Educated Rapper

American rapper (UTFO)
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Educated Rapper:

@BB0BY: you need to get educated by reading this : - 8 years ago

@WalbyBrenda: RT @memearchive: ladies u only have $3 to build ur perfect man: $700 - educated $500 - rich $3- soundcloud rapper $250- loyal - 8 years ago

@LindenIves: RT @thereal786: Law Library series educated the yute, but Papoose is not a better rapper than Lil Wayne - 8 years ago

@thereal786: Law Library series educated the yute, but Papoose is not a better rapper than Lil Wayne - 8 years ago


@ridindurtyradio: Rest In Beats to Jeffrey Campbell aka The Educated Rapper MD aka EMD of the legendary group UTFO… - 8 years ago

@misterrcortes: Church Choir + An Educated Rapper = my playlist - 8 years ago

@educated_bg: RT @JayJazzi: Quavo's a basketball player that's a part time rapper - 8 years ago

@LeWebster: #RIP Educated Rapper #UTFO - 8 years ago

@TheQueenCurator: RT @neosouldude: @TheQueenCurator Prodigy of mobb deep gone. Another cool rapper gone like educated rapper emd utfo Roxanne Roxanne. I miss… - 8 years ago

@neosouldude: @TheQueenCurator Prodigy of mobb deep gone. Another cool rapper gone like educated rapper emd utfo Roxanne Roxanne.… - 8 years ago

@Educated_Negro_: RT @Four_Pins: what soundcloud rapper is this - 8 years ago

@jcole_rapper: "We need to Win Everywhere, except in one of the most diverse and educated areas in the U.S" - @randygdub - 8 years ago

@ParadiseGray: Hip hop salute to Prodigy, Educated Rapper, and TC Islam. Our brothers 4 Ever. - 8 years ago


@DJ_ICEMAN: Too many gone from the culture gone too soon this year. TC Izlam Prodigy Yellow Benji Educated Rapper #RIP - 8 years ago

@MrNix_11: @RealChuckDiesel @MisterBeasley Nothing wrong with being an educated rapper - 8 years ago

@Educated_Fool83: RT @RollingStone: Prodigy, veteran rapper and one-half of Mobb Deep, has died at age 42 - 8 years ago

@CeeSoDope: Educated Rapper, A.K.A. EMD From U.T.F.O. Dies At 54! - 8 years ago

@SidneyVanharlin: RT @ABeautifulGrind: HipHop News Legendary Promotor Van Silk Confirms Educated Rapper Of UTFO Dead At 54 - 8 years ago

@EchoHattix: Educated Rapper of UTFO Dead at 56, Hip-Hop Reacts - 8 years ago

@jcrumors: Quite possibly the most overlooked celebrity death of 2017 - 8 years ago

@ChiLocoRedd: RT @PrinceEazy: 2PAC my favorite rapper he was out spoken & very well educated Dey got him lookin like suge nite bitch in dat movie and the… - 8 years ago

@xbavpTPTOeGcVrq: RT @TheOGLegacy: Another loss for the Hip-Hop community. Educated Rapper(EMD) of UTFO has passed away. Peace out to his family. #ripeducate… - 8 years ago

@TRJC: RIP Jeffrey Campbell aka The Educated will be missed #hiphop #rap @MIXMASTERICE @therealdocice… - 8 years ago

@WeekendGabe: RT @lizzieeg30: Thee only educated female rapper #LIZZIEG I worked hard for this and I'm so grateful to use my… - 8 years ago

@lizzieeg30: Thee only educated female rapper #LIZZIEG I worked hard for this and I'm so grateful to use my… - 8 years ago

@FiferBusiness: Why y'all didn't tell me? - 8 years ago

@FiferBusiness: Educated Rapper From U.T.F.O. Has Passed Away - 8 years ago

@NovelNatural: @DatBiz612 @blackwoodplus @TalibKweli @LilTunechi That's mighty homophobic of you, educated one. You're both bigote… - 8 years ago

@AceWilliams4: RT @fullforceworld: Full Force lost a family member. Rest In Peace to Jeffrey "Educated Rapper" Campbell of UTFO. He will be forever... htt… - 8 years ago

@7StarsCMngmt: Full Force lost a family member. Rest In Peace to Jeffrey "Educated Rapper" Campbell of UTFO. He will be forever... - 8 years ago

@djslybri: Pour one out for the Educated Rapper - 8 years ago

@iamkillawatts: RT @DailyMemeSuppIy: ladies u only have $3 to build ur perfect man: $700 - educated $500 - rich $3- soundcloud rapper $250- loyal - 8 years ago

@misaelray: RT @DailyMemeSuppIy: ladies u only have $3 to build ur perfect man: $700 - educated $500 - rich $3- soundcloud rapper $250- loyal - 8 years ago

@Official_MAC203: RT @PrinceEazy: 2PAC my favorite rapper he was out spoken & very well educated Dey got him lookin like suge nite bitch in dat movie and the… - 8 years ago

@SheLoveGunnz: Back when I was speaking educated they said I was tryin to be white now all these traper rapper niggas upgrading there vocabulary 🤔😂 - 8 years ago

@PrinceEazy: RT @PrinceEazy: 2PAC my favorite rapper he was out spoken & very well educated Dey got him lookin like suge nite bitch in dat movie and the… - 8 years ago

@TrevorSlashTEE: RT @PrinceEazy: 2PAC my favorite rapper he was out spoken & very well educated Dey got him lookin like suge nite bitch in dat movie and the… - 8 years ago

@ERDVYYVx6yuB0Ay: RT @mvaken22: R.I.P. The Educated Rapper EMD of U.T.F.O. as Chuck D tweeted REST IN BEATS ! - 8 years ago

@Shmattiev23: RT @PrinceEazy: 2PAC my favorite rapper he was out spoken & very well educated Dey got him lookin like suge nite bitch in dat movie and the… - 8 years ago

@PrinceEazy: 2PAC my favorite rapper he was out spoken & very well educated Dey got him lookin like suge nite bitch in dat movie and the ending was trash - 8 years ago

@carmagedden: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@djslybri: Pour one out for the Educated Rapper - 8 years ago

@fvckinyoung: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@hotpotahoe: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@MikeTysonFlow: Just a college educated rapper who probably wants way too much 🤷🏽‍♂️ - 8 years ago

@BlackKingBreezy: @sweetfacedinero She fucked up when she THOUGHT that he was just another dumb rapper nigga...he's VERY college educated, like Nene would say - 8 years ago

@yenniferxx: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@stvennjh: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@parkinglotviews: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@descendantsstan: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@zerogyn: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@1an1KOTW: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@hausofchristin: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@bumble_breeze: this is so sweet. @CupcakKe_rapper educated him and was nice about it to! You go girl - 8 years ago

@yvettrguz: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@ChaseTpeterson: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@JLHB_7297: @Maximus6913 @grunpybirder @Rexforbes7 Movement. Another idiot educated on social media, That's why Jeremy Corbyn g… - 8 years ago

@bird_watcher666: I fucking love her man... she didn't even attack him, she EDUCATED him @CupcakKe_rapper I love you - 8 years ago

@GLOOOMBOYS: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@ArrozConMel: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@Devotyb: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@bombeddie: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@5hisiconic: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@hatingmichelle: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@ZayniieWayniie: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@Glencocosnipple: RT @eethvn: she is truly a legend. the way she educated him so calmly and got her point across without arguing. i love you @CupcakKe_rapper… - 8 years ago

@nyafromfire: RT @4f52de8ce59b4fc: @MsElectLadyKim @IAMJamena @nyafromfire @LawrenceBledsoe @Avetteellerbe @ultronik @richiedawrecker @TanjiCurtis @tariq… - 8 years ago

@Educated_Negro_: RT @S_C_: And the greatest rapper of all time OBAMA . Thank you 44 - 8 years ago

@softielester: RT @aestheticsdes: @CupcakKe_rapper my queen. Motivational speakers are shook. Educated that taxi man and then gave him a free concert. Bab… - 8 years ago

@gonzzaaalez: RT @aestheticsdes: @CupcakKe_rapper my queen. Motivational speakers are shook. Educated that taxi man and then gave him a free concert. Bab… - 8 years ago

@aestheticsdes: @CupcakKe_rapper my queen. Motivational speakers are shook. Educated that taxi man and then gave him a free concert. Babashook - 8 years ago

@cowboymingyu: @CupcakKe_rapper i fr love you omg i would be so upset in that situation but youre so respectful and nice about gettin him educated - 8 years ago

@pintap_podcast: #PINTAP ** EPISODE 32 ** #WhatIf the labels changed from rapper to Educated Poets or Oratorical… - 8 years ago

@LadyGagaSlay28: @CupcakKe_rapper just educated a homophobe and I'm crying 😢 I love her so much - 8 years ago

@Saucy_Sis: RT @4f52de8ce59b4fc: @MsElectLadyKim @IAMJamena @nyafromfire @LawrenceBledsoe @Avetteellerbe @ultronik @richiedawrecker @TanjiCurtis @tariq… - 8 years ago

@4f52de8ce59b4fc: @MsElectLadyKim @IAMJamena @nyafromfire @LawrenceBledsoe @Avetteellerbe @ultronik @richiedawrecker @TanjiCurtis… - 8 years ago

@BRijK0ECmw87ZDp: RT @Teddytedd: RIP The Educated Rapper of UTFO ! humble soul you will be missed ! #EducatedRapper - 8 years ago

@aceinthehole41: RIP to our hip-hop Fore Father Jeffrey Campbell... 'Educated Rapper' from UTFO... Gone too soon.… - 8 years ago

@TherealmikegM: RT @SLAMjamzRecords: Eternal Respect to "Educated Rapper (Jeffrey Campbell) " of UTFO..... - 8 years ago

@obeNeutral: RT @DailyMemeSuppIy: ladies u only have $3 to build ur perfect man: $700 - educated $500 - rich $3- soundcloud rapper $250- loyal - 8 years ago

@jcrumors: Rest in peace to one of my favorite old-school rappers. The Educated Rapper passed away - 8 years ago

@jay_fuc: @CupcakKe_rapper 's music makes me feel like the educated stripper-enthusiast that I am - 8 years ago

@RandomHusband: The Educated Rapper from UTFO passes away #RIP #music #rap - 8 years ago

@BunnyBridget: The Educated Rapper from UTFO passes away #RIP #music #rap - 8 years ago

@jcrumors: The Educated Rapper from UTFO passes away #RIP #music #rap - 8 years ago

@iowabangerz: RT @dagi_515: Famed 80’s MC, Educated Rapper of U.T.F.O. Dies From Cancer - 8 years ago

@dagi_515: Famed 80’s MC, Educated Rapper of U.T.F.O. Dies From Cancer - 8 years ago

@LIKWITRADIO: U.T.F.O. Member Jeffrey “The Educated Rapper” Campbell Has Passed Away - 8 years ago

@djtruejustice: RIP EMD aka The Educated Rapper. This 12 inch single produced by Full Force released in 1984… - 8 years ago

@Be_Double_Love: Educated Rapper From U.T.F.O. Has Passed Away - 8 years ago

@Kulturezinemedi: RT @RAPAMANIA: Legendary Hip Hip Ambassador Vansilk Confirm Educated Rapper passing at 54.. - 8 years ago

@OHthatsTara: RT @TaylorAndrea_: Whenever there is a dope female rapper people assume someone wrote their lyrics. Have you forgotten black women are the… - 8 years ago

@briawenaaaa: RT @TaylorAndrea_: Whenever there is a dope female rapper people assume someone wrote their lyrics. Have you forgotten black women are the… - 8 years ago

@ttlykeia: RT @TaylorAndrea_: Whenever there is a dope female rapper people assume someone wrote their lyrics. Have you forgotten black women are the… - 8 years ago

@LIMHOF: Chuck D leads tributes to UTFO's Educated Rapper -... - 8 years ago

@FrantasticBrand: If I can find a non rapper successful, educated man from Maryland to quicky marry and get knocked up by, for few years I'll be #winning 😍 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Educated Rapper is no longer with us - #EducatedRapper #Educated #Rapper #rip - 8 years ago

@GabbyTheGreat_: RT @TaylorAndrea_: Whenever there is a dope female rapper people assume someone wrote their lyrics. Have you forgotten black women are the… - 8 years ago

@yagirljordanlee: RT @TaylorAndrea_: Whenever there is a dope female rapper people assume someone wrote their lyrics. Have you forgotten black women are the… - 8 years ago

@TaylorAndrea_: Whenever there is a dope female rapper people assume someone wrote their lyrics. Have you forgotten black women are the most educated group? - 8 years ago

@RussRealDiehl: How much is an educated rapper your worst nightmare, and do you know why? - 8 years ago

@KraeuterVerbena: RT @hiphopgods: R.I.P. Educated Rapper from U.T.F.O. - forever celebrated. #RIPEducatedRapper #UTFO #hiphop #legend #pioneer #hiphopgods ht… - 8 years ago

@BROOKZILL: RT @hiphopgods: R.I.P. Educated Rapper from U.T.F.O. - forever celebrated. #RIPEducatedRapper #UTFO #hiphop #legend #pioneer #hiphopgods ht… - 8 years ago

@CeeRockTheFury: Wow.....first we lose EDUCATED RAPPER of U.T.F.O. ... Now sadly, I just read that my #HipStep homie and pioneer... - 8 years ago

@party1019radio: I just uploaded "The Bobby Simmons Show - Tribute To Educated Rapper Of UTFO" to @mixcloud. Listen at - 8 years ago

@transom324: RT @ParadiseGray: Major disturbance in the Hip hop Force in less than a week. Educated Rapper and TC Islam RIP! - 8 years ago

@ParadiseGray: Major disturbance in the Hip hop Force in less than a week. Educated Rapper and TC Islam RIP! - 8 years ago

@RAYDOBEATZ: RIP to the EDUCATED RAPPER #UTFO #Raydoondabeat @Bangintables #Bangintables #music… - 8 years ago

@PeteRock: Repost from @BounceMediaInc Good night! #Repost @imroxanneshante ・・・ The Educated Rapper Verse… - 8 years ago

@booboo212: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@CarlosACook: Yo! Old school rap fans....I just read that The Educated Rapper from UTFO died on June 6 of this year. I grew up... - 8 years ago

@shyoseob: get yourself educated Zico (rapper) From Wikipedia,... — VAI S EUFB DEJEKKJKKKKKKKKKKJJKKK - 8 years ago

@IamJustinCase: UTFO – Roxanne, Roxanne (Video) RIP EDUCATED RAPPER - 8 years ago

@BigBlastDigital: UTFO – Roxanne, Roxanne (Video) RIP EDUCATED RAPPER - 8 years ago

@SoulBounce: #RWND: R.I.P. Educated Rapper Of U.T.F.O. - 8 years ago

@KamilahHughey: RT @ABeautifulGrind: HipHop News Legendary Promotor Van Silk Confirms Educated Rapper Of UTFO Dead At 54 - 8 years ago

@CrYEgEfQASVDH9Z: RT @RAtheRuggedMan: REST IN PEACE to the legendary Hip Hop pioneer The EDUCATED RAPPER (Jeffrey Campbell) of the iconic group U.T.F.O. H… - 8 years ago

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