Duane E. Dewey

American soldier
Died on Friday October 15th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Duane E. Dewey:

@GregoryMKuzma: #RIP #Hero - 3 years ago

@PinarAkarturk: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@michaelcollins: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of steel,’ dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@LMindick: RT @randi_vet: #VetsRemember Thank you for your service Duane E. Dewey, MOH. We will not forget. - 3 years ago


@PG_BOOMERSooner: RT @bradrcarson: What a man! He fell on a grenade, and lived. During Iraq/Afg, I presided over several MoH ceremonies. Many MoH recipients… - 3 years ago

@afeldt_mila: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@h_0491usmc: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of steel,’ dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@tconsolo_news: Smothered a grenade with his body ... and lived. #MedalofHonor #military #history #hero - 3 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of steel,’ dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@packermee: RT @harrisondsmith: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89. He smothered a grenade with his body in Ko… - 3 years ago

@MarthaAbella: RT @randi_vet: #VetsRemember Thank you for your service Duane E. Dewey, MOH. We will not forget. - 3 years ago

@ManualLabor1: RT @randi_vet: #VetsRemember Thank you for your service Duane E. Dewey, MOH. We will not forget. - 3 years ago

@redraiderpulmcc: RT @harrisondsmith: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89. He smothered a grenade with his body in Ko… - 3 years ago

@sonny10241: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of steel,’ dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@CASELS2020: RT @harrisondsmith: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89. He smothered a grenade with his body in Ko… - 3 years ago

@Cyb3rB0r6: RT @AKMooserider: Rest easy at last Taps. Thank you for your sacrifice....... Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of ste… - 3 years ago

@AKMooserider: Rest easy at last Taps. Thank you for your sacrifice....... Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body… - 3 years ago

@edwardbarrera: “I didn’t do anything that somebody else in my position wouldn’t have done" - I hate to disagree with #Medalofhonor… - 3 years ago

@randi_vet: #VetsRemember Thank you for your service Duane E. Dewey, MOH. We will not forget. - 3 years ago

@RKHarm24: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of steel,’ dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@Suffer_Till_End: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@harrisondsmith: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89. He smothered a grenade with his body i… - 3 years ago

@BScotTanner: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@BrianAlbertKir2: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with ‘a body of steel,’ dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@20tBob4: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@RSmith1935: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@kmitt56: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@LPinkfoot: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@Rooster_75: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@MbSmith2018: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@vnevzorov: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@PetefromHayNSW: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@itrixy: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@Cindy63306167: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@CseverePDX: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@billrayburn4: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@dcbigoso: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@POLIV411: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@BSploire: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@004nino: RT @washingtonpost: Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient with “a body of steel,” dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@MIVeteran: The Michigan communities of Baldwin, Muskegon and South Haven are mourning the loss of Duane E. Dewey, whose life-s… - 3 years ago

@wzzm13: Michigan Korean War veteran Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient, dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@wzzm13: Michigan Korean War veteran Duane E. Dewey, Medal of Honor recipient, dies at 89 - 3 years ago

@AlexGrey_Friend: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Duane E. Dewey, you will be missed - #DuaneEDewey #Duane #E.Dewey #rip - 3 years ago

@BarneySpix: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@nymarines: RT @CMOH_Society: It is with much sadness that we share the passing of #MedalofHonor Recipient Duane E. Dewey, who passed away on Oct. 11,… - 3 years ago

@ESavage1999: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@MSC_Chrisman: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@LostmyLove2: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@ConnieAmidei: RT @MATTSURRENCY: Saddened to hear of the passing of Medal of Honor recipient, Corporal Duane Dewey, passed away this week. I’m so glad my… - 3 years ago

@DavidNa10887553: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@MATTSURRENCY: Saddened to hear of the passing of Medal of Honor recipient, Corporal Duane Dewey, passed away this week. I’m so gl… - 3 years ago

@ChiefSluder: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@VMF213: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@Iamjohnnke: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@CharlieToo7: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@RobertW81555222: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@PeterAmy2017: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@YehNana: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@alvarez_nimer: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@nymarines: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@Russell59George: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@ColleenKBrenna2: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@Williams198635: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@CStadtaus: RT @CMC_MarineCorps: .@USMCSgtMaj and I mourn the passing of Cpl. Duane E. Dewey, an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient from the Ko… - 3 years ago

@Steven58Maynard: RT @CMOH_Society: It is with much sadness that we share the passing of #MedalofHonor Recipient Duane E. Dewey, who passed away on Oct. 11,… - 3 years ago

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