Edward Seaga

Jamaican politician.
Died on Tuesday May 28th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Edward Seaga:

@jca_president: RT @JamaicaGleaner: #RememberingSeaga: In the mid-1950’s Edward Seaga in completing a research project, submitted 48 words from Kumina Coun… - 6 years ago

@KayLo004: RT @JamaicaGleaner: #RememberingSeaga: In the mid-1950’s Edward Seaga in completing a research project, submitted 48 words from Kumina Coun… - 6 years ago

@Absoya62: RT @JamaicaGleaner: #RememberingSeaga: In the mid-1950’s Edward Seaga in completing a research project, submitted 48 words from Kumina Coun… - 6 years ago

@BMM194: RT @JamaicaGleaner: #RememberingSeaga: In the mid-1950’s Edward Seaga in completing a research project, submitted 48 words from Kumina Coun… - 6 years ago


@rolbev: Name Edward G Seaga a National Hero - 6 years ago

@proudofjamaica: Mourners pay respect to former PM, Edward Seaga at JLP headquarters - - 6 years ago

@smhlatty: RT @KhijaniW: Since last Tuesday KC @kcjamaica has flown the flag at half mass due to the passing of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga an… - 6 years ago

@JamaicaGleaner: #RememberingSeaga: In the mid-1950’s Edward Seaga in completing a research project, submitted 48 words from Kumina… - 6 years ago

@nuttyshe11: RT @denjamdown: @JISNews Which Ministry do I need to send my ATI request to in order to find out: (1) which of this 1 month+ series of even… - 6 years ago

@xarajaxon: The late Edward Seaga’s Body will be all over the island for whomever is interested to go and pay their last respec… - 6 years ago

@Perfect_Gent1: RT @KhijaniW: Since last Tuesday KC @kcjamaica has flown the flag at half mass due to the passing of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga an… - 6 years ago

@maxizwho: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: State funeral and official activities for the late Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC. - 6 years ago

@maxizwho: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Yesterday we welcomed home the body of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga… - 6 years ago

@MyJamaicaToday: Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, led hundreds of mourners in paying respects to the late former Prime Minister, Edwa… - 6 years ago

@denisejsaunders: RT @Babsy_grange: We pay respects to the Most Honourable Edward Seaga #EdwardSeaga - 6 years ago

@JISNews: Senator The Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith, The Hon. Shahine Robinson and The Hon. Desmond Mckenzie celebrating the life… - 6 years ago

@iamsoulrebel: Thousands honour Edward Seaga at Tivoli Gardens nine-night - 6 years ago

@charlene_2050: RT @JulietHolness: Today I showed my respects to Edward George Seaga, Former Prime Minister of Jamaica. Seaga was also leader of the Jamaic… - 6 years ago

@Midas_Demi: RT @JISNews: A mural depicting The Most Hon. Edward Seaga in Tivoli Gardens. #RememberingEdwardSeaga - 6 years ago

@IamMarley_Marlz: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@JamaicaGleaner: #RememberingSeaga: At the 2017 Jamaica Labour Party conference in Kingston, late Prime Minister Edward Seaga highli… - 6 years ago

@iamcarlenes: RT @JISNews: Happening now: Nine Night for The Most Hon . Edward Seaga in Tivoli Gardens. Did you know, he was also the leader of the Jamai… - 6 years ago

@youngjeopardy: RT @JISNews: Happening now: Nine Night for The Most Hon . Edward Seaga in Tivoli Gardens. Did you know, he was also the leader of the Jamai… - 6 years ago

@lijitimate: RT @lijitimate: Do you believe the late former Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, should be named a National Hero? (Don’t make it a PNP, JLP thi… - 6 years ago

@JISNews: Happening now: Nine Night for The Most Hon . Edward Seaga in Tivoli Gardens. Did you know, he was also the leader o… - 6 years ago

@kayeford09_kay: RT @lijitimate: Do you believe the late former Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, should be named a National Hero? (Don’t make it a PNP, JLP thi… - 6 years ago

@NatalyaOlivia: U gonna view the body of the great Edward Seaga ? — Nope - 6 years ago

@SaleemJClarke: RT @KhijaniW: Since last Tuesday KC @kcjamaica has flown the flag at half mass due to the passing of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga an… - 6 years ago

@jamaica: PM Pays Respect as Mr Seaga's Body Lies-In-State - Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service - 6 years ago

@JISNews: A mural depicting The Most Hon. Edward Seaga in Tivoli Gardens. #RememberingEdwardSeaga - 6 years ago

@DwightMarshal19: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@Tenneishanel: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@BarringtonFost8: RT @JulietHolness: Today I showed my respects to Edward George Seaga, Former Prime Minister of Jamaica. Seaga was also leader of the Jamaic… - 6 years ago

@IRIEFM_NEWS: Mourners pay respect to former PM, Edward Seaga at JLP headquarters - 6 years ago

@lijitimate: Do you believe the late former Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, should be named a National Hero? (Don’t make it a PNP, JLP thing) - 6 years ago

@JulietHolness: Today I showed my respects to Edward George Seaga, Former Prime Minister of Jamaica. Seaga was also leader of the J… - 6 years ago

@VivilynPowell: RT @ronsud: One way of bringing the country together is by way of a truth and reconciliation exercise. This should start with confession by… - 6 years ago

@EmbaMexJam: RT @GlezMijares: Today, at the signing of the book of condolences on the passing of former PM Edward #Seaga, I expressed #Mexico's recogni… - 6 years ago

@DrNormanDunn: Today I signed the condolence book for Mr Edward Seaga at the @jlpjamaica headquarters at 20 Belmont Road. During t… - 6 years ago

@mgilbertroberts: RT @GlezMijares: Today, at the signing of the book of condolences on the passing of former PM Edward #Seaga, I expressed #Mexico's recogni… - 6 years ago

@Cnicholasdownie: RT @AndrewHGross: Signed condolences today from #Israel on the passing of former #Jamaica PM Edward Seaga. In 1984 Seaga had the vision to… - 6 years ago

@nuttyshe11: RT @denjamdown: Men with spine still exist >>> “ don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that the late PM was arguably the most divisive l… - 6 years ago

@Babywash: RT @dgwehby: Today, I paid my respects to the Most Honourable Edward Seaga a man of great vision and love for Jamaica. May his soul Rest I… - 6 years ago

@CVMTV: The first look at former Prime Minister Edward Seaga happened today at the Jamaica Labour Party Headquarters on Bel… - 6 years ago

@MyJamaicaToday: The Jamaica Today team is at the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) headquarters on Belmont Road in St. Andrew, where the b… - 6 years ago

@the11thstone: RT @JISNews: Here is the schedule of events in celebration of the life of The Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga. - 6 years ago

@DonahueMartinJa: RT @dgwehby: Today, I paid my respects to the Most Honourable Edward Seaga a man of great vision and love for Jamaica. May his soul Rest I… - 6 years ago

@jlpjamaica: RT @JISNews: Here is the schedule of events in celebration of the life of The Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga. - 6 years ago

@JISNews: Here is the schedule of events in celebration of the life of The Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga. - 6 years ago

@GlezMijares: Today, at the signing of the book of condolences on the passing of former PM Edward #Seaga, I expressed #Mexico's… - 6 years ago

@Dreamz31: RT @KhijaniW: Since last Tuesday KC @kcjamaica has flown the flag at half mass due to the passing of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga an… - 6 years ago

@Mikey01974692: RT @MayorWilliamsJA: Today the @ksamcorp opened a Book of Condolences at its Church Street Office in honour of Former PM Edward Seaga. Depu… - 6 years ago

@jlpjamaica: RT @MayorWilliamsJA: Today the @ksamcorp opened a Book of Condolences at its Church Street Office in honour of Former PM Edward Seaga. Depu… - 6 years ago

@Veny_meh: RT @SteveEdwardsJA: Big thank you to the residents and staff of the Golden Age Home who came to JLP HQ to pay respects to Former Prime Mini… - 6 years ago

@DrAndreHaughton: RT @Stacy_Suss: @DrAndreHaughton 👌 Briefing | Edward Seaga - Who is a visionary? - 6 years ago

@SophiaB53431538: RT @ECCJA: The Most Honourable Edward Seaga was awarded for his contribution to Early Childhood Development in Jamaica at ECC's Annual Prof… - 6 years ago

@Veny_meh: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@Veny_meh: RT @SteveEdwardsJA: Today I had the honour of signing the condolence book for Former Prime Minister of #Jamaica, Edward Phillip George Seag… - 6 years ago

@dm3adams: RT @SteveEdwardsJA: Today I had the honour of signing the condolence book for Former Prime Minister of #Jamaica, Edward Phillip George Seag… - 6 years ago

@SanStormy: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@vidokti: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@SteveEdwardsJA: Today I had the honour of signing the condolence book for Former Prime Minister of #Jamaica, Edward Phillip George… - 6 years ago

@Babywash: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at the… - 6 years ago

@AndrewHolnessJM: Today, I paid my respects to former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC, as he lay in State at… - 6 years ago

@BBlakeHannah: RT @SallyPorteous: Respects to Rt. Hon. Edward Seaga. - 6 years ago

@Jamaipanese: RT @GLNRArchives: Photo Flashback: June 5, 1976 West Kingston M. P. Edward Seaga poses with Tivoli Gardens Comprehensive High School’s vict… - 6 years ago

@SallyPorteous: Respects to Rt. Hon. Edward Seaga. - 6 years ago

@MOEYIJamaica: Hon Karl Samuda says schools will recognise the passing of the late former PM, the Most Honourable Edward Seaga on… - 6 years ago

@RealTeddylee: COUNTRY & PARTY SUPERCEDES FAMILY Edward Seaga represented West Kingston for 43 years and here comes this so-cal… - 6 years ago

@CARICOMorg: H.E. Dr. Kenrick Hunte, High Commissioner of Guyana to South Africa, signs the Book of Condolence that the Jamaica… - 6 years ago

@tkmsingh: RT @ECCJA: The Most Honourable Edward Seaga was awarded for his contribution to Early Childhood Development in Jamaica at ECC's Annual Prof… - 6 years ago

@ECCJA: The Most Honourable Edward Seaga was awarded for his contribution to Early Childhood Development in Jamaica at ECC'… - 6 years ago

@JISNews: Highlights from the signing of the Condolence Book for the late former Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Edward Seaga a… - 6 years ago

@reorganise_: RT @Babsy_grange: Paying my respects to the Most Honourable Edward Seaga @jlpjamaica HQ today #EdwardSeaga - 6 years ago

@MCGESJamaica: RT @Babsy_grange: Paying my respects to the Most Honourable Edward Seaga @jlpjamaica HQ today #EdwardSeaga - 6 years ago

@Babsy_grange: Paying my respects to the Most Honourable Edward Seaga @jlpjamaica HQ today #EdwardSeaga - 6 years ago

@JordanB22489164: @FaeEllington @televisionjam @gregoryhaughton Just a request. Does profile have a episode with the Rt. Hon. Edward… - 6 years ago

@RealTeddylee: This lady is a top JLP blogger and never know that Edward Seaga died from Cancer. So imagine the labourites who we… - 6 years ago

@GlobalNewsFeeds: PHOTOS: Signing of Condolence Book in Memory of the Late Former Prime Minister the Most Hon. Edward Seaga Prime Min… - 6 years ago

@RealTeddylee: Today the body of Edward Seaga is at the JLP headquarter ,Belmont Road, Kingston 5. - 6 years ago

@candiishar: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Here’s the second in our mini video series looking at at the Most Honourable Edward Seaga as the conceptualizer and bu… - 6 years ago

@BarringtonFost8: RT @Nationwideradio: #NNNWorldAtNoon The body of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga is now lying in state at the Jamaica Labour Party's hea… - 6 years ago

@Nationwideradio: #NNNWorldAtNoon The body of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga is now lying in state at the Jamaica Labour Party's… - 6 years ago

@TMariaBenjamin: RT @unclemiltywho: ⁦@RealDuttyMan⁩ ⁦@annmarievazja⁩ I’ve been made aware Institute of Jamaica has opened a condolence book with a display f… - 6 years ago

@ksulgee: Ronald Sanders is telling readers Edward Seaga was an earthworm. On the contrary, the body of evidence, clearly, de… - 6 years ago

@judzlanimac: RT @wcchen: Edward Seaga returns home. Really moving. - 6 years ago

@ministergumbs: RT @wcchen: Edward Seaga returns home. Really moving. - 6 years ago

@WaltersSherene: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Yesterday we welcomed home the body of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga… - 6 years ago

@calvingb_g: JAMAICA | Prof Munroe flayed for his sanitized tribute to Edward Seaga - 6 years ago

@chad_roper: RT @ronsud: None of our National Heroes has done more for Jamaica than the late former Prime Minister Most Hon Edward Seaga. - 6 years ago

@xchxmpxgne: RT @JamaicaGleaner: The body of Former Prime Minister Edward Seaga is to lie in state on various dates in sections of Kingston and Montego… - 6 years ago

@Bristol_Shizzle: RT @wcchen: Edward Seaga returns home. Really moving. - 6 years ago

@BourgeoisCult: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Yesterday we welcomed home the body of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga… - 6 years ago

@ahongry: RT @GLNRArchives: Photo Flashback: June 4, 1978 MP for Western Kingston, Edward Seaga (right) assisting with the distribution of food packa… - 6 years ago

@5Solae: RT @rodneytwit: And MANY GREAT AND ESTABLISHED leaders in every sector in Jamaica can attest to Edward Seaga being a significant factor in… - 6 years ago

@GLNRArchives: Photo Flashback: June 4, 1978 MP for Western Kingston, Edward Seaga (right) assisting with the distribution of food… - 6 years ago

@03c6b9f261d74a7: RT @DrNigelClarkeJa: The remains of the Most Hon. Edward Seaga have been received in Jamaica with solemn dignity and respect consistent wi… - 6 years ago

@TheShadowBender: RT @JISNews: Yesterday, we brought home the body of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Edward Seaga. The late former Prime Minis… - 6 years ago

@JahMekAWail: RT @Sean_phoster: Regardless of our thoughts of the late Former Prime Minister Edward Phillip George Seaga, if every constituency in Jamaic… - 6 years ago

@Dreamz31: RT @Sean_phoster: Regardless of our thoughts of the late Former Prime Minister Edward Phillip George Seaga, if every constituency in Jamaic… - 6 years ago

@proudyardies: RT @JISNews: Edward Seaga’s love for culture and his passion for cultural development have been demonstrated by his incredible achievements… - 6 years ago

@lexabar: One more of Mr Edward Seaga's many achievements.. Established in 1963, the JCDC was originally known as the Festiv… - 6 years ago

@Lloydie_D: RT @SteveEdwardsJA: In tribute to Edward Phillip George Seaga, former Prime Minister of Jamaica. May 28, 1930 - May 28, 2019 - 6 years ago

@BossSancho: Ronald Sanders is telling readers Edward Seaga was an earthworm. On the contrary, the body of evidence, clearly, de… - 6 years ago

@BarringtonFost8: RT @ronsud: "Jamaica is a country that is worthy of devoting one's life to" - Former Prime Minister Edward Seaga. He certainly devoted his… - 6 years ago

@LeroneLaing: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Yesterday we welcomed home the body of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga… - 6 years ago

@BarringtonFost8: RT @richiescott68: Joan Williams say Edward Seaga is jamaica's best Prime Minister, he was a Nation Builder. - 6 years ago

@ssubarann: RT @AndrewHolnessJM: Yesterday we welcomed home the body of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Phillip George Seaga… - 6 years ago

@lynnj8110: RT @MarioEvon: Is it weird that this brought tears to my eyes? R.I.P. Edward Seaga 🙏🏽 - 6 years ago

@jayjaybrown97: RT @richiescott68: Joan Williams say Edward Seaga is jamaica's best Prime Minister, he was a Nation Builder. - 6 years ago

@jamvixen: RT @JamaicaGleaner: The body of Former Prime Minister Edward Seaga is to lie in state on various dates in sections of Kingston and Montego… - 6 years ago

@groupiemet: SEAGA FUNERAL JUNE 23 - State funeral for Edward Seaga set for June 23 Confirmation has c… - 6 years ago

@Dmi3Rob: RT @wcchen: Edward Seaga returns home. Really moving. - 6 years ago

@MichealFraser4: RT @pbcjamaica: The former Prime Minister The Most Honourable Edward Seaga being carried by the JDF’s Honour Guard to an awaited hearse. #E… - 6 years ago

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