Edward L. Salmon, Jr.

American Anglican prelate
Died on Wednesday June 29th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Edward L. Salmon, Jr.:

@sshoxford: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Edward L. Salmon Jr, Bishop, sometime Bishop of South Carolina and Dean... - 9 years ago

@yourcathedral: If you have not already heard the news, the 13th Bishop of South Carolina, Edward L. Salmon, Jr., died the... - 9 years ago

@Melba_Tyrie: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr., 13th bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, has died - 9 years ago

@KendallHarmon6: (Nashotah House) Nineteenth Dean of Nashotah, Bishop Edward L Salmon Jr., laid to rest - 9 years ago


@Melba_Tyrie: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr., 13th bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, has died - 9 years ago

@AZpornsites: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@KendallHarmon6: Diocese of #SouthCarolina memorial service for the Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. is next Wednesday - 9 years ago

@Shawna_Coutee: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr., 13th bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, has died - 9 years ago

@St_John_OS_MS: belfry_bat: via EpisDioMS: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@belfry_bat: via EpisDioMS: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@amandabc: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr., 13th bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, has died - 9 years ago

@EpisDioMS: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@KendallHarmon6: Diocese of #SouthCarolina--the #Death of the Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: Edward L. Salmon, Jr., American Episcopal prelate, Died at 82 - 9 years ago

@StJohnsParishSC: RT @anglicanink: Vale -- The Rt Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr: The former Bishop of South Carolina and Dean of Nashotah House Semin... - 9 years ago

@StJohnsParishSC: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. 13th Bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina January 30, 1934 – June 29, 2016 - 9 years ago

@TheDizzyLizzieB: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr., 13th bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Dioce... @postandcourier - 9 years ago

@episcopalians: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@CharlesScribner: RT @CathedralAdvent: Diocese of South Carolina - Death of the Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. - 9 years ago

@saintlukesmtns: #EpiscopalLA #Christian #LosAngeles RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Edward L. Salmon, Jr. (1934 - 2016), died at age 82 years - 9 years ago

@St_John_OS_MS: belfry_bat: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@belfry_bat: RIP: Former Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr. - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Edward L. Salmon, Jr. dies - #EdwardLSalmonJr #Edward #L.Salmon,Jr. #rip - 9 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Edward L. Salmon, Jr., 82, American Anglican prelate, Bishop of South Carolina (1990–2008). - 9 years ago

@ProtestantNews: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr., 13th bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, has died - 9 years ago

@CathedralAdvent: Diocese of South Carolina - Death of the Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. - 9 years ago

@hipstercon: RIP Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr., a faithful shepherd of Christ's church. - 9 years ago

@Holgrave: Requiescat en pace Bishop Edward L. Salmon Jr., a father, friend, and inspiration to me and many others. - 9 years ago

@StAndrews1706: RT @anglicanink: Vale -- The Rt Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr: The former Bishop of South Carolina and Dean of Nashotah House Semin... - 9 years ago

@anglicanink: Vale -- The Rt Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr: The former Bishop of South Carolina and Dean of Nashotah House Semin... - 9 years ago

@QuintinOnCamera: RT @dianeknich: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr. died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. - 9 years ago

@AntonyFishman: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr. died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. - 9 years ago

@AmandaMarybeth1: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr. died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. - 9 years ago

@geneseostmikes: May Bishop Edward L. Salmon, Jr., rest and peace, and light perpetual shine upon him. A faithful apostle of... - 9 years ago

@postandcourier: RT @dianeknich: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr. died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. - 9 years ago

@dianeknich: The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr. died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. - 9 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Edward L. Salmon, Jr. is just resting: - 9 years ago

@geoconger: Vale -- The Rt Rev. Edward L. Salmon Jr - 9 years ago

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