesegovia: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@NicksNames: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@mclaire89: RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Edward de Bono passes away aged 88 #EdwarddeBono #lateralthinking #Malta #SixThinkingHats - 4 years ago

@ggbourne: I’m so sad about this. Edward de Bono was amazing, and his books a big influence on me. - 4 years ago

@bartb1067: RT @PaulSloane: Sad about the passing of the great guru of lateral thinking. I met him. His early works on lateral thinking and six hats… - 4 years ago

@Deserve: Creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we woul… - 4 years ago

@IsraelSunya: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@WomenOn_IT: Edward de Bono was a leading authority in the field of creative thinking. He was the Father of lateral thinking and… - 4 years ago

@PaulSloane: Sad about the passing of the great guru of lateral thinking. I met him. His early works on lateral thinking and s… - 4 years ago

@macarretto: Recuerdo la primera vez que leí pensamiento lateral siendo estudiante de diseño. Gracias por todo Maestro Edward de… - 4 years ago

@gbeuchat: Ha fallecido un grande del pensamiento creativo en el mundo. La gestión de la #innovación corporativa no sería la m… - 4 years ago

@taslima_ahmad: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@maverick_x5: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@startafresh4: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@MPorenta: Edward de Bono, of lateral thinking fame, dies at 88 - 4 years ago

@asburyandasbury: Farewell Edward de Bono, who popularised the term ‘lateral thinking’ and wrote the original foreword to… - 4 years ago

@xamores: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@veigokell: Edward de Bono, of lateral thinking fame, dies at 88. - “An idea that is developed and put into action is more impo… - 4 years ago

@phatsoulsinhell: RT @davetrott: Edward De Bono has just died. We give knighthoods to comedians, footballers, and pop stars but not to the man who invented… - 4 years ago

@stevenpoole: so farewell then, Edward de Bono you once wrote a book called "Think! Before It's Too Late" and now it is - 4 years ago

@dgwbirch: Dr. Edward de Bono died aged 88. Goodbye to a true visionary. “Edward de Bono, the IBM Dollar and the Future of M… - 4 years ago

@KeithHumphreys: Edward de Bono obituary RIP | Books | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@Remotenews: Edward de Bono obituary - 4 years ago

@DavidLGReilly: RIP Edward De Bono, loved his 6 thinking hats - 4 years ago

@FrDsign: Edward de Bono obituary - The Guardian - 4 years ago

@Cosmopeleton: Edward De Bono has died. I think... x. #RIPEdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@xcampscoma: "An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea" - Edward… - 4 years ago

@Alaa_Garad: Very sad news! RIP Dr de Bono, father of the 'lateral thinking and the 'six thinking hats'. Edward de Bono, of la… - 4 years ago

@Empresa_Activa: Triste noticia. Desde Empresa Activa lamentamos profundamente el fallecimiento de Edward de Bono, experto en creati… - 4 years ago

@CarmelBugeja: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@resbla: RT @Juan_Prego: Adiós a uno de los grandes. Edward de Bono, una de las figuras más influyentes en el ámbito de la creatividad en el último… - 4 years ago

@curvedway: RIP Dr. Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@PacoBree: RT @Juan_Prego: Adiós a uno de los grandes. Edward de Bono, una de las figuras más influyentes en el ámbito de la creatividad en el último… - 4 years ago

@OrgTransform: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@Juan_Prego: Adiós a uno de los grandes. Edward de Bono, una de las figuras más influyentes en el ámbito de la creatividad en el… - 4 years ago

@staffannoteberg: "Give me my point of view and I will give you your point of view." RIP Edward de Bono. - 4 years ago

@EdBernacki: The creativity and design world lost one of its greatest minds, Edward de Bono. I met him in NZ and AU. His Six Thi… - 4 years ago

@wi_john: Edward de Bono obituary: “De Bono, an able publicist, said that the key to fresh thinking was abandoning belief in… - 4 years ago

@juanj0s3: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@vmreyesp: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@markhillary: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@rita_taliana: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@BroislerHeider: RT @ImtaBrendan: Rest in Peace Edward de Bono. His book 'Children solve problems' from the 70s offers a very rich collection of children's… - 4 years ago

@FiMorrison2: RT @stringer_andrea: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@mstafford: Obituary: Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@vitthallondhe: @AlexOsterwalder RIP Prof. Edward de Bono, a legendary lateral thinker.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@ofelizzola: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@QuantumOfSoless: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@bakevin: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@AndreadePasq: Malta's "modern" buildings are for sure the true embodiment of Prof Edward de Bono's work and legacy. - 4 years ago

@ClemmittDavid: LATERAL THINKING WILL NEVER DIE.... Unfortunately, I heard the sad news on the radio this morning that the eminent… - 4 years ago

@briangrech: 'A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen' - Edward De Bono (photographed… - 4 years ago

@artens: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@brentonscroop: RT @UMmalta: 📰 World-renowned lateral thinker Edward de Bono passes away 📰 - Read more: #UM #Malta #University #… - 4 years ago

@gerrycircus: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@JohnLoony: I predict that Edward de Bono will be reincarnated as an ox. - 4 years ago

@gaudigavr: RT @robertjoseph: Edward de Bono, one of the world's most famous Maltese citizens, did not invent 'lateral thinking' Countless successful… - 4 years ago

@gaudigavr: RT @nickhimo: I've just heard the very sad news about Dr Edward de Bono. The Father of Lateral Thinking passed away peacefully yesterday mo… - 4 years ago

@gaudigavr: RT @AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@AlexOsterwalder: Goodbye Edward de Bono. We will miss you. 🙏 for fathering Lateral Thinking! #condolences #rip - 4 years ago

@LocalNews4051: Very sad news tonite - Edward de Bono has passed away. An inspiration. Loved his work. Attended his courses. Read h… - 4 years ago

@hartig_philipp: RT @RobertaMetsola: Edward de Bono proved there's no limit to the potential of our people. He inspired us all to be better, to think outsid… - 4 years ago

@nickhimo: I've just heard the very sad news about Dr Edward de Bono. The Father of Lateral Thinking passed away peacefully ye… - 4 years ago

@paulxaus: Just heard the news that Edward de Bono has passed away. A Nobel prize winner, a creative problem solver and innova… - 4 years ago

@dunkingdad: very sad about edward de bono. growing up in suburban Melbourne in the 80s, his music taught me that it was ok to be weird - 4 years ago

@rgrechosteopath: RT @LovinMalta: RIP Edward De Bono #Malta #LovinMalta #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@RoderickGaldes: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@danapositivetv: The G… - 4 years ago

@abasearttherapy: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@maltaingermany: RT @UMmalta: 📰 World-renowned lateral thinker Edward de Bono passes away 📰 - Read more: #UM #Malta #University #… - 4 years ago

@maltaingermany: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@SusanaGallardo1: RT @JoseWeinstein: ¿Cómo pueden los directivos/as escolares guiar las conversaciones de sus equipos de gestión? Aquí 👇 video + cartilla con… - 4 years ago

@McrClaire: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@NEDymond: RT @chrisdymond: I'm very sad to report that my cousin once removed Edward de Bono has died. He was a great thinker, physician & canoeist,… - 4 years ago

@Marilyn_DiCara: RIP Edward de Bono. Here’s a short TV interview (in Maltese) with my sister who is a professor at The Edward de Bon… - 4 years ago

@MancLorenzo: RT @RobertaMetsola: Edward de Bono proved there's no limit to the potential of our people. He inspired us all to be better, to think outsid… - 4 years ago

@MancLorenzo: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@MusingsofMum: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@chrisdymond: I'm very sad to report that my cousin once removed Edward de Bono has died. He was a great thinker, physician & can… - 4 years ago

@superbes: RT @hemppah: ”Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyse data, this will give y… - 4 years ago

@The_Urell: May Edward de Bono rest in peace. The man from Malta, who made us look at thinking in new ways, died yesterday.… - 4 years ago

@ShubhraDalakoti: RT @kaalicharan: RIP Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@AndyPena: Just learned that the wonderful Edward De Bono has passed away. His thinking has influenced so many of us and in my… - 4 years ago

@TrivallisCEO: So sad to hear of the death of Edward de Bono. An amazing man & thinker. I had the honour of meeting & talking with… - 4 years ago

@FredTitmus: Never a great fan of U2, but a lot of people seem to like them. RIP Edward de Bono. - 4 years ago

@Jan_Schmiedgen: RT @hemppah: ”Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyse data, this will give y… - 4 years ago

@kaalicharan: RIP Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@SeanBuhagiar: Hats off never made so much sense. RIP Prof Edward De Bono. You made it easier to be Maltese and made us proud to b… - 4 years ago

@mort_marsh: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@Hr_s5: RT @dgwbirch: Dr. Edward de Bono died aged 88. Goodbye to a true visionary. “Edward de Bono, the IBM Dollar and the Future of Money” by… - 4 years ago

@ImtaBrendan: Rest in Peace Edward de Bono. His book 'Children solve problems' from the 70s offers a very rich collection of chil… - 4 years ago

@twilliams01301: RT @hemppah: ”Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyse data, this will give y… - 4 years ago

@melahart: @jgrima88 @nevborg I got my Masters at the Edward de Bono Institute and I might be looking back with rose-tinted gl… - 4 years ago

@OwenBonnici: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@katerodenhurst: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@AlistairZ80Aftw: Godspeed, Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@finhstamsterdam: RT @dgwbirch: Dr. Edward de Bono died aged 88. Goodbye to a true visionary. “Edward de Bono, the IBM Dollar and the Future of Money” by… - 4 years ago

@BrianSJ3: RT @dgwbirch: Dr. Edward de Bono died aged 88. Goodbye to a true visionary. “Edward de Bono, the IBM Dollar and the Future of Money” by… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died : Click link to read full s… - 4 years ago

@dgwbirch: Dr. Edward de Bono died aged 88. Goodbye to a true visionary. “Edward de Bono, the IBM Dollar and the Future of M… - 4 years ago

@TopsyJamie: RT @spgalea: RIP Edward de Bono, a phenomenal Maltese doctor-professor whose 85 books📚, Six Thinking Hats training method🎩 & globally accla… - 4 years ago

@particip8tion: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@think_right_ltd: It seems apt today, to share how De Bono's hats can really help improve Self and Peer Feedback as a means to integr… - 4 years ago

@kathleenmcil: RT @ward_esme: Remembering Edward de Bono today - “we can learn a lot from children, and especially from watching children think… their fl… - 4 years ago

@BepGal: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@Pedleysmiths: Edward de Bono was not the first person to write about thinking as a skill but his ideas and techniques moved it fr… - 4 years ago

@BepGal: RT @DavidCasaMEP: “The quality of our thinking will determine the quality of our future.” Edward de Bono's thinking methods will continue… - 4 years ago

@IIMStuff: RT @hemppah: ”Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyse data, this will give y… - 4 years ago

@kay_polidano: RT @RobertaMetsola: Edward de Bono proved there's no limit to the potential of our people. He inspired us all to be better, to think outsid… - 4 years ago

@DavidCasaMEP: “The quality of our thinking will determine the quality of our future.” Edward de Bono's thinking methods will con… - 4 years ago

@nevborg: Can someone who knows his work better than I do explain Edward de Bono's brilliance? Lots of people I respect prais… - 4 years ago

@hemppah: ”Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyse data, this… - 4 years ago

@melahart: I received my Masters from the Edward De Bono Institute at the University of Malta. Those years gave me the space t… - 4 years ago

@IndependentMlt: Edward de Bono, who developed global fame for his thinking methods, died on Wednesday. He was 88. - 4 years ago

@think_right_ltd: Very sad news for thinkers everywhere. RIP Edward De Bono, schools and education are a brighter place thanks to you… - 4 years ago

@spgalea: RIP Edward de Bono, a phenomenal Maltese doctor-professor whose 85 books📚, Six Thinking Hats training method🎩 & glo… - 4 years ago

@MaltaNewsUpdate: - 4 years ago

@stuart_smiles: Edward de bono has died 😑 "6 Thinking hats" is a brilliant concept for thinking around problems. Thanks for that. - 4 years ago

@MickCoffey2: RIP Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@EwanHilton: ⁦@prithb⁩ - sad to hear Edward de Bono has died - really enjoyed when you were teaching us all about six hats and l… - 4 years ago

@carlboydtweets: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@GlenBedingfield: Edward De Bono, ‘One Of Malta’s Greatest Minds’, Dies at 88: - 4 years ago

@GuzVella: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@RachelBugeja: RT @UMmalta: 📰 World-renowned lateral thinker Edward de Bono passes away 📰 - Read more: #UM #Malta #University #… - 4 years ago

@UMmalta: 📰 World-renowned lateral thinker Edward de Bono passes away 📰 - Read more: #UM #Malta… - 4 years ago

@kathrynmborg: RIP Edward de Bono . The originator of lateral thinking. - 4 years ago

@mahelenabon: Tal como nos sugiere el Instituto Edward de bono, hagamos algo creativo hoy, para honrar su memoria 🙏 Que descanse… - 4 years ago

@DarioPhVella: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@helenadalli: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@GTGAdvocates: RT @igauci: Sad loss, Edward de Bono, the #Maltese philosopher & author who originated the term lateral thinking just passed away. He was… - 4 years ago

@MarijaSara: RT @RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lost h… - 4 years ago

@RobertAbela_MT: Edward de Bono once said that a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen. We may have lo… - 4 years ago

@silverrow: RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Edward de Bono passes away aged 88 #EdwarddeBono #lateralthinking #Malta #SixThinkingHats - 4 years ago

@Newsbook_com_mt: Edward de Bono passes away aged 88 #EdwarddeBono #lateralthinking #Malta #SixThinkingHats - 4 years ago

@davidagiusmp: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@MattTabone: RT @RobertaMetsola: Edward de Bono proved there's no limit to the potential of our people. He inspired us all to be better, to think outsid… - 4 years ago

@LovinMalta: RIP Edward De Bono #Malta #LovinMalta #EdwardDeBono - 4 years ago

@davidagiusmp: RT @RobertaMetsola: Edward de Bono proved there's no limit to the potential of our people. He inspired us all to be better, to think outsid… - 4 years ago

@RobertaMetsola: Edward de Bono proved there's no limit to the potential of our people. He inspired us all to be better, to think ou… - 4 years ago

@JeffYi16: "It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all." Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@JoeGiglioMalta: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@igauci: Sad loss, Edward de Bono, the #Maltese philosopher & author who originated the term lateral thinking just passed a… - 4 years ago

@silverrow: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@alan_xuereb: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@mlleistikow: My guru and dearest friend dr. Edward de Bono has left this world yesterday. So greatful for all his teachings and… - 4 years ago

@mlleistikow: Op 9 juni 2021 is mijn guru en grote vriend dr. Edward de Bono overgegaan. Wat een prachtige bouwstenen heeft hij m… - 4 years ago

@Edward_Elrich: @jrsestaca @INEMexico Si mis impuestos van a parar a manos de estos weyes si dan ganas de pedirle al patrón que me… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Edward de Bono has passed away - #EdwarddeBono #Edward #deBono #rip - 4 years ago

@JamesDoorley: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@ushcala: ¡Gracias por todo, Edward de Bono! - 4 years ago

@AmatoGauci: Dr Edward de Bono at Creative Innovation 2010 - "Re-thinking the future" - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: Imut il-Professur Malti Edward de Bono fl-età ta’ 88 sena - 4 years ago

@EtienneMicallef: RT @maltatoday: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@maltatoday: Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died - 4 years ago

@sammut_says: 'A discussion should be a genuine attempt to explore a subject rather than a battle between competing egos.' Edward de Bono, RIP - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Imut il-Prof. Edward de Bono - fost 150 persuna fid-dinja li kkontribwixxa bl-iktar mod effettiv għall-umanità - 4 years ago

@PNmalta: RT @bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will continu… - 4 years ago

@bernardgrechmt: Rest in peace Prof Edward de Bono. Having inspired a new way of thinking, I have no doubt that your work will con… - 4 years ago

@Tameside_Hour: RT @Mark4Maths: “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” - Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@whitetopceo: "If you never change your mind, why have one?" Edward de Bono #inspiration - 4 years ago

@SHENERY2: RT @WildeSar: “Legendary thinker Edward De Bono once observed that companies that focus on value creation (rather than being distracted by… - 4 years ago

@WildeSar: “Legendary thinker Edward De Bono once observed that companies that focus on value creation (rather than being dist… - 4 years ago

@Pluto_Styx_888: Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain. #Quote ~Edward de Bono #Funny #Wisdom #Humorous… - 4 years ago

@PensarPublico: RT @JoseWeinstein: ¿Cómo pueden los directivos/as escolares guiar las conversaciones de sus equipos de gestión? Aquí 👇 video + cartilla con… - 4 years ago

@luisvegamol: RT @JoseWeinstein: ¿Cómo pueden los directivos/as escolares guiar las conversaciones de sus equipos de gestión? Aquí 👇 video + cartilla con… - 4 years ago

@jtr: "The winner is the chef who takes the same ingredients as everyone else and produces the best results." --Edward de Bono - 4 years ago

@ChrisFuentesM: RT @JoseWeinstein: ¿Cómo pueden los directivos/as escolares guiar las conversaciones de sus equipos de gestión? Aquí 👇 video + cartilla con… - 4 years ago

@JoseWeinstein: ¿Cómo pueden los directivos/as escolares guiar las conversaciones de sus equipos de gestión? Aquí 👇 video + cartill… - 4 years ago

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