Edward Herrmann

American actor (Gilmore Girls
Died on Wednesday December 31st 2014

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Edward Herrmann:

@tanna_bananas: OMG a #GilmoreGirls reunion! I would KILL to see that! It's the ENTIRE CAST (minus Edward Herrmann who passed away). https://t.co/2DhBuBlFgE

@mrdankelly: Side note: Edward (Richard Gilmore) Herrmann showed up in an amazing turn as a surgeon experiencing PTSD. I miss him. #mash

@AutumnAutumnn: @desirae_monique Aww not grandpa 😓😣 http://t.co/7GVlusRC2N

@afterglow2046: @MuseZack I'm getting a major Edward Herrmann vibe from him. Could they do a biopic of the late great? Or maybe a Gilmore Girls prequel?


@AllisonDaurio: Very confused on how Edward Herrmann can be a "special guest" as Richard Gilmore in Gilmore Girls for all 7 seasons of the show.

@RNicholeClift: Ron Perlman reminds me of Fred Gwynne reminds me of Edward Herrmann. #Car54WhereAreYou?

@trespalaciosti5: EDWARD HERRMANN AS FDR PORTRAIT ELEANOR AND FRANKLIN COLOR 1977 ABC TV PHOTO http://t.co/qYe3d61KCR http://t.co/zm0fZe1y5z

@kristinostby: Me re: Edward Herrmann to Pat, who is watching The Roosevelts: It's so sad he died. Pat (incredulous): Who, FDR?!

@KatriinaKurki: @MinnyPuckPanda I know, so sad! 😭 They should do same kind of tribute to Richard/Edward Herrmann in that possible movie😊

@idek_omg_lol: RT @WATNCelebrity: RIP Edward Herrmann Herrmann was probably best know as Richard Gilmore on Gilmore Girls. He passed away aged 71. http:/…

@StubbsDonald: RIP Edward Herrmann...great actor, awesome in Lost Boys

@Switzerland87: Tomorrow (White House Version) de Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Lois DeBanzie And Edward Herrmann. http://t.co/ZdYBHkeu8d

@TehLATimez: Edward Herrmann, star of TV, ... #CharmedAudiences #EdwardHerrmann #EleanorAndFranklin #FranklinDRoosevelt http://t.co/n7qktkknBy

@imsarahmoore: Glad the #DramaDesks remembered Edward Herrmann even though @TheBwayLeague didn't care.

@LocaDotIn: RT @mashable: Edward Herrmann, star of "Gilmore Girls" and "The Lost Boys," has died a age 71: http://t.co/6zVNXCd2az

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