Edredon Bleu

British racing horse
Died on Sunday September 30th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Edredon Bleu:

@StellaParker76: RT @Patterdale48: Sad to learn that the wonderful Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. A true champion. RIP - 6 years ago

@Shalako57: RT @bpowell13: Sad to hear that Edredon Bleu has passed away at 26yo. Trained brilliantly by Henrietta Knight and looked after since his re… - 6 years ago

@davebesag: RT @TheJockeyClub: Sad to hear the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26. Henrietta Knight's star chaser will be best remembered for h… - 6 years ago

@davebesag: RT @SportingLife: "Edredon Bleu was so fast, quick and accurate at his fences and got away from them very quickly." Sir AP McCoy has paid… - 6 years ago


@davebesag: RT @bpowell13: Sad to hear that Edredon Bleu has passed away at 26yo. Trained brilliantly by Henrietta Knight and looked after since his re… - 6 years ago

@eeyore94: RT @TimeformLive: Sir AP McCoy pays grateful tribute to 2000 Champion Chase winner, Edredon Bleu > - 6 years ago

@TimeformLive: Sir AP McCoy pays grateful tribute to 2000 Champion Chase winner, Edredon Bleu > - 6 years ago

@TimeformLive: Sir AP McCoy pays grateful tribute to 2000 Champion Chase winner, Edredon Bleu > - 6 years ago

@Michaelconroy17: RT @RacingPost: From the archives: how bold-jumping Edredon Bleu - who has died age 26 - bravely triumphed in the King George> - 6 years ago

@MarkFRO64324578: RT @RacingPost: From the archives: how bold-jumping Edredon Bleu - who has died age 26 - bravely triumphed in the King George> - 6 years ago

@RacingPost: From the archives: how bold-jumping Edredon Bleu - who has died age 26 - bravely triumphed in the King George>… - 6 years ago

@HOUDIN14: @camillepeltier RIP Edredon Bleu. Une pensée a mon regretté papa qui avait proposé la saillie de Grand Trésor à Lucien Chevrollier... - 6 years ago

@PaddockInspecto: McCoy pays grateful tribute to Edredon Bleu - 6 years ago

@TimeformLive: Sir AP McCoy pays grateful tribute to 2000 Champion Chase winner, Edredon Bleu > - 6 years ago

@SportingChron: McCoy pays grateful tribute to Edredon Bleu - 6 years ago

@ianmsyme: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@mbpowell111: RT @racing_uk: “I’m sad in a way, but delighted in another that he had such a great life” Jump fans mourn loss of Edredon Bleu. 👇👇 https:/… - 6 years ago

@steviesoxAFC49: RT @tongueryan3: Very sad to hear Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. I was very lucky to share some great childhood memories wi… - 6 years ago

@thibsandcoturf: RT @camillepeltier: Ce champion qui a commencé sa carrière chez mon grand-père. RIP Édredon bleu - 6 years ago

@cottin01: RT @camillepeltier: Ce champion qui a commencé sa carrière chez mon grand-père. RIP Édredon bleu - 6 years ago

@RandSNewsfeed: Henrietta Knight’s Edredon Bleu was Sir AP McCoy’s only Champion Chase winner - 6 years ago

@394NuanceDeSev: RT @394Histoires: #New 30 Septembre 2018 (hier) Mort à l'âge de 26 ans (environ 78 ans) de Édredon Bleu, cheval de course ancien vainqueur… - 6 years ago

@eeyore94: RT @RacingPost: How bold-jumping Edredon Bleu, who has dies age 26, bravely triumphed in the King George - 6 years ago

@Free_Bets_Tip: RT @RacingPost: Prolific winner Edredon Bleu, whose victories included the Champion Chase and King George, has died aged 26. - 6 years ago

@mikebarlow2: RT @racing_uk: The joy of watching Edredon Bleu win the 2003 King George for Henrietta Knight. Our equine friends give us so many priceless… - 6 years ago

@OuestAqps: RT @TheJockeyClub: Sad to hear the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26. Henrietta Knight's star chaser will be best remembered for h… - 6 years ago

@OuestAqps: RT @camillepeltier: Ce champion qui a commencé sa carrière chez mon grand-père. RIP Édredon bleu - 6 years ago

@allanwreid: RT @TheJockeyClub: Sad to hear the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26. Henrietta Knight's star chaser will be best remembered for h… - 6 years ago

@MIPattinson: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@KSchous: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@malina_boyy: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@DaveyNH: RT @RacingTyke: Very sad to read that we have lost Edredon Bleu. An amazing horse who created some great NH memories. Part of a great team… - 6 years ago

@fspedigreechile: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@agirlcalledTom: Geoffrey Hayes, Charles Aznavour and Edredon Bleu. They always come in threes... #rip - 6 years ago

@HorganTania: - 6 years ago

@HorseRacingUK: McCoy eternally thankful to Edredon Bleu: Henrietta Knight’s Edredon Bleu was Sir AP McCoy’s only Champion Chase wi… - 6 years ago

@Maritarondot1: RT @HorseRidingCup: How bold-jumping Edredon Bleu bravely triumphed in the King George - 6 years ago

@SunRacing: 🐎 Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26, thank you for all the memories Bleu 🏆💙 The top-class chaser won t… - 6 years ago

@HorseRidingCup: How bold-jumping Edredon Bleu bravely triumphed in the King George - 6 years ago

@HurricaneFlyFan: RT @tongueryan3: Very sad to hear Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. I was very lucky to share some great childhood memories wi… - 6 years ago

@HurricaneFlyFan: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: And I leave you with the sad news of the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26 (26 April 1992 – 30 September 2018)… - 6 years ago

@Chepstow_Racing: Sad to read of the death of Edredon Bleu. What a superstar he was, in a golden age of jumping. - 6 years ago

@KelvinMort333: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@RacingPost: Edredon Bleu, winner of 25 of his 57 races, including the 2000 Champion Chase and 2003 King George, has died aged 2… - 6 years ago

@CLCourtney82: RT @RacingPost: Prolific winner Edredon Bleu, whose victories included the Champion Chase and King George, has died aged 26. - 6 years ago

@CLCourtney82: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@alandelmonte: RT @racing_uk: The joy of watching Edredon Bleu win the 2003 King George for Henrietta Knight. Our equine friends give us so many priceless… - 6 years ago

@TrueGunnerUK: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@TheJockeyClub: Saddened to hear of the passing of Edredon Bleu at the grand old age of 26 - so fast over his fences and quick away… - 6 years ago

@SunSport: Hugely popular racehorse dies aged 26 - 6 years ago

@K_scottracing: RT @RacingPost: Edredon Bleu, winner of 25 of his 57 races, including the 2000 Champion Chase and 2003 King George, has died aged 26 https:… - 6 years ago

@johnhuwhales: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@whatsforye: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: And I leave you with the sad news of the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26 (26 April 1992 – 30 September 2018)… - 6 years ago

@chrisgr14043718: RT @RacingPost: Prolific winner Edredon Bleu, whose victories included the Champion Chase and King George, has died aged 26. - 6 years ago

@patpatone: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@celinemaussang: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@JDGGalmiche: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@Northernmark36: RT @racing_uk: What Edredon Bleu's King George triumph meant to Henrietta Knight. Gone, but won't be forgotten. - 6 years ago

@Onlyfoolsback: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@thomsymonds: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@kingswoodranger: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@GeorgeHaine: RT @tongueryan3: Very sad to hear Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. I was very lucky to share some great childhood memories wi… - 6 years ago

@Excentric_Girl0: RT @394Histoires: #New 30 Septembre 2018 (hier) Mort à l'âge de 26 ans (environ 78 ans) de Édredon Bleu, cheval de course ancien vainqueur… - 6 years ago

@AmCuriousNJ: Edredon Bleu the #Horse: Champion Chase and King George winner dies, aged 26 - 6 years ago

@eeyore94: RT @tongueryan3: Very sad to hear Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. I was very lucky to share some great childhood memories wi… - 6 years ago

@TigerboyseanJ: RT @RacingPost: Prolific winner Edredon Bleu, whose victories included the Champion Chase and King George, has died aged 26. - 6 years ago

@abhs_4u: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@jones4352: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@jackflash630: RT @bpowell13: Sad to hear that Edredon Bleu has passed away at 26yo. Trained brilliantly by Henrietta Knight and looked after since his re… - 6 years ago

@jackflash630: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@galaxyhorsera1: Edredon Bleu, winner of the Queen Mother Champion Chase and King George VI Chase, has died at the age of 26. - 6 years ago

@veinerschnitze1: RT @racing_uk: Farewell Edredon Bleu - star chaser dies at age of 26. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@RJPUNAM: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@nickgordon27: RT @bpowell13: Sad to hear that Edredon Bleu has passed away at 26yo. Trained brilliantly by Henrietta Knight and looked after since his re… - 6 years ago

@BecsBailey: RT @racing_uk: Edredon Bleu won 25 races and fell just once in his ten-year career - what was your favourite memory of him. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@JenitheDragon: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@JenitheDragon: RT @bpowell13: Sad to hear that Edredon Bleu has passed away at 26yo. Trained brilliantly by Henrietta Knight and looked after since his re… - 6 years ago

@MF_ATLAS: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@honeymonsta1958: RIP Edredon Bleu 2003 Pertemps King George VI Chase - 6 years ago

@honeymonsta1958: RT @RacingPost: Prolific winner Edredon Bleu, whose victories included the Champion Chase and King George, has died aged 26. - 6 years ago

@TimHutton16: @racing_uk So sad, happy memories of a top class chaser, RIP Edredon Bleu 😢 - 6 years ago

@OuestAqps: RT @racing_uk: Edredon Bleu won 25 races and fell just once in his ten-year career - what was your favourite memory of him. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@OuestAqps: RT @harasdubuff: Quel merveilleux souvenir !! grâce à lui mon mari Pierre-Charles et moi même avons été présentés à la Reine Mère dans son… - 6 years ago

@e38452e39195430: RT @tongueryan3: Very sad to hear Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. I was very lucky to share some great childhood memories wi… - 6 years ago

@roryfitz15: RT @racing_uk: Edredon Bleu won 25 races and fell just once in his ten-year career - what was your favourite memory of him. 👇👇 - 6 years ago

@NationalHuntDom: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

@Rachybobbins: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: And I leave you with the sad news of the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26 (26 April 1992 – 30 September 2018)… - 6 years ago

@harasdubuff: Quel merveilleux souvenir !! grâce à lui mon mari Pierre-Charles et moi même avons été présentés à la Reine Mère da… - 6 years ago

@juliafbennet: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: More pics on Edredon Bleu tomorrow @AP_McCoy & Jim Culloty - 6 years ago

@HollyDogsPlace: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: And I leave you with the sad news of the passing of Edredon Bleu at the age of 26 (26 April 1992 – 30 September 2018)… - 6 years ago

@AnaglogsDaughtr: More pics on Edredon Bleu tomorrow @AP_McCoy & Jim Culloty - 6 years ago

@Gillian79960169: RT @racing_uk: Sad news that Champion Chase and King George hero Edredon Bleu has passed away at the age of 26. Here's one of his finest… - 6 years ago

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