Edward Natapei

Ni-Vanuatu politician
Died on Tuesday July 28th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Edward Natapei:

@MelayuMonitor: West Papuans gather to give their deep condolences after the death of Mr Edward Natapei, former Prime Minister of...

@FreeWestPapua: West Papuans gather to give their deep condolences after the death of Mr Edward Natapei, former Prime Minister of...

@cronica_diario: España lamenta el fallecimiento de Edward Natapei

@SMC_CGHK: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …


@seguragc: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@perlipatt: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@La_Cerca: #España lamenta el fallecimiento de Edward Natapei

@IgnacioYbanez: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@USAsiaPacific: Condolences from @StateDept @JohnKerry on passing of #Vanuatu former Prime Minister Edward Natapei

@charo_aviles: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@KikeMlaga: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@maricarvidalsam: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@desdelamoncloa: RT @MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro …

@MAECgob: Expresamos nuestras condolencias al Gobierno y pueblo de Vanuatu por el fallecimiento la semana pasada del ex primer ministro Edward Natapei

@Diplomacy140: “#Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. Edward Natapei

@res0xhdb2: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@hanztam: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@TRUKLAYNE71: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei Press Statement John Kerry Secretary of State...

@radioworldsv: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@alizinaty: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@mj_palin: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@USAemPortugues: #Vanuatu perdeu um estadista ilustre - Secretário @JohnKerry sobre recente falecimento do Honorável ex-Primeiro-Ministro, Edward Natapei

@alick_pascal: Social media post by Radio Vanuatu reporter Taffo, reports late Edward Natapei was buried at 1:30pm Vanuatu time on the island of Futuna.

@alick_pascal: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@EmergencySling: #emergency #news Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei

@PacIsLiving: John Kerry comments on the passing of former Vanuatu PM Edward Natapei.

@DailypostVu: Images from the lying in state of Edward Nipake Natapei.

@PolitiicsNews: #Politics Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Min...

@Bravosabre: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@kamaluf: East Asia and the Pacific: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei: Condolences on the Pa...

@22FOURCOM: East Asia and the Pacific: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei: Condolences on the Pa...

@TmqTest: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@FollowUSGovNews: Secretary's Remarks: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei

@USAsiaPacific: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@liandryaaa: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@Gremlinbroom: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@WanabidiiBlog: [wanabidii] Press Releases: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei

@BtzMedina: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@Oldlady12345: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

@govfeeds: Press Releases: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei

@Executive_Watch: Press Releases: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei

@canadademocrats: Press Releases: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei: Condolences on the Passing of Pr...

@democrat_rss: Press Releases: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei: Condolences on the Passing of Pr...

@USGovNews: [DoS] Press Releases: Condolences on the Passing of Prime Minister Edward Natapei: Condolences on the Passing...

@Mygmail1: RT @StateDept: #Vanuatu lost a distinguished statesman who will be missed- Sec.@JohnKerry on recent passing of Honorable former Prime Min. …

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