Donnie Green

American football player (Buffalo Bills
Died on Wednesday August 28th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Donnie Green:

@NuckChorris16: @rithcee @mirandadied4u @____Roar____ @Sicut_Lupus @chromosomegrav1 @westworld1974 @PredatoryStare @imkimaaron… - 6 years ago

@GenericViereck: I got that green in my eyes and i ain't no donnie Simpson - 6 years ago

@brook_donnie: @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse They’re in the green though, what about the places in purple - 6 years ago

@JDAshleigh: @realDonaldTrump Looking pretty green on the old wind projection there Donnie! You still haven't moved on eh? The… - 6 years ago



@LuiseGaze: @NHC_Atlantic @realDonaldTrump OMG! Pray for Nova Scotia, Newfound Land & Green Land. Pray Donnie Pray!! - 6 years ago

@yvohu1: @realDonaldTrump Check THE LEGENDA Donnie, dark green = 34 knots😂😂😂 A true businessman reads the small letters as w… - 6 years ago

@wilfriedgenant: @realDonaldTrump Green means safe Donnie - 6 years ago

@handimanner: When I was in 1st grade I had a bad report card I needed signed by my parents so I pulled a fast one and signed it… - 6 years ago

@jessecarp: Bill Crystal to Jake Gyllenhaal in CITY SLICKERS. Gyllenhaal to Seth Rogen in DONNIE DARKO. Rogen to Cameron Diaz i… - 6 years ago

@sandral_green: RT @leeleeb50: Donnie doll hands showed a map with a Sharpie-drawn version of Hurricane Dorian headed toward Alabama. Donnie, when you kee… - 6 years ago

@jungmark98: @WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump Imagine little Donnie doing the weather in front of a green screen. He’ll get so confused. - 6 years ago

@Beenthere_DT: @realDonaldTrump Green energy will reduce costs across the board. Even gas prices since demand will drop. You know,… - 6 years ago

@ElectroGoat: I dreamt that I dyed my hair bright green and met donnie yen and was shooting the shit with Putin about all his global planning - 6 years ago

@MR_PRIME69: RT @KmayfWelker: @5_2blue @MR_PRIME69 OH BOY!!! ANOTHER REASON for dumbass donnie to be pissed off at the Obama's! at least the green eyed… - 6 years ago

@KmayfWelker: @5_2blue @MR_PRIME69 OH BOY!!! ANOTHER REASON for dumbass donnie to be pissed off at the Obama's! at least the gree… - 6 years ago

@assenav0801: Girl, interrupted. Lolita American Beauty León, the professional. The Love Witch Kill Bill Scarface Donnie Darko Th… - 6 years ago

@Sinister_Donnie: RT @JamesMelville: More than 20 African countries have joined together to plant a giant wall of trees that will run across the continent to… - 6 years ago

@PattiRose3: @BradMossEsq Nothing says "I'm Eco-friendly" like a dress dipped in camo green. And you know daddy is going to be v… - 6 years ago

@Rob16921: @SnarkLikeKnives So does Donnie wanna slip her his 'Lil Green Sprout? - 6 years ago

@liquidityboy: @realDonaldTrump Fast Donnie even plays golf fast! Good thing he blew off the WWII event in Poland so he can manage… - 6 years ago

@sandral_green: RT @leeleeb50: Nero fiddled and donnie dimwit golfed! Trump went golfing as Hurricane Dorian threatens US - 6 years ago

@Dothemath13: @realDonaldTrump Donnie Paranoid, I hired the Trump family to lay sod, spent the rest of the day yelling GREEN SIDE UP - 6 years ago

@muchenawashe_: RT @TimieTenpah: "I've got a lotta women, they've got a lotta feels, but I got that green in My Eyes and I ain't no Donnie Simpson" https:/… - 6 years ago

@TimieTenpah: "I've got a lotta women, they've got a lotta feels, but I got that green in My Eyes and I ain't no Donnie Simpson" - 6 years ago

@ji52: @TheRealOJ32 I Remember That Offensive Line The Electric Company Sorry To Hear About Donnie Green 2003 Yards I Saw… - 6 years ago

@K9tipsPL: RT @K9tips: We bounceback from a below par end of August, and slow going day yesterday starting off Sept. A cruel loser at Romford but No… - 6 years ago

@K9tips: We bounceback from a below par end of August, and slow going day yesterday starting off Sept. A cruel loser at Ro… - 6 years ago

@relRonaldDrump: @CNN Hell Donnie get near the hurricane. If you get the wind @ your back you may be able to drive a par 5 green. - 6 years ago

@owlwoman911_: RT @DougieFreshii: @SusanCa51532897 @QAnon711 @DebbieScholl2 @TWITMO_INMATE @doitqbaby @BradFitzpatriot @FredMer39027021 @paulacblades001 @… - 6 years ago

@bronco7771: @Donnie_Peters @VitalVegas Stay classy green valley.. - 6 years ago

@Pike4411: @realDonaldTrump Thanks meteorologist Donnie. Maybe it's time you call Macron and catch up with all the info you mi… - 6 years ago

@LorenzoTKR: RT @Benjamin2295: And family is everything, and money is less important Long as your mama love you, don’t ever love a woman I got a lot of… - 6 years ago

@1stofthamonthhd: RT @AfricanFestChi: #AFAchi30 DEE PALMER WOODTOR STAGE Sun. Sept1st Tim Branch and the New Generation AFRO JAZZ, Pleasant Green Choir, Chi… - 6 years ago

@AfricanFestChi: #AFAchi30 DEE PALMER WOODTOR STAGE Sun. Sept1st Tim Branch and the New Generation AFRO JAZZ, Pleasant Green Choir,… - 6 years ago

@John_Mehaffey: @Donnie_Peters Gzesh posted at 2+2 that the room was going downhill, even with Kathy still there. I wonder why they… - 6 years ago

@TheJackB: @realDonaldTrump Green policies might help with environmental issues and save more money lives over the long term. Dopey Donnie. - 6 years ago

@meg_ohgee: @WOGFilm Green hat looks like a cracked out Donnie Wahlberg - 6 years ago

@Beenthere_DT: @realDonaldTrump If the GREEN policies truly take root we won't need the gas. Electric cars will abound! Then the p… - 6 years ago

@AngieLajeunesse: @realDonaldTrump Those damn green energy people! Trying to save our planet! How DARE they! Keep firing up all those… - 6 years ago

@IreneHolmes1966: @DonaldJTrumpJr @IlhanMN Junior why is Mar-largo closed for the season. Most hotels even in Florida do not shut dow… - 6 years ago

@mapachezurdo: 🎥encuesta de cine 🎥 Más allá de los sueños The collector Intacto Apocalypto Donnie Darko Steven Spielberg Clint Ea… - 6 years ago

@dizit: @Green_Heart @jonifromIoni @SpeakerPelosi Want a couple of Americans sick to death with Delusional Donnie? Oh, don’… - 6 years ago

@havasuprncess: Donnie finally got to hang out with Larry at his favorite place while watching the game . #tiedgame #oatmealstout… - 6 years ago

@MikeMor53252899: @710CaLi @katkavsem @KarenLynnBNB @SaraCarterDC @IlhanMN @UN @KABCRadio @LarryOConnor @POTUS @MarkIslerShow So you’… - 6 years ago

@HIGH_GREEN_44: RT @Pattihatestrump: On top of that, I got a credit voucher that looks like a check with fking trumps picture on it for 70$ credit on a tru… - 6 years ago

@joaogabrielmar8: @ironsfav Clube da luta, A origem, A chegada, Blade Runner, Seven, Garota exemplar, Ilha do medo, zodíaco, Donnie D… - 6 years ago

@Alex78626225: RT @Alex78626225: I'm only voting for Trump if he legalizes the green federally. C'mon Donnie, legalize the green! This is the last step of… - 6 years ago

@Alex78626225: I'm only voting for Trump if he legalizes the green federally. C'mon Donnie, legalize the green! This is the last s… - 6 years ago

@jaredm1717: So that Green Wave secondary seems to be doing okay in the post-Donnie Lewis/Rod Teamer era. - 6 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @456jbj: Call this am from HOF’er, Electric Co. mate, Joe DeLamielleure, that our rt. tackle, Donnie Green #74, has died. 6-8, a lean 30… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Donnie Green (71) American football player - 6 years ago

@traviondope: RT @BuffaloBills: We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of former Bills offensive lineman Donnie Green who passed th… - 6 years ago

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