E. O. Wilson

American biologist (Sociobiology: The New Synthesis) and writer (On Human Nature
Died on Monday December 27th 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to E. O. Wilson:

@Wilson_badonay: RT @CoronelTadeu: "Meu pai é o médico do Bolsonaro e estão mentindo e falando um monte de absurdo a respeito dele e isto é injusto. Viajou… - 3 years ago

@Wilson_badonay: RT @BrazilFight: GloboNews se recusou a mostra a coletiva do presidente da República no hospital. CNN suspendeu a transmissão da coletiva q… - 3 years ago

@rhonorio: @Lucaas_cas Também quero um novo goleiro. Sempre deixei isso claro. Mas estou achando que iremos de Wilson mesmo. E… - 3 years ago

@Explorer_Naresh: RT @jeremy_hance: I wrote a little thing on E.O. Wilson's legacy for @mongabay. - 3 years ago


@wilson_hebert: @MateusPapini O Carlos Carvalhal está doido pra trabalhar no Brasil, mas o problema é a multa. O Braga não vai libe… - 3 years ago

@wilson_hebert: Será que quando o Atlético-MG acertar com outro treinador o Jorge Jesus vai ficar "abalado" e "confidenciar a pesso… - 3 years ago

@robertaadejesus: Professor Wilson Gomes mais uma vez lúcido. Esse é só mais um dentre tantos outros textos cirúrgicos e certeiro. A… - 3 years ago

@lucaspetrowski: RT @rhonorio: Wilson, Natanael, Henrique, Castan e Egídio; William, Val e Régis; Alef Manga, Léo Gamalho e Igor Paixão. 3 mudanças em rela… - 3 years ago

@TT_Coritiba_Fc: @rhonorio Honório, no decorrer da partida pablo garcia entraria onde nesse time? Lugar do Regis ou do Manga? No m… - 3 years ago

@PansolinGabriel: RT @rhonorio: Wilson, Natanael, Henrique, Castan e Egídio; William, Val e Régis; Alef Manga, Léo Gamalho e Igor Paixão. 3 mudanças em rela… - 3 years ago

@rhonorio: Wilson, Natanael, Henrique, Castan e Egídio; William, Val e Régis; Alef Manga, Léo Gamalho e Igor Paixão. 3 mudanç… - 3 years ago

@PaigeWestNYC: Excellent piece by Professor McLemore (@mclemoremr) that I will use for teaching in units on sociobiology, the use… - 3 years ago

@bazzlad: RT @RichardDawkins: Well, there were already signs that Scientific American was going under, but could anyone have believed that once great… - 3 years ago

@josephm68340511: RT @SenWhitehouse: Few better than Kolbert would understand the loss of these two giants of biology, and none could write about it better.… - 3 years ago

@wildtomorrow: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: Mongabay over several conversations with E.O. Wilson (1929 - 2021) has more than any other news media, captured Wilson's… - 3 years ago

@Alvess_Wilson: Aumenta o som aí que a moda é derramada - 3 years ago

@UCDavisEntomolo: RT @DETickTalk: Great tribute to E.O. Wilson penned by my graduate advisor, Doug Tallamy. "Wilson himself once said, 'Conservation is a dis… - 3 years ago

@alanlwu: @scribblesonnapk I encouraged him to get rid of the mothballs, for the health of both the staff and the general pub… - 3 years ago

@3BLNews: "Simply put, fellow residents of planet Earth need a heck of a lot of space to live the way they have evolved to do… - 3 years ago

@ZezioLimano: @Starbolt_chaoZ Ele pega o corpo do wilson e vende como uma NFT por 0.02947 ETH na internet, porém a pessoa q compr… - 3 years ago

@magu_souto: Sonhei que Rodgers ia pro Broncos e que o Wilson ia pro Raiders. - 3 years ago

@wentz_wilson: RT @RaquelStasiaki: Após o saidão de Natal 42% dos presos no RJ não voltam para a prisão incluindo assassinos condenados. Isso é uma vergon… - 3 years ago

@wilson_ramires: RT @AprendaComTC: Hoje tem o primeiro Bolsa na Rede do ano! Nossos craques, @albuquerque_af, Alê Oliveira, @moises_beida e @Danielzukerm… - 3 years ago

@redmarvelgirl21: RT @ShellenbergerMD: Why did progressives try to cancel legendary biologist & conservationist E.O. Wilson for writing “Sociobiology”? Joi… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @LuizCamargoVlog: Eles estavam passando as férias em Cuba ou na Venezuela? É que pelas imagens ao fundo não estou conseguindo reconhecer… - 3 years ago

@oneilllacrosse: RT @ShellenbergerMD: Why did progressives try to cancel legendary biologist & conservationist E.O. Wilson for writing “Sociobiology”? Joi… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @JornalDaCidadeO: Ministro acaba com farsa de Rui Costa e revela o que o 'PT tenta esconder' na Bahia (veja o vídeo) - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @coronelsandromg: O Moropetismo é a nova tentativa. O ex-juiz entra para enfraquecer Bolsonaro e tira o time de campo para favorecer Lui… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @henriolliveira_: Não sei como algum veículo de imprensa ainda dá espaço à AMANDA KLEIN. A questão não é o perfil ideológico dela, é a… - 3 years ago

@wilson_haddad: @Mairanotwiter_ Mas corrupto do que aceitar ser ministro do traste que ajudou eleger e serviu como lacaiompor 16 me… - 3 years ago

@AkshatRathi: RT @pgreenfielduk: 🚨🦥Biodiversity Twitter: I need your help🐞🚨 I am working on a piece about the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, E. O. Wilson &… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @fernandocluiz: A mídia não para de martelar os problemas de um governo que se olharmos com calma não é nem de longe tão ruim quanto pin… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @BarbeariaPoian: EUA: O secretário de Defesa de Biden, Lloyd Austin, que comparece a eventos com "viseira" + máscara e está PICADO COM 3… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @CarmilatiRenato: "A explosão da Ômicron [que virá] não é o fim do mundo, é o fim da pandemia". Dr. Roberto Zeballos. Sensacional!!! - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @BrazilFight: URGENTE-FILHA DE MÉDICO DE BOLSONARO DETONA MENTIRAS "Meu pai é o médico do Bolsonaro e estão mentindo e falando um monte… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @andreporci: Não fosse o secretário @mfriasoficial e o presidente seria impossível a moralização em andamento na Cultura e, principalmen… - 3 years ago

@naughtyeye85: @biiiigbrooother Vindo de um amigo do Wilson, o nível é o esperado 🤷‍♂️ - 3 years ago

@BartAndrews: RT @ShellenbergerMD: Why did progressives try to cancel legendary biologist & conservationist E.O. Wilson for writing “Sociobiology”? Joi… - 3 years ago

@wilson_haddad: @cirogomes @gisellebezerra O poor episódio foi sua fuga para Paris e o melhor episódio o aLula receber o título de cidadão parisiense... - 3 years ago

@Harvard_Press: Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist and longtime @Harvard professor E.O. Wilson died on December 26th at the age of 92… - 3 years ago

@IVittvar: RT @JohnGal72674903: E.O.Wilson americký evoluční biolog se tvrzením, že “rozdíly mezi lidmi lze vysvětlit genetikou, dědičností a dalšími… - 3 years ago

@Laplanetamejor: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: Mongabay over several conversations with E.O. Wilson (1929 - 2021) has more than any other news media, captured Wilson's… - 3 years ago

@ScicommBot: RT @EcoInvasions: In honour of the late great E.O. Wilson and his former grad student Dan Simberloff. A music video memorializing one of th… - 3 years ago

@InvasionEcology: RT @EcoInvasions: In honour of the late great E.O. Wilson and his former grad student Dan Simberloff. A music video memorializing one of th… - 3 years ago

@profkeithdevlin: More on Scientific American and E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@im_my_c_e_o: I just unfollowed Russel Wilson cuz I fck wit Future TOO HARD!!! 🤦🏾‍♂️ I’m childish #freebandz - 3 years ago

@profkeithdevlin: Oh my! - 3 years ago

@IgorMS46097755: @DeniceOlliveira Entrevista | Wilson Ferreira Cunha “Brasil levará ao menos 50 anos para se livrar da massificação… - 3 years ago

@skyddaskogen: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: Mongabay over several conversations with E.O. Wilson (1929 - 2021) has more than any other news media, captured Wilson's… - 3 years ago

@Ed_DylanScotty: @ledrumao @chernoisa Walace morreu em 2021, 2022 é o ano do Wilson - 3 years ago

@ReligionProf: A Conversation with E.O. Wilson (1929–2021) - 3 years ago

@freshmaJohn: RT @JohnGal72674903: E.O.Wilson americký evoluční biolog se tvrzením, že “rozdíly mezi lidmi lze vysvětlit genetikou, dědičností a dalšími… - 3 years ago

@AIIegrae: RT @olsentropy: The great Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson died. My never-before-seen video obituary of him for @nytimes ran today along with… - 3 years ago

@3PennyMovies: RT @seanmcarroll: SciAm has set the cause of anti-racism back several years with this weird hit piece on E.O. Wilson. Working for justice… - 3 years ago

@Chefas: @wilson_haddad @LawyerTarbean @MulherTamarindo @rennatodutra É uma das únicas coisas q me fazem considerar o voto n… - 3 years ago

@nickblack: - 3 years ago

@JohnGal72674903: E.O.Wilson americký evoluční biolog se tvrzením, že “rozdíly mezi lidmi lze vysvětlit genetikou, dědičností a další… - 3 years ago

@Bieel_CRVG: @wilson_mellojr @Markin29bm @_josepio @NoticiasdoBFR @m_clarabfr Esse cara torce para o Fluminense e ainda tem a co… - 3 years ago

@RomTwit: RT @at_oasis: Political ideology can corrupt the mind, and science. PS. - E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@eng1ne: I've been a fan of Scientific American for years, and I was very surprised and disappointed at their piece basicall… - 3 years ago

@prometheusgreen: RT @niles_eldredge: Reminds me of standing in front of the arthropod section of the Wall o’ Life in the newly opened AMNH Hall of Biodivers… - 3 years ago

@m_vieira1987: RT @portadosfundos: - Seu Wilson, tá precisando de ajuda? Esse é o Mudando a Sua Vida! - Se puder pegar o controle do ar condicionar ali pr… - 3 years ago

@sadgiantsfanbr: @Waddlezao Sim, acho q tem que apertar o gatilho mais rápido possível mas n da pra trazer um Russel Wilson pra joga… - 3 years ago

@Rhuam7282: @NakoTriste Treta com o Wilson e não saber lidar com críticas Não vou falar das nfts pq o conteúdo é dele ele faz o… - 3 years ago

@NCStateAEC: A special story and note from E.O. Wilson: - 3 years ago

@climatebreakdwn: Back in October on TheSteadyStater, Professor DaveGoulson and BrianCzechCASSE discussed their mutual admiration for… - 3 years ago

@JanainadasNeve7: RT @portadosfundos: - Seu Wilson, tá precisando de ajuda? Esse é o Mudando a Sua Vida! - Se puder pegar o controle do ar condicionar ali pr… - 3 years ago

@centralfigueira: @Gueirasincero zaga com Clebão e Thiago Heleno, e com o Wilson como goleiro, mesmo se passar pela defesa vai ter dificuldade em fazer o gol - 3 years ago

@Ellyricsp: Sociobiology Pioneer E.O.Wilson died on __________? - 3 years ago

@o_batiscafo: RT @portadosfundos: - Seu Wilson, tá precisando de ajuda? Esse é o Mudando a Sua Vida! - Se puder pegar o controle do ar condicionar ali pr… - 3 years ago

@portadosfundos: - Seu Wilson, tá precisando de ajuda? Esse é o Mudando a Sua Vida! - Se puder pegar o controle do ar condicionar al… - 3 years ago

@wilson_andradde: RT @FelipeDOPT: Engraçado q o médico (o mesmo da fakeada) vir das Bahamas para atender Bolsonaro não desperte nenhuma revolta do gado, que… - 3 years ago

@MR1908CAM: @FredAugustoInfo @cesarbsantos13 O difícil é confiar no tal de Wilson Pimentel - 3 years ago

@ethics13: RT @razibkhan: Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@GoldButtercu: @LuquetSabine @30exact I see the numbers... and E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy passed away last week. Both big thou… - 3 years ago

@gregtangmath: You never know where inspiration is hiding. Guaranteed, it's all around us. Maybe ants will inspire another young g… - 3 years ago

@gustavoquincy: - 3 years ago

@Ebobo_X: A bad month for Wildlife Conservation E.O. Wilson Thomas Lovejoy Richard Leakey - 3 years ago

@ethics13: The hits just keep in coming, @sciam Good luck with your subs - 3 years ago

@WBUR: OPINION: Writer William Sargent considers E.O. Wilson's radical idea to set aside half the Earth for nature. - 3 years ago

@RandomWhig: RT @wil_da_beast630: Among many many other things, we owe E.O. Wilson for the greatest-ever summary of socialism: "Fine idea. Wrong species… - 3 years ago

@JGunlock: RT @wil_da_beast630: Among many many other things, we owe E.O. Wilson for the greatest-ever summary of socialism: "Fine idea. Wrong species… - 3 years ago

@MissLoralei: RT @wil_da_beast630: Among many many other things, we owe E.O. Wilson for the greatest-ever summary of socialism: "Fine idea. Wrong species… - 3 years ago

@tmlp66: RT @wil_da_beast630: Among many many other things, we owe E.O. Wilson for the greatest-ever summary of socialism: "Fine idea. Wrong species… - 3 years ago

@RayMcCue: RT @wil_da_beast630: Among many many other things, we owe E.O. Wilson for the greatest-ever summary of socialism: "Fine idea. Wrong species… - 3 years ago

@diojoe: @viitorcam Se QB desse anel, todo mundo deveria querer o Eli, ao invés do Rodgers e o Wilson. Os dois títulos dos G… - 3 years ago

@umabicuda: Acabei The Royal Tenenbauns: -essa estética metódica e organizada é bálsamo pro meu cérebro caótico -como pode Luke… - 3 years ago

@aleall12: RT @SeahawksBrasil: O casal Wilson e Ciara doaram 2.7 milhões de dólares para a fundação "Why Not You" - 3 years ago

@thepowerofmeow: E.O. Wilson’s last dream - 3 years ago

@wil_da_beast630: RT @wil_da_beast630: Among many many other things, we owe E.O. Wilson for the greatest-ever summary of socialism: "Fine idea. Wrong species… - 3 years ago

@thepowerofmeow: RT @mongabay: E.O. Wilson’s last dream - 3 years ago

@msanhuezacelsi: RT @newscientist: Naturalist and ant expert Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, understood that humans’ reckless treatment of Earth'… - 3 years ago

@Moonpussy_: RT @newscientist: Naturalist and ant expert Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, understood that humans’ reckless treatment of Earth'… - 3 years ago

@wilson_haddad: @UOLNoticias Mas no 2º turno Boulos vai apoiar o Haddad para governador e no 1º turno Lula para presidente - 3 years ago

@astrotubers: RT @rev_astronova: Relembrando alguns bom momentos de 2021: a participação da Nany e do Wilson no @astrotubers , nesse corte sobre o Mecani… - 3 years ago

@AwakenedJoyce: RT @moveincircles: Once you start seeing the calls for moral re-evaluation of everything as a mass job application on behalf of an ever-exp… - 3 years ago

@sfxmaven: RT @JonathanMeiburg: I suspect that the late, great E.O. Wilson might agree that the internet is, in fact, good for one thing. - 3 years ago

@diojoe: Nunca vi tanto torcedor fazer montagem com o Russell Wilson na sua franquia. N é atoa, o cara é elite. Mas só vou l… - 3 years ago

@girls_can: Thomas Lovejoy, E.O. Wilson and Richard Leaky all passed within weeks of each other. Such titans of #conservation t… - 3 years ago

@wilson_haddad: @SF_Moro Ex-juizeco corrupto ,ex-lacsio de miliciano psicopata genocida corrupto falando em corrupção. Muda de disc… - 3 years ago

@craigbob99: SciAm publishing anti-science is not a shock after the way 2020 was handled by public media. - 3 years ago

@RaqueteNaMaoBR: Não sei exatamente como, mas depois de a chave principal ter sido lançada com Wilson Leite, houve atualização! Ago… - 3 years ago

@wisedadlives: RT @NPR: The pioneering biologist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author E.O. Wilson, who made his name studying ants and later ended up creatin… - 3 years ago

@wisedadlives: RT @yuqincai: Some quotes by E.O. Wilson. - 3 years ago

@wisedadlives: How to save life on Earth, according to E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@kamy_passos: cada vez que entro em uma publicação de página do coxa e tem gente falando que quer q o Wilson fique me da três tipos de pavor - 3 years ago

@Nick29433777: RT @jordanbpeterson: Scientific American goes full woke , calling E.O. Wilson a racist. Only Marxists made such accusations. They were irri… - 3 years ago

@Jonatas_JJ48: RT @Pr1meiroStint: O Justin Wilson deixou programado, não se sabe por quanto tempo, um tuíte automático em que deseja Feliz Ano Novo. Pra m… - 3 years ago

@Pluck12341: RT @aylwyn_scally: Naively I thought the main bone of contention regarding E.O. Wilson would be his support for group selection, not the fa… - 3 years ago

@SteveGreenwald: Regoddamdiculous! I stopped reading them years ago though. And Science News (formerly great) now goes down the same… - 3 years ago

@suttonparks: RT @jordanbpeterson: Scientific American goes full woke , calling E.O. Wilson a racist. Only Marxists made such accusations. They were irri… - 3 years ago

@EscndLinda: RT @PrimateWatcher: Among my many memories of E. O. Wilson, one that stands out is that in 2003 he named an ant species after me: Pheidole… - 3 years ago

@S31Sloan: RT @herandrews: My grandfather grew up in Mobile at the same time as E.O. Wilson and knew him a little, since they both became professors o… - 3 years ago

@S31Sloan: RT @herandrews: Some of the anecdotes about Gould and Lewontin here are very funny, all the more so for being told with gentlemanly restrai… - 3 years ago

@arwen_king: Lets have a competition to see how many trees we can plant in one year in honour of E O Wilson: - 3 years ago

@manifesto2000: RT @newscientist: Naturalist and ant expert Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, understood that humans’ reckless treatment of Earth'… - 3 years ago

@HarmSaeijs: RT @newscientist: Naturalist and ant expert Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, understood that humans’ reckless treatment of Earth'… - 3 years ago

@GHofmar: RT @newscientist: Naturalist and ant expert Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, understood that humans’ reckless treatment of Earth'… - 3 years ago

@rafaell_wilson: RT @futtmais: O que o Neymar vai fazer esse ano no Catar é PUTARIA. - 3 years ago

@taesparta: RT @of1fanatico: Justin Wilson faleceu em 2015 em um acidente na Indy e o tweet programado de feliz ano novo dele continua aparecendo todo… - 3 years ago

@Wilson_badonay: RT @MauroSrgioDoNa6: @BlogdoNoblat O auxílio emergencial foi só para os seguidores dele? O Casa Verde e Amarelo foi só pra seguidores dele?… - 3 years ago

@1lynnanderson51: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@Wilson_badonay: RT @jairbolsonaro: 1- RENEGOCIAÇÃO DO FIES: Estudantes que contrataram o Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil até o 2º semestre de 2017 e que… - 3 years ago

@7ying_yang: RT @Cardenas_JorgeH: Dos personas con fijación en los temas correctos y con compromiso inquebrantable, como es la preservación del Amazonas… - 3 years ago

@Brooks_Rob: RT @razibkhan: Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@WolfgangNieder: RT @PhilWMagness: Um, no. That's not what a normal distribution means. Not even close. And this is from a publication that calls itself a s… - 3 years ago

@Wilson_badonay: RT @jairbolsonaro: - Acabo de sancionar projeto de lei complementar, de autoria do Senador @jorginhomello , que altera o Estatuto Nacional… - 3 years ago

@jaromczyk: RT @StuartJRitchie: I think it's really easy to make strawman arguments of both sides of the culture war. But when Scientific American publ… - 3 years ago

@AndreasBikfalvi: - 3 years ago

@AdroitCritic: RT @moveincircles: Once you start seeing the calls for moral re-evaluation of everything as a mass job application on behalf of an ever-exp… - 3 years ago

@heitorbotan: sim, minha mãe é o Senhor Wilson - 3 years ago

@NBDhital: RT @uttambabu: A tribute to E.O. Wilson. पुस्तकमा उनी लेख्छन्, ‘गैरमानवको लागि आधा पृथ्वी छोड्नु मानव अस्तित्व बचाउनु हो ।’ २१ औं शताब्दीका… - 3 years ago

@dan_pathfinder: RT @razibkhan: Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@colinwforster: RT @moveincircles: Once you start seeing the calls for moral re-evaluation of everything as a mass job application on behalf of an ever-exp… - 3 years ago

@franklincrick: RT @razibkhan: Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @BrazilFight: ROLANDO NAS REDES "Pelo visto, NÃO é o vírus da Covid que ameaça a família brasileira, atualmente mais danoso que o vírus… - 3 years ago

@FeiticeiroDoRio: Náufrago é um filme que envelheceu mal, com pandemia, bozonaro, gripe mutante e velha cega prevendo et o que eu mai… - 3 years ago

@DStrungk: RT @moveincircles: Once you start seeing the calls for moral re-evaluation of everything as a mass job application on behalf of an ever-exp… - 3 years ago

@AIHateBot: RT @clairlemon: "If you still subscribe to Scientific American, you’d better have a damn good reason why. It’s too late to urge editor Lau… - 3 years ago

@TrevorShannon99: RT @aylwyn_scally: Naively I thought the main bone of contention regarding E.O. Wilson would be his support for group selection, not the fa… - 3 years ago

@MWhalan: RT @michikokakutani: Honoring the Legacy of E. O. Wilson and Tom Lovejoy: The two naturalists helped to pioneer the field of conservation b… - 3 years ago

@michikokakutani: RT @michikokakutani: Honoring the Legacy of E. O. Wilson and Tom Lovejoy: The two naturalists helped to pioneer the field of conservation b… - 3 years ago

@QueenZionsIntel: RT @NYBG: The passing of E.O. Wilson is a great loss for the scientific community, and he leaves behind a powerful legacy as a naturalist,… - 3 years ago

@QueenZionsIntel: RT @NYBG: Hear from Dr. Brian Boom, NYBG Curator Emeritus, as he reflects on the lives and contributions of Thomas Lovejoy & E.O. Wilson, w… - 3 years ago

@pdjmoo: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: In a never-before-seen video, E.O. Wilson (1929 - 2021) talked about his quest to explore and to protect the planet’s bi… - 3 years ago

@sm__rt63: RT @Preacher094: #MondayMotivation #ImFeeling2022 #PMSIDontWantToOverreactBUT #LEGOBuildDay E.O. Wilson 10 TV Shows to Know Me Insecure #Qu… - 3 years ago

@sm__rt63: RT @Preacher094: #MondayMotivation #ImFeeling2022 #PMSIDontWantToOverreactBUT #LEGOBuildDay E.O. Wilson 10 TV Shows to Know Me Insecure #Qu… - 3 years ago

@sm__rt63: RT @Preacher094: #MondayMotivation #ImFeeling2022 #PMSIDontWantToOverreactBUT #LEGOBuildDay E.O. Wilson 10 TV Shows to Know Me Insecure #Qu… - 3 years ago

@MalapiaAteOFim: RT @tfinalgirl: eu sou obcecada com o quanto flagui sao o puro suco do enemies to lovers, mauro wilson servindo cliche e é sobre isso #Quan… - 3 years ago

@Durga_Dasa: RT @satoverma: This imbecile wrote that extremely idiotic Leftist propaganda piece in Scientific American accusing E. O. Wilson to be a rac… - 3 years ago

@DeonticScrKpr: RT @razibkhan: Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@ShreeUdayashree: RT @uttambabu: A tribute to E.O. Wilson. पुस्तकमा उनी लेख्छन्, ‘गैरमानवको लागि आधा पृथ्वी छोड्नु मानव अस्तित्व बचाउनु हो ।’ २१ औं शताब्दीका… - 3 years ago

@eander1768: @tomandlorenzo We toasted her! And Joan Didion and bell hooks and E. O. Wilson. - 3 years ago

@sarangapani_l: RT @aylwyn_scally: Naively I thought the main bone of contention regarding E.O. Wilson would be his support for group selection, not the fa… - 3 years ago

@wilson_kelvin: Virei o ano só eu Deus e a Mary Jane Vou por um sabota nesta poura - 3 years ago

@WongMelenceng: RT @aylwyn_scally: Naively I thought the main bone of contention regarding E.O. Wilson would be his support for group selection, not the fa… - 3 years ago

@gastoncedillo: RT @la_oraculo: "Nos ahogamos en información, mientras pasamos hambre de sabiduría. En adelante, el mundo estará dirigido por sintetizadore… - 3 years ago

@venkyo: RT @satoverma: This imbecile wrote that extremely idiotic Leftist propaganda piece in Scientific American accusing E. O. Wilson to be a rac… - 3 years ago

@msbhushal: RT @uttambabu: A tribute to E.O. Wilson. पुस्तकमा उनी लेख्छन्, ‘गैरमानवको लागि आधा पृथ्वी छोड्नु मानव अस्तित्व बचाउनु हो ।’ २१ औं शताब्दीका… - 3 years ago

@WilsonPardiJr: @SCInternacional Um FELIZ ANO de 2022 com muita saúde e prosperidade para todo(a)s o(a)s torcedore(a)s Colorado(a)s… - 3 years ago

@MrWBond: RT @aylwyn_scally: Naively I thought the main bone of contention regarding E.O. Wilson would be his support for group selection, not the fa… - 3 years ago

@ghimireab: RT @uttambabu: A tribute to E.O. Wilson. पुस्तकमा उनी लेख्छन्, ‘गैरमानवको लागि आधा पृथ्वी छोड्नु मानव अस्तित्व बचाउनु हो ।’ २१ औं शताब्दीका… - 3 years ago

@girib71: RT @uttambabu: A tribute to E.O. Wilson. पुस्तकमा उनी लेख्छन्, ‘गैरमानवको लागि आधा पृथ्वी छोड्नु मानव अस्तित्व बचाउनु हो ।’ २१ औं शताब्दीका… - 3 years ago

@sudarshan_kha: RT @uttambabu: A tribute to E.O. Wilson. पुस्तकमा उनी लेख्छन्, ‘गैरमानवको लागि आधा पृथ्वी छोड्नु मानव अस्तित्व बचाउनु हो ।’ २१ औं शताब्दीका… - 3 years ago

@Coolmhee: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@satoverma: This imbecile wrote that extremely idiotic Leftist propaganda piece in Scientific American accusing E. O. Wilson to… - 3 years ago

@NLRG_: @RenTheAngelic - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @BolsonaroSP: Esquerda diz “mais armas, mais crimes”,certo? Errado! O desarmamento, aprovado por Lula e mensaleiros,só fez a criminalid… - 3 years ago

@SpacerFC: RT @jflier: @Maratosflier @davidhagmann @AliceDreger @NAChristakis @sciam the recent @sciam article critical of E.O. Wilson by someone w/o… - 3 years ago

@bekoanto: RT @newscientist: Naturalist and ant expert Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, understood that humans’ reckless treatment of Earth'… - 3 years ago

@naturenurture_8: RT @jflier: @Maratosflier @davidhagmann @AliceDreger @NAChristakis @sciam the recent @sciam article critical of E.O. Wilson by someone w/o… - 3 years ago

@LukinhasTap: RT @BrasilCardinals: Último game status do ano... e com ele algumas preocupações para a próxima partida. Jordan Phillips segue fora, mas d… - 3 years ago

@sd40664471: RT @_charadams_: Much wisdom & dignity shared by EO Wilson in this conversation with @AliceDreger. It's sad that today's far Left still to… - 3 years ago

@BrasilCardinals: Último game status do ano... e com ele algumas preocupações para a próxima partida. Jordan Phillips segue fora, ma… - 3 years ago

@wilson_leal: @luisflcoelho @ColunaCH Constituição no Brasil é só um livrinho que só serve para forrar gaiola de passarinho! O po… - 3 years ago

@BywatersRobert: RT @PhilWMagness: Um, no. That's not what a normal distribution means. Not even close. And this is from a publication that calls itself a s… - 3 years ago

@goffredodotcom: @DrugGovoruna @razibkhan She obviously is not. The question is why @sciam decides to insult the memory of E.O. Wils… - 3 years ago

@jfletchermd: Ooofff…Desmond Tutu, Harry Reid, John Madden, E.O. Wilson, and now Betty White… This last week of 2021 has been rough. - 3 years ago

@SpiderJon: RT @M_B_Petersen: Scientific American used EO Wilson's death as a pretext for publishing a misinformed article accusing him of racism: http… - 3 years ago

@orsoraggiante: EO Wilson's legacy: - 3 years ago

@missilady9: Death of a scientific racist. Rot in hades 👹👹👹 - 3 years ago

@RevengeStalking: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: In a never-before-seen video, E.O. Wilson (1929 - 2021) talked about his quest to explore and to protect the planet’s bi… - 3 years ago

@mentju4: RT @RichardDawkins: Well, there were already signs that Scientific American was going under, but could anyone have believed that once great… - 3 years ago

@PauloGregol: @NFLFantasyBR_ Jeff Wilson startar mesmo com o E. Mitchell treinando (limitado, mas treinando)? - 3 years ago

@spangrud: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: In a never-before-seen video, E.O. Wilson (1929 - 2021) talked about his quest to explore and to protect the planet’s bi… - 3 years ago

@AtticumFloreat: RT @StuartJRitchie: I think it's really easy to make strawman arguments of both sides of the culture war. But when Scientific American publ… - 3 years ago

@MZuhlsdorf: RT @titiatscriptor: Das Wissenschaftsmagazin Scientific American publiziert einen Text zum Tod des berühmten Evolutionsbiologen E. O. Wilso… - 3 years ago

@asuagar: RT @ericcolson: RIP EO Wilson. Thank you for everything! You embody the philosophy of: “You teach me, I forget. You show me, I remember. Yo… - 3 years ago

@LandLibrary: ‘Famous in a way few Alabamians will ever be’: E.O. Wilson’s Alabama legacy recalled after his death - 3 years ago

@MatsVinnaren: "...revolutionary socialist state. When faced with the evidence of greater structure, their response has been to de… - 3 years ago

@gizmomathboy: RT @daniel_kraft: “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; & god-like technolog… - 3 years ago

@Steven_Strauss: RT @AliceDreger: Read what he told me in 2009 about people who called him a racist. - 3 years ago

@Dr_Aust_PhD: RT @PennySarchet: "Selfishness beats altruism within groups. Altruistic groups beat selfish groups" - I can't stop thinking about this idea… - 3 years ago

@JCMaas: RT @RichardDawkins: Well, there were already signs that Scientific American was going under, but could anyone have believed that once great… - 3 years ago

@Mark_McElligott: RT @LukeJohnsonRCP: E.O. Wilson and the birth of cancel culture - by Ed West - 3 years ago

@JohnWilkinspsyc: RT @M_B_Petersen: Scientific American used EO Wilson's death as a pretext for publishing a misinformed article accusing him of racism: http… - 3 years ago

@murawaki: - 3 years ago

@LuchoSuarez60: RT @Jaime_Culebras: Un poco sobre E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@morvjn: RT @titiatscriptor: Das Wissenschaftsmagazin Scientific American publiziert einen Text zum Tod des berühmten Evolutionsbiologen E. O. Wilso… - 3 years ago

@turok314159: RT @EvolOdonata: I very much sympathize with the author in this article, who aims to nuance the legacy of E.O. Wilson, although I also find… - 3 years ago

@umurkaragoz: RT @razibkhan: Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@ismesarahjane: RT @StuartJRitchie: I think it's really easy to make strawman arguments of both sides of the culture war. But when Scientific American publ… - 3 years ago

@zoerosard: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 A Harvard professor for 46 years, he was an expert on in… - 3 years ago

@oscarbl: RT @manuel_rodb: E. O. Wilson: académico extraordinario que advirtió sobre la crisis de la biodiversidad. En conferencia en Bogotá, al mism… - 3 years ago

@LaurissimaSPFC: RT @simas_luiz: Perto do fim do ano, cheio de lembranças, me recordo da última conversa que tive com o mestre Wilson das Neves. Perguntei:… - 3 years ago

@ATHE1STP0WER: RT @Metamagician: The article on E.O. Wilson in Scientific American is scientifically illiterate and, beyond that, a disgraceful and false… - 3 years ago

@csaban: The Last Word: E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@fitzsawa: Scientific American calls E O Wilson a racist based on no evidence beyond he was a geneticist. Wokism at its worse. - 3 years ago

@paulica44: A Conversation with E.O. Wilson (1929–2021) - 3 years ago

@wilson_sep1914: @MarciaBelll @Palmeiras @AllianzParque Esse FDP deveria ser proibido de entrar lá! Fez o seu serviço foi pago pra isso e pronto! - 3 years ago

@prometheia: RT @Bernard_Lane: “I think I may have been the only scientist in modern times to be physically attacked for an idea. The idea of a biologic… - 3 years ago

@JoshRosenau: RT @meghas: some of our greatest scientists also had serious racism problems. @mclemoremr takes a look at e.o. wilson's legacy for @sciam a… - 3 years ago

@AliceDreger: @HamesRaymond Don't miss -> - 3 years ago

@thomas_stearns: RT @Bernard_Lane: “I think I may have been the only scientist in modern times to be physically attacked for an idea. The idea of a biologic… - 3 years ago

@Conviction19c: RT @AliceDreger: Here it is, folks! - 3 years ago

@ilanacaa: RT @bc_saara: Gente o sobrinho do meu pai precisa de uma cirurgia pois recentemente ele descobriu uma doença chamad… - 3 years ago

@AliceTeller: RT @hbdchick: a quote from E.O. Wilson from @AliceDreger’s interview of him ( probably not entirely correct since… - 3 years ago

@IUCNNL: RT @WillemFerwerda: Prachtig eerbetoon van Tijs Goldschmidt aan bioloog en natuurbeschermer Edward Wilson in ⁦@nrc⁩. Het was een eer om ind… - 3 years ago

@DrHannesAmon: Lesen. E.O. #Wilson, einer der brillantesten Biologen/Naturwissenschaftler der Neuzeit. You will be missed. RIP. Le… - 3 years ago

@psybertron: RT @AliceDreger: Here it is, folks! - 3 years ago

@yesimayar: RT @CoralReefFish: "When you get into the whole field of exploring, probably 90 percent of the kinds of organisms, plants, animals and espe… - 3 years ago

@_unknownuser666: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@hamilcar: RT @Evolutionistrue: Alice Dreger interviewed E. O. Wilson in 2009 as research for her book "Galileo's Middle Fing… - 3 years ago

@KhunPleum: - 3 years ago

@o_v_b_: RT @clairlemon: Honoured to be able to publish this interview of the great EO Wilson (1929 - 2021) by one of the best historians of science… - 3 years ago

@broch_j: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@GabPFB: Dessa vez não deu para Russell Wilson mascarar os problemas dos Seahawks e o time teve o pior rendimento da era Pet… - 3 years ago

@Gandhi74: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@legumeboy: RT @CleantoRego: Faleceu, hoje, Edward O. Wilson, um dos maiores biólogos de nosso tempo. Deu grande contribuição, em especial para a biolo… - 3 years ago

@MurmuriDocil: RT @Bernard_Lane: “I think I may have been the only scientist in modern times to be physically attacked for an idea. The idea of a biologic… - 3 years ago

@giljunior81: Hoje faz exatamente 5 meses que eu aceitei o convite de entrar para a familia Under Protection e estou muito feliz… - 3 years ago

@realStevenWalk: RT @hbdchick: a quote from E.O. Wilson from @AliceDreger’s interview of him ( probably not entirely correct since… - 3 years ago

@Bloejack: Le biologiste américain E.O. Wilson, spécialiste des fourmis, est mort - 3 years ago

@micmicmic1: RT @Evolutionistrue: Alice Dreger interviewed E. O. Wilson in 2009 as research for her book "Galileo's Middle Fing… - 3 years ago

@Aoi_Neko78: RT @30millionsdamis: #Hommage - La planète perd l'un de ses plus ardents défenseurs... 😢 Le biologiste E.O. #Wilson proposait de consacrer… - 3 years ago

@randallboy83: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@clairlemon: RT @Bernard_Lane: “I think I may have been the only scientist in modern times to be physically attacked for an idea. The idea of a biologic… - 3 years ago

@clairlemon: RT @razibkhan: A Conversation with E.O. Wilson (1929–2021) - 3 years ago

@wilson_estrela: RT @FoxSportsBrasil: Paulo Sousa se derrete pelo Flamengo e revela o que o levou a deixar a Polônia rumo ao Rubro-negro - 3 years ago

@HannahSorsch2: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @NewYorker: The pioneering conservation biologists E. O. Wilson and Tom Lovejoy, who both died over the weekend, shared a deep concern f… - 3 years ago

@Evolutionistrue: Alice Dreger interviewed E. O. Wilson in 2009 as research for her book "Galileo's Middle F… - 3 years ago

@SwipeWright: RT @clairlemon: Honoured to be able to publish this interview of the great EO Wilson (1929 - 2021) by one of the best historians of science… - 3 years ago

@hbdchick: a quote from E.O. Wilson from @AliceDreger’s interview of him ( probably not entirely cor… - 3 years ago

@Tobermoree: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@ClariceMeirell1: RT @NewYorker: The pioneering conservation biologists E. O. Wilson and Tom Lovejoy, who both died over the weekend, shared a deep concern f… - 3 years ago

@jasonwalters85: RT @clairlemon: Honoured to be able to publish this interview of the great EO Wilson (1929 - 2021) by one of the best historians of science… - 3 years ago

@meemo_Vlll_cat: RT @LeoDiCaprio: The world lost a true hero for the planet when Dr. E.O. Wilson passed away - "the Darwin of the 20th century", prolific wr… - 3 years ago

@nuriacabello: RT @J_MartinezFrias: D.E.P. Edward O. Wilson. "El principal problema de la humanidad hoy en día es que tenemos mentes paleolíticas, institu… - 3 years ago

@CrisciGloria: RT @30millionsdamis: #Hommage - La planète perd l'un de ses plus ardents défenseurs... 😢 Le biologiste E.O. #Wilson proposait de consacrer… - 3 years ago

@Waddlezao: @TakeFlightBr1 @Tristedoknicks Acho que o Browns vai acabar ficando com o Garrett Wilson, o Saints com Treylon Burk… - 3 years ago

@_steegs: @larryfeltonj "Life as we know it can be sustained only if we preserve functioning ecosystems on at least half the… - 3 years ago

@josegallucci: RT @MarceloNLeite: “Thomas Lovejoy e Edward O. Wilson: A Amazônia, floresta tropical mais conservada do planeta, deve muito aos dois natura… - 3 years ago

@JeannePitts: RT @PopnMatters: Sad to hear of the passing of Dr E.O. Wilson. A distinguished biologist famous for his pioneering work on ants, he was als… - 3 years ago

@TinaTchirinos: RT @PopnMatters: Sad to hear of the passing of Dr E.O. Wilson. A distinguished biologist famous for his pioneering work on ants, he was als… - 3 years ago

@VeganFemanistic: E.O. Wilson, ‘Darwin’s natural heir,’ dies at age 92 - National Geographic - 3 years ago

@SturboisA: RT @amelia_curd: R.I.P. E.O. Wilson. You are indeed Darwin’s successor and carried the torch for many decades - 3 years ago

@portalnufcbr: INFO: Notícias mais positivas sobre as lesões no NUFC. Callum Wilson pode demorar de um mês a seis semana dependend… - 3 years ago

@_aco15: RT @goodgoodgood: We've rounded up the 12 best #EOWilson quotes (that aren't too nerdy/sciencey) — - 3 years ago

@MetalicoPavao: RT @Yemojazz: Uma retrospectiva do exército de pessoas imortais que voltaram ao oòrùn neste severo 2021. "Só morre quem não presta" ess… - 3 years ago

@350AmLatina: O movimento ambiental lamentou três perdas importantes neste fim de dezembro. Que a terra lhes seja leve, Thomas Lo… - 3 years ago

@maxforrester: RT @PopnMatters: Sad to hear of the passing of Dr E.O. Wilson. A distinguished biologist famous for his pioneering work on ants, he was als… - 3 years ago

@mlroush: RT @organicdoritos: E. O. Wilson looking into a bug net as a child, and doing the same exact thing as an adult, is the perfect example of d… - 3 years ago

@breeakmyheart: @Wilson_araujoo_ Vou lacrar você e o juiz quando eu mandar você enfiar a biblia no seu cu😭😭💅 - 3 years ago

@XKarmaChameleon: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@anacatabaga: RT @Yemojazz: Uma retrospectiva do exército de pessoas imortais que voltaram ao oòrùn neste severo 2021. "Só morre quem não presta" ess… - 3 years ago

@cyb3rwii: RT @jaceyfilms: eu não nasci gay a culpa é do meu pai que contratou um tal de wilson pra ser o capataz eu vi o bofe tomar banho e o tamanho… - 3 years ago

@wilson_hebert: Resolvido: contrato entre Paulo Sousa e Polônia está rescindido. O técnico português e seu empresário estavam fal… - 3 years ago

@2Lindolpho: @WilsonBento8 Wilson, o artigo 142 não passa pelo congresso. O artigo 91 é que passa. É só ler. - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @JovemPanNews: Jair Bolsonaro já foi alvo de 143 pedidos de impeachment, segundo dados da Câmara. Em 2019, foram protocoladas 5 denúncia… - 3 years ago

@grizzlieone: RT @30millionsdamis: #Hommage - La planète perd l'un de ses plus ardents défenseurs... 😢 Le biologiste E.O. #Wilson proposait de consacrer… - 3 years ago

@ZeldaVantablack: We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people… - 3 years ago

@angelinijeanlo2: RT @30millionsdamis: #Hommage - La planète perd l'un de ses plus ardents défenseurs... 😢 Le biologiste E.O. #Wilson proposait de consacrer… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @henriolliveira_: - O MUNDO ANTES DE 2020 O povo desconfiava muito da indústria farmacêutica e de suas intenções - O MUNDO DEPOIS DE 2… - 3 years ago

@animaux07: RT @30millionsdamis: #Hommage - La planète perd l'un de ses plus ardents défenseurs... 😢 Le biologiste E.O. #Wilson proposait de consacrer… - 3 years ago

@island_scenery: RT @WilliamJRipple: We lost a biodiversity giant today. With the passing of E. O. Wilson, world leader for the conservation of nature. Very… - 3 years ago

@DerAnzeiger: RT @algore: Though E.O. Wilson studied some of our planet's smallest creatures, he never failed to think big. He wrote eloquently about the… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @ColunaCH: Casos de covid sobem e letalidade segue caindo: O destaque dado ao recorde de um milhão de casos de covid mostra que a atuaçã… - 3 years ago

@bayoumoonbeam97: ‘Famous in a way few Alabamians will ever be’: E.O. Wilson’s Alabama legacy recalled after his death… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @10_5_6_5: Anota aí: O comunismo marxista sinicizado, com seus aliados, está em guerra contra Brasil, Hungria e Polônia. Estes três paí… - 3 years ago

@Bonne_de_Bod: Sad to hear of the passing of E.O. Wilson, pioneer entomologist and naturalist. Someone who deeply understood the i… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @MarchaDaFamili1: A Campanha #QuemVotaNuloVotaLula começou é só termina quando Bolsonaro vencer em 2022! Senta o dedo robozada😎👉👉 - 3 years ago

@theresemiket: RT @30millionsdamis: #Hommage - La planète perd l'un de ses plus ardents défenseurs... 😢 Le biologiste E.O. #Wilson proposait de consacrer… - 3 years ago

@Green_Gambit: Sad to hear about E.O. Wilson's passing - what an inspirational life & what a huge scholarly legacy he leaves us wi… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @pauloeneas: Quem introduziu no repertório político brasileiro a expressão "estratégia das tesouras" e mostrou a uma parcela instruída d… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @kimpaim: R$ 66.667, isso mesmo que você leu, quase R$ 67 mil reais foram gastos pelo Podemos para tentar alavancar a campanha do MORO a… - 3 years ago

@FleurENewman: RT @ElizKolbert: Two giants of the conservation world died this past weekend. They will both be very much missed: - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @MarchaDaFamili1: Se o STF apenas cumprisse seu papel, não precisaria reforçar a segurança da Corte com granadas, lançadores e munições… - 3 years ago

@gavinedwardsWWF: Sad to see E. O. Wilson & Tom Lovejoy - two giants in conservation - pass on. They illuminated our world as pionee… - 3 years ago

@Ayyasam49238499: RT @BillClinton: E.O. Wilson taught us so much about the importance of preserving our rich biodiversity, and perhaps more significant today… - 3 years ago

@karlosrkruzm: RT @Cienciaymas_: Muere el científico E.O. Wilson, “el heredero natural de Darwin”. El experto en hormigas falleció a los 92 años. Es consi… - 3 years ago

@AndreCuvier: RT @AgeOfArthropods: I've always treasured E. O. Wilson's remark that "Every kid has a bug phase—I just never grew out of mine." His memory… - 3 years ago

@8MarwaTawfik8: RT @SPBombaci: “You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the p… - 3 years ago

@RicardoNature: RT @nat2bee: E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@_Je_ne_suis_pas: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@ivanglezp: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@IslandBiology: RT @bjenquist: We lost a giant. Few have advanced ecological and biodiversity science as much as E. O. Wilson. Island Biogeography, Primer… - 3 years ago

@NadalSala: RT @jm_mallarach: I un bon moment per recordar que E. O. Wilson fou un científic compromès, un dels signataris del solemne "Avís dels cient… - 3 years ago

@DelylahGrimm: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@jnitzky_nyc: A Conversation With E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@sigmonics: RT @jposhaughnessy: E. O. Wilson 🗣️ “You teach me, I forget. You show me, I remember. You involve me, I understand.” “One planet, one exp… - 3 years ago

@LehbariR: RT @TedTurnerIII: The world takes pause to honor the life & legacy of E.O. Wilson whose love & understanding of our natural world was spell… - 3 years ago

@dorobuk: RT @TetZoo: E. O. Wilson has died, aged 92. An exceptional biologist, often compared to Darwin, and best known for his work on ants and isl… - 3 years ago

@LShereeT: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@StriblingSam: RT @MikeKaspari: I am cherishing the memory of E O Wilson this morning. A person of towering intellect, charm, and vaulting ambition—a true… - 3 years ago

@gutmicrobe: RT @sethfinnegan1: Striking how many of the people I follow are posting stories about how E.O. Wilson helped or inspired them rather than r… - 3 years ago

@nK8hIoz6Tjf0s9r: RT @zooman_koichi: 同じく先日亡くなられた E.O.Wilson は、2030年までに陸域と水域の30%を保全すれば、地球環境は何とかなると語っていた。 - 3 years ago

@TheHabgier: RT @SerpInFormes: Hoje é um dia de pesar na Biologia (não somente para a Entomologia), pela perda de Edward O. Wilson. . Segue essa #MiniTh… - 3 years ago

@IslandBiology: RT @LabKnope: Hard to believe we lost E.O. Wilson and Sherwin Carlquist in a period of just a couple weeks. Their approach to island biolog… - 3 years ago

@NurseryNatives: RT @beesponsible: "Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it ha… - 3 years ago

@StephenRBaillie: RT @TetZoo: E. O. Wilson has died, aged 92. An exceptional biologist, often compared to Darwin, and best known for his work on ants and isl… - 3 years ago

@DrJackLewis: RT @BitterWaterBlue: “I will argue that every scrap of biological diversity is priceless, to be learned and cherished, and never to be surr… - 3 years ago

@rossandine: RT @SPBombaci: “You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the p… - 3 years ago

@MyBiophilia: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@christinebiela: RT @sethfinnegan1: Striking how many of the people I follow are posting stories about how E.O. Wilson helped or inspired them rather than r… - 3 years ago

@andrea_dipiazza: RT @MikeMason_CO2: “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like techno… - 3 years ago

@rosaandrea: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Semana triste para a ciência e a biodiversidade. Morreu o "herdeiro natural de Darwin", Edward O. Wilson, quem uma vez d… - 3 years ago

@loqdigalaru_bia: RT @Quenmorreu: Morreu Edward O. Wilson (92), entomólogo, estudoso da biodiversidade e das estratexias de sobrevivencia das especies. http… - 3 years ago

@EmersonPenerari: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@Subnaraic: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@garotaoslb: O Veríssimo é Mário Wilson deste Vietname 2.0. Até nisso fomos vieirados, agora em vez de uma ex Glória Benfiquist… - 3 years ago

@PaulCLondon: RT @MikeMason_CO2: “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like techno… - 3 years ago

@nobledone: RT @BitterWaterBlue: “I will argue that every scrap of biological diversity is priceless, to be learned and cherished, and never to be surr… - 3 years ago

@fleck_margaret: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@LovesLupi: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@RTPallardy: RT @benphalan: “The one process now going on that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by th… - 3 years ago

@NurseryNatives: RT @Livedandlearns: OBITUARY E.O. Wilson, naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies 92 | Reuters “Wilson once said destroying a rainfores… - 3 years ago

@Andreu91418775: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@BartGeurten: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@jhbundle: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@_gattoming_: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@351E412A: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@am_trahan: RT @nywolforg: Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. ~E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@JPvanYpersele: RT @JPvanYpersele: R.I.P. E.O. Wilson, eminent naturalist, biodiversity advocate - 3 years ago

@BioGeoChemBilly: RT @EggErin: "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to p… - 3 years ago

@megomam: RT @Jay_Hosler: I never had an opportunity to meet him, but E.O. Wilson has had a tremendous influence on my life. Thanks for a lifetime of… - 3 years ago

@GeneralJoker94: RT @BostonGlobe: E.O. Wilson, a Harvard biologist who pioneered the field of sociobiology, fiercely fought to protect species, and taught g… - 3 years ago

@phoenixrites: RT @jahmy21: @EOWilsonFndtn Will always treasure this lovely painting of E. O. Wilson done by @AbeZucca. 🙏 Rest in peace to one of the most… - 3 years ago

@TheTheGrinch7: RT @Biorealism: Communism: "Great idea; wrong species." –E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@joelmcglothlin: RT @sethfinnegan1: Striking how many of the people I follow are posting stories about how E.O. Wilson helped or inspired them rather than r… - 3 years ago

@gschifini: RT @moreisdifferent: RIP E.O. Wilson (June 10, 1929 – December 26, 2021) The way that E.O. Wilson was unfairly attacked in the 70s and 80s… - 3 years ago

@CLupus63: RT @rdknowles2010: Another biologist who opened our minds & hearts to the wonder of life on Earth has passed. May your journey be endlessl… - 3 years ago

@Blancanieves721: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@AlySkinner: RT @sethfinnegan1: Striking how many of the people I follow are posting stories about how E.O. Wilson helped or inspired them rather than r… - 3 years ago

@EdwinLe76476599: RT @lovettbr: In memory of E. O. Wilson, I encourage you to: -go outside and appreciate nature -remind others that anyone can be a scientis… - 3 years ago

@IPostino: RT @PREAUX_FISH: In a field full of famous narcissists and jerks, E.O. Wilson showed us how a leading evolutionary biologist can be kind an… - 3 years ago

@411emilio: RT @Irreductible: Para mí, y más allá de la entomología o la biología, la muerte de E.O.Wilson supone perder uno de los grandes pensadores… - 3 years ago

@grover_david: RT @EpidByDesign: "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able… - 3 years ago

@aestheticistxxi: RT @Biorealism: Communism: "Great idea; wrong species." –E. O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@kutieme888: RT @CristianSamper: We lost another giant in our field. E.O. Wilson was my teacher at Harvard, a mentor and a friend. He was a great evolut… - 3 years ago

@_maria_fire: RT @Marianne_Denton: "Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it… - 3 years ago

@000aaa_000aaa: RT @Preacher094: #MondayMotivation #ImFeeling2022 #PMSIDontWantToOverreactBUT #LEGOBuildDay E.O. Wilson 10 TV Shows to Know Me Insecure #Qu… - 3 years ago

@ZhenggangZhu: RT @sapinker: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92: Nice obit by @carlzimmer - 3 years ago

@jagiamx: RT @ElenaBuylla: A los 92 años fallece el biólogo E.O. Wilson. Hizo grandes contribuciones en entomología, estudios de la biodiversidad, la… - 3 years ago

@ShawnFnLucas: RT @PREAUX_FISH: In a field full of famous narcissists and jerks, E.O. Wilson showed us how a leading evolutionary biologist can be kind an… - 3 years ago

@kristingilliss: RT @TempestWilliams: Social media talks about “influencers” but when I see what true influence is exemplified by those who died in these pa… - 3 years ago

@jim_vollmer: RT @Evolving_Moloch: E.O. Wilson and Marshall Sahlins dying in the same year.. - 3 years ago

@Jimmy4UmeUS: RT @ClimateActionN9: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 (passed yesterday) 🐝🦋🐛🐞🌿🌳🦊🐰🐸🐦 “If all humankind were to disappear, world would regenerate back to… - 3 years ago

@madlaine63: RT @NYTScience: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, has died at 92. He was an expert on insects and explored how natural select… - 3 years ago

@dorfradio: RT @CenterForBioDiv: We're deeply saddened by the passing of E.O. Wilson, whose career focused on promoting the importance of biodiversity… - 3 years ago

@Evolving_Moloch: E.O. Wilson and Marshall Sahlins dying in the same year.. - 3 years ago

@ChristianCO: RT @TopiltzinCM: Triste fin de año. Hace un par de días falleció Tom Lovejoy y ayer E. O Wilson, dos grandes de la biología y luchadores in… - 3 years ago

@6cc3f54b8: @nathaliejacoby1 Entomologists, except E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@pinuspalustris: RT @mwtingley: Raise your hand if you're an ecologist or evolutionary biologist due, at least in part, to the work, writing, inspiration, o… - 3 years ago

@hillaryrettig: RT @BitterWaterBlue: “I will argue that every scrap of biological diversity is priceless, to be learned and cherished, and never to be surr… - 3 years ago

@pogomcl: RT @MikeKaspari: I am cherishing the memory of E O Wilson this morning. A person of towering intellect, charm, and vaulting ambition—a true… - 3 years ago

@lemon2sang: RT @tedgioia: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, is dead at 92. - 3 years ago

@lemon2sang: RT @NYTScience: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, has died at 92. He was an expert on insects and explored how natural select… - 3 years ago

@lemon2sang: RT @Reuters: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@duncan_hide_aho: would it surprise anyone to know the opioid vaccine lady is a big fan of that rat fucker E.O. Wilson? - 3 years ago

@GQuijandriaA: RT @JenMorrisNature: We have lost two greats – on behalf of @nature_org I celebrate the lives of @Tom_Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson and hope that… - 3 years ago

@UrsaBorealis: Whoa. It seems really weird that two champions of biodiversity, Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson, both died today. - 3 years ago

@ssquamata: RT @NYTScience: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, has died at 92. He was an expert on insects and explored how natural select… - 3 years ago

@MirageNewsCom: In Memoriam - E.O. Wilson #Alabama #Career #Community #Conservation #Council #Earth… - 3 years ago

@ScottsHusband: RT @WOLFwisdom58: Gratitude for ALL of E O Wilson’s insights!🙏 #ResistanceUnited - 3 years ago

@amit_pande: Rest In Peace E O Wilson. Thank you for Consilience and all your other defining work - 3 years ago

@IsabelValin: RT @jposhaughnessy: E. O. Wilson 🗣️ “You teach me, I forget. You show me, I remember. You involve me, I understand.” “One planet, one exp… - 3 years ago

@dsantosn21: RT @NYTScience: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, has died at 92. He was an expert on insects and explored how natural select… - 3 years ago

@Hillizard: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@Christi55749224: E.O. Wilson, who pioneered the field of sociobiology, has died at age 92 : NPR - 3 years ago

@mdfazrulhaque: This is recent Buyer job if your need Any Graphic design Service Please MESSAGE ME Issa Rams #TheBatman… - 3 years ago

@_mariaguerrero_: E. O. Wilson fue miembro fundador y promotor de la Organización para Estudios Tropicales (@tropicalstudies). En Cos… - 3 years ago

@SociologiaUNAM: RT @lajornadaonline: El gran científico estadunidense E.O. Wilson, experto en hormigas, falleció a los 92 años, anunció la fundación que ll… - 3 years ago

@hs47641: Scientist E.O. Wilson, dubbed modern-day Darwin, dead - 3 years ago

@EFrost_Wildwood: RT @Revkin: Hope you'll read or bookmark my 90th-birthday interview with the amazing E.O. Wilson. He lays out his latest thinking on the tr… - 3 years ago

@problematise: RT @sapinker: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92: Nice obit by @carlzimmer - 3 years ago

@r_michael_bell: E.O. Wilson’s scientific work, I’m sure, is of greater consequence, but Consilience was as mind altering as any boo… - 3 years ago

@AlfredoNarvaez: RT @holdengraber: E. O. WILSON, R. I. P. “There is only one thing I fear in life, my friend: one day, the black will swallow the red.”… - 3 years ago

@Rogufe: RT @BioTay: El potencial malgastado de los peces platónicos. Mi cita preferida de E.O. Wilson, y una que merece la pena leer despacio. http… - 3 years ago

@seasonsofcare: @KTynot an hommage to E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@aliciabanuelos: RT @fedkukso: Murió el biólogo E.O. Wilson, uno de los científicos más importantes del siglo XX Sus investigaciones sobre hormigas y sobre… - 3 years ago

@lmmkelley: I'm saddened by Ed Wilson's passing, and grateful for all I learned from him. E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionar… - 3 years ago

@johnkav1960: RT @PaulSimonMusic: The world lost a great scientist and I, a dear friend, with the passing of E.O. Wilson. Ed was an intellectual giant… - 3 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: This is the sort of scientific question Richard Lewontin had no interest in -- the molecule and gene interested Lew… - 3 years ago

@EpidByDesign: "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, peopl… - 3 years ago

@slpettis: RT @USFWSHistory: E. O. Wilson passed away on Sunday Dec. 26, 2021 at age 92. An evolutionary biologist, entomologist, and environmentalis… - 3 years ago

@mbessey: RT @BeeBrookshire: E.O. Wilson has passed. He had a long and sometimes scientifically and socially controversial career, and I so appreciat… - 3 years ago

@wozukunft: RT @W_Lucht: Evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday, aged 92. Whether one agrees with his particular focus on genetics or… - 3 years ago

@vanuatutech: E.O. Wilson, Naturalist Dubbed a Modern-day Darwin, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@Afropages: Sciences - Le biologiste américain E.O. Wilson, spécialiste des fourmis, est mort - 3 years ago

@vlinderNL: RT @BenvanRaaij: Postuum: we moeten de helft van de aarde opzijzetten voor de natuur, vond bioloog E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@jmguayasamin: E. O. Wilson, en una charla hace algunos años decía algo así: Antes los naturalistas tenían un conocimiento inmenso… - 3 years ago

@3reads: RIP Edward O. Wilson as E.O. Wilson became another Ghost Rider for science - 3 years ago

@chriscrowing: RT @crisortunity: “Perhaps the time has come to cease calling it the 'environmentalist' view, as though it were a lobbying effort outside t… - 3 years ago

@In_AnkitSingla: RT @NYTScience: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, has died at 92. He was an expert on insects and explored how natural select… - 3 years ago

@DerekDHouston: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@MichaelWink4: RT @nytimes: Edward O. Wilson, the legendary biologist who died on Sunday, talked with The New York Times in 2008 about his lifelong quest… - 3 years ago

@ewsanderson: A life well-lived. E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@davidfolkenflik: RT @RicherEarth: A friend of the Earth and a true pioneer has passed. Rest easy, professor. E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology,… - 3 years ago

@thaqtha: RT @ggarbino: E.O. Wilson era um exemplo da importância da ciência básica. Do preservar por preservar - sem essa de encontrar um extrato na… - 3 years ago

@IUCNfungi: RT @simonstuartSE: E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - goodbye Ed, you will be greatly missed. Thanks for your unwavering leadership in #biodiversity… - 3 years ago

@BRVogt: I've read too little of E.O. Wilson. If I were in grad school, living alone with too much time on my hands, I'd rea… - 3 years ago

@BenjiSJones: RT @thebanderson: Saddened to hear E.O. Wilson has died. What a life. “We just need to know what is on this planet,” the biologist recentl… - 3 years ago

@ericozkan1: @NicoleBarbaro @carlzimmer A rare "All Rounder" in biology. E.O. Wilson was one of those intellects in science for… - 3 years ago

@PriRamoos2: RT @CleantoRego: Faleceu, hoje, Edward O. Wilson, um dos maiores biólogos de nosso tempo. Deu grande contribuição, em especial para a biolo… - 3 years ago

@julietaga: RT @eleconomista: El gran científico estadounidense E.O. Wilson, llamado "el heredero natural de Darwin", falleció a los 92 años. https:/… - 3 years ago

@AnjelikaMorena: RT @nytimes: Edward O. Wilson, the legendary biologist who died on Sunday, talked with The New York Times in 2008 about his lifelong quest… - 3 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @repubblica: È morto Edward O. Wilson, a lui si deve il termine "biodiversità" [di Cristina Nadotti] - 3 years ago

@Nimrodel74: RT @fedkukso: Murió el biólogo E.O. Wilson, uno de los científicos más importantes del siglo XX Sus investigaciones sobre hormigas y sobre… - 3 years ago

@jefftoddtiton: RIP natural historian E.O. Wilson, who carried this ancient tradition into the 21st century despite pushback from t… - 3 years ago

@volkskrant: RT @BenvanRaaij: Postuum: we moeten de helft van de aarde opzijzetten voor de natuur, vond bioloog E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@ATorralbaB: Lecturas muy instructivas sobre la vida de un entomólogo #naturalista académico (otra palabrota, sin presencia en l… - 3 years ago

@TheGrtNecessity: RT @SchubertDr: #Sociobiology E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@samonarcio: @Old_Nash @SF_Moro Eu ñ perco o meu tempo com essa baboseira, meu tempo é precioso. Como muitos acreditam q o lulad… - 3 years ago

@slashdot: E.O. Wilson, Naturalist Dubbed a Modern-day Darwin, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@MagWes: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@ProfKenField: RT @nycbat: First Tom Lovejoy, then the next day we lost E.O. Wilson. Founders and legends in the field of biological conservation. Sad day… - 3 years ago

@LindaLarsonKemp: RT @RepDonBeyer: Dr. E.O. Wilson was one of a kind. His work began with the study of ants, and went on to profoundly change the way we thin… - 3 years ago

@deduped_nytimes: RT @nytimes: Edward O. Wilson, the legendary biologist who died on Sunday, talked with The New York Times in 2008 about his lifelong quest… - 3 years ago

@erikgauger: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@KduTattoo: RT @o_weverton: Morreu ontem Edward O. Wilson, um dos maiores cientistas da nossa era. Se hoje eu trabalho com ciência e divulgo ciência, é… - 3 years ago

@rafanunescampo1: RT @MarceloNLeite: Morreu Edward Osborne Wilson, o maior biólogo vivo, me avisa @claudioangelo. Se você já conhece os conceitos de sociobio… - 3 years ago

@Everyone_sCall: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@Bhmllr: Just one part of E.O. Wilson’s collossal impact on evolutionary science and conservation: the numbers used in this… - 3 years ago

@mcastigarcia: RT @ferwen: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@Nicolrue: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@26thYankee: RT @venetianblonde: E.O. Wilson was my biology professor in college. He was incandescent, knife-sharp, funny, welcoming to all students. De… - 3 years ago

@rhonefraser: RT @cspanSusan: If you’d like to hear some of E.O. Wilson in his own words, the @cspan video library has a collection of events with him, d… - 3 years ago

@MichaelKolios: RT @SPBombaci: “You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the p… - 3 years ago

@MJSteilen: RT @LpcProf: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@soupiegas: hoje é um dia muito triste pra ciência. Edward O. Wilson, uma das pessoas mais importantes pra ciência moderna (pro… - 3 years ago

@Micrite: 😢“You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however… - 3 years ago

@Soriano310ms: RT @gmanews: Edward O. Wilson, a US naturalist dubbed the "modern-day Darwin" died on Sunday at the age of 92 in Massachusetts, his foundat… - 3 years ago

@360DxNews: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ipfo: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@BitterWaterBlue: “I will argue that every scrap of biological diversity is priceless, to be learned and cherished, and never to be s… - 3 years ago

@benjaminpeliss2: E. O. Wilson passed away... I will never forget the first time I read The Diversity Of Life. What an inspiration. - 3 years ago

@andrea_cjimenez: RT @cdanielcadena: se fue un gigante, e.o. wilson. el próximo semestre leeremos su inspirador libro “letters to a young scientist” con estu… - 3 years ago

@DubladJitender: RT @BudhaChowdhury: I study biology because someone gifted me EO Wilson's The Diversity of Life when I was in 8th grade. That book comes wi… - 3 years ago

@ewa_orlikowska: R.I.P. Prof. E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@Cray_Bay99: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@nathan_yozwiak: RIP E.O. Wilson We once almost accidentally hit you with an errant volleyball in the quad. You muttered and kept on… - 3 years ago

@andrearoeirap: Que semana surreal. Mais um gigante que se vai e dessa vez o maior de todos. O Darwin do Século XX. O posto de ma… - 3 years ago

@PhilCorlett1: RT @drglennsullivan: “The ideal scientist thinks like a poet and only later works like a bookkeeper.” — E.O. “Ed” Wilson, 06/10/1929 to 12… - 3 years ago

@CoreyWelch_STEM: RT @CorrieMoreau: E.O. Wilson was such an inspiration. He taught me to always be proud of how well I knew and loved my organisms (ants) and… - 3 years ago

@stonekoldsoul: OBITUARY E.O. Wilson, naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@JtteB: RT @Evolutionistrue: E. O. Wilson died - 3 years ago

@imightbeakulak: #conservation "We have Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-like technology," he said. E.O Wilson has… - 3 years ago

@quercusmichael: RT @PVigilo: E.O Wilson is dead. With Richard Lewontin dying earlier this year (also at 92), the end of the two big opponents in one of the… - 3 years ago

@TexMexElsa: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@CielNow: RT @PVigilo: E.O Wilson is dead. With Richard Lewontin dying earlier this year (also at 92), the end of the two big opponents in one of the… - 3 years ago

@VITORIAetal: Rest in Peace and thank you for shedding light on our deep (needed, natural, fluid) connection with nature and all… - 3 years ago

@soorsie: RT @BenjaminRamm: This is the crucial contribution of E.O. Wilson: to express how, through massive species extinction, we have denuded the… - 3 years ago

@erincowgill: RT @BitterSouth: Saddened to hear of E.O. Wilson’s passing. Read our story about the world-renowned scientific thinker whose vision for sto… - 3 years ago

@TexMexElsa: RT @ScrapNaturalist: In 2019 I met E.O. Wilson and he drew me my very own ant species. Rest in peace to one of history’s greatest biologist… - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: De um lado, nós que começamos a semana mais pobres sem Tom Lovejoy, Desmond Tutu e Edward O. Wilson. Do outro, os 9… - 3 years ago

@coco_garcia_n: RT @TheLeakeyFndtn: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@TexMexElsa: RT @ZyiteGadgets: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@R_to_the_S: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: We are deeply saddened to share the passing of E.O. Wilson, preeminent scientist, naturalist, author of #halfearth at 9… - 3 years ago

@Gartenleo: “Ed’s holy grail was the sheer delight of the pursuit of knowledge. A relentless synthesizer of ideas, his courageo… - 3 years ago

@Fang83768513: RT @TetZoo: E. O. Wilson has died, aged 92. An exceptional biologist, often compared to Darwin, and best known for his work on ants and isl… - 3 years ago

@BerkleyBearNews: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@TheRadioTFI: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@TheLeakeyFndtn: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@JanMcVicker: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@abhigyanray: RT @kvijayraghavan: E. O. Wilson is no more. His study of ants and ant societies—and the generalizations he drew—vigorously stirred the pot… - 3 years ago

@JWRibeiroJr: RT @Davidefishes: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@laurenskahn: RT @simonwwriter: And just two weeks ago Richard Rhodes and I were discussing his life. So now - E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Bio… - 3 years ago

@57b1eb923b6647e: RT @PeterGleick: To lose two giants in the world of biodiversity and ecological awakening in just a couple of days is heartbreaking. RIP To… - 3 years ago

@jaimefrio: RT @AllenFrancesMD: E.O. Wilson ("Our Darwin") just died. His contributions: 1)Sociobiology- biological basis of social behaviour 2)Evolut… - 3 years ago

@lupan59: RT @ObsNaturalistas: Faleceu Edward O. Wilson, um dos mais conhecidos entomólogos e naturalistas dos nossos tempos! Ele foi uma das maiores… - 3 years ago

@murmurmia: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@Mangeles_HM: RT @Carnaina: "La mezcla tóxica de religión y tribalismo ha llegado a ser tan peligrosa que justifica tomar en serio otro enfoque: el human… - 3 years ago

@quatrainman: RT @tedgioia: E.O. Wilson, a pioneer of evolutionary biology, is dead at 92. - 3 years ago

@irumandal: E. O. Wilson の訃報が…… - 3 years ago

@Mangeles_HM: RT @Carnaina: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "Hemos creado una civilización de Star Wars, con emociones de la Edad de Piedra, instituciones medievales… - 3 years ago

@katiecoats: RT @Reuters: OBITUARY E.O. Wilson, naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@daihiko: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@RobSnowhite: E.O. Wilson, Naturalist Dubbed a Modern-Day Darwin, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@NewsPlayerPlus: On - 3 years ago

@irumandal: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@lyoun03: @hopihoekstra @HarvardOEB @MCZHarvard E.O. Wilson was Truly a giant in social biology! As a 2nd year grad student… - 3 years ago

@leeswijzer: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@JamesNKirby: RT @AllenFrancesMD: E.O. Wilson ("Our Darwin") just died. His contributions: 1)Sociobiology- biological basis of social behaviour 2)Evolut… - 3 years ago

@ladycowparsley: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@PensierinoMio27: RT @PittaC6: La scomparsa di Edward O. Wilson - Greenreport: economia ecologica e sviluppo sostenibile - 3 years ago

@PensierinoMio27: RT @ElisabettaCorra: È mancato Edward O. Wilson padre della moderna ecologia ed eroe di un pensiero che riconoscesse alle specie animali il… - 3 years ago

@carloshotta: RT @ginobrignoli: @hopihoekstra @FerranSayol @HarvardOEB @MCZHarvard Very sad to hear of the death of E.O. Wilson. His book ‘Diversity of L… - 3 years ago

@HBrowman: RIP - E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@TriatomaPavonia: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@SayaniSarkarPhD: The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike tech… - 3 years ago

@MaximoFlorin: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@A_HxrrxzThe1st: This E.O. Wilson’s quote feels particularly fitting to mark his passing today considering what we’ve been facing in… - 3 years ago

@luix: Me entero que murió E.O. Wilson. Cuando adolescente leí su libro "Sociobiología; una nueva ciencia" me voló la ment… - 3 years ago

@MatiasSemAga: RT @CleantoRego: * E. O. Wilson faleceu ontem, dia 26, com 92 anos de idade. - 3 years ago

@MatiasSemAga: RT @CleantoRego: Faleceu, hoje, Edward O. Wilson, um dos maiores biólogos de nosso tempo. Deu grande contribuição, em especial para a biolo… - 3 years ago

@deriefuentes: A propósito de la lamentable muerte de E.O. Wilson. Un grande del último tiempo y defensor de la biodiversidad. Par… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @AdrillesRJorge: “ não olhe pra cima “ é uma boa dramaturgia, caso não se leia o filme como o que ele pretende ser que é uma crítica met… - 3 years ago

@luis_quevedo: RT @newscientist: E. O. Wilson has died aged 92. The sociobiologist was controversial in his argument that evolution works at the level of… - 3 years ago

@FerranSuay: RT @gnxp_posts: E. O. Wilson, 1929-2021 - 3 years ago

@ejrn_s: Lad os mindes E. O. Wilson ved at realisere hans store vision om at reservere halvdelen af planeten til resten af v… - 3 years ago

@NeoNoorian: "E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92" by BY CARL ZIMMER via NYT New York Times - 3 years ago

@BenjaminDelory: RT @mrillig: One of the giants of #biodiversity research has passed away. I love his book "The Naturalist" and I start out with a quote fro… - 3 years ago

@Dr_Tetulness: RT @kvijayraghavan: E. O. Wilson is no more. His study of ants and ant societies—and the generalizations he drew—vigorously stirred the pot… - 3 years ago

@c_duigan: RT @EcoInvasions: "We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand what it mean… - 3 years ago

@polobankfurt: RT @manuelacasasoli: @hopihoekstra @HarvardOEB @MCZHarvard "Biodiversity is the totality of all inherited variation in the life forms of Ea… - 3 years ago

@DuckRabbit_Pro: @jdceulaer E.O. Wilson is het mooiste voorbeeld van hoe wetenschappen (mits ze elkaar beiden ernstig nemen), door k… - 3 years ago

@wolfhuette: RT @kvijayraghavan: E. O. Wilson is no more. His study of ants and ant societies—and the generalizations he drew—vigorously stirred the pot… - 3 years ago

@theognete: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@rural_thoughts: Rest in Peace E.O. Wilson. - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @Clauwild1: @schmittpaula A politização da medicina é uma catástrofe, mas existem outras: promover ou tornar obrigatório o uso fé um pre… - 3 years ago

@MorbidPsych: RT @Biorealism: E.O. Wilson: "No. It's only by completely open and honest research done to the best of our ability that we can understand w… - 3 years ago

@david_papps55: RT @Di_GleesonNZ: Very sad news. E.O. Wilson, naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@EDocet: RT @BioTay: El potencial malgastado de los peces platónicos. Mi cita preferida de E.O. Wilson, y una que merece la pena leer despacio. http… - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @schmittpaula: A maior tragédia dos últimos anos é a pandemia. A 2ª maior tragédia é sua cobertura jornalística. Nunca a ciência comerci… - 3 years ago

@naosoumaismess: OBITUARY E.O. Wilson, naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@carloshotta: RT @AAbdenur: Tive o privilégio de ter E.O. Wilson como professor na graduação. Além de excelente pesquisador, foi um dos melhores escritor… - 3 years ago

@grrwill: Mano eu acho muito bom Que quando eu mando tomar no cu fica todo mundo dolorido Porra é muito legal o Wilson gent… - 3 years ago

@SocietyAlert1: E.O. Wilson Death, naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin dead at 92 – Obituary - 3 years ago

@SpiritOfTheJag: E.O. Wilson, naturalist, dies at 92 (by harscoat) - 3 years ago

@pacheco_wilson: RT @pauloeneas: (1/4) O voto individual de cada ativista conta, mas é menos importante que sua disposição pessoal para o engajamento na cam… - 3 years ago

@ManuelSantosBe2: RT @BioTay: El potencial malgastado de los peces platónicos. Mi cita preferida de E.O. Wilson, y una que merece la pena leer despacio. http… - 3 years ago

@MPM_Vanhove: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@MartijnHuting: RT @newscientist: E. O. Wilson has died aged 92. The sociobiologist was controversial in his argument that evolution works at the level of… - 3 years ago

@murmurmia: RT @dantyutei: E.O. Wilson先生の訃報。学生時代からいろんな著作を読ませていただいた。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 3 years ago

@Dukenan16: RT @Carnaina: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "Hemos creado una civilización de Star Wars, con emociones de la Edad de Piedra, instituciones medievales… - 3 years ago

@j_artichoke: RT @AnnaTraveset: I get up today with the sad news that E.O. Wilson has passed away😞 He’s been a great inspiration to all of us who study b… - 3 years ago

@Carnaina: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "Hemos creado una civilización de Star Wars, con emociones de la Edad de Piedra, instituciones… - 3 years ago

@Maksutto: RT @newscientist: E. O. Wilson has died aged 92. The sociobiologist was controversial in his argument that evolution works at the level of… - 3 years ago

@kthienpo: RT @StephanDeWinter: Vandaag overleed E.O. Wilson, geestelijke vader van de sociobiologie. Zijn schrijfsels over biologie, en breder, “Het… - 3 years ago

@jwildthingy: RT @JMBagniewska: Professor E. O. Wilson, a legendary ecologist and one of the greatest scientific minds of our times, has died. What a sad… - 3 years ago

@AroupChatterjee: RT @JMBagniewska: Professor E. O. Wilson, a legendary ecologist and one of the greatest scientific minds of our times, has died. What a sad… - 3 years ago

@MPM_Vanhove: RT @ScrapNaturalist: In 2019 I met E.O. Wilson and he drew me my very own ant species. Rest in peace to one of history’s greatest biologist… - 3 years ago

@roseg: RT @Reuters: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@AndrewMarr9: E O Wilson, one of the greats of our times - 3 years ago

@imcu1: E.O. Wilson, Dies at 92. Founder of Sociobiology, outspoken naturalist, and prolific writer. He won the Pulitzer Pr… - 3 years ago

@MeilinNeo: RT @kntsrgn: E.O. Wilson's gentle yet firm advice in Letters to a Young Scientist inspired undergrad me to finally pursue a career in zoolo… - 3 years ago

@GC_Milne: Saddened to hear about the loss of biology & conservation giant E O Wilson, who understood the importance of protec… - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - - 3 years ago

@AdrianP_Pondie: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@anilgb: RT @newscientist: E. O. Wilson has died aged 92. The sociobiologist was controversial in his argument that evolution works at the level of… - 3 years ago

@ThePlug_P: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - Reuters Tutu Tutu Christmas #umkhokha - 3 years ago

@mysterydondero: @Biorealism Whoa! Look at this. Some leftist sociobiology deniers attacked E.O. Wilson at a lecture: "a debate he… - 3 years ago

@mattotcha: E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92 - A Harvard professor for 46 years, he was an expert on… - 3 years ago

@EntoGabby: When I was in third year of University, I picked up the book that has influenced me the most ‘The Ants’ by Bert Höl… - 3 years ago

@TheodotaNantsou: We've created a #StarWars civilization, w Stone Age emotions. Our conquest of 🌍 happened so fast that the biosphere… - 3 years ago

@EdIvimeyCook: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@Marionafr: RT @CelticTorc: Ens ha deixat l'E.O. Wilson, un dels biòlegs més grans que hi ha hagut. El seu nom apareixia amb freqüència durant les clas… - 3 years ago

@AgnesAyton: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@nabeso: RT @dantyutei: E.O. Wilson先生の訃報。学生時代からいろんな著作を読ませていただいた。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @mrillig: One of the giants of #biodiversity research has passed away. I love his book "The Naturalist" and I start out with a quote fro… - 3 years ago

@Gomecello: RT @abeja_zumbee: E.O. Wilson ha dejado conceptos, ideas y una ingente cantidad de trabajos. Pero nada como viajar junta a él en el descubr… - 3 years ago

@antiantioedipe: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@Chaseackm: RT @operantemarvel: Não supero o novo traje do Capitão América de Sam Wilson, o service aos quadrinhos é perfeito de se ver. 😍♥️ - 3 years ago

@JoseySern: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@XabierVP: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@ch_soccini: RT @Pikaia_eu: Ci ha lasciato E.O. Wilson, mirmecologo, naturalista, divulgatore e peso massimo della biologia evoluzionistica - 3 years ago

@sillygrandma99: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@alexmurphys: RT @emartibd: Ha fallecido el biólogo y divulgador E.O. Wilson, el iniciador de la sociobiología (hoy conocida como psicología evolutiva),… - 3 years ago

@GregorBrand: Der herausragende amerikanische Biologe Edward O. Wilson ist gestern im Alter von 92 Jahren verstorben. - 3 years ago

@fedepolipoli: RT @Pikaia_eu: Ci ha lasciato E.O. Wilson, mirmecologo, naturalista, divulgatore e peso massimo della biologia evoluzionistica - 3 years ago

@ManuelFreireEA: RT @XabierVP: Morreu Edward O Wilson É imposible resumir o q este coloso da bioloxía fixo Baste decir q desenvolveu con McArthur a teoría d… - 3 years ago

@MatthiasFi: RT @kanupriyakapoor: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ikutram: RT @emartibd: Ha fallecido el biólogo y divulgador E.O. Wilson, el iniciador de la sociobiología (hoy conocida como psicología evolutiva),… - 3 years ago

@mrcjhoward: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@zdenek_macat: RT @VojtechKotecky: Zemřel E. O. Wilson, patrně nejznámější biolog současnosti. Kdyby se dávala Nobelova cena za biologii, měl by nejspíš d… - 3 years ago

@RavindraM: So sad to hear of the passing of Ed (E O) Wilson. A great scientist, writer and supporter of conservation. And a ki… - 3 years ago

@numenini: RT @simonstuartSE: E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - goodbye Ed, you will be greatly missed. Thanks for your unwavering leadership in #biodiversity… - 3 years ago

@tomasgalego: RT @XabierVP: Morreu Edward O Wilson É imposible resumir o q este coloso da bioloxía fixo Baste decir q desenvolveu con McArthur a teoría d… - 3 years ago

@stiltecoaching: Insecten “the little things that run the world” - E.O. Wilson - 3 years ago

@BrianTBrown2: RT @AlexSteffen: Rest well, E. O. Wilson. You did great work, when your people and your planet needed you. You educated, informed and insp… - 3 years ago

@ozgungokce: RT @KlementTockner: “Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” “I not only use all t… - 3 years ago

@LouiseJJohnson: RT @JMBagniewska: Professor E. O. Wilson, a legendary ecologist and one of the greatest scientific minds of our times, has died. What a sad… - 3 years ago

@Biorealism: E.O. Wilson: "No. It's only by completely open and honest research done to the best of our ability that we can unde… - 3 years ago

@biologiayarte: RT @BIOEAF: E.O. Wilson fue pionero en cuestiones que hoy casi damos por supuestas como la biogografia de islas. Que la tierra te sea leve… - 3 years ago

@SteveStuWill: RT @emartibd: Ha fallecido el biólogo y divulgador E.O. Wilson, el iniciador de la sociobiología (hoy conocida como psicología evolutiva),… - 3 years ago

@QuinnPiper: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@SotoLJorge: RT @abeja_zumbee: E.O. Wilson ha dejado conceptos, ideas y una ingente cantidad de trabajos. Pero nada como viajar junta a él en el descubr… - 3 years ago

@peter_jens: @ange_cibrian E.O. Wilson, I will miss him dearly. Thanks for the insight. Together with Bucky Fuller and Gregory B… - 3 years ago

@vasudeva_ram: RT @kvijayraghavan: E. O. Wilson is no more. His study of ants and ant societies—and the generalizations he drew—vigorously stirred the pot… - 3 years ago

@Saerys_cc: Sad to hear that E.O. Wilson has passed away. We've lost one of the greatest biologist of last century 💔🐜 - 3 years ago

@PrakashLab: RT @kvijayraghavan: E. O. Wilson is no more. His study of ants and ant societies—and the generalizations he drew—vigorously stirred the pot… - 3 years ago

@shafferz1: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@simonstuartSE: E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - goodbye Ed, you will be greatly missed. Thanks for your unwavering leadership in… - 3 years ago

@Bluewater22: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@donaldorth: RT @Davidefishes: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@fossiliam: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@JMBagniewska: Professor E. O. Wilson, a legendary ecologist and one of the greatest scientific minds of our times, has died. What… - 3 years ago

@sivajothy: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@VojtechKotecky: Zemřel E. O. Wilson, patrně nejznámější biolog současnosti. Kdyby se dávala Nobelova cena za biologii, měl by nejsp… - 3 years ago

@XabierVP: Morreu Edward O Wilson É imposible resumir o q este coloso da bioloxía fixo Baste decir q desenvolveu con McArthur… - 3 years ago

@Nepal_News_En: TKP: Modern-day Darwin, E O Wilson, dies at 92 - - 3 years ago

@BobLangGeog: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@jasonwalters85: RT @Biorealism: Sad to read about the passing of E.O. Wilson at 92. Just this month he gave an interview with Vox where he discussed his ca… - 3 years ago

@onorvez: #EOWilson was a great scientist. He participated to build important theoretical and empirical foundations in evolut… - 3 years ago

@kasper52018514: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@atanvard: E.O. Wilson has ascended to godhood, but leaves a huge imprint on those who were lucky to meet him on Earth - 3 years ago

@Underhillwood: RT @DavidGTosh: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ratnakar: RT @CorrieMoreau: I am so deeply saddened to share that on of my PhD advisors & long time friend E.O. Wilson passed away yesterday. He was… - 3 years ago

@Biorealism: Sad to read about the passing of E.O. Wilson at 92. Just this month he gave an interview with Vox where he discusse… - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @m_hof: Der grosse Biologe und Biodiversitätsforscher E.O. #Wilson ist im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben. Sein hellsichtiges Half-Earth P… - 3 years ago

@AndreaLuchett10: It is hard to say how great this loss is for each of us. An inspiration, an incredibly fine scientist and, for many… - 3 years ago

@cosaingalway: E. O. Wilson. 10th June 1929 - 26th December 2021. - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: E. O. Wilson is no longer with us - #EOWilson #E. #O.Wilson #rip - 3 years ago

@Globaia: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@hitonarunishie: RT @dantyutei: E.O. Wilson先生の訃報。学生時代からいろんな著作を読ませていただいた。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 3 years ago

@npkrish: US #naturalist dubbed modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@DrDrCope: Anyone my sort of age who studied ecology would have been influenced by E O Wilson, my life was shaped to some degr… - 3 years ago

@Jhuar8: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@fabredolo: RT @Pikaia_eu: Ci ha lasciato E.O. Wilson, mirmecologo, naturalista, divulgatore e peso massimo della biologia evoluzionistica - 3 years ago

@MajamboKE: RT @Reuters: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@m_hof: Der grosse Biologe und Biodiversitätsforscher E.O. #Wilson ist im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben. Sein hellsichtiges… - 3 years ago

@manuelacasasoli: @hopihoekstra @HarvardOEB @MCZHarvard "Biodiversity is the totality of all inherited variation in the life forms of… - 3 years ago

@MBRMark: RT @ZyiteGadgets: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@rebelalfons: RIP E. O. Wilson (1929-2021) - 3 years ago

@DrColinTrainor: RT @ZyiteGadgets: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@FariasEzequiel_: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@UmmuhanOzkal: RT @SteveStuWill: RIP E. O. Wilson 😢 "We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions and god-lik… - 3 years ago

@DianaF1080: RT @ZyiteGadgets: OBITUARY Modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@OffTargetEffect: Lots of glowing obituaries of E. O. Wilson incoming. Must emphasize, he baselessly extrapolated his ideas to human… - 3 years ago

@RunxiWANG_: I will, again and again, read your articles, books, remember your great ideas and thoughts and tell your stories; a… - 3 years ago

@WeMyBF: RT @emartibd: Ha fallecido el biólogo y divulgador E.O. Wilson, el iniciador de la sociobiología (hoy conocida como psicología evolutiva),… - 3 years ago

@newsofemiratess: US naturalist dubbed modern-day Darwin, E.O. Wilson, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@mamararia7: RT @r_danovaro: Edward O. Wilson, likely the most accredited Darwin’s heir, just passed away. He proposed to protect half of the Earth to s… - 3 years ago

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