Earl Bakken

American engineer and businessman (Medtronic).
Died on Monday October 22nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Earl Bakken:

@cakmakci: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop… - 6 years ago

@PCub3d: Grew into a star of American innovation. - 6 years ago

@nitinmathur: When Earl Bakken set up ⁦@Medtronic⁩ in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair s… - 6 years ago

@joyclee: Mr. Bakken was a direct beneficiary of his invention, having pacemakers implanted in himself twice. “So I’m glad I… - 6 years ago


@searchedseisure: - 6 years ago

@mbohl07: RT @LongwoodsNotes: Remembering Earl Bakken, a pioneer in the field of biomedical engineering, a healthcare visionary, philanthropist, and… - 6 years ago

@MedicalAlley: One of the hallmarks of the Medical Alley community is the collaborative spirit mentioned in this piece. It started… - 6 years ago

@MHTA: RT @Medica4Me: We thank Earl Bakken for all he did for people through his ingenuity and generosity. In his honor, Medica is making a donati… - 6 years ago

@CAARestartHeart: RT @In_A_Heartbeat_: Rest in Peace Earl Bakken. Thank you for the impact you had on patients throughout the world and allowing them to hav… - 6 years ago

@joannbirkholz: RT @Medica4Me: We thank Earl Bakken for all he did for people through his ingenuity and generosity. In his honor, Medica is making a donati… - 6 years ago

@tannngl: We in healthcare salute you, Earl Bakken! - 6 years ago

@binaryboy101: RT @AdvaMedUpdate: “We didn’t set out to be the world’s largest medical device company. We just wanted to make a lasting positive change in… - 6 years ago

@AdvaMedUpdate: “We didn’t set out to be the world’s largest medical device company. We just wanted to make a lasting positive chan… - 6 years ago

@lkaneshiki: We are all living on the shoulders of giants. We must not kill their ability to help us by promoting socialism. T… - 6 years ago

@Medica4Me: We thank Earl Bakken for all he did for people through his ingenuity and generosity. In his honor, Medica is making… - 6 years ago

@NeilD_Fraser: RT @LongwoodsNotes: Remembering Earl Bakken, a pioneer in the field of biomedical engineering, a healthcare visionary, philanthropist, and… - 6 years ago

@MedtronicCA: RT @LongwoodsNotes: Remembering Earl Bakken, a pioneer in the field of biomedical engineering, a healthcare visionary, philanthropist, and… - 6 years ago

@LongwoodsNotes: Remembering Earl Bakken, a pioneer in the field of biomedical engineering, a healthcare visionary, philanthropist,… - 6 years ago

@valastiak: RT @Bill_George: A giant has fallen: Medtronic founder Earl Bakken died today at his home in Hawaii. He was 94 years old. For 94 years Earl… - 6 years ago

@Douglas_Bigrigg: RT @Bill_George: A giant has fallen: Medtronic founder Earl Bakken died today at his home in Hawaii. He was 94 years old. For 94 years Earl… - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: Earl Bakken, engineer whose childhood fascination with Frankenstein led to the wearable artificial pacemaker – obit… - 6 years ago

@eresviral: Earl Bakken, marcapasos - 6 years ago

@UMN_DOMResearch: RT @UMNews: Today we honor the life of #UMN alumnus Earl E. Bakken - inventor of the portable pacemaker & founder of @Medtronic. Two #UMN c… - 6 years ago

@DJuskie: RT @Bill_George: Earl Bakken, Pacemaker - 6 years ago

@Bill_George: Earl Bakken, Pacemaker - 6 years ago

@eresviral: Earl Bakken, pacemaker - 6 years ago

@Teresa48183273: Earl Bakken, pacemaker - 6 years ago

@DialOforObits: RT @NYTObits: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a k… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device.… - 6 years ago

@BosBioXchange: RT @Loftus: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop. - 6 years ago

@devine_don: Amer­i­ca’s af­flu­ent gen­er­a­tion of mil­len­nial so­cial­ists don’t re­al­ize it, but they are liv­ing off the… - 6 years ago

@reaearchexpert: Earl Bakken: One Man's Full Life In His Own Words - 6 years ago

@karlmiller1776: RT @dwkreutzer: “In our fre­netic celebrity cul­ture, the lives of peo­ple not in pol­i­tics or en­ter­tain­ment of­ten aren’t duly rec­og­… - 6 years ago

@TopTrending18: Medtronic Founder Earl Bakken Turned a Tiny Repair Shop Into a Giant of Medical Technology - 6 years ago

@hcekc87: Earl Bakken, Pacemaker - 6 years ago

@EdAlvarezB: RIP Earl Bakken founder of @Medtronic Didn't know the details of the origins in a garage like a proper tech startup… - 6 years ago

@SurvivalGroup: Earl E. Bakken, who, working in a Minneapolis garage, invented the first wearable, battery-powered pacemaker and we… - 6 years ago

@Itmig_society: RT @STS_CTsurgery: Pacemaker inventor Earl Bakken has died at age 94. STS provides annual Earl Bakken Scientific Achievement Award to honor… - 6 years ago

@drrpathak: Earl E. Bakken, Pacemaker Inventor and Medtronic Founder, Dies at 94 - 6 years ago

@DonBark93761232: RT @Medtronic: Earl is one of the greatest visionaries in the history of #medtech We're grateful for his leadership and life-long desire "t… - 6 years ago

@TonyMartignett1: RT @JMaraganore: RIP Earl Bakken, founder of Medtronic. A story of a real entrepreneur and a reminder on how important it is to take gadget… - 6 years ago

@Sciguy999: RT @Loftus: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop. - 6 years ago

@rationaldoge: Earl Bakken wrote this: "THE MEDTRONIC MISSION. To contribute to human welfare by application of biomedical enginee… - 6 years ago

@rationaldoge: "America’s affluent generation of millennial socialists don’t realize it, but they are living off the prosperity cr… - 6 years ago

@pauldfrazier53: You will find a Green-Bean Casserole at every Church and Thanksgiving Dinner. Dorcas Reilly, Creator of the Classic… - 6 years ago

@JMaraganore: RIP Earl Bakken, founder of Medtronic. A story of a real entrepreneur and a reminder on how important it is to take… - 6 years ago

@neelkashkari: Earl Bakken, Pacemaker - 6 years ago

@stefaniei: RT @Loftus: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop. - 6 years ago

@umnMedAlumni: RT @UMNews: Today we honor the life of #UMN alumnus Earl E. Bakken - inventor of the portable pacemaker & founder of @Medtronic. Two #UMN c… - 6 years ago

@TomBurtonWSJ: From local repair shop to creating leading medical-device company: The story of #Medtronic's Earl Bakken, who died… - 6 years ago

@bob_tita: RT @JamesRHagerty: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop. htt… - 6 years ago

@MHESDenver: Earl Bakken, Pacemaker - 6 years ago

@Loftus: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop… - 6 years ago

@defanta: Earl Bakken, Pacemaker - 6 years ago

@boloharker: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@eye95: RT @drexrawson: Millions of people are alive now because capitalism rewarded a Minnesota tinkerer. - 6 years ago

@DisruptArtist: Medtronic Founder Earl Bakken Built a Giant of Medical Technology - Wall Street Journal Tech - 6 years ago

@drexrawson: Millions of people are alive now because capitalism rewarded a Minnesota tinkerer. - 6 years ago

@CindyAl97170037: Medtronic Founder Earl Bakken Built a Giant of Medical Technology - 6 years ago

@therealgruffy: #DoctorOftheDay Earl Bakken (1924-2018) Recently deceased American engineer who created the first useful battery-po… - 6 years ago

@Contented2851: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@David_Philipps: Earl E. Bakken, Inventor of the kiss-o-meter (and some other stuff) dies at 94 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@ggibsonD35: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@AngelaMCheung: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@doctorvelasquez: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@Wikimagen: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@JEisengrein: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@Saadalrajhi: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@vir_innominatum: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@imcdownsound: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@bujaj49: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@Fromgirltogirl: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@bolshinskyv: RT @dubaicolorectal: Fascinating story about the person who brought the pacemaker to the world. Earl E. Bakken, Pacemaker Inventor and Med… - 6 years ago

@AcreJudi: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@pavansut: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@tinalouise37: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@Mahmissa: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@AdrienneRx: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@therealgruffy: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@RiskAlert: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@EMeirosu: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@renaissance_doc: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@MedtronicCA: "The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to stand for.… - 6 years ago

@mikescala7798: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@healthdevice: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@rreecemd: Earl Bakken (1924-2018) founded Medtronic, maker of 1st implantable pacemaker in 1949. Today Medtronic, a $250 bil… - 6 years ago

@NganjiMpamira: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@JulieMDPanneton: RT @picardonhealth: Earl E. Bakken, who invented the portable pacemaker when he was student and went on to found @Medtronic, dies at 94, by… - 6 years ago

@pompilio1982: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@ryuta23: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@asjha: Many may not know the importance of the device he invented but it did change cardiology practice forever. Many owe… - 6 years ago

@Barbara61353150: RT @picardonhealth: Earl E. Bakken, who invented the portable pacemaker when he was student and went on to found @Medtronic, dies at 94, by… - 6 years ago

@picardonhealth: Earl E. Bakken, who invented the portable pacemaker when he was student and went on to found @Medtronic, dies at 94… - 6 years ago

@InnoYogi: RIP Bakken, Medtronic founder. Inspiration for the pacemaker was an electronic metronome in Popular Electronics mag… - 6 years ago

@asjha: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@mobilestroke4U: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@jwduque: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@theAPprofessor: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@super_ninio: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@drpatfarrell: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@OKCAtlasFans: RT @legendre007: Longtime Hawaiʻi island resident Earl Bakken, founder of Medtronic and inventor of the wearable pacemaker—precursor to the… - 6 years ago

@gz_: RT @Medtronic: Earl's philosophy has been — and always will be — our guiding principle and reminder to keep pursuing "a lasting positive ch… - 6 years ago

@KBonniePetrie: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@jdelpoleo: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@jmlvo: Earl E. Bakken, Pacemaker Inventor and Medtronic Founder, Dies at 94 - 6 years ago

@jmlvo: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@sergior986: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@theAntonioSC: For those in #healthcare, reading about the life of Earl Bakken, founder of @Medtronic, in today’s obituaries secti… - 6 years ago

@mdavis1: When Earl Bakken set up Medtronic in 1949, he had no inkling he was creating anything more than a local repair shop. - 6 years ago

@jessadill: RT @ikhenderson: Earl E. Bakken, Pacemaker Inventor and Medtronic Founder, Dies at 94 - 6 years ago

@ikhenderson: Earl E. Bakken, Pacemaker Inventor and Medtronic Founder, Dies at 94 - 6 years ago

@_SachinGaur: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@JetSeth747: RT @Medtronic: Earl's philosophy has been — and always will be — our guiding principle and reminder to keep pursuing "a lasting positive ch… - 6 years ago

@Medtronic: Earl's philosophy has been — and always will be — our guiding principle and reminder to keep pursuing "a lasting po… - 6 years ago

@MDTLATAM: Earl era un visionario, soñando con dispositivos que estaban por delante de su tiempo. Tuvo un humilde comienzo, un… - 6 years ago

@jburgos838790: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@nancyrubin: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@JustinKlein1: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@RiskAlert: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@healthdevice: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@Amiud57: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@GrangerBernard: RT @NYTHealth: When a surgeon asked if could make a battery-operated pacemaker, Earl E. Bakken responded and invented the device. It was a… - 6 years ago

@malasaliby: RT @MarkCCrowley: "Earl always had a vision of #healthcare that wasn't about devices or drugs, but about restoring people to full health."… - 6 years ago

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