Eddie Large

Scottish comedian (Little and Large)
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Eddie Large:

@WonktasticMusic: Comedian Eddie Large dies with Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Malfunctionin14: @RJ_Phoenix16 @Kell_0007 @joebloggs2013 @DanielFooksArt I think Eddie Large was the best example. Went in with Hear… - 5 years ago

@random_eddie: This tweet is idiotic and ignorant but the replies to it are by and large enlightening and educational. - 5 years ago

@Hamishmacg1: @Jon_V2107 @georgehorton23 @ryan_leahy94 @jwdlewis @GaryLineker So when Eddie Large's heart failed...like literally… - 5 years ago


@SeriousEquine7: 🔥Price Reduced for Quick Sale🔥Back Road Invitation ~2011 gelding - “Eddie” is seasoned in wp, sms, hms at the large… - 5 years ago

@Scriblit: This really made me well up, but also the random Eddie Large in there hammered home JUST HOW WEIRD this nightmare s… - 5 years ago

@thestigmaster: @Rose_of_Lancs Yes,you are right Eddie Large a heart transplant patient and then in hospital suffering with heart f… - 5 years ago

@AmericanPie88: @stanleyjohnson People who "took one for the team" Barbara Moore. Rebecca Mack. Janice Graham. Eddie Large. Martin… - 5 years ago

@BristolLive: "Eddie Large was nothing short of a national institution." - 5 years ago

@ronaldo_eddie: RT @HKrassenstein: BREAKING: Trump just said that the last time gas prices were this low were the "1950's when they had the big large doll… - 5 years ago

@alanjosephmoore: @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Denise can you please si… - 5 years ago

@_Trina_Maria_: RT @BristolLive: Eddie Large - remembering one of Britain's biggest and brightest stars - 5 years ago

@ThePinstripe: I thought this was the case! Especially when the media state Eddie Large (Little & Large) died of coronavirus, when… - 5 years ago

@thedarkweeally: @LondonRealTV @davidicke no wonder it was banned Icke is talking utter nonsense - for a man who repeats "this is ho… - 5 years ago

@xxSiLverdoexx: RT @nikki_plummer: @kwilliam111 @MailOnline Note how #COVIDー19 death stats are for people who passed "with it" not "from it" So they actua… - 5 years ago

@nikki_plummer: @kwilliam111 @MailOnline Note how #COVIDー19 death stats are for people who passed "with it" not "from it" So they… - 5 years ago

@fruitcrushface: @mimifrand We all just want Eddie to be able to indulge in his horny feral happy life with his large weird husband - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: @Big_strong_lad @LBC @JaneHillNews @BorisJohnson @SkyNews @BBCNews @itvnews @KellyCates Eddie large died cos he got… - 5 years ago

@TheFastShow1: RT @Modmuffin: Ep1 of my new Podcast will be titled: 'Avin It Large' in memory of Eddie Large who passed away this week. Please send any n… - 5 years ago

@Elizabe28594095: RT @FordDawe: @Ashworth101 @bbcnickrobinson @BBCr4today These daily figures imply CV is the sole cause of death (which can only be ascertai… - 5 years ago

@GraceRo95193774: RT @FordDawe: @Ashworth101 @bbcnickrobinson @BBCr4today These daily figures imply CV is the sole cause of death (which can only be ascertai… - 5 years ago

@treacletruffle: @shadowinthevoid Think if Coronavirus is a contributing factor, but not the main cause (as was the case with Eddie… - 5 years ago

@WeRNotUrKind: birds of prey, corona virus, Eddie large, electro swing, Jamie berry sweet rascal, joker, lockdown, porn, pornhub,… - 5 years ago

@IamtheLaw_rie: @MacGerrard_ @spiderPiglets Social distancing?? Eddie Large didn't die for this. - 5 years ago

@Paula_Goss: RT @BristolLive: Eddie Large - remembering one of Britain's biggest and brightest stars - 5 years ago

@BristolLive: Eddie Large - remembering one of Britain's biggest and brightest stars - 5 years ago

@mike_aikman: Eddie Large's coronavirus death, April 2, 2020, 84-days before his birth... - 5 years ago

@joesoap50844982: @SamAinsworth80 No you are Eddie Large heart failure kidney failure over weight dies from corona 92-year-old man w… - 5 years ago

@hinge_xanderl: RIP Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@Lisabro69032182: @davidicke Wow watched that vid says it all really,covid 19 deathes are based on assumption not fact! Thats why whe… - 5 years ago

@products_hot: RT @ISOBOLO1: Eddie Bauer RARE Brown Jeans Jacket Mens Large #EddieBauer #JeansJacket #Casual - 5 years ago

@eddie_otudor: RT @ChinaDaily: About 50 young artists in Chongqing began work on Thursday on a large graffiti project — The Smile Behind the Mask — on Hua… - 5 years ago

@atvtodayuk: RT @motelcrossroads: Farewell Eddie Large, and his Benny impression #RIPEddieLarge - 5 years ago

@Amycrocker76Amy: RT @MsDenisePearson: Sending Love and light to all ⚜️✨🙏🏽💋@Eddie_Large #NHSheroes @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRE… - 5 years ago

@TheSundayMirror: Eddie Large kept nurses laughing and joking until he lost coronavirus battle - 5 years ago

@Uber_Eddie: RT @2Saddington: Marked myself down as two people on the census to account for my large ass - 5 years ago

@mimifrand: @fandomfix8 (tbf it’s a cute bellybutton for such a large man!) joke’s on him, when they finally get together eddie… - 5 years ago

@thriftyfifty6: RT @ISOBOLO1: Eddie Bauer RARE Brown Jeans Jacket Mens Large #EddieBauer #JeansJacket #Casual - 5 years ago

@LongCreations7: RT @ISOBOLO1: Eddie Bauer RARE Brown Jeans Jacket Mens Large #EddieBauer #JeansJacket #Casual - 5 years ago

@joesoap50844982: @awilliamscomedy @99freemind Eddie large taken into hospital heart failure kidney failure dies of corona . - 5 years ago

@camdentownjim: @GraemePearce3 People are also being classified as Covid 19 via symptoms and often over the phone. Eddie Large’s sa… - 5 years ago

@BristolBizz: In memory of Eddie Large, one of Britain's biggest and brightest stars - 5 years ago

@FordDawe: @Ashworth101 @bbcnickrobinson @BBCr4today These daily figures imply CV is the sole cause of death (which can only b… - 5 years ago

@jpb59: @RebeccaFront @bobbicee Saw a video of a Noel Edmonds Gotcha on Eddie Large from a while ago , was it you playing… - 5 years ago

@ben_haycox: @TownPunnetts They attribute all deaths to covid-19 because most people test positive for it. False positives. Even… - 5 years ago

@DOckerby1: @Raynerc113 That is very astute Jo, it appears people are not dying of the more entrenched illnesses, which is whol… - 5 years ago

@steverico: @INDEPENDENT_MG @MikeHull84 Are people who are dying with C19 counted even though they would have died anyway? Eddi… - 5 years ago

@eddie_deux: @Nino_Brown__ for very large groups - 5 years ago

@Obv_DairyFree: RT @TheTommyCannon: Devastated to hear that my good friend Eddie Large has passed.. very heavy hearts at home today. Mine and Hazels hearts… - 5 years ago

@IAmJLuvDaPrince: The death of UK comedian Eddie Large from coronavirus, April 2, 2020 & the George Orwell parallel - 5 years ago

@Raychii77: Check out what I just added to my closet on Poshmark: Eddie Bauer Orange & Grey Windbreaker Large.… - 5 years ago

@SoDuTw: RIP Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@eddie__1980: @JonMalin @dickandcomix @thatstarwarsgrl The most I've ever eaten was: 4 Big Macs 1 Quarter Pounder 1 Large Fries 1… - 5 years ago

@philidiotmason: @OwenJones84 UK diplomat in Hungary, 7th Marquess of Bath, Maria Mercador CBS journalist, comedian Eddie Large, Ira… - 5 years ago

@cavalry777: 📆 ASTRO-1: Dadaism Day, Engineer Charged With Train Derailing Near USNS Mercy (CA, US) 2: Children's Book Day, Fer… - 5 years ago

@duncanbudd: @PulpLibrarian Eddie Large on the first one - 5 years ago

@Claudia72650320: RT @djwskyblu: Sad news as Eddie Large is taken from @ManCity family by #Covid19 Thanks for the laughter and the tears, you were always a S… - 5 years ago

@nilimalotus: RT @felixmartinmoro: 👨‍🎨 Large scale Street Art Works in London by artist Eddie Colla - 5 years ago

@MickMcCahill: RT @eddiemacwtfc: Whitby Town FC We need your help on our Just Giving Appeal to keep our club afloat. Any help small or large appreciated.… - 5 years ago

@eddie_lazer: RT @renderific: On the 29/04, I will be premiering a R6S film for my university degree. It was originally filmed in 2019 with some amazing… - 5 years ago

@LiloMan_LUFC: RT @BBCSteveR: So sad to hear that comedy legend Eddie Large has passed away. Together with Syd Little, he was a big part of my TV childhoo… - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: News> not many people clapped for nhs again and eddie large etc got corona virus in dodgy hospital and died… - 5 years ago

@MsDenisePearson: @mikeyc68 @TheMeister30 @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT mwah 💋 - 5 years ago

@misterbez: RT @jwusher: I'd forgotten the late Eddie Large's amazing Bilbo Baggins impression. - 5 years ago

@ardkley1977: @edwardreidy1 @Limerick_Leader Eddie they were asked nicely again and again, bit a large number of people have deci… - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: RT @RAYSTARLIGHT1: Comedian Eddie Large age 78, dies after getting the corona virus inside hospitalso how many other people got the corona… - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: Comedian Eddie Large age 78, dies after getting the corona virus inside hospitalso how many other people got the c… - 5 years ago

@BlackXList: @trevor_all @joshjlee @greytranmere @labourpress @Keir_Starmer I can, Eddie Large, Eric Morecombe, Ernie Wise - 5 years ago

@MorrisAndy5: RT @BBCBreaking: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for his partnership with Syd Little, has died aged 78 - 5 years ago

@FIVEDIVIDE: RT @eddiemacwtfc: Whitby Town FC We need your help on our Just Giving Appeal to keep our club afloat. Any help small or large appreciated.… - 5 years ago

@jack_clarke: @coupon_eddie @MFCGav7 @SimonCalder BA have been regularly refurbishing their 777s over the last few years. Sadly,… - 5 years ago

@large__james: @ChiBluesHistory @chicagobluesfc Love Eddie Clearwater and Jimmy Johnson!! Was that an Elvis impersonator or Dread Zeppelin? - 5 years ago

@stubryant: RT @jwusher: I'd forgotten the late Eddie Large's amazing Bilbo Baggins impression. - 5 years ago

@mrmikelancaster: RT @jwusher: I'd forgotten the late Eddie Large's amazing Bilbo Baggins impression. - 5 years ago

@jwusher: I'd forgotten the late Eddie Large's amazing Bilbo Baggins impression. - 5 years ago

@jack_clarke: @coupon_eddie @MFCGav7 @SimonCalder You say most people but that's not all. There are still plenty who are more tha… - 5 years ago

@nashienet: @PulpLibrarian really bad Cosplay featuring Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@mrakuss: RIP Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@cushdela: @tiawills2 @Paul__Christian @10DowningStreet 1000 + people die everyday from health problems, ill give you an examp… - 5 years ago


@Eddie_of_the_UK: @MajorDMalpas I fear for you, it'll those 2 Hibby fannies or that daft burd from Fairground Attraction next. For yo… - 5 years ago

@_iareTerry: @munya_eddie You honestly believe the excuse that people withdrew large amounts of money that's why Zim is in a rut… - 5 years ago

@sfloridagooner: @BTSportBoxing @DynamiteDubois Fighting Eddie Large. Jesus was it this geezers first fight? - 5 years ago


@Jeswal_63: @d1721867183 Eddie Large? He was in hospital with heart failure and caught C-19 while in hospital - 5 years ago

@Jonas62712964: RT @TheSundayMirror: Eddie Large kept nurses laughing and joking until he lost coronavirus battle - 5 years ago

@TheSundayMirror: Eddie Large kept nurses laughing and joking until he lost coronavirus battle - 5 years ago

@fasterplast: @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Perfect lips and teeth,… - 5 years ago

@eddie_lawrenson: RT @nickeardleybbc: No 10 on Coronavirus death toll nearing 1,000 a day: Unprecedented situation – disease claiming large numbers of lives… - 5 years ago

@pirate3012: @goddersbloom Just trying to frighten us to justify the lockdown. Either CV is the cause of death or, more likely,… - 5 years ago

@robuk555: @Jonteinspain Germany are probably accounting for cov19 deaths properly, and not like the UK.... Who seem to blame… - 5 years ago

@MsDenisePearson: @jeromefivestar @5starofficial @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Thank you Jerome 🙏🏽⚜️✨ - 5 years ago

@MsDenisePearson: @TheMeister30 @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Sweetheart... thank you 😁🙏🏽💋 - 5 years ago

@JackRobin2016: @BorderlineBBS @groovy_chi @AlisonMoyet And you are all responsible for Eddie Large dying.....joke, no human should… - 5 years ago

@TomhanksTweet: From Boris Johnson to Eddie Large, coronavirus hits celebrities, royals and politicians - The Telegraph - 5 years ago

@CrgWalsh: @ManCity Eddie large - 5 years ago

@ConsultPSLtd: @EuropeanTour @CallawayGolfEU I watched a pro-celeb at Woburn about 30 years ago. Seve was partnered with the recen… - 5 years ago

@Kissmehardy007: @falgal @afneil So Eddie Large, recipient of a new heart a few years back. On autoimmunedrugs for life to stop the… - 5 years ago

@JinkyEssex: RT @MickeyUndertone: I remember the undertones checking into a manchester hotel in 1980 and eddie large saw us at reception and started sin… - 5 years ago

@TheUndertones_: RT @MickeyUndertone: I remember the undertones checking into a manchester hotel in 1980 and eddie large saw us at reception and started sin… - 5 years ago

@ClosetWegmans: Check out Eddie Bauer New XL Extra Large Pique Polo Long Sleeve L/S NWT - 5 years ago

@mikeyc68: @TheMeister30 @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT It's such… - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: Lockdown is a waste of time and pointless in fact and millions of uk are immune so all stay in and two meters for… - 5 years ago

@AshleyJStokes: David Icke believes Eddie Large faked his own death - 5 years ago

@TheMeister30: @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT We need this whole beach… - 5 years ago

@hobbond: @piersmorgan Are they people who died of it or died with it? Testing for it in a certain way can reveal that most o… - 5 years ago

@idsmduhsb: Anderson Kidman Nicole Redwine Mitchell Sheldrick Kaut Escobar Large Bibeau Eddie Garrett Martin Robinson Te'Von Lu… - 5 years ago

@Ctrues47: @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Love you Deniece! - 5 years ago

@coronovirusuk: Sorry I’ve not posted in a while, but I’ve got really popular and not had much time for Twitter with all my new fan… - 5 years ago

@letner_sean: RT @WSFA_Amanda: 🌪 WOW – this was someone’s view of a large tornado that hit the Country Club of Alabama earlier today 😧 📹: Eddie Whitehea… - 5 years ago

@KevinHo98285195: RT @eddiemacwtfc: Whitby Town FC We need your help on our Just Giving Appeal to keep our club afloat. Any help small or large appreciated.… - 5 years ago

@ScottWhelan17: @VivaLaStool Kate, Eddie and Large. Let’s get started 🇺🇸 - 5 years ago

@JayneH91653630: @MerielMyers Eddie Large who sadly died this week - 5 years ago

@jdrouin1: Mort du comédien Eddie Large: - 5 years ago

@Alfiedog9: @JeannieMac1 @carolecadwalla @paulmasonnews @afuahirsch Wrong. Many people are being listed as died of Covid19 when… - 5 years ago

@nedu994: @ODDcza Eddie Large was a British comedian whom he says has had a pre-existing condition. He died recently and he w… - 5 years ago

@LeronPeterkin: @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Sing beautiful! This made my day!!! - 5 years ago

@nedu994: @ODDcza Remember what he said about Eddie Large? - 5 years ago

@realpigeon: RT @ReeceShearsmith: RIP Eddie Large. Here is Eddie's *brilliant* Gotcha inflicted by Noel Edmonds and featuring @RebeccaFront (bettered on… - 5 years ago

@PFOverEasy: RT @RAYSTARLIGHT1: Eddie large got corona virus in uk hospital and died there, the hospital didnt give him a vitamin c iv drip + vitamin c… - 5 years ago

@gretzky38: @cononeilluk 1:The one thing it also masks to a degree is the number who caught the virus IN hospital. Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@SaltySeaDog7: RT @johnisitme: @MattWalshBlog The Comedian Eddie Large who tragically died in Hospital last week, underwent a heart transplant approximate… - 5 years ago

@Cockneywonder: RT @johnisitme: @MattWalshBlog The Comedian Eddie Large who tragically died in Hospital last week, underwent a heart transplant approximate… - 5 years ago

@sup3rr3dsMDC: RT @johnisitme: @MattWalshBlog The Comedian Eddie Large who tragically died in Hospital last week, underwent a heart transplant approximate… - 5 years ago

@Forty20magazine: RT @AJHannanEsq: Little and Large - 'Telephone Man' - 1977 - 5 years ago

@RealBraveheart: @MsDenisePearson @Eddie_Large @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRETT Do you ever age!! Such beauty xxx - 5 years ago

@fizznchips: RT @MsDenisePearson: Sending Love and light to all ⚜️✨🙏🏽💋@Eddie_Large #NHSheroes @Christellamusic @RobGreenMusic @watson_dance @SIEDAHGARRE… - 5 years ago

@Critica62421595: RT @davidicke: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large in hospital for heart failure dies 'after testing for COVID-19'. So Eddie's damaged he… - 5 years ago

@degust1chibre: @Eddie_Rhdd Bah cv large mdr - 5 years ago

@tobby_simon: RT @ManCity: Everyone at Manchester City is sad to hear that lifelong City fan and celebrity Eddie Large has passed away aged 78. Our tho… - 5 years ago

@stephanie199124: RT @spann: Large tornado today passing just south of Eufaula… video from Eddie Whitehead - 5 years ago

@WysoxxTech: @Socialist_Chris Eddie Large’s dying words? - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: RT @RAYSTARLIGHT1: Eddie large got corona virus in uk hospital and died there, the hospital didnt give him a vitamin c iv drip + vitamin c… - 5 years ago

@RAYSTARLIGHT1: Eddie large got corona virus in uk hospital and died there, the hospital didnt give him a vitamin c iv drip + vitam… - 5 years ago

@northernsoul03: RT @eddiemacwtfc: Whitby Town FC We need your help on our Just Giving Appeal to keep our club afloat. Any help small or large appreciated.… - 5 years ago

@semtexsue: @Brookranger Eddie Large? - 5 years ago

@hollyfanatic: @talkRadio As far as I know loads of people have died of underlying health issues and had been diagnosed for testin… - 5 years ago

@captsmith10: BBC News - Eddie Large death: 'Not being with him as he died the hardest thing' - 5 years ago

@TheaterJunkie44: Manu Dibango, 86 Jazz singer and saxophonist Eddie Large, 60 Comedian Patricia Bosworth, 86 Actress Mark Blum, 6… - 5 years ago

@Wood5sarah: RT @boblister_poole: Eddie Large death: 'Not being with him as he died the hardest thing' - 5 years ago

@monkey_viral: #Eddie Large death: 'Not being with him as he died the hardest thing' now trending on Monkey Viral -… - 5 years ago

@VinceNe19516796: @RyanAFournier @chinaJCub Which is exactly what's happening, Eddie Large was the perfect example of that, died of h… - 5 years ago

@Eddie_and_Patti: @wfnx1990 @RealEricCarmen I pay attention to everything, large & small. I get bad vibes from some people's body la… - 5 years ago

@loveyrichie: @parkerzmarkerz SCARY CANDY STORE OWNER EDDIE!!!!!!! LARGE BUMBLING BOYFRIEND!!!!!! I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT!! - 5 years ago

@parkerzmarkerz: @loveyrichie (there’s also a plot point in it that is batshit insane) BUT I AM THINKING ABOUT SCARY CANDY STORE OWN… - 5 years ago

@TristanSevers: @NemoPublius @random_eddie As the number of measures grows large it won't depend on the measure, and from there we can interpolate for N=1. - 5 years ago

@Red_Ape_777: 'Old on...here we go, Jimmy Greaves gone into hospital. Another chalk up for #COVID19 like Eddie Large (even though… - 5 years ago

@CharismaAlasta1: RT @davidicke: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large in hospital for heart failure dies 'after testing for COVID-19'. So Eddie's damaged he… - 5 years ago

@Eddie_Mbakara: Unpopular opinion: It takes an intelligent person to build and keep a large gullible following. I don't think vood… - 5 years ago

@random_eddie: Large maps take longer to conquer, and more resources means you get to the end-game content faster. But with only t… - 5 years ago

@BondNigel: @iainlee thank you that was great to here the eddie large audio tonight brought back a lot memories as my dad met h… - 5 years ago

@wolemfc: RT @Jaluca2: Yes it is like Eddie Large, how are they getting infected with it , in a hospital?? - 5 years ago

@dsquareddigest: @sundersays no evidence, of course. But I would be Eddie-Large-stands-back.gif amazed if "fitness" moved the dial o… - 5 years ago

@jiyahkelly: RT @FortEvilFruit: @FluidCloak @GnodGnetwerk @RocketRecording @bpussyfication @SunkenHum @ChiuauaTeardrop @krldslv @pennyrimbaud1 @Rubberba… - 5 years ago

@mt241166: @Brookranger A young legendary Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@EttaJamesdotNET: Eddie Large death: 'Not being with him as he died the hardest thing' - 5 years ago

@mycoronaviruss1: RT @DubaiNameShame: Comedian Eddie Large, 78, dies alone in hospital from coronavirus while he was being treated for heart failure, family… - 5 years ago

@Jaluca2: Yes it is like Eddie Large, how are they getting infected with it , in a hospital?? - 5 years ago

@Trialanderror_v: Eddie Large: 'Not being with him the hardest thing' - 5 years ago

@ToloMR: RT @BBCBristol: Eddie Large death: 'Not being with him as he died the hardest thing' - 5 years ago

@LucyRichards: @JamesReeves11 @DanPontinggg I’ve gotta say dan, you sound like you’re on the conspiracy theory bandwagon which red… - 5 years ago

@Eddie_chief89: Honest question, when cases go down across America what do you think is going to happen? I still feel like large gr… - 5 years ago

@DanPontinggg: @JamesReeves11 @LucyRichards Take Eddie Large, for example, known to have heart issues for years. Goes to hospital… - 5 years ago

@nikos787: RT @FunnyAlfGarnett: RIP Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@Helio_Spherical: RT @FunnyAlfGarnett: RIP Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@ddonnatelli: RT @FunnyAlfGarnett: Rest in peace Eddie Large. The wretched PC Brigade ponces hated him, but the British public had nothing but love for h… - 5 years ago

@ddonnatelli: RT @FunnyAlfGarnett: RIP Eddie Large. - 5 years ago


@P_lloydee: @alexlovelltv great interview with Eddie Large’s family I thought you showed great compassion and understanding 😊 keep up the great work 👍 - 5 years ago

@GbMoz: RT @stockholmonster: Eddie Large RIP #MCFC - 5 years ago


@KingOfHummus916: RT @drharryedwards: Had a friend , Eddie Sims, who lived in same Apt.. Bldg w/ Bill back in early 1960’s . Both were just out of Navy. I us… - 5 years ago

@LordBoatrace: @dwphilbert But that’s my point. How can they be certain? You’d need a post mortem for definite cause and that don’… - 5 years ago

@AaseeOwl: RT @SkyNews: Coronavirus: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large dies 'after contracting COVID-19 in hospital' - 5 years ago

@eddie_roche: RT @NavalInstitute: #OTD 1970, the Oregon Highway Division consulted with the US Navy and decided the best way to dispose of a whale carcas… - 5 years ago

@SharonNinian: RT @SkyNews: Comedian Eddie Large, playwright Terrence McNally and musician Adam Schlesinger are among the victims of the #coronavirus outb… - 5 years ago

@mayhew_tanya: RT @SkyNews: Comedian Eddie Large, playwright Terrence McNally and musician Adam Schlesinger are among the victims of the #coronavirus outb… - 5 years ago

@kmlike1: RT @SkyNews: Comedian Eddie Large, playwright Terrence McNally and musician Adam Schlesinger are among the victims of the #coronavirus outb… - 5 years ago

@WhatsAnIQ__: RT @SkyNews: Comedian Eddie Large, playwright Terrence McNally and musician Adam Schlesinger are among the victims of the #coronavirus outb… - 5 years ago

@AshaSin24116510: RT @SkyNews: Comedian Eddie Large, playwright Terrence McNally and musician Adam Schlesinger are among the victims of the #coronavirus outb… - 5 years ago

@mkingscott: RT @3dguy6: @mkingscott @Holbornlolz Eddie Large-long term heart issues, heart failure, not strong enough to fight infection......official… - 5 years ago

@ManzoorZaynab: From Boris Johnson to Eddie Large, coronavirus hits celebrities, royals and politicians - 5 years ago

@3dguy6: @mkingscott @Holbornlolz Eddie Large-long term heart issues, heart failure, not strong enough to fight infection...… - 5 years ago

@3dguy6: @Holbornlolz @JackBur78928682 Eddie Large, overweight comedian, drunk for years and performed the club circuit-when… - 5 years ago

@MihaiScorobete: Comedian Eddie Large, 78, dies alone in hospital from coronavirus while he was being treated for heart failure, fam… - 5 years ago

@fplTrangPak: @EmmaBurnell_ @Baddiel They can take Eddie large but god dammit they are not taking baddiel - 5 years ago

@my_amigouk: THE TELEGRAPH - From Boris Johnson to Eddie Large, coronavirus hits celebrities, royals and politicians… - 5 years ago

@MichelleRoseG33: RT @TwoKingsVE: Happy #MotivationMonday! #TwitterFriends how are you all doing? I am doing my bit to try and big a little cheer to brighten… - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Eddie Large cracked up at Syd Little's rude joke despite horrific deathbed pain - 5 years ago

@smithdown: Where was all this demand for empathy and compassion when Eddie Large copped it? - 5 years ago

@Darren_Fewins: Obituary: Eddie Large, Glasgow-born double act comedian who shot to fame on Opportunity Knocks - 5 years ago

@AaronMc95296876: RT @WSFA_Amanda: 🌪 WOW – this was someone’s view of a large tornado that hit the Country Club of Alabama earlier today 😧 📹: Eddie Whitehea… - 5 years ago

@comedyberks: Syd Little pays tribute to Eddie Large in emotional GMB interview - 5 years ago

@seanr86519440: @JasonBermas @JohnnyVedmore Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@bselcoe: #RIPEddieLarge I've only just seen that Eddie Large passed away from #COVID19 recently, very sad news, I grew up wa… - 5 years ago

@AVIHouseParty: @TheTweetOfGod please can you have a word with the Grim Reaper, kenny Rogers,Bill Withers,Eddie Large and now Honor… - 5 years ago

@EndaConnaughton: @Mr_Considerate Sid Little Reunited With Hologram of Eddie Large to Wage War Against Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@BrittanyKaise17: RT @steveoj1958: RIP Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@johnhorneartist: @gmb @susannareid100 A great emotional interview by ever beautiful Susanna of Eddies son Ryan, Eddies wife Patsy's,… - 5 years ago

@loiner1000: Eddie large described as genius. Hmm #goodmorningbritain - 5 years ago

@robpalkwriter: RT @robpalkwriter: The Novel, jamming in heaven with Eddie Large and Jimi Hendrix - 5 years ago

@GB001: RIP EDDIE LARGE - 5 years ago

@top_rated_tips: @SkyNews One of them was Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@MichaelBrailsfo: @boris_farage @SupportOurLefty The world of Comedy will mourn her passing just as they did for Eddie Large! - 5 years ago

@johnhorneartist: @gmb @susannareid100 Looking forward to the tribute to a comedy legend Eddie Large, who sadly died not long ago, he… - 5 years ago

@MrTbone1965: RT @AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot attend funer… - 5 years ago

@FarndonDavid: RT @SkyNews: Coronavirus: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large dies 'after contracting COVID-19 in hospital' - 5 years ago

@rogerbauchamp: @jools6691 @KTHopkins Thanks but I'm still confused. Eddie Large RIP was admitted to hospital very poorly with a lo… - 5 years ago

@PattyJoy1: Check out what I just added to my closet on Poshmark: Eddie Bauer ladies top, size large. - 5 years ago

@YoSoiTuLSR: Eddie Large falleció a la edad de 78 años, el comediante se contagió del coronavirus mientras recibía tratamiento… - 5 years ago

@GlasgowsVoice: RT @AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot attend funer… - 5 years ago

@PeterBa82304711: RT @AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot attend funer… - 5 years ago

@Vadid65: RT @AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot attend funer… - 5 years ago

@RainbowAspie: RT @AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot attend funer… - 5 years ago

@LeslieH24367191: RT @AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot attend funer… - 5 years ago

@AintSnp: Didnt know Eddie Large was born in Glasgow Awful that Syd Little and many others cannot a… - 5 years ago

@RTthePresident: RT @realDonaldTrump: I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s trial was handled by the Navy. He was treated very bad… - 5 years ago

@Crazy_Eddie_9: RT @marklevinshow: It’s shocking how the media oppose hydroxychloroquine &ignore the large # of docs who support& prescribe it. If you get… - 5 years ago

@RobMinshull: RT @SamLee: An old-school City story here from ⁦@DTathletic -⁩ ‘Surreal’ and comedy gold – but possibly the worst team talk of all time ht… - 5 years ago

@comedynews: Eddie Large: Comedian dies aged 78 with coronavirus – BBC News - 5 years ago

@blobcock: @CryptoJohnDoe @jamesrbuk Idris Elba - fine Boris Johnson - fine Chris Whitty - fine Matt Hancock - fine Nadine Dor… - 5 years ago

@markyalita: Eddie Large's widow 'heartbroken' she was banned from final moments - 5 years ago

@goaterisgod: 1. Geoff Capes 2. Torville & 3. Dean 4. Sid Little 5. Eddie Large Mix with the stars, me! - 5 years ago

@JoanSpkling: RT @glitter452: Eddie Large's widow reveals heartbreak over comedy star's death - 5 years ago

@WestrayKnight: @EddieTrunk Eddie, curious when you expect concerts on a large scale to resume? Do you think it will be any earlier… - 5 years ago

@BernardQuack: #RIP2020 this week Tony Lewis (78). Co-inventor of cricket's Duckworth-Lewis method 🔢🏏🇬🇧 William Frankland (108). I… - 5 years ago

@glhilder: @PeteBlow @allisonpearson The only one I’ve heard of is Eddie Large and he had major heart issues, and Hello magazine? Come on... - 5 years ago

@gardenman42: RT @davidicke: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large in hospital for heart failure dies 'after testing for COVID-19'. So Eddie's damaged he… - 5 years ago

@glitter452: Eddie Large's widow reveals heartbreak over comedy star's death - 5 years ago

@juan_bautistajr: RT @BBCBreaking: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for his partnership with Syd Little, has died aged 78 - 5 years ago

@Emma10216: RT @DailyMirror: Eddie Large kept nurses laughing and joking until he lost coronavirus battle - 5 years ago

@jinkyjazmcd: How many deaths in uk r not being recorded as covid19 deaths Sturgeon seems 2 b trying 2 do so up here. Y else wou… - 5 years ago

@mumbosteve: @syphonuk Eddie Large! - 5 years ago

@RSooty73: RT @DTathletic: Ever heard the one about the time Deputy Dawg, Cliff Richard and Benny from Crossroads gave Man City their team-talk? One… - 5 years ago

@kondor_anna: RT @YorksCoastLeave: @GerardBattenUK Eddie Large (of Little and Large) had heart failure, logged as chinavirus. - 5 years ago

@TheAthleticUK: The worst team talk of all time? The #MCFC players held Eddie Large in great affection - but his half-time chat t… - 5 years ago

@JMussells: @KTHopkins All lies, I think Eddie Large had another 20 years in him - 5 years ago

@prkirkley: RT @PaulHol43412382: Felt like I should write something about Eddie Large. “Little and Large was the conversational glue that held us all t… - 5 years ago

@PaulHol43412382: Felt like I should write something about Eddie Large. “Little and Large was the conversational glue that held us al… - 5 years ago

@DTAl1928: @BillRoddham @AlanSHarper @hevap @tuscan_raiders @ryangj @G00DM0RNlN @DHSCgovuk @PHE_uk @CMO_England @NHSEngland… - 5 years ago

@3rdfourthcrown: ATTN ATTN ATTN: do you know the male name lot lizard, lizard lot of Large Margie and I. @ Eddie the Murphy hurry up… - 5 years ago

@wjstutley: @toryboypierce Er, not exactly. Last time was about Dianne and I'll be honest I was more upset about Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@evelyn_thea: @MGrandaigle @MikeyPB @SkyNews I see what you are saying...but you could also say that about people who have caught… - 5 years ago

@stuarthughescc: This was a great memory of Eddie Large with some great rockers including ⁦@Jessconradcom⁩ ⁦@lordofrocknroll⁩ #Heinz… - 5 years ago

@opium_eater: RT @TheSpoofUK: Comedy legend Eddie Large dies - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Comedian Eddie Large; scholar Eldred Jones; actress Eva Krizikova; photographer Tomas Oneborg;… - 5 years ago

@simontreanor: I do hope this gets detailed in a future @setpiecemenu episode: a TV personality’s clowning around nearly cost Cit… - 5 years ago

@JimCart13813596: RT @BBCBreaking: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for his partnership with Syd Little, has died aged 78 - 5 years ago

@CToon1941: RT @Jessconradcom: Again, I'm shocked and saddened to lose another dear friend. I have so happy memories doing panto with Eddie Large in St… - 5 years ago

@AcacioMoore: @Discoverybear87 @MegMusclepup I have nothing against guys who use silicone I think some of them are hot. But even… - 5 years ago

@AdamCrafton_: RT @JamesPearceLFC: Love this from @DTathletic on possibly the worst half-time team talk ever. Led by Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@tonyash111: patient in the hospital, for a condition unrelated to the virus, to then contract and die- as was the case with com… - 5 years ago

@evelyn_thea: @MGrandaigle @kenzingtonGB @SkyNews Eddie Large for one. - 5 years ago

@Teamkovt: RT @davidicke: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large in hospital for heart failure dies 'after testing for COVID-19'. So Eddie's damaged he… - 5 years ago

@GOAT_Lookalikes: RT @Modmuffin: Ep1 of my new Podcast will be titled: 'Avin It Large' in memory of Eddie Large who passed away this week. Please send any n… - 5 years ago

@FTP_Tigerlily: RT @DavidBr33139978: @ihavenoideabreh @FTP_Tigerlily @SkyNews The point is that if he died from something else, why wouldn't they just say… - 5 years ago

@gpsplastering1: @hovebooks @louisbosworth @DailyMailUK Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@DavidBr33139978: @ihavenoideabreh @FTP_Tigerlily @SkyNews The point is that if he died from something else, why wouldn't they just s… - 5 years ago

@Nige_in_bingley: Eddie Large now Lord Bath. #covid19UK can keep the fuck away from the legend @brianblessed. - 5 years ago

@MarkDonegan3: RT @JamesPearceLFC: Love this from @DTathletic on possibly the worst half-time team talk ever. Led by Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@ancientscream: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@jamesisaburyfan: @Ratings_Mike Eddie Large. - 5 years ago

@Gbushuk65Bush: RT @JCadeCirca1450: @TheSebConrad @zombie_nun In the morning BBC reported that the family of Eddie Large said he died in Hospital due to He… - 5 years ago

@Naghamadi: @piersmorgan Like Eddie Large. Died of heart attack, media reports say Corona virus. It's all fixed. No more flu deaths than normal. - 5 years ago

@Ratings_Mike: Five famous people I’ve met and only one isn’t true... 1) Joe Royle 2) Noel Gallagher 3) Eddie Large 4) Richard Dunne 5) Lionel Messi - 5 years ago

@YorksCoastLeave: @GerardBattenUK Eddie Large (of Little and Large) had heart failure, logged as chinavirus. - 5 years ago

@evans1951: @topcatfish Totally agree i noticed the other day of the sad news that Eddie Large had died the BBC news reported h… - 5 years ago

@Remi_MULegend: @Peterwi57486487 @AyoCaesar Eddie Large and - 5 years ago

@Uncledave62: RIP Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@tynetweets: @PaulFixter @SteveThorpe13 @ShowaddywaddyUK Didn't noel Edmonds once set up Eddie large with a gotcha, in a restaur… - 5 years ago

@NotDickTracy: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@dailystar: Eddie Large's widow 'forced to leave him to die on his own' due to Covid-19 lockdown - 5 years ago



@zeynuebse: RT @BBCBreaking: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for his partnership with Syd Little, has died aged 78 - 5 years ago

@Jinzo_Ningen: @martinmc000000 @BDStanley I’ve seen Arnold and E Grant. I was off sick when Sanderson came to school. Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@Jinzo_Ningen: @martinmc000000 @BDStanley Eddie Large and too soon m8 - 5 years ago

@ArchLaver: @BDStanley 1. Jonathan Ross 2. Johnny Vegas 3. Eddie Large 4. Bruce Forsyth 5. Denis Norden 6. Sean Bean 7. Trace… - 5 years ago

@wjstutley: @BettGunther We loose Eddie Large and up steps Gunther, the comedy talent pool in this country is deep😄 - 5 years ago

@martinmc000000: @BDStanley Willie Nelson Tessa Sanderson Arnold Schwarzenegger Eddie Large (RIP) Richard E Grant - 5 years ago

@wjstutley: @SocialM85897394 First Eddie Large now this. A golden age of vaudeville comes to a close! - 5 years ago

@baconbkk: @NORTHERE We're seeing hysteria. Eddie Large was one of the best examples. Admitted for heart failure and died. Te… - 5 years ago

@JasonSm26849349: @dril “..it was an international lampooning, eliminating Chevy Chase from the suspect list. Cousin Eddie still at l… - 5 years ago

@HelenDe71267197: RT @DailyMirror: Eddie Large's widow's agony as she was banned from being with him in final moments - 5 years ago

@pie_nostalgia: RT @Classicbritcom: Eddie Large (25 June 1941 – 2 April 2020) R.I.P - 5 years ago

@wayne_atkinson: Eddie Large’s widow reveals agony at being told she couldn’t see him in final moments as he died of coronavirus ⚱ 👁… - 5 years ago

@andreajeanbaker: From Boris Johnson to Eddie Large, coronavirus hits celebrities, royals and politicians - 5 years ago

@GraytommyKent: RT @SocialistVoice: Eddie Large kept NHS nurses laughing and joking until he lost coronavirus battle The 78-year-old was being treated in… - 5 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Eddie Large dies at 78: Fast-talking comedian and impressionist was one half of the TV comic duo Little and Large - 5 years ago

@jimmenybob: @MichaelCarton15 @ClarkeMicah This is where the dishonesty from the NHS, Media and UK Government comes into play.… - 5 years ago

@pancakeson: RT @DailyMirror: Eddie Large kept nurses laughing and joking until he lost coronavirus battle - 5 years ago

@Metro_Ents: Eddie Large's wife begged to be able to see him before he died of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@indozonemedia: Eddie Large yang merupakan komedian Inggris, dikabarkan meninggal akibat virus corona COVID-19. Komedian yang diken… - 5 years ago

@eddie_chaffin: @PrisonPlanet this could be the answer to there prayers with there culture enriching friends attending in large num… - 5 years ago

@nick19680: RT @1980sHeaven: Sad news yesterday about the death of Eddie Large. Here he is providing some words of wisdom to the players from his belov… - 5 years ago

@SHIRLEYPARNELL: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@Jonharding77: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@Michael99161326: Beloved longtime U.K. comedian and actor known as Eddie Large has passed away. #RIP He had heart issues for years a… - 5 years ago

@GuyPDesmond: RT @RogerJ_01: Just recorded a touching interview with Syd Little about his friend and partner Eddie Large. It'll be on @BBCNWT on @BBCOne… - 5 years ago

@Airchecker: Comedian Eddie Large dies after contracting coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@JWannaporn: eddie large death was eclipst by bill withers death news I think i did this gag if some hac… - 5 years ago

@Hatch526: @TailedFeature Eddie Large also passed away... - 5 years ago

@Graingers_Exp: RT @BoyGeorge: R.I.P Eddie Large. Comedy legend! - 5 years ago

@Kathymcgre: RT @KennyFarq: Never knew Eddie Large was born and brought up in the Gorbals and spoke with a Glasgow accent until going to technical colle… - 5 years ago

@LupineAssassin: Comedian Eddie Large dies after contracting coronavirus - 5 years ago

@JoyFFisher: RT @GeorgeThe9th: How many people are catching #coronavirus INSIDE hospitals? The first person to die of coronavirus in the UK caught coro… - 5 years ago

@Waterford212: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@NickSorrell1: Isn’t this the shit that turned Spider-Man’s costume black and made him a fuckboi until a large bell rung and it to… - 5 years ago

@WonktasticMusic: Eddie Large: the big man of 80s British TV comedy | Mark Lawson - 5 years ago

@BettyFellows: RT @jimmy__cricket: With a heavy heart I have just found out, (through his son Ryan), that his father Eddie Large has passed away, I worked… - 5 years ago

@KronenbourgMr: RT @FunnyAlfGarnett: Rest in peace Eddie Large. The wretched PC Brigade ponces hated him, but the British public had nothing but love for h… - 5 years ago

@NotThatDave1: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@Stott07Stott: RT @FrannyLee7: It is a very sad day for one of City’s greatest fans ...Eddie Large has passed away....an incredible supporter of The Club… - 5 years ago

@Fm98Sonora: RT @KompasEnt: Profil Eddie Large, Komedian Inggris yang Meninggal karena Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Mysterious1si: RT @BulldogEvo3: Only just seen Eddie Large has died, that's so sad, I used to love Cannon and Ball. #EddieLarge - 5 years ago

@philhmitchell54: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@KompasEnt: Profil Eddie Large, Komedian Inggris yang Meninggal karena Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@BulldogEvo3: Only just seen Eddie Large has died, that's so sad, I used to love Cannon and Ball. #EddieLarge - 5 years ago

@cumbrianlass46: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@A_l_i_c_e_5_i_: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@P_James87: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@sarahjrobbo: Whilst working on today’s show I was looking for footage/audio of the late Eddie Large. I was delighted to discover… - 5 years ago

@ruler1972: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@ixi0310: RT @davidicke: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large in hospital for heart failure dies 'after testing for COVID-19'. So Eddie's damaged he… - 5 years ago

@MacSottish: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@SunShaker: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@HADITES: @vdailysun - 5 years ago

@paulanthony662: RT @FatherCheesy: Eddie Large died of heart failure. It was reported he died of a result of getting Coronavirus. We're being fed bollocks. - 5 years ago

@MaryWoo41450098: @BoycottsBat Anything is possible. Eddie Large had heart failure but BBC said it was Corona virus. His family dev… - 5 years ago

@Tracy1971x: RT @JohnnyVegasReal: Watching Sid Little talking about the sad passing of his lifelong comedy friend Eddie Large fair brought a lump to the… - 5 years ago

@museumofcomedy: RT @BritishComedy: Eddie Large - best known for starring in double act Little & Large - has died aged 78. - 5 years ago

@FoaChris: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@fab_ng: Comedian Eddie Large Dies From Coronavirus - Comedian, Eddie Large, best known as one half… - 5 years ago

@fab_ng: Comedian Eddie Large Dies From Coronavirus... - 5 years ago

@NeilPlevey9: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@RTArmstrong1: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@BootneckShuffle: RT @FatherCheesy: Eddie Large died of heart failure. It was reported he died of a result of getting Coronavirus. We're being fed bollocks. - 5 years ago

@BretsTypewriter: As a boy, I was fortunate to see wonderful comedy shows by Little & Large at the theatre in Yorkshire. What a great… - 5 years ago

@1980AT: RT @vickimichelle: Shocked & saddened to hear Eddie Large has passed, one of my favourite people. Such fond memories of working with him. A… - 5 years ago

@michaelhogan: Fast Eddie! Supersonic Syd! Saw-ree! In the wake of #EddieLarge's sad death, I wrote about how #LittleandLarge pave… - 5 years ago

@MikeBrackenrid: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@Tarzanboydaz: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@TMCharlie: RT @DadJokeMan: RIP Eddie Large, one of my favourite comedians when I was growing up, a naturally funny man. So sad. 😢 - 5 years ago

@thekettles2: RT @AlanRichardSte1: @yprikushma @viviengreenlee1 @BBCNews Yes, they know very well that many people through worry and panic, only see what… - 5 years ago

@martyn_lodge: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@gmw5161: RT @TheTommyCannon: Devastated to hear that my good friend Eddie Large has passed.. very heavy hearts at home today. Mine and Hazels hearts… - 5 years ago

@HappyBoy6755: RT @rickblackman01: What a year it's been for losing comedians, entertainers and actors. Now the best 'Deputy Dawg' in the business Eddie L… - 5 years ago

@HappyBoy6755: RT @SmithLeedsUtd: Rest in peace Eddie Large 💔 Thoughts to your wife Patsy and family and of course Syd. Thankyou for the memories 🙏💜 #Eddi… - 5 years ago

@PaulaRoseG: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@LcjHolt: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@maseratilady1: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@sarcasmic_humor: RT @TheHinduCinema: Veteran English comedian #EddieLarge has passed away at the age of 78 after complications due to #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@untangled11: RT @RichieAllenShow: Ridiculous headline throws real doubt on the covid-19 death toll. "Comedian dies from coronavirus as he was being trea… - 5 years ago

@Hugorelly: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for being part of the double act Little and Large, has died, aged 78. In 1978, he appeared… - 5 years ago

@RyanActorTaylor: RT @TVandFilmStars: R.I.P. Scottish comedian Edward Hugh McGinnis/Eddie Large. Born in 1941 in Glasgow, Scotland. Here with Cyril John Mead… - 5 years ago

@HeatherAnne00: RT @jamesmartinchef: RIP Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@the_lib_lie: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@badger_british: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@RichardLucking: RT @robmanuel: Fantastic photo of Little & Large in the Guardian obit. Little looks, dare I say it, almost cool. - 5 years ago

@Horace__wimp_: RT @Bills_Ghost: RIP Eddie Large #LittleAndLarge - 5 years ago

@drjohnacrosby: Eddie Large, what a legend! - 5 years ago

@pitstop221: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@iCharmaine: So saddened to hear of the passing of Eddie Large, and grateful for his support of @TheBHF over the years. My deepe… - 5 years ago

@RimonSeed: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@Veritas1701: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@L3ewUhCVd78v1mv: RT @WIONews: 78-year old British comedian Eddie Large is no more as he battled with #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@brianstwitfeed: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@HiteshGngr18: RT @WIONews: 78-year old British comedian Eddie Large is no more as he battled with #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@yourdcsnotts: @cgc47 It’s a cracker! Eddie Large would be proud!! - 5 years ago

@Aggy99867354: RT @4bruce7: Saddened to hear of the Death of Eddie Large Age 78.From Coronavirus.Thanks for all the Laughs.R I P Eddie.🌹🌹🌹 - 5 years ago

@DLM_Viking: RT @JohnnyVegasReal: Watching Sid Little talking about the sad passing of his lifelong comedy friend Eddie Large fair brought a lump to the… - 5 years ago

@freed0m2019: Eddie Large: Comedian dies aged 78 with coronavirus Always sad when someone who makes you laugh dies. Funny I don’… - 5 years ago

@whitcher_mike: @Morris__Bright R.i.p eddie large thank for bringing joy and laughter into ours lives heaven will be well blessed. - 5 years ago

@andradeemaria_: RT @Expresoec: El comediante Eddie Large murió a los 78 años después de contraer #coronavirus en el hospital, mientras recibía tratamiento… - 5 years ago

@mjc_cook: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: Strictly star Debbie McGee honours late husband Paul Daniels as she speaks on 'sad news' - 5 years ago

@octohorse: RT @RichieAllenShow: Ridiculous headline throws real doubt on the covid-19 death toll. "Comedian dies from coronavirus as he was being trea… - 5 years ago

@Garysmi04582035: @DickDelingpole Eddie Large has died from fat related corona virus - 5 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: RT @realbasilbrush: Very sad to hear about my old chum Mr Eddie Large, here he is with Mr Frank @FrankOnTheRadio Mr David @Baddiel and me… - 5 years ago

@Hankinshaw: Why Mark Lawson gets recruited for obits when he only ever turns out lightly-sneering, word-count-padding cuntery i… - 5 years ago

@comedynews: Large by name, large by nature: Eddie was the big man of 80s British TV comedy – The Guardian - 5 years ago

@KontanNews: Eddie Large, komedian Inggris tutup usia karena virus corona - 5 years ago

@darr_roem: RT @detikcom: Komedian asal Inggris, Eddie Large, meninggal dunia di usia 78 tahun. Ia mengembuskan napas terakhir setelah lama berjuang me… - 5 years ago

@tristanbailey: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for being part of the double act Little and Large, has died, aged 78. In 1978, he appeared… - 5 years ago

@ElwellGraham: RT @Classicbritcom: Eddie Large (25 June 1941 – 2 April 2020) R.I.P - 5 years ago

@cristine_foster: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@SavedRepublica: RT @jollyheretic: Right! This just makes me cross! A part of childhood has succumb. RIP Eddie. - 5 years ago

@ceknricekcom_id: Komedian yang terkenal dari tahun 70-an hingga sekarang ini meninggal saat dirawat di rumah sakit. - 5 years ago

@kodeen0809: RT @RichieAllenShow: Ridiculous headline throws real doubt on the covid-19 death toll. "Comedian dies from coronavirus as he was being trea… - 5 years ago

@IEArtsShowbiz: ‘An incredible talent and outstanding comedian’: Eddie Large dies age 78 - 5 years ago

@MelPemberton19: RT @AndrewBooton: The BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Earlier today, Eddie Large’s family said he’d sadly died from heart failure bu… - 5 years ago

@PetloverHermine: EDDIE LARGE, Scottish comedian, 1941 to 2020 #COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@JLyCL: RT @IL0VEthe80s: RIP Eddie Large (1941-2020) Part of the ‘Little & Large’ comedy duo. - 5 years ago

@ShivaVaragandhi: RT @FrannyLee7: It is a very sad day for one of City’s greatest fans ...Eddie Large has passed away....an incredible supporter of The Club… - 5 years ago

@simac12: RIP Eddie Large - 5 years ago

@iperic: Eddie Large: Comedian dies aged 78 with coronavirus - 5 years ago

@teluce: RT @SkyNews: Coronavirus: Little and Large comedian Eddie Large dies 'after contracting COVID-19 in hospital' - 5 years ago

@nanna2b2l: @MORTTHEFOURTH No that’s wrong picture that’s not Eddie large - 5 years ago

@LynnBrittney2: @4bruce7 I thought Eddie Large died from heart failure? - 5 years ago

@TheITGirlbytes: RT @Telegraph: Eddie Large has died after contracting coronavirus. He was best known for his long-running comedy partnership with Syd Littl… - 5 years ago

@JRRorodgers: RT @Gojairu: RIP Life Long City fan Eddie Large I’m glad he saw the good times 🏆🏆🏆🏆 - 5 years ago

@GRobert1963: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for being part of double act Little and Large, has died with coronavirus. The sta… - 5 years ago

@pmarshall01: RT @RogerJ_01: Just recorded a touching interview with Syd Little about his friend and partner Eddie Large. It'll be on @BBCNWT on @BBCOne… - 5 years ago

@melsm57: RT @LesDennis: When I was 17 I was on Opportunity Knocks. I was incredibly nervous. Two lovely men sat in the canteen with me at Thames TV… - 5 years ago

@chrisandmarkuk: @davidwalliams That’s really sad news, loved Eddie Large. RIP x - 5 years ago

@lindquist_lord: RIP Eddie Large & Thanks for the memories...😓 - 5 years ago

@pmworldismad: RT @GrahameLucas: Eddie Large death: Little and Large comedian dies from coronavirus aged 78 - 5 years ago

@wiffwaff4: RT @ReeceShearsmith: RIP Eddie Large. Here is Eddie's *brilliant* Gotcha inflicted by Noel Edmonds and featuring @RebeccaFront (bettered on… - 5 years ago

@AustenRisolvato: My husband doesn’t use Twitter (because he’s smart). He asked me to share this about the time he encountered Eddie… - 5 years ago

@chefonrun: RT @4bruce7: Saddened to hear of the Death of Eddie Large Age 78.From Coronavirus.Thanks for all the Laughs.R I P Eddie.🌹🌹🌹 - 5 years ago

@mancunianmedic: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Eddie Large, best known for being part of the double act Little and Large, has died, aged 78. In 1978, he appeared… - 5 years ago

@chrisandmarkuk: RT @davidwalliams: A childhood favourite & a very funny man. RIP Eddie Large & thank you for a lifetime of laughter. - 5 years ago

@SartoMutiny: RT @worldoftelly: Blown away by this photo in the Eddie Large obituary. - 5 years ago

@porknpicklepie: RT @AvonandsomerRob: Terribly misleading headline. Eddie Large was gravely ill with heart failure and not expected to survive that condit… - 5 years ago

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