Edmund Capon

British-born Australian art historian and curator
Died on Sunday March 17th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Edmund Capon:

@cgartadvisory: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales : - 6 years ago

@paint_on_silk: Well loved by all <3 RT @ArtGalleryofNSW RT @TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of… - 6 years ago

@_WorldIsCrazy: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales - 6 years ago

@ameliaodubhain: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales - 6 years ago


@ArtGalleryofNSW: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales - 6 years ago

@Apollo_magazine: ‘I doubt if there will be another director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales who will ever manage to inspire a… - 6 years ago

@mdthomas75: Watched Series 1, Art of Australia tonight on abc iview ... only to find out ... huge life, big loss ... - 6 years ago

@jgleduc: RT @Apollo_magazine: ‘You felt that the welcoming atmosphere of the Art Gallery of New South Wales was merely an extension of his infinitel… - 6 years ago

@_TimHunter: RT @Apollo_magazine: ‘You felt that the welcoming atmosphere of the Art Gallery of New South Wales was merely an extension of his infinitel… - 6 years ago

@kkonstta: RT @ArtGalleryofNSW: It's with immense sadness that we note the death of Edmund Capon AM OBE, director of the @artgalleryofnsw from 1978-20… - 6 years ago

@ACAA_Art: Vale Edmund Capon AM OBE - 6 years ago

@Apollo_magazine: ‘You felt that the welcoming atmosphere of the Art Gallery of New South Wales was merely an extension of his infini… - 6 years ago

@Ozartwriter: Art news: Simon Marnie replaying his interview with Edmund Capon. Tune in right now. ABC Radio Sydney Live Audio… - 6 years ago

@_Howdoyoudo_: RT @OzKitsch: RIP Edmund Capon (1940-2019) Pics: Gary Heery, Judy Cassab, Adam Cullen, @roccofazzari - 6 years ago

@LinusGalleries: Art World: Edmund Capon (1940–2019) - 6 years ago

@ClaireM000: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales : - 6 years ago

@LidarMonkey: Edmund Capon (1940–2019) - Artforum - 6 years ago

@collabregate: Edmund Capon (1940–2019) - Artforum... - 6 years ago

@MContemp: A tribute to Edmund Capon (1940–2019) | Apollo Magazine - 6 years ago

@denmtaylor: Thank you Edmund for your intelligent insight into art and art history – a tribute to Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@Starsailoresss: RT @AusHouseLondon: Vale Edmund Capon AM OBE – an extraordinary ambassador for the arts in both Australia & the UK. A great friend of Austr… - 6 years ago

@RohanGreyFA: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales : - 6 years ago

@agendaparis: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales - 6 years ago

@garethharr: RT @TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales - 6 years ago

@TheArtNewspaper: Remembering Edmund Capon, longest-serving director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales - 6 years ago

@FanTurnbull: RT @alexbhturnbull: Vale Edmund Capon. Your scholarship, warmth and excellent writing on Tang #China will live long after you've left us. h… - 6 years ago

@rgloveroz: Edmund Capon. What a smashing man! - 6 years ago

@sydneyinformer: A tribute to Edmund Capon (1940–2019) – Apollo Magazine - 6 years ago

@whybots: Edmund capon married? - 6 years ago

@RobertClarke147: RT @neram_art: The passing of much-loved former Art Gallery of NSW director Edmund Capon AM OBE brought forth a huge number of tributes on… - 6 years ago

@ClaireM000: ‘Sydney was perfect for Edmund, and Edmund perfect for Sydney’ – a tribute to Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@neram_art: The passing of much-loved former Art Gallery of NSW director Edmund Capon AM OBE brought forth a huge number of tri… - 6 years ago

@CSaumarezSmith: RT @Apollo_magazine: ‘Sydney was perfect for Edmund, and Edmund perfect for Sydney’ – @angustrumble pays tribute to Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@angustrumble: RT @Apollo_magazine: ‘Sydney was perfect for Edmund, and Edmund perfect for Sydney’ – @angustrumble pays tribute to Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@tawarayasotatsu: RT @Apollo_magazine: ‘Sydney was perfect for Edmund, and Edmund perfect for Sydney’ – @angustrumble pays tribute to Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@Apollo_magazine: ‘Sydney was perfect for Edmund, and Edmund perfect for Sydney’ – @angustrumble pays tribute to Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@theleadernews: 'At Hazelhurst, we had the privilege of enjoying Edmund's insights on many occasions'. - 6 years ago

@ElizabethJan53: RT @jasonyatsenli: Vale Edmund Capon, a kindred spirit with an abiding love for China, a grand master who generously shared his passion and… - 6 years ago

@Tony_Burke: RT @dowsteve: In 1978, when Londoner Edmund Capon moved to Australia to run the @ArtGalleryofNSW, he faced the migrant dilemma: how to find… - 6 years ago

@dowsteve: In 1978, when Londoner Edmund Capon moved to Australia to run the @ArtGalleryofNSW, he faced the migrant dilemma: h… - 6 years ago

@AppliedHist: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@Artguideaust: Edmund Capon, who has died at the age of 78, served for 33 years as director of the @ArtGalleryofNSW an institution… - 6 years ago

@geri_m: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@geglive: RT @Ozartwriter: Art news: death of the incredible Edmund Capon, former director of @ArtGalleryofNSW via @dailytelegraph - 6 years ago

@looknforyolanda: RT @Ozartwriter: Art news: death of the incredible Edmund Capon, former director of @ArtGalleryofNSW via @dailytelegraph - 6 years ago

@monashada: Vale Edmund Capon - 6 years ago

@KerrieLatham2: RT @MelanomaAus: ‘Our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Edmund Capon. Australia has lost a passionate advocate for the arts,… - 6 years ago

@jasongroves: My love of art started with regular visits to @ArtGalleryofNSW and my horizons were widened by the amazing exhibiti… - 6 years ago

@TastyLens: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@CMHorrocks: RT @ABCArts: In tribute to the late Edmund Capon, we're revisiting a 1987 interview in which he discusses a controversial Sydney sculpture… - 6 years ago

@Jo_Barnes: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@ArtAustraliaNZ: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@ablibs: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@anthea_gunn: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@ArtGalleryofNSW: RT @MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Australian Ar… - 6 years ago

@MQ_Library: Edmund Capon sadly passed away this week. ArtFilms are giving free access to his fascinating 3 part series on Austr… - 6 years ago

@allen_yasmin: RT @PortraitAu: The National Portrait Gallery is deeply saddened by the passing of Edmund Capon AM OBE. Edmund was a towering figure and w… - 6 years ago

@AussiesInUK: RT @AusHouseLondon: Vale Edmund Capon AM OBE – an extraordinary ambassador for the arts in both Australia & the UK. A great friend of Austr… - 6 years ago

@CaptWatkinTench: RT @ABCArts: In tribute to the late Edmund Capon, we're revisiting a 1987 interview in which he discusses a controversial Sydney sculpture… - 6 years ago

@auspol_stories: RT @ABCArts: In tribute to the late Edmund Capon, we're revisiting a 1987 interview in which he discusses a controversial Sydney sculpture… - 6 years ago

@BruceBettar: RT @OzKitsch: RIP Edmund Capon (1940-2019) Pics: Gary Heery, Judy Cassab, Adam Cullen, @roccofazzari - 6 years ago

@BruceBettar: RT @ABCArts: In tribute to the late Edmund Capon, we're revisiting a 1987 interview in which he discusses a controversial Sydney sculpture… - 6 years ago

@angelatandori: Your week is #art news is here. First, bid farewell to two great figures - AGNSW's Edmund Capon and Okwui Enwezor,… - 6 years ago

@CrAshRus: Vale Edmund Capon #neverredontheleft - 6 years ago

@HeadOnPhotoFest: RT @Ozartwriter: Art news: death of the incredible Edmund Capon, former director of @ArtGalleryofNSW via @dailytelegraph - 6 years ago

@annieflint61: RT @JenBrockie: So enthusiastic and funny. Vale Edmund Capon and thank you for all you did for art and artists. - 6 years ago

@AusHouseLondon: Vale Edmund Capon AM OBE – an extraordinary ambassador for the arts in both Australia & the UK. A great friend of A… - 6 years ago

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