Ebbe Skovdahl

Danish football player and manager (Brøndby
Died on Friday October 23rd 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ebbe Skovdahl:

@matt_warney: In honour of the late Ebbe Skovdahl: Statistics are like mini skirts; they give you good ideas but hide the import… - 4 years ago

@markfoged: RT @BrondbyLyd: Nu får du anden og sidste del i vores store hyldest af Ebbe Skovdahl. Tak for alt, Ebbe. Det handler om årene 1992-2020.… - 4 years ago

@CousarJack02: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@3pointdk: RT @BrondbyLyd: Nu får du anden og sidste del i vores store hyldest af Ebbe Skovdahl. Tak for alt, Ebbe. Det handler om årene 1992-2020.… - 4 years ago


@nannasoph: RT @BrondbyLyd: Nu får du anden og sidste del i vores store hyldest af Ebbe Skovdahl. Tak for alt, Ebbe. Det handler om årene 1992-2020.… - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @BrondbyLyd: Nu får du anden og sidste del i vores store hyldest af Ebbe Skovdahl. Tak for alt, Ebbe. Det handler om årene 1992-2020.… - 4 years ago

@BrondbyLyd: Nu får du anden og sidste del i vores store hyldest af Ebbe Skovdahl. Tak for alt, Ebbe. Det handler om årene 1992… - 4 years ago

@jeppevelling: Jeg er lidt sent ude, men @SAnkjaergaard kæmpe ros for Ebbe Skovdahl del 1 på Brøndby lyd - gåsehud flere gange und… - 4 years ago

@3pointdk: Genudgivelse af stort interview med Ebbe Skovdahl: - 4 years ago

@BrianBengal: @AndrewTurley10 @ClydeSSB The manager that signed Zerouali to Aberdeen sadly passed away earlier this week also. Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@BoutrupS: RT @wergecw: Hvor er det dog trist at høre, at Ebbe Skovdahl er død. Et af de allerstørste trænernavne i dansk fodbolds historie - og et iø… - 4 years ago

@Morfar666: RT @Hvepsene1919: Inden kampfløjt blev der vist respekt til Ebbe Skovdahl med et minuts stilhed #ÆreVæreHansMinde - 4 years ago

@Hvepsene1919: Inden kampfløjt blev der vist respekt til Ebbe Skovdahl med et minuts stilhed #ÆreVæreHansMinde - 4 years ago

@pedroboucherie: Chegou a treinador do Benfica em 1987, era muito correto em tempos agressivos e duros no nosso futebol. Morreu Ebbe… - 4 years ago

@UlrikVonL: 1. Per Bjerregaard 2. Ebbe Skovdahl 3. Kim Vilfort 1. Messi 2. Pelé 3. Ronaldo 1. Sammenhold 2. Passion 3. Spænding - 4 years ago

@hanlon_craig: @noriordan Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@brovesen: RT @HBedemand: Har i dag haft den store ære, at kører Ebbe Skovdahl den sidste tur 💐🙏❤️Ære være hans minde 🕯 - 4 years ago

@scotnews_edits: Kevin McNaughton reflects on Aberdeen career under Ebbe Skovdahl and 'fitting' opportunity for Dons to end Scottish… - 4 years ago

@idamariehansen7: RT @HBedemand: Har i dag haft den store ære, at kører Ebbe Skovdahl den sidste tur 💐🙏❤️Ære være hans minde 🕯 - 4 years ago

@MightyJL: @kasperpeders @aboutrup Enig i at de 3 spillede godt... men Jeg vil hellere tabe 0-3 end at vi kører dem ud af bræt… - 4 years ago

@JensAnkjaer: @HBedemand Fra en glødende AaB-fan - har kun den allerstørste respekt for de resultater, Ebbe Skovdahl opnåede som… - 4 years ago

@Berry1952K: RT @BrondbyIF: Ebbe Skovdahl er i dag blevet bisat ved en privatceremoni. Siden hans bortgang i sidste uge er kondolencerne strømmet ind ti… - 4 years ago

@HBedemand: Har i dag haft den store ære, at kører Ebbe Skovdahl den sidste tur 💐🙏❤️Ære være hans minde 🕯 - 4 years ago

@idamariehansen7: RT @BrondbyIF: Ebbe Skovdahl er i dag blevet bisat ved en privatceremoni. Siden hans bortgang i sidste uge er kondolencerne strømmet ind ti… - 4 years ago

@3pointdk: Dette er første del af BrøndbyLyds mindeudsendelse om Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @BrondbyIF: Ebbe Skovdahl er i dag blevet bisat ved en privatceremoni. Siden hans bortgang i sidste uge er kondolencerne strømmet ind ti… - 4 years ago

@BrondbyIF: Ebbe Skovdahl er i dag blevet bisat ved en privatceremoni. Siden hans bortgang i sidste uge er kondolencerne strømm… - 4 years ago

@Bruun6eren: Her giver det mening at bruge en vending som "det var et privilegium at være med". Per Bjerregaard var hovedpersone… - 4 years ago

@FitbaDadi: RT @PandJSport: Kevin McNaughton reflects on Aberdeen career under Ebbe Skovdahl and ‘fitting’ opportunity for Dons to end Scottish Cup wai… - 4 years ago

@KevMcnaughton: RT @PJ_JDurent: Thanks to @KevMcnaughton for sharing his memories of Ebbe Skovdahl at @AberdeenFC. Fitting opportunity for them, starting o… - 4 years ago

@PJ_JDurent: Thanks to @KevMcnaughton for sharing his memories of Ebbe Skovdahl at @AberdeenFC. Fitting opportunity for them, st… - 4 years ago

@markfoged: RT @BrondbyLyd: Vi mindes Ebbe Skovdahl. En af de allerstørste blå/gule legender 💛💙 Dette er del 1 og beskæftiger sig med årene fra 1973 t… - 4 years ago

@3pointdk: RT @BrondbyLyd: Vi mindes Ebbe Skovdahl. En af de allerstørste blå/gule legender 💛💙 Dette er del 1 og beskæftiger sig med årene fra 1973 t… - 4 years ago

@nannasoph: RT @BrondbyLyd: Vi mindes Ebbe Skovdahl. En af de allerstørste blå/gule legender 💛💙 Dette er del 1 og beskæftiger sig med årene fra 1973 t… - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @BrondbyLyd: Vi mindes Ebbe Skovdahl. En af de allerstørste blå/gule legender 💛💙 Dette er del 1 og beskæftiger sig med årene fra 1973 t… - 4 years ago

@BrondbyLyd: Vi mindes Ebbe Skovdahl. En af de allerstørste blå/gule legender 💛💙 Dette er del 1 og beskæftiger sig med årene fr… - 4 years ago

@pressjournal: RT @PandJSport: Kevin McNaughton reflects on Aberdeen career under Ebbe Skovdahl and ‘fitting’ opportunity for Dons to end Scottish Cup wai… - 4 years ago

@PandJSport: Kevin McNaughton reflects on Aberdeen career under Ebbe Skovdahl and ‘fitting’ opportunity for Dons to end Scottish… - 4 years ago

@cmalmskou: RT @BrondbyLyd: I aften optager vi vores udsendelse om Ebbe Skovdahl. Har du et minde om Skovdahl eller vil du bare gerne sige noget om ham… - 4 years ago

@MikkelsenRath: @DHytte @spreaker Er meget enig med Lars i hans analyse omkring kampen og hvad der ændrede den Meget fin minde snak… - 4 years ago

@BrondbyLyd: I aften optager vi vores udsendelse om Ebbe Skovdahl. Har du et minde om Skovdahl eller vil du bare gerne sige noge… - 4 years ago

@6erendk: Ikke blot var han en elsket figur herhjemme - også i Skotland, nærmere bestemt Aberdeen, var Ebbe Skovdahl højt elsket! 👏⚽️ - 4 years ago

@korbn: RT @TheTotallyShow: 🎙️FROM THE SCOTTISH POD🎙️ The late Ebbe Skovdahl has been fondly remembered over the last week by Aberdeen fans. @jj_b… - 4 years ago

@Canal9dk: Også for Brøndbys stemme er tabet af Ebbe Skovdahl til at tage og føle på! #sldk - 4 years ago

@TheTotallyShow: 🎙️FROM THE SCOTTISH POD🎙️ The late Ebbe Skovdahl has been fondly remembered over the last week by Aberdeen fans.… - 4 years ago

@iandr67: @MartinWengrow As Ebbe Skovdahl, the recently deceased former Aberdeen and Brondby manager once said "Statistics ar… - 4 years ago

@peterbruchmann: Et par citater fra to af de skønne gæster i mindeudsendelsen om Ebbe Skovdahl - find den i Mediano Magasinet - 4 years ago

@SBienkowski: RT @TheTwoPointOne: “There was something different about supporting Aberdeen then, a phenomenon not known before or since...” @A_Southwick… - 4 years ago

@MedianoFodbold: Har du fået hørt gårsdagens Mediano Legends? Vi tegner et portræt til minde om Ebbe Skovdahl. Hør om: - Skovdahls… - 4 years ago

@A_Southwick: RT @TheTwoPointOne: “There was something different about supporting Aberdeen then, a phenomenon not known before or since...” @A_Southwick… - 4 years ago

@TheTwoPointOne: “There was something different about supporting Aberdeen then, a phenomenon not known before or since...”… - 4 years ago

@MF_1661: Hvis du endnu ikke skulle have lyttet til... -> Mindeudsendelse om Ebbe Skovdahl #brondbyif - 4 years ago

@RealKnallan: @BrondbyLyd @TroelsOerum BÅ til Ebbe Skovdahl og alt det han har gjort, og betydet for klubben BS til en vis minis… - 4 years ago

@FitbaDadi: RT @A_Southwick: Wrote a few words on Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@LundOugaard: @BrondbyLyd @TroelsOerum BÅ: Til Ebbe Skovdahl, der var træner dengang jeg forelskede mig i Brøndby, og har en stor… - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @MedianoFodbold: Til minde om Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@LasseGuldhammer: @BrondbyLyd @TroelsOerum Brøndbyånd kan vel ikke rigtigt gå til andre end Ebbe Skovdahl, som vi alle skylder så utr… - 4 years ago

@TheTwoPointOne: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@Desert_son: RT @harryjamshidre1: Ebbe Skovdahl took over @AberdeenFC at a tricky time. Some disasters (don't mention the @ScottishCup). Some miracles t… - 4 years ago

@EuanBRobertson: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@brian_ditlev: @BrondbyLyd @TroelsOerum Dobbelt Brøndby ånd til Ebbe Skovdahl Special-mention-Brøndby-ånd til Brøndbylyd for at l… - 4 years ago

@harryjamshidre1: Ebbe Skovdahl took over @AberdeenFC at a tricky time. Some disasters (don't mention the @ScottishCup). Some miracle… - 4 years ago

@DonsDaiIy: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@DiscussDandies: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@wanderer1982: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@A_Southwick: Wrote a few words on Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@SBienkowski: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@williemillersm1: RT @TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@TheTwoPointOne: Ebbe Skovdahl: A man who brought a smile to Scottish football 📝 @A_Southwick - 4 years ago

@Mortendamkjaer: @BrondbyLyd @TroelsOerum BÅ til Ebbe Skovdahl, den største 💙💛 BS til et bestyrelsesmedlem blottet for dømmekraft so… - 4 years ago

@OvePaljen: @BrondbyLyd @TroelsOerum Brøndby ånd kan næsten kun gå til Ebbe Skovdahl.. 😢 Bollespark til anden halvleg mod Fc.… - 4 years ago

@kj_rbye: Helt rigtigt - hylder naturligvis fortiden med den her trøje! Ebbe Skovdahl var med til at forme en klub. I opbygni… - 4 years ago

@lentilshoes: RT @thedandydons83: Ebbe Skovdahl and Eusebio 1987. - 4 years ago

@thedandydons83: Ebbe Skovdahl and his nephew Michael Laudrup in 1982. - 4 years ago

@CopenhagenDroid: @mpbdavidsen Hyldest til Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@iowct: RT @thedandydons83: Ebbe Skovdahl and Eusebio 1987. - 4 years ago

@thedandydons83: Ebbe Skovdahl and Eusebio 1987. - 4 years ago

@bo_karlsen: RT @MedianoFodbold: Til minde om Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@DBestseventy2: RT @BuddhaBhoys: @AberdeenFC @DBestseventy2 Ebbe Skovdahl was commemorated in Scotland on Sunday after he passed away this week after a lon… - 4 years ago

@BuddhaBhoys: @AberdeenFC @DBestseventy2 Ebbe Skovdahl was commemorated in Scotland on Sunday after he passed away this week afte… - 4 years ago

@JonasVillumsen: RT @MedianoFodbold: Til minde om Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@peterbruchmann: Kom med helt tilbage til 70'erne, da Ebbe Skovdahl tog sin svoger Finn med til Brøndby - eller var det omvendt. Her… - 4 years ago

@MedianoFodbold: Til minde om Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@Owen34283187: RT @invernessreds: Fan view: Aberdeen produced a performance against Celtic which was a fitting tribute to Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@pressjournal: RT @PandJSport: Fan view: Aberdeen produced a performance against Celtic which was a fitting tribute to Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@invernessreds: Fan view: Aberdeen produced a performance against Celtic which was a fitting tribute to Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@PandJSport: Fan view: Aberdeen produced a performance against Celtic which was a fitting tribute to Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@DonsDaiIy: RT @craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke to f… - 4 years ago

@Stephen82255037: @AberdeenFC R.I.P. Mr Ebbe Skovdahl you brought cheer to our club during a difficult time not your fault ,your plea… - 4 years ago

@ShmufmBreakfast: Good morning and welcome to Monday with Dave and Sandy as they bring you music, news and banter as they chat about… - 4 years ago

@cmalmskou: @mikaelsyska @doctortroels @KaareSorensen @ThomasLund71 @CelinaDanielsen I England ved selv folk uden fodboldkendsk… - 4 years ago

@furball81: @CormackDavie with ebbe skovdahl back in the day...... - 4 years ago

@GreigJDuncan: @AberdeenFC I remember a TV advert for season tickets which zoomed into Ebbe - The Dons are back, back The Dons. Ep… - 4 years ago

@sevemac67: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@thommosmith180: @AberdeenFC R.i.p big ebbe skovdahl a dons legend - 4 years ago

@thommosmith180: @nonentity1 Awww man r.i.p big ebbe skovdahl - 4 years ago

@brovesen: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@dazz1903: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@RolfHansen2: Tung helg for Brattvåg-trener René Skovdahl. Mista faren, den danske trenerlegenden Ebbe, natt til fredag. Fikk hal… - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@MichaelBIF1964: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@elrick1: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@olsen2660: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@jingsmonty: Really sorry to hear this - Ebbe Skovdahl was a great character during his tenure at Pittodrie😥 - 4 years ago

@IvanHamilton12: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@LBauerDK: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@Olesen36: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@dminalba: @ClydeSSB Aberdeen played well today holding Celtic out, a wonderful tribute to former Dons manager Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@allan_svensson: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@GaryCoutts6: @pieandbov Why weren’t the dudes wearing black armbands in memory of Ebbe Skovdahl? - 4 years ago

@SorensLeif: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@dogsinprams: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@Berry1952K: RT @Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@Mingo_DK: Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic ❤️ #ebbeskovdahl - 4 years ago

@hrantgird: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@Berry1952K: RT @Vestegnsnyt: Smukt øjeblik: Afdøde Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic - se det her - 4 years ago

@RHanratty99: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@LHM1983: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@ARedPOV: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@Vestegnsnyt: Smukt øjeblik: Afdøde Ebbe Skovdahl mindes af Aberdeen og Celtic - se det her - 4 years ago

@AFCHereWeGo: A fittingly Ebbe Skovdahl style scoreline today. The Debrief with you shortly. - 4 years ago

@peatetp: RT @AberdeenFC: Ahead of kick off the players will observe a minute's silence in memory of our former manager Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@Rory_Fraser: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@Teebs1985: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@mcbainne: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@FitbaDadi: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@invernessreds: RT @scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@scottscb: For Ebbe Skovdahl #ABERDEENFC - 4 years ago

@rossachristie: ‘The operation went well, but the patient is dead” my favourite Ebbe Skovdahl quote after a narrow defeat to Celtic. #Legend #Rip - 4 years ago

@Blain1China: @paulmccracken89 So is Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@idmcc18: RT @AberdeenFC: Ahead of kick off the players will observe a minute's silence in memory of our former manager Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@Patternburst: Aw, man. This is sad. I always liked Ebbe Skovdahl. He always seemed a decent guy. - 4 years ago

@3Fitzy: RIP Aberdeen Manager Ebbe Skovdahl who famously once said about statistics. "Statistics are like mini-skirts. The… - 4 years ago

@chopper32: Thanks for the memories of Ebbe Skovdahl on the podcast. #COYR @davidpreece12 - 4 years ago

@BrondbyLyd: Der arbejdes på en Ebbe Skovdahl-special. @SAnkjaergaard og @nannasoph er i gang. Vi melder yderligere ud, når vi kan 🙏 - 4 years ago

@sdixon1982: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@HBedemand: RT @3pointdk: Stor respekt til #Sydsiden og de aktive fans i #Brøndby. På under 24 timer er det blevet til en flot hilsen til minde om Ebbe… - 4 years ago

@saesonkort: Dagens Ebbe Skovdahl citat: “2 mål på hjemmebane skal give 3 point”. #BrøndbyIF #Brøndby #sldk #BIFFCM - 4 years ago

@Vestegnsnyt: Peter Kjær hylder Ebbe Skovdahl: Han sagde til os at vi skulle lære at være overlegne - 4 years ago

@david_helgren: RT @Billeskov: Trist dag i Brøndby. Ebbe Skovdahl er død, 75 år gammel. 🥀 - 4 years ago

@Berry1952K: RT @3pointdk: Stor respekt til #Sydsiden og de aktive fans i #Brøndby. På under 24 timer er det blevet til en flot hilsen til minde om Ebbe… - 4 years ago

@fatkid4000: @jimnielsen74 @BrondbyIF Han var privat gode venner med Ebbe Skovdahl, og var inviteret af bestyrelsen for at vise Ebbe respekt. - 4 years ago

@soenderlund: RIP - 4 years ago

@Arabdeen: @arabmackem @gammongoalposts @Mrcento Ebbe Skovdahl would appreciate that tweet. - 4 years ago

@sportfyn: Søndagsnavne - med nyheder om TPI, minder om Ebbe Skovdahl og langstilkede Bulldogs-roser - 4 years ago

@Theberggrens: Fodbold er en fortælling om nutiden og fortidendens helte. Historien i @BrondbyIF er om nogen skrevet af Ebbe Skovd… - 4 years ago

@proudweeker: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@JensRingberg: @nannasoph @markfoged Handler vel om at vise respekt for Ebbe Skovdahl. Fint træk af både klub og gæst. - 4 years ago

@Vestegnsnyt: Smuk gestus: Brøndby hylder legenden Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@soemand: @SandieWesth Ja hvad sidder der der for... der er vel stadig nogle ruder at smadre... Og sikke en gave til Ebbe Sk… - 4 years ago

@carhandle: RT @olympia_vintage: Ebbe Skovdahl & Michael Laudrup, 1982. © Asger Sessingø - 4 years ago

@PJ_JDurent: RT @PandJSport: ‘A big gentleman who wanted to try his best for Aberdeen’; David Preece, Darren Mackie and Derek Young remember former Dons… - 4 years ago

@dmacl1983: RT @olympia_vintage: Ebbe Skovdahl & Michael Laudrup, 1982. © Asger Sessingø - 4 years ago

@Sebasti44990791: Onde oktober er slut NU.. og den var mere ond, end JEG havde troet. Vi taber 2 kampe, men vi taber meget mere end… - 4 years ago

@CarHack: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl. Loved the fact he put so much faith in youth during his tenure. We were gloriously unpredictable… - 4 years ago

@rickyblack1970: Sad to hear of the passing of the legend that is Ebbe Skovdahl.. proud to have met the man in Aberdeen and at Brønd… - 4 years ago

@lfcTruelsen: RT @fcmidtjylland: 30 sekunders stilhed til ære for Ebbe Skovdahl #BIFFCM | #sldk - 4 years ago

@PrebenHansen7: Hvad kan tomme tribuner bruges til? Brøndby bruger hele langsiden til at hylde afdøde Ebbe Skovdahl: TAK FOR ALT E… - 4 years ago

@johnsheppard76: RT @Gers89_: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@Hvepsene1919: Mindeord om Ebbe Skovdahl, der i går gik bort. - 4 years ago

@sebastianoa_25: Puha, jeg har sgu fået noget øjet tror jeg. Hvil i fred gode Ebbe Skovdahl. Æret være hans minde 💛💙 - 4 years ago

@lykkefriis: RT @kajn72: Har lige hørt podcasten #vildhistorie med bla. @SAnkjaergaard og en altid engageret @lykkefriis om fodbold i DDR. Fantastisk ud… - 4 years ago

@micras67: Hvor er det dog bare så vanvittig nederen at skulle sidde hjemme og se fodbold - vi skulle have været på stadion og… - 4 years ago

@Linzii1616: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@Shaun_Donaldson: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@allan_svensson: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@3pointdk: Stor respekt til #Sydsiden og de aktive fans i #Brøndby. På under 24 timer er det blevet til en flot hilsen til min… - 4 years ago

@BarbaraNairn: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@markgibson1903: @AberdeenFC Who was Ebbe skovdahl assistant at aberdeen - 4 years ago

@LegendenLagoni: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@Kenny2161: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@dkpolparrot: RT @wergecw: Hvor er det dog trist at høre, at Ebbe Skovdahl er død. Et af de allerstørste trænernavne i dansk fodbolds historie - og et iø… - 4 years ago

@espersendf: RT @wergecw: Hvor er det dog trist at høre, at Ebbe Skovdahl er død. Et af de allerstørste trænernavne i dansk fodbolds historie - og et iø… - 4 years ago

@TrebleJungle: @offtheballbbc In memory of Ebbe Skovdahl his quote on statistics, “Statistics are like mini-skirts. They give you… - 4 years ago

@realRudyWolfe: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@peterbruchmann: Vi arbejder på at skrue en Mediano Legends-udsendelse om Ebbe Skovdahl sammen. Mens du venter, kan du høre Superli… - 4 years ago

@idmcc18: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@Arabdeen: @offtheballbbc 99% of football managers won’t have the character of Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@CalumWright2: RT @jbleasdale81: My tribute blog to Ebbe Skovdahl for @sffpodcast #ripEbbe #StandFree - 4 years ago

@ff1903afc: RT @theredfinal: Love this picture of Ebbe Skovdahl and the better Laudrup brother. He was always a style icon, was Ebbe. 🇦🇹❤️🇩🇰 - 4 years ago

@reidl626: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @TheSvane: Vanløse - Nykøbing blev indledt med et minuts stilhed til ære for Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@rmacleod78: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@Thefootyblognet: RT @jbleasdale81: My tribute blog to Ebbe Skovdahl for @sffpodcast #ripEbbe #StandFree - 4 years ago

@kajn72: Har lige hørt podcasten #vildhistorie med bla. @SAnkjaergaard og en altid engageret @lykkefriis om fodbold i DDR. F… - 4 years ago

@moellerthomas3: RT @HenriksenKarina: Et minuts stilhed i Vanløse for Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@DAVIDMc79580522: R.I.P. EBBE SKOVDAHL. "statistics are like mini skirts,they give you good ideas but hide the important things" - 4 years ago

@air_ingy: RT @theredfinal: Love this picture of Ebbe Skovdahl and the better Laudrup brother. He was always a style icon, was Ebbe. 🇦🇹❤️🇩🇰 - 4 years ago

@invernessreds: Former Aberdeen striker Darren Mackie 'forever grateful' to late Dons boss Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@WooKenzi: RT @northsound1: Catch up on the latest #REDFriday. The team pay tribute to the late Ebbe Skovdahl plus look ahead to Sunday's clash agains… - 4 years ago

@bigloon888: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@GrahamjnrWatt: RT @northsound1: Catch up on the latest #REDFriday. The team pay tribute to the late Ebbe Skovdahl plus look ahead to Sunday's clash agains… - 4 years ago

@theredfinal: Love this picture of Ebbe Skovdahl and the better Laudrup brother. He was always a style icon, was Ebbe. 🇦🇹❤️🇩🇰 - 4 years ago

@j66gah: R.I.P Ebbe Skovdahl #StandFree - 4 years ago

@GIMcDougall: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@northsoundnews: RT @northsound1: Catch up on the latest #REDFriday. The team pay tribute to the late Ebbe Skovdahl plus look ahead to Sunday's clash agains… - 4 years ago

@northsound1: Catch up on the latest #REDFriday. The team pay tribute to the late Ebbe Skovdahl plus look ahead to Sunday's clash… - 4 years ago

@SorenRebbe: @MadsWehlast Enig. Det er også et budskab jeg er rejsende med. Første synlige hyldest nåede han heldigvis at glæde… - 4 years ago

@SparkiesGrandad: RT @RD1783: Wasn’t most successful times under Ebbe Skovdahl but away days like these will always be great memories.And some great bounces… - 4 years ago

@scottmccluskey5: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@molle_1964: @billehoj @BrondbyIF 6400 for Ebbe Skovdahl! - 4 years ago

@MortenKEspersen: RT @MadsWehlast: Ude foran Anfield står en statue af Bill Shankly - he made the people happy, står der. Var det ikke præcis, hvad Ebbe Skov… - 4 years ago

@therealadey: RT @jbleasdale81: My tribute blog to Ebbe Skovdahl for @sffpodcast #ripEbbe #StandFree - 4 years ago

@jbleasdale81: My tribute blog to Ebbe Skovdahl for @sffpodcast #ripEbbe #StandFree - 4 years ago

@FeaturesSean: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@sfootballforums: Ebbe Skovdahl – the infectious Dane who lifted the gloom in the Granite City - 4 years ago

@WendyFr20198437: RT @gifted02: @shinjukushug Hope your not going to be 2faced with any crocodile tears for the sad passing of Ebbe Skovdahl tonight? when yo… - 4 years ago

@StoltSlaveEjer: @BrondbyIF Er der nogle der fortjener en statue foran Vilfort park, så er det Ebbe Skovdahl... - 4 years ago

@Tomafc83: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@invernessreds: Former Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne pays tribute to 'amazing guy' Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@PandJSport: Former Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne pays tribute to ‘amazing guy’ Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@Duncstar: Sad to hear of the passing of Ebbe Skovdahl...his Aberdeen team were poor but he did well with them. His approach t… - 4 years ago

@one_citizen: RT @ScottSMackenzie: This image... This is how I'll remember Ebbe. I don't even need to describe it, but I get a wee excitable buzz when I… - 4 years ago

@eaonp: Aberdeen FC | Ebbe Skovdahl 1945 – 2020 - 4 years ago

@TerryMacMusic: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@CMtv_canal: [CM Jornal] Ebbe Skovdahl (1945-2020) - 4 years ago

@jenster505uk: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Tlichtwerch: @ThomasKumpel Vi havde nogle af de fedeste tider på stadion og away under Skovdahl. Helt igennem en blå gul helt. T… - 4 years ago

@IvanHamilton12: RT @AberdeenFC: Derek McInnes reflects on today's sad news of the death of our former manager Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@AllanSchroder: RT @Lemberg: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl. Manden der gjorde mig interesseret i fodbold og kilden til dette udødelige citat: "Statistik er som et min… - 4 years ago

@AllanSchroder: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@AllanSchroder: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@AllanSchroder: RT @BrondbyIF: Den mest vindende Brøndby-træner igennem tiden, Ebbe Skovdahl, er i nat stillet sovet ind i en alder af 75 år efter flere år… - 4 years ago

@potongkelape: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@Michael58276328: @ally_begg Theres only 1 Ebbe Skovdahl! Rest in Peace Min 🌟🌟 - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @PerFrimann: Jeg er så ked af at høre, at min tidligere træner Ebbe Skovdahl er gået bort. En utrolig varm person, dygtig træner med sto… - 4 years ago

@prideof64: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Fillip07: RT @ornitourindo: Faleceu hoje Ebbe Skovdahl, ex-treinador do Benfica. - 4 years ago

@NewsOnScotland: Former #Aberdeen striker Darren Mackie ‘forever grateful’ to late Dons boss Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@MrGunny1963: RT @AberdeenFC: Derek McInnes reflects on today's sad news of the death of our former manager Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@pegpogpoo: RT @ry_mack83: My favourite Aberdeen manager of my lifetime. Our ‘misunderstood Bielsa’, you were ahead of your time. R.I.P. Ebbe Skovdah… - 4 years ago

@twittheNeil: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@KeezaKnowles: RT @AFCHereWeGo: Ach. Being reported in Denmark that Ebbe Skovdahl has passed away at the age of 75. Not the best Dons manager any of us… - 4 years ago

@SheepFanFaeEly: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@AllyC1903: During Ebbe Skovdahl's time at Aberdeen I was 11 - 14 years old. What I saw on the pitch as a young lad certainly w… - 4 years ago

@CalebHancock14: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@ViktorNielsen5: RT @PerFrimann: Jeg er så ked af at høre, at min tidligere træner Ebbe Skovdahl er gået bort. En utrolig varm person, dygtig træner med sto… - 4 years ago

@cmalmskou: RT @missmunter: Dagen opsummeret. Og ja: Husk Ebbe Skovdahl 🙏🏼💔 - 4 years ago

@AF81064826: RT @74frankfurt: Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl. (W40/D31/L59) Win % 31. Years 1999-2003. - 4 years ago

@deano1875ggtth: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@thewhitespike: Just heard the sad new of the passing of Ebbe Skovdahl, our old manager at Aberdeen. He was a great character RIP Ebbe. - 4 years ago

@elrick1: RT @craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke to f… - 4 years ago

@missmunter: Dagen opsummeret. Og ja: Husk Ebbe Skovdahl 🙏🏼💔 - 4 years ago

@monster1888: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@MrCynical: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@idamariehansen7: RT @KHegaard: Hvil i fred, Ebbe Skovdahl 🙏🏻💛💙 - 4 years ago

@gavingrant70: RT @BBCNorthEast: Video: Former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died aged 75. He was appointed in 1999 and was in charge until Dece… - 4 years ago

@kasperpeders: Ebbe Skovdahl bliver husket fra nær & fjern. 👇🏻 #brøndby - 4 years ago

@Broch1964: En kæmpe legende! 🟡🔵 Hvil i fred Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@GlasgowBorussen: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl 🙏 - 4 years ago

@Mark_NP: RT @LeandinhoDK: Åh nej 😢 Søde, rare Ebbe Skovdahl. Håber, der skal ses masser af bold fra oven ⭐️ Hvil i fred til en af de helt store i da… - 4 years ago

@sayersps: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@fotball_spill: RT @PerFrimann: Jeg er så ked af at høre, at min tidligere træner Ebbe Skovdahl er gået bort. En utrolig varm person, dygtig træner med sto… - 4 years ago

@BentNyegaard: RT @PerFrimann: Jeg er så ked af at høre, at min tidligere træner Ebbe Skovdahl er gået bort. En utrolig varm person, dygtig træner med sto… - 4 years ago

@Mark_NP: RT @PerFrimann: Jeg er så ked af at høre, at min tidligere træner Ebbe Skovdahl er gået bort. En utrolig varm person, dygtig træner med sto… - 4 years ago

@riookiac: RT @AberdeenFC: Stewart Milne pays his respects to Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@journalistpip: RT @ThomasKTV2: Havde fornøjelsen af at følge dit Brøndby hold rundt på de store scener i Champions Laegue 1998. Du var bare dig selv i Bar… - 4 years ago

@Ricardog__98: RT @U_Desporto: 🖤 Ebbe Skovdahl, que treinou o SL Benfica na primeira metade da época 1988/89, faleceu aos 75 anos, depois de uma longa bat… - 4 years ago

@scottbuchan85: RT @74frankfurt: Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl. (W40/D31/L59) Win % 31. Years 1999-2003. - 4 years ago

@Mark_NP: RT @ThomasKTV2: Havde fornøjelsen af at følge dit Brøndby hold rundt på de store scener i Champions Laegue 1998. Du var bare dig selv i Bar… - 4 years ago

@PerFrimann: Jeg er så ked af at høre, at min tidligere træner Ebbe Skovdahl er gået bort. En utrolig varm person, dygtig træner… - 4 years ago

@EESeanWallace: RT @ee_sport: Former Aberdeen striker Darren Mackie ‘forever grateful’ to late Dons boss Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@PaulChalk4: RT @PJ_JDurent: With a bit of help from @dannylaw, pulled this tribute together for Ebbe Skovdahl. @davidpreece12, Darren Mackie and @dezz… - 4 years ago

@Owen34283187: RT @AberdeenFC: Derek McInnes reflects on today's sad news of the death of our former manager Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@mlgall: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@mattcoull1903: Got mother to dig this out after today's news. 1996, Brondby v Aberdeen in the UEFA Cup. She travelled over for the… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Ebbe Skovdahl Death – Dead : Ebbe Skovdahl Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown. - 4 years ago

@blueberg01: RIP big fella. Ebbe Skovdahl: Former Aberdeen manager dies of cancer aged 75 - 4 years ago

@frk_louiseP: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@frk_louiseP: RT @BrondbyIF: Den mest vindende Brøndby-træner igennem tiden, Ebbe Skovdahl, er i nat stillet sovet ind i en alder af 75 år efter flere år… - 4 years ago

@MikkelsenRath: RT @MadsWehlast: Ude foran Anfield står en statue af Bill Shankly - he made the people happy, står der. Var det ikke præcis, hvad Ebbe Skov… - 4 years ago

@faros1: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@MMoeller1973: @BrondbyIF Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@williemillersm1: RT @craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke to f… - 4 years ago

@jimbombers: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@majaajam: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@Fredelillebk: Hvil i fred, Ebbe Skovdahl. Mestertræneren. 💛💙💛 - 4 years ago

@dollydigital: RT @craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke to f… - 4 years ago

@graham1A: Ebbe Skovdahl 👏🏼 - 4 years ago

@davidpreece12: RT @craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke to f… - 4 years ago

@supernovatwear: Saddened to hear this afternoon of the passing of Ebbe Skovdahl. He may not have had the most successful spell as a… - 4 years ago

@youngwd1: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@stewartfisher: RT @craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke to f… - 4 years ago

@McNeighbourhood: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@Kismuil: Ebbe Skovdahl has passed away. Rest in peace #RIP #EBBESKOVDAHL - 4 years ago

@craigfowler86: 🆕📝 Remembering Ebbe Skovdahl: ex-Aberdeen manager who became a popular figure through strength of character Spoke… - 4 years ago

@Henrikib: @BrondbyIF Ære være mindet om Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@AlecMcGrory10: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@HjorthKSDH: RT @AGFFodbold: En af de mest vindende trænere i dansk klubfodbold, Ebbe Skovdahl - her fotograferet af @Ole_Nielsen_200 på Ceres Park unde… - 4 years ago

@stookie67: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@SimonVanggaard: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@AchmadRyan9: RT @medioclubID: #RIP Mantan nakhoda Brøndby dan Aberdeen, Ebbe Skovdahl, telah menghebuskan nafas terakhirnya pada usia 75 tahun akibat k… - 4 years ago

@northsoundnews: 🎧⚽️Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75. He joined the club in 1999 and in his 3 years… - 4 years ago

@ggordon1972: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Hvepsene1919: Træneren, der rykkede os op i 1. division i 1982, baskede for sidste gang med vingerne i dag. Hvil i fred, Ebbe Sko… - 4 years ago

@jeffcullen0: RT @heraldscotland: Sad news coming out of Pittodrie today - 4 years ago

@ciaraned: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@oryxbystander: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@aboutaberdeen1: Ebbe Skovdahl: Former #Aberdeen manager dies of cancer aged 75 - 4 years ago

@IIIRFIII: RT @AnthonyRJoseph: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died, aged 75. The Dane was in charge at Pittodrie between 1999 and 2003. H… - 4 years ago

@georgespiers86: RT @ClydeSSB: Tributes have been paid to former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl, who has died at the age of 75. - 4 years ago

@Freckles1971: RT @NotThe_OldFirm: We are sad to hear of the passing of former manager Aberdeen manager, Ebbe Skovdahl, at the age of 75. Our thoughts ar… - 4 years ago

@heraldscotland: Sad news coming out of Pittodrie today - 4 years ago

@RustyMasson: RT @AFCHereWeGo: Ach. Being reported in Denmark that Ebbe Skovdahl has passed away at the age of 75. Not the best Dons manager any of us… - 4 years ago

@HandTsport: Sad news coming out of Pittodrie today - 4 years ago

@EsaRahikka: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@RustyMasson: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@BearBrown55: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@AGFFodbold: En af de mest vindende trænere i dansk klubfodbold, Ebbe Skovdahl - her fotograferet af @Ole_Nielsen_200 på Ceres P… - 4 years ago

@Kirkegaard__: RT @BrondbyIF: Den mest vindende Brøndby-træner igennem tiden, Ebbe Skovdahl, er i nat stillet sovet ind i en alder af 75 år efter flere år… - 4 years ago

@NotThe_OldFirm: We are sad to hear of the passing of former manager Aberdeen manager, Ebbe Skovdahl, at the age of 75. Our thought… - 4 years ago

@thomasandrea80: @SandroSpaso Ebbe Skovdahl blev da hyldet og værdsat meget hos BIF, også efter han stoppede. - 4 years ago

@AnaVenturaa10: RT @U_Desporto: 🖤 Ebbe Skovdahl, que treinou o SL Benfica na primeira metade da época 1988/89, faleceu aos 75 anos, depois de uma longa bat… - 4 years ago

@AeRo04: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@BrianConway60: RT @STVNews: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies after illness. - 4 years ago

@JalleBugno: @GisleThorsen Hvis man har brug et sidste møde med Ebbe Skovdahl, har han en kort - men vigtig - optræden i podcast… - 4 years ago

@YekoyadaUG: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@doota_m: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@bdk1312: @SandroSpaso Ebbe Skovdahl er heldigvis en af dem, der er blevet hyldet, mens han var i live. - 4 years ago

@BennetzenMike: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@pitor: To mennesker, jeg har set op til, er gået bort. RIP James Randi. RIP Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@vidd_12: RT @medioclubID: #RIP Mantan nakhoda Brøndby dan Aberdeen, Ebbe Skovdahl, telah menghebuskan nafas terakhirnya pada usia 75 tahun akibat k… - 4 years ago

@U_Desporto: 🖤 Ebbe Skovdahl, que treinou o SL Benfica na primeira metade da época 1988/89, faleceu aos 75 anos, depois de uma l… - 4 years ago

@medioclubID: #RIP Mantan nakhoda Brøndby dan Aberdeen, Ebbe Skovdahl, telah menghebuskan nafas terakhirnya pada usia 75 tahun a… - 4 years ago

@ReDeeMcrIeR: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@sladderhancke: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@SandroSpaso: Vi gør simpelthen ikke nok i 🇩🇰 for at hylde vores helte mens de stadig lever. Ricardo, H. Jensen, nu Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@PaulHaynes1886: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Obar_Dheathain: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@BentNyegaard: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag en af klubbens største sejre, da Liverpool blev slået på Anfield, men alligevel lod Ebbe Skovdahl ikke rive sig… - 4 years ago

@DonsBarca: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Hooped1888: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Ebbe Skovdahl Death – Ebbe Skovdahl Obituary / Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@celticforever9: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Stoviesplz: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@russell_fraser: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@ReDcryptoKnight: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Gemmas226: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@LifeIsFootball6: R.I.P. Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@InnesTurner: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@1884BA: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@gazhay: Thoughts with the friends and familly of ebbe skovdahl after his passing. Didn't get the success he deserved despi… - 4 years ago

@JesperHaue: RT @JNorthcroft: Sad to read about Ebbe Skovdahl passing. Though it didn't really work for him on the pitch in any sustained way, he did gi… - 4 years ago

@RebeccaHindle_C: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@hibsy3000: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@dkbif: Tak for alt, Ebbe Skovdahl💛💙 - 4 years ago

@dkbif: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@Indy_Quint: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl, toaster issues and not having a sub goalie in a cup final aside, you were one of the good guys - 4 years ago

@air_ingy: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@David_Hewitt: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@MartinT_LFC75: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@johnmcnab1980: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@ColinMc71: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@PedroLanca: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@ForEverAsRoma: Statistik er som et miniskørt. Det giver gode ideer, men skjuler det vigtigste' - Ebbe Skovdahl. #Hvilifred - 4 years ago

@Ianiesta8: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@AothmanL: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@kenkenzobanks: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@razzgm: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@oiltrashscot: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@wawaggmu: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@ThomasLund71: RT @JNorthcroft: Sad to read about Ebbe Skovdahl passing. Though it didn't really work for him on the pitch in any sustained way, he did gi… - 4 years ago

@Ojbanji: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@jossy99: R.I.P Ebbe Skovdahl 🔴⚪️🔴 - 4 years ago

@kenkenzobanks: RT @BBCNorthEast: Ebbe Skovdahl: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF manager dies aged 75 - 4 years ago

@MackechnieNiall: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@wanderer1982: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@BenPhilip_: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@ScottInglisEFM: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@aviation007: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@KevinHu45794975: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Ibrahim85048732: RT @BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after several years… - 4 years ago

@MackechnieNiall: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@BenPhilip_: RT @BBCNorthEast: Ebbe Skovdahl: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF manager dies aged 75 - 4 years ago

@Tyrone_M_Smith: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@BBCNorthEast: Ebbe Skovdahl: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF manager dies aged 75 - 4 years ago

@BBCSport: Some sad news to bring you. Former Aberdeen and Brondby manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 after seve… - 4 years ago

@ad_1314: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@estebanpardon79: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@Fionasstalker: RT @BBCSportScot: Former @AberdeenFC and @BrondbyIF boss Ebbe Skovdahl dies aged 75 after a long battle with cancer. - 4 years ago

@CooperEd_: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Mark_NP: RT @DBUfodbold: En af de største og mest vindende trænere i dansk fodbold er død. Det er med stor beklagelse, at vi har modtaget beskeden o… - 4 years ago

@Berry1952K: RT @mettecornelius: Niels-Christian Holmstrøm om Ebbe Skovdahl: En stor personlighed og en go trænerkollega. Og manden der som den første s… - 4 years ago

@jonesboy20: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@AFC_CM: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@AbsntFriends: RT @STVNews: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies after illness. - 4 years ago

@Arabgirlie: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Globequake: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@ScottishFr: Ebbe Skovdahl est décédé. Il avait entraîné Aberdeen entre 1999 et décembre 2002. Avec peu de moyens, il avait redo… - 4 years ago

@journalistpip: RT @JonasSchwartz75: Hvil i fred, Ebbe Skovdahl. En af Danmarks største trænere nogensinde. Tak for en fantastisk indsats for dansk klubfod… - 4 years ago

@MartinT_LFC75: RT @originalfm: BREAKING: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died. The club said in a statement: "Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened… - 4 years ago

@Mark_NP: RT @JonasSchwartz75: Hvil i fred, Ebbe Skovdahl. En af Danmarks største trænere nogensinde. Tak for en fantastisk indsats for dansk klubfod… - 4 years ago

@shane_250567: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@ScottSChristie: RT @benthorn30: Extremely saddened to hear about the death of Ebbe Skovdahl. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Aberdeen FC and that was-in pa… - 4 years ago

@JordanTaylor03: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Schiermacher: "Der er kun to hold i Danmark, som jeg supporter: Brøndby og hvem, der end møder FCK" Ebbe Skovdahl til Aberdeen E… - 4 years ago

@emma_pad: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Indy_Quint: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@ScottSChristie: RT @ScottBurns75: Sad news about Ebbe Skovdahl. I was sent out to interview him on his arrival at Aberdeen Airport. (@stuartdarroch must ha… - 4 years ago

@CF3Loyal: @AberdeenFC Sad news. I will forever remember Ebbe Skovdahl for @matheson_iain belting out his song on every drunke… - 4 years ago

@BenPhilip_: Sad to hear about the passing of Ebbe Skovdahl. He was manager in my early years going to Pittodrie. The stats aren… - 4 years ago

@hmg1888: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@StruanMac14: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@stevie_afc1903: There’s Only 1 Ebbe Skovdahl 🇩🇰 RIP 😢 - 4 years ago

@Legz3: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@theflyinsheep: Ebbe Skovdahl sadly passed away! Not our greatest manager but was manager during one of the best times to be an… - 4 years ago

@owen_carruthers: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@funkmastabobo: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@kingston_v: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@GisleThorsen: Vi er for dårlige til at hylde vores helte i Danmark. Foran mange engelske stadioner er det statuer af store mænd,… - 4 years ago

@ADJCarroll: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@DJMacDSTV: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@BowieNo7: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl ex Aberdeen boss think he was boss of brondby when United played them in champions league group stage in 99 🌹🌹 - 4 years ago

@HappyClappedOut: My lad Connor was born in April 2002. Before his birth and after years of dross, Skovdahl lead AFC to a memorable s… - 4 years ago

@MichaelHansen18: @nannasoph "Der er kun to hold i Danmark, som jeg supporter: Brøndby og hvem, der end møder FCK, siger Ebbe Skovdah… - 4 years ago

@seanbhoymurray: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@RPriskorn: Da jeg startede som Brøndby fan, mange år tilbage, var Ebbe Skovdahl træner. Det var hans ære at de spillede så ins… - 4 years ago

@allanj_03: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl😢🔴⚪️ - 4 years ago

@tigtagallag: RT @Oldfirmfacts1: R.I.P Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@sandycheesecake: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@CLindhardt: Farvel, Ebbe Skovdahl. Tak for mange timers god underholdning. Benfica-Brøndby 0-3. <3 <3 <3 #Brøndbysgulehær… - 4 years ago

@Mark_NP: RT @LBauerDK: Der er få mennesker uden for min familie, der har påvirket mit liv som Ebbe Skovdahl. Grunden til jeg blev Brøndbyfan. Alt d… - 4 years ago

@AndersBojsen: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@FitbaNomad: Left @AberdeenFC just before I moved to the Granite City, but very saddened to hear of his passing... - 4 years ago

@STVSport: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies after illness. - 4 years ago

@MrDJones: STV News: " Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies after illness "⬇️ - 4 years ago

@STVNews: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies after illness. - 4 years ago

@MOVIESTVMAD: RT @benthorn30: Extremely saddened to hear about the death of Ebbe Skovdahl. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Aberdeen FC and that was-in pa… - 4 years ago

@Brennan_Media97: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@BlantyreD: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@NKammersgaard: Den kan godt være at Ebbe Skovdahl var "en Brøndby ting". Men hvis man har oplevet Brøndbys resultater i 90erne må… - 4 years ago

@DavidBruce87: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@gary_tait: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Baz_mack4: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@benthorn30: Extremely saddened to hear about the death of Ebbe Skovdahl. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Aberdeen FC and that w… - 4 years ago

@AllyC1903: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@DundeeBloke: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@AlessandroR7_: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Rikardinho76: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@sportsblokken: Ebbe Skovdahl er død. Han blev 75. Kim Larsen ville have fyldt 75 i dag. Når jeg i mit 20 år kortere liv spoler bag… - 4 years ago

@TheScotsman: RT @ScotsmanSport: Ebbe Skovdahl, former Aberdeen, Brondby, and Benfica manager, dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@ScotsmanSport: Ebbe Skovdahl, former Aberdeen, Brondby, and Benfica manager, dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@martinkgrant: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Sklander89: RT @Kronprinsen43: Fotoet er efter Hany Mukthars scoring i 89. Minut imod fck. Ebbe var på Skovdahl lounge (kan ikke huske om navnet var æn… - 4 years ago

@scotsunsport: BREAKING: Former Aberdeen boss Ebbe Skovdahl has passed away at the age of 75 - 4 years ago

@mcbain96: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Peter_Davidson1: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Coups96_: RT @HarryIngolfsson: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl. He'll never be forgotten. Let's remember him this weekend by beating Celtic and bringing back the t… - 4 years ago

@advancedref: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@sebastianoa_25: Én af de allerstørste takker af. Tak for alt du har gjort for vores elskede klub. Tak for alt, Ebbe Skovdahl 🖤💛💙 Æ… - 4 years ago

@FplSheepy: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@AndyF16: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@bdk1312: RT @BrondbyIF: Den mest vindende Brøndby-træner igennem tiden, Ebbe Skovdahl, er i nat stillet sovet ind i en alder af 75 år efter flere år… - 4 years ago

@tipsbladet: Minde-interview med Ebbe Skovdahl: Brøndby-legendens skuffelse i Benfica - 4 years ago

@Harbo_Kristian: Ebbe Skovdahl er en sand superligalegende. Ære være hans minde #sldk - 4 years ago

@mclellan_1983: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Coups96_: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@cykelabe: RT @neilherd32: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl A true gentleman who will be fondly remembered at Aberdeen FC - 4 years ago

@Wet_Metal: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@invernessreds: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies at the age of 75… - 4 years ago

@AndrewAHannah: Aw man I loved Ebbe Skovdahl. Such sad news to hear he’s gone. - 4 years ago

@_stedon: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Kronprinsen43: Fotoet er efter Hany Mukthars scoring i 89. Minut imod fck. Ebbe var på Skovdahl lounge (kan ikke huske om navnet v… - 4 years ago

@p_schultz72: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@DonsTalk: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Alfromsleep: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@DonsTalk: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@PastSpfl: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@mgriffin8622: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Odie1910: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@goonerdon4ever: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@iainmhepburn: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@garya1983: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@goonerdon4ever: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@LeftPeggers: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@mikeycoxn: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@dandydon1980: @AberdeenFC #RIP Ebbe Skovdahl 💔 - 4 years ago

@park_garry: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@JockTamson1314: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl. One of life's good guys #RIPEbbe - 4 years ago

@scotstadium: RT @robbieclunes82: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl, he took us to a few boozy trips to hampden, countless missed buses, piles of solicitors fees etc but… - 4 years ago

@neilmetcalf69: RT @BBCNorthEast: The reaction at @AberdeenFC to the sad news that former manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75 @BBCSportScot - 4 years ago

@calbeaton: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@DiMarco_Pattaya: RT @PaullieWalnuts: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@Vestegnsnyt: Brøndby-legenden Ebbe Skovdahl er død - 4 years ago

@stitches_spells: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@TeshawnEdmonds: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@PaullieWalnuts: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl - 4 years ago

@Kosnetzov: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@MThoregaard: Så kom endnu et søm i 2020-ligkisten. Ebbe Skovdahl takker af for denne gang! Kæmpe legende, ufattelig betydningsfu… - 4 years ago

@grandathoirs: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@NaeBull: RT @A_Southwick: News that former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died. Was a big character in Scottish football, and a thoroughly decen… - 4 years ago

@grandathoirs: RT @stonefish100: Ah man. Just seen the news about Ebbe Skovdahl. Didn’t even realise he’d been ill. Terrible shame. RIP Ebbe - 4 years ago

@johnnydee72: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@DanishFooty: Rest in Peace Ebbe Skovdahl. - 4 years ago

@KeithNairn: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@RicheyRobertson: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@gaz8467: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@MonbergSF: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@lewyross: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@geeman909: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@northsoundnews: Ex-Aberdeen Manager Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75, the club has confirmed: 🔊MORE: - 4 years ago

@Record_Sport: Former Aberdeen boss Ebbe Skovdahl has died at the age of 75. RIP. - 4 years ago

@geeman909: RT @AFCHereWeGo: Ach. Being reported in Denmark that Ebbe Skovdahl has passed away at the age of 75. Not the best Dons manager any of us… - 4 years ago

@Thomsonn83: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@JonasSchwartz75: Hvil i fred, Ebbe Skovdahl. En af Danmarks største trænere nogensinde. Tak for en fantastisk indsats for dansk klubfodbold. - 4 years ago

@themightyatom99: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@gwaugh89: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@pressjournal: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies at the age of 75 - 4 years ago

@stuwho: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@EveningExpress: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies at the age of 75 - 4 years ago

@DressDownDave: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl 😢 - 4 years ago

@Viktormedetk: “Der er kun to hold i Danmark, som jeg supporter: Brøndby og hvem, der end møder fck.” Hvil i fred, kære Ebbe Skov… - 4 years ago

@BertilMoesgaard: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@marco_mc: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@In_Ludo_Veritas: Ebbe Skovdahl R.I.P. One of us Won't try and gloss over his record but he inherited a complete shambles and it wa… - 4 years ago

@Vestegnsnyt: Brøndby-legenden Ebbe Skovdahl er død - 4 years ago

@bitchisFIERCE: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Sduncs: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Paul_Coull: RIP Ebbe Skovdahl, great character 😢 - 4 years ago

@arabforlife83: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@patdon801: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@kieran_philip: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@alfordbrad: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@GmbH___: RT @BrondbyIF: Han stod bag fire mesterskaber, tre pokaltitler og historiske sejre på Anfield og i Karlsruhe. Ebbe Skovdahl, Brøndby IF vi… - 4 years ago

@scottybobby25: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Skel_Perobares: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@Chr1stopher3008: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Ebbe Skovdahl has passed away - #EbbeSkovdahl #Ebbe #Skovdahl #rip - 4 years ago

@MadsFrimann: “Statistik er som et miniskørt. Det giver gode ideer, men skjuler det vigtigste” Ebbe Skovdahl, en sand legende 💙💛 - 4 years ago

@DDougall4: Sad news about Ebbe Skovdahl. May not have been one of the more successful managers Aberdeen had but definitely one… - 4 years ago

@PandJSport: Former Aberdeen manager Ebbe Skovdahl dies at the age of 75 - 4 years ago

@SimonSvalling: Hvil i fred, Ebbe Skovdahl. Ikon i Brøndby IF, men også en af få danskere der har siddet i trænersædet over hele tr… - 4 years ago

@JWMacd1: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@JordanGray_96: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@theluke3045: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@benson76: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@ScottBurns75: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@afcscotland: RT @dollydigital: "Statistics are like mini-skirts .. they give you good ideas but hide the most important parts." Ebbe Skovdahl. #RIP - 4 years ago

@afcscotland: RT @ally_begg: Truly saddened to learn of Ebbe Skovdahl’s passing. Ebbe was in charge of @AberdeenFC from 1999 to 2003, he was 75 years old… - 4 years ago

@kadoomed: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@moelhoej: RT @moelhoej: R.I.P Ebbe Skovdahl Brøndby #Brøndby #RIPEbbeSkovdahl Hvil i fred Ebbe og varme og kærlige tanker til familien @BrondbyIF #BI… - 4 years ago

@BazSlater: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@MugiwaraNoMelo: RT @FrancisKSDickoh: Hvil I fred Ebbe Skovdahl. Du satte ikke bare @BrondbyIF højt på Danmarks kortet, men Europa blev også bekendt med di… - 4 years ago

@afcscotland: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@MsJayTeeR: RT @RaeComm: Very sad to hear of the passing of former @AberdeenFC manager Ebbe Skovdahl. While much more successful with @BrondbyIF, he ne… - 4 years ago

@CocoOrd83: @AberdeenFC Ebbe Skovdahl's barmy army! 🇦🇹 - 4 years ago

@sandy04734865: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

@OmandOriginal: RT @AberdeenFC: Everyone at Pittodrie is saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager, Ebbe Skovdahl at the age of 75. Our though… - 4 years ago

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