Edward R. Pressman

American film producer.
Died on Wednesday January 18th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Edward R. Pressman:

@adenparis: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Edward R. Pressman, the bookish producer who took risks on unproven directors and trusted their instincts, has died. He… - 2 years ago

@Todd_Yancey: A chance meeting led a philosophy grad student into a career in movies - 2 years ago

@finneyeric: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Edward R. Pressman, the bookish producer who took risks on unproven directors and trusted their instincts, has died. He… - 2 years ago

@HUnewearlXZR: @HistoryofHyrule @heyphilsummers I think it’s a guy named Edward R. Pressman who also did the two Conan The Barbari… - 2 years ago


@HeidiCa68928894: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Edward R. Pressman, the bookish producer who took risks on unproven directors and trusted their instincts, has died. He… - 2 years ago

@LOHunterbchgrl: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Edward R. Pressman, the bookish producer who took risks on unproven directors and trusted their instincts, has died. He… - 2 years ago

@juicemeup: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Edward R. Pressman, the bookish producer who took risks on unproven directors and trusted their instincts, has died. He… - 2 years ago

@KristinMarriott: RT @JamesRHagerty: A chance meeting led a philosophy grad student into a career in movies - 2 years ago

@WSJ: Obituary: Edward R. Pressman, the bookish producer who took risks on unproven directors and trusted their instincts… - 2 years ago

@waitnc2100: RT @NYTObits: The producer Edward R. Pressman took on Oliver Stone, Terrence Malick, Kathryn Bigelow and other directors just starting out.… - 2 years ago

@selfstyledsiren: RT @NYTObits: The producer Edward R. Pressman took on Oliver Stone, Terrence Malick, Kathryn Bigelow and other directors just starting out.… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: The producer Edward R. Pressman took on Oliver Stone, Terrence Malick, Kathryn Bigelow and other directors just sta… - 2 years ago

@TimSullivan11: RT @JamesRHagerty: A chance meeting led a philosophy grad student into a career in movies - 2 years ago

@JamesRHagerty: A chance meeting led a philosophy grad student into a career in movies - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Edward R. Pressman, a prolific film producer who guided some of the earliest movies by Brian De Palma, Terrence Mal… - 2 years ago

@soleir_33: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@JunichiroSaito: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@CastanoXavier: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79… - 2 years ago

@JWABroadcast: A heavy dome of sadness settled over mind, body, spirit when I heard this news late last week, today better because… - 2 years ago

@Hansbeerekamp: Hun namen zijn niet erg bekend, maar editor Donn Cambern #EasyRider, chef-camera Owen Roizman #TheFrenchConnection… - 2 years ago

@MarkWindow1: Edward R. Pressman 1943-2023 Rest In Peace Film producer of Talk Radio (1988); Wall Street (1987); Hoffa (1992); B… - 2 years ago

@Pierrepascal47: Top story: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@veronicahurray6: Top story: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@virat_garg: "Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79" by BY NEIL GENZLINGER via NYT… - 2 years ago

@suk_senadeera: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@DSMWcom: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@ellenerich: "Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79" by Neil Genzlinger via NYT - 2 years ago

@USACONTESTSONL1: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@beaudoiy: "Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79" By @beaudoiy #Movies - 2 years ago

@ronaldoninal623: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 BY NEIL GENZLINGERMovies Oliver Stone, Ter… - 2 years ago

@ChichoChichob: "Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79" by BY NEIL GENZLINGER via NYT - 2 years ago

@mrsamisrg: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@EINMovieNews: Edward R․ Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79 - - 2 years ago

@Snnookker: RT @AtlasVcorp: Edward was so kind, intelligent, and curious about all forms of creations. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his fam… - 2 years ago

@earlduncand: "Edward R. Pressman, Film Producer Who Boosted Many Careers, Dies at 79" by Neil Genzlinger via NYT - 2 years ago

@Cinemadroide: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@7alaffiche: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@marcmissonnier: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@filmink: Legend - 2 years ago

@morganbouchet: Sad news, all my condolences to the family ❤️ - 2 years ago

@jhpcine: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@AndeeHarry: R.I.P to C.J Harris (31) American Idol Contestant Robbie Knievel (60) (stuntman and daredevil Edward R. Pressman (… - 2 years ago

@anapetersdottir: RT @AtlasVcorp: Edward was so kind, intelligent, and curious about all forms of creations. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his fam… - 2 years ago

@gui_brunet: RT @AtlasVcorp: Edward was so kind, intelligent, and curious about all forms of creations. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his fam… - 2 years ago

@evillights: RT @NoPartyNoDisco: Edward R. Pressman sat in front of me at the @AcropolisCinema screening of ZEROS AND ONES and you could literally feel… - 2 years ago

@AcropolisCinema: RT @NoPartyNoDisco: Edward R. Pressman sat in front of me at the @AcropolisCinema screening of ZEROS AND ONES and you could literally feel… - 2 years ago

@MarcCrehuet: RT @DocCastellari: Gracias Edward R. Pressman, DEP - 2 years ago

@Philfuzz: RT @Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE), Tere… - 2 years ago

@ShugMckenna: RT @AllanHunter_GFF: Edward R. Pressman, ‘Wall Street’, ‘The Crow’ producer, dies aged 79 - 2 years ago

@beckmann_music: RT @zurichfilmfest: #RIP Edward R. Pressman. We were very sad to hear, that the producer and good friend of ZFF died at 79. In 2015, he att… - 2 years ago

@honorato201: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al sensacional Edward R. Pressman, productor estadounidense a quien debemos joyazas como MALAS TIERRAS, de Terrenc… - 2 years ago

@loicbelland: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@summergirly7180: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@Nathalie_Lenoir: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@geroduction: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@StuartGreen2018: It's hard to believe in the same week we lost film producer Edward R. Pressman (Wall Street, Hoffa, The Crow, Stree… - 2 years ago

@zeque_movie: RT @piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛していた印象… - 2 years ago

@kcm74: RT @akstanwyck: Edward R. Pressman was a rare film producer: for four decades he championed maverick filmmakers like Oliver Stone, John Mil… - 2 years ago

@NoPartyNoDisco: Edward R. Pressman sat in front of me at the @AcropolisCinema screening of ZEROS AND ONES and you could literally f… - 2 years ago

@xyzdg1981: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@nao10_0407: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@onavmar: RT @aangelsala: Adiós a Edward R. Pressman, el productor detrás de grandes títulos de género como Hermanas o El fantasma del paraíso de De… - 2 years ago

@tolandOwelles: RT @aangelsala: Adiós a Edward R. Pressman, el productor detrás de grandes títulos de género como Hermanas o El fantasma del paraíso de De… - 2 years ago

@EstebanVidal: RT @aangelsala: Adiós a Edward R. Pressman, el productor detrás de grandes títulos de género como Hermanas o El fantasma del paraíso de De… - 2 years ago

@grhydian: RT @j_edwards_photo: Sad to hear the news of the passing of prolific producer Edward R. Pressman We were lucky enough to spent time with… - 2 years ago

@DocCastellari: Gracias Edward R. Pressman, DEP - 2 years ago

@AllanHunter_GFF: Edward R. Pressman, ‘Wall Street’, ‘The Crow’ producer, dies aged 79 - 2 years ago

@orianeboespflug: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@exiledinNJ: RIP Edward R. Pressman 😔😔😔🙏🙏🙏 - 2 years ago

@mark_salisbury: Edward R. Pressman had great taste. RIP - 2 years ago

@tonyone2: RT @So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retrouve "La Bal… - 2 years ago

@So_Film: L'immense producteur américain Edward R. Pressman est décédé. Parmi les grands jalons de sa filmographie, on retro… - 2 years ago

@Smithyshere: RT @j_edwards_photo: Sad to hear the news of the passing of prolific producer Edward R. Pressman We were lucky enough to spent time with… - 2 years ago

@daiakasaka: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@ikepon0308: RT @piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛していた印象… - 2 years ago

@BeclieK: RT @GoneHollywoodfr: Son nom apparaît dans Phantom of the Paradise, Conan le Barbare, Wall Street, Bad Lieutenant, The Crow… L'immense prod… - 2 years ago

@Maryana29983592: RT @MissLunakitty: 💔💔💔 - 2 years ago

@Iddybud: RT @akstanwyck: Edward R. Pressman was a rare film producer: for four decades he championed maverick filmmakers like Oliver Stone, John Mil… - 2 years ago

@ErikJMuniz1976: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@akihiko89: RT @piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛していた印象… - 2 years ago

@AndyL4Work: RT @akstanwyck: Edward R. Pressman was a rare film producer: for four decades he championed maverick filmmakers like Oliver Stone, John Mil… - 2 years ago

@DaemonAAc: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@Bananaheat: プロデューサーのエドワードプレスマン4氏がなくなったそうです。たくさんの良い作品を作ってきた人で、日本との関係もものすごく多いプロデューサーでした。バブル期に沢山の企画のお手伝いをしました。R.I.P. Edward Pressm… - 2 years ago

@marcosarellano: Edward R. Pressman Dies: Prolific ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ & ‘Badlands’ Producer Was 79 - 2 years ago

@AVoirALire: RT @Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE), Tere… - 2 years ago

@dukeforest: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@miyakocojima: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@SEIDONNE: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@missclassicfilm: RT @akstanwyck: Edward R. Pressman was a rare film producer: for four decades he championed maverick filmmakers like Oliver Stone, John Mil… - 2 years ago

@Bananaheat: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@Bananaheat: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@Bananaheat: RT @DEADLINE: Edward R. Pressman, the prolific Hollywood producer behind ‘Wall Street,’ ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Badlands’ and ‘The Crow,’ among… - 2 years ago

@AkunnaChilaka: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@Bananaheat: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@Bananaheat: RT @vulture: Edward R. Pressman, producer behind American Psycho, has died at 79 - 2 years ago

@H_Misumi: RT @piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛していた印象… - 2 years ago

@aprilarmentrout: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@9696_34ro: RT @piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛していた印象… - 2 years ago

@kkk2fcS: RT @piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛していた印象… - 2 years ago

@piedpiperagogo: 米映画プロデューサー、エドワード・R・プレスマン死去の報。『クロウ 飛翔伝説』をリリースした時にはプロモーションプランやパッケージ仕様を細かくヒアリングされた。『ブルースチール』も彼のプロデュース。 自分の作品を子供のように愛して… - 2 years ago

@cwmoss7: RIPエドワード・R・プレスマン カルト的米インディ製作者、79歳で逝く📌印象作にマリック初監督品🎬地獄の逃避行 Badlands73。以後、🎬悪魔のシスター73+🎬ファントム・オブ・パラダイス74+🎬デヴィッド・バーンの トゥル… - 2 years ago

@PassaroE: RT @PippiTheCat1: From Street Fighter, The Crow, Conan the Barbarian, Phantom of the Paradise, and many countless other films, Edward R. Pr… - 2 years ago

@PippiTheCat1: From Street Fighter, The Crow, Conan the Barbarian, Phantom of the Paradise, and many countless other films, Edward… - 2 years ago

@PippiTheCat1: RT @cassianelwes: Edward R. Pressman Dies: ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer-Deadline/ oh man what a huge loss for the business. A… - 2 years ago

@PippiTheCat1: RT @DrewMcWeeny: Edward R. Pressman was an absolute beast of a producer. His filmography speaks for itself. A legend is gone. #RIP - 2 years ago

@TiaraCooks: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@JamieAgee6: Edward R. Pressman Dies: Prolific ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ & ‘Badlands’ Producer Was 79 - 2 years ago

@ko_iti30: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@buckwheatsmith: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@aangelsala: Adiós a Edward R. Pressman, el productor detrás de grandes títulos de género como Hermanas o El fantasma del paraí… - 2 years ago

@Razorgirl1984: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@zeroshiki0901: RT @kirockyou: 『悪魔のシスター』『ファントム・オブ・パラダイス』『ウォール街』『ブルースチール』『クロウ/飛翔伝説』『レジョネア 戦場の狼たち』『アメリカン・サイコ』『アメイジング・グレイス』『奇蹟がくれた数式』等を製作したエドワード・R・プレスマンが79歳で死… - 2 years ago

@nicizzi: RT @akstanwyck: Edward R. Pressman was a rare film producer: for four decades he championed maverick filmmakers like Oliver Stone, John Mil… - 2 years ago

@hermandhaliwal: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Edward R. Pressman, and thank you. - 2 years ago

@AtheismJesus: @Variety Behind the scenes legend. I hope he gets the recognition he deserves. RIP Edward R. Pressman - 2 years ago

@AtheismJesus: RT @akstanwyck: Edward R. Pressman was a rare film producer: for four decades he championed maverick filmmakers like Oliver Stone, John Mil… - 2 years ago

@MGMarano: Edward R. Pressman, a former colleague of my mother's, passed away yesterday at the age of 79. Quite sad, honestly! - 2 years ago

@DreadfulDraven: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@movie_mystic: R.I.P. Edward Pressman - 2 years ago

@Mr_Manuel_V: RT @int1980: Ha fallecido el productor Edward R. Pressman sin llevar a cabo su proyecto soñado de AKIRA pero dejándonos joyas tan resplande… - 2 years ago

@midnight_pulp: RT @FantasiaFest: It is with heavy hearts that we learned, today, of Edward R. Pressman's passing. 💔 We're proud to have awarded this pass… - 2 years ago

@ComradeRobocop: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@ausiouane: RT @Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE), Tere… - 2 years ago

@SIDrunks: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@Oliverg963: RT @Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE), Tere… - 2 years ago

@HITNEWS6: Edward R. Pressman, independent producer behind American Psycho, dead at 79 - 2 years ago

@CineBorat: RT @Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE), Tere… - 2 years ago

@CountBillStein: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@headstonehunter: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@headstonehunter: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@CMorefan: Edward R. Pressman, Independent Producer Behind American Psycho, Dead at 79 - 2 years ago

@int1980: Ha fallecido el productor Edward R. Pressman sin llevar a cabo su proyecto soñado de AKIRA pero dejándonos joyas ta… - 2 years ago

@jpcinema: RT @Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE), Tere… - 2 years ago

@raldarondo: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al sensacional Edward R. Pressman, productor estadounidense a quien debemos joyazas como MALAS TIERRAS, de Terrenc… - 2 years ago

@AstoryintheEnd: The great Producer Edward R. Pressman has died. A pretty incredible body of work but I’d like to thank him personal… - 2 years ago

@LukeAndyWalker: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@Alain_Marche: Edward Pressman, Notable Indie Producer of ‘Wall Street,’ ‘Conan the Barbarian,’ ‘Badlands,’ Dies at 79… - 2 years ago

@Fabfuzz: Disparition de Edward R. Pressman, mythique producteur à qui a produit Brian de Palma (SISTERS, PHANTOM OF THE PARA… - 2 years ago

@jmolas: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al sensacional Edward R. Pressman, productor estadounidense a quien debemos joyazas como MALAS TIERRAS, de Terrenc… - 2 years ago

@eamonngriffin: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@AdManComics: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@lucaselviejo: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al sensacional Edward R. Pressman, productor estadounidense a quien debemos joyazas como MALAS TIERRAS, de Terrenc… - 2 years ago

@renmusb1: Edward R. Pressman 79, the prolific Hollywood indie producer behind Wall Street, Badlands, American Psycho, Das Boo… - 2 years ago

@AndrewCMcGowan: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@VyceVictus: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@oyeoshikaeta: Please read! Edward R. Pressman, ‘Wall Street’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer, Dies at 79 #THR. - 2 years ago

@WritingRaven2: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@pearceduncan: RIP Edward R. Pressman, producer of a lot of interesting and often excellent movies and also Mutant Chronicles. - 2 years ago

@PrintedinBlood: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@moviegeeksunite: Producer Edward R. Pressman has passed away. Mr. pressman participated in a couple of our De Palma Series episodes… - 2 years ago

@Ardvark23: RT @tedgeoghegan: RIP to the great Edward R. Pressman, who brought us everything from PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE t… - 2 years ago

@SRJVaughan: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@CharliePlummer6: RIP Edward R. Pressman Out of It The Revolutionary Dealing: Or the Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues S… - 2 years ago

@JayBobbin1: Sorry to see this. “Wall Street” and “Talk Radio,” two of my favorite movies, were made by him. Rest In Peace,… - 2 years ago

@elskemccain: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@CloutComCoUk: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@trumpy303: RT @RueMorgue: RIP legendary genre producer Edward R. Pressman, whose credits range from CHRISTMAS EVIL to THE CROW and beyond - 2 years ago

@faustianovich: Peli (Edward R. Pressman) del día: THE REVOLUTIONARY, desencanto sociopolítico y vital de un activista estudiantil… - 2 years ago

@Mapiavva: RT @DEADLINE: Edward R. Pressman, the prolific Hollywood producer behind ‘Wall Street,’ ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Badlands’ and ‘The Crow,’ among… - 2 years ago

@TexasDem2: Edward R. Pressman Dies: Prolific ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer Was 79 - 2 years ago

@confusion_reign: RT @cassianelwes: Edward R. Pressman Dies: ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer-Deadline/ oh man what a huge loss for the business. A… - 2 years ago

@Another_Nerd01: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@deniz_andy: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@SSGNique: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@steffyHurkos: Edward R. Pressman Dies: ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer Was 79 – Deadline safe journey home Ed. - 2 years ago

@Astral_Turf: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@TheLesbianSpook: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@videodrome71: RT @TheWedgeSerpent: Along with Dino De Laurentiis and Golan-Globus, Edward R. Pressman was one of the first producers whose name I started… - 2 years ago

@jborrego: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@tarantuladad: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@Screamqueenarmy: @abadon_AEW - 2 years ago

@HpLovecraftbeer: RT @BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@BDisgusting: ‘The Crow’ and ‘American Psycho’ Producer Edward R. Pressman Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@MichaelRosser: Edward R. Pressman... Badlands, Wall Street, The Crow, American Psycho, Bad Lieutenant, Conan the Barbarian... what… - 2 years ago

@reanabebo: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@omarking0924: RT @DrewTailored: Sad to hear about the passing of Edward R. Pressman, a producer with exceptional taste who backed some truly insane proje… - 2 years ago

@elonrutberg: RIP Ed. Legend 🙏🏼 - 2 years ago

@johnsloss: Edward R. Pressman R.I.P. A great man and an essential member of our community. - 2 years ago

@kalenvx123: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@realchipriggs: RT @joshchesler1: RIP Ed Pressman, one of the true legendary producers. I’d only gotten to know him over the last year on a project, but fo… - 2 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: Muere Edward R. Pressman, productor de 'Conan el bárbaro' y 'Wall Street' El empresario ha fallecido en Los Ángeles… - 2 years ago

@mymackie: Edward R. Pressman Dies: ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer Was 79 – Deadline - 2 years ago

@joshchesler1: RIP Ed Pressman, one of the true legendary producers. I’d only gotten to know him over the last year on a project,… - 2 years ago

@lightscameraatx: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@_uncomfytruths: Here we go again #DiedSuddenly @DiedSuddenly_ - 2 years ago

@XavierCartes: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@IndieWire: Following the death of producer Edward R. Pressman, we are remembering him and his five decades of producing credit… - 2 years ago

@Mark_Kawada: RT @DEADLINE: Edward R. Pressman, the prolific Hollywood producer behind ‘Wall Street,’ ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Badlands’ and ‘The Crow,’ among… - 2 years ago

@CDAtri: There were many interesting adventures with Ed, Miramax and the HWR crew on the way to platinum with the Crow: City… - 2 years ago

@psybrspcsuprstr: RT @cassianelwes: Edward R. Pressman Dies: ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer-Deadline/ oh man what a huge loss for the business. A… - 2 years ago

@franklinleonard: RT @DEADLINE: Edward R. Pressman, the prolific Hollywood producer behind ‘Wall Street,’ ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Badlands’ and ‘The Crow,’ among… - 2 years ago

@dietcock: This is sad. He produced so many all-timers. Also one of the coolest, chillest producers in the business (HUGE ston… - 2 years ago

@cassianelwes: Edward R. Pressman Dies: ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer-Deadline/ oh man what a huge loss for the busine… - 2 years ago

@Aliakso48943576: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@AlexO340781617: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@TheWedgeSerpent: Along with Dino De Laurentiis and Golan-Globus, Edward R. Pressman was one of the first producers whose name I star… - 2 years ago

@satrian: RT @DEADLINE: Edward R. Pressman, the prolific Hollywood producer behind ‘Wall Street,’ ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Badlands’ and ‘The Crow,’ among… - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Edward R. Pressman Dies: Prolific ‘Wall Street’, ‘American Psycho’ Producer Was 79: Edward R. P… - 2 years ago

@donkaye: We've lost a giant of a producer. Edward R. Pressman brought us WALL STREET, THE CROW, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE, REV… - 2 years ago

@DEADLINE: Edward R. Pressman, the prolific Hollywood producer behind ‘Wall Street,’ ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Badlands’ and ‘The Cr… - 2 years ago

@Soothsayer_82: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@JulesPostman: RT @DrewMcWeeny: Edward R. Pressman was an absolute beast of a producer. His filmography speaks for itself. A legend is gone. #RIP - 2 years ago

@janiceallen_la: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@satrian: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@The80sMoviePod: Today, we say goodbye to Edward R. Pressman, whose name you don't know, but you know the films he produced during t… - 2 years ago

@frankp316: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@Filmnerd85: RT @DrewTailored: Sad to hear about the passing of Edward R. Pressman, a producer with exceptional taste who backed some truly insane proje… - 2 years ago

@ChanningKing: RT @DrewMcWeeny: Edward R. Pressman was an absolute beast of a producer. His filmography speaks for itself. A legend is gone. #RIP - 2 years ago

@DrewTailored: Sad to hear about the passing of Edward R. Pressman, a producer with exceptional taste who backed some truly insane… - 2 years ago

@mjsimpsonfilms: These things come in threes. In one week we've lost Andrew Jones, Piers Haggard and now Edward R Pressman: three lo… - 2 years ago

@DrewMcWeeny: Edward R. Pressman was an absolute beast of a producer. His filmography speaks for itself. A legend is gone. #RIP - 2 years ago

@CatalinaQuerida: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@mjsimpsonfilms: @sothcott @BillyAMurray I interviewed him on the set of Mutant Chronicles. Found him a very approachable, friendly… - 2 years ago

@KevinLaforest: Edward R. Pressman était aussi le producteur d'un de mes films préférés, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE. On lui avait rend… - 2 years ago

@Rob_Motto: RIP Edward R. Pressman. - 2 years ago

@MattThomasTO: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@HSavernake: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@cbonamus: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@Waruingimwaniki: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@ThePhoenixCule1: RT @Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badlands,” “Bad… - 2 years ago

@Variety: Prolific independent producer Edward R. Pressman, who shepherded more than 90 movies including “Wall Street,” “Badl… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Edward R. Pressman dies - #EdwardRPressman #Edward #R.Pressman #rip - 2 years ago

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