Ed Farmer

American baseball player (Chicago White Sox
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Ed Farmer:

@pinktrackies: Saw this and had to share it @westyeo @sunkfarmer @wheat_daddy @Ed_Farmer_Ford @AdamHenson get sharing to show your… - 5 years ago

@CraigHughes666: @rjw600 @iammrpartridge @Gaz_Good @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford @Jimmy_deVille… - 5 years ago

@cutlerstom: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Bit of warmth from the transmission preferable to softness! - 5 years ago

@RememberZelmoB: Ed Farmer saves the game for the New Deal @WhiteSox. Great call by Harry. #SoxRewind - 5 years ago


@liz_farmer: RT @mshamburge: Sad update: Ed died last night. My aunt is doing well, health-wise, but this is such awful news for my cousins. Take this s… - 5 years ago

@MJK171002: @whitesox Great to see Ed Farmer in the bullpen for the White Sox on MLB. Can’t beat Harry and Jimmy. - 5 years ago

@Larry_Boa: "Get him outta there!" - Jimmy Piersall, on the struggling La Marr Hoyt in the bottom of the 9th. Pining for Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@bparsons22: Watching #RedSox, #WhiteSox Opening Day from 1981 on @MLBNetwork A young Tony LaRussa managing the White Sox. Harry… - 5 years ago

@WhiSoxNationCHI: Ed Farmer was one of a kind for the #WhiteSox. His door was always open to the radio booth at the stadium and he… - 5 years ago

@BobbyHogan2: @D_Farmer I work in the largest ED in Columbus, Ohio. We’re still waiting for a “surge” but instead have been getti… - 5 years ago

@GeoSuperGirl: @Ed_Farmer_Ford A dogs prerogative!!! :) - 5 years ago

@Ed_J_Ryan: @BadSocialism @chels_annett That song was pro farmer lol - 5 years ago

@BethCutrona: RT @RedRidingHoodSK: @BethCutrona @Extenebris_Lux @jaimelynn5116 @NoLeftyEsty @stuystuystuy @lissetterod123 @jan_aurora @shellyobrien79 @Tw… - 5 years ago

@CraigHughes666: @MarkClegg71 @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford @iammrpartridge @Jimmy_deVille… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: I give you a 60cm x 60cm bed and you decide to sleep there 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: Wet feet v non wet feet clear to see - 5 years ago

@rjw600: @CraigHughes666 @iammrpartridge @Gaz_Good @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford… - 5 years ago

@MarkClegg71: @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford @iammrpartridge @Jimmy_deVille @Farmer_Tom_UK… - 5 years ago

@RedRidingHoodSK: @BethCutrona @Extenebris_Lux @jaimelynn5116 @NoLeftyEsty @stuystuystuy @lissetterod123 @jan_aurora @shellyobrien79… - 5 years ago

@Gaz_Good: @DaveAsh33 @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford @iammrpartridge @Jimmy_deVille… - 5 years ago

@StinceonLord: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@Nanner1584: @ChrisTannehill @LockedOnSox Just listened to this episode. Great job Chris and @Ecnerwal23 capturing the essence o… - 5 years ago

@AZDEUCE2: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@lifeafter26: Just saw a photo of The Cell and thought about Ed Farmer. Damn. If baseball comes back this year, it is gonna be to… - 5 years ago

@ChrisTannehill: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@CHISportsNation: Whenever baseball comes back this season, the #WhiteSox will have a little extra to play for... - 5 years ago

@JackConroy3906: RT @TedWlezien: They say these happen in three's, huh? Well, here you go, Chicago: (references for my non-Chicago tweeps) Ed Farmer ( @whit… - 5 years ago

@WildeOnQ: RT @Q929FM: The quarantine has turn Ed Sheeran into a farmer. - 5 years ago

@DaveAsh33: @Gaz_Good @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford @iammrpartridge @Jimmy_deVille… - 5 years ago

@CraigHughes666: @iammrpartridge @Gaz_Good @QuestTV @jasonplato @DrewPritchard @mikebrewer @vb_h @Ed_Stafford @Jimmy_deVille… - 5 years ago

@cymiller14: RT @Q929FM: The quarantine has turn Ed Sheeran into a farmer. - 5 years ago

@Q929FM: The quarantine has turn Ed Sheeran into a farmer. - 5 years ago

@TedWlezien: They say these happen in three's, huh? Well, here you go, Chicago: (references for my non-Chicago tweeps) Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@sethpoho: I never knew of this. I was going through some clips and found the recently departed Ed Farmer was attacked by Al C… - 5 years ago

@CraigShawSulli1: RT @OxfamPanAfrica: 'Though difficult to organize virtually, we need to find a way to ensure that farmers remain in communication in their… - 5 years ago

@Irishace45: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@PeteMcMurray: .@whitesox Pitcher #LucasGiolito talks self-quarantine, the passing of Sox anncer #EdFarmer & how he's keeping in s… - 5 years ago

@ballomes: @Ed_Farmer_Ford @dikesmarshfarm Thats irony right there.... - 5 years ago

@BlackleeNtd: Ed Farmer Light It Up Chicago shirt - 5 years ago

@vegasrock72: @scottmerkin @OzzieGuillen I’m surprised you didn’t even mention Ed Farmer’s 22 as a possibility. It’s be a nice tr… - 5 years ago

@RadTradThomist: RT @ChrisTannehill: ICYMI: My Ed Farmer Tribute as heard on @670TheScore yesterday. 💔🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@tshirtshoppings: Most people think screen printing is easy Ed Farmer Light It Up Chicago shirt . but it is one of those skills in th… - 5 years ago

@beautishirts: New Design (Ed Farmer Light It Up Chicago shirt) Link Buys Product: - 5 years ago

@MaddeverAndrew: @RBoldan @Ed_Farmer_Ford @RTKfarmer @dikesmarshfarm Give it a year, it will surprise you. - 5 years ago

@wvgmltd: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Been out herts beds Cambs suffolk and essex. Playing spot the moisture and emerging growth.Arid spring. - 5 years ago

@RTKfarmer: @RBoldan @Ed_Farmer_Ford @dikesmarshfarm Yes think it helps if grass is short and spares. WF seeds are very depth sensitive too I suspect. - 5 years ago

@RBoldan: @Ed_Farmer_Ford @RTKfarmer @dikesmarshfarm Most wild flowers are very uncompetitive, esp if fertile soil. I dd some… - 5 years ago

@RTKfarmer: @abrads1980 @dikesmarshfarm @Ed_Farmer_Ford The over winter fallow may have been the reason for success. I cultivated mine in spring. - 5 years ago

@RTKfarmer: @Ed_Farmer_Ford @dikesmarshfarm Wildflowers and rare breed livestock. There’s a reason they are scarce! - 5 years ago

@abrads1980: @RTKfarmer @dikesmarshfarm @Ed_Farmer_Ford Cultivated ours in the autumn then combi drilled last spring. Worked wel… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @RBoldan @RTKfarmer @dikesmarshfarm No it was a grass clover mix - 5 years ago

@RBoldan: @Ed_Farmer_Ford @RTKfarmer @dikesmarshfarm Did you spray off the grass? - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @RTKfarmer @dikesmarshfarm We punched some flowers into a few grass plots last year with the cross slot and hardly any came - 5 years ago

@NapierDr: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: **We are recruiting** Contact me for more information Retweet please - 5 years ago

@Exec_Mega: To all farmers who work tirelessly to provide food on our plates and who I work with closely to keep them going wit… - 5 years ago

@CHISportsNation: Ed Farmer was one of a kind for the #WhiteSox. His door was always open to the radio booth at the stadium and he… - 5 years ago

@Rev0lvingDoor: @clover_mark @hargrump @Dave06031956 @healthypour @DMDent @sibaburck @bulkbiker @MaryamDuraid @Incornsyucopia… - 5 years ago

@lismagor: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@Duck__Farmer: @JayTCullen @AmerChemSociety I didn’t overlap with Ed, but I did move into his old office (it’s the only one with a… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @BethDuchesne92 I actually but Asda below Aldi or Lidl - 5 years ago

@1975pad: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Release your inner Lidl - 5 years ago

@DaveCanning2: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Surely there's a Poundland nearby to obtain all of those essentials. 😜 - 5 years ago

@mares62J: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@Ecnerwal23: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@sdvalueadded: A remarkable story! "Farmer John" works to help animal ag and ag education in Haiti - 5 years ago

@BethDuchesne92: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Try ASDA? It will do. - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @trout253 @ljane88 - 5 years ago

@SoxInTheBasemnt: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@nemnuocaz: Ed Farmer Light It Up Chicago Shirt - 5 years ago

@NoTillFarmr: In this episode, sponsored by @MartinTill_SM, we talk with Rogers, Neb., farmer Ed Neesen, who, after a series of d… - 5 years ago

@WillEmmonsKy: #dailypaperback THE NEW TOMORROWS ed. by Norman Spinrad. Cover uncredited. Feat. Philip José Farmer’s Burroughs/Bu… - 5 years ago

@atofler: RT @OxfamPanAfrica: 'Though difficult to organize virtually, we need to find a way to ensure that farmers remain in communication in their… - 5 years ago

@chrisboudi: In honor of Ed Farmer, Happy Passover everyone. - 5 years ago

@OxfamPanAfrica: 'Though difficult to organize virtually, we need to find a way to ensure that farmers remain in communication in th… - 5 years ago

@RTKfarmer: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Relax, their online is still working. - 5 years ago

@loweroddfarm: @Ed_Farmer_Ford What a bugger😂 - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @CharlesAnyan @Selfridges Just not the same is it😩 - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: This is not ok. Where will I do my weekly shop now? - 5 years ago

@saintswolf: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@jsalituro: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@Tub_Thumperz: @BrookesTimes @thetimes Peter, a brilliant urine extracting Poltoon on Sir Queer Farmer QC, and the bacon butty expert eater Ed Milliband! - 5 years ago

@henderson_ed: RT @MPrepuce: BBC R4 covering farmer's lack of seasonal labour to pick crops, and impending resultant damage to their income. Can't rememb… - 5 years ago

@Manlike_ED: I forgot to tweet this earlier, please if you're a farmer and resides in Obio/Akpor, go to the council now for a to… - 5 years ago

@soxboy64: @Chicago_History @whitesox Ed Farmer May not get his number retired but his name should be somewhere in the park. - 5 years ago

@dawphin: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@geremiagil260: RT @jeniferloqez: 🙏l hope 🙏We can walk like this in 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎🙏 Katt Williams Kemp Hail to Pitt lamelo Shomari Train to Busan Ghost of Tsush… - 5 years ago

@trout253: @Ed_Farmer_Ford @ljane88 How did it go? - 5 years ago

@evilunicorn27: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@elliottbaseball: RT @CDNBaseballNet: Elliott: Remembering the great Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@WeekendGabe: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@jkznd4: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@soxmachine_josh: RT @Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is the man… - 5 years ago

@FrazierMichael7: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@NickShepkowski: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@thehermanshow: I just finished listening to Episode 26 of @BillWendyShow. I loved hearing Bill and @wendysnyder share their memori… - 5 years ago

@coachryan18: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@pinkmommy5: RT @RedRidingHoodSK: @pinkmommy5 @KMerica1776 @killabeas69 @Bogan1Kevin @TimothyHamby2 @brkrjoe @nascargrl4 @sweetmak @Rickster_75 @MAGA_Fa… - 5 years ago

@cdickens_: RT @ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@ChrisTannehill: New @LockedOnSox. In Memory of Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@Josh_Frydman: Saw this in the @chicagotribune letter to the editor today. I completely agree with Philip here, @Andy_Masur1 is th… - 5 years ago

@Dompods: RT @KeithOlbermann: Ed Farmer was also one of the best baseball broadcasters I’ve ever heard. No game I ever heard him do was boring or slo… - 5 years ago

@RedRidingHoodSK: @pinkmommy5 @KMerica1776 @killabeas69 @Bogan1Kevin @TimothyHamby2 @brkrjoe @nascargrl4 @sweetmak @Rickster_75… - 5 years ago

@Rezonator8: @MLBBruceLevine Bruce. Big fan and just reread your Ed Farmer story I choked up just as I did when I heard the new… - 5 years ago

@BonsieTweets: RT @elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather Conn… - 5 years ago

@ChicagoSports: .@PWSullivan: Ed Farmer will be remembered as a South Sider all the way through. - 5 years ago

@Ecnerwal23: RT @ChrisTannehill: We're back. NEW @LockedOnSox! Johnny Dickshot Episode (#⃣3⃣6⃣). ✅Explaining our truancy ✅Shortened season thoughts ✅Go… - 5 years ago

@LockedOnSox: RT @ChrisTannehill: We're back. NEW @LockedOnSox! Johnny Dickshot Episode (#⃣3⃣6⃣). ✅Explaining our truancy ✅Shortened season thoughts ✅Go… - 5 years ago

@BrentCardyShow: RT @elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather Conn… - 5 years ago

@ed_animat: RT @Disney: Bow-WOW! Ever wonder how everyday dogs do extraordinary jobs? Find out on It's a Dog's Life, a #DisneyPlus Original Series host… - 5 years ago

@LongyearP: Courtney, Plus you miss or old friend Ed Farmer who was 70 #RIP - 5 years ago

@KingSenay: Aye @rodneygreen10 Ed said @boo__farmer wasn’t cookin him up the fitness that time we checked the 2-2 smh - 5 years ago

@RosenbergJudith: #thearchers Emma should be allowed to be ambitious, Ed not so much. Maybe she goes to university and makes a career… - 5 years ago

@stevechicag: RT @elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather Conn… - 5 years ago

@Ecnerwal23: Our (@ChrisTannehill and I) tribute to Ed Farmer is up on @LockedOnSox. We share some of our favorite stories about… - 5 years ago

@WriteSox: RT @WriteSox: ⚾️ WHITE SOX BUSINESS ⚾️ We discuss the new “We’re Not Playing” campaign, the late Ed Farmer, MLB’s possible plan to play th… - 5 years ago

@DavidSamuelBla4: RT @elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather Conn… - 5 years ago

@1loriking: RT @elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather Conn… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: And the finished product. - 5 years ago

@rodmickleburgh: RT @elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather Conn… - 5 years ago

@elliottbaseball: Guy asked me the today "how r you doing?" Answer "Tired and sad from writing obituaries _ Tony Fernandez, Heather C… - 5 years ago

@SharkBookOohaha: Sorry, to keep you waiting! The desk wood parts of the desk were made by my dad, Farmer Ed. The legs and ink well a… - 5 years ago

@commentatorcam: RT @WriteSox: ⚾️ WHITE SOX BUSINESS ⚾️ We discuss the new “We’re Not Playing” campaign, the late Ed Farmer, MLB’s possible plan to play th… - 5 years ago

@drponyslayer: @The_Farmer_John someone dc'ed on me because i slugged. imagine getting salty on the ptb - 5 years ago

@breakingtco: RT @SouthSideSox: Light it up, for Ed @BreakingTCo ushers in its new Classic Collection with a tribute to our radio voice SSS will donate… - 5 years ago

@RichieRequena: RT @LaDePaulia: “La comunidad de los White Sox perdió a uno de los suyos...Farmer naturalmente encarnó el espíritu que hace esta ciudad úni… - 5 years ago

@gundwenation: RT @Charega1: President ED is an excellent farmer for your own information. Its you who does the farming not the President. Munongopinza po… - 5 years ago

@Charega1: President ED is an excellent farmer for your own information. Its you who does the farming not the President. Munon… - 5 years ago

@wvgmltd: @Ed_Farmer_Ford I think the final consumer should be told, only kidding, they might start panic buying.We need a 'n… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @wvgmltd Don’t ask!!🙈🙈 - 5 years ago

@wvgmltd: @Ed_Farmer_Ford 22 days since rain in North Essex. How will it impact Spring drilled crops. Answer in 140 letters! - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: RT @CrawfordsMach: Thank youto everyone who is keeping Britain working! 🇬🇧 #TrueGrit #Isuzu #PickUpProfessionals 💪 - 5 years ago

@Iza_Grimaldo: RT @LaDePaulia: “La comunidad de los White Sox perdió a uno de los suyos...Farmer naturalmente encarnó el espíritu que hace esta ciudad úni… - 5 years ago

@KellyLWilliams: RT @1realjerryriles: TRS60: Remembering Ed Farmer, Sox, Bulls, and Bears Talk - 5 years ago

@Demonze1: RT @sidkid80: Peace and Love to the Ed Farmer family. THANK YOU for being the soundtrack to our lives as Sox fans on radio throughout the y… - 5 years ago

@KarenCh79383136: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@chifanpatt1: We discussed our favorite Chicago sports moments, gave a tribute to the late Ed Farmer, and broke down the final ou… - 5 years ago

@1realjerryriles: Comcast CN100 Reporter Lauren Cox, Dan "Marvelous" Marver, and Jerry Riles talk sports. - 5 years ago

@1realjerryriles: TRS60: Remembering Ed Farmer, Sox, Bulls, and Bears Talk - 5 years ago

@TheBennettK: RT @KevinKaduk: The Ed Farmer tribute t-shirt from @BreakingT is 🎇🎇🎇 #whitesox #lightitup - 5 years ago

@KevinKaduk: RT @KevinKaduk: The Ed Farmer tribute t-shirt from @BreakingT is 🎇🎇🎇 #whitesox #lightitup - 5 years ago

@Trooper22123: RT @fred_huebner: Working w/@North2North in ‘05 & after WS GM 3, Ed Farmer had agreed to come on the next morning. Game went into early mor… - 5 years ago

@Trooper22123: RT @BSmile: Chicago #WhiteSox pitcher Ed Farmer gets #Phillies pinch-hitter Pete Rose to ground into a bases-loaded double play to end the… - 5 years ago

@Trooper22123: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@FlatleyPatrick: RT @ChrisTannehill: Hey @LockedOnSox friends. @Ecnerwal23 and I just knocked out a couple of episodes. Part 1 we will explain the brief hia… - 5 years ago

@hgflores_: RT @LaDePaulia: “La comunidad de los White Sox perdió a uno de los suyos...Farmer naturalmente encarnó el espíritu que hace esta ciudad úni… - 5 years ago

@liquidaperture: @Jason1Goff Being at a white Sox and listening to Ed Farmer on the radio - 5 years ago

@LaDePaulia: “La comunidad de los White Sox perdió a uno de los suyos...Farmer naturalmente encarnó el espíritu que hace esta ci… - 5 years ago

@JohnWHall2010: @anasalhajji @Ed_Crooks Jason Barber a dairy farmer in Dorset, and a cousin of mine, is making Vodka from milk - Bl… - 5 years ago

@fromthe108: RT @bearstown19: @stevestone I really miss hearing You and Jason talk about sox on t v! I miss Hawk calling a game !I miss hear Ed Farme… - 5 years ago

@fenwickfriars: RT @davenorden: @ItsGrantCulp @fenwickfriars That story about Ed pitching against us at the Priory is a classic. Had no idea his dad went t… - 5 years ago

@ChrisTannehill: We're back. NEW @LockedOnSox! Johnny Dickshot Episode (#⃣3⃣6⃣). ✅Explaining our truancy ✅Shortened season thoughts… - 5 years ago

@jedwly: Medya isit pat janm fe bon investigasyon, Pep ayisyen livre a li menm si Bondye pa di yon mo pou nou, nap mouri tan… - 5 years ago

@RichSlate: Chicago White Sox radio broadcaster Ed Farmer passes away at 70 - 5 years ago

@MidwayMinute: RT @KevinKaduk: The Ed Farmer tribute t-shirt from @BreakingT is 🎇🎇🎇 #whitesox #lightitup - 5 years ago

@KevinKaduk: The Ed Farmer tribute t-shirt from @BreakingT is 🎇🎇🎇 #whitesox #lightitup - 5 years ago

@bearstown19: @stevestone I really miss hearing You and Jason talk about sox on t v! I miss Hawk calling a game !I miss hear E… - 5 years ago

@MidwestUSNews: RT @MWSNsports: White Sox Play-by-Play Broadcaster Ed Farmer Has Passed Away #Baseball #Featured #MLB #MLBTwitter #Sox #Sports #WhiteSox… - 5 years ago

@BobWise48: My weekend moment of ed symbolism. Backdrop is a grade school holding traditional farmer’s mkt w robot delivery fro… - 5 years ago

@LWarmTakes: RT @MWSNsports: White Sox Play-by-Play Broadcaster Ed Farmer Has Passed Away #Baseball #Featured #MLB #MLBTwitter #Sox #Sports #WhiteSox… - 5 years ago

@SoxOnTap: RT @SoxOnTap: If you want blood, you’ve got it 🔥 A brand new Sunday Funday episode w/ @TonyOnTap @BuzzOnTap @NonnieJonnie & @SumerOfGeorge… - 5 years ago

@blackfootsuz: Check out Ed Dodd - MARK TRAIL - FREE PRESS WEEKLY PRAIRIE FARMER - WINNIPEG 6 JUNE, 1962 #Colour - 5 years ago

@hawkeyejoe601: And I will miss my favorite radio guy Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@Jr_Demogekko: RT @ChicagoSports: “He would just be honest on what he felt, whether you wanted to hear it or not. ... He was always there to try to help y… - 5 years ago

@ChiSoxHaze: RT @SoxOnTap: If you want blood, you’ve got it 🔥 A brand new Sunday Funday episode w/ @TonyOnTap @BuzzOnTap @NonnieJonnie & @SumerOfGeorge… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @wick2Luke @RhinoBuilding Looks cracking Luke - 5 years ago

@blackfootsuz: @MSCA_Memphis - 5 years ago

@Sarahbellagri: @themanorhousebb @AlanStennett @AdviserSPS @DavidButler34 @billyoungnsch @rotherycc @redhousefarms @wildfellwood… - 5 years ago

@wildfellwood: @themanorhousebb @AlanStennett @AdviserSPS @Sarahbellagri @DavidButler34 @billyoungnsch @rotherycc @redhousefarms… - 5 years ago

@AdviserSPS: @Farmer_Tom_UK @themanorhousebb @AlanStennett @Sarahbellagri @DavidButler34 @billyoungnsch @rotherycc… - 5 years ago

@ejhickey1: @stevestone And we miss you and Jason and DJ and Hawk and most of all Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@Farmer_Tom_UK: @themanorhousebb @AlanStennett @AdviserSPS @Sarahbellagri @DavidButler34 @billyoungnsch @rotherycc @redhousefarms… - 5 years ago

@themanorhousebb: #MSO @AlanStennett @AdviserSPS @Sarahbellagri @DavidButler34 @billyoungnsch @rotherycc @redhousefarms @wildfellwood… - 5 years ago

@Andy_Masur1: Challenge accepted @DaveEanet. Picture of me working (filling in on @WGNMorningNews) AND made a donation to… - 5 years ago

@TravisRSEN: RT @ChicagoSports: “He would just be honest on what he felt, whether you wanted to hear it or not. ... He was always there to try to help y… - 5 years ago

@AgonzalezIII: RT @ChicagoSports: “He would just be honest on what he felt, whether you wanted to hear it or not. ... He was always there to try to help y… - 5 years ago

@ChicagoSports: “He would just be honest on what he felt, whether you wanted to hear it or not. ... He was always there to try to h… - 5 years ago

@PaulSkrbina: @ckamka Have her auto on the 05 Sox jersey I started in the summer of 05. Ed Farmer’s on there too. - 5 years ago

@KrissLindell: @stevestone I miss Ed Farmer. I wish you two could have been Sox broadcasters for years to come. - 5 years ago

@JasonConnor612: - 5 years ago

@Joel_Finkel: @Paul24Wall I'd rather listen to a game called by Ed Farmer than watch one called by the Hawk. - 5 years ago

@NorjAlba: Oh, Big Ed Daddy...you def a meal ticket. Heck, pig farmer papa might make you da meal. #90DayFiance - 5 years ago

@christianbrotrz: RT @whitesox: In honor of Ed Farmer's birthday yesterday, check out a few highlights throughout his broadcasting career. - 5 years ago

@mikeallemana: @stevestone And we miss you and Jason. And we will miss Ed Farmer. Stay healthy. We’ll be there listening to you when things get back. - 5 years ago

@Ecnerwal23: RT @ChrisTannehill: Hey @LockedOnSox friends. @Ecnerwal23 and I just knocked out a couple of episodes. Part 1 we will explain the brief hia… - 5 years ago

@Trishalla2012: RT @drpatfarrell: Ed Farmer, White Sox reliever-turned-broadcaster, dies at 70 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Ed Farmer, White Sox reliever-turned-broadcaster, dies at 70 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@NEIUIndieNews: Remembering Ed Farmer’s greatness, on and off the field - 5 years ago

@VintScoreboards: Ran into this photo this week of the late Ed Farmer at Comiskey... - 5 years ago

@elliottbaseball: RT @CDNBaseballNet: Elliott: Remembering the great Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@MWSNhighlights: RT @MWSNsports: White Sox Play-by-Play Broadcaster Ed Farmer Has Passed Away #Baseball #Featured #MLB #MLBTwitter #Sox #Sports #WhiteSox… - 5 years ago

@RyanYoungNSSS: @LenKasper Any stories or memories of Ed Farmer? - 5 years ago

@MichaelMcRober2: RT @SoxOn35th: A special thank you to Ed Farmer, from an aspiring college sports broadcaster and lifelong White Sox fan. Written by @Bart… - 5 years ago

@MichaelMcRober2: RT @soxmachine_josh: If baseball games come back, win one for Ed Farmer, White Sox. - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @Farmer_Michael Horsch. Elms. We will have a harvest. We will!!!!! 🤛🤛 - 5 years ago

@Farmer_Michael: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Horsch or CS? You will have something to combine. - 5 years ago

@masseyferguson8: @Ed_Farmer_Ford Great photo - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: Hello Spring Barley 🤛🤛 - 5 years ago

@MWSNsports: White Sox Play-by-Play Broadcaster Ed Farmer Has Passed Away #Baseball #Featured #MLB #MLBTwitter #Sox #Sports… - 5 years ago

@Davidkuenstle: RT @WhiSoxNationCHI: Ed Farmer was one of a kind. His door was always open to the radio booth at #WhiteSox stadium, as he always had a s… - 5 years ago

@argohs217: RT @DBrady251: Thank you Ed Farmer for being a great White Sox player and announcer, a friend of Bedford Park helping a person associated w… - 5 years ago

@randhead: RT @SteveDahlShow: This week's Descent Into The Dahl Archives features some of our favorite on-air moments with Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@CHISportsNation: RT @WhiSoxNationCHI: Ed Farmer was one of a kind. His door was always open to the radio booth at #WhiteSox stadium, as he always had a s… - 5 years ago

@WhiSoxNationCHI: Ed Farmer was one of a kind. His door was always open to the radio booth at #WhiteSox stadium, as he always had… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Sculptor Dr. Evermor; dollmaker Allison Katzman; MLB's Ed Farmer; skateboarder Jeff Grosso; a… - 5 years ago

@bencm305: @Ed_Farmer_Ford What seeder is that on the PW Ed? Ive got alot of MTS and HLS work this spring and autumn to get done - 5 years ago

@JuillardEdward: RT @JuillardEdward: Ed Farmer RIP Great Announcer and More Importantly A Great Man - 5 years ago

@ckamka: RT @HitAndRun670: Next, we replay @ChrisTannehill's fantastic audio tribute to Ed Farmer. If you have not heard it, it is a MUST listen. L… - 5 years ago

@HitAndRun670: Next, we replay @ChrisTannehill's fantastic audio tribute to Ed Farmer. If you have not heard it, it is a MUST list… - 5 years ago

@trislerstudz: RT @HitAndRun670: "The Sox org is full of characters and Ed Farmer was one of those. Ed Farmer was a part of the fabric of White Sox as muc… - 5 years ago

@HitAndRun670: "The Sox org is full of characters and Ed Farmer was one of those. Ed Farmer was a part of the fabric of White Sox… - 5 years ago

@WilliamToulios: RT @DBrady251: Thank you Ed Farmer for being a great White Sox player and announcer, a friend of Bedford Park helping a person associated w… - 5 years ago

@JuillardEdward: Ed Farmer RIP Great Announcer and More Importantly A Great Man - 5 years ago

@ArgoTeachers: RT @DBrady251: Thank you Ed Farmer for being a great White Sox player and announcer, a friend of Bedford Park helping a person associated w… - 5 years ago

@26thYankee: RT @RickCanale: Wonderful tribute to the recently deceased Ed Farmer here @jtkantor - 5 years ago

@scottygee0903: @ckamka "Buehrle made the play of the year on Opening Day," was by far Ed Farmer's all-time best line. - 5 years ago

@JacobG88: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers All-Star pitcher and beloved @WhiteSox broadcaster Ed Farmer, who passed away Wednesday. Baseb… - 5 years ago

@JacobG88: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@CableDude101: RT @WGNRadio: Earlier tonight, @thecarm and @Andy_Masur1 hosted a special edition of #WhiteSox Weekly. It was a show that hosted a lot of g… - 5 years ago

@KristieJain: RT @tyleronstottmba: Really sad to hear about the passing of Ed Farmer. I had several interactions with Ed during my tenure with the Chicag… - 5 years ago

@JeffBartlett85: RT @WGNRadio: Earlier tonight, @thecarm and @Andy_Masur1 hosted a special edition of #WhiteSox Weekly. It was a show that hosted a lot of g… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Farmer_Ford: @StuLittle1972 A great deterrent - 5 years ago

@PAUILLINI: RT @ErikBlinn: Rip Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@NinianReid: - 5 years ago

@trislerstudz: RT @MattSpiegel670: It’s a packed @HitAndRun670 at 9 on @670TheScore & - 5 years ago

@Ogie86022994: RT @WGNRadio: Earlier tonight, @thecarm and @Andy_Masur1 hosted a special edition of #WhiteSox Weekly. It was a show that hosted a lot of g… - 5 years ago

@EHJrII: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@SJanovsky: Great tribute for all Ed Farmer fans. 😢🙏 - 5 years ago

@HeyImKevinSully: Well, damn. Ed Farmer died. - 5 years ago

@White_Sox_Elite: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@ClassyTom24: RT @ChrisTannehill: ICYMI: My Ed Farmer Tribute as heard on @670TheScore yesterday. 💔🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@MikeSox56: RT @GlobeBobRyan: So sorry to hear that Ed Farmer has died. Thanks to Sirius, I became a great fan. White Sox fans were very fortunate to h… - 5 years ago

@stemahovolowski: @CDNBaseballNet @StevieMacSports @elliottbaseball Years ago, a friend saw Jays and Tigers at the Ex. He wanted Al… - 5 years ago

@MikeSox56: RT @ChrisTannehill: ICYMI: My Ed Farmer Tribute as heard on @670TheScore yesterday. 💔🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@jettzworld: Ed Farmer, White Sox reliever-turned-broadcaster, dies at 70 - 5 years ago

@thecarm: RT @WGNRadio: Earlier tonight, @thecarm and @Andy_Masur1 hosted a special edition of #WhiteSox Weekly. It was a show that hosted a lot of g… - 5 years ago

@jane_c_farmer: RT @NTEUNational: We want to bombard the Prime Minister over the next 24 hours, to get the message home that the government needs to save h… - 5 years ago

@irishgreek50: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@lubertdas: @tom_paints Tom, any chance of an Ed Farmer circa 1980 portrait? - 5 years ago

@bearstown19: Tribune to Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@JackMarchetti: RT @ChrisTannehill: ICYMI: My Ed Farmer Tribute as heard on @670TheScore yesterday. 💔🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@joseph_hellyer: @DaveEanet I been a cub fan, but since the sox on WGN, i have enjoyed listening to Ed FARMER - 5 years ago

@Notdafakevinnto: @Buster_ESPN can you tell me where I can find that piece on Ed Farmer that you played at the end of the podcast Fri… - 5 years ago

@joe_hits: RT @whitesox: There's just no one like Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@crbaronjr: The South Side just has that tradition of studies in the human condition that, indeed, reflect the human response t… - 5 years ago

@sidkid80: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@mpott43: @CDNBaseballNet @elliottbaseball So many wonderful things written about Ed Farmer on his passing. He was clearly on… - 5 years ago

@kpowell720: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@CST_soxvan: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@umpire1963: RT @AVaicaitis: Ed Farmer was an absolute sweetheart who loved the Sox with every fiber of his being. I’d let him tell me the same stories… - 5 years ago

@RonaldCarbone: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@WynneJeff: RT @BarryRozner: For those who missed it a couple days ago... - 5 years ago

@tjsheridan67: RT @whitesox: There's just no one like Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@Stangelicious: @John_Kass @whitesox I had the pleasure of meeting Ed Farmer at a PKD round table. My cousin, Jim (a huge White Sox… - 5 years ago

@Shamar_Ezer: RT @Maestra_Momma: @nkdpagan @Shamar_Ezer @whit3mal3 @readthebooks2 @GingerB98993223 @BasedCuk @Velvetpage @dbgledhill @DrJenGunter @Guttma… - 5 years ago

@ThomasJankow: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@Maestra_Momma: @nkdpagan @Shamar_Ezer @whit3mal3 @readthebooks2 @GingerB98993223 @BasedCuk @Velvetpage @dbgledhill @DrJenGunter… - 5 years ago

@WilliamvenaJr1: Rip Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@thebellsir: RT @BarryRozner: For those who missed it a couple days ago... - 5 years ago

@sherrylaz: RT @DaveEanet: Before tonight’s @NHLBlackhawks replay, join @WGNRadio @ 6:00 for a special White Sox Weekly tribute to Ed Farmer. @thecarm… - 5 years ago

@pm222: RT @BarryRozner: For those who missed it a couple days ago... - 5 years ago

@MMWorkman: RT @gehrig38: This man deserved more than a 1-day byline. Farmeo was one of God's good people. An enormously big-hearted man who I am proud… - 5 years ago

@JasperRoos: RT @ChrisTannehill: Beautiful Ed Farmer tribute by @Rankin906 and the gang at @FutureSox. Farmio touched so many of us - 5 years ago

@BarryRozner: For those who missed it a couple days ago... - 5 years ago

@kmo50Moyer: RT @HeislerUCF: #EdFarmer was a complicated and brilliant man. He was also an entertainer, and most important, a good friend, writes @Barry… - 5 years ago

@mlrenbaum: What a beautiful story about Ed Farmer - Chicago native, 2 sport athlete, 1980 MLB All-Star with hometown White Sox… - 5 years ago

@pierremercer: - 5 years ago

@MitchRosen670: RT @DavidHaugh: TGIF @mullyhaugh 5-9 @670TheScore, paying tribute to Ed Farmer, talking Cubs, White Sox and Bears, wondering about DePaul a… - 5 years ago

@OakLawnPatch: Ed Farmer, Longtime White Sox Radio Voice, Dies - 5 years ago

@danpompei: RT @DavidHaugh: TGIF @mullyhaugh 5-9 @670TheScore, paying tribute to Ed Farmer, talking Cubs, White Sox and Bears, wondering about DePaul a… - 5 years ago

@RICHxROCKER: RT @mighty_flynn: In other news from the White Sox radio booth, Ed Farmer has House of Pain’s “Jump Around” on his iPod. - 5 years ago

@NaomiLWood: @ChasSutcliffe @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@ReyMDiaz: RT @DavidHaugh: TGIF @mullyhaugh 5-9 @670TheScore, paying tribute to Ed Farmer, talking Cubs, White Sox and Bears, wondering about DePaul a… - 5 years ago

@DavidHaugh: TGIF @mullyhaugh 5-9 @670TheScore, paying tribute to Ed Farmer, talking Cubs, White Sox and Bears, wondering about… - 5 years ago

@Josephlhodge: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@ChasSutcliffe: @NaomiLWood @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@BlahaPat: RT @ChrisTannehill: I'm a wreck today after hearing about the loss of friend and colleague, Ed Farmer. As a Baseball broadcaster, Ed had al… - 5 years ago

@panch35: RT @Comiskey22: Ed Farmer’s call of Konerko’s World Series Grand Slam. Gone too soon. #RIP - 5 years ago

@ygg_studios: RT @kcchronicle: White Sox radio broadcaster Ed Farmer died Wednesday night, the team announced Thursday. Farmer broadcast Sox games for 29… - 5 years ago

@mullyhaugh: RT @670TheScore: Ed Farmer had a heart as big as they come. That's what makes it so hard to say goodbye. - 5 years ago

@cdxtra: Muere Ed Farmer, comentarista y ex lanzador All-Star de los White Sox - 5 years ago

@Phi11y_Phanatic: RT @LarryBowa10: Woke up today and learned my good friend, Ed Farmer, the radio voice of WhiteSox, has passed away. Ed was a great teammat… - 5 years ago

@NaomiLWood: @ChasSutcliffe @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@KevinPittmanJr: Excellent tribute to Ed Farmer on @670TheScore this morning. #TurnOnTheFireworks RIP, Ed 🙏🏼😢 - 5 years ago

@NaomiLWood: @Farmer_Tom_UK @CharlesAnyan @ProagriLtd @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe… - 5 years ago

@AlsipPatch: Ed Farmer, Longtime White Sox Radio Voice, Dies - 5 years ago

@brikusmierz_: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@IreneGu47345951: R.I.P. ED FARMER😪 #TRUE LEGEND - 5 years ago

@MrTbone1965: @ProagriLtd @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@MrTbone1965: RT @themanorhousebb: #FSO @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19 @ianholmes20 @tractorm… - 5 years ago

@CodyGountounas: RT @PWSullivan: Ed Farmer will be remembered as a South Sider all the way through - 5 years ago

@mrruzicka: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@big_Drew19: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@big_Drew19: RT @TheBigHurt_35: RIP Ed Farmer! I spent so many years with you and you constant humor! Thanks for always taking time to say hello to my f… - 5 years ago

@CharlesAnyan: @ProagriLtd @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19 @ianholmes20… - 5 years ago

@Kevkellam: RT @101WKQX: Ed Farmer the beloved @whitesox broadcaster and true blue south sider, has passed away - @kevkellam - 5 years ago

@GFY621: @whitesox Classy move Jerry and White Sox! Thank you!! RIP Ed Farmer, great pitcher, broadcaster most of all a wo… - 5 years ago

@ProagriLtd: @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19 @ianholmes20… - 5 years ago

@Chisox_34: RT @StephenNelson: You dream to play for your hometown team...rep them in an All-Star Game and get one of the sport’s all-time greats—say,… - 5 years ago

@LA_OCTransplant: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@deadfewl: @WhiteSox_Jack I’m gonna miss his uniform descriptions and him calling us “friends” every day. Ed Farmer was actual… - 5 years ago

@SAMISULlMAN: RT @etnow: Rest in peace, Ed Farmer. ⚾️ - 5 years ago

@JamieZazzle: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@1SouthSideIrish: RT @ChiSoxFanTommy: “Swing and a long one to left, this is gonna go! It’s a slam, Sox lead 6-4! LIGHT IT UP”- Ed Farmer. He will be remembe… - 5 years ago

@Simonbatcheler: @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@1SouthSideIrish: RT @670TheScore: Ed Farmer had a heart as big as they come. That's what makes it so hard to say goodbye. - 5 years ago

@julierobinson_: @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@jbugjosh: RT @TheBigHurt_35: RIP Ed Farmer! I spent so many years with you and you constant humor! Thanks for always taking time to say hello to my f… - 5 years ago

@Break_View: [Sports News] Ed Farmer, White Sox broadcaster, former pitcher, dies at 70 - 5 years ago

@1SouthSideIrish: RT @suntimes_sports: Back page for Friday. Our @CST_soxvan eulogizes South Side legend Ed Farmer. - 5 years ago

@1SouthSideIrish: RT @fox32news: Ed Farmer rooted for the @whitesox growing up on Chicago’s South Side and went on to become an All-Star reliever for them. @… - 5 years ago

@IreneGu47345951: R.I.P ED FARMER 😪 - 5 years ago

@Farmer_Tom_UK: @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @IanDawson19… - 5 years ago

@kitin31: RT @BSmile: Chicago #WhiteSox pitcher Ed Farmer gets #Phillies pinch-hitter Pete Rose to ground into a bases-loaded double play to end the… - 5 years ago

@kittycatrj: White Sox announcer Ed Farmer, 70, dies - 5 years ago

@yourtinypilot89: RT @NHLBlackhawks: The Blackhawks offer our sincere condolences to the family of Ed Farmer and the White Sox organization as we mourn his p… - 5 years ago

@deadfewl: RT @WhiteSox_Jack: This win moved the White Sox to 42-73. Ed Farmer’s excitement level would give no idication of that. One of the things I… - 5 years ago

@GFY621: RT @stevestone: The White Sox lost one of their own last night. Ed Farmer had been a long time member of the White Sox family. We were part… - 5 years ago

@IanDawson19: @themanorhousebb @sunkfarmer @HertsFarmer @ProagriLtd @CharlesAnyan @ChrisHewis @ChasSutcliffe @ianholmes20… - 5 years ago

@ChuckGarfien: RT @NBCSWhiteSox: Darrin Jackson mourns radio partner Ed Farmer: "My heart is broken, but my mind is at peace knowing my dear friend is no… - 5 years ago

@OMS_dat_dude: RT @MLBPAA: We mourn the loss of All-Star pitcher Ed Farmer. After 11 years on the mound, Farmer became the voice of the @WhiteSox for ne… - 5 years ago

@aniyah2105: RT @jonmorosi: Ed Farmer will be remembered as a legend in Chicago and throughout the @MLB family. Beloved in South Bend, too. An ambassado… - 5 years ago

@mike_lox: RT @VinnieDuber: Darrin Jackson mourns radio partner Ed Farmer: "My heart is broken, but my mind is at peace knowing my dear friend is no l… - 5 years ago

@Gatorjohnno: RT @SoxMach_pnoles: Nothing gave me "summer" vibes quite like driving in my car on a sunny day and hearing Ed Farmer on the radio. His voic… - 5 years ago

@JRFegan: RT @Andy_Masur1: I join @whitesox fans in mourning the loss of our friend Ed Farmer. A competitor on the field & a gentleman off. He treate… - 5 years ago

@jclpereira: RT @Mudcat55: @whitesox So sad to wake up this morning and hear the news of the passing of former White Sox pitcher, and radio voice, Ed Fa… - 5 years ago

@IKrushalot: RT @soxmachine_josh: If baseball games come back, win one for Ed Farmer, White Sox. - 5 years ago

@StacyAlbano: RT @NBCSWhiteSox: Jerry Reinsdorf on the passing of Ed Farmer: "I am truly devastated by the loss of my friend" - 5 years ago

@GooOutdoors: RT @NBCSWhiteSox: White Sox pitcher and radio broadcaster Ed Farmer passes away - 5 years ago

@IKrushalot: RT @SoxMach_pnoles: Nothing gave me "summer" vibes quite like driving in my car on a sunny day and hearing Ed Farmer on the radio. His voic… - 5 years ago

@LGSPORTSNETWORK: R.I.P Ed Farmer,A Former White Sox Reliever,and a Great Broadcaster for this team. Descanse en Paz Ed Farmer,buen p… - 5 years ago

@IKrushalot: @SoxMach_pnoles Nailed it, I always think about driving to my girlfriends house, during a hot summer day, with the… - 5 years ago

@rnldluce: RT @OnTapSportsNet: On Wednesday night, #WhiteSox radio broadcaster and former MLB pitcher Ed Farmer passed away. The Chicago native got to… - 5 years ago

@ampersatire: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@MikeSox56: RT @Andy_Masur1: I join @whitesox fans in mourning the loss of our friend Ed Farmer. A competitor on the field & a gentleman off. He treate… - 5 years ago

@Walt_1991: RT @Andy_Masur1: I join @whitesox fans in mourning the loss of our friend Ed Farmer. A competitor on the field & a gentleman off. He treate… - 5 years ago

@stperryman: 😔 RIP Ed Farmer - 5 years ago

@BrianjRoberts1: RT @whitesox: We mourn the death of Ed Farmer who passed away Wednesday night. Farmer worked as a radio broadcaster for the Chicago White… - 5 years ago

@theluckyman: TheWrap News: Ed Farmer, Chicago White Sox Radio Broadcaster of Nearly 30 Years, Dies at 70 - 5 years ago

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