Edward C. Prescott

American economist
Died on Monday November 7th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Edward C. Prescott:

@JuanBRodriguezN: Fallece el gran economista y ganador del Nobel de Economía Edward C. Prescott el pasado 8 de noviembre. Paz a los r… - 2 years ago

@ShanthaRMohan: RT @teppercmu: In Memoriam: Edward C. Prescott, #CMU alumnus, former faculty member, & Nobel Prize laureate, passed away on Nov. 6. He was… - 2 years ago

@Isabelle_Bajeux: Edward C. Prescott made an incredible impact within the vast field of economics. His brilliant legacy will forever… - 2 years ago

@teppercmu: In Memoriam: Edward C. Prescott, #CMU alumnus, former faculty member, & Nobel Prize laureate, passed away on Nov. 6… - 2 years ago


@Geerdevi: RT @lhamtil: RIP Nobel laureate Ed Prescott: '“We should get away from thinking about stimulus policies and worry about long-run growth po… - 2 years ago

@JOSEPEREZJR01: Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis #economy… - 2 years ago

@lhamtil: RIP Nobel laureate Ed Prescott: '“We should get away from thinking about stimulus policies and worry about long-ru… - 2 years ago

@JacobsonLawPA: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81: - 2 years ago

@BorelliBooks: Nobel-winning economist cautioned against short-term tinkering with the economy - 2 years ago

@JavierBianchi7: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@WHCiii: RT @StarTribune: Edward C. Prescott, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneap… - 2 years ago

@StarTribune: Edward C. Prescott, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of… - 2 years ago

@sakak: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@hrubini: - 2 years ago

@hrubini: Edward C. Prescott (1940-2022). R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@tbarrios2: RT @StarTribune: Edward C. Prescott, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneap… - 2 years ago

@Minnesotanomics: RT @StarTribune: Edward C. Prescott, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneap… - 2 years ago

@StarTribune: Edward C. Prescott, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of… - 2 years ago

@kataokagoushi: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@bschorr: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@BerkayBatuhanD7: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@carminaovargas: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@bse_barcelona: We are extremely grateful to Edward Prescott for helping us improve as an institution over the years, and for gener… - 2 years ago

@bse_barcelona: Remembering Edward C. Prescott, celebrated economist and one of the longest-serving members of the Barcelona School… - 2 years ago

@elisabelfiori: RT @MinneapolisFed: We are saddened to share the news that our colleague, Edward C. Prescott, passed away on Sunday, November 6, 2022. Ed w… - 2 years ago

@DarovaOrnella: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@ArnouldEcoGest: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@ARMApq: RT @holmesthomasj: - 2 years ago

@tradewartracker: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@APhenix1: RT @MinneapolisFed: We are saddened to share the news that our colleague, Edward C. Prescott, passed away on Sunday, November 6, 2022. Ed w… - 2 years ago

@HellerHurwicz: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@TheGrtNecessity: RT @artrolnick44: - 2 years ago

@artrolnick44: - 2 years ago

@jorgearturosaza: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@Ekonosaurus: RT @JeffHorwich: Reminiscences from @MinneapolisFed colleagues of the legendary Ed Prescott, Nobel-winner & one of the fathers of modern mo… - 2 years ago

@abazan9: RT @mansanchezgz: Edward C Prescott (1940-2022): Economist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend - 2 years ago

@agcintado: RT @tradewartracker: - 2 years ago

@todd_schoellman: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@c2granda: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@kamromero: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@SantosMonteiroP: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@moraleslapaz: RT @holmesthomasj: - 2 years ago

@SEOBAY1: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 Boost sales 99% with Social media Adv… - 2 years ago

@codievincent: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@ImRajaram: The Nobel lauret Dr. Edward C Prescott, father of real business cycle theory, passed away. May his soul rest in peace. #RIPEdwardPrescott - 2 years ago

@JimRosenz: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@Mex_Libertario: RT @andresilvatw: "There is a sense in which all of us working in macroeconomics today honor Ed Prescott in every paper we write." This is… - 2 years ago

@Mex_Libertario: RT @mansanchezgz: Edward C Prescott (1940-2022): Economist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend - 2 years ago

@fujisawaIFE: RT @AndreaRaffo8: In memoriam. Edward C. Prescott: Economist, mentor, revolutionary thinker | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - 2 years ago

@Rota001i: RT @holmesthomasj: - 2 years ago

@ASU: ASU mourns the loss of @WPCareySchool Regents Professor Edward C. Prescott. As a professor and the W. P. Carey Cha… - 2 years ago

@MinneapolisFed: RT @lindaunobel: We deeply mourn the loss of Laureate Edward C. Prescott. Prof. Prescott participated in 3 #LINOecon after receiving the Pr… - 2 years ago

@JeffHorwich: Reminiscences from @MinneapolisFed colleagues of the legendary Ed Prescott, Nobel-winner & one of the fathers of mo… - 2 years ago

@keywitt2: RT @Jonheathcote: Edward C Prescott (1940-2022): Economist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend - 2 years ago

@ptwall: RT @MinneapolisFed: We are saddened to share the news that our colleague, Edward C. Prescott, passed away on Sunday, November 6, 2022. Ed w… - 2 years ago

@MinneapolisFed: We are saddened to share the news that our colleague, Edward C. Prescott, passed away on Sunday, November 6, 2022.… - 2 years ago

@eroswisdom: - 2 years ago

@M_ttM_: RT @benjamminlester: Beautiful tribute to Prescott. I’m not a “direct descendant” but I find it incredible how much of an impact he’s had o… - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81: The researcher found new explanations fo… - 2 years ago

@Dooniteddotin: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@kinggi2003: RT @Jonheathcote: Edward C Prescott (1940-2022): Economist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend - 2 years ago

@wellisz: Presecott’s research provided backing for central bank independence. #economics ⁦another great obit by… - 2 years ago

@kristoferkawas: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@tellmetimes: Nobel-Winning Economist Edward C. Prescott Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@marcooviedo: RT @mansanchezgz: Edward C Prescott (1940-2022): Economist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend - 2 years ago

@esepu: RT @mansanchezgz: Edward C Prescott (1940-2022): Economist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend - 2 years ago

@JamesRHagerty: Nobel-winning economist cautioned against short-term tinkering with the economy - 2 years ago

@umncla: RT @HellerHurwicz: Like many of you, we were sad to learn that Edward C. Prescott passed away. He was a leader in the economics profession… - 2 years ago

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