Donnie Fritts

American keyboardist (Kris Kristofferson) and songwriter.
Died on Wednesday August 28th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Donnie Fritts:

@natty4bumpo: Ballad of the Leaning Man: Funky Donnie Fritts, 1942-2019 — THE BITTER SOUTHERNER - 6 years ago

@Imhappy_happy_: @ShaunMurphyBand Didn’t know if you had heard but #MuscleShoals lost Donnie Fritts last week and Jimmy Johnson yest… - 6 years ago

@john_w_lowery: Ballad of the Leaning Man: Funky Donnie Fritts, 1942-2019 — THE BITTER SOUTHERNER by @pattersonhood - 6 years ago

@SeanSelman: Warm, poignant memory of #MuscleShoals' very own Funky Donnie Fritts, written by @pattersonhood - well said, sir.… - 6 years ago


@alabamabart: @waff48 Been a sad couple of weeks in the Shoals and the music industry everywhere #RIP Jimmy Johnson and Donnie Fritts - 6 years ago

@getrealvonciel: RT @annkpowers: Mourning the loss of Funky Donnie Fritts with all my Florence/Shoals peeps today. What a soul, what soul. Here's a little m… - 6 years ago

@getrealvonciel: RT @CharlesLHughes2: Farewell to Donnie Fritts. An architect of the Muscle Shoals sound, he demonstrated country-soul's musical overlaps as… - 6 years ago

@dirtyworksedit: - 6 years ago

@dirtyworksedit: Y para este fin de semana, DIRTY WORKS os recomienda una receta infalible: «Funky» DONNIE FRITTS, chicas de Memphis… - 6 years ago

@lucini_javier: Y para este fin de semana, DIRTY WORKS os recomienda una receta infalible: «Funky» DONNIE FRITTS, chicas de Memphis… - 6 years ago

@peocekun: RT @shibuyanoradio: 渋谷のレコード屋さんが始まりました♫ 今日は8月27日に惜しくも亡くなられたROCKアーティストの DONNIE FRITTSの特集です FM87・6MHz 渋谷のラジオのアプリでお楽しみください🎶 - 6 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @ThatEricAlper: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. http… - 6 years ago

@shibuyanoradio: 渋谷のレコード屋さんが始まりました♫ 今日は8月27日に惜しくも亡くなられたROCKアーティストの DONNIE FRITTSの特集です FM87・6MHz 渋谷のラジオのアプリでお楽しみください🎶 - 6 years ago

@ThatEricAlper: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. - 6 years ago

@siburadi: 今年8月27日に亡くなられた DONNIE FRITTSさんの追悼特集を流させていただきます キーボード奏者でありシンガーソングライターという 多彩なアーティストのロック ディスクユニオン 川田さんの選曲でお送りします♬ - 6 years ago

@night_NYC: RT @nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts, a songwriter, singer and piano player who helped shape both the soul music made in Muscle Shoals, Ala., in… - 6 years ago

@JohnHowieJr: Tell Donnie Fritts hello. Godspeed, tough times. Another legend gone. - 6 years ago

@meiphan: RIP Alabama Leaning Man: Muscle Shoals Musician and Songwriter Donnie Fritts Dies At 76 - 6 years ago

@mundanemagic: Hard news for the Shoals - especially so close to the loss of Donnie Fritts. 😢 - 6 years ago

@Imhappy_happy_: @DUANEALLEN From #MuscleShoalsAl We’ve lost two #GreatLegends in the music industry in the last couple of weeks, Ji… - 6 years ago

@spiritsongs7: Beautiful tribute by Patterson Hood: Ballad of the Leaning Man. - 6 years ago

@jasonmoontn: RT @jonbern: Little more than a week after Donnie Fritts' passing, the legendary guitarist Jimmy Johnson has died at 76. - 6 years ago

@lazydawg58: RT @jonbern: Little more than a week after Donnie Fritts' passing, the legendary guitarist Jimmy Johnson has died at 76. - 6 years ago

@audreybenten: 音楽評論家,萩原健太さんのDonnie Fritts 追悼ブログ。 マッスル・ショールズ・サウンドが結実していく流れのうえで、とても重要な役割を果たした偉大なソングライター。 #マッスルショールズ #トムスキャビン… - 6 years ago

@stacieHuckeba: Damn... Both of these cats in a week. Jimmy Johnson and Donnie Fritts. The Swampers might have been one of the most… - 6 years ago

@dlcantwell: RT @jonbern: Little more than a week after Donnie Fritts' passing, the legendary guitarist Jimmy Johnson has died at 76. - 6 years ago

@MelodyC34402293: RT @MelodyC34402293: John Prine & Donnie Fritts - Why Is My Day So Long - 6 years ago

@jonbern: Little more than a week after Donnie Fritts' passing, the legendary guitarist Jimmy Johnson has died at 76. - 6 years ago

@MelodyC34402293: John Prine & Donnie Fritts - Why Is My Day So Long - 6 years ago

@jstroup63: RT @nytimesmusic: Possessed of a rough-hewed voice akin to Kris Kristofferson’s, Donnie Fritts was a late bloomer as a recording artist htt… - 6 years ago

@PookySoupy: RT @nytimesmusic: Possessed of a rough-hewed voice akin to Kris Kristofferson’s, Donnie Fritts was a late bloomer as a recording artist htt… - 6 years ago

@JRobinsRadio: RT @BradleyKile: @BitterSouth stage at the 2018 @WordOfSouthFest was one for the ages. @chuckreece assembled Muscle Shoals artists who want… - 6 years ago

@MontysanoDoug: @JasonIsbell First Donnie Fritts, now this. Sorry for your losses, Jason. - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: Possessed of a rough-hewed voice akin to Kris Kristofferson’s, Donnie Fritts was a late bloomer as a recording arti… - 6 years ago

@Artspromo: Donnie Fritts, Who Bridged Soul and Country Music, Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@KatsWatauchi: あんまり若いと脱力の美学や味は分からないかもなあ。分かり過ぎてもつまらない。 Donnie Fritts - We Had It All (ある1974) - 6 years ago

@dayblends: Play of the Day: 🎵 Remembering Donnie Fritts (1942-2019) … - 6 years ago

@mariatravis45: RT @NTSlive: .@rossallen pays tribute to the late Donnie Fritts on the latest episode of The Meltdown, live on 2 for the next 90 minutes: h… - 6 years ago

@NTSlive: .@rossallen pays tribute to the late Donnie Fritts on the latest episode of The Meltdown, live on 2 for the next 90… - 6 years ago

@faivy: Ballad of the Leaning Man: Funky Donnie Fritts, 1942-2019 — THE BITTER SOUTHERNER - 6 years ago

@rossallenmusic: It was very sad to hear of the passsing of “funky” Donnie Fritts last week. An amazing songwriter, keyboard player… - 6 years ago

@ScottWardbass: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@bschro3000: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@PeteFehrenbach: @BitterSouth @pattersonhood Re the group pic at 3614 Jackson Highway, I recognized 3 of the faces and felt guilty n… - 6 years ago

@Mrs_K_Hill: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@noweakhugs: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@robertloerzel: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@BitterSouth: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@Mattmil53061142: Ballad of the Leaning Man - 6 years ago

@skanpinchoice: 追悼 Donnie Fritts 再発される 『Oh My Godnnes』(2015) 抑制の効いた滋味溢れる歌と演奏。 こういうのを本当の意味で「渋い」と言うのだろう。 Oh My Goodness - 6 years ago

@torshavn12: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@ScottWardbass: "Sumpin' Funky Goin On" Scott Ward with Donnie Fritts by Scott Ward on #SoundCloud - 6 years ago

@kschmidt1010: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@blacktoproad: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@JefferyBurkhead: Ballad of the Leaning Man - 6 years ago

@KALXNow: 12:42pm "Rainbow Road [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76]" by Donnie Fritts - 6 years ago

@KALXNow: 12:39pm "We Had It All [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76]" by The Rolling Stones - 6 years ago

@KALXNow: 12:36pm "300 Pounds of Hongry [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76]" by Tony Joe White - 6 years ago

@KALXNow: 12:30pm "Zero Will Power [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76]" by Irma Thomas - 6 years ago

@kalxplaylist: 12:42pm Rainbow Road [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - Donnie Fritts - Prone to Lean(Atlantic) - 6 years ago

@KALXNow: 12:27pm "Breakfast in Bed [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76]" by Dusty Springfield - 6 years ago

@kalxplaylist: 12:39pm We Had It All [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - The Rolling Stones - Some Girls(Rolling Stones Records) - 6 years ago

@kalxplaylist: 12:36pm 300 Pounds of Hongry [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - Tony Joe White - The Train I'm On(Warner brothers) - 6 years ago

@kalxplaylist: 12:30pm Zero Will Power [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - Irma Thomas - My Heart's in Memphis(Rounder) - 6 years ago

@kalxplaylist: 12:27pm Breakfast in Bed [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - Dusty Springfield - Dusty in Springfield(Atlantic) - 6 years ago

@KALXNow: 12:24pm "Choo Choo Train" by The Box Tops [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - 6 years ago

@kalxplaylist: 12:24pm Choo Choo Train - The Box Tops [written by Donnie Fritts RIP 8-27-19, Age 76] - single(Bell Records) - 6 years ago

@Weekend_Willie: RT @BitterSouth: Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers spent a lifetime learning from the late Donnie Fritts. These are his memories. https:/… - 6 years ago

@AngieB500: RT @nytimesmusic: Upon moving to Nashville in 1970 to take a job as keyboardist with Kris Kristofferson, Donnie Fritts injected the down-ho… - 6 years ago

@Grateful24x7: RT @nytimesmusic: Upon moving to Nashville in 1970 to take a job as keyboardist with Kris Kristofferson, Donnie Fritts injected the down-ho… - 6 years ago

@jaasonwills: RT @JasonIsbell: Donnie Fritts was a legend back home, and a guide for many of us when we started writing and making music. I met Prine whi… - 6 years ago

@musashinoFM782: 毎週水曜お昼12時半から放送の「吉祥寺ミュージックスクープ」のコーナー。今日、ディスクユニオン吉祥寺店ROCK担当前田さんが紹介してくれたのは、惜しくも先日亡くなってしまったDonnie Frittsの2015年リリース「Oh M… - 6 years ago

@TimesDaily: FLORENCE — Donna Fritts said the celebration of life for her husband, Donnie Fritts, will provide his musician frie… - 6 years ago

@santacmanley: How Muscle Shoals Music Brought Black and White Together in Alabama | Donnie Fritts | TEDxWilsonPark - 6 years ago

@0wlred: RT @JasonIsbell: Donnie Fritts was a legend back home, and a guide for many of us when we started writing and making music. I met Prine whi… - 6 years ago

@vmusicvt: RT @RollingStone: Donnie Fritts, the Muscle Shoals songwriter and longtime keyboard player for Kris Kristofferson, has died at 76 - 6 years ago

@DukeDALang: Here's the August 31st BETTER DAYS podcast, featuring a plethora of new roots releases plus a tribute to the late F… - 6 years ago

@CharlesKinnaird: Undeniably Donnie - A Film About Donnie Fritts, The Alabama Leaning Man - 6 years ago

@HailtheK: @JoeSoucheray I just heard this album for the first time. If by some chance you haven't heard of this artist, I wou… - 6 years ago

@timaud1: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@WhisperingBob: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@folkuke: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@mikejelliott: Great write-up on the late, great, and funky Donnie Fritts. - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: A colorful character onscreen and off, Donnie Fritts appeared alongside Kris Kristofferson in Frank Pierson’s 1976… - 6 years ago

@LongIsland_HC: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@sergenyt: RT @NYTObits: Donnie Fritts, a songwriter, singer and piano player who helped shape both the soul music made in Muscle Shoals, Ala., in the… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Donnie Fritts, a songwriter, singer and piano player who helped shape both the soul music made in Muscle Shoals, Al… - 6 years ago

@longplaylounge: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@web_ronald: Donnie is acting like they want to be moving - 6 years ago

@FortitudinePir8: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@lustymonk: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@CountryFriedROK: RT @JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with his pals… - 6 years ago

@JodyDenberg: Last week we lost an American musical treasure, musician and songwriter Donnie Fritts. This 20-minute film - with h… - 6 years ago

@jimeby13: @WhereMyImusAt Have you ever heard Tuscaloosa 1962 by Donnie Fritts? Heard him for the first time this weekend cou… - 6 years ago

@majik_eye: RT @nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts co-wrote the disarmingly intimate “Breakfast in Bed,” a centerpiece of Dusty Springfield’s landmark 1969 al… - 6 years ago

@BarFrogMusic: RT @MusicRow: Legendary Musician, Songwriter And Actor Donnie Fritts Dies - 6 years ago

@spiritsongs7: RT @nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts co-wrote the disarmingly intimate “Breakfast in Bed,” a centerpiece of Dusty Springfield’s landmark 1969 al… - 6 years ago

@paradise_carl: RT @nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts co-wrote the disarmingly intimate “Breakfast in Bed,” a centerpiece of Dusty Springfield’s landmark 1969 al… - 6 years ago

@Grateful24x7: RT @nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts co-wrote the disarmingly intimate “Breakfast in Bed,” a centerpiece of Dusty Springfield’s landmark 1969 al… - 6 years ago

@Passionflower99: RT @nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts co-wrote the disarmingly intimate “Breakfast in Bed,” a centerpiece of Dusty Springfield’s landmark 1969 al… - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: Donnie Fritts co-wrote the disarmingly intimate “Breakfast in Bed,” a centerpiece of Dusty Springfield’s landmark 1… - 6 years ago

@kd_twang: RIP🎸 Funky Donnie Fritts - 6 years ago

@mmahy320: RT @KingGuitarClass: 今日の1曲、 Donnie Fritts, One Foot In The Groove #Soul - 6 years ago

@5LekUCx9fOh9fz9: RT @KingGuitarClass: 今日の1曲、 Donnie Fritts, One Foot In The Groove #Soul - 6 years ago

@themayer: Twangville Post - Bonus Monday Video – Remembering Neal Casal and Donnie Fritts - 6 years ago

@twangville: New post: Bonus Monday Video - Remembering Neal Casal and Donnie Fritts - - 6 years ago

@KingGuitarClass: 今日の1曲、 Donnie Fritts, One Foot In The Groove #Soul - 6 years ago

@Carlos_MartinB: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere Donnie Fritts, 76 años. Fue uno de aquellos chicos sureños que convirtieron el pueblo de Muscle Shoals en un gran… - 6 years ago

@MarkCla96166810: RT @JasonIsbell: Donnie Fritts was a legend back home, and a guide for many of us when we started writing and making music. I met Prine whi… - 6 years ago

@jocelynroamer: @wwwkriskrisfan they were taken from the muscle shoals sound studio facebook, actually. photos attributed to dick c… - 6 years ago

@AlanWar80258738: This week, #TheDoorToYesterday features “Sumpin’ Funky Going On: The Songs of @DonnieFritts. Known by his fellow… - 6 years ago

@HowardG16901767: - 6 years ago

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