Edmund Morris

Kenyan-born British-American writer and biographer (The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
Died on Monday May 27th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Edmund Morris:

@AngieGLaw: RT @davidjlynch: "Reagan was a purely political creature, all the way down, and to his biographer, with no ear for politics and in search o… - 6 years ago

@itsphilleotardo: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@plsnobreadlines: @OjPats4 Reagan's biographer , Edmund Morris, contemplated suicide trying to write the story of an empty man. - 6 years ago

@Vermeer417: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago


@rolandvstewart: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@TheAtlantic: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@KevinMooneyDC: Fascinating piece by @DrPaulKengor in @amspectator #ronaldreagan - 6 years ago

@eamonlynch: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@Monkey26697239: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@JeffreyGoldberg: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@richardmskinner: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@bretisrael: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@davidjlynch: "Reagan was a purely political creature, all the way down, and to his biographer, with no ear for politics and in s… - 6 years ago

@WarGit: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@phlu: RT @JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris, by A… - 6 years ago

@JamesFallows: Had somehow missed this until now: A beautifully written and also insightful appreciation/critique of Edmund Morris - 6 years ago

@EternalyOfended: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@EMaguire1776: RT @IFFGCC: check out @GroveCtyCollege Professor and @IFFGCC Chief Academic Fellow @DrPaulKengor in @amspectator on the passing of @randomh… - 6 years ago

@BDOH: 2/"Telling Reagan’s story through the eyes of someone who never existed is hardly scholarly biographical writing.… - 6 years ago

@therealjunto: @kylerhasson @LibertyRPF The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris...highly recommend! - 6 years ago

@jr_bohl: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@KaJo503: Dang! According to Andrew Ferguson, Edmund Morris found that Ronald Reagan was as empty a shell as is Donald Trump… - 6 years ago

@offhandmanor1: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@MichaelRWarren: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@dandrezner: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@BtcarusoBrandon: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@johnnyseeley: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@judygator11z: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@mrbmartinbaker: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@Colin__Fields: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@bruceahuntjr: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@JeffreyGoldberg: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@benshapiro: RT @SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great, you sho… - 6 years ago

@SonnyBunch: I meant to tweet this Andy Ferguson obit of Edmund Morris last week, but I forgot, so I’m doing it now. It’s great,… - 6 years ago

@TheWiserChoice: “I realized it had to be one of two things. Either Edmund had reached new heights of literary genius, or Reagan had… - 6 years ago

@amspectator: RT @IFFGCC: check out @GroveCtyCollege Professor and @IFFGCC Chief Academic Fellow @DrPaulKengor in @amspectator on the passing of @randomh… - 6 years ago

@1stbookshelf: What to #Read by Edmund Morris - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: What to Read by Edmund Morris - 6 years ago

@jurgenol: RT @AlecMacGillis: Just before his death last week, the biographer Edmund Morris fired off a wonderfully tart letter to the editor. It ran… - 6 years ago

@Trump_Movement_: RT @misterdish69: - 6 years ago

@misterdish69: - 6 years ago

@Jim_Peoples_: SPECIAL REPORT Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life - 6 years ago

@EagleStarNET: There's a lot to learn from Edmund Morris and Nancy Reagan. - 6 years ago

@fl85: Edmund Morris Just Didn’t ‘Get’ Ronald Reagan - 6 years ago

@briangongol: @ClaireBerlinski Too bad more of them don't go the Edmund Morris route and have a biographer insert themselves into… - 6 years ago

@WittSheryl: RT @LarrySchweikart: Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously. http… - 6 years ago

@amspectator: There's a lot to learn from Edmund Morris and Nancy Reagan. - 6 years ago

@zonyboy2016: RT @LarrySchweikart: Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously. http… - 6 years ago

@mgb_auto: RT @MGCarClub: We've been rooting in the archive and found this Architect's Drawing of the Edmund Road Factory in Cowley, Oxford. The facto… - 6 years ago

@SubmarineN2Deep: RT @LarrySchweikart: Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously. http… - 6 years ago

@IFFGCC: check out @GroveCtyCollege Professor and @IFFGCC Chief Academic Fellow @DrPaulKengor in @amspectator on the passing… - 6 years ago

@LarrySchweikart: Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously. - 6 years ago

@UCCowboy: Did I miss that Edmund Morris passed away? Oh man. His "Colonel Roosevelt" is my absolute favorite book of all time… - 6 years ago

@RealDonEsteban: Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life - 6 years ago

@Kjmastaw: Edmund Morris, Nancy Reagan, and Life - 6 years ago

@MatthewZadrozny: RT @saveNYPL: Requiescat in pace Edmund Morris May 27, 1940 – May 24, 2019 The Committee to Save the New York Public Library @saveNYPL de… - 6 years ago

@TheHerald_Sun: OPINION: Edmund Morris, who recently died, was an accomplished historian and presidential biographer with two envia… - 6 years ago

@ReminderThatBot: RT @AresTheYoung: Reminder that Teddy Roosevelt believed “an advanced society must reproduce more & more, to swell its economic power & kee… - 6 years ago

@AresTheYoung: Reminder that Teddy Roosevelt believed “an advanced society must reproduce more & more, to swell its economic power… - 6 years ago

@spencerwgreene: @Austen @valleyhack Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris - 6 years ago

@EthanBakerMI: Great piece ⁦@CraigSBPA⁩ & ⁦@MarkWeinberg40⁩! You both have written amazing books on President Reagan - historicall… - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Arthur Edmund MORRIS (1940-2019), British-American writer best known for his biographies of United States Pr… - 6 years ago

@grubber879: RT @ConanOBrien: We just lost Edmund Morris, a great historian of Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. I was lucky enough to interview him… - 6 years ago

@slansky: Trump embodies — no, actually oozes like pus — each of the Seven Deadly Sins: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, S… - 6 years ago

@slansky: This is a loving tribute to a lovely man. Anyone who knew him was blessed. - 6 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @postobits: Edmund Morris, biographer who treaded line between fact and fiction, dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@mama_loves_ham: Mama’s Book Club: Colonel Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. Chronicling Roosevelt’s life from the end of his presidency t… - 6 years ago

@infopobn: RT @stormtrees: Every library knows nothing is more valuable than insights of its most ardent users. I hope @NYPL reviews + analyzes this r… - 6 years ago

@TedGrunewald: RT @stormtrees: Every library knows nothing is more valuable than insights of its most ardent users. I hope @NYPL reviews + analyzes this r… - 6 years ago

@MarkWeinberg40: - 6 years ago

@redskinsrock91: RT @CraigSBPA: Edmund Morris Just Didn’t ‘Get’ Ronald Reagan ⁦@cnsnews⁩ ⁦@MarkWeinberg40⁩ - 6 years ago

@CraigSBPA: Edmund Morris Just Didn’t ‘Get’ Ronald Reagan ⁦@cnsnews⁩ ⁦@MarkWeinberg40⁩ - 6 years ago

@Michael_BMo: "The original idea to have Morris be Reagan’s official biographer falls into the category of 'it seemed like a good… - 6 years ago

@davidcrawshaw: @radkat I pondered this when I saw Edmund Morris's obit. I think it's slightly different for non-fiction: it's a qu… - 6 years ago

@rahulchhiber: RT @AlecMacGillis: Just before his death last week, the biographer Edmund Morris fired off a wonderfully tart letter to the editor. It ran… - 6 years ago

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