Du Wei

Chinese ambassador to Israel
Died on Sunday May 17th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Du Wei:

@nisamaysa: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@LunusF: @vxSiCxv @Taddl @ToniPirosa Kannst du auch mal mitmachen, mur um zu sehen, wei die anderen leiden. - 5 years ago

@Tahtapod: HESAPLAŞMA BAŞLAD MI?!. | Du Wei...Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçi'si...Ülkesinden uzaklarda, İsrail'deki evinde ölü bulu… - 5 years ago

@300foxxxway: twitter is wild because i can just wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái… - 5 years ago


@LambertDjiboune: RT @AmbassadeChine: La deuxième phase de l'essai clinique du vaccin de #COVID19 mis au point par l'équipe de recherche chinoise avec l'acad… - 5 years ago

@maviebleue2: RT @AmbassadeChine: La deuxième phase de l'essai clinique du vaccin de #COVID19 mis au point par l'équipe de recherche chinoise avec l'acad… - 5 years ago

@CahitTuz: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin ölümü normal bir ölüm mü? Korona hadisesi ile ilgisi var mı? Netenyahu'nun ABD… - 5 years ago

@TerryLy89391146: @Celtic1967_com Du wei, scheidt or Frank munro - 5 years ago

@Yabrudy: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@Paulthomas1982: @Celtic1967_com Du wei - 5 years ago

@Kleeblatt1977: Chinesischer Botschafter in Israel gestorben – Delegation will Umstände prüfen - 5 years ago

@huachengzhuuu: the way some of yall lick these villains asses trying to rationalize everything they do like it’s not that deep i…… - 5 years ago

@terry594: @Celtic1967_com Du Wei - 5 years ago

@kryptiiid: @RTLlu @PoliceLux "Net un d'Reegele gehalen hu sech och eng Abberzuel Bierger, déi méi wéi 6 Bekannter bei sech hee… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 15-büyüyen Çin'e,Avrupa Birliği'ne,kurulacak digital dolar imparatorluğuna rakip olmaya kalkanlara kadar önüne gele… - 5 years ago

@Kenny1975K: @Celtic1967_com Du wei - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 12-Bugün,Rotschild ailesini Çin'de yatırıma götüren isimlerden Du Wei, suikaste uğruyordu?! 2 gramlık bir virüs,yer… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 10-Çin,24 ülke ile digtal para anlaşması yapıyor. İsrail'i de buna dahil ediyordu. Yani?! Dolar İmparatorluğu’na k… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 9-istihbarat birimlerinin saha ajanları kadar operasyonel aklı olan ve kendini koruyablen biriydi Çok büyük ihtimal… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 8-ABD'ye giden Du Wei,çok önemli görüşmeler yaptı! Du Wei,Coronavirüs salgınının dünyaya yayılmasından önce, davanı… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 7-Ancak,Kanadalı yetkililerle yakın temas halinde olan Çin Bilim ve Teknoloji Derneği(CAST)Başkan Yardımcısı Huai J… - 5 years ago

@camille_demilly: RT @amelieslt: Personne : Les médecines pdt la danse du WEI : - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 6-Du Wei'nin istihbaratı o kadar güçlüydü ki,çok önemli bir olayı da Çin Polüt Büro ile paylaşmıştı! 2018 Aralık da… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 5-araya giren kişi Du Wei oldu Motor Sich i de Çinli şirket satın aldı Büyük arazi anlaşması,ABD'ye rağmen yeniden… - 5 years ago

@BasaVZ: 4-Ayaklanma sonrası hedefteki başkan Viktor Yanukoviç,Rusya'ya kaçtı Ukrayna ile Çin arasında ki bu anlaşma da ipta… - 5 years ago

@Erkal_Polat: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@TRKL_ElAlto: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@BallaMarchie: RT @AmbassadeChine: La deuxième phase de l'essai clinique du vaccin de #COVID19 mis au point par l'équipe de recherche chinoise avec l'acad… - 5 years ago

@markmccabe1888: @Celtic1967_com Du wei - 5 years ago

@erictoulorge: RT @AmbassadeChine: La deuxième phase de l'essai clinique du vaccin de #COVID19 mis au point par l'équipe de recherche chinoise avec l'acad… - 5 years ago

@0Gandie3: RT @AmbassadeChine: La deuxième phase de l'essai clinique du vaccin de #COVID19 mis au point par l'équipe de recherche chinoise avec l'acad… - 5 years ago

@AmbassadeChine: La deuxième phase de l'essai clinique du vaccin de #COVID19 mis au point par l'équipe de recherche chinoise avec l'… - 5 years ago

@BusinessCoolFR: #WEI en ligne, l'avenir du week-end d'intégration ? Certaines #écolesdecommerce y songent sérieusement ! - 5 years ago

@changeworld2: RT @WaltiSiegrist: Did China's ambassador to Israel know too much about an Israeli false-flag plot? - 5 years ago

@WaltiSiegrist: Did China's ambassador to Israel know too much about an Israeli false-flag plot? - 5 years ago

@RainerKrause9: @RobertBoni6 @lawyerberlin @heuteshow Na du kleiner Roter Hitler brüllst wieder Nazi und erzählst Lügen , wei dein… - 5 years ago

@Tahuti2020: RT @BeChangeUWish2C: Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel suddenly dies in Israel. Both countries immediately say natural causes, cardiac a… - 5 years ago

@manfred_44: RT @Du_Laufbursche: @manfred_44 y0 wei$$t du n0ch w0 du s0w@$ bu$hido geschrieben h@ttest 🤣?? - 5 years ago

@Hillaryh4444Hos: RT @BeChangeUWish2C: Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel suddenly dies in Israel. Both countries immediately say natural causes, cardiac a… - 5 years ago

@Joyn25013913: RT @BrBryan3: @TheLinPiglet @AntoineBondaz @conspiration Coz China Gov always lies, she have to state clear Du Wei's death “is real”. - 5 years ago

@lSAD5pwaYem9HcY: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Rhinsei: RT @Nemya040: Le manga que je recommande aujourd'hui est Kingdom made by Hara. On est pendant la période des royaumes combattants en Chine.… - 5 years ago

@Nemya040: Le manga que je recommande aujourd'hui est Kingdom made by Hara. On est pendant la période des royaumes combattants… - 5 years ago

@Jerkin29813636: RT @BrBryan3: @TheLinPiglet @AntoineBondaz @conspiration Coz China Gov always lies, she have to state clear Du Wei's death “is real”. - 5 years ago

@superman7210: desist kein virus mehr, das ist eine PESTILENZ und die schweine die a unseer regierungs sitzeb befuerworten auch no… - 5 years ago

@Cloris99980983: RT @HongKongFP: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@Du_Laufbursche: @manfred_44 y0 wei$$t du n0ch w0 du s0w@$ bu$hido geschrieben h@ttest 🤣?? - 5 years ago

@zhvzanjin: @jonghyunsmiless Wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng… - 5 years ago

@seonghwadebil: @YUGSDELION no muj stary napierdala yeah yeah you gu yan xiao de qi xi wei he wo ting jian xin tiao du miao de sheng yin - 5 years ago

@TaeminWithAGun: @jonghyunsmiless Wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng… - 5 years ago

@DeydeyLaB: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@jorivela: RT @arrabalf: Presque mieux qu'écrire! Lindores Abbey. Les meilleurs maîtres d'échecs: Magnus Carlsen, Yi Wei, Alireza Firouzja, Wesle… - 5 years ago

@sophuihui: @minho_voices @s8bRin4 WEI GROUSS BASS DU AGAIN??? - 5 years ago

@zhouyeah: 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙨. O1. Beyond Belief (2019) as Du Xiaoman O2. Better Days (2019) as Wei Lai O3. Kill Me (2020) - 5 years ago

@trapaemiin: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki villasında ölü bulundu. Sajid Hussein, koronavirüsüyle ilgili çok ö… - 5 years ago

@zhvzanjin: RT @mxtxstruggIetwt: Stop starting discourse in the fandom. Both of you are the most rotten apples in this community, besides you're n… — w… - 5 years ago

@TaeminWithAGun: RT @mxtxstruggIetwt: Stop starting discourse in the fandom. Both of you are the most rotten apples in this community, besides you're n… — w… - 5 years ago

@mxtxstruggIetwt: Stop starting discourse in the fandom. Both of you are the most rotten apples in this community, besides you're n…… - 5 years ago

@BarFikri: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@desclementines: Putain putain putain j’ai des entretiens avec Décathlon, Air Caraïbes et un club de rugby lyonnais du top 14 qui s… - 5 years ago

@ItsJustNaty: @kebabandchill Aiii du strebeeer 💙💙💙 seu wei du verdengt hues mon gars sure 💙💙💙 sinn dck freu fir dech :) - 5 years ago

@ha_zett: “Deutsch­land, was machst du mit uns?” – wei­se Wor­te eines Mos­lems - 5 years ago

@aymegame91: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@entirelyseavey: @DREAMOFSEAVEY omg wei wosst du daat 😎 - 5 years ago

@Markmichdomnic: RT @EladRatson: #China's🇨🇳 ambassador to #Israel🇮🇱, Du Wei, was found dead in his bed this morning 🔗 - 5 years ago

@_gin_ryuu_: @ChibinekoAkio 😳💗💞 Oooooh willkommen in der cnovel Hölle! 🤣😳😘 Sie ist wunderschön und voller 🔪 aber der Schmerz ist… - 5 years ago

@ann_antique: Your Boss tweet "Happy" MemorialDay Why he "Happy " ❓ Bone supr 😒  What did you do to Du Wei - 5 years ago

@BrBryan3: @TheLinPiglet @AntoineBondaz @conspiration Coz China Gov always lies, she have to state clear Du Wei's death “is real”. - 5 years ago

@ludios1895: @CarloMasala1 „Warum bist du so gemein, Alice? Nein, Alice Hör' doch bitte auf zu wei'n, Alice Krieg' dich ein, Ali… - 5 years ago

@Hulkster73: @RitaPanahi “DU wei with him” - 5 years ago

@5834Petek: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@saikiknw: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@luc_biever: @svnee Wat hues du als Info, vläicht fannen mir selwer eraus wéi eng Prämissen a Basis-Modeller se huelen an duerno… - 5 years ago

@PenalTea_: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@young_todd420: RT @gutscheinHHNN: @KrispyBacon279 H€¥ h€¥ H€¥ wir b€mühen un$ hier um 1 adäqu@te Au$druck$wei$e du Hur€n$ohn - 5 years ago

@pachukipachuki: @_l17r_ @Dioneira @Trogambouille mein Dischord spinnt immer, hab ich was verpasst? (ich weiss was du meinst, o wei! - 5 years ago

@ZisaNKnl: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Isabel63441686: @KaffeePaul OH Wei😱 da hast Du aber Glück gehabt! Gut, dass Du dabei nichts abbekommen hast!!🍀✨🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@CSomhom: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@mutlu_boo: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@etindurmu1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Roi_Dokindam_: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@Rengokkuu: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@catf1sh9: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@cla6t_: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@Nova69z: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@shankylefou: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@Kaizuxray: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@kunio_murai: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@BorrDylan: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@Jaggerjvck: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@anpanjanai: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@Ryokusuiii: RT @Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les caractéris… - 5 years ago

@Takuuu___: [Thread] sur Les États de QI, Wei et Han dans Kingdom. L’Origine des ces États dans L’œuvre, l’évolution et les c… - 5 years ago

@JohnDoe47564694: RT @LuizSil60893851: @AlbuquerqueDavy @mauricio_tfan VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: M… - 5 years ago

@mjol83938293: ครูอนุบาลวัย 22 ปีชื่อ Miao Wei นั้นเซ็กซี่มากในผ้าไหมสีดำเมื่อฉันขึ้นมาฉันจะเลียกระเจี๊ยวของฉันซึ่งเป็นความงามที่ห… - 5 years ago

@ArminiaFc: @wei_fc @1860Bsc Hast du ja eben getan. 😅 - 5 years ago

@Wily_from_Phily: @ReneAccentaigue @AlexE1789 @Hallaschka_HH Jawoll René. Du hast Merkeltreu, Lügenverliebt und Massenverblödung verg… - 5 years ago

@AlwaysOnWine: RT @brookentodd: 46. Du Wei – May 17, 2020 - Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at his home. This ambassador criticized Pompeo last… - 5 years ago

@llxSentimentxll: 5.) The UKRAINE link: #QAnon Why was Du Wei so adamant on attempting to block US intervention in Ukraine last yea… - 5 years ago

@llxSentimentxll: 3.) Let’s look at the events that occurred prior to Du Wei’s death. Just 2 days before, Pompeo visited [Israel] wa… - 5 years ago

@llxSentimentxll: 2.) And now we also learn that prior to [Israel], Du Wei was also the former Chinese Ambassador to UKRAINE from 201… - 5 years ago

@llxSentimentxll: 1.) Deceased Chinese Ambo to Israel & Ukraine/[China] Baby Farming network connections: [THREAD] #QAnon Chinese A… - 5 years ago

@Frank_wh: @codefiscal Gees du well ënnert d’Puritaner? Kann déi könschtlech Obregung do nët verstoen. Wéi 1000 aner Lëtzebuer… - 5 years ago

@FongFrena: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@ivanekambi21: RT @JtNdolo: @FranckKoum, @IvanEdimo ce n'est pas le ndimsi. Du moins pas encore ! Lé ndi bobian de la simple astronomie (Elong-kuku). Wei… - 5 years ago

@LillyAutorin: @hasshase1 Oh wei 😐 wie lange musst du? - 5 years ago

@RameezA86992208: RT @HaqeeqatTVEng: #BREAKING : Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apa… - 5 years ago

@BatamBob: Did Google and Facebook censor US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's involvement in the untimely demise of Du Wei, th… - 5 years ago

@FongFrena: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Mannid1: @SHomburg @bodoramelow @Karl_Lauterbach Und du vertrits deine Ideologie vom Geld und verdrehst dafür sogar tatsache… - 5 years ago

@astera_ceae: RT @kaiftxing: Anyways yún shēn yè wēi liáng jiǎo yuè qīng fēng fú xīn rào yī rén duì xuě wàng wàng jǐn qián chén shì guò wǎng gū sū ti… - 5 years ago

@RMaslana: RT @AndrzejTurczyn: Ambasador Chin w Izraelu 57-letni Du Wei został znaleziony martwy w niedzielę w swoim domu na północ od Tel Awiwu - poi… - 5 years ago

@jongdaeddybtch: RT @kaiftxing: Anyways yún shēn yè wēi liáng jiǎo yuè qīng fēng fú xīn rào yī rén duì xuě wàng wàng jǐn qián chén shì guò wǎng gū sū ti… - 5 years ago

@inge_wei: @marta_schwarz Du Glückliche … 🍀 - 5 years ago

@kaiftxing: Anyways yún shēn yè wēi liáng jiǎo yuè qīng fēng fú xīn rào yī rén duì xuě wàng wàng jǐn qián chén shì guò wǎng… - 5 years ago

@ewa_handtke: RT @AndrzejTurczyn: Ambasador Chin w Izraelu 57-letni Du Wei został znaleziony martwy w niedzielę w swoim domu na północ od Tel Awiwu - poi… - 5 years ago

@TurSaban: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@choerryle: wén..dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì.. yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng yī chǎng… - 5 years ago

@JtNdolo: @FranckKoum, @IvanEdimo ce n'est pas le ndimsi. Du moins pas encore ! Lé ndi bobian de la simple astronomie (Elong-… - 5 years ago

@drashanzi: @zhanywei NDKDKDK KESKIYA..... "wei ying t'abuse avec ton histoire de chien? on a rien à manger pour ce soir du cou… - 5 years ago

@BeChangeUWish2C: Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel suddenly dies in Israel. Both countries immediately say natural causes, cardia… - 5 years ago

@Britpoptarts: RT @brookentodd: 46. Du Wei – May 17, 2020 - Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at his home. This ambassador criticized Pompeo last… - 5 years ago

@holoZeitalter: Tim eid ihr so wei, mache fotos bald, Live schalte zu Tim Bob foge Fotos, kein Tabak Hanf kiffen, vieleicht mus… - 5 years ago

@zhongwen_tan: 唐の詩人の名前だよ♪ 李白(Lǐ Bái) 杜甫(Dù Fǔ) 王維(Wáng Wéi) 韓愈(Hán Yù) 白居易(Bái Jūyì) 韋応物(Wéi​ Yìng​wù) 孟浩然(Mèng Hàorán) メジャーなとこあげときました(・ω・) - 5 years ago

@Do_An_Haus: @Rapunzel_1977 @oleschri @e_rbse @alexandra_eros @dirk__wagner gusch! nur wei du immer vorn auf de Strebersitz sitzt im Bus! - 5 years ago

@Ginty1888: @TBLowerLeague @90MinuteCynic @ClydeFC @CelticFC @talkingbawscom @these_ideas As terrified as I was being led down… - 5 years ago

@Hymm_Genom_Bot: wa-fon-fen, wei-fou-du; ahih=jes-ea haui; 【虹の国のデュオワルツ】 - 5 years ago

@MixFix84532379: RT @AndrzejTurczyn: Ambasador Chin w Izraelu 57-letni Du Wei został znaleziony martwy w niedzielę w swoim domu na północ od Tel Awiwu - poi… - 5 years ago

@cotocrew: What did Ambassador Du Wei know? Huawei poised to boost Ukraine broadband - Asia Times - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 18/“Çin virüsü” dediler, olayı Pekin'in üzerine attılar. “Hesap soracağız” dediler, üzerine bir de... Du Wei suikas… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 14/150 yıl sonra, dünyada kağıt paranın yerini almaya hazırlanan digital para uğruna cinayetler başlıyordu... Bugün… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 13/Çin'in digital parasının mimarı da Du Wei'ydi. Baron James De Rotschild, sahibi olduğu Economist (cont) - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 12/Çok büyük ihtimalle, özel bir zehir yöntemiyle, kalp krizi geçirdi ve hayatını kaybetti... Du Wei, bugün Çin içi… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 11/1 Ocak 2020 ile 20 Mayıs 2020 arasında tam 19 ülkeye giden ve çok önemli görüşmeler yapan Du Wei, istihbarat bir… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 10/20 Ocak 2020'de başlayan davadan birkaç gün önce Kanada'ya, ardından ABD'ye giden Du Wei, çok önemli görüşmeler… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 9/Ancak, Kanadalı yetkililerle yakın temas halinde olan Çin Bilim ve Teknoloji Derneği (CAST) Başkan Yardımcısı Hua… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 7/Du Wei, Çin Devlet Başkanı Şinpeng kadar saygı gören biriydi. Forbes listesinde yer alan çok önemli iş adamları,… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 6/ABD, Ukraynalı savunma şirketi Motor Sich'i satın almak için çok önemli görüşmeler yapıyordu, araya giren kişi Du… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 5/Ancak ABD, bu anlaşmadan bir süre sonra Ukrayna'da ayaklanma başlattı?! Ayaklanma sonrası hedefteki başkan Viktor… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 4/57 yaşındaki Du Wei İsrail'e gitmeden önce 4 yıl boyunca Ukrayna'da görev yaptı, tarihi anlaşmalara imza attı. 20… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 3/Bugün Çin'deki bütün otellerde İbranice broşür varsa, ülkeye Yahudi sermayesi ve Yahudi işadamı akıyorsa, bunda D… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: 2/Hem de Pompeo “Çin ile anlaşmalar imzaladınız. Bozun bunu” diye İsrail'e kendi evinde sopa gösterdikten 48 saat s… - 5 years ago

@Cesuryorum: #BayramMesajım: 1/HESAP’LAŞMA BAŞLADI!? Du Wei... Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçi’si... Ülkesinden uzaklarda, İsrail'deki… - 5 years ago

@Ibe_ch05: RT @NkirukaNistoran: Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apartment in… - 5 years ago

@cotocrew: BIDENGATE!!! ‘something smells fishy here’ Du Wei had previously served as ambassador to Ukraine - 5 years ago

@cotocrew: VATICAN aSSASSINS JOOSUITS? Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel - 5 years ago

@081203C: wén dí shēng dú chóuchàng yúnshēn yè wèiyāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guòwǎng xǐng láile zěn néng dāng mèng yī chǎng hóngchén… - 5 years ago

@sdbees1953: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@AceHoffman: RT @kelly2277: 🎯One way or the other, @SecPompeo now has been rid of at least 2 people that were in his way: Inspector General Linick and t… - 5 years ago

@TrumpRussiaTies: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@AceHoffman: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@LadyRiverdale: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@carita_paige: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@kstreet111: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@srvtskr: RT @fatihkeles: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo'nun Tel Aviv'i ziyaret etmesinden iki gün sonra Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü… - 5 years ago

@TiredofBS13: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@ahkeong24: @WeiDuCNA Take care and Stay safe Wei Du! - 5 years ago

@Thor_JaneFoster: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@muscledianxia: because all artists are being problematic (or not idk) lets just all collectively listen to wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng - 5 years ago

@BUBEEEEE: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@AkpartiRetweet: RT @fatihkeles: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo'nun Tel Aviv'i ziyaret etmesinden iki gün sonra Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü… - 5 years ago

@frere1925: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@zhi11679716: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@GreninjaThunder: @sharinganvvv @cryaccvonkerem DOCH egal wei#t du schon das neueste - 5 years ago

@pinguslut: RT @monjooniiee: por muy dura q sea la vida recordad q wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le… - 5 years ago

@HancMercan: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@fatihkeles: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo'nun Tel Aviv'i ziyaret etmesinden iki gün sonra Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin ev… - 5 years ago

@chaneIkm: wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng yī cháng hón… - 5 years ago

@suqmaddiq_: Eh le bde c’est pas avec votre misérable vidéo du Wei que vous allez nous faire oublier que vous devez nous rembourser l’amnesia la tdc - 5 years ago

@Eltruc: @Pedro_Gandia @santispm12 Du yu nou de wei - 5 years ago

@yeebowie00: Wén dí shēng dú chóuchàng Yúnshēn yè wèiyāng Shì yǔ fēi dōu guòwǎng Xǐng láile zěn néng dāng mèng yī chǎng Hóngchén… - 5 years ago

@ilk99: RT @akcay_nurettinn: Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni belli değil. Tam 4 gün önce ABD… - 5 years ago

@carrybeyond: RT @brookentodd: 46. Du Wei – May 17, 2020 - Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at his home. This ambassador criticized Pompeo last… - 5 years ago

@Katsmanjr: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@6eorges: @JeffCigrand Du wees jo awer wéi s de op englesch déi Handlung bezeechens, fir déi de Penis an de meeschte Fäll ausgepaakt gëtt? ;) - 5 years ago

@lubu_wei: Le temps de se faire couler DU CAFE et on reprend Europa Universalis IV ! - 5 years ago

@mbluetyphoon: RT @brookentodd: 46. Du Wei – May 17, 2020 - Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at his home. This ambassador criticized Pompeo last… - 5 years ago

@SisThobs: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@KhanTtauqeer: RT @ZKhanOfficial: #China’s Ambassador to #Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. Mr Du, 57, was only appo… - 5 years ago

@Matthieu_Wei: RT @SniiperRL: Les gars un frère m’a passé Weathering with You (Les Enfants du Temps) en 1080P VOSTFR, si vous êtes chauds que je le drop m… - 5 years ago

@MsOCHubbard: RT @joanjuneau: Pompeo critic, Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@girlzinger: RT @joanjuneau: Pompeo critic, Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@_LynnFrancine: @NanariCosplay Nebula vllt? Wenn du das noch geplant hattest.. 😏 Ansonsten evtl Wei wuxian oder Cornelia hale? The choice is yours 😂😂 - 5 years ago

@peanutbutterys: RT @xueyangbeater: y’all are fcking wrong hua cheng’s communication password is wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi… - 5 years ago

@yeebowie00: RT @xueyangbeater: y’all are fcking wrong hua cheng’s communication password is wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi… - 5 years ago

@Media44Info: @BFMTV @CNEWS @LCI @franceinfo @VirginieMartin_ 🤔 COVID-19 : Un premier vaccin fait ses preuves chez l’Homme ! « Un… - 5 years ago

@juhakies: y’all ever just Wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng Yún shēn yè wèi yāng Shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng Xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng m… - 5 years ago

@AnP_Magazin: RT @WaltiSiegrist: Israel's role in the pandemic needs to be investigated - 5 years ago

@picrinat: RT @WaltiSiegrist: @jochen_mitschka Israel's role in the pandemic needs to be investigated - 5 years ago

@WaltiSiegrist: Israel's role in the pandemic needs to be investigated - 5 years ago

@WaltiSiegrist: @jochen_mitschka Israel's role in the pandemic needs to be investigated - 5 years ago

@News_1jl4: Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel nytimes - News - Noticia - Bitcoin - CryptoCurrency - Forex -… - 5 years ago

@cauchiphilippe: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@tcGoktugBir: ÇİN-ABD HESAPLAŞMA BAŞLADI MI? Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Herzliya’da rezidansında ölü bulundu. - 5 years ago

@hansen8851: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@hummer25244826: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@cemosky: @SecPompeo @StateDept Du r weri wei ver , ☎️ - 5 years ago

@21Rev22: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@ringsforfun: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@FriesenJack: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@Maggie1715: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@pine34856223: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@GTR_SKYLINE_: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@anwaral82572773: RT @AJC_Asia: We express our condolences for the untimely and tragic passing away of Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel. - 5 years ago

@wei_sony: @GriffinthePeter Teppich verrät das du kanack bist - 5 years ago

@JoshDia62412921: @jibanyanxd @Darioni12 Du yu no da wei - 5 years ago

@Observer1117: RT @Observer1117: #Chinese Ambassador in Israel was found dead in his home in Herzliya. All prove & facts pointed #Mossad The questions w… - 5 years ago

@6nsinvt: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@tupanelo: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@duke_unreal: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@brendastopek: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@Karl_Peter_Abel: Par exemple, à propos de la bataille des falaises rouges en Chine, un partisan des Wei, et un partisan de l'allianc… - 5 years ago

@RoseWoo59248280: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@NMTD7: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@CASS0WARRY: Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei evinde ölü bulundu. - 5 years ago

@knowledgemagic: I wonder why nobody says that Mr. Du Wei (Chinese Ambassador to Israel who was brain behind globalist activities in… - 5 years ago

@SWAGGER32819439: RT @princekakraba_: tokuro ketewa wei mpem du?🤣🤣💀 - 5 years ago

@princekakraba_: tokuro ketewa wei mpem du?🤣🤣💀 - 5 years ago

@bs_doe: @Liradu2 @Alles_op_Letz "un all eenzel Verschwörungstheorie ob dëser Welt" Du schéngs NËT kënne GUDD ze liesen. An… - 5 years ago

@muratanis: RT @alikemal5667: Çin'in İsrail'deki B'elçisi Du wei'nin öldürülmesi ABD-çin Savaşı'nın başlangıcı olabilir.Du wei Çin dijital parasının y… - 5 years ago

@bs_doe: @Liradu2 @Alles_op_Letz DU présuméeirs ZE vill! Ech kommen aus der Gastronomie an ech WEES wéivill Käschten mat eso… - 5 years ago

@Liradu2: @bs_doe @Alles_op_Letz Uff...well een sech dorunner jo och erënnert. Ech fréen mech awer, dass een dech gerett huet… - 5 years ago

@SpeakTruth777: @RaheemKassam @JoeBiden What happened to this guy? Ukraine, hmmm Du Wei - Former Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Ch… - 5 years ago

@ylcngndz71: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@tbs_education: @aisthesis3 Bonsoir @aisthesis3 ! 😊 Le BDE du #BachelorTBS organise WEI, sémineige, gala et pleins d'autres soirée… - 5 years ago

@KekeNejmeddin: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@merfaru79077365: @HukukChp @Canan_Kaftanci Du Wei kimdir. 57 yaşındaki elçi, Çin için çok önemli biriydi. İsrailin en güvenlikli böl… - 5 years ago

@alikemal5667: Çin'in İsrail'deki B'elçisi Du wei'nin öldürülmesi ABD-çin Savaşı'nın başlangıcı olabilir.Du wei Çin dijital paras… - 5 years ago

@Kellyk84471553: Henry Makow @HenryMakow May 18 Murdered Chinese Ambassador Tried to Defect? Du Wei tried… - 5 years ago

@merfaru79077365: @HukukChp @Canan_Kaftanci Çinli büyükelçi Du Wei İsrail’in başşehrinde öldürüldü? Neden? Hadi bakalım araştırın? - 5 years ago

@Observer1117: RT @Observer1117: #Chinese Ambassador in Israel was found dead in his home in Herzliya. All prove & facts pointed #Mossad The questions w… - 5 years ago

@koklu_suleyman: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@salihbodur1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@TahirOkur6: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@naila91238494: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@r_noreth: RT @MinutoPichincha: 🔴#ÚltimaHora | El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue hallado muerto hoy en su residencia en las afue… - 5 years ago

@usrTtZVOajVGjUL: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@usrTtZVOajVGjUL: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@MikateOn: @Ridojimo_80 @JewwelryBonney @BorrDylan Bah att y avait Chu Wei Zhao le royaume avk les poison et celui du bourg tatoué mddr ça fait 5 c vre - 5 years ago

@XxVertox: @HalleyCharlott1 85 Cup....... Ranking: Unikate ......Perfect ...Und wenn ich dran Denke wie du Sie um meine Schwan… - 5 years ago

@ddani4_: it's been a month since natapos kong panuorin yung cql pero hanggang ngayon lss pa rin ako sa wuji ACKKK WEN DI SHE… - 5 years ago

@DanielaCalota1: RT @DesMchlmcgnn: China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his Tel Aviv home Dangerous. - 5 years ago

@DesMchlmcgnn: China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his Tel Aviv home Dangerous. - 5 years ago

@bcofbrave_mom: RT @prashivra: @austere1717 - 5 years ago

@drea_ams: RT @prashivra: @austere1717 - 5 years ago

@prashivra: @austere1717 - 5 years ago

@canerboyy: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@CESSAS4: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@zaferucelhan: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@LucMarteling: Äddi, Usch! Zu Wecker an der Pizzeria hunn ech ëmmer gäre mat dir verréckten Iddie gesponnen, denge gesammelten Aph… - 5 years ago

@jaemirin: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@Mhtnkpr: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@RPDULAR: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@michallovo: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@xyrkives: @dumbitchboy wén..dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì.. yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng… - 5 years ago

@zephryus47: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@wanetadawn: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@dabaicai920: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@macor972: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@HallyuWebsite: @IDF @Israel @IsraeliPM Instead of Du Wei, should’ve done NY officials - 5 years ago

@scoutkayaker: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@tyrannywatch: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@Pedo_Gate: Du Wei, Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at his home, said China was made scapegoat for pandemic - 5 years ago

@CharlieLoo7: RT @ThyGuidedOne: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at home. One does not simply claim victimhood from the chief-eternal vi… - 5 years ago

@cwright1500: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@micwha10: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@PaulaAlquist: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@rmmtenterprises: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@PascaleMasson: RT @CMatheCathala: Le #Covid19 nous a rappelé la signification du mot #crise en chinois: "WEI JI" Le 1er idéogramme signifiant "danger" Le… - 5 years ago

@jane_rives: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@Notmemom1: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@linw0918: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@sydgik: @leloupssolitair Ptdrr wei sur le coup c'est pas du tout gagné - 5 years ago

@66kanso: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@travelmom46: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@thebobbyb: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@halidd007: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@BanRomulanbirds: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@kallyzx: RT @globaltimesnews: The body of deceased Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei arrived at Beijing Capital Intl Airport Thu morning. Chinese… - 5 years ago

@ArjunaMirek322: RT @JarekKociszewsk: Du Wei, ambasador Chin w Izraelu, znaleziony martwy w rezydencji. Przyczyny nieznane. Będzie wysyp teorii spiskowych,… - 5 years ago

@pal29b: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@ElaineSako: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@padresteve: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@CarlowBhoy88: @TheKennyScott Du Wei, you weren't sure but thought it might work out. From the early stages you knew it was going to be bad. - 5 years ago

@rosevalade: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@SV4TRUMP2020: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@jamesmartin145: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@Kelliann6169: RT @TheRealShenna: BREAKING NEWS: #China’s ambassador to #Israel Mr. Du Wei was found dead at his residence in Hertzilya this morning. #DuW… - 5 years ago

@lorizellmill: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@Guayanesa26: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@anncynw: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@J0EWATS0N7: @TheKennyScott Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@obamarianne: @__kalamart__ @AgatheThePower L'annulation du WEI paraît assez logique effectivement x) Merci pour les infos ! - 5 years ago

@__kalamart__: @obamarianne @AgatheThePower Oui on nous avait dit depuis le début du confinement que pour simplifier on n'aurait p… - 5 years ago

@juliacpourtoi: Remember quand on avait réussi à convaincre le DJ de chanter no stress acapella au wei ac Hector sauf qu'on chanta… - 5 years ago

@bhoyjangles: @Kieran_Celtic Another one Du Wei. My eyes still haven't recovered - 5 years ago

@RoyOFinnigan: Ich kann sehen, was Du gerade denkst #Gedanken lesen ist machbar! - kein #SciFi - 5 years ago

@Webwight: @siegeweather I have been "reading" Wang Wei and Meng Haoran lately and I must say, having to look up every third w… - 5 years ago

@aavci5: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@yamanelsamet: RT @baydno: Bir hafta daha sona erdi. Dünyada neler oldu? 1️⃣ Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu. Üç gün ö… - 5 years ago

@aldagitbasini: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ferdigucyetmezz: Pompeo, İsrail'li mevkidaşlarını “Çin Komünist Partisinin teknolojilerine ve üst düzey sistemlerine ellerini sokman… - 5 years ago

@MaraKolumna: @Mupfmama Oh wei. Hattest du schon einen Burn-out? Ich merke gerade auch, dass ich da jetzt krass aufpassen muss. - 5 years ago

@MaKuoHua: @nosustenance @CGTNOfficial Are you from Ghost Planet , search Google search Engine , Who is Ambassador from China… - 5 years ago

@BrundinPatrik: RT @VAInstitute: VAI's Dr. Juan Du and Dr. Wei Lü use the Institute's powerful cryo-electron microscopes to study some of life's smallest… - 5 years ago

@Lycheenoodles: wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng yī cháng hó… - 5 years ago

@MehmetSelamiKar: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@DurukanUlker: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ha_zett: “Deutsch­land, was machst du mit uns?” – wei­se Wor­te eines Mos­lems - 5 years ago

@ferhat_yitmen: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@DriverX_: @SpokespersonCHN "Mr. Du had served in China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more than 30 years, according to a b… - 5 years ago

@rosssmith5: RT @edeson1: With #hurricane season on the horizon, how are US utilities preparing amid a pandemic? @PA_Consulting #utility expert Wei Du d… - 5 years ago

@Fener1907ATABEY: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@zhongjieHuang2: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@FuckYGdimemayYG: Yào wǒ měi yàn hái yào wǒ shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn Zhù wǒ cóng cǐ xìng fú hái zhù wǒ kū wěi bù dù #SourCandyIn6Days #BLACKPINK @ygofficialblink - 5 years ago

@edeson1: With #hurricane season on the horizon, how are US utilities preparing amid a pandemic? @PA_Consulting #utility expe… - 5 years ago

@PA_energy: With #hurricane season on the horizon, how are US utilities preparing amid a pandemic? @PA_Consulting #utility expe… - 5 years ago

@dpiloncita: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@gucbilgi95: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@jpwilloughby: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@DrAamirKhan17: China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead inside his official residence Sunday morning, a spokeswoman fo… - 5 years ago

@josephbvarner: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@desclementines: J’ai trop hâte de sortir l’évènement du wei - 5 years ago

@babyshidi: @hourlyzhuocheng you know what? i agree with them! you should Wen di sheng du chou chang yun shen ye wei yang Shi y… - 5 years ago

@Hari_Nuranian: @PatilSushmit CCP cyber warriors avenging death of Chinese ambassador Du Wei in Tel Aviv few days back. - 5 years ago

@mayankgaur777: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@ashoksi77999115: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@JoshiRakesh2004: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@Sam4delhi: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@ViBryant7: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@alt_aliabtahi: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@GreatGameIndia: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@carmencita2050: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@VAInstitute: VAI's Dr. Juan Du and Dr. Wei Lü use the Institute's powerful cryo-electron microscopes to study some of life's sm… - 5 years ago

@munizmap: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@erkinoktay: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@asli_ozgurr: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Nonnepossopi1: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@LilySej1: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@FatmaAkOztopal: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@SanskritiKaksha: RT @mrkkjha: Du Wei, Chinese ambassador to Israel died in Tel Aviv. He was found dead in his residence by the police coincidentally. China’… - 5 years ago

@Annie74282548: @PandaMatch1 @AnandSivaram5 @HuXijin_GT ni zhi dao wei mao wo yao shuo niu rou me?yin wei zhe huo shi yin du ren. n… - 5 years ago

@mathiasepely0: Registre de Shiji, chapitre Zhao Shjia. 4e année du Roi EI Sei, (241 AV-JC). Le général de Zhao Pangnuan menant le… - 5 years ago

@EirikGundersen2: RT @Song_Chq: Tribute to our colleague Chinese Amb. to Isreal Du Wei who fell on his post.🇨🇳🙏 - 5 years ago

@jassimchina: RT @Song_Chq: Tribute to our colleague Chinese Amb. to Isreal Du Wei who fell on his post.🇨🇳🙏 - 5 years ago

@_kazumasa_: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@_kazumasa_: RT @nytimesworld: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his home in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv. The cause of… - 5 years ago

@Orianerose: RT @kelly2277: 🎯One way or the other, @SecPompeo now has been rid of at least 2 people that were in his way: Inspector General Linick and t… - 5 years ago

@Orianerose: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@TVI_PK: Last journey of Chinese Ambassador Du Wei who died unexpectedly in Tel Aviv few days earlier. Our sincere condolenc… - 5 years ago

@ozgunod: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Sb64750597: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@xueyangwhoo: RT @xueyangbeater: y’all are fcking wrong hua cheng’s communication password is wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi… - 5 years ago

@xueyangbeater: y’all are fcking wrong hua cheng’s communication password is wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì y… - 5 years ago

@jesuscedillo701: @CGTNOfficial Du Wei. - 5 years ago

@huaxieng: Wén dí shēng dú chóuchàng Yúnshēn yè wèiyāng Shì yǔ fēi dōu guòwǎng Xǐng láile zěn néng dāng mèng yī chǎng Hóngchén… - 5 years ago

@alex_llanto: BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home HE WAS TASKED OF SPREADING THE CCP LIES AND CO… - 5 years ago

@Algemeiner: Israeli and Chinese diplomats held a short ceremony at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Wednesday in honor of Du… - 5 years ago

@ChristineBierre: RT @AmbassadeChine: R.I.P 🙏 Le corps de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, S.E.M. Du Wei rentre en Chine. Le FM Wang Yi, ainsi que d'autres… - 5 years ago

@GenevieveGrima3: RT @WikistrikeW: Mort bien à propos de l’ambassadeur Du Wei en Israël - 5 years ago

@kadibey63: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@mineirauai2: RT @LuizSil60893851: @AlbuquerqueDavy @mauricio_tfan VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: M… - 5 years ago

@ASadziux: RT @MV_Eng: Chinese diplomat Du Wei, 57, was appointed as Israel's ambassador in February. His last position before arriving in the country… - 5 years ago

@dudadmais_: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@PNLArg: Me di un panzazo de Du Fu y Wang Wei. Es difícil encontrar ese ritmo parsimonioso y sutil en poetas de occidente. - 5 years ago

@ZafBlatt: RT @HenryMakow: Murdered Chinese Ambassador Tried to Defect? Du Wei tried to defect and share info on China bio-w… - 5 years ago

@ywukheil: @winkdschng Yeah yeah you gu yan xiao de qi xi Wei he wo ting jian xin tiao du miao de sheng yin… - 5 years ago

@Sibel43878590: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Gloriana_1969: RT @M3t4_tr0n: Report: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have launche… - 5 years ago

@Observer1117: RT @Observer1117: #Chinese Ambassador in Israel was found dead in his home in Herzliya. All prove & facts pointed #Mossad The questions w… - 5 years ago

@Seraos_navI: RT @ale_chianelli: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a situação… - 5 years ago

@Observer1117: #Chinese Ambassador in Israel was found dead in his home in Herzliya. All prove & facts pointed #Mossad The quest… - 5 years ago

@AileenTwitt: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@VehbiSipahi: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@marciarqueo1: RT @MV_Eng: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead at his home in the city of Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, The Jerusalem Post r… - 5 years ago

@coquineto4904: RT @MV_Eng: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead at his home in the city of Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, The Jerusalem Post r… - 5 years ago

@GotPropaganda: RT @MV_Eng: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead at his home in the city of Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, The Jerusalem Post r… - 5 years ago

@Mondowav: As Trump, Netanyahu and Xi continue to strategically profit from the chaos, increased governmental power and social… - 5 years ago

@aytam79: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@HAHAHA09658330: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Cpt_Metal: @muhlen_zur @Til_Wei @Ende__Gelaende @HGMaassen Ja, durch V-Männer fließt/floß Geld in gewisser Weise in rechtsnati… - 5 years ago

@Observer1117: RT @Observer1117: #Chinese Ambassador in Israel was found dead in his home in Herzliya. All prove & facts pointed #Mossad The questions w… - 5 years ago

@ZhaLiyou: RT @MaKuoHua: @ANGELCH85676477 @ZhaLiyou Very Heart touching Tragedy Event , nation have lost a beautiful Soul RIP #China's Ambassador to #… - 5 years ago

@erhanalan1976: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ADANALI_42: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@CatGursel: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@wuasyu: RT @twitpos: 🇨🇳 Jenazah Duta Besar Tiongkok untuk Israel Du Wei tiba di Bandara Internasional Ibukota Beijing Pagi. Menteri Luar Negeri Tio… - 5 years ago

@SaenzSucre: RT @MV_Eng: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead at his home in the city of Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, The Jerusalem Post r… - 5 years ago

@MonsieurkOff: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@burculukartal: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Bennyboyf1: RT @HenryMakow: Murdered Chinese Ambassador Tried to Defect? Du Wei tried to defect and share info on China bio-w… - 5 years ago

@yung_icemann: @manfred_44 H@h@ Z@r@ b€st€ j€@n$ du wei$$t brud¡ €©ht $t@b¡l - 5 years ago

@ioruc3: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ismail_ekenn: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Sep112001: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@04YILDIRIM04: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@justan0therday: RT @yurumazu: 実は米国のポンペオ長官が先週イスラエルを訪れたばかりです。ポンペオ長官は、イスラエルは中国とのビジネスをすべきではない発言し、亡くなったDu Wei大使はポンペオ長官を非難していました。 - 5 years ago

@GalassiMarcos: RT @AmbassadeChine: R.I.P 🙏 Le corps de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, S.E.M. Du Wei rentre en Chine. Le FM Wang Yi, ainsi que d'autres… - 5 years ago

@Justice16441296: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@67lld: Why is there no more information on this? Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel ‘found dead at home’ | The Independ… - 5 years ago

@Rosabla71885707: RT @MV_Eng: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead at his home in the city of Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, The Jerusalem Post r… - 5 years ago


@Saghro75babNali: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@NedimSuicmez: RT @baydno: Bir hafta daha sona erdi. Dünyada neler oldu? 1️⃣ Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu. Üç gün ö… - 5 years ago

@YunusAd41021902: RT @merttadas: Hafter'in Libya'da kullandığı İHA'lar Çin'e ait hep. Resmen içe kapalı değil, emperyalist tutum içine girdiler. Ve... Çin'… - 5 years ago

@baydno: Bir hafta daha sona erdi. Dünyada neler oldu? 1️⃣ Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulun… - 5 years ago


@ishakkattas: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@MeteGold83: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@OralYALIN4: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@DizidarSerif: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@moneehitam: RT @twitpos: 🇨🇳 Jenazah Duta Besar Tiongkok untuk Israel Du Wei tiba di Bandara Internasional Ibukota Beijing Pagi. Menteri Luar Negeri Tio… - 5 years ago

@YigitUnar: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@RodaroDaniela: RT @Mareq16: UKRAINE CONNECTION The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv. Du Wei, 58, was appoi… - 5 years ago

@Cumaali24249339: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@poyrazysf_: RT @EmirYildizdan: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo mu emir verdi de Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, kalp krizi(!) geçirdi de öldü.‘Ben g… - 5 years ago

@slmtyb: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@saikripa_jpd: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@YunusKa76552708: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@mr_miitaniia: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Briwinay: @belokanmu Lagi dgrin wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn n… - 5 years ago

@mendez493: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@ayneeddu: wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng yī cháng hón… - 5 years ago

@halilaytin: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@SaurabhBihani1: RT @SaurabhBihani1: Another mysterious death of chinese envoy to Israel “Du wei” in the ongoing #Wuhan #ChinaMustExplain #ChinaLiedPeopleDi… - 5 years ago

@remifantanyl: -Grischuk : il est bien là. 5 min après : incroyable ! Grischuk a gâché son avantage, il n’a plus que 20 secondes -… - 5 years ago

@optikfluffel: @Til_Wei @Ende__Gelaende Hier hast du einen Anfang, kannst dich ja von da ein bisschen durch die Wikipedia und die… - 5 years ago

@onyematomorrow: RT @NkirukaNistoran: Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apartment in… - 5 years ago

@hk78ksk: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@LisaVento4: The U.S. Naval Intelligence linked site Sorcha Faal, for its part, claims the U.S. retaliated for the murder of Col… - 5 years ago

@medinemekke: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@DaCapoucho: @Stephen14165109 @spflscouting Worse than Raphael ( you know his real name ) or even Du Wei ? - 5 years ago

@OzsoySeyhmus: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Mit_Ist_Sosyal: RT @SpecialBureau: Voltaire Sitesi /// Büyükelçi Du Wei'nin ölümü hakkında - 5 years ago

@TC_Istihbarat: RT @SpecialBureau: Voltaire Sitesi /// Büyükelçi Du Wei'nin ölümü hakkında - 5 years ago

@SpecialBureau: Voltaire Sitesi /// Büyükelçi Du Wei'nin ölümü hakkında - 5 years ago

@mujin_x88: RT @globaltimesnews: The body of deceased Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei arrived at Beijing Capital Intl Airport Thu morning. Chinese… - 5 years ago

@Baltallah3: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ZhangHC13: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@HSEYIN86550234: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@SetondjiH: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@guneyferhat26: RT @panoptikon53: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, Herzilyadaki konutunda ölü bulunmuştu. Güvenlik Uzmanı Serkan Yıldız ile bu ölümün ne… - 5 years ago

@osdogan79: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ItalyWatchNews: RT @ultimenotizie: L'ambasciatore cinese in #Israele Du Wei è stato trovato morto nella sua residenza ufficiale nella città costiera di Her… - 5 years ago

@julsdump: RT @julsdump: HO UN PROBLEMA NELLA TESTA FUNZIONA A METÀ OGNI TANTO PARTE UN SUONO CHE FA wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng s… - 5 years ago

@DongDong2802: Bref du coup j'ai été perturbé je reprends. Regardez The Untamed juseyo, vraiment Wei Wuxian est AUTANT un soleil q… - 5 years ago

@GoendoelSi: RT @twitpos: 🇨🇳 Jenazah Duta Besar Tiongkok untuk Israel Du Wei tiba di Bandara Internasional Ibukota Beijing Pagi. Menteri Luar Negeri Tio… - 5 years ago

@m_srr: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@59Egzantrik: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago


@private1028: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@Alpaslan_2515: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@GatheredDirt: RT @maxwell18191708: Chinese Ambassador Du Wei has now been “discovered dead”,Da Xaio (OF-6) Senior Colonel—the exact equivalent rank held… - 5 years ago

@tolonsoysal: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@_joannanikku: @DeSousaCassand1 Bah comme je l'ai dit, c'est pas dégueu, mais là l'univers est typiquement chinois, et toutes les… - 5 years ago

@qinhu6: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@waywedance: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@AlperenUmit: RT @panoptikon53: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, Herzilyadaki konutunda ölü bulunmuştu. Güvenlik Uzmanı Serkan Yıldız ile bu ölümün ne… - 5 years ago

@bilgehan17373: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@kahya_atakan: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@LiuShuo00: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@137_cn: RT @AmbassadeChine: R.I.P 🙏 Le corps de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, S.E.M. Du Wei rentre en Chine. Le FM Wang Yi, ainsi que d'autres… - 5 years ago

@Onsmeldetou: Un monde parallèle: Interpol joue double jeu, gérée part Jürgen STOCK son secrétaire, d'Allemagne avec la fondation… - 5 years ago

@Owenyangwenhua: @SpokespersonCHN Ms Hua, condolences to Du Wei's family, instead of Du Wei himself who is gone. - 5 years ago

@ZhangMaZiii: RT @AmbassadeChine: R.I.P 🙏 Le corps de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, S.E.M. Du Wei rentre en Chine. Le FM Wang Yi, ainsi que d'autres… - 5 years ago

@AbogadosChina: RT @AmbassadeChine: R.I.P 🙏 Le corps de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, S.E.M. Du Wei rentre en Chine. Le FM Wang Yi, ainsi que d'autres… - 5 years ago

@Aslhan42343280: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Plagiste4you: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@Betadin7: RT @twitpos: 🇨🇳 Jenazah Duta Besar Tiongkok untuk Israel Du Wei tiba di Bandara Internasional Ibukota Beijing Pagi. Menteri Luar Negeri Tio… - 5 years ago

@twitpos: 🇨🇳 Jenazah Duta Besar Tiongkok untuk Israel Du Wei tiba di Bandara Internasional Ibukota Beijing Pagi. Menteri Luar… - 5 years ago

@KenanXVI: La premiere guerre contre wei j'ai compris que c'etait deja un manga extraordinaire. Apres le tome 16, il est rentr… - 5 years ago

@ShanghaiEye: On the morning of May 21, State Councilor and Foreign Minister #WangYi went to Beijing Capital International Airpor… - 5 years ago

@BusyAhchan: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@3mrojito: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@MaKuoHua: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@MaKuoHua: @shen_shiwei RIP #China's Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei and Condolence to his Family and Freinds . - 5 years ago

@MaKuoHua: RT @CAOYI170610: R.I.P Amb. Du Wei 🙏 - 5 years ago

@MCEMALAKAN: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@MaKuoHua: @CAOYI170610 Very Heart touching Tragedy RIP #China's Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei , Condolences to his Family and… - 5 years ago

@_dengum: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@KumanTc: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AmbassadeChine: R.I.P 🙏 Le corps de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, S.E.M. Du Wei rentre en Chine. Le FM Wang Yi, ainsi que d'aut… - 5 years ago

@oguzlarinsesi: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@TheRedPill17: @SecPompeo Did you kill Du Wei? - 5 years ago

@TheRedPill17: @zlj517 Pompeo killed Du Wei. - 5 years ago

@plevnelibulent: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@34DMR: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@mariaangel4444: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ZhangMaZiii: RT @Ace1241_: @CAOYI170610 R.I.P to Amb Du Wei 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Condolences to his family and friends, I hope they stay strong.. - 5 years ago

@Ace1241_: @CAOYI170610 R.I.P to Amb Du Wei 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Condolences to his family and friends, I hope they stay strong.. - 5 years ago

@acmsinfo: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@pdm_paula: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@carolriggio7: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@kalp_eren16: RT @EmirYildizdan: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo mu emir verdi de Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, kalp krizi(!) geçirdi de öldü.‘Ben g… - 5 years ago

@BeirutWolf: RT @CAOYI170610: R.I.P Amb. Du Wei 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Alielvan_ali: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@CAOYI170610: R.I.P Amb. Du Wei 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Human_Book: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@IlkaySokmen: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Drsong20987550: RT @shen_shiwei: R.I.P 🙏 The body of #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei coming back home. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister… - 5 years ago

@MalihaAbbasi: RT @TVI_PK: China's Ambassador to Israel Mr. Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv. Poison attack possible. Israeli reports suggest he had thoroug… - 5 years ago

@Litee22544811: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@ayepelin3: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@explorerbazaar: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Remzi_Gumus: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@uninvitedChamp: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@must_simsek: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@muradkaynak2765: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Jaxhana: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@alenzhoucn: The body of the late Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei returned home. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi participa… - 5 years ago

@Eyup55Eyup: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@canoselin1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Murattanrici1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ulu_erens: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@MustafaSeyri: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@akkocmetin18: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Annietiques: RT @Joyce_Karam: #China’s Ambassador to #Israel found dead in his home... Cause unknown. He’s 57, took post in Feb., criticized US Sec of… - 5 years ago

@Murat69467050: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@julisescreve: Já assisti esse ano: - c-drama * Eternal Love of Dreams * My girl is an alien * An Oriental Odyssey * The Princess… - 5 years ago

@saker_falcon: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@Caferyaylaci: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@TurkmenSerhat: RT @EmirYildizdan: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo mu emir verdi de Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, kalp krizi(!) geçirdi de öldü.‘Ben g… - 5 years ago

@freespiritjazm1: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@realAuntieVodka: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@sayitzengin1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@zekisahin: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Muammer57711256: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@BrundageBot: Leveraging Graph to Improve Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization. Wei Li, Xinyan Xiao, Jiachen Liu, Hua Wu, Hai… - 5 years ago

@kemalciftci1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@nurullahsaka45: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Zehra52249568: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@aytun2023: RT @EmirYildizdan: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo mu emir verdi de Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, kalp krizi(!) geçirdi de öldü.‘Ben g… - 5 years ago

@Mkahveci7: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@MaximilianPayne: RT @EmirYildizdan: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo mu emir verdi de Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, kalp krizi(!) geçirdi de öldü.‘Ben g… - 5 years ago

@canka123456789: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@erdinc_ustaa: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ScottGr75010621: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@nusretustun: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@hearme84267836: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@mhmetkc: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ArgumZehra: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@karakusakosman: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Mky91246061: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@MUHAMME98714637: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Polat79296628: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Sleyman90283128: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@akkusbilal38: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@vDatt7BiHlfV3NU: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@vDatt7BiHlfV3NU: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@MCOBAN2: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@H_Sevim: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@RizzoZoe: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@TuRCaN_2357: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@CiciLima77: RT @ConflitoeGuerrA: Segundo informações, Du #Wei condenou Mike Pompeu dois dias depois da visita dele a Israel, acusando o de dizer que a… - 5 years ago

@darulalasivas: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@adonmez1971turk: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ERDIOGAN: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@aaszz6882: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@BagimszlrHarkti: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@kdrk64: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ulkuemre: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Halide19314476: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Wintericecccc: RT @Saudi_Gazette: #China’s Ambassador to Israel Du Wei death comes after the embassy had responded to statements by US reportedly asking #… - 5 years ago

@martinBFS: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@ucikibir72: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Muammer_Ozal: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@aysemisem: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ericeymen: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@hariciyeci2: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@thecentelman: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@edim1234xxx: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@722d7ba00b8b4f6: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@bras_fsangel: RT @ConflitoeGuerrA: Segundo informações, Du #Wei condenou Mike Pompeu dois dias depois da visita dele a Israel, acusando o de dizer que a… - 5 years ago

@CatkNbak: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@JuanTahaddi: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@alirizaeren_: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@recepgundz: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@yksldmnoglu1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@HasanNari2: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ch_yeyen: RT @EmirYildizdan: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo mu emir verdi de Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, kalp krizi(!) geçirdi de öldü.‘Ben g… - 5 years ago

@Luv2Fish2017: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@atguler: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AhmetAAA4: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ch_yeyen: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@kingguki: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@janethjimenez05: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@yossioren: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@vdtdurucan: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Taskn69: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@erdal88245038: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@mesafeyi__koru: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@HikmedS: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Loretta94004412: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@fc_cebeci68: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@esinbaysal3: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@tolgahan_bodur: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@eko6781: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@sherifali33: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Ezgi331974Onur: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@truthpirate4Rt: RT @METQQ: @Inevitable_ET 2 Suspicious Deaths Du Wei: Chinese ambassador (formerly to the Ukraine 2016-2019) to Israel found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@TCglaykl: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Sonnylong79: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@hakandemirel89: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@muhsintrabzonsp: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@Taha30894585: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@hasan_serenli: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@devrispolat: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@__bTc__Bolt: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ahmeran82822446: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@SerapAk24420398: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@necdetgungor34: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AyeErol06290765: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@harmanci_1071: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@halilsoruklu: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@docccs: @90MinuteCynic 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿McManus and 🇨🇳Du Wei - 5 years ago

@pg_quips: @90MinuteCynic McManus and Du Wei? 🙃 - 5 years ago

@mr_chaste: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AtalayBahri: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@LATIFKA99435292: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@osmangodeoglan: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Rajakumara67: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@mucahidyahya: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ILE_DE_BOURBON: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@gunguunn: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@emre8213: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@RCakir34: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@diego_bxl: "Luxembourg était longtemps une ville de voitures, jusqu'en 2003, avec l'arrivée des écologistes dans la majorité e… - 5 years ago

@jonathanross: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@msknyns: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AbdussamedCil: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@beyazadamorg: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@emree_koc: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AksoyMrtaks55: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@kayaalparslan12: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@unalozt01611348: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@lmovatan: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Mehmet60150616: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@OzgSrdn: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Mustafa02994557: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@cankutlu1903: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@SezginLacin: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@SMMMYILMAZKILIC: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@tcfatihy: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@KaracamNergis: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@rossimauricio33: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@Mgunay9: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@RanSahip: RT @sonunsonundayiz: ROTHSCHİLD ailesinin üç Önemli Merkezi Londra Çin Ortadoğudur... Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi… - 5 years ago

@kaycosc: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ademgorel: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@Haberci27991787: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@hlal_st: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@AhmetAy37530684: Du Wei suikasti, Çin'den "Virüs"ün ilk hesabının sorulmasıdır - 5 years ago

@hakkonen: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@lady5834: RT @sonunsonundayiz: ROTHSCHİLD ailesinin üç Önemli Merkezi Londra Çin Ortadoğudur... Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi… - 5 years ago

@UgurSen_52: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@ahmbrs: RT @sonunsonundayiz: ROTHSCHİLD ailesinin üç Önemli Merkezi Londra Çin Ortadoğudur... Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi… - 5 years ago

@Mehmeta02951307: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@lourencomiguel5: RT @COVID19GovAo: Embaixador chinês em Israel encontrado morto em casa O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto, este… - 5 years ago

@yoonjincore: RT @awakeclipse: @yoonjincore wen di sheng du chou chang yun shen ye wei yang - 5 years ago

@cengizhsn1: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@rcnylmz35: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@cengiizkaan: RT @sonunsonundayiz: ROTHSCHİLD ailesinin üç Önemli Merkezi Londra Çin Ortadoğudur... Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi… - 5 years ago

@hsyn_tvkc: RT @KurtogluKagan: Rothschildlerin üç ayağı Londra-Çin-Ortadoğudur.Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei,Suriyenin fi… - 5 years ago

@awakeclipse: @yoonjincore wen di sheng du chou chang yun shen ye wei yang - 5 years ago

@dusuninsan: RT @sonunsonundayiz: ROTHSCHİLD ailesinin üç Önemli Merkezi Londra Çin Ortadoğudur... Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi… - 5 years ago

@sonunsonundayiz: ROTHSCHİLD ailesinin üç Önemli Merkezi Londra Çin Ortadoğudur... Frankfurtta Thomas Schafer,Çin’in İsrail Büyükelç… - 5 years ago

@IsraelinIreland: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@MiyakoNeon: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@haaretzcom: Ambassador Du Wei was found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv on Sunday - 5 years ago

@private1028: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@GlezPatrick: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@tinomcflyno1: @Alantommo8 Gary Caldwell and du wei - 5 years ago

@wirklichtot: @XylowhX du hast wegen mir einzigen Goldtweet weißt du wei ich meine - 5 years ago

@dinglerec: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@UjKeletOnline: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@IsraelMFA: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@mwanaharakati_: RT @MsumbaNews_: Balozi wa China nchini Israel, Du Wei amekutwa amekufa nyumbani kwake mjini Tel Aviv ikiwa ni miezi miwili tu tangu aanze… - 5 years ago

@inside_israel1: #Israel holds ceremony for the late Chinese ambassador Du Wei - 5 years ago

@cmteed: RT @i24NEWS_EN: Chinese Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was 57 when he was found dead at his home in #Herzliya earlier this week - 5 years ago

@Ostrov_A: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@raphaellaN: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@i24NEWS_EN: Chinese Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was 57 when he was found dead at his home in #Herzliya earlier this week - 5 years ago

@adarshhal: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@LiorHaiat: RT @Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet him,… - 5 years ago

@Gabi_Ashkenazi: Today we bade farewell to H.E. Ambassador Du Wei, who passed away this week. I didn't have an opportunity to meet… - 5 years ago

@LibrosdelInnomb: RT @arrabalf: Presque mieux qu'écrire! Lindores Abbey. Les meilleurs maîtres d'échecs: Magnus Carlsen, Yi Wei, Alireza Firouzja, Wesle… - 5 years ago

@Yolima76002344: RT @Mision_Verdad: Las causas de la muerte de Du Wei no están del todo despejadas y habrá que esperar una investigación más exhaustiva en T… - 5 years ago

@Yolima76002344: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@MeandHappy: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@avischarf: Israeli soldiers in farewell ceremony at TLV airport from Chinese ambassador Du Wei who died here Sunday China to… - 5 years ago

@talkintree: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@thexandriacom: Duta Besar China untuk Israel, Du Wei, ditemukan tewas di kediamannya di Herzliya, Israel, pada hari Minggu (17/5/2… - 5 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Verstorben nach kurzer Amtszeit: Nachdem der chinesische Botschafter in Israel, Du Wei, am Sonntag tot aufgefunden… - 5 years ago

@Valquele: RT @LuizSil60893851: @AlbuquerqueDavy @mauricio_tfan VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: M… - 5 years ago

@F6Sc0: RT @har_hor_hir_har: イスラエルの中国大使殺人事件 イスラエルの4チャンネルに、「中国大使(Du Wei氏)は、中国共産党の要請を受けたShin Bet(国内のモサド)に殺害された」と書き込みした投稿者がいます。 - 5 years ago

@MapleYeli: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@mustafabaygin: Sûikâstler sürüyor/sürecek mi? "Çinli Büyükelçi Du Wei'nin İSRAİL'de CIA tarafından infazı şok etkisi meydana geti… - 5 years ago

@goldenplimsoles: @frencheddycsc Du Wei - 5 years ago

@AndrewHayen: @AbbeyDiaz_says @CarolineFinch @JulieB_Injury This is Wei Du' s paper - 5 years ago

@GordonBird14: China’s ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@AndrewHayen: @AbbeyDiaz_says These study designs are efficient since they only require records of deaths and not all car crashes… - 5 years ago

@SabreeMartini: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@TabernacleArabi: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@cavecrusher: And then Uncle Sam NeoCons and Israhellis murders Chinese diplomat Du Wei. - 5 years ago

@holiddarussalam: RT @nytimesworld: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his home in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv. The cause of… - 5 years ago

@Gabi_Ashkenazi: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@wchcable: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@Cropperboyce: Israeli soldiers wearing protective face masks carry the coffin of Chinese ambassador Du Wei, who died at his home… - 5 years ago

@Avigailcjm: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@IsraelinIreland: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@manishdalal003: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@tetsuro_999: RT @har_hor_hir_har: イスラエルの中国大使殺人事件 イスラエルの4チャンネルに、「中国大使(Du Wei氏)は、中国共産党の要請を受けたShin Bet(国内のモサド)に殺害された」と書き込みした投稿者がいます。 - 5 years ago

@arletevonkries1: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@yiftahc: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@uvwaks: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@GiladCohen_: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@IsraelMFA: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@Matthieu_Wei: RT @Lincamion: J’ai commencé LoL il y a deux mois maintenant et je peux affirmer sans me tromper que la communauté du jeu est le plus gros… - 5 years ago

@PorazDan: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@yohi_ksuke115: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@LiorHaiat: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@IsraelinChina: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@RaphaelAhren: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@RG_Team_Tokyo: RT @Yuval_Rotem: On behalf of Israel’s FM & @IsraelMFA I participated in the memorial service, in honor of the late Ambassador of the Peopl… - 5 years ago

@l73876: RT @PDChina: #JustIn: Chinese Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was confirmed dead from a health condition in Tel Aviv on May 17. - 5 years ago

@jongkhan1: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@knowledgemagic: Du Wei was one of the people who made China today. If every hotel in China today has Hebrew brochures, if jewish ca… - 5 years ago

@ybouabidi: RT @SanaAljazeera: @ybouabidi #China will not send a team to Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei; China FM spox sai… - 5 years ago

@yelanwete: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@WYiboW: Wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng ~~~ - 5 years ago

@Cubs_We_Own_It: RT @ElaineKleid: @TomFitton @TruthAnJustice5 Did you see these reports on Chinese ambassador to Israel, found deceased at home 4/29/20 & t… - 5 years ago

@SanaAljazeera: @ybouabidi #China will not send a team to Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei; China FM spo… - 5 years ago

@GreatXuanEr: @SpokespersonCHN Rest in peace to Mr.Ambassador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@aysyzyr: ''... Çok büyük ihtimalle özel bir zehir yöntemiyle kalp krizi geçirdi ve hayatını kaybetti. Du Wei, bugün Çin için… - 5 years ago

@libandin: Chinesischer Botschafter Du Wei, 57 Jahre alt, in Israel gestorben. - 5 years ago

@JICHOdaDOG: RT @mmnjug: China’s ambassador to Israel has been found dead at his home in Tel Aviv on Sunday - 5 years ago

@mmnjug: China’s ambassador to Israel has been found dead at his home in Tel Aviv on Sunday - 5 years ago

@HallyuWebsite: @khamenei_ir @Tasnimnews_EN @IDF @mikepompeo #DuWei @MFA_Ukraine @MofaJapan_en @MofaQatar_EN @mfa_russia @IsraelMFA… - 5 years ago

@ultima_ora: RT @ultimenotizie: L'ambasciatore cinese in #Israele Du Wei è stato trovato morto nella sua residenza ufficiale nella città costiera di Her… - 5 years ago

@iris_hhhhh: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@HotDeal17: Facebook Ads r Anf?nger: Wie du mit Faceboo k Marketing in derAmazon Socia Sal Mle >>> - 5 years ago

@har_hor_hir_har: イスラエルの中国大使殺人事件 イスラエルの4チャンネルに、「中国大使(Du Wei氏)は、中国共産党の要請を受けたShin Bet(国内のモサド)に殺害された」と書き込みした投稿者がいます。 - 5 years ago

@RPDULAR: RT @LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy expresses… - 5 years ago

@GiladCohen_: RT @LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy expresses… - 5 years ago

@wayneflyf: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@caucroach: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@OSCARRO1234: RT @Mision_Verdad: Las causas de la muerte de Du Wei no están del todo despejadas y habrá que esperar una investigación más exhaustiva en T… - 5 years ago

@Know4LIFE: RT @M_Haseeb_Ashraf: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home in Tel Aviv China's a… - 5 years ago

@notinewsworldtv: RT @MinutoPichincha: 🔴#ÚltimaHora | El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue hallado muerto hoy en su residencia en las afue… - 5 years ago

@Saradanik194: wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng yī chǎaaaan… - 5 years ago

@elidavidsonf2f: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@jcpirela_vp: RT @Mision_Verdad: Las causas de la muerte de Du Wei no están del todo despejadas y habrá que esperar una investigación más exhaustiva en T… - 5 years ago

@Nmlucien: RT @HongKongFP: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@lutimedina1996: RT @Mision_Verdad: Las causas de la muerte de Du Wei no están del todo despejadas y habrá que esperar una investigación más exhaustiva en T… - 5 years ago

@ReVeLuvSubs_: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@yibokitten: @nianyam wén..dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì.. yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng… - 5 years ago

@zulpanjangnkb: RT @KellyFria: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former Ukraine-China Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Found Dead at Home i… - 5 years ago

@zulpanjangnkb: RT @DrHawarey: Something wierd is going on, in total silence: top American military commander US Air Force Colonel Thomas Falzarano was fou… - 5 years ago

@dumbitchboy: wén..dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì.. yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mèng yī chǎn… - 5 years ago

@Hetiner1: @KIRMIZIBEYAZ68 Çin'in İngiltere ile arasındaki bağları güçlendiren de Du Wei'den başkası değildi. Zaten KRİPTO PAR… - 5 years ago

@JoseLuis_14_68: Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel nytimes - News - Noticias - Bitcoin - CryptoCurrency -… - 5 years ago

@gudaris: RT @Mision_Verdad: Las causas de la muerte de Du Wei no están del todo despejadas y habrá que esperar una investigación más exhaustiva en T… - 5 years ago

@lynattack: moi en revenant du wei avec ma voix de fumeuse - 5 years ago

@milothekemosabe: RT @BabeReflex_8: Has anyone confirmed or released communications of Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei with Palestinian authority officia… - 5 years ago

@mmpreta: RT @mmpreta: O canal israelense 12 TV citou um funcionário dos serviços médicos de emergência, dizendo que os indícios são de que Du Wei mo… - 5 years ago

@BabeReflex_8: Has anyone confirmed or released communications of Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei with Palestinian authority o… - 5 years ago

@DrHawarey: Something wierd is going on, in total silence: top American military commander US Air Force Colonel Thomas Falzaran… - 5 years ago

@VrhfVsQSU494lQb: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@LoudL: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@jellyfishbb_: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@josinetebastos: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. 🙏 Recently he was on… - 5 years ago

@solohubenko: RT @KatyaYushchenko: We were saddened to learn of the death of our friend, Ambassador Du Wei. He was a guest at our home often during his t… - 5 years ago

@wing_carol: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@fanaticforone: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@corder_sherrie: RT @ElaineKleid: @TomFitton @TruthAnJustice5 Did you see these reports on Chinese ambassador to Israel, found deceased at home 4/29/20 & t… - 5 years ago

@lwj__ying: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@sob_michal: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@Krisss1956: RT @ElaineKleid: @TomFitton @TruthAnJustice5 Did you see these reports on Chinese ambassador to Israel, found deceased at home 4/29/20 & t… - 5 years ago

@lWishUHeaven: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@uncleanpiper: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@KatyaYushchenko: We were saddened to learn of the death of our friend, Ambassador Du Wei. He was a guest at our home often during hi… - 5 years ago

@Isabel_3299: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@birgaripfaniyim: RT @TalatEnverovich: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei’nin evinde ölü bulunmasının ardından Karlov suikasti hafızalara getirildi. Bomba,ola… - 5 years ago

@onyematomorrow2: RT @NkirukaNistoran: Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apartment in… - 5 years ago

@bCJnXWLk878dkUx: RT @2020von2020: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in his residence in Tel Aviv on Sunday. Preliminary evidence showed that h… - 5 years ago

@whatzen: RT @ElaineKleid: @TomFitton @TruthAnJustice5 Did you see these reports on Chinese ambassador to Israel, found deceased at home 4/29/20 & t… - 5 years ago

@OdongOdink: RT @portalhiid: Hai #darahmuda • Duta Besar China untuk Israel, Du Wei, ditemukan meninggal di rumah dinasnya di kawasan Herzliya, Tel Aviv… - 5 years ago

@BWDeadcat: RT @VerumRadix: Join me tonight at 7pm est. for #DiggingDeeper on @PatriotsSoapbox with @PinataDrunk and @BWDeadcat Tonight's Show Prep:… - 5 years ago

@ScionAi: Rest in Peace chinese ambassador Du Wei in Israel may you meet your evil god in the afterlife & go to hell, pal! - 5 years ago

@joseVIL79144379: RT @CNNEE: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto dentro de su residencia oficial el domingo por la mañana, dijo a… - 5 years ago

@ScionAi: The death of chinese ambassador Du Wei in Israel is solution because this people are criminal,corrupt officials,no… - 5 years ago

@AlmogElijis: RT @LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy expresses… - 5 years ago

@mahmed91808284: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@modified_hindu: Chinese Ambassador To Israel Du Wei Assassinated In Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@Lilou_AW: @jotarokanki @Takuuu___ Fin de la bataille contre Wei, on voit les meufs du palais royal - 5 years ago

@MADUABUCHii: RT @DonKlericuzio: NOW: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Mr. Du Wei found dead at his home in Hertzliya Israel, the circumstances of his death… - 5 years ago

@xqwang61: RT @cowboyspirit_01: 堂堂厉害国外交部头牌,在这简单得连个句子都不是的、仅仅9个词汇的名词结构里,竟然犯下5个硬伤:1:colleague; 2:Israel;3: 两处逗号断句,to my colleague(,) Du Wei(,) the Ambass… - 5 years ago

@May94131785: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Aurabotello1: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@flowingyoongi: wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng - 5 years ago

@MisaelSanroque: RT @arrabalf: Presque mieux qu'écrire! Lindores Abbey. Les meilleurs maîtres d'échecs: Magnus Carlsen, Yi Wei, Alireza Firouzja, Wesle… - 5 years ago

@hhhgatau: wén dí sheng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè wèi yāng - 5 years ago

@ZHHego: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@kalia273: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Foreign Minister @Gabi_Ashkenazi expressed "sincere condolences on the sudden and tragic passing of H.E. Du Wei," who s… - 5 years ago

@AlicjaJesz: RT @ssr57: Maurizio Blondet zauważa, że Du Wei, 57-letni ambasador Chin w Izraelu – którego co tylko odnaleziono martwego w Herzliya pod Te… - 5 years ago

@severiaan: RT @ssr57: Maurizio Blondet zauważa, że Du Wei, 57-letni ambasador Chin w Izraelu – którego co tylko odnaleziono martwego w Herzliya pod Te… - 5 years ago

@Fneal1231: RT @HenryMakow: Murdered Chinese Ambassador Tried to Defect? Du Wei tried to defect and share info on China bio-w… - 5 years ago

@herohatta: RT @MiddleEastEye: Du Wei's death occurred only a few days after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on Israel to put an end to its co… - 5 years ago

@teyllan: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@AmonFigueiredo: RT @UOLNoticias: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, 57 anos, foi encontrado morto no domingo em sua residência no bairro de Herzliya,… - 5 years ago

@mariatiza: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@Zznngg: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@SEOBelfastNI: RT @HenryMakow: Murdered Chinese Ambassador Tried to Defect? Du Wei tried to defect and share info on China bio-w… - 5 years ago

@realVishaL: RT @GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they say… - 5 years ago

@IsraelinHouston: RT @LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy expresses… - 5 years ago

@portalhiid: Du juga telah mengatakan China telah dijadikan kambing hitam dunia. Du Wei meninggalkan seorang istri dan seorang… - 5 years ago

@portalhiid: Ketika Du tiba di Israel pada 15 Februari, Du langsung mengisolasi diri selama 2 minggu karena pembatasan virus cor… - 5 years ago

@portalhiid: melaporkan hasil pemeriksaan awal menunjukkan Du wafat meninggal dunia saat tidur karena penyakit bawaannya. Media… - 5 years ago

@portalhiid: Hai #darahmuda • Duta Besar China untuk Israel, Du Wei, ditemukan meninggal di rumah dinasnya di kawasan Herzliya,… - 5 years ago

@Harshva44829186: RT @JantaKaReporter: BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his apartment inTel Aviv suburb - 5 years ago

@CleyMotimo: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@GreatGameIndia: He was found dead by Israeli police coincidentally as “part of regular procedure”. Even without investigation they… - 5 years ago

@WRose3rd: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Foreign Minister @Gabi_Ashkenazi expressed "sincere condolences on the sudden and tragic passing of H.E. Du Wei," who s… - 5 years ago

@PeggyTurner9: Sounds like #DeepState is silencing another person. China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead on Saturda… - 5 years ago

@KasaBHarbor: RT @LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy expresses… - 5 years ago

@Doctor679: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@agente041_: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@UjKeletOnline: RT @LiorHaiat: בשם ממשלת ישראל, משרד החוץ ואזרחי מדינת ישראל, שר החוץ, רא״ל במיל׳ גבי אשכנזי, מביע את תנחומיו הכנים על מותו הפתאומי והטרגי… - 5 years ago

@VanKonRab: - 5 years ago

@VanKonRab: condemning China’s investments in Israel (very important for us to know before “partnering” with Israel to manufac… - 5 years ago

@deektt_: RT @BolajiOlayink13: R I P Amb. DU WEI #ChinaIsNotOurProblem - 5 years ago

@LiorHaiat: בשם ממשלת ישראל, משרד החוץ ואזרחי מדינת ישראל, שר החוץ, רא״ל במיל׳ גבי אשכנזי, מביע את תנחומיו הכנים על מותו הפתאומ… - 5 years ago

@YossiZilberman: RT @LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy expresses… - 5 years ago

@LiorHaiat: On behalf of the Gov of Israel, the Foreign Ministry & the citizens of Israel, Foreign Minister Mr. Gabi Ashkenazy… - 5 years ago

@atlantico_fr: Du Wei, l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, a été retrouvé mort dans sa résidence - 5 years ago

@luiszapata1892: RT @CNNEE: Du Wei asumió el cargo como embajador de China en Israel en febrero de 2020 - 5 years ago

@piyopiyo_edf: RT @yurumazu: 実は米国のポンペオ長官が先週イスラエルを訪れたばかりです。ポンペオ長官は、イスラエルは中国とのビジネスをすべきではない発言し、亡くなったDu Wei大使はポンペオ長官を非難していました。 - 5 years ago

@naverix: RT @CNNEE: Du Wei asumió el cargo como embajador de China en Israel en febrero de 2020 - 5 years ago

@ZllJoe: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@ZllJoe: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@ZllJoe: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@MayolliSergio: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@J_Brahms1833: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@dunyadanbilgi0: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki dairesinde ölü bulundu. Ölümünün nedeni henüz bilinmiyor. - 5 years ago

@pcyologist: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@carlosgomez427: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@frseven: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Deudelys4: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@Josemlxhp: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@LUZMARINANGA: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@QIUYAN03933367: RT @AmbLiuGuangYuan: Deep condolences to my colleague and friend Ambassador Du Wei to Israel. May him rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@pmnewsnigeria: RT @pmnewsnigeria: China reacts to death of Ambassador Du Wei in Israel - 5 years ago

@Elianyer13: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@acfelizzola: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@xiaozhanandyibo: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@011indrajeet: RT @011indrajeet: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@SaenzSucre: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@viv_souza: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Emarle: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@vilasboasfa: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@UnderJsky: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@allgeallgemeine: @anemlon Öha. I bin a Bayer. Hosd mi. Dadadst Du ebba moana i warad koana? Bloß wei do af Twidda a Klischee- und To… - 5 years ago

@arrazoada: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@wilmenbr: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@SuperMinion38: Jovens demais para morrer. Meus sentimentos para as famílias. "O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, de 57 ano… - 5 years ago

@fraisie_choco: RT @grossetornade: c’est pas une blague en fait les viols et agressions pendant les WEI et les soirées d’inté !!! les chants sur la culture… - 5 years ago

@MarinilseO: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@profeloc: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@rosetangy: RT @nytchinese: 担忧疫情卷土重来,吉林、辽宁超8000人被隔离。在吉林省吉林市及其下辖舒兰市出现多起感染病例后,大部分本地居民都被禁止离开。 辽宁省会沈阳周六表示,自4月22日以来从吉林市来沈返沈人员,都将在指定场所接受为期三周的隔离;居家隔离者须即刻转入集中隔… - 5 years ago

@maria_battles: Du Wei, 58, suffered a cardiac arrest at night and was found dead in his bed; He was appointed envoy in February, i… - 5 years ago

@RedPillKen: RT @VerumRadix: Join me tonight at 7pm est. for #DiggingDeeper on @PatriotsSoapbox with @PinataDrunk and @BWDeadcat Tonight's Show Prep:… - 5 years ago

@maria_battles: Published: 05.17.20 , 10:17 China's ambassador to Israel found dead in his apartment in Herzliya Sources say Du Wei - 5 years ago

@MaxximeB18: @yseultiris Ahhhh bien ça, de tte facon rip le wei annulé à cause du corona 😥💔 - 5 years ago

@Enio37: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@xiaozhanbabie: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@fluffill: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@TrumpCanuck: @RedPilledisBACK @jandennis1955 @FrancesannMaga @HEAVENSARMY4 @liltilgerlil @Shayarm @45HarisonHarold @WWG1WGA… - 5 years ago

@GQYourLifeAgent: RT @ConspiracyFarm1: NOTHING to see here. 😉 - 5 years ago

@yibosbbh: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@kidocredo: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@RealFriarTalk: RT @HenryMakow: Murdered Chinese Ambassador Tried to Defect? Du Wei tried to defect and share info on China bio-w… - 5 years ago

@RIOGRANDE202070: RT @RochexRB27: El embajador de 🇨🇳China en 🇮🇱Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Avi… - 5 years ago

@byultennie: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@nyamunoms: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@Andy_Jongin88: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@kewenxiao2002: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@NHCandidate2024: RT @tom_trotts: China's Ambassador to Israel has been found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv Sunday morning, Israel's Foreign Ministry ha… - 5 years ago

@sonqxiao: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@heyuebb: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@xiaokai0524: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@EBCnewsfocus: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Tuiteroactivo23: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@theunionjournal: #MiddleEast #China China to send team to investigate death of envoy in Israel – Middle East Monitor: China will cer… - 5 years ago

@SkineyW: RT @tom_trotts: China's Ambassador to Israel has been found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv Sunday morning, Israel's Foreign Ministry ha… - 5 years ago

@BrianGalvin12: RT @trinareyes: Du Wei,57, China’s Amb to Israel is found dead of natural causes in his Tel Aviv apartment. Last month Wei said, “ In his… - 5 years ago

@mah4203: RT @RUchipped: Du Wei’s death comes just two days after he condemned comments by visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. - 5 years ago

@baekhyunaeri: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@REDETUDOW: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ransesperazah: RT @Mision_Verdad: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, i… - 5 years ago

@ClaraKritzmire: RT @RUchipped: Du Wei’s death comes just two days after he condemned comments by visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. - 5 years ago

@wujiyoongi: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@JupiterDi1112: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@wikinewspt: Embaixador da China em Israel é encontrado morto. Saiba mais no Wikinotícias: Imagem: Visã… - 5 years ago

@exoqweer: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@ahgachuu_: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@kennia_ft: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@chory1410: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@yibozyx: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@IshaDhyani25: RT @apnnewsindia: Chinese Ambassador Du_Wei died in a suspicious condition in Israel. His body was recovered from his house. Israel's Forei… - 5 years ago

@diablosuho: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@Triyant78193408: Israel sebut dubes cina meninggal akibat serangan jantung. Tiem para medis israel yg memeriksa menyatakan dubes ci… - 5 years ago

@cfisher0817: RT @ConspiracyFarm1: NOTHING to see here. 😉 - 5 years ago

@juanper41564878: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@lanzbian: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@TerrestrialJak: RT @ConspiracyFarm1: NOTHING to see here. 😉 - 5 years ago

@TroyNastoff: RT @ConspiracyFarm1: NOTHING to see here. 😉 - 5 years ago

@comradehyeju: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@hildaarstt: RT @veteranstoday: Did the Mossad and Deep State kill Chinese ambassador Du Wei? The United States has been involved in assassinating perce… - 5 years ago

@7_npkoch: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ju_honest: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@StacySm31569347: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@StacySm31569347: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@cloclo2539: Pékin : l’ambassadeur Du Wei est mort subitement « pour des raisons de santé » - 5 years ago

@Laura44342995: RT @VerumRadix: Join me tonight at 7pm est. for #DiggingDeeper on @PatriotsSoapbox with @PinataDrunk and @BWDeadcat Tonight's Show Prep:… - 5 years ago

@Santos31264475: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@YwYuan: RT @nytimes: Read updates in Chinese: 新冠病毒疫情最新消息 - 5 years ago

@RayaneRengifo: RT @UOLNoticias: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, 57 anos, foi encontrado morto no domingo em sua residência no bairro de Herzliya,… - 5 years ago

@MarconiBSC: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@guwemales: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@ThiagoCanales1: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@TaeminWithAGun: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@SilvanadeBessa: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@MarcosWLadislau: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@_90TKXKRIS: RT @chwehanyus: “i only listen to music about mental health blah blah blah” shut the hell up put on wén dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè… - 5 years ago

@gerametanoia: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@GustaBonoro: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ItaloR01: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Mcrys2000: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@elitebrazuca: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@RizaBey11: Denk dich in deine neue Position - Was für Eigenschaften brauchst du dort? Genau das trainierst du, mach auch imme… - 5 years ago

@ovasco71: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Ronnaweinberg1: RT @brookentodd: @blakesmustache Interesting topic... This ambassador criticized Pompeo last week and he is dead today. Du Wei – May 17,… - 5 years ago

@lubu_wei: Pas de Divinity II ce soir ! En revanche, ce soir on repart sur notre toute première partie d'Europa Universalis IV… - 5 years ago

@Daniell38770699: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ronaldoaraujo1: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@FabioIglesias70: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Nath_Any1: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@adpaim: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@norella_correa: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@MrioBayer1: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ttzinha11: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@modilasegantin: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@JuniorNiteroiRJ: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@luizstanganelli: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@zbigboss: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Nelson64598918: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@grasielamancini: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@laschiavonc: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Betinhus_: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@RichardSantAnn4: RT @JornalBSM: Embaixador chinês é encontrado morto em Tel Aviv Du Wei havia assumido a missão diplomática no país em fevereiro, de acordo… - 5 years ago

@CorruptionTrump: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@luv_n_lite: RT @SBSNews: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his residence on the outskirts of Tel Aviv on Sunday, police said.… - 5 years ago

@nazaret2010: RT @Mision_Verdad: Du Wei, de 57 años de edad, fue nombrado como representante diplomático en Israel en febrero pasado. Ayer fue hallado… - 5 years ago

@lecolelon: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@SantosR95370985: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Sam31837614: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@russofolk: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@pepinos37: RT @Mision_Verdad: La muerte de Du Wei ocurre en un contexto marcado por las falsas acusaciones de Washington que buscan responsabilizar a… - 5 years ago

@mariomil691: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@CorruptionTrump: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@BerniesHomie: RT @AAhronheim: Confirmed: #China's ambassador to #Israel 52 year-old Du Wei has been found dead in his home. Police have opened an invest… - 5 years ago

@clovis_rezende: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@LeCaRCaRa: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@pepinos37: RT @Mision_Verdad: Du Wei, de 57 años de edad, fue nombrado como representante diplomático en Israel en febrero pasado. Ayer fue hallado… - 5 years ago

@Drumbea82221174: RT @TheRealShenna: BREAKING NEWS: #China’s ambassador to #Israel Mr. Du Wei was found dead at his residence in Hertzilya this morning. #DuW… - 5 years ago

@RdneysMiranda1: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@NortesuN: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@SilviaH62644255: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@pbergonzi: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ever_mello: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@francis39423044: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@BLACKDO41255798: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Luisjoargue: Embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, hallado muerto en su residencia - 5 years ago

@0asmaraheem0: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@OiIkki: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Chinesecerry: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@pro7eino: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@FabianaGoncalez: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@JosPedrodaCost7: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Jlucasnj: RT @brookentodd: 46. Du Wei – May 17, 2020 - Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at his home. This ambassador criticized Pompeo last… - 5 years ago

@nandomolinari: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@cesararcangel15: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@CleberAugusto10: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@LorenaGLopes: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@GilmarBispodos2: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@adeir_marinh: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@taddei_piratini: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@JpMecanismo: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@eythornelynnej: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@AnilThakur_: Chinese Ambassador To Israel Du Wei Assassinated In Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@setsunayuu: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@JOSEJEFFERSONB2: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@PauloCesare3: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@REHAAN1111: Good each chinese will and should meet the same fate . Ty #Isreal - 5 years ago

@karina_mnk17: Sa vous donne quoi en chinois ? A=ā / B=nbèi / C=sè. / D=dé / E= è /F= ài fú /G= rì H=ā shíI / I=yi /J= jī /K=… - 5 years ago

@ripadnvld: RT @ariehkovler: Adding some fuel for conspiracy theorists: Du Wei was China's Ambassador to Ukraine until a few weeks ago when he was reas… - 5 years ago

@ViTarasuc: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@IzabellaNogh: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@ripadnvld: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Assemblador: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@MariaLCAb: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Mariada61948561: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Carlos68515551: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@pedrinicruz: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Sergio11737853: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@SalomaoAlves8: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@RonaldoRamosTI: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@DiogoHAraujo: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@PenteadoHelena: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@FernandaPorrasV: ¿Por qué nadie está hablando del embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que encontraron muerto en Israel? Solo digo, ¿no? - 5 years ago

@katcowley1: RT @brookentodd: @blakesmustache Interesting topic... This ambassador criticized Pompeo last week and he is dead today. Du Wei – May 17,… - 5 years ago

@LeifSiv_Falk: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@lhpraun: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@sherrymccarter: RT @brookentodd: @blakesmustache Interesting topic... This ambassador criticized Pompeo last week and he is dead today. Du Wei – May 17,… - 5 years ago

@BrittoGs: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@KatiaMalavazzi: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@rosanacartman: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@DsantiagoHector: RT @Mision_Verdad: Du Wei, de 57 años de edad, fue nombrado como representante diplomático en Israel en febrero pasado. Ayer fue hallado… - 5 years ago

@RejaneBP38: RT @domlancellotti: VAMOS DE COINCIDÊNCIAS? Li Wenliang - Médico chinês que alertou sobre vírus chinês: Morto. Bing Liu - Pesquisador chi… - 5 years ago

@Charls_sv: RT @NewyorkInforma: Encuentran muerto en su casa al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. La policía dijo que en el lugar no encontraron s… - 5 years ago

@Lemeng15: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@Du_Laufbursche: m@nchm@l beschwer ich mich echt 0hne grund e$ scheint sch0n seit t@gen jeden t@g die s0nn€, ich wei$$ n0ch wie ich… - 5 years ago

@MximoPastorRiv1: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@HusseinBD11: RT @AmbassadorHuang: My colleague Du Wei, 🇨🇳Ambassador to Israel, passed away yesterday. Two-front war for China: fight against coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@DonCoglioni45: RT @trinareyes: Du Wei,57, China’s Amb to Israel is found dead of natural causes in his Tel Aviv apartment. Last month Wei said, “ In his… - 5 years ago

@the14145215: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@staybyCNGV: RT @AmbassadorHuang: My colleague Du Wei, 🇨🇳Ambassador to Israel, passed away yesterday. Two-front war for China: fight against coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@nekomata_diary: BBC World News:Headlines: Israel swears in unity goverment after long political crisis. 'I'm living on cards': The… - 5 years ago

@LeafsNation96: RT @Dustinpenner25: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - CNN - 5 years ago

@LJ_AAP: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@rangercommando: RT @VinodDX9: #China’s Ambassador to #Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb, an Israeli official told B… - 5 years ago

@PrzyjacielIPP: RT @haniashen: Du Wei ambasador Chin w Izraelu został znaleziony martwy w swoim mieszkaniu na przedmieściach Tel Awiwu. Du rozpoczął swoje… - 5 years ago

@ChristoClifford: RT @catheri82106796: Chinese ambassador to Israel ‘found dead’ - 5 years ago

@yongwangzhiqi10: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@HectorPernia6: RT @Mision_Verdad: La muerte de Du Wei ocurre en un contexto marcado por las falsas acusaciones de Washington que buscan responsabilizar a… - 5 years ago

@seseragi_seitai: RT @bmdurg: 2月に赴任したばかりの駐イスラエルの中国大使が、テルアビブの自宅で死体で発見されたそうな。 この大使の、イスラエルの前の赴任地は、ウクライナだった。 BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel fo… - 5 years ago

@WladimirGodoy5: RT @Mision_Verdad: La muerte de Du Wei ocurre en un contexto marcado por las falsas acusaciones de Washington que buscan responsabilizar a… - 5 years ago

@XerarprinXXI: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@macutogonzalez: RT @Mision_Verdad: La muerte de Du Wei ocurre en un contexto marcado por las falsas acusaciones de Washington que buscan responsabilizar a… - 5 years ago

@NRIKE8: RT @Mision_Verdad: La muerte de Du Wei ocurre en un contexto marcado por las falsas acusaciones de Washington que buscan responsabilizar a… - 5 years ago

@Yzg74269005: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@mirko60036887: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@AuCommander: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@Americasshrugg1: RT @PatriotsSoapbox: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former UKRAINE-CHINA Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, FOUND DEAD at… - 5 years ago

@newsperplexed: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@BsalinasMarek: RT @RobynAnne: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former Ukraine-China Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Found Dead at Home i… - 5 years ago

@SapphirianSap: Clinton Body count - 5 years ago

@reshmi_delhi: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@2hellwevil: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: China will not send team to investigate death of Israel ambassador Du Wei - 5 years ago

@savage_L99: RT @HongKongFP: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@emet_news_press: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@TahirOkur6: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@idirh_: RT @TimesofIsraelFR: Pékin : l’ambassadeur Du Wei est mort subitement « pour des raisons de santé » - 5 years ago

@NickAtNight128: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: #China will not send a team to Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei; China FM spox sai… - 5 years ago

@marianturkin1: RT @eli_barbur: Pekin rozmyślili się w nocy (…) - rezygnując z wysłania do IL ekipy śledczej mającej zbadać okoliczności śmierci ich ambsad… - 5 years ago

@happykilala: @yosh_2nd Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel 中国は近年イスラエルに多額の投資をしており、ワシントンと敵… - 5 years ago

@NevresimTakimi7: ABD dışişleri bakanı İsrail'in Çin ile işbirliği yapması işimize gelmez diyor. Sonrasında çıkan haber bu :) Çin'in… - 5 years ago

@Liana_: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China will not send a team to #Israel to investigate the sudden death of ambassador Du Wei, Israeli media reported Mon… - 5 years ago

@Hodori13: RT @AmbLiuGuangYuan: Deep condolences to my colleague and friend Ambassador Du Wei to Israel. May him rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@AdrianMarquez63: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@mello_adrianno: RT @folha: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto neste domingo (17) em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzliya, em T… - 5 years ago

@guilarte_isaias: RT @folha: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto neste domingo (17) em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzliya, em T… - 5 years ago

@Jsjdbsb9: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@IngridVianaC: RT @folha: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto neste domingo (17) em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzliya, em T… - 5 years ago

@feerskawuska: RT @folha: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto neste domingo (17) em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzliya, em T… - 5 years ago

@aishaharris629: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@DennisRadcliff3: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@aishaharris629: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@CustomBuiltBeYu: RT @Adrienne711: - 5 years ago

@SREGAN72: "Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel Found Dead at His Home, Said China Was Made Scapegoat for Pandemic" - 5 years ago

@bluesky12623081: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Jean_minibar: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Flviofilho19: RT @folha: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto neste domingo (17) em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzliya, em T… - 5 years ago

@ChowkidarKim: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei, 57, died unexpectedly of health reasons - Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Minist… - 5 years ago

@TabascoHOY: #Entérate ⚡️ El embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto en su residencia del barrio… - 5 years ago

@folha: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto neste domingo (17) em sua residência no subúrbio de H… - 5 years ago

@DeplorableljA: RT @Adrienne711: - 5 years ago

@barasatriaaa: RT @KATADATAcoid: Penyebab kematian dubes Tiongkok untuk Israel, Du Wei menimbulkan kecurigaan. Salah satunya dikaitkan dengan kritiknya te… - 5 years ago

@winniethepatx: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@power979fm: Du Wei: Chinese Ambassador To Israel Found Dead At Home - 5 years ago

@MichaelChangCN: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@emredem: bu haberden öğrendiğimize göre dün vefat eden Büyükelçi Du Wei, Ukrayna'daki görevi sırasında ticaret, turizm, Çin… - 5 years ago

@LuisPucela: RT @CNNEE: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto dentro de su residencia oficial el domingo por la mañana, dijo a… - 5 years ago

@AbdullahGulPak: RT @2020von2020: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in his residence in Tel Aviv on Sunday. Preliminary evidence showed that h… - 5 years ago

@TOSHIYA38225944: RT @chokan_japan: 駐イスラエル中国大使 杜偉(Du Wei)、テルアビブの公邸で遺体で発見される。杜偉大使は今年2月にイスラエルに単身赴任したばかり。 #イスラエル #中国大使 #政治 - 5 years ago

@SegDef: Du Wei asumió el cargo en febrero, en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus, y deja una esposa y un hijo, ninguno de… - 5 years ago

@xcz1957: @SpokespersonCHN I suspected CIA. If US could kill Iranian Soleimani in Iraq soil why not did the same to Du Wei in… - 5 years ago

@GATRA_News: Tuduhan Konspirasi Pasca Kematian Dubes Du Wei - 5 years ago

@hello_somdeb: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@Adysfunctional1: RT @CBCNews: "Police are investigating this as death by natural causes," an Israeli official briefed on the matter said. - 5 years ago

@pepi_holaquetal: RT @CNNEE: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto dentro de su residencia oficial el domingo por la mañana, dijo a… - 5 years ago

@paulinust: Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel - 5 years ago

@asambleamajaras: RT @Amor_y_Rabia: (IMG) Tras la muerte en circunstancias no aclaradas de Du Wei, embajador chino en Israel, la red se llena de teorías rela… - 5 years ago

@AlisaSomeren: RT @CBCNews: "Police are investigating this as death by natural causes," an Israeli official briefed on the matter said. - 5 years ago

@harishharry46: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@AhmedKamalMalik: @zhang_heqing Deepest condolences to the family of Ambassador Du Wei. - 5 years ago

@Heerfei: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@lvrpoolfc8: @XHNews - 5 years ago

@tuan007: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@TTrapczynski: RT @haniashen: Du Wei ambasador Chin w Izraelu został znaleziony martwy w swoim mieszkaniu na przedmieściach Tel Awiwu. Du rozpoczął swoje… - 5 years ago

@ARWINPEREZ: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@goQz7tleHbBalP0: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@MichaelCarlFuc1: - 5 years ago

@DrIbrahimLibe: RT @CNNEE: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto dentro de su residencia oficial el domingo por la mañana, dijo a… - 5 years ago

@AnnaSmi34287261: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@Susmita61890024: RT @NandighoshaTV: ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ୍‌ରେ ଚାଇନା ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ରଦୂତଙ୍କ ସନ୍ଦେହଜନକ ମୃତ୍ୟୁ… @NandighoshaTV - 5 years ago

@JJB4280: RT @CBCNews: "Police are investigating this as death by natural causes," an Israeli official briefed on the matter said. - 5 years ago

@Tinkindeed: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago


@2Spaceninja15: RT @PatriotsSoapbox: BREAKING: Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Found Dead at Home in Tel Aviv #YouAreTheNewsNow #PatriotsSoapbox #PS… - 5 years ago

@yorealog: RT @naoyafujiwara: 駐イスラエル中国大使、自宅で死亡しているのを発見 - 5 years ago

@JudithArevalo1: RT @ReporteNi: #CNN Encuentran muerto en su casa al embajador de China en Israel. El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado m… - 5 years ago

@snowwblink: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@wahane_sumit: RT @QuintHindi: एक न्यूज रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, मौत के दो दिन पहले चीनी राजदूत ने अमेरिकी विदेश मंत्री माइक पोम्पियो की कुछ टिप्पणियों की निं… - 5 years ago

@militanvespa: RT @BBCIndonesia: Kepolisian Israel selidiki kematian Duta Besar China Du Wei, China belum berkomentar. - 5 years ago

@AparnaKurl: RT @CBCNews: "Police are investigating this as death by natural causes," an Israeli official briefed on the matter said. - 5 years ago

@tundeliya: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@Sufi_CaN: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@jackwhwong: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@LeeManstein: RT @nytchinese: 一名使馆工作人员周日在大使官邸的床上发现了杜伟的遗体。57岁的杜伟于今年2月15日抵达以色列,因新冠病毒疫情隔离两周,于3月3日拜会以色列外交部。 其死因尚不明确。据以色列新闻媒体报道,现场没有发现暴力迹象。 - 5 years ago

@Flawless20_: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto en su residencia del barrio residencial de Her… - 5 years ago

@FGivenup: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv, initial findings sug… - 5 years ago

@HASEEBW25180278: RT @HaqeeqatTVEng: #BREAKING : Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apa… - 5 years ago

@ArifDin19843855: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@MariaCabadas: RT @nytimes: Read updates in Chinese: 新冠病毒疫情最新消息 - 5 years ago

@Mehwish49864116: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@El_Universal_Mx: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto en su residencia del barrio residencial de… - 5 years ago

@GaluppiMarco: RT @AmbCina: L’Ambasciatore Li Junhua e l’Ambasciata tutta, esprimono il proprio cordoglio per la prematura scomparsa di Du Wei, Ambasciato… - 5 years ago

@tuYjA38t34sPcKV: Deepest condolences to my colleague Ambassador Du Wei to Israel! - 5 years ago

@vnzlasocial: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@Knitter1958: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@miracalva_secur: RT @yurumazu: 実は米国のポンペオ長官が先週イスラエルを訪れたばかりです。ポンペオ長官は、イスラエルは中国とのビジネスをすべきではない発言し、亡くなったDu Wei大使はポンペオ長官を非難していました。 - 5 years ago

@Sicilia191: RT @trinareyes: Du Wei,57, China’s Amb to Israel is found dead of natural causes in his Tel Aviv apartment. Last month Wei said, “ In his… - 5 years ago

@Gary_E_Rose: @PalmerReport Did Pompeo have Du Wei taken out? - 5 years ago

@onwonw1: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@JanKhan20104863: BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@NGfID29XQ7sUCG7: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@milligazetecom: Çin büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin şüpheli ölümünde yeni gelişme - 5 years ago

@JeanneVandenko2: RT @brookentodd: @blakesmustache Interesting topic... This ambassador criticized Pompeo last week and he is dead today. Du Wei – May 17,… - 5 years ago

@hensleragency: "Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel" via @nytimes: - 5 years ago

@detroit_rachel: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@LongAsUCan2: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@Haberdar: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@brainboomr22: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@vikingsarehere: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@CaroleAileen: RT @trinareyes: Du Wei,57, China’s Amb to Israel is found dead of natural causes in his Tel Aviv apartment. Last month Wei said, “ In his… - 5 years ago

@DameCCB: RT @nytimesworld: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officia… - 5 years ago

@SerenityMouse: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@vikingsarehere: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@Newyorker2212: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@workwithnature1: RT @KellieHare: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to #Israel, died today. Mr. Du once served as an ambassador in Ukraine and contributed to th… - 5 years ago

@RexLawdawg: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@Newyorker2212: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@jpeters73: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@Gavidis1: RT @kelly2277: 🔥@SecPompeo .... We see you. What did Du Wei, the envoy in Ukraine before he was assigned to Israel, know about you, Giulia… - 5 years ago

@sucker4sports: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@truearyan00: RT @OpIndia_com: Du Wei served as China's ambassador to Ukraine before moving to Israel in February this year, amidst the Coronavirus outbr… - 5 years ago

@BetoMetroDos: More to follow? "You betcha"... Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel Found Dead at His Home, Said China Was Made S… - 5 years ago

@oldkhayyam: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@mbrugues: RT @ester0961: L’ambaixador xinès a Israel, Du Wei, ha estat trobat diumenge al matí mort a la seva residència oficial al nord de Tel Aviv,… - 5 years ago

@tabruns: RT @kelly2277: 🔥BREAKING NEWS🔥Recently killed in Israel, after Pompeo’s visit, Du Wei’s last post was Ukraine and he had told the U.S. not… - 5 years ago

@Hamza_XI: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @JosePatrinuri: Israel: -El viernes Du Wei condenó las amenazantes palabras de Pompeo sobre los negocios chino-israelíes. -Han encont… - 5 years ago

@RavenHawk4: Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel Found Dead at His Home, Said China Was Made Scapegoat for Pandemic... - 5 years ago

@motherjuggs: RT @brookentodd: @blakesmustache Interesting topic... This ambassador criticized Pompeo last week and he is dead today. Du Wei – May 17,… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @tarantulaes: Parece que el embajador chino en Israel Du Wei murió mientras dormía. #QuedateEnCasa - 5 years ago

@vergilmichaels: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@Boonme600335931: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@toprak9000: RT @AhmetNas33: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo pandemiye rağmen İsrail'e gitti, Netanyahu ve yardımcısı Gantz ile yüzyüze görüştü. Gündem Covi… - 5 years ago

@zurdavoluntad: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @EntreGuerras1: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | #Israel | El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa ubicada al norte de Tel Aviv. Se… - 5 years ago

@riskireward: We could do with this weather over here in Aus. Du Wei, Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead inside his home - A… - 5 years ago

@idannyb: Du Wei, 57, found dead at home, had previously served as ambassador to Ukraine, according to his biography on the e… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @Hugotips: Encontrado MUERTO hoy, al Embajador Chino en Israel Du Wei (58). De un SUPUESTO infarto. Recordemos q el viernes apenas, la e… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @JonathanBerim: El embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, apareció muerto este domingo en su residencia en la ciudad de Hertzelia. Se e… - 5 years ago

@xuanjiyu0: RT @PeaceduckT: #中国驻以色列历任大使:5、驻以大使陈永龙(Chen Yonglong)2003年6月—2007年4月 6、驻以大使赵军(Zhao Jun)2007年5月—2011年7月 7、驻以大使高燕平(Gao Yanping)2011年9月—2015年1月… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @Defensa_Israel: Como si ya no tuviésemos suficientes roces con #China a causa de la guerra de declaraciones desatada tras la visita a #… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @pegada123: Era embajador desde Febrero y desde que llego estaba aislado por decision propia. BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to I… - 5 years ago

@Ophelanjustice: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@justgrateful: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@MSNindonesia: Kepolisian Israel selidiki kematian Duta Besar China Du Wei - 5 years ago

@Yo_Erastria: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@MariaElePerez: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@w_peaceandbrave: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@LWinter67226759: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@fzh88433568: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@ChairmanNatto: China's ambassador to Israel found dead at his home - @thepointwithlx - 5 years ago

@EmWankenobi: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@weiasecas: @michihincapie @RedaMansour Gracias doña Michele por su gentileza ante esta trágica pérdida. Al embajador Du Wei lo… - 5 years ago

@daisyuzu723: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@ChairmanNatto: China's ambassador to Israel found dead at his home - cc @andrewrsorkin - 5 years ago

@a_subversivo: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@ArvindT78662935: RT @OpIndia_com: Du Wei served as China's ambassador to Ukraine before moving to Israel in February this year, amidst the Coronavirus outbr… - 5 years ago

@ProSyria2: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Irma4843: RT @ElTwitaso: Encuentran muerto al Embajador Chino Du Wei de 57 años en su apartamento, investigación en curso, esta mañana en Israel. - 5 years ago

@prakashchalwad7: RT @OpIndia_com: Du Wei served as China's ambassador to Ukraine before moving to Israel in February this year, amidst the Coronavirus outbr… - 5 years ago

@DiegoZ777: RT @spwells: Local police won’t comment on cause of death of 57-year-old Du Wei, but Israeli TV said it appeared to be from natural causes… - 5 years ago

@nada87654321: RT @docshayji: في حادثة غريبة تحقق بها الشرطة وُجد السفير الصيني Du Wei 58 عاما متوفاً في سريره في شقته في تل ابيب.وكان عين سفيرا في فبرا… - 5 years ago

@IvyFoliage: RT @ariehkovler: Adding some fuel for conspiracy theorists: Du Wei was China's Ambassador to Ukraine until a few weeks ago when he was reas… - 5 years ago

@BettoGa: RT @QuintanaRooHoy1: #Entérate ⚡️ El embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto HOY en su residencia del barrio… - 5 years ago

@lindabuffalo67: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@ans1916: RT @HinaRKharal: China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead inside his official residence. His death comes less than a week after… - 5 years ago

@newsafricanow: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei Found Dead in Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@Chaww8: RT @ChalecosAmarill: 📽🆘️🆘️🆘️A #forensic team was filmed collecting evidence and carrying out investigations outside the house of #Chinese #… - 5 years ago

@yantong_yang: I'm so sorry to hear Du Wei died. To be a diplomat means to dedicate your country,separate yourself from those you… - 5 years ago

@neerajatri31: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@RobertLopesBar9: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@Halime29271107: RT @AhmetNas33: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo pandemiye rağmen İsrail'e gitti, Netanyahu ve yardımcısı Gantz ile yüzyüze görüştü. Gündem Covi… - 5 years ago

@WSoftbol: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@GrlaCooperante: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@Huzibeijing: RT @nytchinese: 简报:中国驻以色列大使死亡;吉林辽宁超8千人被隔离;美国加强对华为限制;武汉病毒所石正丽发表研究;北京建议公众户外可不戴口罩;日本经济陷入衰退;奥巴马公开批评特朗普政府抗疫不力……NYT简报带你速览今日要闻。 - 5 years ago

@Rocio_La_Negra: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@Annietian2017: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@bekirkaramazi: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@ChitphetPink: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@ASalamDadabhoy: RT @TVI_PK: China's Ambassador to Israel Mr. Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv. Poison attack possible. Israeli reports suggest he had thoroug… - 5 years ago

@Kianlqm: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@qianqian2020: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@NisrineAyache: RT @korol_koshek: Du Wei, 57, who was appointed envoy to the Middle Eastern country in February, was found dead at his home in Herzliya on… - 5 years ago

@nytchinese: 简报:中国驻以色列大使死亡;吉林辽宁超8千人被隔离;美国加强对华为限制;武汉病毒所石正丽发表研究;北京建议公众户外可不戴口罩;日本经济陷入衰退;奥巴马公开批评特朗普政府抗疫不力……NYT简报带你速览今日要闻。 - 5 years ago

@abdon00710100: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@predolski: RT @SaharaReporters: Chinese Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Tel Aviv Home | Sahara Reporters Police are reportedly investigating the c… - 5 years ago

@grgpetro: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China’s ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home on Sunday sparking rumors and an avalanche of media co… - 5 years ago

@mehabecapital: #China’s ambassador to #Israel was found dead in his home in a Tel Aviv suburb on Sunday, an Israeli police spokesm… - 5 years ago

@Paralelo19MX_: Muere Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel - 5 years ago

@VickyShoupe4: RT @PatriotsSoapbox: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former UKRAINE-CHINA Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, FOUND DEAD at… - 5 years ago

@LoriAnn27644037: RT @ViktoryOfLight: Interesting after Du Wei is dead now... 🤔❗👇 FM Prystaiko, envoy Du Wei talk boost to Ukraine-China political dialogue #… - 5 years ago

@tht_84: RT @Advbukhari5: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted the… - 5 years ago

@wavetop: RT @RobMax4: Du Wei, Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead inside his home - 5 years ago

@yadicolmg: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@dux_hhh: Ambassador Du Wei, who has made great contributions to world peace, observed in silence!🕯 - 5 years ago

@darkhooliganpk: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@limarcas: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@WhenIsIt2Late: RT @RobMax4: Du Wei, Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead inside his home - 5 years ago

@vazquezsul: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@WayneZ79521012: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@hamadahamada133: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Angel440919: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@Clau_claudius8: RT @damianpachter: El embajador chino en #Israel, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su departamento de Herzliya. - 5 years ago

@carriemichelle0: RT @PatriotsSoapbox: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former UKRAINE-CHINA Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, FOUND DEAD at… - 5 years ago

@OssamaSoliman3: RT @HANAYA_90: في مقال نشر اليوم بصحيفة THE JERUSALEM POST الصهيونية حول وفاة السفير الصيني "Du Wei" : قال مسؤول بوزارة الخارجية ان السفير… - 5 years ago

@wk537: RT @haaretzcom: Initial reports say that Ambassador Du Wei was found dead in his bed by staff at his residence, and that no signs of violen… - 5 years ago

@PanDengCN: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@RizwanG13853075: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Nowornever0310: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@Ahmetak07067973: RT @Politika_Dis: 🇨🇳 Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (58), Tel Aviv'in kuzeyinde bulunan Herzliya kentindeki rezidansında ölü bulundu. - 5 years ago

@Psalm11813: RT @TrumpCanuck: @Shayarm No apology required Miles! Here's more... Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko and Chinese Ambassador to U… - 5 years ago

@cyrushavo: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - CNN - 5 years ago

@vrivas83: RT @eleconomista: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto en su residencia del barrio de Herzliya. https:… - 5 years ago

@mikekom1: RT @cyngarciaradio: Internacionales. Encontraron muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel El diplomático fue encontra… - 5 years ago

@Andres58904794: RT @DiarioLibre: |#Actualidad | El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto el domingo en su residencia del bar… - 5 years ago

@AldoPTY: RT @estadoisrael: #China enviará un equipo especial a #Israel para investigar la muerte su embajador #DuWei - 5 years ago

@TheHarryHaz: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@MIATRERIUS: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@payaresfabian: RT @ActualidadRT: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv htt… - 5 years ago

@RHWxnCSbnwmuZak: RT @naoyafujiwara: 駐イスラエル中国大使、自宅で死亡しているのを発見 - 5 years ago

@HuseyinYRDKL: RT @ChinaDaily: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in Tel Aviv Sunday, official sources said. The preliminary judgment is tha… - 5 years ago

@el_gatoxxx: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@TSetanei: RT @ChinaDaily: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in Tel Aviv Sunday, official sources said. The preliminary judgment is tha… - 5 years ago

@brunoal02852156: RT @RenovaMidia: Du Wei, embaixador da #China em #Israel, foi encontrado morto, neste domingo (17), em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@QuixoticGoals: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@Eduardo56404364: RT @cyngarciaradio: Internacionales. Encontraron muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel El diplomático fue encontra… - 5 years ago

@YuriOsv: RT @cyngarciaradio: Internacionales. Encontraron muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel El diplomático fue encontra… - 5 years ago

@etindurmu1: @TraderAT12 Son dakika: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei evinde ölü bulunmuştu! Ölümünden birkaç gün önce... - 5 years ago

@Paris_victoire: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@luolm63: RT @cyngarciaradio: Internacionales. Encontraron muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel El diplomático fue encontra… - 5 years ago

@Fatihan06: RT @AhmetNas33: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo pandemiye rağmen İsrail'e gitti, Netanyahu ve yardımcısı Gantz ile yüzyüze görüştü. Gündem Covi… - 5 years ago

@JuarmaLetroso: RT @cyngarciaradio: Internacionales. Encontraron muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel El diplomático fue encontra… - 5 years ago

@idrscskn: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@cyngarciaradio: Internacionales. Encontraron muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel El diplomático fue enco… - 5 years ago

@CherKalleck: RT @MingGao26: - 5 years ago

@Ernesto81141740: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@KlnLaBandite: RT @RestitutorOrien: Israël: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël retrouvé mort chez lui, le corps de l'ambassadeur Du Wei a été retrouvé ce ma… - 5 years ago

@vie_technicolor: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@VictoryCoach56: RT @AAhronheim: Confirmed: #China's ambassador to #Israel 52 year-old Du Wei has been found dead in his home. Police have opened an invest… - 5 years ago

@alexanderjpm72: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@prof_solano: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@carlos_cpd81: RT @PedroMCasals: MENG HONGWEI - 7 octubre 2018 DR. PENG ZHOU - 22 diciembre 2019 DR. LI WENLIANG - 7 febrero 2020 DR. BING LIU - 7 Mayo… - 5 years ago

@AndrsGalndez1: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@2006ta: RT @MingGao26: - 5 years ago

@dtb19711: RT @maQi5er: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - CNN - 5 years ago

@venturairvin: RT @RadioAN24: #Tensión Hallaron muerto en Tel Aviv al embajador de #China en israel. El diplomático Du Wei apareció sin vida y aunque no h… - 5 years ago

@MrAtay2: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@marianatrobosky: RT @TheDailyLeaks: #BREAKING: China’s ambassador to Israel found dead inside his Tel Aviv home Du Wei, was discovered at his apartment in… - 5 years ago

@TeletrabajoA: RT @CABLENOTICIAS: #Internacional | ⚠️ Hallan muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel La posible causa del deceso f… - 5 years ago

@eyah_ifeanyi: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@GhesheS: RT @TheDailyLeaks: #BREAKING: China’s ambassador to Israel found dead inside his Tel Aviv home Du Wei, was discovered at his apartment in… - 5 years ago

@diplomatiketkin: RT @akcay_nuri: Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni belli değil. Tam 4 gün önce ABD Dışi… - 5 years ago

@Momobechir: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@Princesaaventu3: RT @TVVnoticias: #17May El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, a… - 5 years ago

@VerumRadix: RT @casting_light: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former Ukraine-China Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Found Dead at Ho… - 5 years ago

@ChuckClinchc: RT @tom_trotts: China's Ambassador to Israel has been found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv Sunday morning, Israel's Foreign Ministry ha… - 5 years ago

@GrowTheStorm: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@IamKaka3: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@casting_light: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former Ukraine-China Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Found Dead… - 5 years ago

@tennant4: RT @RadioAN24: #Tensión Hallaron muerto en Tel Aviv al embajador de #China en israel. El diplomático Du Wei apareció sin vida y aunque no h… - 5 years ago

@zoey302: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@soniamedinap: RT @TabascoHOY: #Entérate ⚡️ El embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto HOY en su residencia del barrio resi… - 5 years ago

@AyhanAydinli: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@normaeugeniamir: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@steve_tym: @EricTrump @CNN @kaitlancollins @brianstelter Pompeo requested the firing of the State Dept IG because he was diggi… - 5 years ago

@RobertB79486124: RT @TReporta: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue encontrado sin vida en su residencia ubicada en el barrio de Herzliya… - 5 years ago

@hollywdharriet: RT @PatriotsSoapbox: BREAKING: Du Wei, Former UKRAINE-CHINA Ambassador from 2016-2019, Current Chinese Ambassador to Israel, FOUND DEAD at… - 5 years ago

@leomaraparecido: RT @RenovaMidia: Du Wei, embaixador da #China em #Israel, foi encontrado morto, neste domingo (17), em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@bykararasul: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@wyatt_claypool: RT @TomTSEC: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - CNN - 5 years ago

@olivanoticias: ✅Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel A… - 5 years ago

@RowanCMillar: RT @korol_koshek: Du Wei, 57, who was appointed envoy to the Middle Eastern country in February, was found dead at his home in Herzliya on… - 5 years ago

@Arteagae2010: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@lis_org: RT @HongKongFP: [Recap] Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@be3_max: RT @poroshenko: So saddened with the news on passing away of China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei. While in Ukraine, he made great efforts… - 5 years ago

@1RealLawrence: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@mildred27: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@ioruc3: RT @enveryan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu Ölüm nedeni henüz açıklanmadı - 5 years ago

@tuiteraintensa: RT @TReporta: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue encontrado sin vida en su residencia ubicada en el barrio de Herzliya… - 5 years ago

@automatonomega: RT @korol_koshek: Du Wei, 57, who was appointed envoy to the Middle Eastern country in February, was found dead at his home in Herzliya on… - 5 years ago

@bmdurg: 2月に赴任したばかりの駐イスラエルの中国大使が、テルアビブの自宅で死体で発見されたそうな。 この大使の、イスラエルの前の赴任地は、ウクライナだった。 BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador… - 5 years ago

@Kockenr: RT @korol_koshek: Du Wei, 57, who was appointed envoy to the Middle Eastern country in February, was found dead at his home in Herzliya on… - 5 years ago

@shoaibsash24: RT @HaqeeqatTVEng: #BREAKING : Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apa… - 5 years ago

@steven_l_cox: RT @tom_trotts: China's Ambassador to Israel has been found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv Sunday morning, Israel's Foreign Ministry ha… - 5 years ago

@4hmet33: RT @AhmetNas33: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo pandemiye rağmen İsrail'e gitti, Netanyahu ve yardımcısı Gantz ile yüzyüze görüştü. Gündem Covi… - 5 years ago

@ConflitoeGuerrA: Segundo informações, Du #Wei condenou Mike Pompeu dois dias depois da visita dele a Israel, acusando o de dizer que… - 5 years ago

@surkg437: RT @TReporta: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue encontrado sin vida en su residencia ubicada en el barrio de Herzliya… - 5 years ago

@jesuspa22038286: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@SamAdam56181725: RT @mazzenilsson: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. Assisted suicide with 8 bu… - 5 years ago

@yamada34021669: RT @yurumazu: 実は米国のポンペオ長官が先週イスラエルを訪れたばかりです。ポンペオ長官は、イスラエルは中国とのビジネスをすべきではない発言し、亡くなったDu Wei大使はポンペオ長官を非難していました。 - 5 years ago

@haydeebarrios28: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@marioasouza72: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@saye_i_hazini: RT @TebernKireci1: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Yorumu: Dünya karışıyor!!! - 5 years ago

@amareshskumar: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@nelsonleonperez: RT @TVVnoticias: #17May El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, a… - 5 years ago

@nelsonleonperez: RT @TVVnoticias: #17May 🇨🇳🇮🇱 El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, en Tel Aviv. Las causas… - 5 years ago

@castilho027: RT @rittner_daniel: 😱 Embaixador chinês em Israel, que apresentou suas credenciais há dois meses, encontrado morto em casa. China tem com… - 5 years ago

@DivaldoReis11: RT @elpais_brasil: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, de 57 anos, foi encontrado morto neste domingo em sua residência nos arredores… - 5 years ago

@melindarobiche1: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@Aq5rr2T8Y6U4tCL: RT @yurumazu: 実は米国のポンペオ長官が先週イスラエルを訪れたばかりです。ポンペオ長官は、イスラエルは中国とのビジネスをすべきではない発言し、亡くなったDu Wei大使はポンペオ長官を非難していました。 - 5 years ago

@joserizal98: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@FedericoBarbe14: RT @AmbCina: L’Ambasciatore Li Junhua e l’Ambasciata tutta, esprimono il proprio cordoglio per la prematura scomparsa di Du Wei, Ambasciato… - 5 years ago

@andy_spit: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@WakeUpIn2020: RT @HongKongFP: [Recap] Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@DouiriDwiri: Du Wei, Chinese ambassador to Israel, found dead in his home. Du was critical of remarks made by U.S. Secretary of… - 5 years ago

@tRUMP4nthng: RT @Joyce_Karam: #China’s Ambassador to #Israel found dead in his home... Cause unknown. He’s 57, took post in Feb., criticized US Sec of… - 5 years ago

@CEDEO91: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@poyraz_mustafa_: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@MiEcheve: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Eduardolucky13: Du Wei previously served as envoy to Ukraine before his appointment as ambassador to Israel. (Reuters/Valentyn Ogir… - 5 years ago

@joseant72838920: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@FreatoMaura: RT @trinareyes: Du Wei,57, China’s Amb to Israel is found dead of natural causes in his Tel Aviv apartment. Last month Wei said, “ In his… - 5 years ago

@MCIgarrett: RT @trinareyes: Du Wei,57, China’s Amb to Israel is found dead of natural causes in his Tel Aviv apartment. Last month Wei said, “ In his… - 5 years ago

@5gfKbTl0ryZzZMc: RT @mrbcyber: Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@DylanMo07117224: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@elpaiscali: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto el domingo en su residencia del barrio de H… - 5 years ago

@dorismac64: RT @Metropoles: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto aos 57 anos em sua casa na capital Tel Aviv neste domingo (17… - 5 years ago

@FraRangelJr: RT @RenovaMidia: Du Wei, embaixador da #China em #Israel, foi encontrado morto, neste domingo (17), em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@MICHELLDESIGNER: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@LPOmx: #Diplomacia Encuentran muerto al embajador de China en Israel. El diplomático Du Wei fue descubierto sin vida en su… - 5 years ago

@cassiomam: RT @elpais_brasil: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, de 57 anos, foi encontrado morto neste domingo em sua residência nos arredores… - 5 years ago

@TurnerErick: RT @TReporta: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue encontrado sin vida en su residencia ubicada en el barrio de Herzliya… - 5 years ago

@GarciaPed: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@ReneCarvajal1: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@Moixus1970: RT @AmbCina: L’Ambasciatore Li Junhua e l’Ambasciata tutta, esprimono il proprio cordoglio per la prematura scomparsa di Du Wei, Ambasciato… - 5 years ago

@viejaguardia60: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@MassiBarca1: RT @afpfr: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, Du Wei, a été retrouvé mort dimanche matin dans sa résidence en banlieue de Tel-Aviv, où la po… - 5 years ago

@khany25: RT @IndiaToday: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home. Here's a report. #ITVideo - 5 years ago

@will_69montoya: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@almidaindriago: RT @ActualidadRT: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv htt… - 5 years ago

@artorreani: RT @LaNacionPy: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto este domingo en su residencia del barrio residencia… - 5 years ago

@AlejoEscalant10: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@bernadethgyn: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@Maracay_2014: RT @TReporta: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue encontrado sin vida en su residencia ubicada en el barrio de Herzliya… - 5 years ago

@PhoenixSquawk: Chinese ambassador to #Israel Du Wei passed away due to health reasons in Tel Aviv on Sunday: sources confirmed wit… - 5 years ago

@darmon69: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@TraderGeryDE: Chinese Ambassador Is Found Dead at Home in Israel - 5 years ago

@ana_grimbaum: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@JESUSALFONSOP3: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@staneflinger: RT @EternalEnglish: Oh dear! Chinese ambassador to Israel ‘found dead’ - 5 years ago

@tairoprado: RT @RenovaMidia: Du Wei, embaixador da #China em #Israel, foi encontrado morto, neste domingo (17), em sua residência no subúrbio de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@auraromero47: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@godiego5: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@ozmiyum: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@mmpreta: O canal israelense 12 TV citou um funcionário dos serviços médicos de emergência, dizendo que os indícios são de qu… - 5 years ago

@vblacktsunami: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@AZSc_05: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo want… - 5 years ago

@milton_oyarzo: China enviará un equipo especial a Israel para investigar la muerte su embajador Du Wei - 5 years ago

@alconpty2015: RT @TReporta: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei de 57 años, fue encontrado sin vida en su residencia ubicada en el barrio de Herzliya… - 5 years ago

@KeathChris: "China’s ambassador to Israel found dead at his home" - 5 years ago

@wk19025872: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@rnietom: A China enviará uma equipe especial para investigar a morte de seu embaixador em Israel na segunda-feira, Du Wei, q… - 5 years ago

@Brihan_Ale: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@luxmaribel_: RT @sumariumcom: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, a causa d… - 5 years ago

@IDefensor: RT @lopezdoriga: #AHORA Du Wei, de 57 años, fue encontrado muerto en su residencia de Herzliya. La Policía de Israel no encontró señales de… - 5 years ago

@Deisycarolinap7: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@drmallickseeme1: RT @epaphotos: Israeli police, ambulance and embassy staff work at the residence of Chinese Ambassador in Israel, Du Wei in Herzliya, Israe… - 5 years ago

@GalindezVanessa: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@reinitastella: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@marlonr2002: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@KimHubert: Breaking news: l'ambassadeur chinois en Israel Du Wei vient d'être retrouvé mort dans sa Maison après un feud dans… - 5 years ago

@Carmencita55B: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@rosssquaredorg: RT @sehof: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei (杜伟) Found Dead in His Home – Haaretz - 5 years ago

@JohSogos: RT @AmbCina: L’Ambasciatore Li Junhua e l’Ambasciata tutta, esprimono il proprio cordoglio per la prematura scomparsa di Du Wei, Ambasciato… - 5 years ago

@Chavezx100pre3: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@ch_yeyen: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@OceaneBalavoine: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@jessica_noelle: RT @MingGao26: - 5 years ago

@laprensalara: #Mundo | El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, al norte de Te… - 5 years ago

@guarapokale: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@auradeustua: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@arjengerritsen1: RT @mazzenilsson: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. Assisted suicide with 8 bu… - 5 years ago

@Videversus: China enviará un equipo especial a Israel para investigar la muerte su embajador Du Wei via @estadoisrael - 5 years ago

@VeneMari: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@247newsupdateNG: China’s ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home - 5 years ago

@AgwahMichael: China’s ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home - 5 years ago

@Lloydrough: RT @CGTNOfficial: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei confirmed dead from a health condition in Tel Aviv on May 17 (file photo) - 5 years ago

@amaia_haikazti: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@chriske52963146: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in apartment on Sunday. Du, who lived in Tel Aviv at the time,… - 5 years ago

@NacerEs1Derecho: RT @lopezdoriga: #AHORA Du Wei, de 57 años, fue encontrado muerto en su residencia de Herzliya. La Policía de Israel no encontró señales de… - 5 years ago

@ellatigorojo: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@cycloctone: RT @mazzenilsson: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. Assisted suicide with 8 bu… - 5 years ago

@eldrisinfante: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@luis_marichales: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@elvaronguaro: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@Silascross7: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@SerbestMuhalif: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, İsrail'in başkenti Tel Aviv şehir merkezinin dışında yer alan evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@sussadecv: RT @RadioAN24: #Tensión Hallaron muerto en Tel Aviv al embajador de #China en israel. El diplomático Du Wei apareció sin vida y aunque no h… - 5 years ago

@edwinblanco12: RT @CABLENOTICIAS: #Internacional | ⚠️ Hallan muerto en su residencia a Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel La posible causa del deceso f… - 5 years ago

@liddolamy: your daily wén..dí shēng dú chóu chàng yún shēn yè, wèi yāng shì.. yǔ fēi dōu guò wǎng xǐng lái le zěn néng dāng mè… - 5 years ago

@joseparisien: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@boomiputra2013: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@fled_k: RT @Ruptly: A #forensic team was filmed collecting evidence and carrying out investigations outside the house of #Chinese #Ambassador to #I… - 5 years ago

@TVVnoticias: #17May El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, al norte de Tel A… - 5 years ago

@ToBeSafeNSound: RT @haaretzcom: Initial reports say that Ambassador Du Wei was found dead in his bed by staff at his residence, and that no signs of violen… - 5 years ago

@LogrosRevolucio: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@ewstanhope: RT @sehof: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei (杜伟) Found Dead in His Home – Haaretz - 5 years ago

@CGitzon: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@gonzalvarenga: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@LogrosRevolucio: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@bakurbakur141: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, İsrail'in başkenti Tel Aviv şehir merkezinin dışında yer alan evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@ETrippi2: RT @sumariumcom: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv, a causa d… - 5 years ago

@gurujeeGayabh: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@josuar64: RT @Li_Baorong: ¡Mi más sincera y profunda condolencia al colega y amigo Embajador Du Wei! - 5 years ago

@Mi_Glori: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@LaurieWorby: RT @NTarnopolsky: Police suspect Ambassador Du Wei, 57, died of a heart attack, but everyone I know thinks {whisper} 'now we know the reas… - 5 years ago

@ElenaIsabelag: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@Balatafun: RT @tom_trotts: China's Ambassador to Israel has been found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv Sunday morning, Israel's Foreign Ministry ha… - 5 years ago

@dharmazer: RT @estadoisrael: #China enviará un equipo especial a #Israel para investigar la muerte su embajador #DuWei - 5 years ago

@eloiziojr: RT @elpais_brasil: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, de 57 anos, foi encontrado morto neste domingo em sua residência nos arredores… - 5 years ago

@cambraiaadriano: RT @ConflitoeGuerrA: #ATENÇÃO Embaixador da China em Israel, Sr. Du Wei, é encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv As causas da morte sã… - 5 years ago

@JanaRocha_rg: RT @camilo_caravela: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a situaç… - 5 years ago

@MMB40925795: RT @rittner_daniel: 😱 Embaixador chinês em Israel, que apresentou suas credenciais há dois meses, encontrado morto em casa. China tem com… - 5 years ago

@Makkim77: RT @MiddleEastEye: Du Wei's death occurred only a few days after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on Israel to put an end to its co… - 5 years ago

@HudsonWang1: RT @PDChina: #JustIn: Chinese Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was confirmed dead from a health condition in Tel Aviv on May 17. - 5 years ago

@Tubman20dollar: RT @Ruptly: A #forensic team was filmed collecting evidence and carrying out investigations outside the house of #Chinese #Ambassador to #I… - 5 years ago

@realmice: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@sarsar30588918: RT @mazzenilsson: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. Assisted suicide with 8 bu… - 5 years ago

@cscmarkets: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@gogetsmarthome: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@lavictoriap: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@yusufdede38: RT @yirmidorttv: ÇİNLİ BÜYÜKELÇİ ÖLÜ BULUNDU! Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'in kuzeyinde bulunan Herzliya kentindeki rezidans… - 5 years ago

@JulietteLauzza: RT @afpfr: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, Du Wei, a été retrouvé mort dimanche matin dans sa résidence en banlieue de Tel-Aviv, où la po… - 5 years ago

@lisa_cable: RT @NTarnopolsky: #Breaking: China's Ambassador Du Wei has been found dead in his home. - 5 years ago

@milenario3310: RT @PedroMCasals: MENG HONGWEI - 7 octubre 2018 DR. PENG ZHOU - 22 diciembre 2019 DR. LI WENLIANG - 7 febrero 2020 DR. BING LIU - 7 Mayo… - 5 years ago

@GuillermoGrance: RT @LaNacionPy: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto este domingo en su residencia del barrio residencia… - 5 years ago

@hazarmg: RT @Reforma: El Embajador chino ante Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado sin vida este domingo en su casa al norte de Tel Aviv, según el Ministe… - 5 years ago

@Globalmediamx: #Entérate El diplomático Du Wei, embajador de China en Israel, es hallado muerto en su residencia por causas descon… - 5 years ago

@Miltonvillamiz1: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@Tuiterin1: RT @Reforma: El Embajador chino ante Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado sin vida este domingo en su casa al norte de Tel Aviv, según el Ministe… - 5 years ago

@steve_tym: @ColumbiaBugle @JesseBWatters Pompeo requested the firing of the State Dept IG because he was digging into rumors K… - 5 years ago

@zlatanrene: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@RosemaryKirk: RT @bobmca1: Chinese ambassador to Israel ‘found dead’ - 5 years ago

@LOLAMORA2005: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 | URGENTE - CORONAVIRUS: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, que apareció hoy muerto en su residencia de Herzli… - 5 years ago

@AriozoWay: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@kat_valley: RT @st8blegenius: Notable RIP: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - CNN - 5 years ago

@Colmenaisa: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@julianaayres: Embaixador da China em Israel é encontrado morto em sua casa Nenhum detalhe foi divulgado oficialmente sobre a cau… - 5 years ago

@johnndavis: 20200517: Reuters : China's ambassador to Israel found dead in home ["Du Wei, 57, had been ambassador since Februar… - 5 years ago

@MBashir48666504: RT @PDChina: #JustIn: Chinese Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was confirmed dead from a health condition in Tel Aviv on May 17. - 5 years ago

@ThomasLouiss10: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@lbam51: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@xagag2: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@solracsegundo: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@rumaysatzr: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@Viihsoareesf: RT @Jouberth19: 🚨URGENTE: O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Tel Aviv. A polícia ainda avalia a s… - 5 years ago

@YovanneJ: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@bilyiana: RT @SpokespersonCHN: Deepest condolences to my colleage Ambassador Du Wei to Isreal! - 5 years ago

@ELMAGOINVISIBLE: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@CarmenjGonzale9: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@Lenis_MiCmdte: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@miqazi: RT @PDChina: #JustIn: Chinese Ambassador to #Israel Du Wei was confirmed dead from a health condition in Tel Aviv on May 17. - 5 years ago

@elzeide: RT @damianpachter: El embajador chino en #Israel, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su departamento de Herzliya. - 5 years ago

@davidvpsuv: RT @EmbaVEChina: Expresamos nuestras más sentidas condolencias a familiares y allegados del Embajador de la República Popular China en Isra… - 5 years ago

@PG_Chrys: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home – CNN - 5 years ago

@PG_Chrys: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home – CNN - 5 years ago

@elzeide: RT @JonathanBerim: El embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, apareció muerto este domingo en su residencia en la ciudad de Hertzelia. Se e… - 5 years ago

@cesarwallace: RT @ConflitoeGuerrA: Segundo investigações iniciais da policia local sobre a morte do embaixador chinês em Israel, Du Wei não há indícios d… - 5 years ago

@exposeisrahel: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his a… - 5 years ago

@BolajiAdams247: RT @SaharaReporters: Chinese Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Tel Aviv Home | Sahara Reporters Police are reportedly investigating the c… - 5 years ago

@marvinicio: RT @latablablog: Embajador de #China había advertido el viernes que los judíos saben que las pandemias engendran "conspiraciones oscuras" a… - 5 years ago

@Buja87011134: RT @RUchipped: Du Wei’s death comes just two days after he condemned comments by visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. - 5 years ago

@Jgiles79: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@ROGARDU026: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, de 57 años, fue hallado muerto este domingo en su residencia del barrio resid… - 5 years ago

@khairais: RT @HuXijin_GT: As far as I know, China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei passed away in ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv this morning for ph… - 5 years ago

@KashafN97797351: RT @AliRazaTweets: Chinese Ambassador in Israel Du Wei has been found dead in his home. - 5 years ago

@racewinner1987: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - BBC News - 5 years ago

@DianaHeliotes: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@rrrrrrrickrock: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@little7bear: RT @poroshenko: So saddened with the news on passing away of China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei. While in Ukraine, he made great efforts… - 5 years ago

@viss17: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@XavierOnassis1: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@gareth0108: RT @SourceMerlin: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@akshaychandorka: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@SourceMerlin: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@cumpatria: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@Ribeiro26597615: RT @goprovy: O embaixador chinês em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em sua casa em Herzliya na manhã de domingo, confirmou uma autorid… - 5 years ago

@awjannee: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@HkersWe: RT @sehof: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei (杜伟) Found Dead in His Home – Haaretz - 5 years ago

@laura__3_14: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@w_nicht: RT @mazzenilsson: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv. Assisted suicide with 8 bu… - 5 years ago

@Robertsixto2: RT @medical91: BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@Shail67330119: RT @ResearchWing: #BREAKING 🚨🚨 Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei found dead inside home. Prima facie evidence shows reason death as "C… - 5 years ago

@guver2008: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@filleduzoo: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@jadgeri: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@DomenicoSpano4: #Repost conexaopoliticabrasil (@get_repost) ・・・ O embaixador da China em Israel, Du Wei, foi encontrado morto em se… - 5 years ago

@_mihbangarang_: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@M_Cid3: @PatriaAmada_Br O embaixador da China em Israel Du Wei, 58 anos, foi encontrado (vivo) nesta manhã no apartamento e… - 5 years ago

@godsJoshua1: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@BatbaIl: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@teollom: RT @mikewin62444122: @MingGao26 "pandemic is accompanied by conspiracies" -Du Wei "Du Wei died of Convid related problems" -Conspiracy t… - 5 years ago

@Brandysull: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@rs_ssw: RT @poroshenko: So saddened with the news on passing away of China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei. While in Ukraine, he made great efforts… - 5 years ago

@sahddieb: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Richard_trois: RT @afpfr: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, Du Wei, a été retrouvé mort dimanche matin dans sa résidence en banlieue de Tel-Aviv, où la po… - 5 years ago

@Quincampoix_jp: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at Herzliya residence Foreign Ministry confirms death of 57-year-old Du Wei - 5 years ago

@cbbr: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@JuanCarlosBac20: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, ha sido hallado muerto en su domicilio de la ciudad de Herzliya, en la cos… - 5 years ago

@k_ricciardo: RT @Colt_45_Outlaw: China’s ambassador to Israel was found dead in his home today. Iinitial indications were that he had died of natural ca… - 5 years ago

@RealNews_Facts: RT @AAhronheim: Confirmed: #China's ambassador to #Israel 52 year-old Du Wei has been found dead in his home. Police have opened an invest… - 5 years ago

@KingzOfOblivion: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@chetanvhadiya: I think this is big news. China's Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Tel Aviv Home: Police - NDTV - 5 years ago

@stockholderusa: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@BurhanCoskun01: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@kaisteve3: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@AFathyn: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@321There: @TomTSEC Someone du wei with the Chinese ambassador? - 5 years ago

@TonyRenner: @911CORLEBRA777 @ericgarland - 5 years ago

@WorldBroadcast3: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Henriettoooo: RT @CzerwonePotwork: Ambasador Chin w Izraelu Du Wei został znaleziony martwy w swoim domu dziś rano, rączka siekiery wystającej z piersi j… - 5 years ago

@Imi786M: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@KarimZenile555: RT @cherche69778658: 17/05/2020| Une voiture et un ruban rouge bloquent l'accès à la résidence de l'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, Du Wei,… - 5 years ago

@PMOGiiZ: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@everycolorinc: RT @NTarnopolsky: #Breaking: China's Ambassador Du Wei has been found dead in his home. - 5 years ago

@BhavinM01025421: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@LONGKESH3: Never fully recovered from the roasting you took aff Alex Williams and tom Brighton in 2006 rip du wei 🇨🇳 - 5 years ago

@Juan92296029: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@yusuf_metin46: RT @yusuf_metin46: =Az Önce= Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu! İsrail Polisi 58 yaşındaki diplomat Du Wei'nin ö… - 5 years ago

@QuadratoSator: STRANEZZE - Proprio nel giorno del giuramento del nuovo governo Netanyahu-Gantz, l'ambascia… - 5 years ago

@blognrollpl5: RT @SykulskiLeszek: Chiński ambasador w Izraelu Du Wei znaleziony martwy w swoim mieszkaniu na przedmieściach Tel Awiwu. Swoją funkcję pełn… - 5 years ago

@thyyms: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@brisset_sylvie: RT @ClaudeMoniquet: Du Wei, ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, a été retrouvé mort à son domicile de Herzliya, tôt ce matin. Les causes du déc… - 5 years ago

@jafanovic: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@joannagryka6: RT @PolskieSluzby: Chiński ambasador w Izraelu Du Wei w niedzielę został znaleziony martwy w swoim mieszkaniu na przedmieściach Tel Awiwu.… - 5 years ago

@krishnakant_75: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@Unsilent17: RT @TomTSEC: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - CNN - 5 years ago

@_stopwhispering: RT @Israel_katz: I was shocked to hear tragic news regarding the sudden death of H.E Du Wei, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China t… - 5 years ago

@_erdalyildirim: RT @isimsizlerTR_: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (58), Tel Aviv'in kuzeyinde bulunan Herzliya kentindeki rezidansında ölü bulundu.... A… - 5 years ago

@crispulorb: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@kbyrnes95: RT @Rissy67_: @melbourne88 Has he pass Du Wei? - 5 years ago

@shwshnk_: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Macarenaconcha_: RT @ActualidadRT: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv htt… - 5 years ago

@MichaelTillots5: The Chinese ambassador to Israel was found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv on Sunday, Israel’s Foreign Ministry… - 5 years ago

@ilbilgehan: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@AllForLoveQ: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@nickp1908: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@RueBarb_: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@NaxaRock: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@SteveCookCookie: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@LaCronicaDeHoy: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto este domingo en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al… - 5 years ago

@Vote_4_Sickular: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@DYungcrem: RT @TRTWorldNow: Reports from Israeli media suggest that Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei died in his sleep of natural causes in his hom… - 5 years ago

@VickySung3: 05/17/20 #Israel #China @DOD @Centcom: The 57-year-old Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, is found dead at home… - 5 years ago

@JoyceJltrick: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@RalphLe89722505: RT @BaghdadPostPlus: #China’s Ambassador to #Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apartment in a suburb of Tel Aviv, Israeli media report. #Bag… - 5 years ago

@555_azerty: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@Whtapl: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@Chizytelu: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Whtapl: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@jorgeesteche: RT @linkdeldia: El embajador #chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en #Israel, informa The Jerusalem Post, citando a fuentes del… - 5 years ago

@MauiMeow00: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@languillem: RT @sputnik_fr: L'ambassadeur chinois en Israël, Du Wei, a été retrouvé mort ce 17 mai à son domicile près de Tel Aviv. Une enquête est e… - 5 years ago

@Notimex: El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto este domingo en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al… - 5 years ago

@Whtapl: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@ktire56: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@nico23683: RT @ActualidadRT: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv htt… - 5 years ago

@iMushaal: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@GulzarParray4: @secretary Pompeo. China's Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Tel Aviv Home: Police - NDTV - 5 years ago

@MehmetMehmet652: RT @enveryan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu Ölüm nedeni henüz açıklanmadı - 5 years ago

@Burusa89990652: RT @TVVnoticias: #17May 🇨🇳🇮🇱 El embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei, apareció muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, en Tel Aviv. Las causas… - 5 years ago

@PupsherLive: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@JaclynWeiner17: RT @haaretzcom: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his home - 5 years ago

@perrocasador: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@JMccly: RT @MingGao26: - 5 years ago

@freedom_lens: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@fawkesreyner: RT @afpfr: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, Du Wei, a été retrouvé mort dimanche matin dans sa résidence en banlieue de Tel-Aviv, où la po… - 5 years ago

@prasetycio: RT @twitpos: 🇨🇳🇮🇱 Duta Besar China untuk Israel ditemukan tewas di rumahnya di Tel Aviv pada hari Minggu, kata Kementerian Luar Negeri Isra… - 5 years ago

@tanmayj41128048: Hope Modi Govt provides more security & scrutiny on both the official & unofficial Chinese Ambassadors.… - 5 years ago

@Ashy1313: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@socratesnewton: @MichelleDewbs Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@Hidderkaran: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@DaavidBates: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@mickdownsouth: RT @BluesBrother91: Du Wei, The Chinese ambassador to Israel was found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv on Sunday, Israel’s Foreign Minis… - 5 years ago

@jesuschugrat: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@debbiedoo89: RT @MingGao26: - 5 years ago

@RudraBhawani: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@ThePoliticalPo4: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Atena82706974: RT @SykulskiLeszek: Chiński ambasador w Izraelu Du Wei znaleziony martwy w swoim mieszkaniu na przedmieściach Tel Awiwu. Swoją funkcję pełn… - 5 years ago

@v23m: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@unitedibad: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@CheetahPlains: RT @haaretzcom: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his home - 5 years ago

@unplebeyomas: RT @haaretzcom: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his home - 5 years ago

@MichaelMiguelCE: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Uranian39: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@scattrd_evrywhr: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@michaelyyohana: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@circe_33: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@Jayriq: RT @Reuters: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead in his Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@AlirezaNader: RT @Joyce_Karam: #China’s Ambassador to #Israel found dead in his home... Cause unknown. He’s 57, took post in Feb., criticized US Sec of… - 5 years ago

@bekita34: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@fources: RT @haaretzcom: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his home - 5 years ago

@steve_tym: @marklevinshow Pompeo requested the firing of the State Dept IG because he was digging into rumors Kushner setup a… - 5 years ago

@PyTPSUVCarabobo: RT @williamserafino: Hallan muerto en su residencia oficial al embajador de China en Israel, Du Wei. El hecho ocurre en medio de las falsas… - 5 years ago

@ElectricoRD: RT @Defensa_Israel: Como si ya no tuviésemos suficientes roces con #China a causa de la guerra de declaraciones desatada tras la visita a #… - 5 years ago

@de_plazza: RT @AP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel has been found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Foreign Ministry says. No cause of dea… - 5 years ago

@marydi60: RT @MingGao26: - 5 years ago

@DragonFly34343: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@umitLenin: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@alex_san14: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@4bdooll: BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@IGSerbetci: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@paulmadz: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@dliber: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@teega_ti: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@rc_ssmartins: RT @RadioProletrio: Mike Pompeo visita Israel; Hoje o embaixador Du Wei foi encontrado morto A morte de Wei se dá dias após ele criticar… - 5 years ago

@ElTwitaso: Encuentran muerto al Embajador Chino Du Wei de 57 años en su apartamento, investigación en curso, esta mañana en Israel. - 5 years ago

@Robbo1992x: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@wnobbsy: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@TheIcklevoices: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@VictorKattan: Sounds fishy to me ... - 5 years ago

@moqim_safi: China's Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Tel Aviv Home: Police - 5 years ago

@mtscozer: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead in his home. Du Wei, @haaretzcom; - 5 years ago

@edladinese: RT @ClaudeMoniquet: Du Wei, ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, a été retrouvé mort à son domicile de Herzliya, tôt ce matin. Les causes du déc… - 5 years ago

@kavekaveka: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@ggsrafael: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@IamPakWarrior: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@LarryCampos1950: RT @JimScotty: China’s ambassador to Israel found dead - 5 years ago

@sumidatomohisa: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@Patrici99338384: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@DNA_Feed: #Nachrichten SPIEGEL_Politik: Du Wei, der chinesische Botschafter in Israel, ist tot in seinem Haus aufgefunden wor… - 5 years ago

@nesliha64118376: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@antisapo2000: #17May Embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, apareció muerto en su residencia de Herzliya, en Tel Aviv. Las causa… - 5 years ago

@msandreasue: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@Vetpolski: RT @haniashen: Du Wei ambasador Chin w Izraelu został znaleziony martwy w swoim mieszkaniu na przedmieściach Tel Awiwu. Du rozpoczął swoje… - 5 years ago

@debilu2: - 5 years ago

@Kym_Mych3ll3: RT @HenryMakow: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv, an Israeli official told BBC… - 5 years ago

@KrissyKAG: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@MooreDNA_2017: RT @blmohr: China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead inside his official residence Sunday morning - 5 years ago

@ranevijayprakas: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@sirfkhan: RT @AliRazaTweets: Chinese Ambassador in Israel Du Wei has been found dead in his home. - 5 years ago

@GeKotta: RT @metronews_lk: இஸ்ரேலுக்கான சீனத் தூதுவர் வீட்டில் சடலமாக மீட்பு Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home - 5 years ago

@Panditcasm: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@humaneelizabeth: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@lregey: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@FURYOSA2: RT @AAhronheim: Confirmed: #China's ambassador to #Israel 52 year-old Du Wei has been found dead in his home. Police have opened an invest… - 5 years ago

@IMISTHEBOWLBROS: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@ester0961: RT @ester0961: L’ambaixador xinès a Israel, Du Wei, ha estat trobat diumenge al matí mort a la seva residència oficial al nord de Tel Aviv,… - 5 years ago

@pessoptimistic: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@isracor1: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@noyjangza: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@ljgalwzxcmbxiyt: Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei Tel Aviv’in Herzliya bölgesinde yaşadığı evde sabah saatlerinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@Alex_PeGa: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@GilesLashawn: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@ErsinInonu: RT @enveryan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu Ölüm nedeni henüz açıklanmadı - 5 years ago

@AkyolHonda: RT @akcay_nuri: Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni belli değil. Tam 4 gün önce ABD Dışi… - 5 years ago

@BobbysBrother: BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@ChalecosAmarill: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@MltyArif: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@ameiba: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@georgestephensP: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Foxming6: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@IndiaUnleashed_: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@FeliceOriano: RT @CesareSacchetti: Du Wei, ambasciatore cinese in Israele, è stato trovato morto nella sua casa. Era in Israele da marzo. Sconosciute anc… - 5 years ago

@JMorrow03234711: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@georgegalloway: RT @tmcgregorchina: BBC News - Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@mgarbadanis: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@kioskooo: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@Suleima07337854: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #China's Ambassador to #Israel, Du Wei, was found dead on Sunday morning. Coming a week after Mike Pompeo's visit and a… - 5 years ago

@oersener: RT @merttadas: Hafter'in Libya'da kullandığı İHA'lar Çin'e ait hep. Resmen içe kapalı değil, emperyalist tutum içine girdiler. Ve... Çin'… - 5 years ago

@OConstitutionO: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@paxnews24: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@md321610: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@mjarredondo: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@skittles410: RT @ISCResearch: 🚨 #BREAKING 🇮🇱 #ISRAEL: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, was found dead at his home in Hertzliya, the circumstanc… - 5 years ago

@horacioortega11: RT @ActualidadRT: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv htt… - 5 years ago

@H1omeyJohnson: RT @WashTimes: Chinese ambassador found dead in Israel - 5 years ago

@mijin913: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@ViveCongo: ISRAËL - L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, Du Wei, 57 ans et entré en fonction en février, a été retrouvé mort dima… - 5 years ago

@karabhijee: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@JohnnyDee62: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@MohdAza88935919: China's ambassador was found dead in his room in Israel... - 5 years ago

@paulchristianm7: RT @bienbakum: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël retrouvé mort chez lui à Herzliya ville huppée de la banlieue de Tel-Aviv dimanche 17 mai.… - 5 years ago

@QuijadaFrancis: RT @InformadorVeraz: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei fue encontrado muerto en su residencia oficial en la ciudad de Herzliya según con… - 5 years ago

@bmangh: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, is found dead in home - 5 years ago

@rakesh31046324: RT @aajtak: इजरायल में चीन के राजदूत अपने घर में मृत पाए गए - 5 years ago

@Bharatniti: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@adorabledeplora: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@IronManIndianDr: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@abdullahcehreli: RT @yirmidorttv: Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei’nin ölümü şüpheli mi? 58 yaşındaki büyükelçinin ölümü ile ilgili soruşturma başlatıldı A… - 5 years ago

@Lovers_Rock_xxx: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@RoncathWortham: RT @WashTimes: Chinese ambassador found dead in Israel - 5 years ago

@joetsuki: RT @HongKongFP: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@ajitvadnerkar: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@Muntsamar: RT @ester0961: L’ambaixador xinès a Israel, Du Wei, ha estat trobat diumenge al matí mort a la seva residència oficial al nord de Tel Aviv,… - 5 years ago

@DavaAdamiGA: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@InstantReporter: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@julipetitolive: RT @Le_Figaro: 🔴 FLASH - 🇨🇳🇮🇱 L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israël retrouvé mort chez lui. Du Wei, 57 ans, était entré en fonction en février… - 5 years ago

@RonaldoGogoni: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@PFlawless852: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@xtal_b: RT @ester0961: L’ambaixador xinès a Israel, Du Wei, ha estat trobat diumenge al matí mort a la seva residència oficial al nord de Tel Aviv,… - 5 years ago

@EtzkornGlen: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@konmoku75: RT @yzjps: 2月中旬にイスラエルへ着任した杜偉(Du Wei)大使 公邸で死んだ姿で見つかった 大使館のウェブサイトに掲載された経歴によると、57歳の杜氏は以前、ウクライナ大使を務めていた 暴力沙汰の痕跡はないという - 5 years ago

@NyombayireYR: RT @ClaudeMoniquet: Du Wei, ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, a été retrouvé mort à son domicile de Herzliya, tôt ce matin. Les causes du déc… - 5 years ago

@freetohumanity: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@yirmidorttv: Çin’in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei’nin ölümü şüpheli mi? 58 yaşındaki büyükelçinin ölümü ile ilgili soruşturma başlat… - 5 years ago

@Bozat36: RT @zorlu77: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu Ne tesadüf ki ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo bir kaç… - 5 years ago

@YenikaleAhmet: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@Mlle_H_: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@wadejohns33: RT @MSNNews: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead in home - 5 years ago

@Convertuoso: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@LesleyDewarAU: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@bodyhacker: RT @nytimes: China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his home on Sunday in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv, officials sa… - 5 years ago

@AnimalMemorial: RT @ISCResearch: 🚨 #BREAKING 🇮🇱 #ISRAEL: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, was found dead at his home in Hertzliya, the circumstanc… - 5 years ago

@spicencens1: RT @TheSharpEdge1: hmm 🤨 China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his apartment near Tel Aviv Israeli police launched an i… - 5 years ago

@avmelihh: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi evinde ölü bulundu Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulun… - 5 years ago

@teoisabey: RT @RestitutorOrien: Israël: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël retrouvé mort chez lui, le corps de l'ambassadeur Du Wei a été retrouvé ce ma… - 5 years ago

@post_asia: Du Wei: Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home - 5 years ago

@yigit_sinan43: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@AmirliAli: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@falconiel: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@Studio63_ke: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his official residence, North of Tel Aviv, as per reports.… - 5 years ago

@SanmaoEcho: RT @TVI_PK: China's Ambassador to Israel Mr. Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv. Poison attack possible. Israeli reports suggest he had thoroug… - 5 years ago

@RoseOfRannoch: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@burakercan86: ÇİN’in İSRAİL BÜYÜKELÇİSİ EVİNDE ÖLÜ BULUNDU @MevzuatMeb 👉Çin'in İsrail… - 5 years ago

@DEWTIE_D: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@godwinmbogo: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@A_M_M_7_7: RT @ester0961: L’ambaixador xinès a Israel, Du Wei, ha estat trobat diumenge al matí mort a la seva residència oficial al nord de Tel Aviv,… - 5 years ago

@charlott4good: RT @blmohr: China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead inside his official residence Sunday morning - 5 years ago

@MallamHamees: RT @DonKlericuzio: NOW: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Mr. Du Wei found dead at his home in Hertzliya Israel, the circumstances of his death… - 5 years ago

@kerr_mitzi: RT @QAnonNotables: The Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was reportedly found dead in his Hertzliya home this morning. - 5 years ago

@hyouhei: 【最新情報】イスラエルのマスコミ報道によれば、58歳の中国駐イスラエル大使Du Weiはテルアビブ郊外のアパートで亡くなり、死因は未だ確認されていない。 BBCチャイニーズは、詳細なレポートを後でリリースします。 - 5 years ago

@suriji4: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@Abzad_13: RT @idowu553: Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei found dead Sunday morning inside his official residence north of Tel Aviv. - 5 years ago

@guyasss: RT @Defensa_Israel: Como si ya no tuviésemos suficientes roces con #China a causa de la guerra de declaraciones desatada tras la visita a #… - 5 years ago

@101ccii: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Billlyhall: RT @SameeraKhan: Beyond insane - 5 years ago

@NoajBnei: RT @JonathanBerim: El embajador de #China en #Israel, Du Wei, apareció muerto este domingo en su residencia en la ciudad de Hertzelia. Se e… - 5 years ago

@ukukuk_21: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@stahsha: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Fatihan06: RT @akcay_nuri: Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni belli değil. Tam 4 gün önce ABD Dışi… - 5 years ago

@chibdan4christ: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@musicfoodlife2: RT @SBSNews: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead at his residence on the outskirts of Tel Aviv on Sunday, police said.… - 5 years ago

@Fatihan06: RT @zorlu77: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu Ne tesadüf ki ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo bir kaç… - 5 years ago

@no373736: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@meyosaka: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@ylzyhs: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@Guardianangelos: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@Elmarie_Maritz: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@RobertoGee4: Somebody wanted to "Du Wei" with him, apparently. - 5 years ago

@South_tropic: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@ancombulbasaur: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@ImpeachResist1: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@ozgehakim2: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, evinde ölü bulundu. hmmmmm 🤔 - 5 years ago

@rakesh26329280: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@godsmack4ever: RT @NTarnopolsky: #Breaking: China's Ambassador Du Wei has been found dead in his home. - 5 years ago

@lionelastomers: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@Dankste02403965: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@sadsadpanini: RT @SameeraKhan: Beyond insane - 5 years ago

@UnknownOrigin5: In other news: China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, is dead after 58 years. Before that the Ambassador was working… - 5 years ago

@medeadicyta: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@sam_sahgal: RT @TVI_PK: China's Ambassador to Israel Mr. Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv. Poison attack possible. Israeli reports suggest he had thoroug… - 5 years ago

@CelalKazdagli: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@Elizabe85729061: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Maven1967: RT @ISCResearch: 🚨 #BREAKING 🇮🇱 #ISRAEL: Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, was found dead at his home in Hertzliya, the circumstanc… - 5 years ago

@nuytarigan: RT @TRTWorldNow: Reports from Israeli media suggest that Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei died in his sleep of natural causes in his hom… - 5 years ago

@ruisseau: RT @CesareSacchetti: Du Wei, ambasciatore cinese in Israele, è stato trovato morto nella sua casa. Era in Israele da marzo. Sconosciute anc… - 5 years ago

@Candolime: RT @JantaKaReporter: BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his apartment inTel Aviv suburb - 5 years ago

@ucankucukimam: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah İsrail'deki evinde ölü bulundu. #SONDAKİKA #HABER #MilliHesaplarBurada… - 5 years ago

@SamTipzy01: RT @ndtv: China's ambassador to Israel found dead in Tel Aviv home: police - 5 years ago

@FirmaAnaliz: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@SupremeHarish: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@akhetaton11: RT @GermanoDottori: Covid-19? *++ Israele: trovato morto ambasciatore cinese ++* Du Wei, 58 anni, era arrivato a marzo. Polizia indaga (A… - 5 years ago

@SarkariCitizen: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Nichatien: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@hindupride202: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@narnerman: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@FSM2134: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@mybeanny: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@elsantituitea: RT @SameeraKhan: Beyond insane - 5 years ago

@perfect_potion5: RT @nytimesworld: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his home in a coastal suburb north of Tel Aviv. The cause of… - 5 years ago

@Madan345321: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@Omer_Altunay1: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@gokmenakbas: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@alsa3idy: RT @business: Du Wei, 58, the Chinese ambassador to Israel was found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv on Sunday. He was appointed as envo… - 5 years ago

@sumitgurjarP: RT @AmarUjalaNews: इस्राइल: संदिग्ध परिस्थितियों में चीनी राजदूत की मौत, घर के अंदर मिला शव #Israel - 5 years ago

@zhalli1: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@dchughes62: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@meringuees: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@ProSyria2: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@mcrr1908: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@WarDamnGunners: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@GrandmaUp: RT @QAnonNotables: The Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was reportedly found dead in his Hertzliya home this morning. - 5 years ago

@bhanusuman1: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@malikumar9999: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@NoticiasXtra: AHORA Du Wei (58), embajador chino en Israel fue encontrado muerto en su casa informó el gobierno de Israel. No of… - 5 years ago

@1990emineme: RT @TRTWorldNow: Reports from Israeli media suggest that Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei died in his sleep of natural causes in his hom… - 5 years ago

@hitng_info: China's ambassador to Israel, Du Wei found dead at home - 5 years ago

@smailAtilla6: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@ameen_javeed: RT @SameeraKhan: Beyond insane - 5 years ago

@Asifrg7: RT @HaqeeqatTVEng: #BREAKING : Chinese ambassador to Israel 'found dead at home' China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has died in his apa… - 5 years ago

@esq_marck: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@yakubutsu7: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@DayoNtwari: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@tranex100: RT @bweglarczyk: Nie żyje ambasador Chin w Izraelu - 5 years ago

@NurcanBayrakt: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@tuitoei134: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@SerenaRaka: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Samai47679812: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@mihailramazan: RT @Politika_Dis: 🇨🇳 Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (58), Tel Aviv'in kuzeyinde bulunan Herzliya kentindeki rezidansında ölü bulundu. - 5 years ago

@paulburke20: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@RdcSuis: RT @ClaudeMoniquet: Du Wei, ambassadeur de Chine en Israël, a été retrouvé mort à son domicile de Herzliya, tôt ce matin. Les causes du déc… - 5 years ago

@Riky92391277: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@badibouzi: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@sinemush: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@ZZzordemir: RT @SaadaqMohamed: Mr. Du Wei oo da’disa lagu shegay 58-jir ayaa meydkiisa laga helay sarirtiisa iyado boliska ay durba bilaben baritanno a… - 5 years ago

@demboouzijr_: RT @RestitutorOrien: Israël: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël retrouvé mort chez lui, le corps de l'ambassadeur Du Wei a été retrouvé ce ma… - 5 years ago

@yogo_prst: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@_stsyJ: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Richardjunior0: RT @NewTimesRwanda: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead Sunday morning inside his official residence north of Tel Aviv… - 5 years ago

@Spike9151: RT @StayHopeful16: Du Wei, China’s 57-year-old ambassador to Israel, was found dead in his home in a Tel Aviv suburb on Sunday, police said… - 5 years ago

@BSBonner: RT @business: Du Wei, 58, the Chinese ambassador to Israel was found dead in his home north of Tel Aviv on Sunday. He was appointed as envo… - 5 years ago

@xx07lilK: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Golffie006: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Rr88907: RT @TRTWorldNow: Reports from Israeli media suggest that Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei died in his sleep of natural causes in his hom… - 5 years ago

@BilgeGnay: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@ajcics: RT @formichenews: Chi era (e cosa faceva a Tel Aviv), l’ambasciatore cinese morto in Israele. Trovato senza vita nel letto, forse per un i… - 5 years ago

@ROHITVERMA18: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@fnsalsaif: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei ,58-year-old, was found dead n his apartment Medical officials had reportedly… - 5 years ago

@yusrihashim88: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@simo26110561: RT @nonstoasinistra: 🔴 L’ambasciatore cinese in Israele Du Wei è stato trovato morto questa mattina nella sua casa ad Herzliya. Lo riferisc… - 5 years ago

@interrisnews: #Israele Tragedia a Herzlyia nel giorno in cui giura il governo 👇 #chineseambassador - 5 years ago

@Monaca6: RT @NTarnopolsky: Police suspect Ambassador Du Wei, 57, died of a heart attack, but everyone I know thinks {whisper} 'now we know the reas… - 5 years ago

@jchute70: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@Raniraniyap: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@38konmars: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@funanyachukwu: RT @DonKlericuzio: NOW: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Mr. Du Wei found dead at his home in Hertzliya Israel, the circumstances of his death… - 5 years ago

@Fatih75890219: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@TRTWorldNow: Reports from Israeli media suggest that Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei died in his sleep of natural causes in… - 5 years ago

@KUNNALSINGH11: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@rabbi_tech: RT @DonKlericuzio: NOW: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Mr. Du Wei found dead at his home in Hertzliya Israel, the circumstances of his death… - 5 years ago

@RotoKyleNBA: RT @AAhronheim: Confirmed: #China's ambassador to #Israel 52 year-old Du Wei has been found dead in his home. Police have opened an invest… - 5 years ago

@veziroglu_ali: RT @kasimileri_: Çin’in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei, ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo İsrail’den ayrıldıktan kısa bir süre sonra evinde ölü bulu… - 5 years ago

@gohil__: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@BolonFilow: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@ReneRook1: RT @HenryMakow: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv, an Israeli official told BBC… - 5 years ago

@unsal_zerrin: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@eyee__: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@tomasito1234: RT @NTarnopolsky: #Breaking: China's Ambassador Du Wei has been found dead in his home. - 5 years ago

@PositiveOne10: RT @HenryMakow: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv, an Israeli official told BBC… - 5 years ago

@jfw_j: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@cezaron: RT @zolesnicki1389: Ambasadora Chin w Izraelu znaleziono martwego w jego domu w Tel Awiwie. Du Wei miał 58 lat. - 5 years ago

@comnsense: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@KaleKhan1935: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@BreakUntoThee: RT @HadiNasrallah: Two days ago, the Chinese Embassy in Israel published the response on China-related comments by Secretary Pompeo on the… - 5 years ago

@weskusgogga: RT @TVI_PK: China's Ambassador to Israel Mr. Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv. Poison attack possible. Israeli reports suggest he had thoroug… - 5 years ago

@Katarzyna_Walus: RT @eli_barbur: 57-letni ambasador ChRL w Izraelu Du Wei, który akredytował się zaledwie trzy miesiące temu, zmarł minionej nocy w swojej r… - 5 years ago

@AUC31: RT @oxogenanews: Chinese ambassador to Isreal, Du Wei found dead in his apartment - 5 years ago

@enaydemir78: RT @yazarmuratakan: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Herzliya'da ölü bulundu. İlk gelen bilgilere göre, Çin Büyükelçisi Du Wei bu sa… - 5 years ago

@Aonannnn_: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@UmaSharandon: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@SANJAYVOHRA1: RT @AdityaRajKaul: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead Sunday in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb. Police have… - 5 years ago

@Keepthereceipts: RT @EladRatson: #China's🇨🇳 ambassador to #Israel🇮🇱, Du Wei, was found dead in his bed this morning 🔗 - 5 years ago

@88ideass: RT @DonKlericuzio: NOW: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Mr. Du Wei found dead at his home in Hertzliya Israel, the circumstances of his death… - 5 years ago

@paxer89: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@weskusgogga: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@claudiapapo: RT @Defensa_Israel: Como si ya no tuviésemos suficientes roces con #China a causa de la guerra de declaraciones desatada tras la visita a #… - 5 years ago

@wtfrylih: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@GodSidekick: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@SSrivichai_88: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@Ahmettay44Tay: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@rcyln: RT @haskologlu: 🔴#SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah İsrail’deki evinde ölü bulundu. - 5 years ago

@TurkawkaPL: RT @RitaPanahi: China’s ambassador to Israel, 58-year-old Du Wei, has been found dead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed. - 5 years ago

@Shail67330119: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@majdan_ch: RT @poroshenko: So saddened with the news on passing away of China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei. While in Ukraine, he made great efforts… - 5 years ago

@kendentshering: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@Neefiliz1: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@aydinozzge: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@ZH_Zaidi: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@georgegalloway: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@bondworra: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@bornconfused28: RT @ariehkovler: Adding some fuel for conspiracy theorists: Du Wei was China's Ambassador to Ukraine until a few weeks ago when he was reas… - 5 years ago

@JaimeOctavioBl1: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@MetinKarakaya_: RT @zorlu77: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, bu sabah Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu Ne tesadüf ki ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo bir kaç… - 5 years ago

@ahnighito: China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home - 5 years ago

@myrddenbuckley: He did not comment on the cause of death of ambassador Du Wei, who was 57 years old and became ambassador to Israel… - 5 years ago

@HarshitSahay19: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@IPEClub: Latest News: China's ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in his apartment in Herzliya #DuWei #China #ambassador… - 5 years ago

@Unavailable91: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@WillowWolfBlue: RT @StayHopeful16: Du Wei, China’s 57-year-old ambassador to Israel, was found dead in his home in a Tel Aviv suburb on Sunday, police said… - 5 years ago

@_surgunyolcu_: RT @megdorano: Bu ölümü de not edelim. İran opec temsilcisi hüseyin kazımpur erdebili ölümü. Üzerine çin sefiri du wei. Ortak özellikleri r… - 5 years ago

@Mamablanka: RT @InformadorVeraz: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei fue encontrado muerto en su residencia oficial en la ciudad de Herzliya según con… - 5 years ago

@Celia3D: RT @AFP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead at his residence on the outskirts of Tel Aviv on Sunday, police say… - 5 years ago

@FerhatIsmailglu: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@smm72017574: RT @apnnewsindia: Chinese Ambassador Du_Wei died in a suspicious condition in Israel. His body was recovered from his house. Israel's Forei… - 5 years ago

@ahnighito: Chinese ambassador to Israel ‘found dead’ - 5 years ago

@pyadav720: RT @NavbharatTimes: इजरायल: चीनी राजदूत की संदिग्ध परिस्थिति में मौत, घर में मिला शव #Israel - 5 years ago

@smr_plt_: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@sanode2k: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@Edgar18Ej: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@Tamaraciocci: RT @NTarnopolsky: Police suspect Ambassador Du Wei, 57, died of a heart attack, but everyone I know thinks {whisper} 'now we know the reas… - 5 years ago

@memykung: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@smm72017574: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@Dmkt1: RT @TVI_PK: China's Ambassador to Israel Mr. Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv. Poison attack possible. Israeli reports suggest he had thoroug… - 5 years ago

@MartinHartito: RT @JosePatrinuri: Israel: -El viernes Du Wei condenó las amenazantes palabras de Pompeo sobre los negocios chino-israelíes. -Han encont… - 5 years ago

@irfan_anim: RT @RadioPakistan: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead in Tel Aviv home - 5 years ago

@mrmui7: RT @HongKongFP: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@suarezangelg: RT @ActualidadRT: El embajador chino en Israel, Du Wei, fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la ciudad de Herzliya, al norte de Tel Aviv htt… - 5 years ago

@mehveysa: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@Rafaeyo: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@Peacefulrumi: RT @ariehkovler: Adding some fuel for conspiracy theorists: Du Wei was China's Ambassador to Ukraine until a few weeks ago when he was reas… - 5 years ago

@HugoNicols11: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@micheldjombo: RT @sehof: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei (杜伟) Found Dead in His Home – Haaretz - 5 years ago

@FknMerter: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@AmericaIsUnited: RT @QAnonNotables: The Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was reportedly found dead in his Hertzliya home this morning. - 5 years ago

@ginagroot: RT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his residence this morning - 5 years ago

@RIHAMT4H: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@haciozturk3: RT @abdullahciftcib: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin evinde ölü bulunduğu bildirildi. Öldürülen Rus büyükelçilerini hatırlattı. https… - 5 years ago

@24x7Breaking: Israel: Chinese ambassador killed in suspicious circumstances, body found at home Tel Aviv, Ta. 17 May 2020, Sund… - 5 years ago

@nurcangoekcek: RT @akcay_nuri: Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni belli değil. Tam 4 gün önce ABD Dışi… - 5 years ago

@Unbwnebu_: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@bangFatih02: RT @hermanat3: Dutabesar China untuk Israel, Du Wei ditemukan meninggal dunia di kediamannya di Herzlija, pinggiran Tel Aviv "Sebagai bagi… - 5 years ago

@ethemibrahim201: RT @saidercan: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei (57), Herzliya'daki rezidansında ölü bulundu. Geçen hafta ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo, İsr… - 5 years ago

@kim_sax1: RT @QAnonNotables: The Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was reportedly found dead in his Hertzliya home this morning. - 5 years ago

@tundin: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Police are currently investigating after the #Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home, @TamarBee… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Du Wei - #DuWei #Du #Wei #rip - 5 years ago

@Darbourka: RT @RestitutorOrien: Israël: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël retrouvé mort chez lui, le corps de l'ambassadeur Du Wei a été retrouvé ce ma… - 5 years ago

@nof_serendipity: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@AyomaPeter: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@hyeolqx_: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@CbGoogl: RT @trtworld: Reports from Israeli media suggest that Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei died in his sleep of natural causes in his home n… - 5 years ago

@nellytaylor1414: RT @Hispantv: El embajador chino en los territorios ocupados palestinos, Du Wei, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio en la ciudad de Herzliy… - 5 years ago

@Sandeep57484623: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@sevdambayburt: RT @D_Strateji: #SONDAKİKA Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei, Herzliya'daki evinde ölü bulundu. İsrail güvenlik güçleri, soruşturma başlat… - 5 years ago

@Peacefulrumi: RT @AJEnglish: Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, found dead at his home north of Tel Aviv - 5 years ago

@fuckthepopo4eva: RT @HongKongFP: Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei found dead at home – police - 5 years ago

@Bilalzdm: Çin'in İsrail Büyükelçisi Du Wei'nin ölüm sebebi kalp krizi olarak açıklanmış. Son derece normal. Wei 58 yaşında bi… - 5 years ago

@HariciyeNaziriC: RT @akcay_nuri: Çin'in Tel Aviv Büyükelçisi Du Wei sabah saatlerinde evinde ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni belli değil. Tam 4 gün önce ABD Dışi… - 5 years ago

@s_total_s2: RT @HadiNasrallah: Last week Pompeo flew to Israel in an attempt to pursue the Israelis not to trade or invest with China. Pompeo wanted th… - 5 years ago

@StayHopeful16: Du Wei, China’s 57-year-old ambassador to Israel, was found dead in his home in a Tel Aviv suburb on Sunday, police… - 5 years ago

@YJCMYS: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@pichet_amour: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

@ELBINAWI: RT @OppressionOrg: Week after Pompeo warned Israel for working with China, Chinese ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead in his home i… - 5 years ago

@ASlaurence: RT @RestitutorOrien: Israël: L'ambassadeur de Chine en Israël retrouvé mort chez lui, le corps de l'ambassadeur Du Wei a été retrouvé ce ma… - 5 years ago

@OM_Paname: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇮🇱 FLASH - L'ambassadeur de #Chine en #Israel a été retrouvé mort chez lui ce matin. Il vivait avec sa femme et un enfant… - 5 years ago

@lorenzoray11: RT @QAnonNotables: The Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was reportedly found dead in his Hertzliya home this morning. - 5 years ago

@ravimaharaj20: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@HenryMakow: China’s Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv, an Israeli official t… - 5 years ago

@inewsdotid: Duta Besar China untuk Israel, Du Wei, ditemukan tewas di kediamannya di pinggiran Kota Tel Aviv, Minggu (17/5/2020… - 5 years ago

@MaalikiWassim: RT @AFP: The Chinese ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, has been found dead at his residence on the outskirts of Tel Aviv on Sunday, police say… - 5 years ago

@sponge_it: Du Wei, the Chinese Ambassador to Isreal, was found dead in his apartment in Tel Aviv in the early hours of Sunday,… - 5 years ago

@ozcansennil: RT @bbcturkce: Çin'in İsrail büyükelçisi Du Wei, Tel Aviv'deki evinde ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@Heathen1400: RT @J_H_5: Wild story that is breaking, ambassador from China has been found dead in Israel. They had been recently reassigned from Ukraine… - 5 years ago

@PiotrZiba11: RT @CzerwonePotwork: Ambasador Chin w Izraelu Du Wei został znaleziony martwy w swoim domu dziś rano, rączka siekiery wystającej z piersi j… - 5 years ago

@Captsandeep2: RT @palkisu: Linking Chinese ambassador Du Wei’s death to Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Israel is preposterous! Criticising investment link… - 5 years ago

@Spacelord6006: RT @DDboxxx: Du Wei, erst seit kurzem chinesischer Botschafter in Israel, ist tot. Er wurde in seiner Wohnung bei Tel Aviv gefunden - die T… - 5 years ago

@vick_mariupol: RT @lilygrutcher: Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei, 58, found dead in his apartment in a Tel Aviv suburb, this morning. - 5 years ago

@JKlopp125: RT @suthichai: พบศพทูตจีนประจำอิสราเอล Du Wei ในบ้านพักเช้านี้! - 5 years ago

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