Eamon Casey

Irish Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Monday March 13th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Eamon Casey:

@kingkane: RT @barryawalsh: 1) Interesting contrast between President's statements on deaths of McGuinness and Eamon Casey. McGuinness lionised, no hi… - 8 years ago

@denisoconnell63: RT @barryawalsh: 1) Interesting contrast between President's statements on deaths of McGuinness and Eamon Casey. McGuinness lionised, no hi… - 8 years ago

@KeithM: RT @barryawalsh: 1) Interesting contrast between President's statements on deaths of McGuinness and Eamon Casey. McGuinness lionised, no hi… - 8 years ago

@barryawalsh: 1) Interesting contrast between President's statements on deaths of McGuinness and Eamon Casey. McGuinness lionised… - 8 years ago


@christi85573643: RT @Donal_OKeeffe: If all those paedophile priests had swiped diocesan funds, the Catholic Church might have come down as hard as they did… - 8 years ago

@angiebeeb: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@paulkerrane1: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@HeulwenAJ: An ecumenical matter .... BBC News - Former Bishop of Galway Eamon Casey dies - 8 years ago

@ColinFitzgeral8: @declynchwriter thought ur take on eamon casey in todays Indo magisterial. Last line profoundly true. - 8 years ago

@wasteofgoodskin: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@SarahClift10: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@mrbobdaly: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@annf32: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@MallowNews: RT @MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@lore_irish: Listen to Maurice with soundclips on the late Bishop Eamon Casey on @MarianRTE - 8 years ago

@derryhale: Such was Eamon Casey's profile and ego that he was often lampooned. Hibernia magazine reported in 1974 that... - 8 years ago

@marybuckley549: RT @GaryMurphyDCU: My column on the legacy of Eamon Casey and that emigrant referendum in today's @IrishMailSunday - 8 years ago

@MallowNews: Bishop Eamon Casey pictured with Bishop Enda Kenny - 8 years ago

@susanlohan: RT @ianguider: As someone who only saw this in news growing up some great insight into world of Catholic Church & Eamon Casey by @cooper_m… - 8 years ago

@OrlaGleans: RT @TimMacGabhann: @daimbarrs check it out hes thinking of the eamon casey grade skeletons in his closet - 8 years ago

@ProactivePL: RT @sundaybusiness: The repercussions of the news of Eamon Casey’s secret lover and child were far-reaching, says @cooper_m - 8 years ago

@sundaybusiness: The repercussions of the news of Eamon Casey’s secret lover and child were far-reaching, says @cooper_m - 8 years ago

@irishfabian: @YvonnecWhelan I found the bishop sermon at funeral to be disgusting. Most Catholics just wanted Eamon Casey to reconcile with his son - 8 years ago

@DolanEdward: @MarianRTE Eamon Casey is a study in how monolithic ideologies use and abuse the humanity of their adherents to oppress the masses - 8 years ago

@Last168Hours: Senator O'Donnell "He ran away", speaking about Eamon Casey's Son Scandal #Last168 - 8 years ago

@TimMacGabhann: @daimbarrs check it out hes thinking of the eamon casey grade skeletons in his closet - 8 years ago

@AmandaPhelan1: RT @GaryMurphyDCU: My column on the legacy of Eamon Casey and that emigrant referendum in today's @IrishMailSunday - 8 years ago

@nmcgivney: Working on an Eamon Casey Chuck Berry gag. Too soon just yet... - 8 years ago

@mmccarthy_mc: RT @sundaybusiness: Tomorrow, @cooper_m, Pat Rabbitte & @colinmurphyinfo look at Eamon Casey’s role in society. Should his failings overwhe… - 8 years ago

@PaidiCole: RT @sundaybusiness: Tomorrow, @cooper_m, Pat Rabbitte & @colinmurphyinfo look at Eamon Casey’s role in society. Should his failings overwhe… - 8 years ago

@ianguider: As someone who only saw this in news growing up some great insight into world of Catholic Church & Eamon Casey by… - 8 years ago

@tggleeson: RT @sundaybusiness: Tomorrow, @cooper_m, Pat Rabbitte & @colinmurphyinfo look at Eamon Casey’s role in society. Should his failings overwhe… - 8 years ago

@sundaybusiness: Tomorrow, @cooper_m, Pat Rabbitte & @colinmurphyinfo look at Eamon Casey’s role in society. Should his failings ove… - 8 years ago

@KenSweeney: "you washed your hair a lot". One allegations put to Annie Murphy when she faced pals of Bishop Eamon Casey on Late… - 8 years ago

@patriciastoat: RT @AmbrozineW: RIP Eamon Casey, Director of CHAS, forerunner to @Housing_Justice, and founder of @Shelter - 8 years ago

@SrTz7Yo3O6SqGpq: RT @itchybollix: Bishop Eamon Casey and his immaculate mickey - 8 years ago

@Housing_Justice: RT @AmbrozineW: RIP Eamon Casey, Director of CHAS, forerunner to @Housing_Justice, and founder of @Shelter - 8 years ago

@jacobquagliozzi: RT @AmbrozineW: RIP Eamon Casey, Director of CHAS, forerunner to @Housing_Justice, and founder of @Shelter - 8 years ago

@mcula: RT @harrvee: @joyredmond Eamon "fell from grace" Casey gets all the trimmings. Septic tank deemed good enough for #tuambabies #hypocrisy #n… - 8 years ago

@AmbrozineW: RIP Eamon Casey, Director of CHAS, forerunner to @Housing_Justice, and founder of @Shelter - 8 years ago

@SolidRealist: RT @kjhealy: Eamon Casey has died. In 1992, the scandal he caused helped break the moral authority of the Church in Ireland. - 8 years ago

@vueNEWS: Former Bishop of Galway Eamon Casey dies - 8 years ago

@harrvee: @joyredmond Eamon "fell from grace" Casey gets all the trimmings. Septic tank deemed good enough for #tuambabies #hypocrisy #nauseating - 8 years ago

@DrPhilipSmyth: Funeral of Bishop Eamon Casey takes place in Galway - 8 years ago

@ToghCon: Sochraid Eamon Casey i nGaillimh tráthnóna - 8 years ago

@PattDerek: @BriansammG @Deckanbrady rocking the bishop eamon casey look - 8 years ago

@ConorMadd: 'God is dead and we have killed him' - Bishop Eamon Casey - 8 years ago

@LindaKVoxpro: RT @Foley62: 'He made mistakes but never resorted to self-pity':Eamon Casey ... (via @thejournal_ie) Cause he saw… - 8 years ago

@Thebfromtuam: Retweeted eamon melia (@EamonMelia): Did Bishop Casey hand over any paedophiles priests to the Guards in his 16... - 8 years ago

@theUKchurch: Mourners told Bishop Eamon Casey 'profoundly upset church' - 8 years ago

@giddyfiddles: Bishop Eamon Casey buried Crypt Galway Cathedral Tuam Babies unmarried mothers buried sewers Galway. Still a very sick society. Kiss my Ring - 8 years ago

@belfastjournal: Bishop Casey affair caused deep hurt, funeral told: Former Bishop Eamon Casey, who secretly fathered a son during a… - 8 years ago

@saorman: RT @Rubberbandits: Eamon Casey is dead. The man the church actually properly denounced and pursued, for having sex with an adult and father… - 8 years ago

@JS_D9: RT @MallowNews: RIP Bishop Eamon Casey - 8 years ago

@5SOSNewsBot: Bishop Eamon Casey apologised many times for scandal he bought to Church but many remain hurt 25 years on ... - 8 years ago

@KeithSpriggs: Made me want to scream when it was saint eamon casey. Knew about #tuambabies, screwed his girlfriend and siphoned funds. @Castletonian - 8 years ago

@TommyRoddy: Will ye give the late Bishop Eamon Casey a mention in the context of what ye are discussing. He never carried out any despicable acts #vinb - 8 years ago

@realBoyle: Sochraid Eamon Casey i nGaillimh - - 8 years ago

@warnermichael73: RT @Rubberbandits: Eamon Casey is dead. The man the church actually properly denounced and pursued, for having sex with an adult and father… - 8 years ago

@litanyoftittery: If you only read one thing in the papers today: Obituary of The Most Rev Eamon Casey in Times is great. All new info to me, v interesting - 8 years ago

@BrokerIreland: Funeral of Bishop Eamon Casey takes place in Galway - The funeral of the former Bishop of Galway Eamon Casey ha... - 8 years ago

@Insight4News4: Love scandal bishop Eamon Casey 'profoundly upset Church', funeral Mass told #galway - 8 years ago

@GoinonGalway: #Galway Funeral of Bishop Eamon Casey takes place in Galway - RTE.ie - 8 years ago

@IsMiseMichelle: Eamon Casey having a son was the most earth shattering thing in the history of the Catholic Church in Ireland --RTÉ six one news just now - 8 years ago

@rusty_wow: Yes Bishop Casey life deserves celebration 🙏😇 @mrbobdaly don't only remember an american divorcee lead him astray - 8 years ago

@shannonsidenews: Bishope Doran pays tribute to Eamon Casey as Galway hosts his funeral - 8 years ago

@yllekonadnerb: RTEbias with the Scumbag + Hypocrite 'Bishop Eamon Casey' its Fu@king OUTRAGEOUS ! The Pig was a pig ! - 8 years ago

@galwaypage: Homily acknowledges merits and mistakes of Bishop Eamon Casey - 8 years ago

@galwaypage: Funeral of Bishop Eamon Casey takes place in Galway – RTE.ie - 8 years ago

@ThomasConneally: - 8 years ago

@bishbrit: RT @bishbrit: 13 MAR 2017: Eamon Casey, bishop emeritus of Galway & Kilmacduagh (Ireland), died aged 89. He was ordained bishop on 9 NOV 19… - 8 years ago

@Galwaybayfmnews: Homily acknowledges merits and mistakes of Bishop Eamonn Casey - 8 years ago

@martinbeckford: Catholic bishop who fathered child, paid mother with church funds, crashed sports cars & banned for drink-driving - 8 years ago

@artomahony: RT @MaineValleyPost: Kerry Young Fine Gael Chairman, Art O'Mahony reports on last night's Castleisland Fine Gael Annual General... - 8 years ago

@IrishInde: Love scandal bishop Eamon Casey 'profoundly upset Church', funeral Mass told - 8 years ago

@joelittlerte: Funeral of Bishop Eamon Casey takes place in Galway - 8 years ago

@Insight4News3: Love scandal bishop Eamon Casey 'profoundly upset Church', funeral Mass told #galway #catholic - 8 years ago

@GLG2705: RT @PresidentIRL: President Higgins will attend today's funeral of former bishop Eamon Casey. - 8 years ago

@GLG2705: RT @PresidentIRL: Beidh an tUachtarán i láthair ag sochraid iar-Easpag Eamon Casey inniu. - 8 years ago

@Plaid_Higgins: In Galway today for the funeral of Bishop Eamon Casey. #RIP - 8 years ago

@24IrishNews: Love scandal bishop Eamon Casey 'profoundly upset Church', funeral Mass told - 8 years ago

@retrochbabe: Bishop Eamon Casey's son speaks out over his father's betrayal | - 8 years ago

@IrelandEmbLat: RT @PresidentIRL: Beidh an tUachtarán i láthair ag sochraid iar-Easpag Eamon Casey inniu. - 8 years ago

@ToghCon: Sochraid Eamon Casey i nGaillimh tráthnóna - 8 years ago

@goalsSCC: RT @CathNewsIreland: Archbishop Eamon Martin pays tribute to Bishop Eamonn Casey RIP - 8 years ago

@ToghCon: RT @NuachtTG4: Sochraid Eamon Casey i nGaillimh tráthnóna @GalwayCathedral #eamoncasey @NuachtTG4 ar 1900 & beo ar… - 8 years ago

@NuachtRTE: Sochraid Eamon Casey i nGaillimh tráthnóna @GalwayCathedral #eamoncasey @NuachtRTE ar 1700 agus ar 1745 - 8 years ago

@NuachtTG4: Sochraid Eamon Casey i nGaillimh tráthnóna @GalwayCathedral #eamoncasey @NuachtTG4 ar 1900… - 8 years ago

@radiomidwest: On Lunchtime News: President Michael D Higgins among those attending the funeral of former Bishop Eamon Casey today… - 8 years ago

@ronangoss: Had forgotten the scandal of '92. Beginning of the end for the Church in Ireland. Former Bishop Eamon Casey dies. - 8 years ago

@kevin_ahern: RIP Irish Bishop Eamon Casey – a leader who helped millions - 8 years ago

@Ta7rmpMike: RT @CathNewsIreland: Archbishop Eamon Martin pays tribute to Bishop Eamonn Casey RIP - 8 years ago

@PropertyWeek: RT @PopulistwatchIr: On the week Eamon Casey passed interesting to see a charity he set up the beneficiary of a record breaking sectorial B… - 8 years ago

@PopulistwatchIr: On the week Eamon Casey passed interesting to see a charity he set up the beneficiary of a record breaking sectoria… - 8 years ago

@JohnnyVCaffine: RT @PresidentIRL: President Higgins will attend today's funeral of former bishop Eamon Casey. - 8 years ago

@JohnnyVCaffine: RT @PresidentIRL: Beidh an tUachtarán i láthair ag sochraid iar-Easpag Eamon Casey inniu. - 8 years ago

@ToghCon: RT @PresidentIRL: Beidh an tUachtarán i láthair ag sochraid iar-Easpag Eamon Casey inniu. - 8 years ago

@PresidentIRL: Beidh an tUachtarán i láthair ag sochraid iar-Easpag Eamon Casey inniu. - 8 years ago

@dulchiewhelan: RT @PresidentIRL: President Higgins will attend today's funeral of former bishop Eamon Casey. - 8 years ago

@irishfabian: RT @PresidentIRL: President Higgins will attend today's funeral of former bishop Eamon Casey. - 8 years ago

@PresidentIRL: President Higgins will attend today's funeral of former bishop Eamon Casey. - 8 years ago

@ClareFM: Bishop Eamon Casey will be laid to rest today. Fr Diarmud Hogan was the last priest ordained by him and joins Gavin now to remember him. - 8 years ago

@Go_ElSalvadorGo: Bishop Eamon Casey – a leader who helped millions - 8 years ago

@CedarLoungeRev: Eamon Casey - 8 years ago

@wayupnorth: RT @SluggerOToole: Former Bishop of Galway Eamon Casey dies… - 8 years ago

@blackberryways: You'll see Eamon casey here as well - 8 years ago

@MySurryHills: Eamon Casey: The #celebrity bishop who loved reaching out to the masses - but had a secret which led to disgrace -… - 8 years ago

@familyandmedia: Eamon Casey: The celebrity bishop who loved reaching out to the masses - but had a secret which led to disgrace -… - 8 years ago

@dsomritechre191: RT @PatsyMcGarryIT: The troubled life of Bishop Eamon Casey (via @IrishTimes) RIP Bishop Eamonn Casey - 8 years ago

@YzYuYN6aZ54VFHz: RT @Rubberbandits: Eamon Casey is dead. The man the church actually properly denounced and pursued, for having sex with an adult and father… - 8 years ago

@Tweet_Dec: RT @Rubberbandits: Eamon Casey is dead. The man the church actually properly denounced and pursued, for having sex with an adult and father… - 8 years ago

@robbiegallaghe: RT @NewsonNS: Local Bishop says Eamon Casey should be remembered with forgiveness. - 8 years ago

@McKelveyHouston: Archbishop Eamon Martin pays tribute to Bishop Eamonn Casey - 8 years ago

@awrighttrig: @oneilllo Sad we haven't moved on very far from here . People talking of Eamon Casey now he was a good man , not the worst etc , really ?😦😡 - 8 years ago

@ToghCon: Socruithe sochraide +Éamon Casey fógartha - 8 years ago

@paulkeogan: Serious @IrishTimes ? How can you write an article on Eamon Casey & not mention Annie Murphy once? Trying to write… - 8 years ago

@frdanjoe: RT @BreakfastNT: ICYMI: @DavQuinn looks back on the life of Bishop Eamon Casey - 8 years ago

@frdanjoe: RT @CathNewsIreland: Archbishop Eamon Martin pays tribute to Bishop Eamonn Casey RIP - 8 years ago

@mfsarsfield12: RT @Revolution_IRL: The Catholic church took more action against Eamon Casey than against paedo priests and nuns. #Scumbags - 8 years ago

@s3aneh: eamon casey, 'a good man but a tortured soul' #followthemoney - 8 years ago

@Beduac: #news #on4us #infos Tributes to former Bishop of Galway Eamon Casey – RTE.ie - 8 years ago

@SusanaProietti: Local Bishop says Eamon Casey should be remembered with forgiveness - 8 years ago

@KishAlyy: RT @GerHerbert1: In hindsight Eamon Casey's "crimes" may have been small but it was Annie Murphy who was charged with scandalising Catholic… - 8 years ago

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