Edward L. Feightner

American Navy officer and flying ace.
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

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Tweets related to Edward L. Feightner:

@SicTransit34: RADM Edward L. Feightner, USN(Ret.), World War II ace who helped develop Navy jets, dies at 100 - 5 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feightner said.… - 5 years ago

@cabara: RT @NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feightner said.… - 5 years ago

@FIAofGKV: RT @NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feightner said.… - 5 years ago


@NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feight… - 5 years ago

@willthewordguy: RT @NYTObits: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of postwar… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development o… - 5 years ago

@UTZAAKE: RT @NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feightner said.… - 5 years ago

@ZacharyRWood: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@SusanMorich: RT @NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feightner said.… - 5 years ago

@Boothman23: RT @NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feightner said.… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: “If you can’t stay calm and focused in a crisis, you have no business being a fighter pilot,” Adm. Edward L. Feight… - 5 years ago

@jsnyder555: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@Glitchy_Ashburn: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@WomenMilAv8rs: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@Croupeton: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@cyrilm_82: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@EglessKarim: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@MGZALLP: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@actualites_nrv: Admiral Edward L. "Whitey" Feightner, pilote d’essai et as de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, est mort à l'âge de 100 a… - 5 years ago

@StephanCiejka: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@Ayei_Eloheichem: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@BrandonLitwin: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@Avi_Jacobson: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

@Idl3: RT @NYTimesAtWar: Edward L. Feightner, a Navy air ace of World War II and a test pilot who played a leading role in the development of post… - 5 years ago

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