Duane Clarridge

American spy.
Died on Saturday April 9th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Duane Clarridge:

@SysoonMemorial: Duane Clarridge (1932 - 2016), died at age 83 years: was a senior operations… - 9 years ago

@rrisc: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@_Madonna_11: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@IntelOperator: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago


@MichaelHueser: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@BRZRKR_US: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@tnstorm2: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@ric_cole: RT @sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@sean_linnane: Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks Dies @ 83 - 9 years ago

@twitbituaries: Duane R. Clarridge, Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks, Dies at 83 - - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Duane Clarridge, American spy, Died at 83 - 9 years ago

@JTPattenBooks: Nice tribute article. Duane R. Clarridge, Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks - 9 years ago

@CooganErvin: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@dr_beyea: Duane R. Clarridge, Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks, Dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@gnanambalam: RT @muladhara: DuaneClaridge:"Dewey" as he was nicknamed+called by friends, fancied himself as "A Spy 4 All Seasons" (LT @chidu77) :https:/… - 9 years ago

@AviralKapoor_: RT @muladhara: DuaneClaridge:"Dewey" as he was nicknamed+called by friends, fancied himself as "A Spy 4 All Seasons" (LT @chidu77) :https:/… - 9 years ago

@TrustinRam: RT @muladhara: DuaneClaridge:"Dewey" as he was nicknamed+called by friends, fancied himself as "A Spy 4 All Seasons" (LT @chidu77) :https:/… - 9 years ago

@Grandslamsam: Helped me with Nick's case. Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@jgoldhawk1: Duane R. Clarridge, Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks, Dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@jayapradeep: RT @rkartha: Duane Clarridge, the CIA agent who tried to stall Left in India | Used "stink-bomb" to disrupt commie meetings | - 9 years ago

@PACTIndia: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons – Times of India - 9 years ago

@india_samachar: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons – Times of India - 9 years ago

@muladhara: DuaneClaridge:"Dewey" as he was nicknamed+called by friends, fancied himself as "A Spy 4 All Seasons" (LT @chidu77) : - 9 years ago

@dennis_costello: RT @NYTObits: Duane Clarridge: spy for hire, founder of CIA's counterterrorism center & Iran-contra figure - 9 years ago

@bawdebanna: RT @Mulanturandot: A spy story- Duane Clarridge & the India stint. Interesting bit. - 9 years ago

@casy1001: RT @GanjiAkbar: جاسوس آمریکایی "ایران کنترا" درگذشت مارتین ویل واشنگتن پست دووین رامسدل "دووی" کلریج، افسر عملیاتی سی آی ای،... - 9 years ago

@pravthampi: RT @rkartha: Duane Clarridge, the CIA agent who tried to stall Left in India | Used "stink-bomb" to disrupt commie meetings | - 9 years ago

@Mulanturandot: A spy story- Duane Clarridge & the India stint. Interesting bit. - 9 years ago

@newseijiro: RT @GanjiAkbar: جاسوس آمریکایی "ایران کنترا" درگذشت مارتین ویل واشنگتن پست دووین رامسدل "دووی" کلریج، افسر عملیاتی سی آی ای،... - 9 years ago

@GanjiAkbar: جاسوس آمریکایی "ایران کنترا" درگذشت مارتین ویل واشنگتن پست دووین رامسدل "دووی" کلریج، افسر عملیاتی سی آی ای،... - 9 years ago

@rkartha: Duane Clarridge, the CIA agent who tried to stall Left in India | Used "stink-bomb" to disrupt commie meetings | - 9 years ago

@BrissieLiveNews: Obituary: Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge, CIA official of dash, daring and swagger, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@thejohnmeroney: Spy Dewey Clarridge who "embodied the art, craft, and mystique" of @CIA dies. - 9 years ago

@latikia: Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge, CIA official of dash, daring and swagger, dies at 83 by Martin Weil via Sydney Morning He… - 9 years ago

@ascending2him: RT @BradThor: Here's the official obituary for Duane "Dewey" Clarridge: - 9 years ago

@bizlunchbox: Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge, CIA official of dash, daring and swagger, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@worldnews_net: Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge, CIA official of dash, daring and swagger, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@newzaustralia: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official of dash, daring and swagger, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@dsangu: RT @SanhoTree: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@GillisMoor: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@SanhoTree: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@chidu77: Replug: Duane Clarridge dead: #CIA spook was tasked with undermining #communism #CPI #CPM in #India - 9 years ago

@KerryWMartin: "#DuaneClarridge, Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Orgs, Dies at 83." Cowboy counterterrorist croaks; world no less safe. - 9 years ago

@FXA1: He ought to be fondly remembered. Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@Well_two_bees: A gentlemen, scholar and mentor. RIP! Duane R. Clarridge Dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@juanhumongous: @ChrisTannehill Multiple 83 deaths in recent days Flyers owner Ed Snider and CIA officer Duane Clarridge - 9 years ago

@WarZoneWear: Duane “Dewey” Clarridge: A Spy for All Seasons - 9 years ago

@MKSuttonENFJ: Duane “Dewey” Clarridge: A Spy for All Seasons - 9 years ago

@WarZoneWear: Duane “Dewey” Clarridge: A Spy for All Seasons - 9 years ago

@BreitfartNews: @natCounterPunch do a piece on Duane Clarridge, CIA agent, Ben Carson adviser #IranContra - 9 years ago

@RizviSalim: RT @NYTNational: Duane Clarridge: spy for hire, founder of CIA's counterterrorism center & Iran-contra figure - 9 years ago

@BLACKTIGERGROUP: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@delon0184: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@siaayrom: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@tathagat_tulsi: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@turtleboy19: How many organisations are like this “ something resembling the style, work ethic and morale of the post office.” - 9 years ago

@MohitIyer3: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - Times of India - 9 years ago

@JudeFelx: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons: "Dewey" as he was nicknamed and called by friends, fancied himself as ... - 9 years ago

@NYTNational: Duane Clarridge: spy for hire, founder of CIA's counterterrorism center & Iran-contra figure - 9 years ago

@DSlotnik: RT @NYTObits: Duane Clarridge: spy for hire, founder of CIA's counterterrorism center & Iran-contra figure - 9 years ago

@anbuselvams: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@DirRohit: RT @timesofindia: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@notasharpknife: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@theAnup_: RT @timesofindia: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@pankaj_belwal: RT @timesofindia: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@timesofindia: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@paologanino: .@nytimes & @MarkMazzettiNYT did you mean 'Duane R. Clarridge, Spy Who Fought Democracy, Dies at 83'? - 9 years ago

@hinatanococo: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@mohityprakash: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@JaiViratHindu: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@currentnew90: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@HinduIDF: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@tufailelif: RT @chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@chidu77: #CIA agent stationed in #India to stop #Communist advance during #ColdWar Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons - 9 years ago

@dlmongolia: Duane Clarridge: A spy for all seasons: … to recruit agents from the Mongolian Embassy. "What you do … - 9 years ago

@frangarzaro: RT @jpmcsherry: Rol d Duane Clarridge d CIA. Murió recién. 'CIA ayudó con armas a la 'contra' - 9 years ago

@rivernewstc: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - The Washington Post - 9 years ago

@frangarzaro: RT @jpmcsherry: Murió Duane Clarridge, ex-jefe d operaciones encubiertas d CIA AmérLat (inglés) - 9 years ago

@AscensionArcana: Duane Ramsdell Clarridge passed away on the 9th. He was a senior ops officer for the CIA and started the private intel force Eclipse Group. - 9 years ago

@Lanista888: RT @osssociety: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@jorgesantos15: RT @jpmcsherry: Murió Duane Clarridge, ex-jefe d operaciones encubiertas d CIA AmérLat (inglés) - 9 years ago

@padlerman: Dewey Clarridge, who ran the CIA's Latin America operations in the early 1980s, has died. - 9 years ago

@MattyLL: RT @jpmcsherry: Rol d Duane Clarridge d CIA. Murió recién. 'CIA ayudó con armas a la 'contra' - 9 years ago

@jpmcsherry: Rol d Duane Clarridge d CIA. Murió recién. 'CIA ayudó con armas a la 'contra' - 9 years ago

@BigBrotherizer: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@dougomez: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@Carter_PE: Hell of a life: "Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, legendary + infamous @CIA official, dies at 83" - 9 years ago

@jpmcsherry: Murió Duane Clarridge, ex-jefe d operaciones encubiertas d CIA AmérLat (inglés) - 9 years ago

@dronechris75: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@SavageinBritain: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@IranWorld1: Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - Washington Post - 9 years ago

@Manooora333: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, #CIA official enmeshed in #Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@SourceMerlin: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@IranPlaza: Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - Washington Post - 9 years ago

@eaaknighterrant: RT @InquisitionNews: CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, pardoned by George H.W. Bush, dies at 83: A hard-line Cold W... - 9 years ago

@trixienovel: RT @InquisitionNews: CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, pardoned by George H.W. Bush, dies at 83: A hard-line Cold W... - 9 years ago

@hottvnews: Washington Post - CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, pardoned by George H.W. Bush, dies at 83: A har... - 9 years ago

@InquisitionNews: CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, pardoned by George H.W. Bush, dies at 83: A hard-line Cold W... - 9 years ago

@TheRealNebris: Duane Ramsdell "Dewey" Clarridge (April 16, 1932 – April 9, 2016) - 9 years ago

@skull322: RT @NSArchive: Duane Clarridge, #CIA officer involved in #IranContra and helped found Counterterrorism Center, dead at 83 #FOIA - 9 years ago

@TheNewsRoundup: Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, dies at 83 - 9 years ago

@llaporte: RIP Duane Clarridge. You never heard of him, he was a spy before it was cool to be a spy [Sad]: [link] [10... - 9 years ago

@TobiZlatan: RIP Duane Clarridge. You never heard of him, he was a spy before it was cool to be a spy [Sad]: [link] [10... - 9 years ago

@tina_ir: RIP Duane Clarridge. You never heard of him, he was a spy before it was cool to be a spy [Sad]: [link] [10... - 9 years ago

@CopelandKatrina: CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, pardoned by George H.W. Bush, dies at 83: A hard-line Cold Warrio... - 9 years ago

@twanchor: CIA official enmeshed in Iran-contra affair, pardoned by George H.W. Bush, dies at 83: A ha... - 9 years ago

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