Edward Heffron

American World War II veteran
Died on Sunday December 1st 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Edward Heffron:

@Elodie_K: RT @Easy506Tweets: William J. Guarnere and Edward James Heffron Memorial Boulevard http://t.co/orSDFlFtIf Nice! @frankjhughes @rain_goblin

@ingridmilcent: RT @rain_goblin: The world's a poorer place today. It was a pleasure and honour to play and know Edward "Babe" Heffron.Currahee Babe! http:…

@AngeliqueJouet: RT @rain_goblin: The world's a poorer place today. It was a pleasure and honour to play and know Edward "Babe" Heffron.Currahee Babe! http:…

@AngeliqueJouet: RT @Easy506Tweets: William J. Guarnere and Edward James Heffron Memorial Boulevard http://t.co/orSDFlFtIf Nice! @frankjhughes @rain_goblin

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