E. P. Sanders

American New Testament scholar.
Died on Wednesday November 30th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to E. P. Sanders:

@lynch43ngmkc: Judaic Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: A Systematic reply to Professor E P Sanders (Studies in the History of Juda… - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: “In contrast to those scholars of the mid-20th century who argued that we can know almost nothing about the Jesus o… - 2 years ago

@DrCraigAEvans: RT @CaleClarke: Today on the @CaleClarkeShow (3 PT/ 5 CT/ 6 ET on @relevantradio): #Jesus, Paul, and the Titans of our Times: @DrCraigAEvan… - 2 years ago

@MarkChancey: RT @RNS: The influential New Testament scholar E. P. Sanders, who devoted his career to promoting more accurate and, for Christian scholars… - 2 years ago


@MarkChancey: RT @RNS: Sanders forcefully called on fellow New Testament scholars to reject caricatures of Judaism. - 2 years ago

@ToddRChipman: Tribute to E.P. Sanders - 2 years ago

@sbradleywilson: RT @RNS: The influential New Testament scholar E. P. Sanders, who devoted his career to promoting more accurate and, for Christian scholars… - 2 years ago

@RNS: The influential New Testament scholar E. P. Sanders, who devoted his career to promoting more accurate and, for Chr… - 2 years ago

@rogueclassicist: RT @ReligionProf: Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - 2 years ago

@melanieofoz: RT @CaleClarke: Today on the @CaleClarkeShow (3 PT/ 5 CT/ 6 ET on @relevantradio): #Jesus, Paul, and the Titans of our Times: @DrCraigAEvan… - 2 years ago

@archterentius: R.I.P.: Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - 2 years ago

@CaleClarkeShow: RT @CaleClarke: Today on the @CaleClarkeShow (3 PT/ 5 CT/ 6 ET on @relevantradio): #Jesus, Paul, and the Titans of our Times: @DrCraigAEvan… - 2 years ago

@FaithExplained: RT @CaleClarke: Today on the @CaleClarkeShow (3 PT/ 5 CT/ 6 ET on @relevantradio): #Jesus, Paul, and the Titans of our Times: @DrCraigAEvan… - 2 years ago

@relevantradio: RT @CaleClarke: Today on the @CaleClarkeShow (3 PT/ 5 CT/ 6 ET on @relevantradio): #Jesus, Paul, and the Titans of our Times: @DrCraigAEvan… - 2 years ago

@CaleClarke: Today on the @CaleClarkeShow (3 PT/ 5 CT/ 6 ET on @relevantradio): #Jesus, Paul, and the Titans of our Times:… - 2 years ago

@TheLordGave: @colbycosh Fantastic article on E.P. Sanders. I am particularly glad that McMaster University was mentioned, as San… - 2 years ago

@Fuxxfell: @Joe_Sanders_B @IrisSpranger @polizeiberlin @PolizeiBerlin_E @PolizeiBerlin_P @FranziskaGiffey @Innensenatorin ruhig Brauner - 2 years ago

@Joe_Sanders_B: Ficken Sie sich, @IrisSpranger @polizeiberlin @PolizeiBerlin_E @PolizeiBerlin_P @FranziskaGiffey @Innensenatorin L… - 2 years ago

@ReligionProf: Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - 2 years ago

@SBLsite: Sadly, we must report the passing of Ernst Jenni, Alice Bach, Bilha Nitzan, and E.P. Sanders. We appreciate their c… - 2 years ago

@ReligionProf: Perspective | Fred Clark tribute to E. P. Sanders - 2 years ago

@ChurchInsights: RT @thinkertweet: Perspective: We can learn as much from the way E.P. Sanders approached his revolutionary work as we can from that work it… - 2 years ago

@Pikaza2: E.P. Sanders (1937-2022). Cristianismo, identidad y novedad judía - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: “In contrast to those scholars of the mid-20th century who argued that we can know almost nothing about the Jesus o… - 2 years ago

@EINReligionNews: Remembering E․P․ Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - 2 years ago

@MarkChancey: RT @YonatShimron: Lovely appreciation by @MarkChancey of EP Sanders who rejected traditional claims of a stark contrast between Jesus, as g… - 2 years ago

@Christianity361: Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - Religion News Service - 2 years ago

@GibsonWrites: RT @YonatShimron: Lovely appreciation by @MarkChancey of EP Sanders who rejected traditional claims of a stark contrast between Jesus, as g… - 2 years ago

@Christianitynew: Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - Religion News Service - 2 years ago

@bingoprof: RT @YonatShimron: Lovely appreciation by @MarkChancey of EP Sanders who rejected traditional claims of a stark contrast between Jesus, as g… - 2 years ago

@YonatShimron: Lovely appreciation by @MarkChancey of EP Sanders who rejected traditional claims of a stark contrast between Jesus… - 2 years ago

@ReporterChrisW: If this is "mean" or "tough" remind me to tell you what my elementary school P.E. teacher called us in the 90s. - 2 years ago

@AlexKeyman_D: Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism - 2 years ago

@jeremyfcohen: RT @MacRelStuds: Some words on the passing of E. P. Sanders - 2 years ago

@schimmel74jtpdy: Judaic Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: A Systematic reply to Professor E P Sanders (Studies in the History of Juda… - 2 years ago

@MattThiessenNT: RT @MacRelStuds: Some words on the passing of E. P. Sanders - 2 years ago

@LucaHCacciatore: I just found out that, late last month, the great E.P. Sanders passed away. Sanders was responsible for the work "P… - 2 years ago

@MacRelStuds: Some words on the passing of E. P. Sanders - 2 years ago

@SenatorIvy: @taint_o @AGODDAMNHORSE @KennethLogins @aftertheboop @jimprov @wurp @canoepickles @GlennSmithPR @BuluBane… - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: “In contrast to those scholars of the mid-20th century who argued that we can know almost nothing about the Jesus o… - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: Angela Tilby: E. P. Sanders shone light on Jesus and Paul - 2 years ago

@RVDSJr: @Norme_Hun Depende. Tem bons insights que enriquecem ainda mais a leitura das cartas paulinas, principalmente de Ro… - 2 years ago

@bjoropeza1: RT @ReligionProf: Remembering E. P. Sanders (1937-2022) – TaborBlog - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: Angela Tilby: E. P. Sanders shone light on Jesus and Paul - 2 years ago

@ReligionProf: Remembering E. P. Sanders (1937-2022) – TaborBlog - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: Angela Tilby: E. P. Sanders shone light on Jesus and Paul - 2 years ago

@frieschdagblad: E.P. Sanders was een wetenschapper die Paulus opnieuw ontdekte en veel invloed heeft gehad op theologen en dominees… - 2 years ago

@carol57j: Judaic Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: A Systematic reply to Professor E P Sanders (Studies in the History of Juda… - 2 years ago

@bjoropeza1: RT @bjoropeza1: Here's my tribute to E. P. Sanders from Patheos: - 2 years ago

@frostdevotion: @BustedBluth @yves221197 @KalebOfAtlanta @LionelMedia Scholars agree that “Jesus' followers (and later Paul) had re… - 2 years ago

@CamDivOnline: RT @gerardpatrick: RIP E.P. Sanders 1937-2022 - 2 years ago

@bjoropeza1: RT @bjoropeza1: History will bear out that E. P. Sanders was one of the most, if not THE most, influential New Testament scholars in the la… - 2 years ago

@ChurchTimes: Angela Tilby: E. P. Sanders shone light on Jesus and Paul - 2 years ago

@ReligionProf: A Tribute to E. P. Sanders | B. J. Oropeza - 2 years ago

@unicorntreebks: RT @paulargooder: Very sad to hear of the death of E P Sanders (1937-2022) his book Paul and Palestinian Judaism was one of the books that… - 2 years ago

@o_luskass: Quando o pessoal da PwJ fala da diferença entre eles e a NPP, eles querem dizer q a diferença é nível Agostinho - E… - 2 years ago

@drewjakeprof: RT @MarkChancey: E. P. Sanders's obituary - 2 years ago

@NathanL0lz: @Morgan2pointo @gavinbena Sanders (I) S W E E P - 2 years ago

@MarkChancey: E. P. Sanders's obituary - 2 years ago

@Ze_Bruno: “Muito da academia do luteranismo foi influenciado pelo antissemitismo e o E.P. Sanders trabalhou contra, demonstra… - 2 years ago

@bjoropeza1: Here's my tribute to E. P. Sanders from Patheos: - 2 years ago

@Martin95177752: @StefanPaas Om even bij de actualiteiten te blijven, was E.P. Sanders het eens met Augustinus of niet? Ik gok van n… - 2 years ago

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