Eduard Artemyev

Russian composer.
Died on Thursday December 29th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Eduard Artemyev:

@pistolcrass: Just learned of a somewhat obscure Russian composer named Eduard Artemyev and looked him up only to find he died le… - 2 years ago

@charlestrotter: RT @charlestrotter: Composers and synth gods Angelo Badalamenti and Eduard Artemyev—the former a frequent David Lynch collaborator best kno… - 2 years ago

@jose_luis_ochoa: RT @Simon_Hitchman: RIP Eduard Artemyev (1937 -2022). Without his astounding, atmospheric soundtracks Tarkovsky's Stalker, Mirror and Solar… - 2 years ago

@earthlor3: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago


@VegetableEnvier: RT @la_meme_young: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer of Stalker, Solaris, The Mirror, and other Tarkovsky films. always blurring the lines b… - 2 years ago

@VegetableEnvier: Just found out Eduard Artemyev (composer who worked with Tarkovsky on Solaris, Mirror, Stalker) died on Thursday, f… - 2 years ago

@italkthewind: RT @LeMonde_EN: Eduard Artemyev, a master of electronic music, has died at age 85 - 2 years ago

@HolaVicho: RT @cuevaspato: El mismo día de Pele, falleció, a los 85 años, el destacado compositor ruso Eduard Artemyev. Su música está en más de 140 p… - 2 years ago

@larulossa: RT @cuevaspato: El mismo día de Pele, falleció, a los 85 años, el destacado compositor ruso Eduard Artemyev. Su música está en más de 140 p… - 2 years ago

@stefania_gonzal: RT @cuevaspato: El mismo día de Pele, falleció, a los 85 años, el destacado compositor ruso Eduard Artemyev. Su música está en más de 140 p… - 2 years ago

@cuevaspato: El mismo día de Pele, falleció, a los 85 años, el destacado compositor ruso Eduard Artemyev. Su música está en más… - 2 years ago

@GrietasDelArte: RT @awintory: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer for Tarkovsky's influential SOLARIS and STALKER among many other noteworthy scores. A real n… - 2 years ago

@FilmMusicSite: Eduard Artemyev has passed away at age 85 - 2 years ago

@imperialhelldog: RT @awintory: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer for Tarkovsky's influential SOLARIS and STALKER among many other noteworthy scores. A real n… - 2 years ago

@charlestrotter: Composers and synth gods Angelo Badalamenti and Eduard Artemyev—the former a frequent David Lynch collaborator best… - 2 years ago

@Cinefania: RT @Cinefania: Adiós Eduard Artemyev! - 2 years ago

@vezina2001: RT @la_meme_young: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer of Stalker, Solaris, The Mirror, and other Tarkovsky films. always blurring the lines b… - 2 years ago

@t27211: 亡くなったアルテミエフの作品。シンプルで美しい。聴き惚れてる。 Eduard Artemyev - Stalker Soundtrack - 2 years ago

@longbottle: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Bluesman Freddie Roulette; violist David Dalton; singer and guitarist Brian Casser; composer Ed… - 2 years ago

@FilmMusicTracks: RT @sandraeucivis: An engineer, Yevgeny Murzin. A photoelectronic instrument, the ANS synthesizer. A composer fleeing the orthodoxy in #m… - 2 years ago

@sandraeucivis: An engineer, Yevgeny Murzin. A photoelectronic instrument, the ANS synthesizer. A composer fleeing the orthodoxy… - 2 years ago

@Leconte_: エドゥアルド・アルテミエフ( Eduard Artemyev) 逝去 タルコフスキー作品に惹かれ続けている自分にとってE.アルテミフの音楽は切り離せない…86歳で旅立っていった… 安らかに😌 - 2 years ago

@racarrera: RT @TheAcademyofSun: Saddened deeply by the passing of Eduard Artemyev - visionary composer who created the indelible sound-worlds for Tark… - 2 years ago

@Cinefania: Adiós Eduard Artemyev! - 2 years ago

@baphometx: RT @baphometx: Eduard Artemyev, a master of electronic music, has died at age 85 - The musician composed the soundtracks of three films by… - 2 years ago

@SamuelBass: RT @olivier_lamm: RIP Eduard Artemyev, compositeur de bandes originales extraordinaires pour Tarkovski (Solaris, Stalker) et Mikhalkov (San… - 2 years ago

@EINMusicNews: Eduard Artemyev, a master of electronic music, has died at age 85 - 2 years ago

@LaBandeSon_Jet: RT @filmelodie: 🌹 Eduard Artemyev (1937-2022) On a appris cette semaine le décès de ce compositeur russe de musique électronique. Connu pou… - 2 years ago

@MsStevieAF: RT @la_meme_young: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer of Stalker, Solaris, The Mirror, and other Tarkovsky films. always blurring the lines b… - 2 years ago

@baphometx: Eduard Artemyev, a master of electronic music, has died at age 85 - The musician composed the soundtracks of three… - 2 years ago

@LeMonde_EN: Eduard Artemyev, a master of electronic music, has died at age 85 - 2 years ago

@JacquesDD: RT @la_meme_young: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer of Stalker, Solaris, The Mirror, and other Tarkovsky films. always blurring the lines b… - 2 years ago

@guhender2nd: eduard nikolayevich artemyev - 2 years ago

@ZahnmimreS: RT @filmmusicrep: 'Solaris', 'Mirror' & 'Stalker' composer Eduard Artemyev passes away at age 85. - 2 years ago

@sinsahara4world: RT @filmmusicrep: 'Solaris', 'Mirror' & 'Stalker' composer Eduard Artemyev passes away at age 85. - 2 years ago

@FilmMusicNews: RT @GameOST: 'Stalker' and 'Solaris' Composer Eduard Artemyev died at the age of 86 - 2 years ago

@BRMBug: RT @yourstaticradio: Friday's #IHungAroundInYourSoundtrack w/ tributes to John Neff, Eduard Artemyev, & Ruggero Deodato. Also @DAVID_LYNCH… - 2 years ago

@yourstaticradio: Friday's #IHungAroundInYourSoundtrack w/ tributes to John Neff, Eduard Artemyev, & Ruggero Deodato. Also… - 2 years ago

@sinsahara4world: RT @TamuraYosh: エドゥアルト・アルテミエフ死去とのこと。86歳。自分にとってアルテミエフといえばやはり、タルコフスキーの「惑星ソラリス」「鏡」「ストーカー」の音楽。あの映像と共鳴するような、現実に即しながら超越する音楽だったと思う。合掌 - 2 years ago

@larryagross: RT @andrewfromvibes: Speaking of 'Solaris,' sad news: Eduard Artemyev - the great composer of film music, most notably for the works of Tar… - 2 years ago

@cocacolasadvert: RT @lydrummet: So sad. A few days ago I recommended Stalker as it’s now streaming, and today composer Eduard Artemyev died of pneumonia. He… - 2 years ago

@cocacolasadvert: RT @tnpcollection: RIP Eduard Nikolayevich Artemyev, composer of the music for Tarkovsky’s films Solaris, Mirror and Stalker. - 2 years ago

@FarSouthProject: RT @JacqBetula: In memory of Eduard Artemyev. Let's go into The Zone and emerge in another year. - 2 years ago

@JacqBetula: In memory of Eduard Artemyev. Let's go into The Zone and emerge in another year. - 2 years ago

@bonnequin: RT @filmmusicrep: 'Solaris', 'Mirror' & 'Stalker' composer Eduard Artemyev passes away at age 85. - 2 years ago

@osrjacinto: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@marcosfaria70: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@Juarez__42: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@enotonik: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@Square_Pidgeon: RT @la_meme_young: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer of Stalker, Solaris, The Mirror, and other Tarkovsky films. always blurring the lines b… - 2 years ago

@Galtar7: RT @Russia: 🕯 Legendary Soviet-Russian composer Eduard #Artemyev passed away today at the age of 85. He scored 150+ films, including class… - 2 years ago

@malva_visca: RT @JuanIbarlucia: Hace unos días se fue de este mundo Eduard Artemyev, compositor ruso-soviético, pionero de la música electrónica y figur… - 2 years ago

@akagingerwonder: RT @la_meme_young: RIP to Eduard Artemyev, composer of Stalker, Solaris, The Mirror, and other Tarkovsky films. always blurring the lines b… - 2 years ago

@JuanIbarlucia: Hace unos días se fue de este mundo Eduard Artemyev, compositor ruso-soviético, pionero de la música electrónica y… - 2 years ago

@LaetitiaFerrum: RT @dzwitkin: The great Soviet film composer Eduard Artemyev, who did the music and soundscapes for Solaris and Stalker, among many others,… - 2 years ago

@RodneyRamsey: RT @lydrummet: So sad. A few days ago I recommended Stalker as it’s now streaming, and today composer Eduard Artemyev died of pneumonia. He… - 2 years ago

@FilmmakerMag: RT @lydrummet: So sad. A few days ago I recommended Stalker as it’s now streaming, and today composer Eduard Artemyev died of pneumonia. He… - 2 years ago

@FilmmakerMag: RT @dzwitkin: The great Soviet film composer Eduard Artemyev, who did the music and soundscapes for Solaris and Stalker, among many others,… - 2 years ago

@dcft_thefilm: RT @tnpcollection: RIP Eduard Nikolayevich Artemyev, composer of the music for Tarkovsky’s films Solaris, Mirror and Stalker. - 2 years ago

@TomasPaya: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al genial Eduard Artemyev, músico y compositor ruso, todo un referente de la música electrónica y el autor de las… - 2 years ago

@jamesthacher: RT @atlajala: RIP Eduard Artemyev the sonic worlds he built with Tarkovsky ascend above a radiant pinnacle of inseparable sound/image unity… - 2 years ago

@proboothcast: RT @misterdv: RIP Eduard Artemyev - 2 years ago

@JutsuRyu: RT @ZhentingLiu: Eduard Artemyev นักดนตรีอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ศิลปินประชาชนรัสเซีย ถึงแก่กรรมเมื่อวันที่ 29 ธันวา ณ กรุงมอสโก สิ… - 2 years ago

@FARKnnDB: RT @sovietvisuals: "A Girl and a Dolphin". Excerpt from 1979 Soviet animated film, music by Eduard Artemyev. - 2 years ago

@karinzaa1: RT @ZhentingLiu: Eduard Artemyev นักดนตรีอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ศิลปินประชาชนรัสเซีย ถึงแก่กรรมเมื่อวันที่ 29 ธันวา ณ กรุงมอสโก สิ… - 2 years ago

@RedKale3: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@antiguoautomata: @sleafordmods RIP Eduard Artemyev too... - 2 years ago

@MarkRiva: RT @atlajala: RIP Eduard Artemyev the sonic worlds he built with Tarkovsky ascend above a radiant pinnacle of inseparable sound/image unity… - 2 years ago

@NatDeeRed: Eduard Artemyev - the famous musician of USSR passed away on 29 DEC 2022 in Moscow at the age 85 years old. He crea… - 2 years ago

@edwinmyshkin: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of the world's greatest film composers and creator of unique sonic worlds - 2 years ago

@amitmehra: RT @sobolevanie: RIP Eduard Artemyev, one of our great composers, most famous in the west for his music for Tarkovksy's Solaris and Stalker… - 2 years ago

@TomasPaya: RT @EdSunspot: In some poetic final coincidence Eduard Artemyev died on the same day as Tarkovsky. Obviously the soundtracks are great but… - 2 years ago

@seanq6: RT @tnpcollection: RIP Eduard Nikolayevich Artemyev, composer of the music for Tarkovsky’s films Solaris, Mirror and Stalker. - 2 years ago

@TomasPaya: RT @dzwitkin: The great Soviet film composer Eduard Artemyev, who did the music and soundscapes for Solaris and Stalker, among many others,… - 2 years ago

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