Ed Olivares

Puerto Rican baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals).
Died on Tuesday October 25th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ed Olivares:

@Radical_Ed: @c_olivares @javisoap @MofletesLau - 2 years ago

@c_olivares: @javisoap @Radical_Ed @MofletesLau Veo que para ti está siendo una gran experiencia😅Ánimo, lo mejor está por llegar. - 2 years ago

@javisoap: @c_olivares @Radical_Ed @MofletesLau Y a que edad se quito la vida? - 2 years ago

@c_olivares: @Radical_Ed @javisoap @MofletesLau Uno de mis mejores amigos no fue padre hasta pasados los 50🤷‍♂️ - 2 years ago


@Radical_Ed: @c_olivares @javisoap @MofletesLau Se me ha pasado el arroz ya. - 2 years ago

@c_olivares: @Radical_Ed @javisoap @MofletesLau - 2 years ago

@javisoap: @Radical_Ed @MofletesLau @c_olivares Las jubilaciones, radicaldo! - 2 years ago

@Radical_Ed: @javisoap @MofletesLau @c_olivares Tengo el TL lleno de bebés *__* - 2 years ago

@agosto_migdalia: @MargieOlivares @uiwcardinals Ms. Olivares, bellow you will find the office responsible for looking into title IX c… - 2 years ago

@AnwarMo90574673: RT @maxeffgen: Godspeed Ed Olivares (1938-2022) 🇵🇷 St. Louis @Cardinals #STLCards Sadly, the - 2 years ago

@AnwarMo90574673: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to Ed Olivares, who played with the #STLCards in 1960-61. He died on Oct. 14 at age 84. He was also the father of pitcher… - 2 years ago

@slice7: RT @BaseballAlmanac: RIP Ed Olivares (😢). Added details of his passing, a quote about him, his rookie card, brief career synopsis, an expan… - 2 years ago

@BaseballAlmanac: RIP Ed Olivares (😢). Added details of his passing, a quote about him, his rookie card, brief career synopsis, an ex… - 2 years ago

@rip_mlb: RIP to Ed Olivares, who played with the #STLCards in 1960-61. He died on Oct. 14 at age 84. He was also the father… - 2 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @RICHARDROTHSCH4: Ed Olivares, a former Major League Baseball outfielder and third baseman who spent parts of two seasons playing for th… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Ed Olivares is no longer with us - #EdOlivares #Ed #Olivares #rip - 2 years ago

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