Ed Doolan

Australian-born British radio presenter
Died on Tuesday January 16th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ed Doolan:

@barnekl: RT @davidallengreen: Cyrille Regis and Ed Doolan in one week. This is like 2016, but just for the West Midlands. Sad losses. - 7 years ago

@B37boy: RT @BBCNews: BBC WM presenter Ed Doolan dies aged 76 after dementia battle - 7 years ago

@freshwindsuk: RIP Ed Doolan, a long-time support of Freshwinds and many charitable organisations in the West Midlands. A great fi… - 7 years ago

@arrobinson1994: RT @chuckthomasuk: So sad to hear about Ed Doolan. I was lucky enough to start my career as a runner on his BBC WM show in 90s. A true lege… - 7 years ago


@arrobinson1994: RT @bbcmtd: Veteran broadcaster Les Ross pays tribute to his friend Ed Doolan, who has died at the age of 76 - 7 years ago

@derekthorburn: @TerryClasper @jontymilner Yes, certainly a great loss. Many's the time I've sat out in the lovely sunny weather, l… - 7 years ago

@jontymilner: I was just wondering if anyone heard the news a few days ago that BBC WM#s broadcaster Ed Doolan passed away. I did… - 7 years ago

@philhornbyitv: RT @DavidLloydRADIO: Tributes today on the sad loss of Ed Doolan paid by: @cazzatalkmartin on @bbcwm; @eddiemair on @BBCRadio4; and Les Ros… - 7 years ago

@1875bluesHK: RT @bbciowm: Remembering Ed Doolan - 7 years ago

@leasowesview: RT @bbciowm: Remembering Ed Doolan - 7 years ago

@MarkMcLachlan6: RT @bbciowm: Remembering Ed Doolan - 7 years ago

@bbcwm: RT @bbciowm: Remembering Ed Doolan - 7 years ago

@bbcmtd: RT @bbciowm: Remembering Ed Doolan - 7 years ago

@bbciowm: Remembering Ed Doolan - 7 years ago

@J_wire: Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair described Sydney-born broadcaster Ed Doolan as "the master of the... - 7 years ago

@Lettty: @nickowentv hi Nick, that was a lovely tribute you did to Ed Doolan tonight on Inside Out. What a remarkable broadc… - 7 years ago

@ChristineCmac: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

@Driver4hire1: In 1970's Jasper Carrott mocked caller's to radio phone ins by Ed Doolan+Tony'on yer bike'Butler etx for inane comm… - 7 years ago

@Driver4hire1: In 1970's Jasper Carrott mocked caller's to radio phone ins by Ed Doolan+Tony 'on yer bike's Butler etx for inane c… - 7 years ago

@PhilBatemanMBE: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

@bbcberni: RT @RCBirmingham: @CardinalNichols spoke in tribute to the late Ed Doolan on BBC WM 95.6 - Llewela Bailey, on Sunday, 21/01/2018 - 1hr 10 m… - 7 years ago

@carolbradycpcm: Watching BBC Inside Out reminiscing about the late great broadcaster Ed Doolan. Probably my first taste of a real c… - 7 years ago

@vkbangaa: BBC WM presenter Ed Doolan dies aged 76 after dementia battle - BBC News - 7 years ago

@joelmapp: RT @bbciowm: "There will always be a little bit of Ed Doolan in my heart," Jasper Carrott tells @nickowentv in tribute film about the veter… - 7 years ago

@belgeonne22: RT @BBCLocalLover: ▶️ ❤️❤️❤️ Paul Franks hosts a tribute to @bbcwm broadcasting legend Ed Doolan to mark his death at the age of 76 includ… - 7 years ago

@Ciaracalnan2gm2: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

@crisg917: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

@ramona1949: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

@feathersareus: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

@jamesecook: RIP Jimmy Armfield. He’s up there now providing expert analysis with Bowie and Prince and Radio WM’s Ed Doolan. - 7 years ago

@AlienDisco18: @bbcwm @InstituteGC So the bbc got a war monger to say how great Ed Doolan was...... really !! - 7 years ago

@grumpyoldstan: RT @bbcmtd: Comedian Jasper Carrott pays tribute to veteran BBC WM broadcaster Ed Doolan, who died last week, on Inside Out West Midlands t… - 7 years ago

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