Edward Idris Cassidy

Australian Roman Catholic cardinal
Died on Saturday April 10th 2021

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Tweets related to Edward Idris Cassidy:

@roccopalmo: Amid sparkling tributes from Jews ( - 4 years ago

@DanielCPeterson: Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy (5 July 1924 – 10 April 2021), a “Prince of the Church” - - 4 years ago

@gerard_kieffer: RT @zenitfrancais: Australie : @Pontifex rend hommage au défunt cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy Il salue « son engagement dans la promotion d… - 4 years ago

@PaulaGarciaJim4: RT @EWTNVaticano: El Papa Francisco expresó su pésame y aseguró sus oraciones por el fallecimiento del Cardenal australiano Edward Idris Ca… - 4 years ago


@ecumenika: RT @istinews: Le cardinal Cassidy s’était exprimé sur l’avenir du mouvement œcuménique, dans la revue Istina 1994/4, après une intervention… - 4 years ago

@UniteChretiens: RT @istinews: Le cardinal Cassidy s’était exprimé sur l’avenir du mouvement œcuménique, dans la revue Istina 1994/4, après une intervention… - 4 years ago

@istinews: RT @istinews: Le cardinal Cassidy s’était exprimé sur l’avenir du mouvement œcuménique, dans la revue Istina 1994/4, après une intervention… - 4 years ago

@istinews: Le cardinal Cassidy s’était exprimé sur l’avenir du mouvement œcuménique, dans la revue Istina 1994/4, après une in… - 4 years ago

@weronikaberlik1: RT @zenitfrancais: Australie : @Pontifex rend hommage au défunt cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy Il salue « son engagement dans la promotion d… - 4 years ago

@SraCLaus: RT @EWTNVaticano: El Papa Francisco expresó su pésame y aseguró sus oraciones por el fallecimiento del Cardenal australiano Edward Idris Ca… - 4 years ago

@SSFranciscoI: RT @EWTNVaticano: El Papa Francisco expresó su pésame y aseguró sus oraciones por el fallecimiento del Cardenal australiano Edward Idris Ca… - 4 years ago

@EWTNVaticano: El Papa Francisco expresó su pésame y aseguró sus oraciones por el fallecimiento del Cardenal australiano Edward Id… - 4 years ago

@zenitfrancais: Australie : @Pontifex rend hommage au défunt cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy Il salue « son engagement dans la promot… - 4 years ago

@caritas_elvigia: Papa Francisco reza por el fallecimiento del Cardenal Edward Cassidy: VATICANO, 14 Abr. 21 (ACI Prensa).- El Papa F… - 4 years ago

@ssbenedictoxvi: Audiencia General del Papa: La Iglesia maestra de oración. Telegrama por la muerte del Card. Edward Idris Cassidy.… - 4 years ago

@juancarvaticano: RT @HolySeePress: Telegramma del Santo Padre per la morte dell’ - 4 years ago

@schoenstattorg: Telegram of condolence on the death of His Eminence Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy - 4 years ago

@Exaudi_noticias: 🇦🇺 El #PapaFrancisco ha enviado un telegrama de pésame por la muerte del cardenal Edward Idris Cassidy, presidente… - 4 years ago

@schoenstattorg: Telegrama del Santo Padre por la muerte de Su Eminencia el cardenal Edward Idris Cassidy - 4 years ago

@KattInForma: 🇻🇦 BOLLETTINO SALA STAMPA DELLA SANTA SEDE Telegramma del Santo Padre per la morte dell’ - 4 years ago

@HolySeePress: Telegramma del Santo Padre per la morte dell’ - 4 years ago

@IsraelNewsLinks: Australian Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy dead at 96 - 4 years ago

@StarColombo: RT @WorldJewishCong: We mourn the passing of Australian Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, 96, a longtime Vatican diplomat and former President… - 4 years ago

@WorldJewishCong: We mourn the passing of Australian Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, 96, a longtime Vatican diplomat and former Presid… - 4 years ago

@StParramatta: RT @parracatholic: Catholic Outlook mourns the recent passing into life eternal of Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy. We celebrate with affecti… - 4 years ago

@ucanindonesia: China's last apostolic pro-nuncio Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy dies in Australia on April 10. Read more…… - 4 years ago

@UCANSriLanka: China's last apostolic pro-nuncio Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy dies in Australia on April 10. Read more…… - 4 years ago

@ucanindia: China's last apostolic pro-nuncio Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy dies in Australia on April 10. Read more…… - 4 years ago

@UCANews: China's last apostolic pro-nuncio Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy dies in Australia on April 10. Read more…… - 4 years ago

@parracatholic: Catholic Outlook mourns the recent passing into life eternal of Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy. We celebrate with af… - 4 years ago

@jeremystuparich: RT @VicAlhadeff: Condolences to our #Catholic friends on the passing of #Cardinal Edward Idris #Cassidy - a giant in #interfaith relations. - 4 years ago

@markcourelive: RT @VicAlhadeff: Condolences to our #Catholic friends on the passing of #Cardinal Edward Idris #Cassidy - a giant in #interfaith relations. - 4 years ago

@VicAlhadeff: Condolences to our #Catholic friends on the passing of #Cardinal Edward Idris #Cassidy - a giant in #interfaith relations. - 4 years ago

@Cocolan0554: RT @CCardenalicio: Este día falleció el cardenal australiano Edward Idris Cassidy, Presidente emérito del Consejo Pontificio para la Unidad… - 4 years ago

@deepak007raj: RT @EWTNVatican: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 9… - 4 years ago

@AndresCarbo11: RT @CCardenalicio: Este día falleció el cardenal australiano Edward Idris Cassidy, Presidente emérito del Consejo Pontificio para la Unidad… - 4 years ago

@CCardenalicio: Este día falleció el cardenal australiano Edward Idris Cassidy, Presidente emérito del Consejo Pontificio para la U… - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Edward Idris Cassidy - 4 years ago

@HarryJosephFri1: RT @EWTNVatican: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 9… - 4 years ago

@freedomroadnet: RT @EWTNVatican: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 9… - 4 years ago

@Ravanna13103469: RT @EWTNVatican: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 9… - 4 years ago

@EWTNVatican: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the a… - 4 years ago

@McCrobieLV: RT @cworldreport: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of… - 4 years ago

@cworldreport: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the a… - 4 years ago

@Estefano_lopes: Edward Idris Cassidy faleceu hoje aos 96 anos. Mais informações sobre o seu falecimento aqui 👇 - 4 years ago

@Estefano_lopes: #Luto Edward Idris Cassidy AC, OMRI (Sydney, 5 de julho de 1924 – Newcastle, 10 de abril de 2021) foi um cardeal d… - 4 years ago

@Ravanna13103469: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@dcnlarryvac: RT @robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving action o… - 4 years ago

@istinews: RT @robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving action o… - 4 years ago

@CatholicMasses: Cardinal Cassidy remembered for life of service to the ChurchBy Vatican News staff reporter The Church in Australia… - 4 years ago

@NelloAprea: È morto all' età di 96 anni il cardinale australiano Edward Idris Cassidy. Creato cardinale nel 1991, da Papa Wojt… - 4 years ago

@mgrmichel: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@Anthony_V_Bruno: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@sconnoll: RT @robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving action o… - 4 years ago

@CorrieDYoung: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@galakhina: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeKocan: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@diegloflainez: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@HannahBrockhaus: RT @cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. h… - 4 years ago

@cnalive: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, a longtime Vatican diplomat and official, has died in Newcastle, Australia, at the a… - 4 years ago

@cwise525: RT @roccopalmo: The death at 96 of the Aussie Card Edward Idris Cassidy is hauntingly-timed – after Nostra Aetate, Catholicism’s most signi… - 4 years ago

@theresamacc: RT @robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving action o… - 4 years ago

@litpress: RT @robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving action o… - 4 years ago

@RichRaho: RT @robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving action o… - 4 years ago

@robinrome: RIP: Card. Edward Idris Cassidy (1924-2021) "We confess together that sinners are justified by faith in the saving… - 4 years ago

@byzkanonist: RT @gcatholic: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy (葛錫迪), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via Lata, President emeritus of Pontifical Council for P… - 4 years ago

@bishbrit: RT @gcatholic: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy (葛錫迪), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via Lata, President emeritus of Pontifical Council for P… - 4 years ago

@KNA_Redaktion: Der australische Kardinal und langjährige vatikanische "Ökumene-Minister" Edward Idris #Cassidy ist tot. Er starb i… - 4 years ago

@domradio: Australische #Kardinal Edward Idris #Cassidy ist tot. Er starb im Alter von 96 Jahren, wie das kirchliche Portal… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Edward Idris Cassidy has passed away - #Edward #rip - 4 years ago

@Strack_C: Er war langjähriger vatikanischer „Ökumene-Minister". Der australische #Kardinal Edward Idris #Cassidy, einer der… - 4 years ago

@croesdijk: RT @roccopalmo: The death at 96 of the Aussie Card Edward Idris Cassidy is hauntingly-timed – after Nostra Aetate, Catholicism’s most signi… - 4 years ago

@gcatholic: Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy (葛錫迪), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via Lata, President emeritus of Pontifical Coun… - 4 years ago

@percyvale21: RT @roccopalmo: The death at 96 of the Aussie Card Edward Idris Cassidy is hauntingly-timed – after Nostra Aetate, Catholicism’s most signi… - 4 years ago

@AugieMcFly: RT @roccopalmo: The death at 96 of the Aussie Card Edward Idris Cassidy is hauntingly-timed – after Nostra Aetate, Catholicism’s most signi… - 4 years ago

@austeni: RT @roccopalmo: The death at 96 of the Aussie Card Edward Idris Cassidy is hauntingly-timed – after Nostra Aetate, Catholicism’s most signi… - 4 years ago

@roccopalmo: The death at 96 of the Aussie Card Edward Idris Cassidy is hauntingly-timed – after Nostra Aetate, Catholicism’s mo… - 4 years ago

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