Eddie Applegate

American actor (The Patty Duke Show).
Died on Wednesday October 19th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Eddie Applegate:

@Bobby_Applegate: RT @Slogs_9: pray for my man eddie , nothin wrong with him he just looked 11 going into junior year - 8 years ago

@dylldoo: @RyanGermer @pjcasciano4 @Bobby_Applegate @Eddie_Frazer @RibbitFuggi same here 😂🤘🏼 - 8 years ago

@RyanGermer: @pjcasciano4 @Bobby_Applegate @Eddie_Frazer @RibbitFuggi @dylldoo literally play all day in school #ThatsWhyImFailing - 8 years ago

@RyanGermer: @pjcasciano4 @Bobby_Applegate @Eddie_Frazer @RibbitFuggi @dylldoo I play it to 😂😂😂 - 8 years ago


@Bobby_Applegate: @Bobby_Applegate @Eddie_Frazer @RibbitFuggi @RyanGermer @dylldoo @pjcasciano4 - 8 years ago

@NewzBreakerPR: Sad news to report on NewzBreaker... RIP...... - 8 years ago

@NewzBreakerPR: Eddie Applegate Costar of The Patty Duke Show Dead at 81 - 8 years ago

@opinionamerica1: Our staff @opinionamerica1 is sad to have to report the passing of actor Eddie Applegate, 81, of Patty Duke Show fame. - 8 years ago

@BrownSquirrel: only just found out about this - another fave gone - - 8 years ago

@i_eidisi: Θλίψη: Πέθανε ο ηθοποιός Eddie Applegate - - 8 years ago

@MNTRYJOSEPH: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - The New York Times - 8 years ago

@SatEvePost: Last week we lost Eddie Applegate, the third cast member from The Patty Duke Show to die this year: - 8 years ago

@lawbibliophile: RT @obituarywriters: Actor Eddie Applegate, who played the easygoing boyfriend on "The Patty Duke Show," died at 81 - 8 years ago

@blogofdeath: Actor Eddie Applegate, who played the easygoing boyfriend on "The Patty Duke Show," died at 81 - 8 years ago

@obituarywriters: Actor Eddie Applegate, who played the easygoing boyfriend on "The Patty Duke Show," died at 81 - 8 years ago

@ArtsMusicMovies: #NYTimes Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on The Patty Duke Show, Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@JOANNECHANDO: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: RT @NYTObits: Eddie Applegate, who played Patty Lane's steadfast boyfriend on "The Patty Duke Show," died at 81. - 8 years ago

@MyOwnEulogy: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@Eddie_Frazer: @Bobby_Applegate YEWWW!!! - 8 years ago

@Bobby_Applegate: @Eddie_Frazer I just bought a new ankle brace and did some pop ups in my room and I think I'll be able to pull off surfing tomorrow - 8 years ago

@BTBent: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@lonbouldin: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@lizmichael: This is sad for me because I not only knew him, we shared a house together in the Hollywood Hills for a couple of... - 8 years ago

@BlackIrishBlarn: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@tvmoviede: Große Trauer in Hollywood: Serien-Star Eddie Applegate ist tot! ►► - 8 years ago

@Eddie_Frazer: @Bobby_Applegate hmu when ur down - 8 years ago

@Bobby_Applegate: @Eddie_Frazer I'll just have to Make every wave 👍🏻 - 8 years ago

@Eddie_Frazer: @Bobby_Applegate wait until you get smashed into the sandbar ouchh - 8 years ago

@Bobby_Applegate: @Eddie_Frazer nah just like an ace bandage wrap. I can walk on it somewhat fine so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to swim - 8 years ago

@Eddie_Frazer: @Bobby_Applegate do you have a cast or anything or what's up - 8 years ago

@Bobby_Applegate: @Eddie_Frazer nah I def can't surf but I'm gonna try to bodyboard. I'll definitely be able to do that - 8 years ago

@Eddie_Frazer: @Bobby_Applegate u can't surf or anything tho right? - 8 years ago

@Bobby_Applegate: @Eddie_Frazer I'll be down sometime tonight. Waking up early af cause I gotta be at my bros game for 1 on Saturday - 8 years ago

@Eddie_Frazer: @Bobby_Applegate oh i'm surfing all day tomorrow, i mean all night baby i'm grinding cod - 8 years ago

@Bobby_Applegate: @Eddie_Frazer crappy weekend? Did you quit surfing ? - 8 years ago

@Rare: Eddie Applegate, who starred as Patty Duke’s goofy boyfriend on the “The Patty Duke Show,” has died. #RIP - 8 years ago

@funtoretire: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@pcooney55: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@isleJane: RT @LightfootInHwd: Eddie Applegate, Actor On ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies At 81 - 8 years ago

@isleJane: RT @Moonspinner55: Sad news: Eddie Applegate, who played the high school boyfriend of Patty Lane on The Patty Duke Show died Oct. 17. He wa… - 8 years ago

@GeosNewsAtlanta: Eddie Applegate... #Atlanta #ATL #news - 8 years ago

@NYT: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81. - 8 years ago

@RebaReader66: RT @Moonspinner55: Sad news: Eddie Applegate, who played the high school boyfriend of Patty Lane on The Patty Duke Show died Oct. 17. He wa… - 8 years ago

@JessiCastelar: Murió el actor Eddie Applegate - 8 years ago

@chrisbroadwell: "Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81" by DANIEL E. SLOTNIK via NYT - 8 years ago

@JulyDominguez: Murió el actor Eddie Applegate - 8 years ago

@Ricardordgz4: Murió el actor Eddie Applegate - 8 years ago

@sfulghum: - 8 years ago

@The_Daily_Voice: Patty Duke Actor Eddie Applegate Dies - 8 years ago

@VadhirBermudez: RT @reformagente: El actor Eddie Applegate murió este lunes a los 81 años de edad - 8 years ago

@gentemural: El actor Eddie Applegate murió este lunes a los 81 años de edad - 8 years ago

@reformagente: El actor Eddie Applegate murió este lunes a los 81 años de edad - 8 years ago

@VAMPBlogs: A Shroud of Thoughts Eddie Applegate R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@ClassicFilmRead: A Shroud of Thoughts - Eddie Applegate R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@Steve_Goldberg: There goes my childhood: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81. - 8 years ago

@ClassicFilmRead: Shroud of Thoughts - Eddie Applegate R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@mccormick1942: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@kimberlywelch84: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - - 8 years ago

@jasmineduncan64: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - - 8 years ago

@jessicajames942: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - - 8 years ago

@dianabrown7851: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - - 8 years ago

@Obituary_Ads: Obituary Ads Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@torymarshman: My latest blog post: Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81 by DANIEL E. SLOTNIK - 8 years ago

@jemandkimber: RT @Moonspinner55: Sad news: Eddie Applegate, who played the high school boyfriend of Patty Lane on The Patty Duke Show died Oct. 17. He wa… - 8 years ago

@allmyshitdesign: NYT: "Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81" by DANIEL E. SLOTNIK. … - 8 years ago

@TheDapperDesign: "Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81" by DANIEL E. SLOTNIK via NYT - 8 years ago

@mikiamikam: "Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81" - 8 years ago

@ManilaForADay: "Eddie Applegate, a Sweetheart on ‘The Patty Duke Show,’ Dies at 81" by DANIEL E. SLOTNIK via NYT - 8 years ago

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